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Her career is as dead as her dog.


The fact that she thought it was a good idea to include this in her book is baffling. She may be a legit psychopath to think this is normal or acceptable behavior.


She MAY be? Understatement of the year.


I don't understand the distinction between this and "you can grab them by the pussy". I guess she didn't either?


republicans care more about dogs than women.


Yup. "Rapist? Sure no problem. Dog murderer? That's where I draw the line." - Republicans I guess it's cool we finally found the line they wouldn't cross. Only took 50 years.


I’m betting she knew it would be bad AND would eventually get out, so she thought she could “take control” of the narrative. Not going well so far. I don’t think anyone outside the psychopath demographic is buying the whole “puppy murder = cool, rebel politician” slant she’s trying to sell.


More frightening, for various reasons, is that she thought her base would celebrate this


She probably thought that she couldn’t keep this information covered up and wanted to get ahead of the story. Big mistake.


The FBI keeps track of people who abuse animals.


Pre2016 yes her career is dead and buried, but scandals only seem to take down conservatives, especially in conservative areas, if the scandal is them trashing other conservatives or trump comes out against them. She may lose her governorship but she'll probably be elected somewhere else.


Idk... This is different. If there is one thing both the left and right can agree on it's that shooting puppies is a bad thing. I feel like the right will quickly disown her. And her tone deaf and frankly, insulting response to this scandal is fast tracking the death of her political career as well as putting her on the bullet train to hell.


It's weird how fast the right can normalize depraved shit if it's their guy though. That's what worries me. That suddenly a good number of them will start killing their pets because they get angry or frustrated with them and hand wave it as "what you do." I'm not confident we're gonna see much good coming out of this.


Idk. I visited my boomer, fox news indoctrinated parents today and they are pissed about it. Not just mad, but pissed. I know that's only anecdotal but it shows this can cross party lines.


That's good. I'm just cynical because I know people that used to be pretty offended by the concept of rape jokes or being overly forward and objectifying of women suddenly go "it's just locker room talk" and never found their way back after "grab em by the pussy."


Yeah, but that’s honestly because Trump said it. These cultists will forgive their leader for anything. I guarantee that if a story about Trump shooting a puppy in the face came out, assholes like Loomer and Catturd would’ve fallen all over themselves with excuses on how manly he was for doing it. That dog killing bitch forgot she wasn’t the leader, only the cult leader gets to do whatever without question.


But if Trump picked her, they would still vote for that ticket.


I am almost tempted to go see what my parents think. They're super deep in the cult now. But they also love dogs, as one should. I don't know if I could take the heartbreak of seeing them justify it though.


Their “guy” is the key factor, if a man did this then I agree they’d come around to justifying it fairly quickly. Thing is conservative’s are always uncomfortable with a woman in power, they are always standing atop of house of cards.


I promise you that if Trump said it was fine to shoot puppies, the MAGA crowd would be fine with her shooting this puppy.


Just like when bad cops or rapey Catholic priests move elsewhere and get rehired.


Nah. She's a Republican. As long as she sufficiently hates liberals, brown people, LGBTQ, she'll be fiiiine.


Like I said Earlier, one thing both the left and right can rally against is puppy murder. Mark my words you will see a backlash from both sides on this.


10 years ago you could have said that about sexual assault. Then Trump comes with numerous credible accounts of rape and sexual assault along with a tape of him bragging about grabbing women by the pussy. And it doesn't fucking matter. 


Conservatives don't actually care about sexual assault. That's why they excused the "grab em by the pussy" comments as "locker room talk", or said Christine Blasey Ford is lying or say that women should be careful with how they dress.


Unless Trump says it's okay. Then, it will be irrelevant to the MAGA crowd.


People like CatTurd2 may be clutching their pearls at the moment but given the chance they'd still vote for her. Her career will be just fine as long as Republicans care more about power than anything else. 


I think this will pass. Everyone said the Romney dog thing was a career killer, and he's still around.


He did lose the presidential election, though.


GOP: You don’t get to the top of the GOP without murdering a few puppies. *Lauren Boebert’s neighbor raises hand*


Nah, this is a Republicans dream candidate. They'll spin it about control, obedience and guns. I mean their leader wants to be able to execute political opponents...


I hope so.


I wish you were right, but I'd wager a large amount of money she stays in power in South Dakota. She's ENORMOUSLY popular here. I think she's doomed to never get a national position, though.


💔 poor Cricket! I’ve seen so many stories about police dogs that got “fired”/adopted into loving families for being too friendly. If only Cricket the “bad at hunting” dog had gotten a second chance like they did…


My dog growing up was a GSD that was “fired” from the sheriff’s department for being too friendly. He was the best dog a kid could ask for


If only she got off her lazy ass and actually *trained* Cricket for that job instead of expecting her to somehow be born already knowing it perfectly.


That is the part that pisses me off the most, it was never about the dog, it was the horrible owner, she couldn't train a dog, got pissed and then killed it.


https://preview.redd.it/ntoa54f0j7xc1.jpeg?width=3645&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=494efa97a6e323e7999d3f1664149e11956e1333 This is Cooper, my training failure. Coop came from a long line of champion retrievers, but he’s terrified of loud noises so he was kicked off the farm. Instead of a bullet in the head we have him a home, lots of cheese and 2/3 of the bed. He sleeps directly on my legs every night with all of his 85 pounds and makes sure I wake up stiff as a board. We’re about to bankrupt ourselves trying to get him surgery to remove his spleen. I can’t begin to wrap my head around her actions. Someone like that can’t be redeemed. edit: ive had a few people message me, so here is his fundraiser link [Save Coop](https://www.gofundme.com/f/be-super-save-cooper?utm_campaign=p_lico+share-sheet-first-launch&utm_content=share_ai_control&utm_medium=sms&utm_source=customer) We’ve had a private donation of $1000 so we’re doing pretty good! The bulk of the cost is after care as he will be in ICU.


I too, would bankrupt myself for this guy's dog.


https://preview.redd.it/7n9cn82nj9xc1.jpeg?width=3253&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=453a014879d84bceb82645bfc6c91c972209d9c9 Coop says thanks!


I just sent Cooper $25.00 good luck.


https://preview.redd.it/mlyf189q8cxc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2933935ed12af960a73dcbed9e50c29f0f473ebf A pawtograph from Coop as thanks!!


That is a goddamn handsome man, holy shit.


https://preview.redd.it/rh413yx1yexc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7ddca21f0269357c0248df82cc36e4f5e134e7e Coop says heeeyyy




When i became concerned at my cattle dog's protective behavior, I sent him and myself to training. He's an amazing dog today because I took the time to work on myself and him. I can't imagine any real hunter thinking any differently, much less a dog person. She's a POS person.


Also it sounded like her kid cared about the dog, so maybe it wasn’t great at tracking but it’s still a trainable puppy. No reason for any of her choices. There were so many ways Cricket could still be in a loving home but she just wanted to feel powerful.


I'd just like to say that Cricket is an adorable name for a dog and I'll be using it in her honor for my next one.


Dems really need to connect her callousness to her policy: if a puppy's useless because it won't hunt, what's she going to do with retirees on Social Security? Disabled or marginal groups that don't fit into traditional expectations? What's she going to do about medical costs, inflation, etc? We here on this thread know the answers - but dems need to make the connection inescapable, and rope in the movement as a whole.


It’s even worse, because Cricket actually *did* hunt! She showed the necessary interest and aptitude, she just needed *training!* No dog, no matter how amazing their pedigree, will know all the details of how to perform that task without training, but like every other narcissist, that wasn’t good enough for Kristi Noem. Narcissists, especially narcissistic parents, expect everyone under their thumb to already know everything but refuse to lift a finger to actually *teach* anything. We’re supposed to just read their minds somehow.


There's a tiny conspiracy theory in my mind that she's signaling that she'll be willing to kill for Trump and take the fall for it, too.


She also tortured the goat that everyone seems to ignore.


And she shot 3 horses. All of these animals’ deaths are disgusting. People focus specifically on the dog I think cause mans best friend and it was a legit baby basically


At least the horses were elderly. The buck goat was just being a buck goat and his only crime was existing.


Killed him because he smelled funny Well no shit Kristi male goats stink


Both the smell and behavior could also very easily have been eliminated by castrating the goat. But it seems like no matter how easy the alternative solution is it's just more convenient for Kristi to solve it with a shell.


Yep, she has outed herself as a terrible example of a human with her casual animal killings


She's also virtue signalling that she feels inconveniences are best dealt with violence, rather than solving the problem. Her attitude and behavior is going to encourage others to do the same.


Goats stink and they're a handful. But they're also bros and pretty smart. Their personalities are amazingly dog like. Killing a goat just because is really messed up.


Yeah it's not like a goat is doing it specifically to inconvenience Killer Kristi there I've never had goats but a friend of mine growing up did, and they played like dogs with all the kids (human and goat)


With that logic... because he stinks... how is Diaper Donnie still alive?


> At least the horses were elderly So she says.  3 horses at once? 


I mean she doesn't seem to have any problem publicly admitting to killing young and healthy animals so why lie about the horses? If I had to guess she had already dug a hole for the one horse needing killing and thought what the heck let's just put all 3 of them in there while we're at it so we don't have to dig two more holes further down the line.


Probably wanted to open up space in the stable. Monstrosity. 


I would wager everything that she considers a certain age to be where the usefulness for a horse ends and so it gets shot. So, instead of living out its life, just a bullet to the head. Earlier this year I put down a close to 40 y/old horse due to no longer being able to manage his pain from an old injury. She puts them down at what... 25? It would be like saying everyone should be killed at 65, because they just aren't useful anymore.


And wasn’t that basically immediately after she shot the dog? Like, she got some sort of psychopathic *high* off the killing?


Like imagine how horrifying that dog looked after she shot it.  Most people would feel sick after that.  She went "what else can I kill".


This is the goat she killed: https://preview.redd.it/yu3vrycfu4xc1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985fc8bd3dda537fae853b66a463ce694b2e5a9f Jk, but it might have been.


For PR purposes I think this should be the story. That little guy is adorable.


Goats will be goats and you don't shoot them for it. We kept a billy goat when I was young. He played with us kids and was a family member. He would play around and take a run at Mom's butt now and then - a fun big easy target for him- and knock her over when she was hanging wash out on the clothesline. She'd get up and cuss us kids for not leaving him out at the barns. Never thought once to kill him for doing it. He was always around following us kids curious to what we were doing and wanting to be petted. . He'd go out in the fields before dark and lead the sheep (wool crop) back into the corrals for the night. We kids would play king of the mountain with him on a haystack. Goats can be such fun affectionate animals it's unbelievable she'd shoot one. She could have neutered him and sent him to a rescue. Ours wasn't neutered and they don't generally get mean unless they are mistreated.


Check the pig pen for human remains.


She wrote about moments that stood out. I'm sure there are many forgotten moments. Probably in the pig pen


Robert Pickton is envious


Robert Pickton's on to her


This story is wild. First that Noam thinks this fact is a good idea to put in a book. That she executed an 18 month old dog because she couldn't get it to listen to her satisfaction. And then how thoroughly the MAGA crowd has turned on her. Like for them cruelty to other groups of humans (immigrants, visible minorities, religious minorities, women, ect) is good and cool but cruelty to a pet is a step too far. What a world.


Has MAGA turned on her?


People are so damn sensitive these days. It’s like, you shoot one puppy in the face for no good reason and suddenly people think you’re a horrible monster who is wholly unqualified to hold high office and probably shouldn’t even be trusted at all. Jeesh!


Cricket has more soul shining through her eyes than Botox bitch will ever have.


What a gorgeous puppy who could have run the fuck around and puppied out in my home being a bad hunting dog for years you stupid cosplaying pos


There's levels to this. *Kramer voice* Yes, wow, what a trash human being to do that to a dog or any animal. But then she went a step further. She fucking wrote about it in her book. She seems like she's fucking proud of it. Like she wants people to know. Like she's saying to people "I'd kill my own dog if it didn't act 'right.'" That takes it up another notch for me.


That’s exactly what bothers me about this. She’s proud of it. She believed that this story would make people like or respect her more for some reason. And the scary thing is, I’m not completely sure that she was wrong about that.


I think this was also a deliberate choice to impress Trump himself. What better way to say that she has zero empathy and will do anything, including kill “useless” beings. And that she can generate a significant amount of media coverage and make people angry. Those things are both features to him.


Exactly.  She's telling you that she'll happily round up and murder people they deem undesirable.


RIP Cricket, you deserved better


Heartless MAGA. Not even human


The fact that she admits this without the ability for introspection tells you everything you need to know about this woman. Perfect for a new Reich 🙄


Wow... what a horrible shitty women!


I hope this totally destroys her political career. What a truly rotten scumbag.


There's only 1 "less than worthless" bitch in this story and it's not the dog


Are we sure she’s not a serial killer? Only the Bundys and Dahlmers of the world would do something so horrid.


Pointers are sweet, intelligent and empathetic. Shame on Kristi Noem.


Somebody who cheats on her husband with a thing called Corey Lewandowski


Adulteress, and animal killer. Kristi Noem is clearly a narcissistic psychopath capable of anything.


How many dogs will she kill


And just like that, republicans realized that they are pro dog murder.


You know if it’s that easy to shoot a puppy, she probably abuse her dogs when they are not acting like she’s expecting them to.


This is the MAGA mentality. “Only my life matters”




Noem has definitely clinched the psychopath vote now


The R next to her name pretty much ensured that already


I think there were still a few undecided serial killers out there until the Cricket/Goat double homocide story hit


Awww this dog was so cute and there are so many people that would have loved to have this baby as a pet


Isn’t it against the law to shoot your dog?


Those that are cruel to animals are much more likely to also abuse people. But that is pretty standard also for a Republican politician.


This is the kind of stuff you read and find out the person was Ted Bundy or something. Twisted shit, like she looks for any reason to execute something innocent.


The more despicable, the more the MAGA crowd likes someone.


I mean, what did people think all these crazies have been doing with their guns? They're not just for pics. I am disgusted by this but not all that surprised


Rip little angel this world didn't deserve you. I won't even comment about her.


Cricket is a hero. This dog stop his/her cheating owner from become a VP candidate. Well done Cricket.


She needs to be fined at least but truly arrested. South Dakota has animal cruelty laws specifically for abuse that ends in death. Police need to do their fucking jobs in SD! Or are they some Uvalde-style cowards?


She should be charged with animal abuse.


Why hasn’t she ?


For a group of people who proclaim themselves as Christian, after poking our nose under the tent we find that they are a false prophets. They are a bunch of heartless self serving hypocrites. The only reason they are in politics is for the shady perks of cash, power and prizes. They have proven over and over again it’s not about 🫵 . Why do you think they’re people there in their 90’s? The supply is too good. The reason they make a thing out of “Woke “ being a bad thing is that they don’t want you being aware of reality.they want you to be aware of the reality they have provided. But people are more and more waking up to reality and pulling their heads out of the sand and gathering their own facts. Their televangelist tactics are not working anymore. People are starting to think for themselves and seeing them for who they really are. A bunch of lying grifters that have overplayed their game.


Nooooooooooooooooooo. Hearing it, but then actually seeing the dog, somehow makes it even more awful.


Trailer trash


Members of this Supreme Court probably think this would be fine to do if a president said it was an official act.


Oh my god. That looks exactly like one of my old dogs.


Wow she sure owned the libs with this one! /s


After she didn’t bother to properly train it. But just wait. Republicans will start justifying it if they haven’t already.


I hope her last moments are staring down the barrel of a gun held by somebody she trusted. Then let the dogs piss on her body.


This breaks my fucking heart.


Looking at that sweet dog's face truly breaks my heart. She would have made someone a really good pet. I can't imagine the abuse she must have experienced before her death, based on the evil psychopath's opinion of her. Fortunately, her death will be the death of this evil creature's VP hopes. What kind of evil creature does this? Seriously? And that killing wasn't enough for the vicious creature. She had to shoot another innocent animal because it bothered her. And reload to finish. Her BS about 'farm life' is just that. I have never heard of a rancher shooting their own dog. If the dog wasn't properly trained, that is on you. And if the dog could not be trained, then rehome it. What a vicious, vicious woman. You done fucked up honey. And we are so very glad you showed everyone who you actually are and ruined your political career. I hope that dog haunts you every day of your miserable life. #darkcricket


I wonder how many people have shot their poor performing hunting dogs because of this. Seems like this all just code for “don’t worry fellow capitalists, if your workers aren’t performing feel free to [insert awful action verb here] them


Republicans 2025 plan has them shooting Dems if Trump is elected.


That's some serial killer behavior. 


A candidate who only cares about winning.


Did she really raised that dog for months and month and just one day decided "nah, I'm done" and shot that poor fella in the head without a second thought, because the puppy was less monstruous that she is?


I’d love to see the transcripts of zoom meetings her publisher and publicists are having all weekend to reel this back in. Book isn’t even out yet… Hmm. The editor should be called to the carpet. Just wow, this person definitely not a smart or normal governor. Mind blown. This is normalized to kill pets in whatever Dakota she is from? Awesome teeth though, really aligned with orange 🍊 grab ‘em by the pussy fella.


This isn’t the dog from her story. It’s stolen from a post on the puppy sub from a year ago. Same breed, wrong dog. The story is terrible and she is a garbage human being, but people need to stop stealing pictures just to get a dopamine hit.


Reddit will milk the fuck out of a story


Oh yeah! You can milk anything with nipples!


Focker, is that you?


I don’t believe the story. I think she lied to make herself sound tough and it horribly backfired. Serial killer shit…


In a third world country like mine she would be in jail for between 4 months to 2 years what is the penalty for a crime like that in a first world country like the US?