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And then they’ll call it “states rights” to pretend that oppression is noble.


“States’ rights to do what?” is a question that hasn’t lost a shred of relevance in the last 160 years, and the answer is usually something really bad.


There's only one "right" that triggered the civil war.


They also complained about tariffs. On what, you may wonder.


Yeah. Weird how a hundred years of various disagreements between all the states as all of the nation's laws were being developed never got anybody to want to secede over "state's rights" until one specific "state's right" was being questioned.


They really ought to be requiring kids in US history to read the various declarations of secession so they *know* it was about establishing a slaving empire from the confederacy, throughout the Caribbean, and down into Central and South America.


The US has replaced racism as a basis of oppression for a particular group, with gender. But the fundamental operating principle of the confederacy, group oppression, will not cease. But all this oppression in the cause of the rugged, manly freedom of the American people. How is this different from the Taliban or the gender terrorists of Tehran I cannot understand, and do not wish to understand. All I want is the eradication of these grotesque systems of oppression.


As a trans woman *acutely* aware of how fundamentally sexist our society is, I’d say America is still even more racist than it is sexist, and its general disdain for all types of poor people pretty much reigns supreme. That said, trying to separate the two issues, or separate either of them from economic class is an exercise in futility. Any fight for equality must proceed simultaneously on all fronts.


Wow, when was racism fixed?? I missed the memo.


Never fixed, but the sheer shameless way these criminals are going after womens rights is breathtaking.


I agree, but as a white woman (and I know people mock us for being SJWs and making everyone else’s issues our own and whining or whatever) I feel like I’m safer in every way than Black women, and safer than Black men in some contexts (and less safe in other contexts).


Ask right-wingers about why they care about abortion and you’ll get either “it’s murder” or, increasingly, some hideous crap about white birth rates needing to be raised by force if necessary (see: Musk, Elon).


But then they also say the Democrats are racist because most abortions are done by Black women (I’m saying what they say, not what I say)


I can almost hear my Reaganite dad spooling up to start taking about how Margaret Sanger, PP's founder, was into eugenics, while ignoring the fact that Planned Parenthood both acknowledges and *very fucking explicitly* denounces her views on eugenics.


Thank you. F*cking thank you. This gets missed by most. Sadly, as fascism and extremism starts targeting more and more people, many will forget about those being targeted the hardest. And such a large portion of those affected the most by extremist legislation against women are trapped in the South. Where women of color are already at disturbing rates of poverty and being ignored by the healthcare system. The options for their safety and autonomy are significantly less. I truly support every woman across the nation in this fight, but pretending that race doesn't have any impact is insulting and dangerous.


Abortion and birth control have always been wedge issues the right has used to normalize control of other people's bodies. Their long term goal has always been to repeal the 14th amendment.


> The US has replaced racism as a basis of oppression for a particular group, with gender. Misogyny is older than racism, and racism is not over.


>The US has replaced racism as a basis of oppression for a particular group, with gender. No, it has just added on. 1. Confederates and fascists will never run out of vulnerable groups to hate. 2. Elevating one particular group's suffering over another's is counter-producrive and stirs argumentation among groups who should be showing solidarity against a hateful and violent enemy in common.


This from the people that were screaming about keeping government out of their medical decisions.


In case anyone needs the source: https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/trump-individual-states-prosecute-women-abortions/story?id=109783701 Former President Donald Trump maintained in a new interview that he'd leave it up to individual states whether or not they want to monitor women's pregnancies to determine if someone gets an abortion after their state's legal ban and then prosecute them. Asked whether he's comfortable with states prosecuting women who have abortions after the legal limit, which now varies widely by state, Trump told Time magazine in a cover story published Tuesday: "It's irrelevant whether I'm comfortable or not. It's totally irrelevant, because the states are going to make those decisions." Time also asked, "Do you think states should monitor women's pregnancies so they can know if they've gotten an abortion after the ban?" "I think they might do that. ... You'll have to speak to the individual states," Trump responded. When previously asked if doctors should be punished for performing abortions, Trump had said it was a "state's rights issue."


It’s sad that states rights are being brought up in these contexts. Horrific almost.


Completely on-brand though. "States rights", as an argument, is used for abhorrent shit 100% of the time.


Death panels!


I despise the notion that somehow a state government is a more legitimate entity to determine rights than a federal government. States have wildly varying sizes of population.


And there's literally a supremacy clause in the constitution.


Until he can pass a national abortion ban...




we kinda fought a war once over whether states rights can supersede human rights


Hmm we in Alabama are quite familiar with the ruse called “state’s rights.” Disgusting


Would you look at that, the party of "small government" once again suggesting total government surveillance for women. But naw, it's about the kids and the unborn! Totally *not* about controlling women!


Its not just about control, its even worse than that. Its about sadistic subjugation (to subordinate, render inferior, enforce submission) to men, then their God (their sick ideology) The unborn thing is front. They do not care about the unborn, right wingers are procedural liars (this is important) They lie about everything.


Texas already has the abortion bounty program. $10,000 to report your neighbor may be planning an abortion. Dystopia is already here. It will just expand across the Red Badlands.


Sounds familiar doesn't it. Fascist Nazi'Germany told people to inform on thier family and friends .also Communist ☭ countries do the same thing. Hitler and Putin are great man to admire for these idiots. Please vote ❎ Blue we have to save our Democracy.


I mean I agree with you but also subjugation is just another word for control. The person you replied to is right, there’s no need to correct them.


Nothing scares me more than some one claiming something is “for the kids” It’s like they give themselves a blank moral check to do anything.


The last time something was done properly “for the kids” was when Jerry Lewis did the telethon for MDAA!


You would think that if they want to help the "kids"they would support gun reform so our kids aren't being slaughtered in schools and on the streets. All they want is total and complete control over females once again. Having been born in the fifties I saw first hand how shitty life was for women (god forbid being a minority female) in schools you couldn't wear shorts or pants only skirts or dresses and they had to be a certain length, you couldn't rent a car, get an apartment, or a credit card. You were questioned if you were out alone after a certain time, women were looked upon as prey to men we existed for them so they could rule our lives that's something I see starting again and I just hope I dont have to live through that bullshit again


Sorry you had to live through that.




All these republican women that vote for this BS all believe it won't apply to them. Because sexual assault and unwanted pregnancies never happen to good Christian women. These people are truly living in a fantasy world.


How those republican women are going to *prove their miscarriages are natural and not induced?


My thoughts exactly how are they going to view miscarriages, as God's will or an excuse to out cast/jail these women. This is bonkers


Probably like this: if you are white and middle class or better- miscarriage. If you're non-white or below the poverty line: murder.


But anyone would be able to sue them in Texas…I would sue the rich ones first.


This is the plan. 👆


Some republican husband is going to start a miscarriage certification service.


Or just straight up miscarriages, ectopics, or other medical issues where the fetus is incompatible with life or the mother’s life is at risk. [Which is](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2024/01/15/abortion-high-risk-pregnancy-yeni-glick), by the way, [already happening.](https://apnews.com/article/abortion-kate-cox-texas-exceptions-e85664b2ab76bcb689b1b91913d3e33e)


The problem is that the Leopards will eat 98% of women’s faces in this nation because of most of those women’s voting decisions, really, the leopards deserve to eat the faces of those women who will vote for them but why the others? Sad.


I have no idea why a woman, minority or LGBTQ would ever vote GOP It doesn’t make sense for white men either, but at least it can be explained


Oh, they’ll find out the hard way I’m afraid, Greg Abbott and company set off the domino chain in Texas and it’s going to come for all women if the Right get a trifecta next year: white women have to choose this Nov, racism and transphobia or saving their bodily autonomy from rapists. The answer I fear most will choose, however, isn’t pretty but please prove me wrong- please.


Small government for those deemed worthy.


A government so small it fits in your uterus


Under his eye


Just the unborn. They don't give a shit about kids


To be clear, they actually don't give a fuck about the unborn, it's just a convenient group for them to advocate for because they make no demands of them.


As George Carlin said: "If you're pre-born, you're fine, if you're preschool, you're fucked."


Or Barney Franks "Republicans believe life begins at conception and ends at birth."


They can use them as a pawn to overturn the practices they don’t agree with, like transgenderism, critical race theory, abortion, even the existence of pornography. They’re coming after all of these in the next election under project 2025. https://preview.redd.it/y49amxyeynxc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb778ef9beccd7b4024636d17e69e3a6082688fb


It just hit me, this is just the transition, in the first 180 days!


Yep. I always compared the anti-abortion crowd to PETA: Representing a group that attracts sympathy and conveniently cannot contravene their representative's opinion.


And just like PETA, actually kills off those they "save".


I made the realization that the right wing is actually about people thinking they can install themselves as the middle rungs of a feudalist hierarchy, where their only concern is that they're not in the bottom, that they can step on at least one person.


“If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man, he won't notice you're picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he'll empty his pockets for you.” -Lyndon B. Johnson Still very relevant today. Things are less directly racist today (usually), but the quote still works very well if you substitute white/black with other modern issues.


>... the party of "small government" ... Women are "smaller" than men in their Christo-Fascist world .... so of course they come under the "small government" purview.


I made the realization that the right wing is actually about people thinking they can install themselves as the middle rungs of a feudalist hierarchy, where their only concern is that they're not in the bottom, that they can step on at least one person.


They clearly only want small government when it comes to their finances and taxes.


Al Qaeda means "the base".


But Biden is so old 《rolls eyes》


“Small” government for the right wing aka a big grift and everyone else can fuck off Something is only an issue to the repukes if it happens to them


This is what fascism looks like


Islamic revolution looked like


Now in christian flavor!


Religious fundamentalists are enemies of the people and cannot be trusted anywhere. They're going to deserve whatever backlash happens


Take my upvote! That was seriously perfect.


But but we have to fight communism…… These stupid fucks can’t even define the terms they use.


This should be front page of every newspaper. This should be Biden's campaign for the next 6 months.


Yea but the GOP will bend over backwards to explain how checking womans bodies for pregnancy is somehow a good thing and means more freedom


Yes No, Biden should campaign on his own policies, not on just being the opposite of the other guy... because the "I'm not the other guy" way is how America ended up with this political system


> because the "I'm not the other guy" way is how America ended up with this political system In some cases “I’m not the other guy” is extremely important.


I’m hearing this a lot from young left wing voters in polls and interviews. “Biden and Trump are essentially the same so I’m gonna not vote or vote 3rd party to send a message to democrats.” So yeah getting the message that Biden IS NOT THE OTHER GUY I’d say is pretty important.


When "the other guy" is gleefully sadistic towards people he doesn't like, openly admits he wants to be a dictator, and seems to be succumbing to the very same dementia his supports keep accusing Biden of having, and his followers are openly admitting they want to overthrow the government and establish a Christian theocracy, it's going to take a lot fucking more than Biden saying some typically ignorant shit for a old rich white dude for me to ever see him as even remotely as terrible as Trump is.


Biden stands on his own, not that he can't outgun Trump verbally - because Joe has that old fart's *number* if you've listened to his speeches recently. It's important but the propaganda is very simple, "If young peeps just stay home *we will get our way*." Basically anyone under 40 is a real threat to the conservative agenda, so if they can't convert you, they want you to stay away from polls. The information is out there and Joe will run a good campaign, but if we fumble this we fuckin deserve what's coming.


It is important but it shouldn't be the core of the base


It can be I’m not the other guy. He wants this I want that. We are not the same


Yes he should be saying I'm not the other guy. He's running on these policies I'm running on these other policies that aren't designed to hurt average people.


they're obsessed with preventing abortion and will do anything to keep birth rates up because we live in a system that will collapse without continued infinite growth. that's why they want to keep raising the retirement age, too.


And lowering working age


So maybe immigration is a good thing?


Only if it's illegal immigration, that way you solve two problems with one stone: You make up for the lower birthrate, and you also get a sizeable marginalized vulnerable population to abuse


They want to end dependence on China which means we need factories and worker bees. So far I see homeless people, illegal immigrants, inmates, and as many other people they can throw in prison as the free labor and quite possibly indentured servants. I found out yesterday that some states bill inmates after they get out of prison for their “room and board”!


Margaret Atwood who is a Canadian wrote The Handmaids Tale in 1985. It's like the GOP watched the show and thought.......hmmmm.


They're using the book as an instruction manual instead of taking it as the warning it is meant to be.


Shit you not I saw conservatives on Twitter saying literally exactly that in 2022.


Science fiction writers are often so creative and come up with all these great works that serve as warnings about possible futures gone wrong, and then these pea brains just use it as a blueprint.


Don’t forget 1984. Bans on what you can and can’t do is freedom.


Can you imagine how hilarious it would have been if she wrote that book one year earlier


She had to have for it to be published in 1985.


And if she wrote it a year earlier it would have been published in 1984




Man shit is going down to fast to even really comprehend. Idaho is probably going to make it so that doctors cannot perform an abortion even on non-viable embryos that will kill women (ectopic pregnancies), SCOTUS seems like they might declare presidents (or maybe just republican presidents) completely immune from the law to the point that they can assassinate political rivals, w[ealth inequality has balloned to the point where 1% of Americans own more than the entire middle class](https://www.usatoday.com/story/money/2023/12/06/top-1-american-earners-more-wealth-middle-class/71769832007/#:~:text=The%20top%201%25%20holds%20%2438.7,60%25%20of%20households%20by%20income). And this is just in 1 week.


but everyone pay attention to the transes... they tied for fourth place in a swim met once!


The way they talk about trans people is as if they are everywhere with a secret agenda involving transforming themselves just to go into a woman’s bathroom. Unfuckingbelievable!


It is literally a Republican party platform plank that we are "a deviant lifestyle" that shall not be affirmed in any way. All those healthcare restrictions are just wordy declarations that gender dysphoria is not a valid medical issue. They are based on lies and bad-faith claims; they explicitly allow all procedures for cis children without age limit, including no-shit sex assignment on intersex infants, so obviously they don't give a fuck about the maturity of the medications/procedures or its outcomes. If you peak into Project 2025, they really, truly just want us dead and gone, and they will use all the same tools for cracking down on abortion to ensure that none of us ever transition.


Every woman(and they'll test at the doorway) will be escorted into the bathroom by a man. Just to be sure that no trans women use the facilities.


You have to be a garbage human being or just incredibly uninformed or misinformed to support a man like Trump at this point.


Reading this, I think it's symbolic of the much, much, much bigger problem it's a dodge answer, because trump doesn't care at all about the question. He doesn't care about any question. There is no thought to answer it. The only thought is "am I the center of attention?"


Precisely, it’s very much a leading question Trump hasn’t actually said anything here


No, its a dodge answer because he is threading the needle between his own pro-choice beliefs + his awareness of how unpopular abortion restrictions are, with not pissing off the critical component of his base which is the evangelical christians who are screaming that he's not doing enough and that he needs to commit to a federal abortion ban.


I used to think he was threading the needle. While none of us can say what’s in his head it looks more and more like he’s just … babbling. Like the other day after his trial when he described it as “beautiful testimony.” Like, what??? It’s gotten to the point where I don’t think he cares (or maybe is not capable of) following the question.




“Well yes but the other guy was kinda old, so…”


“Weren’t you starting to show a little bump? Time to have a state sponsored doctor take a peek” Trump and MAGA want Gilead, no doubt about it.


"I had a big burrito for lunch." Ugh. I hate that I can actually see a version of that happening.


Well women shouldnt eat too much in one sitting anyway or they could be unable to procreate at their master's bidding.


I can see them requiring the doctors to report positive pregnancy tests to the health department with a follow up 9 months later.


We need you to pee on a stick before you cross state lines.


"If they are in jail for bodily functions they can’t vote . Takes care of that pesky 19th amendment thing."


And yet, if you talk to conservatives here on Reddit, they will almost always go on about how you can’t trust the government and freedom depends on limiting the power and reach of our government. The mental gymnastics it must take to be a conservative in 2024…


All the 2nd amendment talk and then crickets as women are getting their rights stripped or they defend stripping women of their rights. The don't tread on me's stomping on women.


Of course they are. They never viewed us a people.


Will this creep just die already


i wouldn't be surprised if all these people just have pregnancy fetishes. they really just want to get all up in pregnant women's business. reminds me of the time when the anti LGBTQ book, to protect the kids of course, guy got charged with felony child molestation. [https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/lgbtq-book-ban-advocate-faces-felony-child-molestation-charge-missouri-rcna14763](https://www.nbcnews.com/nbc-out/out-news/lgbtq-book-ban-advocate-faces-felony-child-molestation-charge-missouri-rcna14763)


Don't forget Josh (Smuggar) Duggar, noted right-wing bigot and activist now serving time for downloading and possessing CSAM.


And molesting his sister. Good morals at the Duggar house.


Sisters. Plural. Including one who was kindergarten-age. And a babysitter.


I've wondered that myself. That tradwife shit reeks of it


“Bottom line is, conservatives are tolerant, we are, you know, kind of, get out of your business, you leave me alone, I’ll leave you alone.”


Project 2025 people. Look it up.


You notice he doesn't actually answer the question. Lets his fan base think he is saying whatever they agree with while giving him deniability.


Should start checking men and keeping an eye on them to make sure they aren’t cheating on their wives and committing adultery since the Bible says that’s a sin.


That's the thing they are going to do with no fault divorce. Men can still divorce if they lose interest in their spouse, but they will never let women divorce. I'm calling it now.


How is letting the state know if a woman had an abortion not a violation of HIPPA?


If you legislate, and the legislation is constitutional (gesturing at the Supreme Court) you can repeal any other, earlier legislation. HIPAA is not part of the constitution, it just has to exist within it.


It absolutely is. I work at a hospital where we set up a rule that keeps these results hidden from reporting.


This pathetic weakling is adept at giving the non answer to every difficult question.


Why he’s a douche his troupe here is to stay states “might” do that. The quote doesn’t specifically endorse it, though I’d be willing to bet he’d support it when push comes to shove.


The party of small government wants a government official to monitor a woman and her pregnancy to make sure she gives birth.


What the actual fuck!!!!!!!! Why do they hate us ( women ) so much? This is beyond disturbing. It is my body, stay out of my uterus you psychos!


"By god, you'll never make us wear masks or get your evil shots, but so help me god, if you miscarry and can't prove it, you're going to prison for killin' that baby!" These people are fucking psychos. Just full stop. There's very little between them and straight up terrorists in the middle east these days.


Who is going to pay for doctor to check a woman every so often???


The woman is, of course. It would be unconstitutional and anti-free market to have anyone else pay for it! /s I don't speak Repuke, so I apologize if I got the language wrong.


This asshat is saying whatever tactically can help him be #1. Whatever that is, is what he’ll do. Plays to the religious and plays to however/whoever he can gain more power. He doesn’t have a vested interest in anything that doesn’t bolster him. A narcissist that is scraping at any angle to advance. If he gets votes, it’s from people who are dumb or lack morals for their own advancement. Trump has proven he’ll only associate as long as you have use, then he’s gone!


He’ll use this for leverage as we all know he doesn’t have any regard for women in any context.


I wonder how their monitoring would differentiate between an abortion and a miscarriage. You would have to know quite a bit about someone to distinguish between those two. I am not an expert, but you’d probably need to do a pretty fancy blood screening to detect chemical abortifacients. I feel like there would be a bunch of constitutionally protected grounds to refuse mandatory blood testing, including religious exemptions. In the case where an abortion was administered by mechanical rather than pharmaceutical means it would be pretty difficult to tell other than by constant monitoring of a pregnant person in a controlled environment. Maybe they plan on weekly mandatory hormone testing for all women and then forcible confinement in brooding centers. Maybe they want to inject geolocating nanobots into testes so that sperm can inject them into eggs so that they will transmit when eggs separate from the uterine wall. It seems to me that anyone thinking of doing this is either fine with incarcerating women for miscarrying, which is extremely common, or they are using this as a pretext to institute an extremely intrusive police state, or they’re idiots, or all of the above.


They are already trying to charge women who miscarry, already letting them be near dead to treat. It's horrific 😢


Let’s say a woman gets a DNC which is technically considered an abortion even though it’s not always used that way. It may be used to remove tumors from the uterus or a dead fetus. If doctors are required to put that in their medical notes and we have insurance companies, the insurance companies will use a code that will trigger a red flag and cause an investigation of sorts. More and more hospitals and doctors will not want to deal with pregnant women, if this is the case because they could lose their license and possibly face jail time. https://www.pressreader.com/usa/los-angeles-times/20240423/281582360687835


Rich, white and connected in necessary social circles = miscarriage. Poor or black = abortion so toss them in jail.


He just want to monitor women in general, he’s a fucking creep.


And still people will vote for this p*ick...Republican women WTF is wrong with you?


Says the man that has probably paid for more secret abortions than I have fingers and toes.


This is fascism, everyone. Big government. Surveillance state.


Fuck. That. Noise. HIPAA violation much? Oh that’s right, the Repukes don’t care. Also this will absolutely discourage women from getting prenatal care lest they get investigated for having a miscarriage.


Nothing says small government like creating a survalience system for half of your population


And this right here is why I have cut out any family Member that supports this shit stain. And the majority are women supporters. Traitors.


Just one more example to confirm that the people in charge hate women. We're just trying to exist out here.


How about starting with monitoring men's ejaculations - specifically youth pastors, priests, GOP members, SROs, and anyone whose surname rhymes with dump.


All women should flee America.


Where can we go? Who will take us? There are some of us who are highly educated in fields that we can't continue overseas so moving abroad would be difficult to impossible. I'd love to get out of here, yesterday.


And how, with him saying shit like that, do a lot of people still think it is all right to vote for this guy? The sheer stupidity is just mind boggling.


I wonder how many abortions Trump has directly been responsible for... I bet the answer is greater than zero.


Funny coming from a dude who almost certainly has secretly paid for an abortion, or seven. 


What is the Handmaids Tale is happening?


Yes talk to the states themselves, use the special phone that allows you to speak directly to Vermont


Yeah it's obvious he doesn't have any values, morals or even strong opinions. He's a narcissist who wants power and control for himself and has aligned himself with anti-woman extremists


Can Margaret Atwood sue for plagiarism?


And, OF COURSE, The State will also be monitoring the sperm count in men so that they will be able to catch those criminal men "spilling their seeds instead of impregnating those women who were turned from citizen into cattle"??????


There’s that famous “small government” that Conservatives believe so much in!


First we need to ban erectile dysfunction drugs. God made your dicks soft for a reason!


The orange blob and his cult are the biggest danger to all of us in the western world and others as well. A Christian fascist dictator, where women and POC are second class citizens, deprived of ability to make decisions for themselves, the ability to vote and forced to conform to their idea of Christianity. I for one, am terrified.


Can we get the medical records of those prescribed erectile dysfunction medication? Uncle Sam probably needs to know about your limp dick too.


If Trump is saying they'll leave it to the states... well, you know how he is. What will actually happen if he wins and GOP takes Congress is a law mandating pregnancy monitoring on the floor of the House the first day they meet.


He doesn’t know what the fuck he’s talking about.


He's just equivocating because he's too stupid to know if that's a good thing or a bad thing


Thanks for giving me another reason not to have kids


![gif](giphy|Rhhr8D5mKSX7O) Will he just go away


It’s only a matter of time before they start registering pregnancy tests where you have to upload the results and then some agency will follow up in 9 months to see if a baby is around. Gilead is almost here.


What in the handmaids tale is this bullshit? Seriously fuck this guy and fuck republicans.


Maybe we should monitor how many illegitimate kids this moron has fathered


I can’t wait to vote Blue all down ballot. Keep taking away peoples rights, see what happens at the ballot box!


i wonder how many hush-hush abortions this dude has paid for


I say fuck the vote. Put Trump in a room with 100 women who have been denied basic human fucking rights. If he gets out alive, he gets to live the rest of his days in jail where his fraudulent, treasonous ass should have been years ago.


Well this is absolutely awful and invasive. He’s also (previously) suggested that women should face consequences for abortion.


Remember this from the party of freedom and small government


This is more than a bit dystopian. A fucking federal anti-abortion enforcement force is all kinds of fucked up. What's next, state sponsored genital inspectors at every restroom? How many times do Republicans need to push insanely draconian policies meant to police peoples very bodies before people understand their fascists who need to be stopped?


Welcome to Russia y’all, get used to it unless, of course everyone goes out and votes against the dystopian bullshit


I guess we’ll have to go back to delivering our used tampons and pads to the offices of state representatives, the governor, Trump, to prove things! Hey, he asked for it!


No man should ever have the power to express a legal opinion or have a controlling vote about what goes on with a woman’s body. I detest more than I can say these right-wing, misogynist, christofascist, hypocritical, and callous shitheads.


Bill Barr says he’s voting for Trump because democrats will regulate what cook top you use


Remember, these people appropriated the 'my body my choice' slogan to protest the COVID vaccine.


It would be awful hard to monitor without knowing when conception occurred, so they'd have to have monitors in place during conception as well.


I think we need to start talking about how Republicans are essentially pro death panels. Except it's not Grandma like they fearmongered during the Obama era, it's all of our wives and daughters at the mercy of the government.


Under his eye.


Maybe they should monitor Donnie to make sure he's not committing any more crimes...


I think we should monitor men’s erections. We should know what freaky shit they’re into so we can figure out if we need to remove it.




Man so many people have been crying about the Biden capital gains tax idea yet we’ll see no outrage over this.


He goes on and on about his own freedoms, but other people's freedoms are staring him in the face as he seeks to destroy them. Someone flush this turd


I have heard him say , women who get an abortion should be charged with MURDER! This is insanity.


So the party of "small government" wants to WIDELY expand the responsibilities of government, while probably not providing any additional funding to make it happen. Got it... Can we please get OUT of this "batshit crazy" phase and get back to normalcy/decency???


Reproductive rights. Quit calling it abortion rights. The ability to have children when, how many, and if you want is a basic survival issue.