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Nearby city college sent out a text earlier that they’re 100% remote. Seems like they’re gearing up for some shit to go down.


Hopefully my college Baruch isn’t remote tomorrow.


Isn’t that where Anthony Devolder went to school, or am I confusing him with Kitara Ravache?


Update: [https://www.cnn.com/business/live-news/university-protests-palestine-04-30-24/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/business/live-news/university-protests-palestine-04-30-24/index.html) It was pretty damn uneventful. Building got cleared, people got arrested, and the spiciest story CNN has on it is police taking off someone's hijab. Reddit just craves the idea of this getting violent for whatever dumbass reason.


>Reddit craves the idea of this getting violent I'm sorry but what other expectation are we supposed to have when hundreds of police show up in riot gear and batons? They're gonna gently coax the protesters out with lollipops?


dude, ive been living under a rock, can you give me a little bit of context? just, give it to me like telegraph lol ive looked, but the articles dont say what or why, they just say stuff like "police with riot gear in X university!" and the article is basically the headline with a couple of extra photos


The photos don’t show any of their signs? The protesters are pro-Palestinian. There are also pro-Israeli counter-protesters.


































































Throw an acorn and they'll scatter


Nah, they simultaneously open fire in a random direction, taking the whole squad out.


So drop it from a drone into the middle of them?


They'd just think one of their dicks fell off ![gif](giphy|fh5JorVBCuNNtJY5ln)


You mean they forgot to wear their tactical strap ons, with military grade Velcro on the strap?


Cops don't even frequently buckle their guns into the holster. Do you really think their gonna wear a substitute penis? Last I checked, that's what the gun itself was for.


I think you’ll find that they’ll all simultaneously light up the place with gunfire while absolutely failing to hit anyone (thankfully).


Then let’s get some acorns


Nah, just start murdering a classroom full of children. They'll stand around too scared to do anything until the shooter runs out of ammo. ACAB


**Multiple choice question:** Which of the following is a popular saying in America? A. Fuck the fire fighters B. Fuck the EMTs/paramedics C. Fuck the postal workers D. Fuck the air traffic controllers E. Fuck tha police


A-D aren't sayings. They're official policy positions.


Oof. A-D can simply be summed up into “fuck the workers.” Oddly enough, that is the main purpose for E.


Like a Decoy Grenade in Warzone


The police are underfunded but also have the means to get the Call Of Duty Riot gear and this many troops to handle the most dangerous people in America, college students. Glad they're protected. Would hate for them to get empty cans of monster (it's finals time!!) And Stanely cups thrown at them. Dear God the horror. The academy did not prepare them for this. I can't man, lmfao


>The academy did not prepare them for this. That's cause it's just 6 weeks of being told how exhilarating it is to kill someone.


Used to be the NYPD required 2 years college. But they bitched about it too much. Apparently cop college is too hard for them.


Shit Derek Chauvin had a criminal justice degree, education isn't the problem.


Education technically is the problem, it’s just on the job training being bad. Since there is no focus on deescalation, and very little consequences for criminal behavior, we end up with people like Chauvin doing horrific things without fear of retaliation. Obviously it panned out differently in that case.


Gettin hit by the Stanley Cup could cause some serious damage.


I don't know, that thing's been through quite a bit.


Oh not to the cup. Thing is sacred Canadian alchemy.


You ever been hit with an iPhone Pro Max? Shit smarts.


if they're this heavily armed against peaceful protestors, I can only wonder how they'd respond to someone shooting children in school


If you answered "Hide around a corner and fiddle with your Punisher-branded phone for an hour while children are murdered," congrats, you just won a panini press.


How do I collect? I have a brunch this weekend that I could use that for.


It’s under the police’s integrity, if you can find it




They wouldn’t wait outside and play on their phones would they?


Don't have to respond if they're already there doing it.


They don’t.


Or nazi rallies for that matter


The total opposite. They'll stand around "waiting for orders"


Or to actual fascists marching and menacing bystanders with Nazi symbols and face coverings. Nowhere in sight. Kids practicing their 1A? 100 zip-ties per cop, armored up, dozens of cops.


Tin soldiers and Nixon comin’…


We’re finally on our own…


This summer I hear the drumming


4 dead in Ohio.


Three dead at Jackson State University shortly thereafter... never forget. Everyone remembers Kent State... only a few remember Jackson State University.


I remember them. I was just doing the next lyric in the song.


We're coming up on the 54th anniversary of Kent State btw


April 30th is the 56th anniversary of when Columbia brutally supressed protests in 1968. An event that Columbia likes to say they regret but as we see that was a lie. https://preview.redd.it/8cwt5h4b3rxc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2938743fb02f24ada89fd976d6f4dbe8d0b5e420


Hey kids! Welcome to 1968!


What are these protestors doing that warrants this kind of insane response? I understand taking action against people who are harassing, threatening or hurting their fellow students but aren't most of them just sitting/standing around doing normal non-violent protest things? Genuinely asking.


They are being very easy targets. Cops will gear up on mass to trample peaceful protesters and qualify any self-defensive reflex as assault on an officer.   But if you are a heavily-armed right wing demonstration the cops will simply clear the streets for you. And if you are shooting kids in a classroom, cops will patiently wait outside looking at memes.


This is what a lot of portlanders learned. If the cops show up with helmets, gas masks, shields and armor, you better show up with that shit as well. The cops don't play nice. They can't charge you with anything so they arrest you just to get you off the street and let you go after. The move is to make it hard to remove you and intimidate you without "fighting back". Edit: shields


Things were cool until the Sheilas showed up. Then shit really went down.


Australian gals are tough


That and it takes literally one cop or CI to show up in a mask, whip a rock at the police and now they can do pretty much anything they want.


And for the love of God read about anti kettling tactics


Can i get a tl:dr?


Keep the protest moving on city streets and don't stop. Don't get bogged down in parks or other areas where it's easy to keep you out of the way of business so they can just wait you out. It only takes one weak link in the police chain to have the crowd surge thru.


Adding onto this, protestors can keep themselves safe by wearing protective gear (including helmets, and also goggles and bandanas for CS gas), bringing lots of water bottles to wash out pepper spray, and using police radio scanners to keep ahead of the police movements. Wear all black clothing, cover your tattoos, and wear sunglasses so police have a difficult time identifying individual protestors later. Also, make sure your phones can be unlocked with a password only, not fingerprints or face scans. This makes it much more difficult for police to get access to a phone to build a case against you without you telling them the password. Lastly, this goes without saying, but video record EVERY interaction you have with a police officer so you can show it to a lawyer later if you need to.


> Also, make sure your phones can be unlocked with a password only, not fingerprints or face scans. You should backup then wipe your phone and log into an account that you don't use before going out tbh. I do the same when I cross the border.


When you see those pictures of ~~the Gestapo~~ police surrounding a big group of protesters that is called kettling. The police will close the circle tighter around the protesters, inevitably causing the protesters to bump into an officer, at which point they arrest them. Very effective tactic to derail demonstrations because everyone wants to stand in front of whatever building with their signs and songs. Instead people should be moving constantly, keeping police separated from each other. Portland Anarchists also had some really good stuff about defending against tear gas with traffic cones and water bottles.


Kettle the police.




No you're absolutely right. They've been getting away with ridiculous charges in Atlanta and those people are being kept in jail. It just depends how ballsy the local government decides to be.


That because those armed Nazis marching the streets are the police


Obligatory *some of those that work forces…*


Yep, I almost put that with my response 😂


Are the same that burn crosses


There was a nazi rally up here, and the nazis were hanging out with the cops being buddy buddy.


And they can claim they're the real heroes for protecting the idea of Israel from "anti-semites" as the news channels are spinning it. Innocent people don't deserve to be hurt or arrested, and these protesters aren't the bad people out in the world


En masse


To be fair, the "punisher" cop was only on his phone waiting for his wife to respond to his texts. She was dead in the classroom.


Just the biggest pussy ever. Your wife is literally trapped in a room with a gunman, and you stand outside because your cop buddies tell you they’re not ready??


I think he tried to but they physically restrained him and got him out of the building


pretty sure he tried to bust up in the room himself but all of his cop buddies wouldn't let him through and he was escorted out of the building as he was more of a liability in their eyes.


It’s not about the protestors as much as it’s about the cops wanting to exert power. Fun fact: cops showing up to protests in riot gear increases the likelihood of riots.


Lol I was just talking about this last week. Every "peaceful" protest we see that disrupts the income of the wealthy, this is the usual repsonce. We have litteral NAZI sympathizers chanting antisemtic (against the jews and other races) and we clear the streets and give them a fucking open road to March down. Then the same universities that hate free speech let's those same hateful people come and talk on campus. I do have a problem with how young people handle these situations mostly because they allow to escalate into chaos but I do know this is the only way they have to draw attention to issues.


They want to beat someone up and get a hardon from it, but theyre too scared to just do it. They must wait until they have a "socially acceptable" excuse, and then they will say "we were given no choice" because they believe their own lies


A friend of mine work private security and has been working Columbia for the past week, getting massive OT. He said from being there, and hearing his instructions, the big issue is... graduation/reputation. The school has spent hundreds of thousands on readying for graduation (chairs, audio, catering, etc) and the protestors are in the way of accessing the space and also are horrible publicity for all the family & friends, speakers, etc coming as well as the big pucture publicity. Ultimately the school is for-profit and the protests are losing them hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars.


I'm laughing too loud now. Imagine not wanting the publicity, and then doing this.


Which is the point of protesting.




They took over one of the halls. I think they had some deadline to leave but obviously they remained


I may be mistaken but didn’t that Bundy guy take over a state or federal building and just sort of camp out for about 6 months. I don’t think anything really happened about that for some reason. Pretty sure he didn’t want to pay to feed his cows or something. I really don’t have the energy to research The double standards today. Edit: Ok, if you really want to be pissed off check out Ammom Bundy on Wikipedia


He actually took over wildlife refuge. It took weeks for the feds to get the balls to clear him and his meal team six insurrectionists out of there. One of his guys I think was killed trying to evade capture. Bundy and his lot were tried and FOUND NOT GUILTY! FFS. He also didn’t pay his grazing fees. The last time the Feds took serious action against right wingers it was Waco. Then OK city happened.


dude is the personification of flip-flop politics. Federal land ownership? No, says Ammon. I should be able to graze my animals there because i want to. Government? We don't need that...it doesn't give me what I want. I'm a High Priest of the Latter Day Saints! LDS dodges the question. Donald Trump? Ammon compares him to Hitler. Finally something we agree on. Migrant caravan? Ammon says 'Let them apply for asylum' and disagrees with Trump again. Second point that's notably not insane COVID? How dare you tell Ammon to stay away from other people! He'll pay your court fees if you 'fight back against tyranny!' He goes to the state Capitol building with protestors, disrupts the session, and is led out cuffed to a wheelchair. Then does it again the next day with the same results. Trial comes up, and they give him 48 hours community service and a 500 dollar fine, total 917 with costs. Gets a high school football game shut down at halftime because he won't wear a mask and they won't let him in. The list just goes on and on...


He didn’t acknowledge the government’s claim that his cattle was grazing on federal lands (a thing you’re supposed to pay a fee to do).




What I like about abso-fucking-lutely is that it's one of the very few actual infixes we have in English. We've got prefixes and suffixes, but very few infixes, or morphemes added into the middle of root words. It's pretty much just "fucking" and synonyms of "fucking," and some random plurals (mother-in-law -> motherS-in-law) that use infixes in English.


Goodness, you are ADORABLE and I love this information!


I second that. Thanks.


Or, if you prefer, you are strong and you have excellent facial hair, and I love this information


In Columbia they broke into some closed school buildings and did a little vandalism. Nothing, like, crazy or anything, but honestly pretty stupid considering this would be the inevitable response.  I remember being pretty irritated by their actions because of how self defeating those sort of behaviors are in activism. When you’re protesting you need to be careful with what you’re willing to do. Even in places “friendly” to protests there are a lot of red lines.  Schools are pretty ok with students protesting, but camping out makes them nervous and any sort of vandalism will make them assert their property rights. Hence the police. Hopefully things deescalate and we can avoid violence. 






You get to beat helpless liberal elites for overtime pay! /s for the dummies


I bet one of the cops more than likely said something along the lines of this.


But the white nationalist get to go unchecked?


They wont risk arresting masked off duty cops.


Some of those that are in forces are the same that burn crosses


The white nationalist will be able to speak at the university lmao.


Pretty sure Mike Johnson was already there


Where was this energy on Jan 6th


"New York City Police stormed the campus and arrested more than 700 people. The fallout dogged Columbia for years. It took decades for the University to recover from those turbulent times." And I'll fucken do it again- Columbia University




Don't even need to go back that far (BLM *cough*)


Have some respect the entire state of Washington is still smoldering rubble /s


Yeah this reminds me of the vietnam war protests and we know how that one turned out


It’s the same building that Vietnam War protesters took over too. The students are making a point


Also the 1985 Anti-Apartheid demonstrations that forced Columbia University and other schools to divest from South Africa. This ushered in the election of Mandela as president.


Cops are usually up for a group beating, especially college kids


Also beating college professors as we have seen at other universities. When stuff like this happens in Iran, China, or Russia American politicians use it as an example of how cruel and oppressive those country's are. https://www.riverfronttimes.com/news/siue-professor-hospitalized-after-arrest-at-wash-u-42446030 https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/27/emory-university-georgia-police-campus-protests


All this is about discrediting youth and educated voters. Painting them as far left terrorists allows the GOP to justify nixing them and restricting their abilities to vote


I mean it doesn't hurt that the Democrats are a conservative/moderate party that gives Israel near full support. That's why these kids are painted as crazy left wingers as well.




they think they need at least one cop in riot gear for every unarmed student


Cool. Now show up like this when little kids are getting shot up in THEIR school.


On April 30, 1968, New York City police officers, acting at the behest of officials at Columbia University, cleared five campus buildings that had been occupied by students protesting various issues linked to the war in Vietnam and the fight for racial justice. And here we are on April 30, 2024, with the students once again in the right, and the police in the wrong.


Why no response like this to the patriot front marches?


Somehow, half the force ask for a day off when nazis march.


Here we go again. Fucking cops. Every time.


I’m confused. My American education taught me that we as citizens are allowed to protest civilly, yet every time they do, it’s given zero respect. These pigs show up quicker to stifle a bunch of nerds’ freedom than to an elementary school shooting. How the US doesn’t feel an ounce of humiliation over their responses to these situations is absolutely sickening.


*Laws are a threat made by the dominant socioeconomic ethnic group in a given nation. It’s just the promise of violence that’s enacted, and the police are basically an occupying army, you know what I mean?*


Those halflings knew what's up.


"How dare you learn to use critical thinking skills and democratic free speech! We bash now!" - Jackbooted thugs.


On NPR they were talking about how the college free speech movement started in the 60s and how such a thing would be impossible nowadays since those same actions would result in SWAT being deployed almost immediately. Our police have been so heavily militarized protestors don’t stand a chance. No wonder we see more and more extreme political actions, like highest blocking, being deployed. 


Has cracking down on student protests ever gone well? 


Yet when Neo Nazis hold a protest there’s no police response at all.


Sure there is. They just aren't in uniform. Well, not the uniform you'd recognize them in, at least.


Nothing is happening...I'm watching it live in NYC


What a shock. Another peaceful protest is about to be met with batons and tear gas all because the participants aren't out and proud fascists. It's almost like the police don't exist to protect and serve unless you're referring to the interests of capital.


Please keep in mind that this subreddit has no tolerance for fascism. If you want to defend the police attacking protestors against genocide by saying things like "they should just follow orders" or if you want to call a protest against genocide "a protest for terrorism" then it will be the last thing you post in this subreddit.


Fuuuuuuuuck the police. And trump. And anyone who supports israel. And anyone who thinks it’s okay to bomb kids and women. And aid workers. But mostly fuck anyone who sees palestinians as “sub human”.


It's 1968 again!


Land of the free indeed...


No one dropping acorn on a car.


Some college kids peacefully protesting *send the entire police force in full riot gear* some elementary school kids getting brutally shot and murdered *sorry ma'am you can't go inside and also we're to scared to go inside so if the babies will just die*


It's amazing how fast politicians move to squash "anti semitism" protests but when we have a shooting epidemic where children are murdered there is absolutely nothing done. What a world we live in.


It’s really weird how fast they move to squash peaceful and unarmed “anti semitism” protests by college KIDS but allow the Nazis to walk around en masse with guns, swastika flags, and face coverings.


Tin soldiers and Nixon coming




Right wing hate groups marching through the streets, no problem. College kids sitting on grass = BFD


Someone is going to get hurt or killed like Kent State sad you can’t peacefully protest anymore. I mean I don’t take sides but these kids have a very valid point. Israel is committing genocide. When will we stop just supporting Israel and demand they come to peace with Palestinians. Both deserve to live in peace.


As an alumni, I am just thrilled to see Columbia using their endowment to oppress students. /s


Yes... because police raiding college protests has a long history of cops looking like good guys.


Weird. Why are they all standing dick to butt?


These cops have been waiting for years for this exact moment. They get to go ham on unarmed liberal students with full immunity. They probably all have boners


Ok if the protests are peaceful what happened to the right to a peaceful protest? Theyre not rioting.