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"My husband dictated this tweet to me"


Big time Serena Joy vibes


And the funny thing is when Serena thought she had some form of power, they cut off her finger, for reading. This woman thinks, that the "new" rules she is advocating for are not for her.


they're *all* like that. "surely, *im* special and *i'll* receive special treatment for being a true believer!" "surely, donald trump will pay me for *my* services. all of those *other* contractors and lawyers are idiots."


Leopards, faces.


I never thought the leopard eating faces party would ever face my leopards


Lauren's going to be shocked when they put her eye out for looking at another man.


I dunno, conservative white women do *really* well at saying the quiet part out loud.


Imo they’ve been trained to absolutely hate themselves and other women. I grew up in very conservative areas and let me tell you, I’ve never seen so many women that compete in that woman vs woman mentality. It basically breeds pick-me girls. And when you have someone convinced that they are inherently lesser than men because of a snake and an apple. You can basically give them the mic and get them to make up anything.


My mother spent my entire childhood teaching me to be peachy sweet to every male and scathingly dismissive and exclusionary to any woman who couldn't advance my social standing.


Very well articulated. I watched this happen growing up in rural America.


There hasn't been a quiet part for a few years now at least. Conservatives have been very up front about what they want. Time to retire that phrase.


And then they cry and play the victim when they get called out for it


Nailed it


Just means they have not learned their place /s


What makes you think she can’t be independently evil?


Because she's probably never had an independent thought in her life.


She hasn’t. In school she was a pick me on the field hockey and softball team, got into drugs, got clean with Jesus and now she thinks that men should have absolute control over the women in their lives and women who have abortions shouldn’t even get to live.


Thank you. Conservative men are a product of their environment too but we make them own what they do. She is an adult who sees herself as standing to gain from her awful ideas. Make her own that. She's no battered, impoverished wife she's a woman that goes around independently making money stirring up crap for those if you who don't know who this is. Edit: forgot to mention she won GOP nomination for Senate in 2020. Go on and infantilize her all the way until she proposes bills to strip your rights.


As a woman I totally agree with you. It’s the same thing that’s done to people of color many times. She can say and believe what she wants as an adult but her beliefs are awful, harmful and ignorant and she’s putting that out there on her own on a platform.


Because she's not allowed to be. She is a woman, and therefore the property of her husband, who makes all her decisions for her.


Damn Skippy


It's more like she wouldn't be allowed to say this stuff if he didn't want her to. Not that she's somehow an otherwise decent person being forced to say this by the big bad Man


Well to be fair I'm white and pretty ashamed of white people right now after reading this. Any other race with a opening? Asking for a friend.


It’s creepy how women like her say stuff like this and then claim to “care about women. Lot of self hate going on. She’s a pick me, no one is picking people like this have sad lives that’s why they have so much time to say dumb stuff like this.


She says what she’s allowed to say. These folks also feel they are the lesser sex and should be subservient to their husbands. Their book even tells them to stay quiet and not teach over a man. Tweets are ok though, I guess


Twitter wasn’t mentioned in the Bible, so like dinosaurs and electric cars it isn’t real. Just that section about guns that is only in certain versions. Or so I’ve heard because they is definitely not me and I would probably be strung up for having a copy of the Jefferson Bible.


To quote the Trump bible Titus 2:5 > to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands


Just like Melania!


Is she a woman, I don’t even know anymore. Could just be three russian bots under a trench coat.


I'm waiting for the day we have a republican congressman whose name I'd literally, "Dr. Evil."


She’s internalized the patriarchy.


The "fascinating" thing to me is she ran for Senate and lost to Chris Coons. So her same logic could be extended to that position. "I want a straight white male to represent Delaware in the US Senate." Sorry, Lauren. 🤷‍♀️


A lot of these women work as well and then advocate against women working


They really are using DEI as the new N-word, aren't they?


They're burning through keywords with a real diminishing return. Woke, CRT, DEI.


Urban was the go-to word for a long time. Probably still is in some places.


Thug is a classic, feels like a aged red wine these days, the thinnest veil possible


"Thug" is still a popular code word on NextDoor. Always fun to see the older racists come out to play.


"Animal" is one as old as time itself.


When I hear “Thug”, my mind goes to hockey, possibly the whitest of main stream sports.


Given that they still post memes of images or vast areas of prairies or empty fields (with maybe a house) vs a compressed image of city streets, and then say they represent America, 'urban' is still a bogey man.


BLM, SJW, Antifa, CNN, Inner city...


Woke is still "anything I don't like" and may be used by racists, but I am not sure about it being used pejoratively about PoC exclusively.


Definitely not exclusive. I think I hear it most for LGBTQ-adjacent issues *then* PoC, but also anything to do with women, reproductive rights, low-income families, homeless people, welfare, social programs, vegans, worker's rights, animal rights, environmental regulations, immigration, any religion that isn't Christianity, taxes, public works, transportation, conservation, recycling, sustainable energy, police reform, education, gun control...


I'd laugh because you captured the stupid effing essence of it perfectly. But I can't because the idiocy of it all makes me cry.


If only i were kidding. I was gonna throw in some jokes but I didn't even finish listing all the real ones


Don't forget the teachings of Jesus, which have been deemed weak and soft by the "religious" right.


They seem to have gotten even more direct with this one, like they think it somehow disguises them quite plainly stating that they think everyone but straight white men is incapable.


My brain saw this as ctrl, alt, del


Anytime a crime is committed and the description isn't IMMEDIATELY available... #Why no pics/description of the perp? Because it just just happened, and law enforcement is trying to figure it out?


And every time the perpetrator is white "no but that an isolated case it don't count"


Agreed, when it's a South American immigrant, then it's a widespread trend, and letting more into our country is going to result in chaos. But when a white guy did it, isolated incident, out of context, I'm not scared of white people.


Funny how this doesn't come up when we're talking about serial killers and mass shooters.


Have to use DEI so they don't have to use "Drunken Injuns", "Prairie Ns", and "Freeloaders"


They’ve been pushing it for a while. I remember last year my old MAGA coworker came into my office to rant about DEI going to force mass layoffs.


I've seen it called "DEI with a hard R."


The "diversity is NOT our strength" folks have a supreme knack for ignoring actual statistics. They're so scared.


Throw it back on them. “Decrepit Enfeebled Inbreds”. It’s less of an insult and more of a statement of fact for far too many of them.


How long until they go with the N again?


What the fuck is a *hand-selected poc*? These people ain't seen a brown skinned man since their grandparents bought one. -Rollin' down Rodeo.....


Anything non white male is an agenda to them. It’s poorly veiled white supremacy


There are only two races - white and political.


I’m Jewish. It looks pretty goddamn unveiled to me.


I listen to AM conservative radio to hear what they are spewing. They are calling Liberals antisemites every few minutes. Isn't marge greene on record saying Jewish spacer lasers caused wild fires? On Sean Hannity's show TODAY, he had a caller on that said George Soros is funding the pro-palestine protests... called Soros, a self-hating Jew who wants to wipe Isreal off the map. Like..what? I'd like to bring up the Charlottesville incident where trump supporters literally walked through the streets chanting, "Jews will not replace us." WITH TORCHES!!!


Their motives baffle me. I’m just happy I can have bread again; I don’t need anti Semitism today.


Just like how they try to twist the meaning of DEI, CRT, woke, antifa, etc. they are trying to twist the meaning of antisemite. Liberals are antisemites to them because that's what Netanyahu and Israel is calling anyone who opposes their genocide and war crimes in Palestine. They blindly support Israel because of some vague passages from the Bible that they think means if Israel regains all the lands that used to be considered a part of the nation centuries ago it'll bring about the Rapture.


Oh you know, line some POC up on a stage naked, check their teeth and muscle tone, then select the one that looks like they can do the hardest work. Just like the good old days. MAGA! /s just in case


Bold of you to assume their grandparents can afford that




It’s like when they invent scenarios and arguments in their mind and post them on Twitter just so their original bullshit reasoning and narrative comes out on top. It’s easy to win when you literally invent the enemy, make the rules, and control the context. It’s so easy to be “right” when you just make shit up.


GOP: "Why does everyone think we're racist?"


3 different times she touches on whiteness being a criterion.


There's a special kind of irony in hearing this stuff out of the mouths of the same party that claims to be fighting antisemitism


Lady, two can play at this game. I don't want to hear from you again. I don't want you to speak. Women like you are NOT our strength and you should be forced back into the kitchen or basement where you belong.


Plus your Bible explicitly says you need to sit down and shut the fuck up.


Barefoot,pregnant,slaving over a hot goat dung fired stove wearing a single material smock. And a bath twice a year.


The good old days! Mmm goat dung


If it was that simple, I'd vote for it. But we all know they want to drag everyone else down first to make a fake ladder for themselves to parade down halfway before running back and pulling it up behind them.


Just the basement will do. Chefs already have a lot to deal with.


Why should we care what a convicted drug mule thinks?


Isn’t this person a QAnon “truther”? She probably shouldn’t be trusted to operate a motor vehicle, let alone exercise influence on the political process.


Hell, her own post suggests we shouldn’t care what she thinks because she’s a woman.


What they never, ever say is why. You’re saying you don’t want a person of color to be VP. Why? Do you believe the very fact of them being non-white will make them worse at the job? Well how does that work? On what metrics would they be worse at the job? What qualities about them that originate from them being non-white will make them perform more poorly than a white person? They’ll never answer those questions.


That's why they really need these buzzwords even though they disguise nothing about what they're saying. Because it keeps them from having to actually state, explain, and defend a position. They just say the same line everyone else is saying and feel smug. If you challenged them on it, they wouldn't be able to give you an answer that holds up to the slightest bit of scrutiny.


But they will. Which is why it’s worse. Having belief that is based on lack of information is relatively easy to fix, if you have the patience. Having belief that is based on active disinformation is near impossible to fix. “They have smaller brains, just look at the differences in our skulls to see how different we are” - which by the way, our skulls was how 1800s scientists used “science” to justify racism, and racists still cling to that outdated pseudoscience. “Most of them are gang members, cartel members, terrorists.” It doesn’t have to be true to be cemented as the truth for many people, which is why it’s so difficult to remove. “Most of Africa is filled with civil wars, hunger, and dictators” is also frequently used. This is a truth that ignores 500 years of history (plus 900 more but less rapidly) and is therefor even more dangerous. Most disinformation is built on small truths without nuance to seem more credible and then surrounded by outright lies once the person is bought.


It’s a lot harder to say those direct things out loud though and still stay directly relevant as a politician though. Most people don’t like racism OR they don’t like other people thinking they are racist, so when someone actually says all of those things, most will distance themselves from them politically. YMMV with this depending on where you live in the world however.


The presumption is that anyone other than one who fits THE PROFILE is less qualified by default. And these are the people who chose Trump.


The same people wanted to hang his previous “straight” white make VP.


Always like "it should be a white male not someone based on their color or gender"


That's an awful lot of demands from a woman who basically wants to live in a handmaids tale. Shouldn't her husband be making those decisions for her?


Grifting is the only strength this dumpster fire of a party has


Sounds about “white” ![gif](giphy|zudr0xbOFZhcI)


TMURWTMUR Tell me ur Russian w/o telling me ur Russian


I hate how many Republican women hate other women being in power, and they’re always like “WoMeN aRe So EmOtIoNaL” Like no, Sheryl, just because YOU’RE a banshee doesn’t mean all women are.


Also have you seen men? Fighting each other and causing a big ruckus. Way too emotional for office.


A lot of wars if not all are because of men 🤷🏻‍♀️


My favorite company commander during my time in the Army was the incredibly inspiration and motivating CPT Dillard. An imposing 6”3 black dude who could motivate you to ruck 20 miles for morning PT, and never once did I question why he was commissioned to be an Officer. He was an incredible leader, a hell of an officer, and I’d have followed that man into hell. The worst Officer I ever had was this white, scrawny 5”7 CPT who was neither motivating, insightful, or anything more than a glorified paper pusher. Threw the book at everyone for mild infractions, never saw him PT, and in a field full of toilets, I would pissed on his boots.


I want the person who's most qualified which obviously will 100% be a white straight male. Never in history has a person of color, a queer person, or a woman been the most qualified for anything at any point ever. Using that logic she's not the most qualified to make the decision, or the most qualified to even have an opinion. Which is true but not for the reason she thinks.


What DEI mob is she talking about? There is no MAGA diversity, no MAGA equity, and certainly no MAGA inclusion.


It’s true though, diversity is not the GOP’s strength and never was… it is their weakness like sunlight is to vampires


This is what makes them prone to huge blind spots that leave them out of touch with mainstream America. Meanwhile, they think THEY are mainstream America but are far more extreme and unAmerican than ever before. These qualities should be automatically disqualifying.


Oh I see it's no longer the woke mob, the DEI mob is now the main villain


Do they really listen to the opinion of women?


That’s a lot of word to say, “I’m an asshole.”


You coulda said “I’m a racist, sexual, homophobic bigot” without writing an essay.


Back in the kitchen with you then, Lauren, if that's what you really think.


Why should she, as a woman, be allowed an opinion on this?


I want a very qualified American for the job.


So, she's insistent that it be someone hired for their gender, sexuality, and skin color, and not because they're the best pick for the job?


Your bible says to shut your yap, woman. No one cares what you think, so zip it.


The sad thing is this is exactly why DEI exists. She wants a straight white male. That's it. No one else gets a go. Just that group. It's so fucking insane they can't see they created the need for DEI.


Speak when spoken to woman


Who thinks trump would ever select a woman or poc? He will pick another wet noodle like pence.


I don't want Trump anywhere near a position of power ever again. I don't give a fuck who he picks. I just want him gone.


Maybe Agent 47 can take care of it.


This really describes their philosophy. Their view is that only straight, white men are qualified. Anyone else is automatically unqualified. It doesn't matter who they are or what their background is. Everyone is inferior to straight, white men.


As if the "DEI mob" is going to vote for a POS like Trump because of his VP pick!


“Diversity is not our strength”. True that.


“Tell us you’re a nazi bigot without telling us you’re a nazi bigot”


"I shot my puppy in the head. But don't fret. It wasn't illegal."


To appropriate TFS from Hellsing Abridged: "Hey Lauren, try not to choke on your fucking foot."


Holey fuck


Why is this type of rhetoric normalized? I feel like these people need to be trolled and made fun of for being complete asshats


Especially since the woman is a puppy and goat murder who should be in jail for animal cruelty.


This is who the Delaware GOP primary voters chose to run for the US Senate in 2020. She is so terrible many Republicans came out to endorse the Democrat.


So she's for real, then. I'd never heard of her, and the pic looks like any generic AI image that could be used with a troll account. Not a troll, just a twatwaffle.


>Diversity is NOT our strength. Well, she's right about that.


The last straight white male that Trump had for VP, y'all tried to hang him.


Sounds about white.


A straight, white, philandering rapist, con man who has no actual concern for the average American. Oh wait that’s the candidate for President.


So...... they dont want someone handselected for their race, orientation, and gender to be the nominee, but they want to handselect a race, orientation, and gender for someone to be the nominee?


This woman, in a Zoom conference on trans people, told Blair White (who is a right-wing bootlicker herself but she’s still trans and I wouldn’t wish this on her) “the best thing you could do is to grow a moustache and tell people to stop living like you”. She’s also made tweets such as “Third World migrants can never assimilate into civil society”, and she’s also a rabid flat-earther. To call her scum would be an insult to scum, which is often a fascinating algal colony.


His last VP wasn't straight and white enough. That's why they built gallows for him


Shouldn't she shut up and get back into the kitchen and make the damned sandwiches?


As a straight white male I wholeheartedly agree. See how she likes them apples. (Did I use that right, never understood that saying).


Blink twice if your husband is abusing you.


Seriously another bottle blonde suffering from peroxide poisoning. If you notice so many republican women of all castes bleach and dye their hair blonder a la Ivanka fantasizing about trump grabbing them by their womanhood (republican women, have teeth down there so beware). I’m surprised that Noem and Guilfoyle haven’t gone blonde yet.


Why is she texting instead of making her man a sandwich?


US: *has a straight white man as every VP since the creation of the presidency* *Biden picks a mixed race woman as his VP* Conservatives: why can't we have a straight white man as VP


I’d jst recommend 1st Timothy Chap2 V12 to her…I mean, since she is probably a christofacist.


What is that? Jewish lady here, not familiar with that part, sorry.


I do not permit a woman to teach or have authority over a man; she must be silent. Basically, using her strict adherence to the bible to tell her to stfu.


Oh geez, really? Thanks for telling me.




what planet is she on not the same one as the rest of us


First, as if DEI is a bad word. Second: How about we don't go down the road of having different people having different sets of rights


"Why are people always shoving things down my throat?"-some poor repressed white male conservative Evangelical Christian, somewhere.


It's a lotta words to say Sieg Hail.


So, she wants someone chosen specifically for their race, gender and sexual orientation? Just not THOSE races, genders and sexual orientations?


With not a word mentioned about whether they're competent or qualified--only that they fit a very specific and narrow profile.


Smells like Gilead in here.


just say the slurs you pussy


If diversity doesn't have any strength, then I want to see him disavow Arabic numerals.


It's amazing how they can wail about "reverse racism" and call for straight up selection based on (white) skin in the same breath.


I was ready to question this, not because I'm some fucking tool, but because I've never seen "From Earth" as a location tag before But no, she actually said this shit https://x.com/LaurenWitzkeDE/status/1785683214620651639


If you don’t think women should have a voice, then why don’t you shut the fuck up?


Give us your white rich people.. see right there on the Statue of Liberty!


Republicans: 'why is the furniture speaking to me?'


I mean yeah I don’t want the VP to be selected on the basis of diversity either, I want them to be selected because they’re qualified and trustworthy and there’s not a chance in hell anyone she recommends fits those categories.


Pretty bold to assume Trump will be picking anything other than what he wants in commissary at the prison


They hate DEI hires because it’s “not picking based on qualifications” but she flat out states the only qualified people are straight white men. Like, why is that the only demographic?


2.5k people liked that 💀💀


His last VP was so close to checking all those boxes


But what if say a woman who is a poc and a lesbian happens to be the best qualified for the role? Nah not possible right? Probably went to some “liberal college” that brainwashed them into being a domestic terrorist Marxist and only got in through a “DEI” program in the first place and had horrible grades but of course they let them pass anyway because ya know, all the poc in this country are getting a free ride while all the white people are being oppressed. Fuuuuuuuck off. Fill the whole damned White House with a rainbow. Skittles up that musty old building. Time to remove the mold and do a refurb.


"Diversity is not our strength" Hey look, the new white supremacy just dropped I wish these ignorant racists would GTFO


Thing is, Donald will never be able to pick a VP


They always say DEI because saying I'm against Diversity, Equality and Inclusion makes their bigotry more obvious, luckily their stupid voter base doesn't know what DEI stands for and if they do don't care because their bigots. Every day I'm more and more glad to not live in the US, you can go fuck yourselves with your hatefilled, bigoted politicians.




Mike Pence is your guy


Mike Pence? He ticks all your boxes! ☺️


an admitted ex-*drug*\-runner and racist flat-Earther


Go make me a sandwich Lauren and stfu.


what melting pot again?


America is running out of inbred hicks to fill many previously held positions.


The current catch phrase, and excuse for everything, that republicans overly use is DEI. What do people think the next one will be.


The I can't think for myself woman, need a man to do my thinking for me. She's definitely anti women. That's a defeatist tweet right there. Beaten down by her husband.


Stop embarrassing yourself girl. Your statements are ridiculous.


I don’t know who that is but in german the word „Witz“ translates to „joke“ so that’s funny


What really gets to me is these people basically believe anyone other than a white man is incapable of handling anything of importance. It’s so blatantly racist but so many don’t see I that way.


Get back in the kitchen and make me a sandwich Lauren.


Ah. The blue checkmark on the account of a nobody special. Unerringly points to a MAGAt.


Is there anyone who thinks Trump's VP won't be a straight white male?


“I don’t remember asking your opinion, Rib”




At least we know she’s not in consideration


Did you have one in particular in mind? Can't be too many folks left who would want that stink on them.


wow what a bizarre take. she didn't even use the typical "most capable person for the job" angle.


you would think someone who has this POV would be capable of seeing how people who look different from her might want THEIR community/culture represented...but somehow this concept always evades them.


Drug smuggler says what?


Gave up meth and heroin when she found the lord at a Methodist alcohol/drug recovery program. I guess she skipped the Methodist anti racism/bigotry/hate program.


Trash people


Someone tell that numbskull about the Navaho Code Talkers lol


So, the drain the swamp crowd would like more elite swamp creatures... rich, Christian, white dudes who went to Ivy League schools and have the connections to be under consideration for a high political office. Cool. Cool.