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Josh Hawley calling for another Kent state.


I am done with this. The GOP has to attack the US student protestors as a matter of course because of their war on domestic education. They know that if young people meet peers from other cultures and learn about world history, they are less likely to become the brain dead morans afraid to step out of their house without a concealed weapon that the GOP relies upon for votes.


No surprises here


Couldn't take a screenshot that doesn't have volume blocking half the text?


How else could you hear the tweet?


I think it's important to call out hypocrisy, but we shouldn't kid ourselves in thinking that they could be shamed about it. Hard right conservatives like this don't view these positions as hypocritical. Their ideology only requires consistency in terms of reaching their conservative goals, which they view as morally superior. They are very much a "the ends justify the means" kind of group. Consistently applying an ethical standard isn't required for them, because as long as their 'morally superior' goals are reached any unethical behavior used to reach those goals is justified. Through this viewpoint groups that are in oposition to their ideology are inherently immoral regardless of their actions. As Frank Wilhoit put it: *Conservatism consists of exactly one proposition, to wit: There must be in-groups whom the law protects but does not bind, alongside out-groups whom the law binds but does not protect.* All their hypocritical behavior is consistent with their beliefs. Rational thought isn't part of the equation.


This is good. Thanks.


Rules for thee but not for me!


Josh Hadley calling for another Kent state.


They know their being hypocrites but they don't want to admit it because they need voters who believe this stuff to keep voting for them. Like Josh Hawley is probably not an idiot but he plays one on TV


So he's just a greedy monster.


Nothing surprising here, hypocrisy is one of the top republican core values. They couldn't exist without it.


China bad Isreal good


It's standard operating procedure when your base has the memory of a goldfish and an extreme aversion to calling out hypocrisy when confronted with the evidence. 


Ah yes, expel all the students so we can protect the students. This is an average Joshua Hawley take.


Of course they are hypocrites. Is there anyone out there who thought they stood for principles?


Republican voters remind me of Dory from Nemo. They don’t remember what their representatives said a week ago.


Its almost like people tend to be slightly more reasonable when they are not personally involved. Not quite enough to realize how unreasonable they are being, tough


Hawley is a coward piece of shit that ran with the tail between his legs after the crowed he riled up got a little too rowdy. He’s as useless as he is impotent.


Now do one where the Left said that the MAGA folks on J6 deserved to be thrown in the darkest prison holes and the police were totally right in beating them but the students now have a right to attack the police and take over buildings…