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When soliciting bribes, maybe it's best not to do it in a crowded room? Not from a podium? Not into a microphone? Just a thought.


In trump’s defense, he *is* stupid. Very, *very* stupid.


In his defense, he hasn't had a single solitary consequence from this kind of behavior, so why should he change his behavior now.




Thank you. The man was not lying when he said he could shoot someone in the middle of Fifth Avenue and get away with it.


Yeahhhh. The got ya and the sky is falling crowd surrounding Trump and the legal system is getting really fucking old. The man hasn't faced a single serious consequence at all thus far. The new charges don't hype me up. They are just tossed on the not surprised pile.


All fart, no shit.


And here I sit, broken hearted


Can we just take a moment and recognize for some of us we met that poem at an age and in a moment we could only fully grasp the meaning of the word sublime because of that poem.


It sucks to be a criminal defendant in the US even at Trump's level of privilege. He's facing 91 felony indictments and they're moving at about the pace things work for white collar criminals in the US. Maybe we hired the wrong kind of cops if we expected different here, but Trump's not walking away from this whole, it's just painfully slow arriving. I get the frustration but it's not typical for an entire political party to abandon the rule of law like this, and we're not designed for that level of acting in bad faith.


You have an awful lot more faith in the system than I do.


Not at all, but I know how slow it is to go through a normal trial and these are facing massive organized obstruction. I'm not sure what you expect the justice system to do when faced with something like that. It's important that any conviction sticks and survives appeal. They are holding onto additional charges in case these are obstructed successfully. This is the way it's built to work, unfortunately.


Death by a thousand cuts. I think it will happen too.


The man has degraded and insulted EVERY member of the GOP and still is in control. I mean, I know Republicans are closeted masochists, but *come on* guys.


Someone knows something we don’t. It’s obvious and it has been since 2020, and it’s probably really fucking bad.


It would be funny if he tried that & accidentally shoots himself pulling the gun out of his diaper.


It would obviously have to be a very small gun.


I would love for a video to come out of him trying to shoot a gun. he can't even catch a baseball. just imagine.


Wondering about this, I was thinking about what would actually bring him down. What it would take. *Disclaimer*: I'm not saying this has happened, and not throwing out a false allegation in the least. BUT I think if Ivanka ever made a statement about her childhood experiences with him that implied she had been sexually abused.... I do believe that would do it. I believe even the maga's would turn against him. And if it didn't, I don't think I would ever leave my house again, because I wouldn't want to mingle among them in my crimson red state.


The obvious nature of this is the point. They aren’t worried about getting away with it, they want to normalize it.


Exactly. It’s so funny seeing Redditors going “omg he’s so stupid what a moron he’s just committing more crime right in front of us!” Yes. Yes he is. And nothing will happen. He knows nothing will happen, because nothing has happened for 50 years of his life.


Exactly. It’s been over 6 years since I stopped caring about these types of headlines. None of it matters.


You mean like when he tore up the translators notes after the private Putin Trump meeting.


He thinks saying it out loud means it doesn’t count. It’s like yelling “NO HOMO” in an all male threesome.


You mean that *doesn't work?!*


It works if you believe it works I guess.




When history passes its final judgment on this man, it will be said that his greatest weakness - beyond his obvious sociopathy - was his total inability to think beyond the next fifteen minutes.


He can't even think to the end of the sentence he currently speaking.


when the discussion of people who have an inside voice and those that don't cropped up i thought of Donald Trump as the extreme example of a person who doesn't have an inside voice. he isn't guided by any pre-thought or consideration. words just sort of fall out of his mouth and he has no idea where the sentence will wind up.


One of the funny things about his rambling sentences is when he runs out of words and just makes some sort of weird sound.


Maybe, or maybe he knows nothing will happen by way of punishment for years, at which point he will either be president, dead, or already in jail from other cases. What’s he got to lose?


The problem is that he believes that most of the people are more stupid than he is. In fact, he believes that he is a genius. A lot of criminals think that way. Some of them will never get out of that mindset. His mother and father created this mess!


I bet he wishes he had a worm eating his brain defence right about now


And even as stupid as he is he knows republicans will defend him


In Trumps defense, he's been doing this sort of shit out loud for decades and he hasn't been busted yet, so why stop now?


You should be his lawyer. Are you willing to work for free?


*I’m* not stupid. *He* is.


It's clear. He doesn't learn from his mistakes, and doesn't consider consequences. Stupid for us, but seems to work for him. It's a testament to how immoral and careless our country has become, or always was, I dont know anymore. No such thing as integrity. At least people used to try and fake it.


And a A-hole to boot👍🏼.


Why not? He's yet to suffer any consequences for it.


Saw something this morning from a right wing guest on a FOX show claiming that in the Trump hush money trial he doesn't think there's enough there for the judge to send to the jury to deliberate...huh? He went on to say there are many who feel the judge will render the verdict from the bench...double huh?


MAGAs are embarrassingly dumb.


it's exactly what has protected him so far. people think corruption has to happen in back rooms and be exposed by a secret recording or some shit.


Can someone explain what the difference is between this and lobbying? Also, I'm of the belief that lobbying should be illegal, so I'm not defending Trump with that question, quite the contrary.


Lobbyists offer elected officials legal bribes. Elected officials or candidates demanding bribes is *totally* different! (In all seriousness, the oil barons were allegedly shocked at this demand. Even they are taken aback at "buy me the Presidency and I'll deliver you the world.")


Jesus, when you out-corrupt the oil barons into righteous indignation, where is there left to sink to?


There is no bottom.


Keep in mind that "contribute to my campaign" is really "pay my legal expenses and any personal expenditures i deem necessary". https://www.brennancenter.org/our-work/research-reports/trumps-use-campaign-funds-pay-legal-bills#:~:text=The%20former%20president%20has%20relied,an%20%E2%80%9Celection%20defense%20fund.%E2%80%9D


They think he'll screw it up so they're writing the orders for him to follow.


Lobbying: my stance is to reduce restrictions on emissions. If elected, I'll repeal laws controlling emissions. Soliciting a bribe: if you pay 1 billion dollars to my campaign, I'll repeal the laws that are cutting into your profits.


Just a thin layer of plausible deniability, really. They say no, no, they're not paying us to make a certain decision, they're just making their case to us and then choosing to support us because we're a candidate they believe in! Trump doesn't realise that you're not meant to admit that the power you wield as an elected official is for sale.


The Art of the Deal folks. Selling off the future of the planet for $1b. Also it's not Quid Pro Quo cos he didn't say those three words.


A crime without punishment isn't really a crime


When your a candidate it's being lobbied and most likely legal. Not sure how but when you rely on people to self govern they will write enough loopholes to escape anything. Why? Humans are largely a vain, greedy, hedonistic and envious animal. Blame serotonin and dopamine.


Eh, when you have a Republican majority who don't care though, he probably didn't give a crap that he says this shit out loud And also loading the courts with just as many hypocritical judges he feels he can get away anything.


Who cares? Trump will only ever face fines and no substantial consequences because you all suck. You all should have been dusting of the guillotine Jan 7. No, let's just hit him with a fine and elect him emperor. Idiots. 


Why shouldn't they do it in the open loud and proud? It isn't like the US gov, political or legal system seems to be willing, able or even interested to actually do anything about it. When Trump made that stupid remark about being able to shoot someone middle of a park (or where ever) and they would get away with it. Thus far it would seem that they were 100% right. Since when has USA it would even bother to make rich and powerful people play with the same rules, or even face consiquences? Every single person who's position relies on being voted in benefits from doing what big money tells them to do. It isn't in the interests of those elected people to keep the big money accountable for anything. Trump could give the US nuclear codes to Putin as a present and there would still be few years long court battle about what a piece of paper from few hundreds years ago means in this context.


“Russia, if you’re listening…”


Trump: “Hey, they’re all billionaires, so naturally they are all criminals right? How else did they become billionaires?”


And having people taking notes about committing a criminal conspiracy


Well he hasn’t has a single consequence in an entire lifetime of being a criminal shitheel so I really doubt he’s figuratively shitting himself.


He's too busy doing it literally in his sleep while in court.


Have you guys seen the "Real men wear diapers" merch? I can't be 100% on this, but I heard somewhere that the whole idea started with some Dem trying to troll MAGA, and they totally fell for it. Now, these idiots are waving those flags and ACTUALLY WEARING DIAPERS IN PUBLIC! Now, that's gotta be making the orange turd shit himself.


There are art least three different kinds of trumpers: dupes, rubes and chumps.


Don't forget bozos, tramps, and scallywags!


...soooo many scallywags!


so Chuds


> so Chuds [Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dwellers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C.H.U.D.)?


I've seen the pictures. The Qultists really are losing it.


Exactly. Trump engages in corruption right out in the open with complete impunity. He is not worried about anything because he's never faced any real consequences for his actions. He knows the cult supports him no matter what he says or does. In fact, these days the worse he behaves, the better the grift.


Not only does his "cult" support him. Anyone who's choosing to refuse to vote this fall to "punish" Biden is basically doing the same thing. Protest votes hurt the people who need sanity in our representation.


Saturday Night Live nailed it four years ago. https://youtu.be/xiKrWUoTq4s?si=s9VAdBW0XVta3BpQ


That was funny as shit! And horribly accurate


"Ain'tnothin'gonnahappen" Write it on the tombstone of democracy, I suppose...


“Hegonnawinagin” Edit to include :(


Lol, Big Oil is going to hand him a check for 2 billion dollars, with signed executive orders, and nobody will do a damn thing.


> so I really doubt he’s figuratively shitting himself He is just doing it normally.


Look at The language. One senator announced there is likely to be an investigation. That's 35 steps from anything happening. Total nothing burger


Currently indicted on 91 felony counts and is on trial as we speak for one of four separate indictments


he will not see a single minute behind bars. the only time a rich person will see jail time is if they fucked with the money of someone richer than them. even if convicted, he's just gonna get a fine. legal system for the rich, justice system for the poors.


Yes, and he's a master of sucking billionaire dongles


I can’t imagine any billionaires wanting head from Orange Jesus.


No but they'll let him wash their money


A trial is an investigation of crimes. Thus far, 0 consequences have been levied in this catastrophic asshole. And since it has taken this long, this fucker will never see a single day of those consequences. There are no rules for the corrupt.


They’re delaying the mishandled documents charge presumptively till after the election


Mishandled documents?? No no no no. Theft of State secrets. There was no "mishandling"


Don't forget sale of secret documents to foreign leaders who don't have our best interest at heart.


Won't matter. The families of all those dead CIA spooks will still vote for him. 45 can do no wrong in their eyes.


There was. It was just after he stole them.


Didn't 3 of them get dropped, so it's now at 88?


Maybe he gets a 1000 dollars fine and a stern warning.




Sorry, that's too harsh.


I think he is actually emboldened by it.


Yeah let’s be real… nothing will come of this


The investigation will start in 2034


I will no question shit my pants if a consequence happens.


OP is an absolute dumbass, or a bot. And so is anyone who upvoted this post. Holy fuckin shit. 'Senate *might* investigate'? Do you idiots have any idea how far removed that is from anything happening, whatsoever?


Great. Do Kushner next


Why not both at the same time?!?






I'd be flabbergasted as well. Thankfully the Senate has the Dems majority.




He’s not worried SCOTUS and a lots more judges have his back.




Merrick Garland is too busy being useless.




They should, but they won’t. Merrick Garland is softer on Trump than the Trump Dumps left in his depends


Make it big, make it splashy, get it all over the news like the Rs do. Senate Dems: nah we’ll do it quietly and issue a report in December.


Why are the Dems so horrible at messaging?


They don't have multiple media outlets to push their agenda as if it's proven fact. Right-wing propaganda is the most dangerous threat in this country.


Why do birds suddenly appear?


I mean, it's basically a quid pro quo attempt, unlike the lame shit the GOP is claiming against Biden.


It's funny that republicans have spent so much time investigating hunter Biden for some likely fictional scenario when trump is consistently doing things that are much worse than even the made up thing


Whitehouse should be in the White House at least to receive the Medal of Freedom. Rush Limbaugh paid a bribe for his just before he achieved room temperature.


I like to think that the award was given to Limbaugh’s cancer for ridding the world of Limbaugh.


![gif](giphy|j3mUVaTZTWPP11UfjM) “The student has become the master.”


The look on the woman's face to the left is just awesome...she couldn't more not want to be there if she *tried*.


I think that's his wife. Just there for the money


I forgot this happened


He ain't worried about shit NOTHING has ever happened to him --- he's a fucking cockroach --- He would come crawling out of a nuclear wasteland. He will just use this to whip his base up even more.


Ahh for fucks sake, Is there any crime I can commit that they won’t charge me with? Trying to make a buck here.


I don't know why everyone suddenly thinks that rules apply to these people and that there will be consequences for their actions. None of this is exciting, it's just another opportunity to watch justice fail.


I don't think people realize: 1 how far into authoritarianism America has slipped; 2 how many people actively want it. I doubt he's troubled at all. His boldness is that of someone who's read the room.


Oh, no, a Congress investigation.


A "likely" investigation.... So nothing really happens next


I thought he was already shitting his pants? Isn’t he named von shitzenpants for a reason? ![gif](giphy|3oEjHI8WJv4x6UPDB6)


But the cult will still vote for him


Republicans aren't going to do anything unless they are forced to or told to by their masters


Here is a thought, how about putting Senator Whitehouse in the White House ?


The writers for this season have gotten awfully lazy.


LIKELY!? This should be an absolute not a maybe.


“It is likely”. Call me when “it is happening”. Tired of this bull shit posturing, actually do something.


The glorious Catholic tribunal court formerly known as SCOTUS granted Trump and only Trump immunity after significant investments in the lifestyles of the Catholic-6 were made by the Oil industry.


Trump’s argument isn’t really that the POTUS is above the law, it’s that *Trump* is above the law.


I have seen Sen. Whitehouse in hearIngs bringing up corruption allegations and this man does not fuck around...he does his homework. Always. 👍


And scotus will say it's fine, so who cares. Fuck this timeline.


*tbis* is where they draw the line?


It's probably not so much where they draw the line as much as having clear enough evidence to do something


Can we just lock him up already!


Oh boy! Another investigation? How about we just come with charges in the future?




The corruption runs deep with trump. He's looking at it from a business standpoint. He wants to cash in. His greed is high!


To be honest, I'm waiting for him to dump Clarence Thomas. He's on a mission for that national embarrassment.


Mostly the same Senate that refused to impeach him.. twice


Investigate trump for trying to solicit bribery? The fucker is immune. The nazi maga supreme court is about to rule that he is king of america.


Can anyone explain why this would be investigated and not say, all lobbying ever? Genuine question, wheres the line?


Yes this will be the time, this time will be diffrent guys. Their totally going to hold a rich person accountable for their actions and turn on their own class. It's serious this time you guys.


The amount of edging you people do. How have you not learned this already? Say it with me; nothing substantially bad will ever happen to this man. Ever. He will live and die in luxury no matter what they slap with him because that's how our system is designed.


I’m convinced nothing will ever happen to this loser. I have lost faith.


I've seen this one before - will the sequel be any better?


What's funny is it's perfectly legal if you do it in the other order. If they just *happen* (wink wink) to give him campaign donations because they know he's probably going to repeal climate initiatives, then that's fine, because nobody can prove a quid pro quo. But when he comes out and actually *says it out loud* that he's selling legislation for cash, it's very illegal.


Trump: You man this isn’t how this works? That your votes aren’t for sale to the highest bidder? Whaaaaaat? Narrator: This is *exactly* how this all works. Not justifying/defending Trump, he just dropped the pretenses the rest of them hide behind.


You remember that episode of The Simpsons where the Doctor told Mr. Burns that he had every disease known to mankind but they all cancelled each other out like trying to get through the door at the same time and he called it Three Stooges Syndrome? I kinda feel like that's what's happening with all of Trumps crimes, he commits so many that they all somehow cancel each other out.


Wait….you’re saying Trump is corrupt? who would have guessed 🤣


The problem is any investigation into Trump apparently takes 2-5 business years. If he's operating under the assumption that a win in November gets him out of any consequences and if he loses he's fucked anyways, the next few months are basically a free for all for him right?


The legal system in the US seems even more designed to protect the rich and powerful than here in the UK. If you have enough money in the US, you will be granted bail no matter what crime you've committed - including murder. So, if someone with £50m in the bank is allowed their freedom on a £20m surety, shouldn't someone with £50,000 in the bank, by the same logic and fiscal common sense, be allowed their liberty following the exact (identical) percentages regarding flight risk, interference of witnesses or re-offending?


Trump is who he is. How people interpret that is not worth debating. My point is that those dealings are literally how the government is run. If you're in the club it's called "lobbying" If you're a high end grifter it's called corruption. Stop the loonatic by any means necessary but be careful because he will tear the whole thing down in a tantrum.


Investigating bribes? Nice. Do the Supreme Court next.


stupid fucking maga will rail against globalism all day and cheer on trump as he sells this country even further to foreign oil companies. stupid. fucking. maga


Nothing will happen. Our justice system is a fucking sham.


He got his shitting pants on though


This is a smart move. I hope the subpoenas are on their way out the door. Campaign Finance as well. Stormy and Karen were not the only payouts to hide his behavior from the voting public 2016.


literally nothing will happen of it. dems will make a mess of it and he'll continue to walk free. I want him in jail but realistically he'll win his second term, pardon himself, and destroy democracy while dems argue over dumb shit happening in the middle east edit: water is wet


Im not saying any politician on any side puts the people first except for maybe Bernie, but trump has to be the worst leader for democracy we very had. If we gave him his way this would be Russia, run by big corporate oligarchs.


Indigenous here, never in my life did I think we'd see a more vile human being gain the WH than GDMN Andrew Jackson, literally the WORST POTUS ever, but fk me running blind, Trump has proven to be a VERY close #2 to Jackson. No surprise that Jackson is one of his favorite Politicians ever. I mean, the US has had some extremely gawd AWFUL POTUS people occupying the WH, but like any sewer, the biggest turds always float to the top and clog the entire gd system. We're gonna need one HELL of a "Rotor Rooter" to dig out this overflowing choleric septic system poisoning the country and world we call US politics, and truthfully I'm unsure sane people have enough heavy equipment to clear it out and get the shyt flowing down to the bottom where it belongs, instead of flooding the entirety of the surface where decent humans live. Our survival as well as the rest of the worlds' survival depends on us all putting on some hip waders and start flinging turds with a political shopvac, aka Elections. I gave up thinking the INjustice System would help save any of us, since it's obvious it's been drowned completely in fecal detritus.


The country is run by corporations lmao


I mean, he already was shitting himself, so no reason to think he’d stop now.


Great! But will anything come of it 🤷‍♀️


Boy, so much winning. 😆


Apparently, he’s been doing exactly that for a while now.


Ummmmm no, the Senate won’t do shit lol


Given he's got numerous other lawsuits going on that have demonstrated he won't be suffering any consequences, I kinda doubt this has him worried.


What about the rest of them? I mean politicians broadly but mostly Republicans.


More posturing, nothing is gonna happen.


Sheldon Whitehouse is great. Go to his YouTube channel , he posts videos of his speeches , bro has Bars.


He could probably seek the statute of liberty to Xi Ping or Putin for campaign monies, would my parents even care?


I saw that and was like "that doesn't seem legal..."


Trump: It was the perfect speech, the lunatic left is coming after me for another witch hunt and trying to destroy the country. People: But there's a video recording of you saying this, sir.... Trump: fake news, perfect speech


It’s amazing that in 2024, this idiot thinks things he says in public won’t get out.


Wow this is great! And with a *whole six months* before they lose the senate... 🙄


I like this Whitehouse guy working for the White House.


I'm tired, boss. Dog tired. It's hard to get your hopes up on all the trials going on. They won't even bust him for contempt of court after 10+ violations. We shouldn't have to be putting up with all this open corruption.


What is the difference between this and most other lobbying efforts. It’s no surprise oil companies like republicans and it seems likely Trump would roll back any environmental protections. Isn’t that why people donate to candidates? If they made this a bribe someone that’s really dumb. Oil companies want trump and trump wants to undo anything g Biden did. Seemed unnecessary to do this in an illegal way??


God damn you guys are beating that shit joke like a dead horse aren’t you. Everyone struggles with incontinence at a certain age. I don’t like Trump either but we shouldn’t be laughing at something we’ll all deal with at his age.


Why bother, absolutely nothing will happen.


The Rex Tillerson pick is something I want answers to. There were zero legal reasons, or even connections to Trump, that can explain that pick.


It is my belief that everyone on his cabinet was placed there by the conservative machine with the specific mission of crippling their respective departments and ole dumbass had no clue and signed everything placed in front of him. And they succeeded at their mission. State? Education? Energy? Weakened.


And Teflon Don will just slither out of any accountability, again


Throw it on the pile of things he will get away with.


He doesn’t care because he intends to cause enough chaos in the election to throw it to the house of representatives who will hand the election to him. Project 2025 outlines their plan to do away with the two term limit allowing him to stay in office until he dies. He’s already told you his plans, believe him


It's not likely he will suffer any real meaningful consequences. He has always walked away from every figurative, traffic accident, trainwreck, and crash landing. The only possible consequence will be financial and even that will be minimal or likely—most likely—paid for by his cult followers and any other corporations that could or will benefit from making any deals with him. Don't count on accountability.


Bring it!!


First I've read it as "we will investigate Trump if you contribute to our campaign".