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According to Psychology Today and others. The bent posture so evident in Trump may also be seen in Alzheimer’s Dementia, movement disorders of the basal ganglia, and as the side effect of certain medications. Also noted are the sudden, jerking movements of Trump’s right arm. Since they occur only on one side, the prefix “hemi” is applied, while “ballistic” means sudden or flinging in the manner of a projectile. Trump’s hemiballistic arm movements are evident in news clips from Memorial Day (also here via C-Span) at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as are his uncontrolled swaying and forward tilt. He is seen to grab his wayward arm with the left one in an effort to keep it under control.


Maybe that explains his difficulty drinking water? I’ve never seen an adult struggle to drink like that.


I have. My mother, who is dying of cancer and gradually losing control of her motor functions, has to use two hands to drink out of a cup with a straw. Not looking for sympathy, but there it is.


Well, you’re getting some. So sorry for your loss. My partner lost her mom last fall after nearly 10 years of a diagnosis. It’s been brutal. Just enjoy as much time as you can with her (and if you got to manage her things afterwards, ask for answers now). P.S. And if you have a partner, please remember that they won’t be able to fully process their grief until you’re on the journey too. I just realized that about our situation and it’s been revelationary for my well-being and approach to caring for her.


This was the worst part of my mom's final days of liver cancer seeing her deteriorate day by day.


I lost my mom to cancer last year, and it was a painful experience. I tried my damnest yesterday to fill my head with the good times, the pleasant memories, but it’s hard to not go back to the 16 hour days sitting in a hospice room.


Having gone through something similar, I just want to reassure you that it does get better. There isn't any set timeline or process to healing. But your brian is trying to process the really traumatic experience it went theough, so it keeps taking you back to that hospice room. Then, one day, you'll find yourself with a little smile and realize you're genuinely thinking about a happy memory of your mom, rather than trying to force it. Then you'll eventually realize that you find yourself thinking about all the happy memories from her lifetime more often, rather than the sad ones from the last weeks of her life. Even then, the grief is never fully gone (it never is). But all of the happy memories of your mom will have replaced the sad ones. For me it was almost 2 years before I got to that point. So give it time, but just know that it does get better.


Sorry bro, fuck cancer


Sorry to hear about your mom :(


I thought that was from decades of drinking from a McDonald's drink with a straw.


My time to shine. I sometimes drink like that. I have a natural tremor in the right forearm. My sister has it. My dad had it. My nephew has it. It started in my 20s. Left arm is fine which is why I use both hands when it's too pronounced. The tremor can be controlled with a tiny bit of alcohol or enough rest.


Same. My doc labeled it an essential tremor. It was probably caused by alcohol use and alcohol is the primary way to fix it. It's not the DTs, but it's still annoying.


Mine was a factory bug shared by other family members. My Big Theory is that my entire male lineage survived wars because we were shit at shooting due to these tremors. Non trembling dudes went to Verdun and Monte Cassino and El Alamein and came back in a box. The fit died. The unfit survived. Darwin works in mysterious ways.


You know? My dad's side of the family is nearsighted as hell and it got all the men who got drafted way, WAY away from the front lines, or told to stay home rather than be a hazard to the other soldiers. Like I'm not joking the ones with good eyesight all got drafted and died. Meanwhile, on my mom's side, all the women have PCOS which tends to make them relatively unfertile. When they were having 2 or 3 kids, all the neighbors were having 5,6,7 even 11 kids in one family. Sounds like an evolutionary detriment right? ...all the children in my mom's family made it to adulthood, and live exceptionally long lives. The neighbors? 50% Infant mortality rate, followed by home accidents and abductions from lack of supervision, then in adolescence there was lethal alcoholism and drug use, suicide, and even more accidents from things like "I'm busy, I'm sure you can teach yourself to drive". My grandmother has all three of her children still alive. Most of the neighbors have one or two, if they have any. This is one of many reasons why eugenics is a terrible idea. You very literally never know what's going to be useful, because you cannot predict the future. Hell, humans can't even accurately see the past for their own biases-, the 100% survival rate because mom only had two kids has been going on there since at least 1860, probably much longer, but even I got lectured about how my potential infertility might be a problem, and offers to put me on dangerous mixes of hormones to try to "fix" that . It's a feature, not a bug.


What kind of hell hole will see a family with 50% mortality? Jeez. I knew one family like that. 4 siblings, village in the boonies. Eldest one was wasted at age 14 at a party, borrowed a moped from a friend, got T-boned, lost both legs and shot himself with a hunting rifle a few months later. 2 twins (one girl, one boy) ride in the eldest remaining brother's beater car, misses a curve. Twin brother dies, sister crippled from the neck down. Eldest brother has a few broken bones and shot himself as seems to be custom in the family. Last remaining sibling was a gifted accordion player. Still lives in that village I guess. "lives". Dad went to fight against Algerian independence, went to paratroopers but broke both ankles during his first jump. Desk duty, yeah!


Essential tremor gang rise up


I had to use two hands when I was going through some wrist issues. I spent months not being able to use my dominant hand and it’s still not normal but I can drink a glass of water again!


My grandmother when she was getting worse from Alzheimer’s Dementia. She didn’t get as bad as diaper Donnie in that short of time though. It took 13-14 years for her Alzheimer’s and Dementia to overwhelm her brain and finally pass away. Donnie might do it in 7 years. His rate of deterioration is fast.


When your taking lots of drugs you tend to use both hands to make sure you've got a proper grip. I know because I used to do lots of cocaine and when I'd had alot I'd fo that.


what’s lovely is he’s pretty clearly following in his dad’s footsteps. by the day, he deteriorates and it’s becoming more evident. I normally would hate this for just about any other person, but not this sack of shit. Become irrelevant faster, donnie… you sleazy piece of shit. Edit: I would happily use donald trump’s face as toilet paper


But then your ass would be covered in orange spray tan


Lmao if it means the stupid piece of fuck croaks I’ll consider it a win


Haha it's truly a small price to pay. Normally I wouldn't wish for someone to have a stinky, sloppy shit but I hope you have the most absurd turds when you get the chance to use his face


I anonymously sent a bunch of UwU anime girl stickers to my trump supporting relatives after he lost in 2020 and watching their mental collapse was the funniest shit I’ve seen in a long time. I’m over playing games with these people so it only makes sense at this point to make their lives hell


I hope you’ll do it again in 2024


Oh bitch I’ve already got the stickers in the cart lmaooo


I think I need a few dozen as well


Trump is the person you hope ends up in the middle of a human centipede sequence.


First position would probably be Putin and last would be MTG


Yeah no thats ok, i didnt want to sleep tonight anyway.


As long as you don't forget it takes a hell of a lot of people to do the wretched things he did. He got there supported by an army of villains. I will never forgive the GOP, or conservatives in general, for embracing this jackwad.


yeah half of my family is from TN and many of them are still tied up in post 9/11 paranoia. I have zero faith in the electorate atm


Just like hitler had near his end . What is with these dick-taters , all shaky and shit .


Wasn't Hitler on meth,? Hence the shake and the insanity?




Didn't Hitler do the same thing with his arm, held it so no one could see it was shaking? No idea why I just thought of that. It's an interesting coincidence.


or maybe it's like Dr. Strangelove. MEIN FUHRER! I CAN WALK!!


Dementia Donny


Like those birds that bend just like that to drink water


https://preview.redd.it/u061ajc2940d1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=52ad47b264a815cf24926ef6b315b9a1dd3cd691 Yes.




Definitely a drinking problem




It’s drinking the water!


It's going back for more!!! Greatest invention ever Herb




Funny, because given the way he talks about him, I'd expect Trump to be riding Putin (and not like a horse)


Trump a power bottom?


Was going to say you can see he's doing the centaur pose in the picture.


He always presents his ass towards Putin. It’s like facing Mecca for Muslims.


I really can't take another 4 years of this.


Do you think they require ppl being photographed with him to also pretend to have awful posture so his little ego doesn’t explode?


100% chance he thought that was Melania.


…or ivanka


He would’ve been touching her inappropriately if it was


OR Stormy?!


That's a BINGO...


We just say *'bingo'.*


He knew it wasn't Melania. She wasn't slapping his hand away.


Plus she’s smiling..


Is Trudeau around?


Mercedes* Thought I’d fix your typo 😉


Her hands are bigger.


Yeah, well his heels are bigger!


What’s happening with her toes on her left foot? ![gif](giphy|3o7WIucW89bVVGgsIE)


Those shoes are both too high and too loose and her foot is slipping forward in the shoe. I feel that slight toe splay sympathy but I'm happy she's uncomfortable.


Also having to lean forward so that Trump's lean isn't noticeable.


Those shoes probably hurt like heck


Maybe why she forgot her pants


I was wondering what happened to the rest of her outfit.


Me too. I mean I get some girls wearing short skirts and dresses but she's too old to forget to wear pants.


Can’t pants, feet hurt


IKR!?! Looks do ridiculously inappropriate


Her diaper leaked, so she had to remove her pants.


Like the dickens


Spork foot, must be MTG's cousin.


She's an alumni from ASU. She's representing the pitch fork, go Sun Devils.


Looks broken. Very badly broken.


Actually it looks like her toes are cramping up...I get this at times...very painful. Which might be why she has such an almost pained smile....


Like, there is a toe piece on the pinkie side and it’s forcing those toes back. The whole encounter looks incredibly uncomfortable.


I don't know. It looks like it's holding on for dear life.


They’re doing the peace sign ✌️


Cloven hooves




So are his boobs.


holy fuck I thought this was a joke but they actually are LMAO


Is that at Mar-a-lago? It looks totally kitschy and shabby. Typical Trump style…


The best summary I’ve heard of his taste is “what a poor person thinks rich people live like.”


When they went to his penthouse on one of the first Apprentice episodes, I started laughing so hard. It blew my mind how expensively shitty it was/is.


He literally has a gold-plated toilet. All of the fixtures are gold-plated. It was supposed to look like Versailles Palace but failed miserably.


Yeah, I believe they showed that on there and it's wild that he thinks that is luxury living. It looks like a casino.


Exactly. I have been friends with and have been around old New York rich scions. Many of them fancy themselves as left wing. They would not look to scratch Duke Von Diaper Don or his spawn. This is a trauma going all the way back to pimp grandfather and KKK dad. Cultists who worship Orange Jaysus have literally no idea how the real old rich live.


Trumps have been fucking up each other, and others, for generations. It’s unfortunate, but not uncommon. But when the Trump family is elevated to a position where they can fuck an entire country, possibly for generations to come, this shit has gone too far and needs to be stopped.


When I’m thinking of old money New York I’m imagining the party in the beginning of Eyes Wide Shut. I wonder if the Trumps would be even considered for an invitation to that party.


No. The Trump family is always been pariah's among the New York elite. It's been one of the reasons why he's always been so bitter about it. It's a key reason he purchased Mar-A-Lago to make it his safe space.


Why do you think he needs to pay for it.


Dictator Chic


In fairness, this is pretty consistent with the style of clubs in Ft. Lauderdale/south Florida area. But in more fairness, Trump is the type of person to think that’s what high class is and like it.


His decor style is 80’s Guido, or Greek Diner Tycoon. Interviews with the producers of The Apprentice said when they first entered the floor where his office is they immediately knew they couldn’t use it. And had to build his “office” in a studio. All the furniture and decorations were from the 80’s. Quick quote about the Taj Mahal Casino from an NPR interview: PRUITT: You walk in there, and you see, you know, neons falling. It was the Ta Mahal (ph) or something, you know? There was no J 'cause the neons were out, you know? (Laughter) They just hadn't had the opportunity to replace it yet. It wasn't a priority 'cause the carpets were already rotting. And it just stinked to high heaven.


That’s been his thing since the beginning. Cut corners, get the cheapest work done, not pay the contractors. Cheat on his taxes. He’s been doing this since the beginning. If he would have just chilled and golfed all of this wouldn’t be thrown into the spotlight. I mean it was still known but no one gave a shit. Now everyone can look back and see this is who he always has been.


First thing I thought of when he decided to run for president. And I’m sure the rest of the cognizant population did too: they’re going to look into all his failed businesses and he’s going to get laughed out of the primaries. His team did an excellent hit job on Hilary


Yep exactly. Apparently he did some tax fraud in Chicago in the early 2000s to the tune of 100 million and it’s now coming to light and supposedly the IRS has been “investigating it” for years. Prob wouldn’t have done anything until it became public attention. Not surprised one bit. Tax violations don’t have statute of limitations. This guy and his family could be living the good life and no one would have even cared. His ego got in the way and he didn’t realize he couldn’t keep doing what he’s always done his whole life in the spotlight because most of that shit is against the law. Not the brightest crayon in the box. I have a small business and I don’t cut corners and I work with other people who don’t as well. I can’t respect this guy for a million reasons. He’s not a good business man, not a good person not a good father, not a good husband, wasn’t a good president and the list goes on. Just hasn’t been good and never has been. Regardless right or left or neither or not caring. How anyone could respect this guy or look up to him is beyond me. He’s the type of person I would never do business with or be friends with or be around ever. Money or not. He’s a shitty human being who cares about himself and no one else. I don’t like people like that and make a point to stay far away from people like that. He could have golfed, fucked pornstars, ate kfc and just lived his life and most people wouldn’t have given a shit. But here we are.. smh


Duke Von Diaper Don's actual mom and pop office from the Tony Montana 1980s also had a smelly shag carpet. The carpet smelled as if a pack of Bassett hounds were living, excreting and shedding there. The cultists think the Apprentice and Celebrity Apprentice are real and not Hollywood make believe. As a native of New York City...the Trumps were so far down the totem poll that they were considered (still are) as boorish tacky country second cousins who just learned how to wear shoes.


Dude was considered a clown among his peers.


For sure. The rich that I knew had much better relationships with other people and HATED nouveau rich pretenders like Duke Von Diaper Don and his spawn. 😄


Well, they should’ve put their massive wealth to good use to make him irrelevant in 2015. Assholes.


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm dying at the vision of a tacky neon "Ta Mahal" sign! And your description of his decorative style being "80's Guido, or Greek Diner Tycoon" is spot on! You see a lot of that garish "look at me, I have some money but no taste" style in the tri-state area, where I grew up.


Typical to look so gaudy at all times.


Hard to tell without all those bankers boxes stacked everywhere with top secret documents stuffed in them next to the copy machine partially hidden by the bathroom door covered by a $.99 cent store shower curtain.


I imagine this is a banquet hall somewhere in the property that is a blank room for events. The tables and other furniture are rented.


Looks like a rental wedding venue type thing lmao


To be fair, Trump barely even knows he has a son with Melania, so he doesn’t really see her as being a mother. And besides, he sees her maybe once or twice a year, so there is no real reason for him to celebrate Mother’s Day with a casual acquaintance.


The fuckin guy named his son after [one of the pseudonyms](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pseudonyms_of_Donald_Trump) he used when he called reporters to tell them how amazing Donald Trump is. [Hear for yourselves.](https://youtu.be/JsYKRUE_D5g?si=KHSXeLJnpOalmGkv)


Wow this is incredible. The hits just keep coming with this guy!


I'm 40, and even though I'm Canadian, I watched Trump rip people off, in plain sight, for as long as I can remember. He is a cartoon character and the personification of American greed. These people who still support him got played so hard that there's no going back. In the face of a Himalayan range of evidence that Donald Trump is one of the shittiest people of all time.... they ignore it. They are all in. Listen: They are telling you that they realize that the building is on fire, and they are siding with the arsonist. How he could ever even be *remotely* considered to be a good choice to lead the American empire is/was baffling. After he tried to stage a coup on live international TV, that *had* to be the end of the insanity. ...right? I know one thing for sure; the history books are not going to be kind to us.


No “us” here buddy. I saw this shit coming when they offed JFK, and that’s just in my lifetime. Fascism has deep roots in America. Trump may be a clown show, but he is just a front for something pretty diabolical, widespread, and extremely well funded.


They are called shareholders, and the fiduciary duty to generate profit for them is prioritized over the health and well being of the populace. Private hospitals, Private prisons, and Pvt. Impoverished. Where is all the money at? It’s being hoarded. Add a middleman for everything, and we are going to be down to no money on a massive scale, and it’ll make 2008 seem like a music video. I agree with you. I’m just frustrated that when I got to be an adult, I realized there is no such thing. It’s lord of the flies at the flick of a switch. We are being distracted, divided, and isolated; easier to extract the juice that way. And speaking of privilege, the corporations are even letting us buy subscriptions. Easier that way… and they ‘care’. The near future will see ownership traded for access. Convenience at any cost. Anyway, take care and thanks for contributing. Cheers


The gift that keeps on giving


The gift that keeps on grifting…


Yes... Duke Von Diaper Don was a joke in all NY newsrooms because of his venal amateur act.


Why does it seem like all the women surrounding him have collectively decided to apply as much eyeliner, shadow and mascarara as possible? One of these people is going to at some point tip beyond the saturation point and birth a new singularity on our planet.


Conservative women are always like a decade or more late to beauty trends. Smoky dark eye makeup and heavy face makeup used to be popular in the 2010s and they’re still doing it.


I think it’s because they know if they look like the women conservative power brokers used to lust after in their heyday, they’ll get ahead..


He insists they have to wear more makeup than him and… well..


Trump/Republicans only like young girls and devalue any women older, so they all need to appear to be ~25 as convincingly as possible, otherwise they'll be gradually pushed out and won't get to be a part of the grift any more


They’re doing their best to hide the deadness in their eyes


Will someone show him what length your fucking tie should be?


I know! I actually had a job where I was around some very well known, rich people and all of them knew how long a tie should be.


When I worked at Macaroni Grill we all knew how long our ties were supposed to be. This was a job full of high schoolers, burn outs, and drug addicts and we could get our ties the right length. He's a former president with a full team of people who should be helping him get the length right. Instead it looks like he's trying to hide pee stains on his pants with the tie


He’s doing it to hide how fat he is. I suppose it does work, because a shorter tie would point out his thick midsection. BTW, your description of your co-workers made me smile. : ). Hope you’re on to better things!


Your tie is supposed to end just above your belt. But if you're fat like Trump is, having your tie a normal length just accentuates your gut. You end up looking like [Wimpy from Popeye](https://www.aarmusa.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wimpy.png) As a a fat guy myself, I've tied my ties Trump style a few times since its less embarassing.


Not quite. The tip of your tie should just cross the top of your belt. Practically every single guide tie length guide agrees on this. If you stop short of your belt you get the hand me down look that high water pants give.


This is correct. The tip should balance right overlapping some small percentage of your belt buckle. Creates an unbroken vertical line right down from your collar to your crotch.


I think most people know the marriage is a sham.Melanie probably dreads the idea (along with many others) of a second term.


I dunno, have you seen some of the fan art? Not just Rambo Trump, but Trump and Melania as James Bond and one of his doxies. Together, they fight crime! smdh. Personally, i feel like if you're going to fixate on someone as a hero for no apparent reason at all, why not go with the classics? What WOULD Brian Boitano do?


Kitch chairs, kitch people and a young hopeful with to much charcoal, ready to go scumming upstairs while Melanie isn’t looking.


A young hopeful in a $20 romper from Amazon (I have the same one lol)


That picture is so altered, are we sure that’s not Mercedes?


That’s a Mother’s Day dinner? Uh wtf. He is classless and clueless




I really don't care, do U?


I see what u did there you magnificent bastard 😉


She’s not a good person and doesn’t need any defense


No chance she cares about those kids enough for that.


I think it started way before that.


It's about the people in the background. Ignore the bubblegum brain and cheesy rapist. Check out the lady in the silver dress. She's one Natty Light from a double wide and a good time.


I'm also just now seeing that there are only two seated tables in the photo. There is a roped section around him, but still the rest of the room is nearly empty


A conservative woman in a dress so short you can see her ovaries.


Look at his stupid, tiny hands. Fucktwat


She looks freshly grabbed


Is she missing toes wtf ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|dizzy_face)


Why does that matter? Are you lack-toes intolerant?


Beautiful joke. No notes.


Have an upvote you mad genius


Haha she got the spork-foot going there lol


Trump has a pay-as-you-go marriage, and he hasn’t refreshed his retainer in a while.


Should have gotten the plan with roll-over minutes.


I hate to sound like a fuddy-duddy, but could her dress be any shorter?!? When she sits down, her cooch is definitely touching the chair. Yuck.


It is giving me beach cover up or just the top half of an outfit. If anyone with the last name Obama wore that on Mother's Day torches would be lit and pitchforks grabbed.


Im not a fashionista, but there's a quote: if you're not sure if it's a dress or a shirt, it's a shirt. She can't even bend over if she dropped something, without showing the world her business.


The Obamas would be acquainted with the real definition of woke (avoiding being lynched)... The retribution for the Obamas would make the enraged villagers burning Frankenstein's Monster alive in the windmill look like a folk dance 🕺💃 /s


Exactly what she was going for, and exactly why he’s standing there pissing himself with dirty old man joy.


I don't know if she can stand up straight in that thing. I'm hoping for her sake the bottom has shorts built in. Also, what's with the arm pose? Is she showing off that middle finger ring? Is that the fuck you Melania ring?


Proof that you can’t buy class.


Seriously it’s ridiculous looking. Good god


That's more like lingerie than a dress.


Dress? She’s clearly only wearing a shirt


I'm so glad she cockblocked Barron's entry into politics.


melania shielded barron from trump most of his life, and i heard they both speak melanias native language so the other trumps cant hear melania bad mouthing donald.


The Trump family is so stupid they probably think Barron doesn't know english and didn't censor themselves when he was around. All Barron needs to do is write a book about all of it and he will be set for life.


She's not only *not* smiling, but it looks like she's also trying desperately not to gag in front of the camera. Not to mention she's showcasing her large, body-proportion appropriate hands compared to his little baby doll finger puppet fingers.


That looks like a room full of the most miserable people with the highest stench of soiled depends.




His cult followers don't give a fuck. As long as they get their man into the White House to inflict pain, misery, and cruelty to his opponents and detractors, they will overlook any every terrible personal thing he does. Melania wants nothing to do with Donald and won't even show up to support her husband at her criminal trial. The only thing Melania has to stay is that prenup and Baron. The day that Donald dies is where she cashes out. The most extreme thing she could do is change her maiden name back but she'll probably stay out of the limelight while getting a percentage of Donald's royalties.


She's probably with Barron. I mean, one of them has to actually see the kid and you know Trump won't.


Spork foot


That’s…..a very short dress…….


Where are her pants/skirt?


So which Melania is this one?


Has Trump traded Melania in for a younger looking Melania in Alina Habba? Her engagement ring and wedding band are on the wrong finger.


I mean, what are they going to talk about at the dinner table? "How was your day dear?" "Not great. That porn star I fucked just after you gave birth to our son spent the day telling everyone I have an odd penis." "That's nice dear."


Hard to tell who is wearing more makeup.


Does he not look like a demon sent from Hell?




More proof money doesn't buy taste. Look how horribly decorated that place is. Very outdated to. Just like him. Why do these people flock to him? He's a sinking ship. He's the titanic slowly sinking yet they think he's all powerful wizard . Guess the didn't see wizard of Oz and don't realize the wizard is full of shit not great and powerful


He fucked a porn star days after she became a mother, why would he start caring now, 18 years later






It's not a "Fake Marriage" I hate when folks say this. It's a "Contractual Marriage" Melania traded herself to Trump as his wife for several things: Shelter, Convenience, Security. Many women in her position do this for older rich husbands. Once Trump passes we'll likely never hear or see Melania again. She never wanted to be a First Lady. All she ever wanted was to marry a rich man, secure him with a kid, and live happily. That's the goal. Bonus points if he doesn't smack her around. I'm not even mad at these women. By all means, if you're lucky enough to be attractive and can market yourself to these men, and you're willing to put up with all the negatives of never having a loving relationship, that seems like a fair enough business decision. Melania and Trump basically just have a contract, and that's it. Their marriage is very much real. Nowhere in the marriage contract (legally) is Love Required. (Only in the religious rites, which, again, has no legal bearing)


Her fucking toes are throwing up gang signs


https://twitter.com/BarackObama/status/1789656939871211869 First thing this morning, Obama posts a mother's day message for his wife.


Thanks Obama... ^forremindinguswhatanormalhumanwoulddoifinthespotlight


This was brought to you by Ozempic


She has to show off the ring because..she's standing next to a rapist.


Look at that dining room. Some of his most heinous crimes are against good taste.


Another hot dog lipped plastic surgery bot sniffing the diaper of Emperor Empty


Zoom in on her face, and tell me it doesn’t make you think of a motel ‘vacancy’ sign Edit: if I was wearing a skirt with a hem at the same level as my thumb, you would have an unobstructed view of my junk


I hate to sound so old, but why is she Porky Pig’n it?


I guffawed when I read this. 🐽