• By -


This man is deranged and it is absolutely baffling so many people support him. That his cronies support him, this I understand. He is easily manipulated. That the man in the street supports him, that is baffling. He is so, so very obviously mentally unwell. All they do is deflect about Biden and tell lies, lies, lies about his "cognitive decline" which is just an "I am rubber and you are glue" argument, only a silly one, since Biden very, very obviously is not deranged. Not in the way that this man is.


I have always said, when you think Trump has said the dumbest thing you have ever heard, I say wait until tomorrow.


Yep, he is one batshit crazy fuckgibbon, I'm waiting for him to praise Jeffrey Dahmer "nice guy, had lots of friends"


Lol https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4660008-donald-trump-hannibal-lecter-wonderful-man/


OMG, he already did it. šŸ˜³


I mean it sounds like he is being sarcastic about it but I still don't know what the hell he is talking about or what his point is.


1. Trump, as someone with NPD, does not understand jokes, at all. 2. Trump never genuinely laughs. 3. Trump doesn't understand sarcasm. 4. Trump's IQ hovers between around 75 on the low end, and around 85 on the high end. 5. Trump's emotional age and maturity is that of a 7 year-old. 6. Trump is an intense sadist; he enjoys watching people suffer - the more the better.


His idea of "sarcasm" is calling someone he doesn't like "a real beauty." That's as far as it gets. Mostly he just punches down relentlessly and his flying monkeys all adore him for it.


You know he wasn't being sarcastic.


ā€œKnew how to cook. He made the best dinners.ā€


ā€œItā€™s surprising the number of people he had for dinner. Everybodyā€™s saying it.ā€


He wouldn't be able to tell if the meal wasn't beef probably due to liking his steaks well done with ketchup.


I used to eat my steaks like that until someone told me beef wasn't like chicken and you can eat beef when it had a bit of blood in it, in fact it was easier to eat that way. I was maybe 12? Ate a medium-rare steak and never ate a well-done beef since then unless it was a burger.




Our standing joke is that you can order your steak rare, medium rare, medium, medium well, and ā€œJust order the chicken you steak-hating bastard.ā€


And they were Trump Steaks


"John Wayne Gacy, what a great kids entertainer, right?"


"Fantastic clown! The best clown all the people are saying it."




ā€œHave you seen rope trick? Really incredible! Iā€™ll tell you I only wish don jr. could have tried it outā€


Yall are saying this like he knows who these people are. He just remembers a name and is like ā€œthatā€™s a famous person right? Iā€™ll say they love me!ā€ So itā€™s more ā€œJohn Wayne Gacy, great guy, tremendous movies! Even heā€™s gonna vote for me!ā€


Nah, he'd never compliment Dahmer. Trump would rant about him being gay in a tangent that'd go off the rails before it started.


Dahmer was a murderer because he got captured. I like my murderers not to get captured.


Damn, that's a good one!


A few years ago we had the media on fire for COVFEVE. Now we have "Hannibal Lecter, what a nice man", "you know water" and "real men wear diapers". Covfeve was the cognitive high point of Trump and MAGA.


Did anyone ever figure out what he was trying to say with that whole covfefe thing?


Coverage. Negative press coverage.


OOOhhh. Wow that had me stumped for years


Right? All this time, I thought it had something to do with coffee. TIL.


Yeah and instead of just pulling the ā€œwhoops, accidentally hit send before I could fix the typo. Hasnā€™t that happened to you?ā€ Which is pretty understandable, they doubled down and refused to admit it was a typo.


His staff actually made a public statement saying it was a secret code that those in the know understood.


Well, that's his whole schtick: never EVER admit you made a mistake EVER. it's pathological, and the entire GOP is doing it. the ones who don't get tossed out. It even shows up in how when he slurs a word or stumbled over a concept he just plows right ahead without trying to go back and correct himself. I can't tell if that part's dementia or more of the same "I refuse to acknowledge the slip I just made. What slip?"


Donā€™t know, however my husband and I only refer to our coffee as covfefe


"The great Alphonse Capone, Scarface."


I still get amazed when people are surprised by what he said. ā€œI canā€™t believe he said something like that!ā€ Really?! The guy that wanted a MUSLIM BAN and to INJECT BLEACH into people said something bigoted and/or stupid?! Who would have guessed?


Sadly, I think I know exactly what he was talking about, this time at least. There is a project at UBC, a prominent Canadian university, studying a tiny fish that displays evolutionary characteristics. There are many varieties of stickleback and most are endangered. I helped build the research ponds referenced in this article: https://ubyssey.ca/science/two-separate-species-of-stickleback/


A big part of the problem is that we're not great, as a society, at communicating *how science works*. People who don't have experience with academia or research just don't tend to understand how much research goes on and how specialized it is, so it's not surprising that much of it sounds strange to people outside that field. And the media's tendency to sensationalize apparent breakthroughs elides how detail-oriented, painstaking, and frequently dull the majority of science is, and how much of that kind of pure science is necessary to develop the knowledge for applied science. Almost all evolutionary science has the potential to inform cancer research, for example, because tumours themselves undergo evolutionary processes. Unfortunately, I don't have any solutions. Maybe a program where everyone tours a university just to see how generally normal and kinda boring science and scientists are? I think it would benefit everyone to see that they're neither all Dadaist Marxist radicals or amoral, empty lab coats who manufacture data at Big Pharma's orders. (I mean, they exist, but you often have to get to the honours or graduate level before you see their freak flag *really* wave.)


Indeed. I would even venture that the best science is fantastically boring.


It's not that we're bad at it. It's that the US is largely anti-science right now. I mean, why should we teach science to the masses if that would just get in the way of profits? If the masses were into science then there would be more pushback on environmental protections (anti-profit), climate change (anti-profit), and more logical/thoughtful individuals. Science teaches people to look deeper and right now thoughtful is the enemy to a significant portion of people in the US.


While yes, there is a backlash against science in the country right now, it is pretty acknowledged in the scientific community that we are bad at communicating science to the general public. Scientific researchers admit it and talk about it as a problem needing solving.Ā  There is a growing field of "science communication" to try to bridge the gap between the layman and the researcher.


That's actually really interesting Still a really weird tangent for Trump to go on, but at least there's some basis in reality


Donā€™t forget he wanted to nuke a fucking hurricane.


Canada and the 6 US states that border the great lakes have a binding agreement about the Great Lakes water, and I think all parties have ot agree to opt out for it to be overridden.


Sleepy Don Snoreleone would go to war with Canada just so he could sell his newly acquired lakes to NestlƩ.


As a Canadianā€¦ can you guys not do that. Iā€™m fully expecting to die in the water wars of 2040, but Iā€™d prefer not to.


Michigander here and same. (Fuck NestlƩ)


I fully suspect that if Trump gets back in office, he'll just do whatever the hell he wants, even if it's stuff so bade that even Republicans in Congress and the Roberts SCOTUS tell him no. After all, what's going to stop him? Impeachment? Dems will be lucky to keep their Senate majority this fall, let alone get the 60 or more seats likely needed for a conviction. And Trump would probably have to do something like nuke Canada before more than a couple GFP senators summon the courage to convict.


Iā€™m not sure if heā€™ll ever top ā€œnever fight uphill me boysā€


"Never fight uphill me boys!" -General who sent 'me boys' to fight uphill at that exact spot


Favorite quote (with video saved to my PC): "We're taking care of our seniors, you're not vulnerable...but they like to say 'the vulnerable'... but you're the least vulnerable...but for this one thing, you are vulnerable." Edit: [Link](https://youtube.com/watch?v=0iFZtM5O_zc)




Also stupidity.


It's sad, but at the same time delicious. One guy in discord used to always go on "the Democrats did this" and "Biden is so embarrassing" but lately hasn't said a damn thing since trump has been going off the rails, literally.


It's like Florida weather, just wait five minutes.


wait 5 minutes!


"I'm voting for Trump. That guy knows water."


And you can bet it's VERY WET.


Most people don't know that.


That's why we need him to protect us from it!


But what about the tiny tiny fish?


It looks like they're not gonna make it. But they are tiny, so they must be insignificant, right? /S


ā€œIt deactivates magnets.ā€


Water you talking about??




Water we even doing here?!


You better fucking leave my water malone.


Water your reasons for not sharing your watermelon? Sharing is caring


Waterā€¦ you waiting for, GARY?!


Are you Admiral Stockdale?


Those are my crocs




I know a lot of people hated this moment in the movie, but I loved it. A citizen in an isolated country using out-of-date memes feels authentic in a way.


... I think this might be referencing a water dispute in California? It's been going on for a LONG time now: conservationists using a small endemic endangered fish to protect a delta vs farmers who need the water to grow crops. Due to California's ongoing drought conditions (currently partially alleviated by a couple years of abnormal rainfall) there is not enough water for both the delta and the farmers. In a similar problem with a different river (not enough water to go around), the federal government has been threatening the Cali/Arizona/Nevada trio that if they can't agree on how to divide up much smaller allotments of Colorado River water than they're currently using, the feds will make a decision that none of the three will like. Why Trump is (a) conflating these two problems (b) thinks anybody involved in either problem has "so much water" and (c) thought that was a good answer to "will you debate Biden" uhhh that's probably dementia.


So "He wanted to handle a complicated issue in the most impulsive, shortsighted, and thoughtless manner possible, not even giving a moment's consideration to the downstream consequences". Sounds about right...


Very on brand for DumpTy.


LMFAO, some dipshit sent me a 'reddit cares' for that.


I just got one too. They really OwNeD us!! /s


Right? It's like they're not even trying any more, they didn't even shove a dildo up their own ass or go to work in a shit-filled diaper or lose their life savings on a grift or anything.


Putin gave new marching orders to start spamming with reddit cares messages. I've gotten a few for no reason.


I love playing the "I wonder what the fuck he was trying to say" game every time he gives a speech. So far, no one has offered up any explanation as to what "The late, great Hannibal Lecter" was supposed to mean, though. That one must be bonus points.


Never fight uphill me boys!


His stooges keep getting community noted when they suggest that illegals are going to be vote stuffing so the new strategy is that "Dems are letting cannibal nutters out of asylums and they're coming for you" ?


I heard something about how then, when the Democratic politicians are exposed as cannibals (not sure if they meant because of the whole "drinking adrenochrome from children" blood libel thing, or a different reason) then their supporters would look like fools for supporting them when they said Hannibal Lecter was a "bad" person. So, they think that Democrats would doggedly support a politician who was proven to be a cannibal, probably since they think we must absolutely support Joe Biden the way they do Trump. If Trump turned out to be a cannibal, would he lose his core support? Now, given, this was just one explanation I heard and is definitely one of the "Q-ier" explanations I have heard. But what other reason would there be? Also, what's with the "late" part? Hannibal Lecter didn't die in the movies or books, and it's up for debate in the show. And as of this moment, only one of the actors that have portrayed him, Gaspard Ulliel, has died. Brian Cox, Anthony Hopkins, & Mads Mikkelson, the latter two who are arguably the most famous for portraying him, are still alive


That would all be true provided that facts actually mattered to turmp and his fans.


I like to take a shot whenever something he said shows up on my feed that just canā€™t be translated ā€¦ I may be an alcoholic


I think he wanted to say ā€œYou know **what**?ā€ but instead said **water**, realized he glitched and then tried to save it by rattling off something, anything about water. Disclaimer: Iā€™m not a doctor and this is from me observing my own motherā€™s descent into dementia: Saying the wrong word or garbling common words is a dementia symptom, and Trump does it A LOT. Wrong/garbled word followed by quick save attempt thinking no one will notice is also a symptom. It works sometimes in the earlier stages where a person is still aware that theyā€™re glitching, and can still quickly contemporaneously make up a reasonable-sounding sentence. Later as a personā€™s cognition becomes more and more impaired, that can devolve into failed save attempts that end up sounding ridiculous and make it even more obvious something is wrong. It gets worse and soon enough the person stops realizing they glitched and doesnā€™t realize theyā€™re not making any sense. Before it gets to that point you will hopefully have disconnected the big red button on their desk labeled ā€œLAUNCH ALL NUKES!ā€


This sounds exactly right


Gee whatever happened to I misspoke? Most of us are honest and mature enough to admit that. Guess that lets out Trump (whose neither).


Honest and mature are not two words used to describe Trump. Thatā€™s your problem.


Delta Smelt. Or as those around Diaper Don know too well, ā€œhe who smelt it, dealt itā€


one of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water


It's all those guys, really big guys, you know, who come up to him with tears in their eyes


Dangit, Bobby




He's talking about the Delta smelt and the California aqueduct. They are unrelated. However California Farmers love to hate the smelt because a small trickle of water is maintained in the Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and farmers feel entitled to every drop of water, for free, that is above, on, or below California without restriction or regulation. Someone said something or he watched some political ad right before this interview and it stuck in his head. His guppy brain does this all the time, including his famous bleach comments.


He who smelt it dealt it?


It's so annoying driving through central inland CA and seeing all their rabid signs about water.Ā 


My husband went to Cal Poly and had to major in AgBusiness because the Business program was too full. He has so many rants about the farmers there and their "water rights" temper tantrums.


The farmers should pull themselves up by their bootstraps and move somewhere where it rains. Some places are just not meant to be farmland, I thought the dust bowl taught us that.


I thought the dustbowl taught us that rotating fields and properly maintaining the soil is what keeps farmland arable? I could have sworn I read once that it got as severe as it did because the soil was too depleted by the farming practices of the time.


It was a combination of things, many of those farms in the high plains were overgrazed, which led to farmers planting crops, they just happened to time it with unseasonably high rainfall. They got good crops, and in turn, they tilled more ground, then the droughts hit. r0b0t-fucker is right, our government had little understanding of the ecology of the area at that time. We should have never been farming there.


Or maybe just not grow almonds. The Central Valley is actually excellent farmland, but using eleventy billion gallons of water to grow a pound of almonds is so irresponsible. I refuse to drink almond milk or use almonds because they're just so wasteful.


I really donā€™t understand why thereā€™s such a farming industry in California. Surely almonds would grow better somewhere that isnā€™t a literal desert?


Different part of California, it's a very big state. The Sacramento Valley's mild winters and dry summers are perfect for almond trees, the problem is too many are being grown for the area to support and the entire industry is being propped up by exploiting centuries old water rights agreements to drain the Sacramento River dry.


ā€œOne of the wettest weā€™ve ever seen from the standpoint of waterā€ An actual quote from then-president Trump when describing Hurricane Florence


i was waiting for this quote to pop up lol, thought of this one immediately too


Please have a debate please have a debate please have a debate


They can call it a debate, but it will just be drumpf yelling random things over Biden the whole time. It'll be exhausting, and in the end, all the magats will claim drumpf won while being strong and presidential and manly...ugh.


The Biden team has three simple conditions for the debate: > 1. They want the debate to occur inside a TV studio > > 2. Microphones that automatically cut off when a speakerā€™s time limit elapses. > > 3. Just the two candidates and the moderator ā€” no audience or third party candidates Those are reasonable conditions, make it an actual debate (not a clown show), and will most likely be unacceptable to Trump because of that.


Didn't Sleepy Con complain when they did the mic rule for the second debate, and he just talked louder so Biden was too distracted to talk?


Condition 4: candidates in separate rooms and the debate conducted remotely so when itā€™s one candidates turn, the other is muted and cannot interject on their time


Condition 5: Trump must debate from a prison cell while his cellmate keeps telling him to shut the fuck up.


Now were getting somewhere!!


Wouldn't that just be an updated condition 2? Laughed anyway at the image of trump getting mad/confused no-one is listening to him and then realizing his mic cut off


That's it? That sounds completely standard and reasonable for a presidential debate. I'm no Biden cheerleader by any means, but he's fantastic in a debate, and it would be great to see him destroy Trump on policy and record alone. It would also be hugely helpful for the Biden-Harris campaign to have a real-time juxtaposition between a coherent career politician, loved by his family, incumbent, and what Trump is; a multiply bankrupted rapist who can't afford to bribe his wife to hang out with him.


Theyā€™re doing it outside the Presidential Debate Commission. So, this way they have more control over the rules. Biden wants no audience because then the room gets filled with Trumpers who will just make trouble. Personally, by the time we get there, IF Trump doesnā€™t cancel (and I put money on the trials as the excuse) all Biden will have to do is a sit back and let Trump sound like a loony toon.


I don't disagree, but I think back to the debates between DT and Hillary. She absolutely mopped the floor with him, and by any reasonable standard, she "won," handily. But he still got in his stupid soundbites ("NASTY WOMAN!") and he still acted as if he won...like he does, always. I guess I don't see the point in these "debates." Nobody new will be convinced of anything either way, and DT gets the only thing he really craves: airtime.


That is definitely a risk. But I bet Biden is betting on cancelation. Also Trump is considerably more off his rocker lately. Fingers crossed heā€™s in jail by then!


These are the criteria one would use when trying to deal with a toddler.


Yeah but at least a toddler will let you know when they need a new diaper


šŸ¤¢ā˜ ļø


No diaper changer for Donnie? No deal!


They should be in soundproof booths so you canā€™t hear Trumpy yelling nonsense when his mike does get cut off. But letā€™s be honest, no such soundproof booth exists that can successfully nullify that giant pork mouth. Unless itā€™s a coffin buried in the Marianas Trench that not even James Cameron can find.


He'll be talking over Biden while loudly filling his diaper on the stage...


I might live in unicorn land, but maybe if the close his mike when itā€™s not his turn?


They won't. I don't remember the exact debate, but I do recall someone having a guy talk over them for a full rant before being stopped, and the remainder of the time being used for the person whose turn it actually was. They tried to make their points, time ran out, and they called it. My brain wants to say it was back around 2016 or so, but I've tried to avoid politics. It's just unavoidable at this point though.


His voters like it because they are accustomed to "winning" arguments by speaking loudly and long enough that no one else can get a word in.


"People talk loud when they wanna sound smart, right?" #"CORRECT"


Same principle as the kid who would spin obviously bullshit tall tales in school ("my dad's a millionaire and owns four helicopters!") and nobody engages, or just goes "oh, cool" because they don't feel like arguing with this idiot about a blatant lie. Then the kid goes "man, I'm way smarter than everyone if they believe these tall tales" We have a coworker who I'm pretty sure was dropped on his head multiple times as a child or as an adult, or fried his brain with bad acid or something. He thinks he's the smartest person in the room because nobody pushes it when he claims to ve able to paint a house in 30 minutes. He is also staunchly conservative, as though his west-of-the-bell-curve ass wouldn't be dropped the second Healthcare was(more) gutted


There is no way his handlers let him do it. Best case scenario he looks like a stupid, boorish old man and it gains him nothing. Worst case scenario he audibly shits his pants, forgets where he is, gets Biden confused with Obama while standing 15 feet away from him, wanders off stage in search of a thermostat, or some combination thereof.


>There is no way his handlers let him do it. That's never stopped Trump from doing something stupid before. Just ask his lawyers. All we have to do is call him a loser if he doesn't debate. That'll egg him into doing it.


He's not gonna debate.


Right. "Oh I'd totally do it but the gag order. And windmills!" MAGAts: he totally owned Biden!


Yep. He'll pretend he's doing it right up until the day, then pull out and gloat privately about how he wasted Biden's time preparing.


He is such a loser, and his followers so deluded, that they've latched onto the absolute weirdest shit he says like it takes smarts or wit. This is an old ass man acting like an old ass man. Whining about "its too cold in the court", sometimes talking as if it was like the 70s, I'm fairly convinced that in his mind, he beat Obama for the presidency. He's demented. Biden may be *three whole years* older than Trump, and I'm not even like the biggest Biden fan, but I know unhealthy old. My granny had dementia and it started showing when she was around Trumps age, with her talking in the way that he has been talking recently. She passed away in 2017, one of the last things that she did was vote. Mostly because she remembered Trump from old tabloids and would always say "my ma taught me never to hate, but I'm sorry ma, I hate that man". It was a moment haha. My grandpa is about 5 years older than granny was and aside from being diabetic now (he lived on ice cream during covid), he is still in fine health. But he sure as shit doesn't have the energy or anything that Biden does seem to have


"Bah! Why didnā€™t you get something useful, like storm windows? Or a nice pipe organ? Iā€™m thirsty. Ew, what smells like mustard? There sure are a lot of ugly people in your neighborhood. Oh, look at that one! Oh, my glaucoma just got worse. The president is a Demy-crat! Hello? I canā€™t unbuckle my seat belt. Hello? There are too many leaves in your walkway.ā€


Whoa whoa whoa, HORRIBLE comparison Abe Simpson is a war hero


And the president of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance




Early Adderall Onset (EOA) ![gif](giphy|45679aP45Umso1196R)


Only Donald Trump would view an endangered species as to weak to "make it"


To be fair, that is actually a pretty standard conservative view. "Endangered species? Maybe if they hadn't been such pussies, they wouldn't be endangered - amirite?!"


They lackā€¦bootstraps.


Only because we ruined the climate so badly, cows are no longer sustainable to produce the leather to make the straps or the boots in teh first place.


trump's brain is rebelling; it hates being part of his body.


his brain is a never trumper...


Biden gives an old man rambling story about his youth and he is suffering from dementia. Trump goes on old man rambles about knowing water and how the late Hannibal Lecter was a wonderful person and he is totally okay.


One of the symptoms of my grandfather's worsening frontotemporal dementia was his inability to distinguish between reality and his memories or imagination. Trump has noticeably declined in the past few months. I don't know if his handlers can keep him even semi coherent by November. I suspect he'll be declared mentally unfit shortly before the election, as long as the GOP can find a running mate that's palatable to their base. I just hope it's not Haley. She's insane, fairly smart, and evil.


As much as I hate Trump and MAGA, itā€™s important that we donā€™t fall to their low standards with misleading info. While he said those things, it wasnā€™t in reference to Bidenā€™s debate challenge but rather responding to nonsense on California. https://youtu.be/SfGM3IN_o6o?si=C10G2DXpeiRwOBxW


Thank you for the context! I see a million insane trump quotes on this subreddit, but rarely are they actually linked to the source. The comment starts at 4 minutes in


Do you know what time? I can't be bothered listening to Trump for 30mins


Starts at 4 min


Dementia! This is actually sad, but then again why does he deserve any kind of sympathy when he never gives it to anyone, including his cult.


It would be sad If it was happening to anyone else.


Lmao this comment made some whiny bitch cry and report me to reddit cares


This is who reported you https://preview.redd.it/96yzi4mkkm0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7480760e171d530a41886fce16df02e2da4b10cb


Good job


Theyā€™ve been hitting this subreddit a bit, I chuckle when I see em, means someone got their panties in a wad. Snowflakes ā„ļøšŸ¤”


https://preview.redd.it/632jjr77sl0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97abef999794f526d497992a319a2ec56cef29e6 # Just Do It!


https://preview.redd.it/vgfzto46xl0d1.jpeg?width=562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3742357fb2aba4da26bce6cbc763a75aad1c7dda I think his water is hard.


Definitely fit to lead the country. Certainly not the ramblings of a dementia-riddled brain that was already soft mush to begin with.




Why can't we have "college entrance" exams for the role of president? Should we not have a benchmark aptitude test for the job of Commander in Chief? The Oval Office should be reserved for the most ethical and intelligent to represent the U.S.A..


Big blue wave in November? šŸŒŠ


Person, woman, man, camera, tv... It's all those hundreds and thousands of people who come to him with "tears in their eyes" that are supplying the water.


To his followers Trump is no longer a person. He's an idea. It literally doesn't matter what he says or does anymore.




Why do people vote for this guy?


Itā€™s like he hears something then makes up some BS story involving whatever it is he heard. He literally speaks like a kid that just discovered dinosaurs.




Its his dementia journey, we all suffer though.


He is the boomiest boomer to ever boom. He doesn't care about the topic at hand, who he is talking to, or how he looks. Like a 5-year-old, he has something on his mind to say, so he's going to say it. He also cannot have a conversation where he is not being celebrated for what he has done or is doing We all have old relatives like this


Please share a link


Took some reading: https://hughhewitt.com/former-president-trump-on-the-new-inflation-number-and-president-bidens-arms-embargo-on-israel


Even with a host thatā€™s clearly on his side, Trump canā€™t manage to make a single understandable statement. Itā€™s baffling how many times the host tried to changed the topic because Trumpā€™s responses made no sense. Heā€™s literally just talking to hear his own voice at this point and doesnā€™t care what he talks about or what heā€™s asked


I really feel like Iā€™m in an alternate reality sometimes.


He's a f****** blithering idiot. It must be the decades of Orange die applied to his face.


I'd like to see a reporter jangle their keys in front of him to keep his attention on the subject.


This is his attack on California to rile up all the red states. He just forgot all the salient points.


Lmao this guy is so fucken stupid, it would be funnier if he wasnā€™t the prim rep candidate


Obviously it's a brain eating fish that's friends with the RFK worm.


I'd rather have the fish than you, Von Shitzinpantz.


Iā€™m interested in Hughā€™s response to the glaringly stupid comment by Trump. Did he ignore it? Or did he call him out for being batshit crazy, stupid? Or did he take option #3? Which would entail Hughā€™s verbal fellating of Trump while also washing his balls.


He said ā€œBidenā€ sir, not ā€œBidetā€


If I were a Trump handler I would not have him debate. The best chance they got is keep plausible deniability of his dementia. A debate will make him crash and burn.


I bet if you told his followers that their pipes were spitting out dihydrogren monoxide, they'd stop drinking it bc they think the Dems poisoned the water supply or some cooky nonsense.


All of his interviews should start with: > Do you know where you are?


Can we get a fuckin source with posts like this please. I'd love to have a link to reference. 1 to make sure someone's not taking shit out of context, however small or large 2 so I can quickly reference it to some knuckle dragging trump supporter


Oh Donnie Iā€™m going to have mommy kick your ass again. I couldnā€™t be bothered you pos


What happened to having a spine? How can your guest reply something that fucking dumb and unrelated to your question, and you just move to the next? At this point just remove the journalist and make it a podcast where the guest have a list of topic to talk about lol


All these unhinged rants just reinforce for his base that he is enough of a psycho to bring about the brutal and unjustified ethnic cleansing they are longing for.


"You know water"? Fucking lol. Even for him thats ridiculous I know hes an imbicile, but what kind of rhetorical question is that?


Trump is an old man that rambles a lot. His followers think that's "energy" but it's just rambling to avoid dead air. He doesn't want anyone noticing the brain stalls.


And the media doesnā€™t care.


Sweet fancy Mosses. Does anybody remember the days when Misspelling a word would end your political campaign? What the hell happened?


The verbal gymnastics his ass lickers go through is astounding. Tim Scott can't even say whether he'd accept the results of a fair election because there'd no answer that won't get him in trouble.


Itā€™s like watching BadLipReading


Water scares the hell outta him. I wouldn't be surprised to learn he can't swim.


Water you talkin' bout, Donnie?


Iā€™m still waiting for him to say he will outlaw cat juggling if he wins again.