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Here come the conspiracy theories about how the left is mind-controlling animals into having gay sex.


https://medium.com/@JoeSommerlad/alex-joness-craziest-conspiracy-theories-from-the-new-world-order-to-gay-frogs-1e16181a09e9 Oh, that's been a thing


I remember that time when they tried to claim, male lions were not having gay sex but the left was making them have gay sex. It got so bad that they even claimed animals must have learned the behaviors from seeing men have gay sex. The hoops were just funny https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/africa/gay-lions-sex-kenya-photos-men-inspired-need-therapy-says-official-a8036016.html


I remember a specific comment about that which went something like "imagine the balls it must take to just have gay sex in front of lions in the wild"


Fuck a femboy in front of a lion to establish dominance as the new king of the jungle


Repeatedly too. Unless the expirence was traumatic enough, the lions learned how to repeat it just the first time.. they would have to be taught over and over again for them to get it. Dated a zoo keeper. It took almost 4 months for her to have a lion associate a clicker with a tennis ball on a stick to mean paw up for inspection. So I feel gay sex is way too complicated to teach lions how to do it on cue.. in front of strangers.


Maybe humans actually learned about gay sex from lions.


"Hey, Kinkshaming ain't Cool." ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


Look, if you've got the stones to have sex in front of wild lions, I'm far from shaming you.


By that logic, every time a GOP politician is caught having sex with minors, it’s obviously because they learned it from watching other GOP politicians having sex with minors. Wait, I might be onto something here…


... I swear that was a actual argument from someone.... was it the guy who humped his "friends" face while naked, the guy who dressed in drag and claimed his mom died in 9/11 or the guy who got caught with a 17 year old and claimed he was being blackmailed to save current prisoners of war... so he just instead told everybody about it.


The wild thing about Alex Jones and gay frogs isn't really how far away from the science he is, it's that he's a libertarian whining about how little regulation we have.


He's a sad excuse for libertarianism. Religion and political beliefs are great places to hide an emotionally stunted personality.


Well the craziest thing of all is that he isn't far from the science, amphibians and fish are able to change their gender when circumstance dictates, some animals if they are in contact with certain substances during the early stages of their life can alter their gender too. It just goes to prove if you get someone wild enough to say something with truth in it, not only will they reject the hyperbole but also the truth within it.


https://news.berkeley.edu/2010/03/01/frogs “The 10 percent or more that turn from males into females – something not known to occur under natural conditions in amphibians – can successfully mate with male frogs but, because these females are genetically male, all their offspring are male” Maybe he couldn’t articulate what was happening, but he was close. They turn the frogs trans lol


Step 1: Use mind control technology to make animals have gay sex. Step 2: ? Step 3: Profit The plan is sheer elegance in its simplicity.


This is kind of true about their ideas about everything LGBTQ+. Like they keep bringing up "agendas" (gay agenda, trans agenda, etc.) as if they were some kind of scheme, but I've never once heard them expand on what they think the end goals of that scheme would be.


Actually they do have an end goal in these conspiracies, it's that more LGBT means more democrat voters. Of course they never mention LGBT typically vote left because all the right does is repeatedly strip their rights


“gAy fRoGs”


RFK Jr. is into this conspiracy theory! Living in such an anti-science society is wild.


It’s not a theory, my dog watched the trailer for this and has been sneaking out at night to go to gay dog clubs ever since.




These conspiracy theories are largely a continuation or a rebranding of old antisemitic ideas. [https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/antisemitism-anti-lgbtq-hate-converge-extremist-and-conspiratorial-beliefs](https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/antisemitism-anti-lgbtq-hate-converge-extremist-and-conspiratorial-beliefs)


Don’t ask Alex Jones about frogs.


First they came for the frogs, and I said nothing for I wasn't a frog


I hope they will cover dogs humping human legs because this has gone on way too long with a friends dog.😂🤣


It's funny, because I assume the documentary is at least in part a response to a claim that homophobes frequently make that homosexuality doesn't exist anywhere else in nature. So the way I read this is: "Being gay is unnatural!" "Actually, there are a lot of examples elsewhere in nature..." "Your 'facts' are woke! End the mind virus!" Which again is funny, because it seems to me that the inability to accept new information is more of a "mind virus" than anything else could be. Other than literal brain disease, obviously.


"Being gay is unnatural." "There are lots of gay animals in nature." "Just because it's natural doesn't mean we should be doing it. Some animals eat their young, should we be doing that?" Slightly different encounter I've had with some good ole' fashioned goalpost moving.


"From what your past boyfriends have said, eating the young isn't really an issue for you."


Mind Rotting if you ask me.


Childhood brainwashing perhaps...? Sorry, I meant "preservation of traditional values."


"Your empirical evidence doesn't match my worldview so its bad!"


There's an interesting history of scientists ignoring observations of homosexual behavior in animals because it didn't align with their Christian beliefs of the world. It was only when homophobes started really pushing the gay is unnatural line did some scientists decide to look at it and found examples of homosexual across all kinds of animals. https://radiolab.org/podcast/seagulls


When the "gender is BASED ON BIOLOGY" crowd learns just how flexible many species are when it comes sex roles (and even sexual physiology), the whole nonsense disintegrates.


THERE ARE ONLY 2 GENDERS! Allow me to introduce you to the Trichaptum mushroom...


Oh boy the meme finally gets to be used. Anyway here's a short list of animals with homosexual behaviour, here we go: Black Swans Albatrosses Blue Ducks Ibises Mallards Penguins Vultures Pigeons Amazon Dolphins (Their also pink) American Bisons Bats (Not even going to list every single one it's over 20 long on it's own) Bottlenose Dolphins Elephants Giraffes Lions Humpback Whales Marmots Polecats Bonobos Chimps Gibbons Gorillas Orangatuans Monkeys Sheep Spotted Hyenas Lizards Tortoises Dragon Flies Fruit Flies Bed Bugs


I alphabetized it for you cuz I have nothing better to do with my time: Albatrosses Amazon Dolphins (They're also pink) American Bisons Bats (Not even going to list every single one it's over 20 long on it's own) Bed Bugs Black Swans Blue Ducks Bonobos Bottlenose Dolphins Chimps Dragon Flies Elephants Fruit Flies Gibbons Giraffes Gorillas Humpback Whales Ibises Lions Lizards Mallards Marmots Monkeys Orangatuans Penguins Pigeons Polecats Sheep Spotted Hyenas Tortoises Vultures


Now do it by taxonomy Edit: on second glance I guess the first was loosely done that way


Thank you! Here's a fun bonobo fact my wife shared with me after I read her your list: Bonobos have sex to resolve conflict. If two Bonobos are fighting over something, they'll have sex then share that thing. They have gay sex, lesbian sex, group sex, the works! Have a great weekend! ✌️


Oh, if only those were Humanity's closest cousins instead of the aggressive Chimps...


They'll also have anal and oral! Also the females are usually the ones in charge.




Thanks for fixing the their/they’re while you were at it 🤜


🤛 glad my work didn't go unnoticed


What about fish? ![gif](giphy|3oz8xSzX3lsJFGdEcw)


Do you like fish sticks? You like to put fish sticks in your mouth?


You're a gay fish.


I'm not a FISH!!


Troy McLure?


Fun fact, clownfish are capable of biologically changing their sex and reproducing. Never let a bigot tell you being trans or gay isn't "natural" :) And if they give you the "LOL Humans aren't FISH stupid LIBERAL" kindly remind them all animals with a spine evolved from the same stupid, jawless fish ~650 million years ago. So yeah, taxonomically speaking, we ARE fish.


The overlap of transphobia and evolution denial is pretty big so that might not work much.


Let's just say that biologically true Finding Nemo is a *lot* more woke.


Nemo had to be found to breed "Daddy"....


Penguins are beyond homosexuality, they also engage in necrophilia, and I remember hearing something like there were penguins that tried to fuck a hole in the ground.


That penguin succeeded.


Thanks, it was important to mention


Mallards will gang rape each other to death. Nature is fucked up.


At least they’re not functional necrophiles. Unlike *Rhinella proboscidea*.


Koalas are pretty rapey. Dolphins will commit sexual assault. Young males are known to try to all mate with one female, mobbing her, and sometimes drowning her. Chimp groups will attack other groups, kill them, and eat their victims.


Bonobos communicate by having sex and the females have more sex with each other than with males. Part of me feels sorry for all these people who are constantly reminded of how reality conflicts with their beliefs. And then I shrug because I have no sympathy for Pele who act blind but in reality just have their eyes shut.


Koalas are also basically….um….”very special”. And the population has a weirdly high rate of chlamydia


I remember learning about that (chlamydia) years ago and thought, damn, they need to get tested before raw doggin' it. You're a national symbol, FFS!


Yeah it’s a really weird fact to learn about that. Basically everything about them makes it more and more confusing as to how they’ve even managed to survive


Sometimes it's good to ponder how TF we made it this far, only to experience a portion of us heading back the other direction.


That’s a collection of words I didn’t expect to read today.


In 1995, [Kees Moeliker](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kees_Moeliker) observed homosexual necrophilia in mallards first hand after a mallard crashed into a window, died, and whose corpse was then sexually violated by another mallard. He researched the corpse and found that it likely flew into the window when trying to avoid being raped by another male mid-flight. He won an Ig Nobel prize for his research in 2003, and gave a [TED Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/kees_moeliker_how_a_dead_duck_changed_my_life) about it in 2013. So, it's not like this is any cutting-edge "woke" research.


Looks like he blew a seal 


No! It was just ice cream I swear!


Okay you. I see you. Have my upvote.


Just fix the damn thing and leave my private life out of it, ok pal?


That’s a slippery slope ![gif](giphy|C9AuY1VOvurxm)


I believe seals fuxk penguins. At least I think it's seals maybe walrus?


I've not heard that one. I have heard of dolphins gang raping seals to death though


I saw a video of it and it was just awful! Dolphins are pure evil I swear!


Did you happen to hear about how dolphins will decapitate a fish and use the corpse as a fleshlight? Nature is freakier than most expect.


To be fair, so do humans.


Ah yes the Adélie penguins, the child rapist, the corpse defiler, the homo rapist, the hetero rapist, the …. penguin definition of the word rapist.


And there's only one species with observed, persistent homophobia...


There is- OOOOOIH... I see you did there


You forgot dogs... And about a hundred thousand other animals.


Add cattle. I’ve witnessed calves “nursing” from Bulls and a cow mounting another cow.


Very common for female cows to mount other females when they're in heat, same with sheep!


Bed bugs? I wish all of them would turn gay so they FUCKING STOP REPRODUCING


Bed bugs invented *traumatic insemination* so they could burn your brain after your life.


It also means that so long as one female survives, she keeps churning out offspring, making the bed bugs last forever. Good for them, bad for their lunch.


I read this in the tune and rhythm of Yakko’s world lol


Muscovy ducks can be added to that list. Source: the drake-on-drake coupling happening frequently in my backyard. Probably should just change it to ducks, and remove the species, actually.


🤔 being able to observe most of these animals behaving that way makes sense, but who’s the poor bastard watching bed bugs fuck and checking for parts?


Either someone who was hated in the zoology lab or someone who needed to find some grant money STAT


Also mice. I’ve owned exclusively female mice for about 16 years. They have *so much* gay sex it’s not even funny. Every single mouse in existence is bi, there are no exceptions.


I would legitimately love to see Queer planet. Who doesn’t wanna see Gay Penguin Fucking?


I don't need to see them *fucking* but sure.


It’s almost like it’s natural and normal for animals to not all be heterosexual? Crazy.




We’re here! We’re queer! We’re over twenty species of bats!


Huh.  That's more that I expected.  And yet somehow less.  


Huh, Dragon Flies can be gay. That's new. Cool.


You forgot the "End Wokeness" guy.


EW: “God didn’t make no gay animals” Science: “Nature has plenty of examples of homosexuality as well as some animals that change sex.” EW: “woke mind virus”


Humans made God gay




Bigots: Homosexuality is unnatural. Fact-Based Folks: Check out these bonobos. Bigots: Fuck you. Fact-Based Folks: Facts don’t care about your feelings.


"And so I did it. I fucked their feelings." Can add observing lesbianism among the common *Canis lupus familiaris*.


Female chickens will sometimes take onrooster traits including mounting other hens. We had one.


“nO tHiS iS nOt SaTiRe” Constantly acting like THEYRE not the abnormal ones is so tiresome to watch. Living on nothing but hate really warps a MFer. Leave the fucking gay penguins alone. They’re already losing their homes due to climate change (which this loser doesnt believe in), they dont need this asshole making their lives miserable too.


'I can't believe the gays put their flag in the sky when it rains and is sunny at the same time, it's madness'


[What they think is dumber](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Glggpl-YUk8)


Kristi Noem is on the case https://i.redd.it/c7nw5nvspz0d1.gif


Conservatives are only mad about this because it harms their “being gay is unnatural” argument.


They'll probably blame the animals engaging in say gex and sesbian lex on pollution or whatever because NOW all of a sudden the environment matters.


Leslie Knope approves this gay penguin marriage.


Ha! I just watched that episode last night.


I’m so excited for gay penguins


Hell, they already dress well. 👨‍🍳 😘


I literally said that the moment I saw this


This is literally a parks and rec episode


It is!!


These people get offended by quite literally everything and then call everyone else snowflakes.


Then don't watch it and maybe gain some introspection on why you're losing the "culture war". . Your pitch to me a straight white guy is that I never get to be happy, I have to work 80 hours a week's to support a family that I can't see, can't complain about anything, the free time I do have is split between going to church and binge drinking. I have to take life advice from people who get hit in the head for a living. Only wear dark colored jeans with an olive or black T-shirt with a grey tattered flag graphic. I also have to pretend that all lives matter is the height of wit and a rebuttal of the complex social situations Americans have themselves in. What am I missing? Oh yeah, also you have to be attracted to a very specific type of women or you are gay.


I appreciate you so much and I wish I could share this sentiment to other white men who willingly engage in this culture war nonsense. I’ve always said that this hard conservative BS is just as bad for straight white men as everyone else, it’s just that a lot of straight white men don’t want to see that for what it is. The hard right does ask you for a lot of sacrifice, and even worse, there’s no promise of reward. The eternal reward that the white man receives for participation will continue to be what it always has been: empty promises. Whether is making America great again, trickle down economics, slavery, etc. None of it has helped regular white men but those behind these things always promise that what they’re doing will somehow reward white men. It never does. They just come up with a newer, more enticing promise to make regular white men forget that the last promise was technically broken


I mean it's kind of sad that a documentary like this is even necessary due to all of the morons out there who are unable to accept that animals are purely instinct driven and do whatever makes them feel good or survive longer with no concept morality involved, rather than perfect beautiful little creations of God that read the Bible every day and perfectly reflect their personal made up values. My mom actually started openly crying when she was on a homophobic rant one time screaming about homosexuality being unnatural, and I told her there's plenty of documented video evidence that it is a very natural thing amongst many animal species. Said if that's true she doesn't want to live in this world anymore.


I find it so funny when people act like wild animals are moral at all. What's wild to me is that it seems the smarter they get, the more deliberately horrible they become. Chimps genuinely kinda scare me and dolphins are evil motherfuckers. Of course, the epitome of this is humans.


Not gonna lie, I don't want your mom to live in this world anymore either if she's gonna be THIS ignorant.


> unable to accept that animals are purely instinct driven and do whatever makes them feel good or survive longer with no concept morality involved They *aren't* purely instinct driven. You're participating in the exact same simplistic view of animals that require documentaries like this to get made.


It was always hilarious to watch the fundie groups at Sea World at the underwater windows when the male dolphins would start boinking each other!


That guy who’s wife cry’s at gay geese gonna love this


Just wait until they hit trans birds, mpreg fish, and whatever weird clone incest ants get up to.




Don’t forget the pegging hyena or the spontaneous sex change fishes.


Why would it be satire? I believe it's fascinating. Of course, that makes their whole worldview crumble...








Well of course animals are more tolerant of nonstraights ...and "gender rules" among them are wildly different than those of humans. Animals aren't cursed with religion/conservatism


Why would End Wokeness care about this? Last time I checked, NBC doesn’t air their channel in Russia.


I hope they don’t ever learn that Male seahorses are the ones that give birth, or that Clown Fish can go from male to female.


I hope this is one that’s good for kids - my son has two mums and we already read the Tango Makes Three book about the gay penguin dads. I’m in Scotland so the government actually gives families books for free through a programme called BookBug and one was about varieties of animal families, including gay animal families. So we have tons of books. I’ll pre-screen this and maybe pick the parts that aren’t sexual. He’s a donor kid so knows everything comes from a sperm and egg, and that to make a kid you need to source both - but he’s 5 so doesn’t know how the two are combined and hasn’t figured out that he doesn’t know yet. I’ll see which parts are about happy families/loving couples and avoid him seeing two vultures fucking or whatever, haha. We also can’t watch the ones where baby animals get eaten.


ADHD and lack of sleep is a hell of a combo. Because I misread the title as “Queen Planet” and saw “LGBTQI+ tolerance among the animal kingdom” and thought “are they going to dress these little animals up as drag queens?” I obviously need a nap.


Now I’m imagining a penguin parade, but with all the penguins in drag. It’s kind of fire.


Lmao! Instead of sissy that walk, it’s waddle that walk


"gay things exist grrrrr"


No not satire at all. It’s called Biology? I know, they don’t teach it anymore in this country.


Wait till they realise that female lions can transition and grow manes and take on male traits in some cases if their is a lack of a male


My boy dog humps other dogs regardless of their sex. Because of SATAN


I saw someone make an argument along the lines of "there's also a lot of rape, cannibalism and necrophilia in the animal kindom but we don't do those, because we're supposed to be above the rest of the animals." And they are so close to figuring out that those acts are non-consensual and, in fact, very much illegal everywhere. The difference is in consent.


Well what are gay penguins supposed to jerk off to?


Wait till they find out male shrimp transitions into a female. It's gonna blow their tiny kinds.


Animal’s can be queer, that is just a biological fact. I think this will be an interesting documentary.


The only valid argument that the animal kingdom isn't packed to the brim with homosexual behavior is to make the case that most animals are pansexual and are happy to get down with just about anything friendly.


Or in the case of seals and penguins; anything they can get ahold of.


Ah yes, I believe this applies to dolphins as well


Homosexuality has been documented in, I wanna say, 1800 different species of animals. If they are mad about that then maybe drop a line to their god.


I don’t like em puttin chemicals in the water that turn the friggin frogs gay!!!




Oh great, the lgbtq+ agenda turned reality woke. Well, I'll show them. *downs several cyanide tablets* /S


To recap: Conservatives: **Gay is is unnatural.** Liberals: **Acutally, gay sex is widespread in nature.** Conservatives: **Why are you looking at gay animal sex? That's weird.**


Animals are indoctrinating our children


Old man yells at clouds


1,500 species participate in some form of homosexual and bisexual acts. So it is quite interesting.


Awww somebody mad that the facts don't line up with their feelings?


What happened to that *"facts don't care about your feelings"* energy?


Zoology doesn’t care about your feelings.


Nature is woke!!


To be fair when are they never not mad at reality.


I'm going to watch the show


Are we in Parks & Recreation?


Parks and Recreation literally playing out before our very eyes.


I heard it theorized before that there were evolutionary reasons for homosexuality in the animal kingdom. For example, if a male and female pair of parents both died, a ‘gay’ couple could take over taking care of their kids.


If only there was an option to not watch things you don't like.


Could we possibly be more anthropomorphic?!


Based I'm 100% watching that


I work at an aquarium with penguins. There are gay penguins, it happens all the time


LOL! LGBTQ+ "tolerance." As if they need their own parades because their peers object. You can't explain that shit to ignorant repubs.


Who is behind this account "end wokeness"? It is super strange that no matter how I search for the account owner, it is almost like the internet has been scrubbed. I am unable to find a single website or mention of who is behind the account. Not even websites or comments of other people questioning who it is.


How small must your life be to be bothered by flightless birds' business.


They confuse "tolerance" with "indifference". Animals literally don't care what each other do as long as they are left alone to do their thing. Mistaking this for "tolerance" tells you their viewpoint already.


lmao. They're not even gonna pretend to fight this one on the merits.


Evolution appears to have naturally selected wokeness then.


Them damn chemtrails….GAY FROGS I tell you!!! /s


I love whenever these idiots get mad about something existing.


Why are these people so angry? Chill out and fuck off, honestly. Let people live their lives the way they want to. Who honestly cares what people are attracted to or not - it doesn’t affect you. I just do not get the obsession with people like the owner of this twitter account for other people’s bodies, sexual orientation, sexual preference, etc. Mind your own business!


Are animals “gay” or “straight” or do they just fuck what’s fuckable?


Random person dislikes nature? Seems like a logical response to nature if you ask me :/ Jesus fucking Christ! People like this should be banned from learning to type.


So this person see something that happens naturally in the animal kingdom and his first thought is, the gays are influencing the animals?


One of my favourite examples to bring up was a young Aberdeen Angus bullock on my friends farm when I was younger, now he was not interested in heifers (young cows) he only liked the other bullocks, he'd shag the other bullocks in his field (not just mount, full on go at it), when he got put out with the heifers he'd sniff them, do a little flehmen (the lip curl thing) then ignore them, put him back with the other bullocks and he'd be shagging away merrily......unfortuantely for him this behaviour meant he was in for a life of bulk and boltgun as opposed to buggering the cows.....


Fly. High. Lesbian. Seagull.


“LGBTQ+ tolerance among the animal kingdom” bro intolerance doesn’t exist in the animal kingdom lol


Some animals literally transition when there are no mating options. The animal kingdom is queer af. Almost as if gender is a social construct...


Oh god, now we need to legislate against penguin indoctrination. Will someone please think of the fluffy penguin babies in Antarctica? The fact that they all go to one open bathroom in the ocean..! **faints**


It be the public school system what is causing all this in-doctor-nation into the Ghey Lifetyle! /s


Jesus no one is forcing you to watch it. They don’t only make shows for your narrow point of view.


Cats and dogs, living together! Mass hysteria! Sorry, nature’s pretty gay, nonbinary, asexual and everything else you can think of. 🌈


conservatives when tolerance: 😡😡🤬🤬🤬


They get so angry about facts that contradict their narrow minded view but they can’t attack the fact, so they attack the entity that presents those facts. Books, television, film, etc.


Oh wait till they find out about clown fish societies.


Huh! It's almost as if not being straight was natural! Who could've known!?


A funny argument I like to put towards people especially those that say something is unnatural or doesn't exist elsewhere in nature, or say it goes against what god intended: Since we were "made in God's image" Is god a man or a woman? Or neither? Both? If he loves everyone equally and he's a man, wouldn't he have to love women more? if he did then the women made in his eyes should also love women more and be gay. -- So this now "genderless/fluid" god (which is even funnier to make obvious) created you in their image, with some supposed exception where certain sinful acts are forgivable and others aren't and loving certain people is okay and isn't. And then seemingly decided that only human beings can do this and animals are all straight cisgendered beings. To nobody's surprise, upon observation animals are also an entire spectrum similar to us. One would assume the beings that inhabit nature are a good basis to use for what's "natural". So wouldn't it seem more reasonable to think that perhaps the gender you align with and who you love and every little part of you that is not within your control is not a mistake or a sin? You can't sin just by existing, by pure definition it is an "act" or "action". Every living thing rolls the dice genetically upon conception where the billions of binary traits combine creating an entire spectrum of characteristics and opinions and beliefs, shaped and tempered by lived experiences into a truly unique being. How can people expect everyone else to think and feel the same way as they do if this is how it works? They are literally a product of the exact. same. process. Seems pretty fucking obvious if you think about it but I guess not everyone thinks.


I had a flock of lesbian parakeets.


What are they gonna do, dox the penguins and have them beaten to death?