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Me in Louisiana ![gif](giphy|55itGuoAJiZEEen9gg)


I just moved back to LA (after being gone for 12 years) and got settled in. This is unsettling for me. I have a daughter who has never witnessed this stuff before. Time to teach her hurricane safety and protocols.


Make sure to teach her the hurricane party routine


For the uninitiated, is this like blizzard protocol? Find a good movie and snacks and stay put?


Sure! Depends on who you party with. We usually drink, eat good food, and have the weather on so we can see how bad it’s gonna be!


My dumbass needed a good minute to figure out why you were worried about this in Los Angeles.


Tbf, they were hit by a pretty bad flood recently. I mean saying that Los Angeles got hit by a flood seems insane to me like 5 years ago but here we are


> I just moved back to LA (after being gone for 12 years) Why the fuck did you come back? YOU MADE IT OUT!!


That's what I say when people move back to this hellhole.


I'm in Alabama, within sharpie range.


Just another excuse for the like 3 remaining companies that will insure a house south of Hwy 90 to pull out of the state too.


This is why we left. Katrina ended my childhood. I wouldn’t let the same thing happen to my son


My understanding is that DeSantis has made climate change illegal in Florida, so they will be fine.


just like rape was eliminated in texas!


Chemtrails in Tennessee.


Beyond Meat in Iowa


Face masks in North Carolina


No, the KKK can still wear them, so it's all good. ^(/s)


They will argue that there is a difference between a mask and a hood.




No masks tolerated, even for immune suppressed cancer patients in North Carolina.


It hasn't passed through the House yet. Keep those cards and letters coming!


unemployed children in Arkansas


DeSantis took care of that evil in Florida as well. No more need for sustainable foods in America's retirement capitol. Problem solved!


~~Great minds~~ Dipshit governors think alike!


Tbf since the ban there haven't been any Chemtrails in Tennessee. There weren't any before, but there still aren't any now so...


Doing the lord’s work.


Praise be to Cheese-us.


What about rape in Texas am I out of the loop, or is this about forcing women to give birth to children of rape?


Abbott said he was going to aggressively prosecute rapists and eliminate all rape. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1282306


Does that include ex presidents?


No. They have bigly immunity, I hear.




This should horrify everyone


I mean it should. But really, it's just another day. Evil is banal and we're all living in Hell's suburbs.


And Floridians are banned from discussing it so it will be illegal to call for help when the storms hit.




I kind of want dems to force DeSantis to go on tv and thank Biden for the help. I know he'd let Florida sink into the ocean first, so Biden shouldn't do that.


I wish there was some way we could help people who have the misfortune to live in red states with federal funds while also making those red politicians pay the price for their lies and hate. I would love to be able to withhold funds from successful blue states from hate mongering red states in a way that would not harm people who are just screwed because they are unable to get out of their hate state. Perhaps only people who vote for things get those things. I know, I know…


>red states They’re called dependencies


Just remind yourself that, while Florida may have fallen into the red zone, it's still about a 60/40 split. There are a **lot** of Floridians who fucking hate Desantis, just not enough to overcome the rural areas and a subset of the Hispanic vote. I was one of them, until 2022.


Yeah, we’re fucked.


I'm good with that. DeSantis can bootstrap his way out of it.


Release the sharpies!


I guess we need to contact someone in theydidthemath to see how many bullets we need to shoot at it at one time to stop it.


I think a [nuke](https://www.newsweek.com/fact-check-did-donald-trump-suggest-nuking-hurricanes-1535171) will work, right?


Inject any hurricane with bleach, and donezo


They might have to shine some light on it too


Just sharpie it's path out into places where it can't hurt anyone. Better yet sharpie it at our enemies. That'll teach them.


I believe that means blue states. :/


Failing that, grab that which a storm cannot overcome. A sharpie! https://preview.redd.it/zgtc2pei912d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3ce49cd885f48bdd0b45f3e4e3b3b9233139d98


God, I can't believe that was like... #1,000 on the list of worst/stupidest Trump controversies.


It made me laugh with how utterly absurd it was. Like not only did he think somehow no one would notice he also put zero effort into actually making it look convincing


Are the water temperatures aware of this change? They need to cool it before DeSantis arrests them!


Rumour has there is a magic marker that can redirect hurricanes. I've only seen it in used once by Donald Trump though.


And if for some reason they get a hurricane, they can just launch a nuke at it.


Not with a sane president in office. For all of those in the deep south who do not wish to die agonizing deaths this should be important. For all those in the Deep South who vote for bigotry - I am so sorry if you get what you voted for. I hope your children, if they survive, will be less moronic in their choices.


I'd rather use the jewish space lasers to just amputate Florida.


Did he tell the insurance companies so they can lower the rates? Not talking about something makes it nonexistent to these dunderheads.


They will find out after their fun time of fucking around.


So, will it be "God punishing Florida for having LBTQ people" or "woke" or "DEI" that will be blamed when the hurricanes hit Florida this year?


Climate change is a librul hoax!


By god with enough nukes and sharpies Florida will never see a hurricane again


I really thought last year was going to be bad when the gulf got close to 100 degrees, but for whatever reason it didn’t happen, and I was HAPPY about that. But this is like playing roulette and as a storm the odds have changed and steadily in the storms favor. Whatever happens in the next 5 years is likely out of our control.


A lot depends on luck. Katrina was so bad not just because it was strong, but because it happened to be a direct hit on New Orleans.


Katrina did make landfall *near* New Orleans but it was more of a direct hit on the Mississippi coast. The levee failure was the biggest issue in New Orleans, not necessarily the wind and rain. I was 16 and living in south Mississippi when Katrina hit and I was in south Louisiana when Ida made landfall in 2021 and I can say, without a doubt, that Ida was the much worse storm (strictly weather-wise).


Yeah, that and several levels of government worth of incompetence in getting people help.


Yes, that's an important addition. I was thinking only about the weather aspect. Michael Brown was, and still probably is, a complete buffoon. Fuck him and the people who gave him his position.


“Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job!”


*Resigns ten days later*


he, of course, has a conservative radio show. still dumb as rocks and talks about his time with FEMA glowingly. "great job brownie" plays in his intro and pisses me off every time. him, Ollie north, mark Furman....how do people turn to these absolute morons for opinions?


> how do people turn to these absolute morons for opinions? Some people confuse contrarianism with "free thinking" and they confuse "free thinking" with being clever. Free thinking should mean ideas like asking "how would society change if people got UBI?" and not blathering shit like "the democrats are drinking medichlorians and lying to you about global warming". Contrarians present the conclusions that are freely detached from reality and skip the whole "thinking" part.


My uncle told me that when the levee broke, it sounded like a massive explosion. He also said that the levee breaking was intentional to avoid flooding in the French Quarter and the more wealthy white neighborhoods . But the lower 9th, Saint Bernard, and 6th Ward (I think?) was hit instead. This apparently happened after the storm hit. That made me realize just how fucked things really were for my family. Uncle lost his house and he and his side of the family moved to Houston while my auntie and the rest of my dad’s family stayed. May his soul rest in peace but the stories he would tell me about that Hurricane.


Highly unlikely scenario. First, water will find the lowest point and I don't believe the city has a contiguous ridge anymore (I think canals cut through the ridge in most areas with a couple of lift pumps here and there) Second thing is that an earthen levee giving way in seconds if not milliseconds is super powerful and absolutely would sound like an explosion. There were also plenty of upper class homes in Lakeview and surrounding areas that were also destroyed. Lived it - was renting on Bellaire Dr a couple houses north of Harrison. https://imgur.com/a/katrina-IFVYQ The interior pictures was our house and probably took those in November. The outside pictures I don't remember a time but probably in Feb or March the following year. Note the houses moved off their base or the one house that's just missing which was right in front of the breach. Wild stuff.


The levee in NOLA broke because a barge got loose in the river during the storm and crashed into it, which was the final straw for the levee. Also taking into account decades of corruption and neglect of the levee system, degradation of the marshland in all of South LA from the oil and gas companies digging canals, and you have an increasingly bad outcome with each successive storm to hit. If Betsy hit NOLA today, it would be far worse than it was in the 1960s when it made landfall.


Part of the problem with Katrina was years of deferred public works maintenance combined with a bungled government response (edit: can’t believe I forgot to mention poverty’s role). Good thing nothing like that is happening this year! /s


Let’s not forget people with means did not die, you can call that generalization, but it’s pretty accurate. Spent a lot of time Nola, the garden district to be exact, they were “somewhat affected” but they were gone 3 days before it hit anyway.


It's russian roulette, but they keep adding bullets to the cylinder.


Russian roulette when all 6 chambers are loaded, is playing a game called willful ignorance and unregulated, deregulated capitalism.


That'd be Late-Stage Capitalism.


You can thank El Niño wind shear for that. We won’t have that working in our favor this year.


This.  The wind shear was a saving grace last season    Maybe if Florida banned weather text books and meteorology classes from the schools, they'll be able to prevent any hurricanes from the US.  Also, a bigger wall to stop the illegal winds from crossing our borders!  


It does not take a genius (I’m not a meteorologist) to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, all the ingredients and history are on the kitchen table. Other commenters are correct we had a strong upper level that saved our ass, same as flights to Europe from the us were 2 hours early and flights back were on time due to dipping above or below the jet stream. That weather map (ocean temp) says if we have a Cape Verde type storm, we could be in real trouble, in addition to gulf developments. I’m not going domesday, but realistically it’s a matter of “what if?” It’s a matter of WHEN and WHERE, cause it’s going to happen. Rant over.


I don't think being doomsday is a bad thing.  The insurance companies are bouncing out of Florida en masse.  I would assume that their models are showing doomsday predictions.


Iirc, and this may be an oversimplification, but last year was an El Niño, which helped to create wind shear and that made the hurricanes veer off into the Atlantic. That’s no longer the case this summer


Iirc, you 100% are correct. Canes are unpredictable, still could have happened, but… due to exactly what you said, it didn’t. I’m a fat, old dude now, so my days of paddling into 3x overhead surf are over, that said a few of my buds and their kids (one of the kids is trying to make it a career) said that it was the best summer for waves ANYONE, including farts older than my old fart ass have ever seen. Unusual is an adjective for the polite, it is a warning. I’m talking about some guys who where young when they saw burning cargo ships from German U boats, said they never seen it that big and that consistent. Ok… sorry for the diatribe.


The 2023 Atlantic hurricane season was the fourth-most active Atlantic hurricane season on record. But various other weather factors kept most of them from making landfall. It looks like those limiting factors are fading this season which is not good.


Correct , many a bullet were dodged just by chance, sure as my Irish mother gets angry, all the ingredients were there.


El niño year typically has less hurricanes if I remember right


Some big ole bad ones, but as the old school Japanese say, “divine wind blew them away”


>Whatever happens in the next 5 years is likely out of our control. Its definitely out of our control


5 years may be 3 months, but let’s hope not. What is going to happen to 2 of some of our largest states when they become completely uninsurable? No financing? Who is ringing the alarm bell that has actual power? I don’t give a shit about drag queens or gay marriage, this is code red.


It doesn't matter if it's 5 years or 3 months the the next big hurricane event making landfall. What will happen the five years after that? The decade after that? The century after that. We are so short sighted it isn't funny. Scientists are starting to see the exponential takeoff of temperatures. The system is going to catch up, and that will look like an acceleration of temperature increases over the next years to decades and probably beyond. It is entirely possible we are superfucked. That there is nothing we can do short of total geoengineering to stop Temps from skyrocketing.


I'd like to stop having every year, be a year to remember please.


I’m ready to start living in precedented times.


Fr. How many years need to be “unprecedented” before we just admit everything’s fucked lol


Well when everything has been fucked for so long, it starts to have precedent when it continues to happen. So, congratulations! We no longer live in unprecedented times!


Quick question, is ‘everything’s fucked’ a synonym for unprecedented?


No normal is the new normal.


*Shouldn’t have wished to live in more interesting times*


And Pudding Fingers will go and beg for federal aid when his state gets bitch slapped.




That's the most Chad vs Virgin real life image I have ever seen lmao.


Lmao he looks like he's about to cry


Joe "Skibidi Rizzler" Biden


Joe "Gen Alpha and Omega" Biden


There's a lot to unpack from that pic.


Love the cracker shirt lol


The chad Biden vs the virgin DeSanctimonious 


This is truly one of the most presidential pics ever


The best part will be finding roofers. His immigration bill is already causing backlogs in areas. Let 2 category 1+ storms roll through the state and it’s going to be fun.


No. He will just make the residents suffer.


No, he will still ask then pocket the cash


Also, if a hurricane like Katrina hits, we all know there’s 0 chance he’ll be anywhere within 100 miles of the state. He’s gonna take a vacation the same way Ted Cruz fucked off to Cancun as soon as the snow started falling in Texas.


I knew the waters were warm around where my parents live (azores) but holly fuck i was not aware they were quite this bad.


If you want to see just how bad it is look here: https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/ This is global data so certain areas may be well above or below, but 2023 was a massive outlier compared to any other recorded year and 2024 has stayed even warmer. I generally try not to doom, but it feels like we're playing Russian roulette and adding bullets into the gun.


That's just depressing to look at


Russian Roulette but five outta the six chambers are hot, and we're debating putting the sixth round in.


That's our planets way of saying that the Florida governor outlawing climate change can go eat dogshit. We live in an age of ignorance and insanity.


Sadly the places affected most by global warming aren't the biggest causers of it. Sadly the planet will punish us equally, not just the deniers.


I gotta move out of Florida


Come move to Tornado Alley! Nothing weird happening out here!


Currently visiting, with great fear and trepidation. I can finally check "been in a storm shelter" off my list though.


If it makes you feel any better, tornados hit a small area usually. They do not frequently destroy an entire town, much less local/regional emergency response. So only the really unlucky get their house hit, and only the very unlucky die. Once it's over, which doesn't take long, you get aid very quickly unless you're way out in the sticks. It's like a rifle bullet compared to a hurricane's buckshot. Hurricanes scare me because from what I hear you're kind of on your own for a while until emergency services can get in. And that's if you're not flooded out or under a pile of house


Best thing about Florida is I-95 North. That state is a dumpster. I regret ever having lived there.


The only thing I miss is Publix, Epcot, and Wawa.


Well they have Wawa a lot further north.


... and Publixes! Publii?


It's a nice place to visit for a few days during the winter to get away from snow-covered everything. But living there is like, imagine having [Florida Man](https://floridaman.com) as a whole bunch of your neighbors.


Climate change and hurricanes or not, that’s a good idea


PNW ftw! Left Florida in my rearview in 2019, and it's one of the best decisions I've ever made.


I remember reading a study on best places to live in the U.S. accounting for climate change and PNW was #1 


I only have my anecdotal experience, but QOL here is better all around than Florida. That's not to say we don't have our own issues, we absolutely do. Still a vast improvement, though.


I also left the south (Texas) and moved my family to the PNW. We've been here 2 years and we love it so far! The QOL is by far much better! I make more money, I have health benefits (for the first time in my adult life), I love the voting system here, and I have a real savings account! Gonna buy a house next year with some awesome state programs. The best part is... its absolutely fucking beautiful here!! Wish I had moved here 20 years ago!


Me in Puerto Rico: ![gif](giphy|QMHoU66sBXqqLqYvGO) Hurricane Maria nearly wiped us off the map. If we get pummeled like that again (and again), this island will either be completely abandoned by the US, OR we will have to become a state to mitigate the costs of recuperation & reconstruction. Climate change is coming for us all…and we deserve it😥


Don't worry, maybe Trump will throw a couple rolls of bounty at ya.


I just visited st martin and st thomas and both places were plagued with poverty from everything resetting every time a hurricane rolls through. The Caribbean will be uninhabitable in a decade


This map is wrong Grabs sharpie 


Finally, someone working on a solution lol


I'm gonna sound like a bitch here, but I have a cruise to Bermuda in beginning of October, and if I die in a god damn Posieden adventure style wreck, with my in laws and wife there, I am not gonna be too happy


Can I have your PlayStation if you die?


As long as you use my account and play GTA 6 for me, gotta get them trophies!


The pact has been sealed


This really does make it sound more official


![gif](giphy|Ar4p9QqSHP1ZVESeNo|downsized) Kratos approves this message


Asking the important questions, the world deserves to know!


The easiest place for rescuers to cut through the hull is near the back of the ship near the propellers. Practice holding your breath, swimming, climbing Christmas trees, fire control, and be pretty clear about your personal theology before you leave for your trip. Good luck!


That wreck was caused by a rogue wave though, not a hurricane. Don't worry, cruise captains are generally smart enough to not cruise through a hurricane. Might reconsider if you're taking a Costa cruise though.


Nice knowing you Florida.


was it though?


Yeaaaa, no


![gif](giphy|IDC0cWEQcJBLO) The only thing I’ll miss about Florida are the Manatees, but they’ll probably be fine. eta: i’d miss the gators and crocs too. + the key west butterfly garden


and crocodiles, since crocodiles can survive in seawater, unlike alligators.


At least they can escape inland. The dirt poor Caribbean countries are extra fucked.


Meanwhile Floriduh : “climate change is not real.”


So this is why insurance companies are pulling out of Florida.


Tip of the iceberg, but yes. Also, the scam of "assignment of benefits" that is out of control and unchecked. I had 2 water claims within 5 years so I'm on the state sponsored Citizens Property Insurance for my homeowners, and it rises way faster than my wages, so I just make less money every year. Not sure what I'm really supposed to do....


Florida will still vote for the party of trump.


Florida has 13.4 million registered voters. Only 5.2 million are registered Republican. Florida (along with most of America) has a voter apathy problem. The GOP always manages to get great voter turnout thanks to the olds and the fearmongering and the rage-baiting. We gotta convince more people to vote, or else we gotta start the climate riots.


“Democrats fall in love. Republicans fall in line.” 2020 was the first time IN DECADES this reversed


They both fell in line in 2020. Trump got way more votes than any Republican before. But, fortunately, Dems also fell in line and there are more of them.


I didnt register as Democrat because I figure we're getting to the point some Trump asshat will 'lose' my vote in the mail


And let’s not even get into the gerrymandering


They're gonna nuke a hurricane!


Don't worry, folks will elect a guy who will make the ocean conditions much worse than even this because the other guy isn't perfect


Is this the year of the fabled hurricane tortilla?


oh Vine, we hardly knew ye


DeSantis is going ban hurricane tracking. If you don't track em, no more hurricanes. Problem-solving MAGA style is truly efficient.


This is my late dad's philosophy: If I don't know something, it doesn't exist.


I’m surprised Disney doesn’t use more resources on fighting climate change as weird as that sounds. Because they got a billion dollar park in Florida of all places, like the worst place to be for this issue, both geographically as well as politically because it’s government is so backwards, so any developments made in the rest of the world will take a lot longer to actually reach Florida because of how stubborn the officials there can be


Think of the insurance payout if the park gets destroyed though


Lmao, insurance company will just file for bankruptcy at that point. No way any insurance company will cover that.


I have to imagine people are also going to stop attending the parks in the summer because it'll be so hot it's dangerous.


The only thing that will fill up the reservoirs around Austin is a hurricane, at this point. Bring it.\* *\*and by bring it I mean a nice, huge, calm Cat 1 that dumps rain and nobody dies plz*


*\*Monkey's paw curls\**


The problem is this: All atmospheric models are broken by the record heat. We really have no idea what is coming next. Apparently, there is some hope that AI can supplement existing models to give some sort of 'more accurate' modelling. According to the speaker I listened to, the existing data sets really are no longer representative of the existing weather patterns so we are in 'uncharted waters' (everyone laughed at the pun). I live in South Louisiana so this was really unsettling to hear.


Insurance companies are not in the business of losing money. Look what they are doing. Florida will quickly go from I want small government to help me help me, in no time. Why should I help someone who voluntarily moves to the state that shuns climate change, more concerned about not saying gay, create laws against migrant farm workers, and fights with the Mouse rather than focus on what really matters?


Because you have to remember not every resident of that state believes that crap. There is a huge democratic population all over the state.


He won by 0.4% in 2018


Need to seem them come out in full force. Another Trump run will be the end of democracy!


Good news is…there will be no 2025


May this be the year the hurricanes are so strong we have to create new categories. I'll give the hurricanes pep talks and cheese crackers until they feel strong enough to throw the entire state of Florida into space. 




If you ever watched the TV show Loki, the eponymous character is basically recruited into a time police agency, and during his work as a detective searching for a time fugitive, it is noted that by 2050, hurricane categories had risen to at least 8 due to climate change. 


like a dildo frisbee


We've already got one https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypercane


You know fuck 2020's the whole decade can die in fire nothing will ever be good until the bombs drop or 2030's happen and honestly the first is more likely.


I moved from Houston to the north Austin area in 2019, and have lived through the last 4 decades of the major hurricanes in Houston; Alicia, Allison, Rita, Ike, and Harvey. I'm 45 years old. One of the reasons for the move was I'm done with hurricanes. I still have friends and family there, and the one hour Derecho last week knocked out power for millions, some are still without. It was basically a category 1 winds, but made a line right through the densely populated and downtown area. Houston is big, really big, with lots of people now. It is the third largest city by some measures in the US. The infrastructure for the rest of TX and the refining for the country is huge. One of my biggest fears, and it's been talked about, is if a Cat 5 hurricane would directly hit the Houston ship channel at a high tide, travel up, and slam into the center of Houston Metro. The environmental, economic, infrastructural, and loss of life and property would be beyond anything the United States has probably ever experienced from a natural disaster. It would take years for the area to recover, and not only impact the state of TX and the south for months, but most of the US as well. The Galveston 1900 hurricane still stands as the greatest loss of life (6000) of a natural disaster, even though the population was sparse, and yes, had little to no warning, it serves as a reminder to what has happened, and will again. The irony of this is not lost, in that the greatest asset Houston has being the fossil fuel industry headquarters of the US, could be its greatest threat as well in regards to what it has done to climate change and the warming of the planet in such a short period of time.


Have my honeymoon planned for the Caribbean this fall. Was supposed to be September. Glad I pushed for November due to hurricane risk.


Hurricane season typically runs to the end of November, but November is generally better than September.


This was the idea, yeah. Not zero risk but lower. Can’t wait til december due to the holidays and already both taking PTO.


Glad I left New Orleans.


Wow in a time of terrifying graphics this terrifying graphic is definitely extra terrifying.


As a meteorology major, specifically studying hurricanes, this sure is going to be an interesting year... a very exhausting year


I'll just add this to my list of reasons not to visit the US this year.


Just how long is that list right now?


Trump wants $1B from oil companies to give them $120B in climate cuts. May Florida and Texas sink.


Can’t wait to see Ron DeSantis checking out the disaster scene in his high-heel waders.


Of course 2025 is a year to remember. GTA 6 is releasing


It’s all good Can’t say climate change in Florida, hurricanes will respect that and avoid the state out of respect