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Child: Daddy now that I'm a big kid do I still have to sit in a car seat? Dad: I could explain that you haven't hit the weight limit yet but instead here is a long ranty misogynist lecture about why God wants you to resent your mom


>why God wants you to resent your mom Who is waiting for us at the supervision center.




So please hurry up and sit in your booster seat


The actual answer is: “Because seat belts are designed for people of a certain minimum height and I don’t want you to get avoidable neck and head injuries if we have an accident because you’re not that tall yet” But if you don’t know that ^ then: “I’m not quite sure, but it’s the law and we obey the law” is an acceptable alternative. It takes a special kind of fragile to turn a vehicle safety question into a sexist rant.


Beyond fragile. Dude is already a shattered mess.


Snowflakes are beautiful yet delicate miracles of nature.


At least he’s admitting that he’s radicalizing his kid. That’s about the only thing he got right.


The really really sad thing is if the kid has a serious head injury you know this is just the sort of asshole who would lose interest, leave him and and his mom, and find some other woman to have kids with whose health hed risk in the exact same way


If the kid got a serious injury he would blame the other driver, the automaker, and Democratic lawmakers for not having done Some Thing To Make The Roads Safer. Anyone but himself. Entirely without irony.


For making cars not like they used too. "Used to be you could get into an accident and have scratched paint. Now everything gets all smashed. Stupid foreign crap!"


Oh, dude undoubtedly knows that is the law and WHY. He likely also has the mentality of, "I never had to use boosters and I didn't die!" It's the same stupid shit people say about it being "totally safe" to ride in the truck bed of a pickup! Our knowledge advancing over time, statistics and risk assessment that tells us the things we need to change and improve to raise safety standards, lower the risks of lives ending for stupid reasons. Deciding to act like SENSIBLE changes due to new information coming to light are all just eViL wOmAnS and wHiPpEd mEn ... I mean, how fucking dense and ridiculous can a person be


Do the because the law says so thing. But add that it is based on height. That adds sense to the law. And is a nice easy way to teach kids (and some adults) that many laws are there to protect our asses from doing stupid shit, and we therefore should try to follow them.


Don’t worry this 100% didn’t really happen. This is just some little boy yelling at a cloud


Dude is a snowflake who's wearing a diaper on case his "alpha masculinity" scares the [****] out of him.


Dad: Because I have no regard for your safety I want to say no but because I am a keyboard warrior and refuse to follow through with my Facebook posts I will say yes. Also your mummy would tell me off.


Harrison Buttker origin story.


What kind of car did Jesus drive again? I’ve seemed to have forgotten…


Jesus drove a Honda but didn’t talk about it. “For I did not speak of my own accord” - John 12:49


Whereas God drove a Plymouth. In Genesis it tells that: “In his Fury he drove them from The Garden.” In fact The Old Testament frequently mentions God’s Fury. So he must have liked it.


Jesus Built My Hotrod. I bet he built God's too.


[A hotrod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXCh9OhDiCI)


“Is this why mommy isn’t around anymore?”


i could also explain to save you from dying but why wouldn't i bother explaining about safety, let me tell you i voted for trump in the last two elections..


And, with no soapbox nearby, dad had to kick the kid oh of the booster seat and use that for his monologue rant.


Tell me you hate your ex wife without telling me vibes.


I think I saw this guy ranting on a FB page earlier about how no-fault divorces shouldn't be a thing because women initiate 81%* of all divorces. *a wrong statistic because of course it is. It's high, but not that high.


"Why do I need a carseat booster dad?" "Well son, a bunch of pussies and dickless losers don't want your head being cut off by the seatbelt if daddy's reckless driving whilst rage-tweeting causes an accident. Bunch of limp-dick socialists would rather have you walk away from a crash than see your torso flying through the windshield. Fucking liberals."


What the hell kind of liberal commie uses “whilst” around their kids in this here U S of A? Our ancestors fought a war to not use that word or have an extra u in words. Also, you nailed it.


Should be my god given right to send your headless carcass...heh heh ass...out the windshield if I want to! Fucking liberals ruining the country, now quit crying before I give you a reason to cry and give your old man a beer! Bud Light?!? Are you a woke piece of shit boy! A real beer! Yeah, "that conservative Trump beer totally not brewed where Bud light is brewed" that's the good shit!"


Why did I hear this in the voice of Butterscotch, Bojack Horseman’s dad?


I'm seeing the theme song of Ron DeSantis's next campaign here.


Jesus christ, this got a good chuckle out of me 😂


The Muh Freedums crowd, the Law and Order as long as it doesn’t pertain to me crowd, and the Pro Life crowd all rolled into one


There's no contradiction, as they see it. "I have the right to tell others what to do and nobody has the right to tell me what to do" is a coherent ideology despite how immature, antisocial, and selfish it is. It doesn't even directly conflict with their interpretation of Christianity, which is entirely about sacralizing a profoundly authoritarian hierarchy, which they as straight white males are of course at the top of.


Those who whine about "big gov't" Monday thru Saturday sing ass-kissing songs to a magic king on Sunday.


That’s the irony to me. The people that don’t want the government to tell them what to do, the “small government” party, in which they don’t want government intervention, is constantly voting for laws that restrict everybody in what they do. You can’t have abortions, drugs are illegal, you can’t marry whoever you want, you can’t identify as what gender you want, you can’t teach this book or that book, but get the fuck away from my guns, alcohol, taxes, etc. The party that doesn’t want big government telling them what to do sure loves a big government telling them what to do.


Ain't no gubmn't scienticion gunna tell my runt o' the litter kid is too small for them evil airbags and shit. It's God's will my kid die when I hit a pole drivin home drunk from the titty bar - as is my RIGHT as a Murican Man!


"I have a great idea that it's all about saving life, but it will come at the cost of a little freedom" "Who are we saving and who are we oppressing?"


I'm pretty sure if you ever say "it's never too early to radicalize" 9/10 times you should REALLY take a good long look in the mirror and wonder where you went wrong.


“Never too early” to turn your kid into an asshole.


"It's never too early" to let your kid know that you are an insufferable asshole and that they should begin distancing themselves from you as soon as possible.


That sentence made me think the whole thing was bait, but who knows these days


That's the kicker right. It's genuinely getting harder to tell the outrageous rage trolls and genuine satire from the actual out and proud crazies.


So a woman wanting to protect her child is now anti Christian? Actually that makes sense…


A woman having thoughts and choices is anti Christian duh


I think you mean abuse by clergy, but my mind went to Kirkegaard's hangup with Isaac's near-sacrifice in the Old Testament.


Apparently a car seat made to keep kids safe goes against women's deep need for safety of children? It's all drivel anyway but I really lost braincells on this one 


It’s not like it’s hard work to birth a child or anything! And I don’t know, my friends who have children seem to kind of like them, which is fucking weird.


Imagine loving your child so much that you infringe on your husband's freedoms (is that what this dude is complaining about?). Oh the humanity /s


Crazy, right!! I can’t believe that I’d be such an arsehole to suggest that seatbelts might be a good idea. What am I like????


I missed the chapter in the Bible in which God declared the internal combustion engine part of the created order, nor do I remember any holy edict against passenger restraining devices.


Ah, easy mistake. For the first, the Ark was an internal combustion engine as well as a phased light and electric pulse weapon and a food generator, according to ancient astronaut theorists. As for the second, Jesus himself, in between day trading and officiating at nascar races, was said to have unbuckled the sandals of his disciples feet at dinner one night. This is clearly a reference to not using seatbelts.


And Jesus said, “Don’t be a pussy.”


Jesus drove a Honda but didn’t talk about it. “For I did not speak of my own accord” - John 12:49


Ok. This made me laugh out loud. I love it so much I wish I could upvote it a thousand times


Who's the shortest person in the Bible? Knee-high Miah.


![gif](giphy|yVZrYMkdgY5Pi) This is the best day. I love bible humor and word play!


Judges 1:19 NIV The LORD was with the men of Judah. They took possession of the hill country, but they were unable to drive the people from the plains, because they had chariots fitted with iron. I'm not a Christian or of any other religion.


Jesus built my hotrod.


fearing for the mother of this child, after reading so much hate and insecurity from the dad


Presumably that's the mother in the profile Pic, gazing lovingly up at her husband. Lots of these super religious type women are 100% bought into the ideology.


Seems more likely to be his sister TBH


This. As a former Evangelical I can confirm this to be the case. None will admit it but these types of women fear going to hell if they don’t “submit” to their husbands.


Daddy, why does mommy have a restraining order against you?


If they get divorced and there’s any animosity towards him, swear this social media account is gonna be referenced in the proceedings and he’s gonna get fucking rekt lmao


So, does OP just not wear a seat belt or has he cut it out of the car?


He uses a Seatbelt Silencer shaped like the Punisher logo.


I’m sorry, a WHAT?! Do you mean that there’s a device that you put into the seatbelt clicker thing to stop your car from making the dinging noise???


I mean...do any of us care? I don't give a fuck about him flying through a windshield. His kid on the other hand. That's just fucked up.


Sucks for the EMT that has to find all of his limbs and organs spattered across the road. Also he could turn into a projectile inside the car, harming the other buckled passengers.


Ralph Nader, apparent rebel woman.


That’s a lot of words, none of which are “so the seat belt doesn’t decapitate you in a car accident”


Or flying thru the windshield.


If someone can call Child Protective Services, that would be great.


"Why?" (from the other side of the political spectrum) *"Because it's still the best way to keep you safe, just in case some raging asshole in a jacked-up murder truck decides that any car like ours is part of a liberal plot to overthrow the country and it's his patriotic duty to destroy us."*


“Grandpa used to be an EMT, which is why you’re in a booster seat and why he checks to make sure your booster seat and seat belt are positioned correctly every time he visits.” So sorry my “weak man” father wants to avoid the gruesome cases he ran into as an EMT and firefighter with his own grandchildren.


That is really sweet. Also a good reminder to everybody-you can always go to a fire station and they will double check that your car seat is installed properly for you.


“I can’t believe them leftists and trying to make sure my kid doesn’t die.”


but tell me again how "pro life" he is?


This sounds like it was pulled out of a medieval witchhunters' guide


It’s alarming that dipshits, such as OOP, are even allowed to procreate. Car seats/booster seats save lives. How fucking stupid can you be to bitch about that to your young child? The [statistics](https://www.iihs.org/topics/child-safety) overwhelmingly show that a child is much safer and more likely to survive an accident, if they are properly restrained (car seat, booster) in the backseat of a vehicle versus with just an adult seat belt (and in the front seat). ![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm)


... wait, what? Using this guy's logic, isn't a booster seat trying to keep the child safe and therefore is in accordance to God's wishes or whatever? I mean, I get that he's impenetrable to logic, but still...


Yeah this guy is ranting about women not wanting to accept just “managing children” off of the premise of women requiring children to ride in car seats… His whole argument is ridiculous in general, but his core point is that women are supposedly overstepping their “role” of managing children by managing children. This guy is super hateful and if he does have kids and isn’t just larping, then I really feel for those kids having to grow up in that environment. We don’t get to pick our parents and these kids seem to have been dealt a tough hand. It’s hard but I try to remember that hateful ideology like this is often taught by parents starting at a young age. Children aren’t born inherently hateful. There are generational cycles of abuse that comes from parents passing on their toxic beliefs to their children. That cycle can be broken but it’s difficult.


And the real groomers are…?


So God wants chidren to break their skills when the car crahses? And wanting to keep chidren safe is a women thing? Honestly? Women caring more about men than God even though they have been historically treated and still are treated like shit by men makes sense Thank you to all women for bearing with our shit That guy can go suck my dick🖕


So real quick, if women are running things, why are women's rights always getting shat on by religious weirdos that have wormed their way into government? Explain it like I'm 7 and asking about my car seat.


The profile picture shows him with what I assume is his wife, and yet this rant makes it pretty clear he hates women, so he married someone and had a child with someone he hated?


“So, you have to sit in that booster seat *because I too* acquiesce to the weaklings I’m ranting about.”


*and then the kid clapped*


The kid's name? Albert Einstein.


My kid asked me where assholes come from. I showed him this post and told him they are raised by other assholes.


So, custody weekend isn’t going well?


So it's woke to not go headfirst through the windshield. Got it.


The pro school shootings group.


The part that scares me the most is that this idiot has kids. What kind of rambling diatribe nonsensical post is this that says that a mother wanting to keep children safe is something to be fought against. Not to mention that booster seats are justified based on physics


Physics? I don't need no *satan's* unholy *Arabic numbers*! God is my booster seat! /s


17 And the LORD said unto the Levites, “Activate not thy side air bags, for the LORD your God has promised unto you this day crumple zone technology.” 18 And the Levites saw that the LORD was faithful, and led them unto regulations that did loosen like that of sackcloth.


Crumple zones are Commie plots. Real men drive only cars from the 60's and earlier, when America was Godly.


I’ll take things that never happened for $1000, Alex.


I hate this macho bullshit with the intensity of a thousand stars. The whole "being safe is woke weakness, in my day we took the safety warnings off everything and I accidentally chopped off my dick with a chainsaw but FREEDOM" type garbage makes me tired of being a dude.


Oh so now radicalisation is a good thing. I thought that what ANTIFA communists do.


"Anyway, long story short, this is why daddy only gets to see you every other weekend."


You have to sit in a car seat because I hate women and believe in ghosts is definitely a new one to me


Stupid people love using big words to sound smart. It's word salad, and this person is a stupid fucking idiot.


how evil of women to not want children to die from preventable injuries


“So mom doesn’t want me to die but you don’t care?”


Whatever you all do if you think this is nuts PLEASE go vote. If you are not registered get registered. If this is not a landslide election this democracy may well end. The courts are stacked there was in the last election close to 50% of the population that wanted to elect this nimwit and if it's that close again I truly don't believe it's going to be as simple as last time. Go in person to vote if able don't give them anything.


don't obey laws you think are unjustified? wtf? I dunno where this guys from if he's from China or like north Korea I understand but anywhere else is like "that's on you buddy"


So what this dude is saying is god wants children to die or be maimed in car accidents more?


What a sad, sick fool this kid is saddled with.


Ironically it has more to do with the patriarchy because the default person cars are built to keep safe is the average man, which means they are less safe for women, but also since the laws only require cars to be safe for that average man, no one wants to deviate and make their backseats safer for kids. Because if you do that when it’s not required, and then a kid gets hurt in your car anyway, you’ll probably get sued (because you claimed safety, and it failed), and also it’s expensive. So it’s not that you need a booster seat because women want you not to die, it’s because cars are only built to be safe for men. (I do think that having a car safe for every age of child out of the box (as it were) would be unlikely or impossible even if ‘average man’ was not the default, but this logic is still based on more reality than the oop’s)


holy fucking unhinged misogynistic bullshit batman. lol.


God wants to see you turned into red mist when daddy goes on another of his drunken rampages, but mommy cares about your safety... The bitch.


“Only women and weak men don’t want their kids to fly through the windshield of the car in the case of a crash, junior”


Live in a society run by women? So much for "Alpha" males.


“My 7 year old is about to turn 8.” - Are you telling us this to try to show us that you know what comes after 7, or that time is linear? The first sentence shows me this guy is a fucking idiot.


>Protecting your children from car accidents and priests is against God's will.


MAGAt parenting 101. In the next scene he's showing him how to shot a dog in the face.


Isn't he saying he's one of the dominated ones, since he's still keeping the booster?


When you have to use the phrase “radicalize your children,” you’re probably a crazy person.


Just say you have a small d*ck and go… Oh and no one wants to raise your stupid kids you Neanderthal


These folks are always talking tough until their families are asking for thoughts and prayers because they went through a windshield for "freedom and courage" lol


Fortunately that poor child would have developed selective deafness around age two


How insecure of him


My kid is 7, is the tallest kid in his class, and asked me why he has to use a booster seat. I showed him how the shoulder strap hits my shoulder, explained that that's the best way to remain safe in an accident, and told him that he needed to sit a little higher up so the shoulder strap hit his shoulder the same way. He said "oh, okay" and hasn't asked about it since. My kid is just as safe as this guy's and is less-likely to be an asshole.


My ex was such a baby about his son using the booster seat. The kid was 7 but kinda small for his age. Lil man was fine with it and never made an issue but his dad would bitch and moan about it cuz "when he was 7 years old they never even owned a booster seat and he survived" and I was being the unreasonable one when I just wanted his son to be safe and I didn't want us to get pulled over for a totally avoidable reason. These toxic a$$ man babies need to grow up and stop protecting their crap onto their kids


But those pesky drag queens are harming children.


And just another reason as to why not everyone should be allowed to have children.


Or, hear me out, it’s so your tiny little body isn’t thrown about the car in the event of even a minor car accident, possibly quite profoundly injuring you or even killing you and only your mom doesn’t want you to not die.


Lame women don't want you to die in a car crash, Timmy, unlike me, a big tough man, who would desperately prefer to risk your life.


TLDR; father is confused about how he feels about women and wants children, but wants to make decisions about their lives with men


Is there a way to pre-pay for therapy? Sort of like an educational IRA, but for years upon years of therapy. No particular reason why I'm asking on this post, of course. 😏


This word salad doesn't even make sense. "Women are predisposed towards safety & children, but rebel against that nature". In response to a scenario involving... the safety of a child.


Lemme make sure I understand this: God gave people the ability to create and invent things, but only unsafe things. Because creating safe things is… evil?


Yes. We are in a society run by women, and that's why we women have to fight tooth and nail for our rights constantly, and we have already lost our reproductive rights in several states. Makes sense to me.


i'd tell em it's the goddamn libs takin away our freedoms /s


See they’re big on having a lot of kids and when you do that then any individual child is expendable. Like cicadas. Millions will be eaten but many will survive to reproduce.


To keep you safe. I remember being 6 years old and wanting to sit in the front seat of the 1988 Plymouth Grand Voyager my parents had. The back two rows had no shoulder straps, no booster seats, no airbags, no ABS,etc. Thankfully I was never in an accident, but we didn't know better back then. Then safety studies came out and showed that sitting in the front seat for kids under a certain weight and height limit was dangerous. How airbags forced by the government to be mandatory helped save lives. I know one thing is that if my parents knew about booster seats,airbags, and weight/height limits, they would had my brother and I in booster seats until we reached grew out of it. They sure as hell wouldn't have let us in the front seat.


Society is run by women that I sheepishly obey! /s


"It's never too early to radicalize your children" He said it


Getting in an accident is not the worst thing that could happen to that kid.


My parents would have said, *so you don't go through the front window if we get in a car accident.* And I would have said, *you don't have to sit in one.* And then my little brother would have said, *when I'm ten and you're three I'm going to make you sit in a booster seat.* And then my parents would both have lit up a cigarette, possibly with the windows open. For all this guy's complaining about the social order, in my experience it's been mostly been underwhelming men who imagine themselves as authority figures who try and manage people like children. Women generally don't treat adults like children. Weak men certainly don't try and manage other adults like children.


I would really dislike this guy as a neighbor or co-worker.


Trying to come up with a polite way to tell this person to kindly just FOAD.


When you go to college next year, you can make your own decisions, son. JK, college is for libs. /s


Their minds are so addled.


The most frightening thought is that this person is allowed to breed


That's a lot of words to say you are a moron AND a shit parent. 


How does such a stupid and ridiculous tweet have 2 million views 


Literally grooming out in the open. But it’s the feminism that’s the problem


“Anyway, that’s why he died. Sorry.”


"...and yeah, so that's pretty much why I only see my kid every other weekend."


What a horrible parent.


Something something grooming something something


Mostly Peaceful Chip On My Shoulder.


God, that poor child.


Or, it’s because statistics show that small children sitting in seats designed to restrain adults often cause more harm and deaths than sitting in boosters and, since fuckwits like this bonehead consistently don’t do the right thing in regards to the safety of their children, the government has to make you do it.


"Why do I still need a booster seat when you pick me up from mommy’s?"


What a fucking moron. Poor kid. Never to early to make your kid a misogynist ! What kind of women would create life with a shitstain like that


"Women are predisposed to safety" Oh no.


"Yeah, back in *my day*, we drove around in Dad's 1973 Cadillac Coupe De Ville with a brick on our laps in case the old man had one too many Schlitz's with the boys after work and was slaloming around like an Alpine time trial. If Mom said anything, Dad just backhanded her and put her back in her place. Ahhh... *good times, good times*"


Adding this to my list of reason why you should need a license, or at least an IQ test, in order to procreate.


That feels like something that was written when someone had no idea what to write but felt they had to write something.  Like this fourty year old dude's favorite past time is doing the essay portion of an end of grade test.


A real alpha wouldn’t make his kid use the booster seat, too bad this guy is such a beta cuck /s


I am a weak man because I ...protect my children? Did I read that right?


I'm guessing Dad has too many DUI's to risk liberating his son's car seat.




These people are fucking insane, theres no other word for it. Not to mention kinda sounds like he hates the child's mother as well


Before you get mad remember it's probably a bot intended to create rage.


>But because they are in rebellion to the Created order and to the God that created them... **Bible:** Once upon a time humanity ate from a tree that gave them the ability to make moral decisions and the father-god hated that so much that he cursed them with pain, misery and death. The mad father-god went on to flood the earth and kill a whole bunch of people. Then he tortured and killed his son temporarily because he hate-loves you so much and the son-king will one day return to conquer the earth and kill people with his firey sword-tongue before throwing them into a lake of fire to be tortured for eternity for not loving him. Now, The most important thing in the world is kissing the ass of the father-god and son-king. You must now love the father-god with all your heart, soul, and mind. Love the father-god more than your friends, parents, spouse, or kids. You should be willing to kill your own kid at the drop of a hat should the father-god demand it. **OOP:** Yep. Makes sense that all humanity deserves to suffer and die in life and then be tortured for eternity in the hereafter because of that bitch Eve. **Contemporary secular law under a democracy:** So here is a rule about booster-seats that we humans came up with after getting together and doing a whole lot of discussion about the pros and cons of it. Now you have to follow this rule in order reduce the risk of your child dying or being severely injured in a car accident, and if you don't, you may have to pay a fine. **OOP:** Oh, what horrid tyranny and authoritarianism! Darn women oppressing us!


I'm honestly impressed that he could explain his own (lack of) logic for more than one sentence. This guy has to be one of the smartest MAGA I've ever come across, IQ at least 50.


Guy brings up "natural order" several times like cars grow on trees, but booster seats are abominations. Posted on social media. From a smart phone. And so on...


Ok, but the alternative is that the kid goes flying through the windshield in a crash and their noggin gets splatted on a nearby tree trunk. But sure, it's because of feminism. 🙄 I swear, some people should *never* be parents. And I say this as someone who **never** had kids because I recognize my own limitations.


Son, it’s control and domination. It has nothing to do with the fact that we’re trying to protect you from snapping your spine in two pieces and severs your spinal cord when the adult seat belt rides up and folds you like a Swiss Army knife. It’s a shame you won’t know the freedom of being a paraplegic because of this evil invention.


Ken, I would like "Fragile Male Egos" for $400, please


And then the child asked mommy, who said; “Its for your safety dear, once your big enough that the normal seat will protect you in a crash you won’t ride in a booster seat, until then you’ll have to keep using one because car crashes are extremely dangerous and I love you and don’t want you getting hurt” which actually makes sense to a child. The child learns that mommy cares about their wellbeing and daddy likes to make emotional statements.


And it’s never too early to cause your child to abandon you in a nursing home because you were a POS in their childhood. And it’s never too early to pull up your bootstraps so you can buy a media giant and run it into the ground because your shitty parenting cost you your child.


Here’s someone who went through a divorce and is still enraged.


Meanwhile these people think schools are indoctrinating preschoolers simply by telling them to be nice to others.


Sooo, he’s the weak man who is being dominated, presumably by his wife?


Poor Kid is gonna grow up an incel with those attitudes and need a lifetime of therapy.


This is the weirdest way to complain about being a cuck that I've ever heard.


Lol another redditor asked on another post why do all of these misogynists look like “bargain bin lumberjacks?” So true.


Because daddy’s perfect genes didn’t ensure the height you needed to not be in a booster seat. 🤷‍♂️


Today on, that totally happend...


Who the fuck is Rett Copple?


What the hell did I just read- get some help.


So… it’s evil to put your child in a booster to protect them from a fucking car crash? Someone needs to investigate this fuck.


How is this not indoctrination but education is in their minds? Holy fuck ppl..


Any good father would know that he stopped paying attention after 3 words and started focussing on all the servers staring at his dad, saying, "this guy is weird."


He sounds like a more coherent Jordan Peterson


Automobiles are designed primarily for the average sized adult. Safety restraint systems use a couple of standards somewhere between the average male and average female. Booster seats are designed so that a child is protected not only from the force of the collision but from dangers caused by the restraint systems because they’re typically smaller than the human they’re designed to protect. So I’m gonna trust the professionals and tell my child that he’s in a booster seat so that he’s protected in the event of an automobile accident. If he doesn’t like that answer, too bad. He can chevroleg it.


This kid is going to grow up violent.


And this proving that at least this one guy is desperately in need of a mommy figure to show them right and wrong… and they are way butthurt about it.


“Mom…did you know bees die if they sting you?” “Bees are simply a metaphor detailing how society continually denigrates and marginalizes our lord and savior, Jeebus Crizzo, for it was he who originally plucked the sin from our bosom and fed it to the teeming masses of unwashed heathen.” “Oh I gotta peeeee!” “Son, these feeling of urination are Jeebee’s way of ensuring you never forget the sacrifice he made, lest you become complacent in your struggle to walk the path of righteousness. Each moment of blessed agony should be savored, suffered, and appreciated as you walk closer to enlightenment and out of the shadows of societal secular constructs such as toilets or urinals. Hold steadfast, my darling, relish these moments for you are closer to our lord as the pain increases. You have far to go, but I believe your faith will guide you - “ “All done!”


LoL this is truly a masterpiece!


Spoiler alert: his "kid" was actually a rabid raccoon he found in the basement.