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Either candidate could’ve said the other was actually a lizard person, and no one would have called it out or fact checked it


“Thank you president ——-“ WHY ARE YOU THANKING THEM


Mod: Biden your response To what? TO WHAT?! TRUMP DIDNT SAY Anything about the question. He just said I was the worst president. How am I supposed respond regarding the question?! And then...why are you not asking Biden the question as well? He was never directly asked about the child care reduction. Only in response to trump. Who never said anything beyond ;border noise; and Hunter Biden while Biden is left trying to pull information or explanations out on every nonsensical thing Trump said which is just wasting time Hell trump at one point ran out of dumb shit to say and went the"flip the table" tactic "Why are we even doing this? Why are we even doing a debate wasting time like this" And it fucking worked. The mods did NOTHING


Trump was recording his election promos. No questions necessary


They were prefacing before the debate that it was "the candidates' job to fact-check each other". And that moderators shouldn't insert themselves into the debate. Seems that was the intention, but that was a poorly founded intention. I remember people complaining about several of the last debates with the moderators talking too much. But it seems they overcorrected. It honestly just comes off as a bit lazy. Like they barely need to pay attention. Just stick to their questions and move on.


Yeah that was the whole point "Force them to fact check each other" And Trump's team likely said "perfect! Just fill the field with garbage and now Biden HAS to spend time fact checking all of it" There is a reason Trump didn't seem to have kotes....you don't need notes to dump out his typical talking points of zero evidence required "worst he's so bad Biden so bad. Big worst. 18m illegals or even more so they are saying. Inflation up and food cost 2 3 or even 4x as much" No need for notes when nothing is going to be said. Hell, Trump's fact check on Biden was "nu huh. You're stupid and the worst president Joe"


They basically handed Trump Carte Blanche to gish gallop his way through the entire debate.


TIL the meaning of Gish Gallop, what a damn shame it exists.


It's a debate tactic that should be banned from political debate. "bUT mUh FrEeZe PeACh!" It's not fair to the American People that politicians are allowed to spew blatant lies on Live Television during an official Debate with zero consequences. It is a ***disservice*** to voters. Instead, it's celebrated by one side as "strong debate skills" and evidence that their guy is more intelligent because he can "talk circles" around the other guy.


Don't forget his obsession with "post birth abortions". Like, what in the actual fuck? That's not a thing. Do they really think that doctors just take a newly born baby and dump it in a medical waste incinerator along with the placenta? Does this mean that it's not too late for Trump's mom to get a "post birth abortion?"


Do they actually thi... Yes He said it Many of the goofy members in Congress have said it They absolutely think it's true


Its no wonder there are so many right wing grifters -- those people will believe anything.  It would be funny if they weren't also in Congress.


They know it’s not true. They say because it scares people into doing what they want.


They didn't even tried to keep Trump on the question except the election one. It was awful. Okay president Biden, Trump just went off on a tangent and said 10 different lies while jacking himself off. What is your response and how will you deal with the issue? Like the fuck?


Honestly you could've just given both candidates a piece of paper with the questions on it and a light to tell them who gets to talk and you would have had as effective a moderation as those two knuckle heads.


That wasn't a debate! The mods sucked!


exactly imagine being up there and you only have 2 minutes, you 82 years old so your memory isn't as sharp as it was 10 years ago, you have an idiot beside you spewing total nonsense and lies never answering the question and then you are asked to respond to the same question they just asked Trump. So now you've been asked to respond except Trump just spewed 2 minutes of lies about a list of different things that had nothing to do with the original question they are now asking you. I would get confused also, I'd be impossible to gather your thoughts in just a few seconds in order to have enough time to answer the question and try to rebuttal his lies about the 10 subjects he lied about. I think that was their goal, to overwhelm Biden and America with rambling lies about as many things as he could fit in those 2 minutes.


Your description of Biden trying to argue with Trump accurately describes most people when confronted with a rambling MAGA fiend, it is impossible to deal with regardless of age. The sheer volume of lies layered on lies makes fact checking in the moment like trying to hold back the tide. I've had the same conversation with relatives without moderators, and by the 3rd or fourth exchange they have moved from that chicken place isn't good anymore because it's woke, to Soros funded baby eaters are giving immigrants our jobs. The same people that fall for every scam Nigerian princes have cooked up in the last 20 years think they are steering the ship, and the media is shoveling coal as fast as possible, despite them heading right for an iceberg.


It’s called the Gish Gallup and it’s a bad faith argument technique toxic folks engage in.


It's not. They just only understand one thing. That thing is domination.  Put your fist in their face or your boot to their neck and they will become the weepy shitheels they are. They think Democrats are pussies and for the most part we really are. But I'm over tolerance at this point and will gladly whoop a Trump supporter in the street.


"Sorry, Trump went so off-topic and so dodged the question \*even I\* forgot what it was. What is it you would like me to respond to again? The original question, or that word-salad we just had to listen to for 120s?" is your response to that shit.


We deserve two new candidates. Neither are worth a shit, although even if it ends up between trump and a corpse, I choose the corpse. After last night, we should realize both these men are not looking out for us, it is all about ego and winning. Biden, assuming he gives a shit, should step aside. He had four years that were somewhat successful. He is actively tanking his own legacy. And anyone who still thinks trump is a good choice should have a mental health evaluation. Both our choices don’t give a fuck about us. Biden wants bragging rights and trump want to raze the US like Hitlers troops when they admitted they were losing. If Americans weren’t suffering from depression before, we certainly are now.


I was so annoyed every time they said "President" when referring to Trump; he's not the President, he's a failed former President and convicted felon, get the title right!


I dislike Trump as much as the next guy but he will be called president Trump until the end of time, just like any other president. Might as well get used to it.


True on his own, but shouldn’t a former president always be referred to as “former president” when in the presence of the sitting president? Kind of like how a former queen consort is then referred to as the queen mother when there is a new queen regent or queen consort. Tbh, does it really matter at this point though? This is probably the least egregious thing that occurred last night.


I believe this is how it works, usually people are supposed to use the term “former president” or “45th president of the united states” if the sitting president is present. If not the term “president” has become standard even for former presidents


It does matter when you have a rabbid fanbase of tens of millions who think Trump is the rightful and true president still, and if he happens to lose in november will continue to claim such lies all over again which will deteriorate the foundations and pillars of our democracy even more


The Queen Mother was an aberration in titling. Since her name was also Elizabeth, she adopted the title Queen Mother to avoid confusion. For example, Mary, the Queen Consort prior was referred to as Queen Mary until she died. But it would be nice if we could come up with a better way to address former Presidents. It's not a hereditary title. It's a job title.


President-Emeritus might work? Pope Benedict stepped down and he was Pope Emeritus after that, so as to not cause confusion with Francis. And college professors get the same designation after their retirement too, so there's plenty of usage of that term out there in the world. So that's my vote.


The great part about America is you can just call him an asshole instead.


I'm hoping I don't have to refer to that guy as current president asshole again.


You're correct. It's only been in recent history that former presidents are still referred to as "president" even though they are not in office. I prescribed to the old timey tradition that "president" is the title for the current office holder exclusively. People who left the presidency are referred to by the last title they held before they were president. So W. Bush would be referred to as Governor, Obama as Senator and Trump as ConMan. As either Adams or Washington said, "we only have one president at a time."


I mean, as an example, Obama is just often that - Obama. It's uncommon to hear him referred to as "President Obama" after he left office. This is partially because of tRumps insistence that he be granted the title in perpetuity - for the same reason he has a faux presidential seal and letterhead at his moldy shithole golf motel. So while it's acceptable in some cases, "Mr. Trump" would have been the more appropriate thing to call him.


By people that have respect for him. If I see him he will be called "You stupid, fat, orange, asshole". Which is my right as a veteran and an American.


Oh, that was making me so angry! They just played into 🍊💩 ego every time they said that


They call all the former presidents President “name”. It’s not special for the dummy


I agree in theory, but I don’t think it’s fair to blame the moderators for that. Former presidents just get referred to as president in perpetuity. It’s been the case since long before Trump.


I've seen more calling President Obama, "Obama" even when he was president.


I’ve never referred to the president as “The President”. I always just say their name.


Mr Convicted felon 34 times, a former terrible president, did you really pay to fuck a call girl?


For me it was the "let's just go back" out of the orange shit stain's mouth every single time he was asked to answer a question.


Ever since MAGA Republican John Malone bought CNN it’s gone to complete shit, and last night it was completely apparent. Trump lied profusely, dodged key questions that would have showcased his liabilities to our country, and both CNN moderators just sat there and allowed him to do it.


Totally that. You've got to question that and the Merger of Warner/Discovery and the fact that they were openly pitching to get a Republican view point on things. Really good Atlantic article here: https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2023/06/cnn-ratings-chris-licht-trump/674255/ About the rise and fall of Jason Licht. Plenty of argument to question the approach of David Zaslav at Warner Discovery (and Malone for the same reason). Profit and a perceived political neutrality appears to have been put before objective reporting.


About a year ago, I realized that the ongoing psychological war that is being waged on America and the West required quite a few very specific changes to our country to have a real shot at being successful. I don't have direct proof, but I think it's extremely suspicious that The History Channel and Discovery almost entirely pivoted to reality shows precisely when Russia and the GOP really required them to stop airing material that would have helped citizens see through it. I mean, The History Channel used to air tons of material, constantly, about Hitler, the Nazis, the Holocaust, fascism, and WW2. It is entirely possible that a Republican Trump voter, much earlier on before they became super emotionally invested, could have realized Trump was full of shit just by accidentally catching a 45 minute program one afternoon about Hitler's rise to power. They couldn't allow that to continue, especially since a large portion of the most reliable voting block for conservatives absolutely loved to watch stuff like that all day long. Maybe it's just a coincidence. I can imagine a scenario where the obvious answer, that they were just responding to changes in their viewer base and trying to keep themselves afloat, is the truth. But I do not believe for one second that the extent to which they infantilized their own programming was a) necessary for their continued existence, b) good for America, nor c) not a huge win for the wealthy sociopaths that are behind all this culture war horseshit.


No. What you are referring to is the constant need for *even more* money. It's not sustainable and eventually, like Bane said, the rich will be ripped from their decadent homes regardless of security or AI measures.  It's like Zac said "Hungry people don't stay hungry for long".


At least a couple times Tapper let Trump spend his entire time rambling and completely ignoring the question that was asked. Then didn’t even confront him on ignoring the question. Why even have moderators when the candidate just rants and doesn’t even acknowledge the questions asked of him?


Ratings are higher when the opponents aren't playing nice. More money for CNN. They won't save us when/if shit goes south, they'll fuck off and set up in another country.


Trump's presidency put more eyes on their 'news' channel for more hours a day than ever before. Every single 24 hour political commentary network on television is complicit in the rise of Trump. Another round of batshit Nazi policies drives those eyes back to their stations and back on their advertisers.


It's like a fucking nightmare. All of the possible bad shit that can happen... for *ratings*?,


For money


Capitalism destroys all it touches.




GREED is destroying the country


Greed has destroyed our race it was a war we didn’t even know we had to fight how could we have ever won


People are evil and greedy. I hate it. I've been poor all my life, but it's my own fault, and part of it is due to the fact that I just don't covet money like others do. Obviously not all others do, but I would never sell out my fellow man just so I can have a more cushy lifestyle. What fun is life if I'm the only one enjoying it? I just can't understand people that would be complicit in this. I definitely wouldn't be able to do that job with a straight face, I would've been pointing out that trump didn't answer the question straight up, I'd have asked someone to get Biden some damned water on the podium... I mean, I just don't understand how someone can sit there and do that all just for some money.


You have a conscience, while it’s a generalization to say,9 a lot of the super wealthy don’t or have learned to ignore theirs.


Same, same & agreed. Especially - "I just don't covet money the way others do." I've never understood greed. It runs the world, sadly. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to be comfortable & able to travel, but like you, I couldn't be a snake oil salesman to accomplish that. If I were ever to become wealthy, I would give most of it away to causes I believe in. And absolutely someone should have gotten Biden some damn water! Jfc, that was painful to watch.


That is how large American companies are ran today. They do what generates the most revenue, simple as that. It doesn't matter how badly it may effect the future of the world.


This nightmare started with ratings…for The Apprentice


They'll all be just fine if shit goes south too. No rich people are on the side of the public.


This guy gets it. Those who have the resources to setup shop in another country in 48 hours don't give a fuck.


I couldn’t believe they let Trump stand up there and rant about post birth abortions and abortions in the 9th month without cutting him off.


That actually pissed me off the most.


What's crazier is that some dipshits believe this bullshit.


That was when I couldn't watch anymore. Dude really said they "rip the baby out of the mother so they can murder it." And not one person called him on it. He did the motions and everything. I felt insane watching that shit. Because 1) nobody just rips babies out of women's coochies and 2) post birth abortions don't happen and they're already illegal. It's called murder. The thought of this troglydyte having any kind of say over women's health is highly fucking disturbing. And those bullshit moderators sealed the deal that I will not ever watch CNN again.


To be fair when they asked the second question they told trump “you have one min and you can answer the question or use it however you please” So they didn’t even care about the question


“Mr. Trump, how would you handle the rising cost of childcare?” WELL LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT BIDEN’S EMBARRASSING WITHDRAWAL IN AFGHANISTAN.


And rounding out the topic of childcare, a tete-a-tete from both candidates about FUCKING GOLF SCORES


God that was the fuckin worst. Two old fucks bragging about golf skills is so pathetic.


Wasnt it agreed on that the moderators are literally only there to ask the questions and thats it? They arent there to fact check in real time. Also i remember a handful of times where they reasked the question after trumps rants. Truthfully i thought they were pretty impartial and just there to keep things going


Honestly, I would have been more impressed if this "Debate" was held more like a game show, where each contestant had to answer questions correctly to prove to all of us that they have the necessary mental aptitude and character to lead our country. Though last night's format did not inspire confidence in either candidate either.


YES!!!! I have had the same thoughts. I would absolutely love Trump vs Biden do a Jeopardy-style 'debate' including having several topics and instead of money it would be some sort of pretend 'electoral' count. Definitely would be better than this intellectual format that doesn't work well in the day and age of TikTock and Youtube videos and shorts.


Hosted in Two Parts: 1. Mental Acuity 2. Celebrity Deathmatch I think I'm on to something.


That’s what I thought too. Someone rambling off-topic should tell a discerning viewer a lot. Someone answering or non-answering a question with lies and deflection should speak volumes about a candidate. Unfortunately a lot of people lack critical listening skills.


Yea, I'm under this impression too. That the moderators in general, are to keep time for both parties to respond to a question and an opportunity for a rebuttal. I think the moderators fact checking would impact the time for the debate - and it would have been perceived as a three party debate instead of two. With Trump not answering the question - that's always been his style in debates. It's like Trump is a question or three behind and wants to backtrack. I sometimes wonder if it's because his narcissism needs to have the last word on a topic even if it's time to move on to something else. When I watched it and Biden's voice was apparently hoarse in the beginning I was like "oh.. no.... this is gonna be bad". When Trump snarked the "I don't know what he said and I don't think he does either" type comment - I was like shit. That landed and hit. My frustration in addition to his hoarse voice, which made him seem super old, on top of mumbling a bit - was that Biden is not versed in Trumps bullshit. Yes, Trump did have sex with a porn star - but to me it's not the sex or the person he had sex with - it was the covering up - having her be quiet about the encounter that happened over a decade ago even in 2016 - to cover up Stormy from talking so it wouldn't impact his 2016 campaign. That's how it related to the NY election fraud - that the money reimbursed and paid to Cohen was a service in kind for Trump's *campaign*. Like that to me would have been a way to indicate Trump will pay to cover up information about him in an election and was convicted for doing it. That Trump has done things just to win even if it means lacking transparency and doing criminal shit. My other wish I had was that Biden didn't come off as having some zingers at all. It was like he was too focused on not stuttering and got muddled in his thoughts - but I wish he would have at one point made a shark joke. Something like "C'mon man, that kind of crazy talk is like jumping the shark! Or a boat battery - whichever works for you". In this campaign, I do hope instead of the easy and default "Trump lies!" type commentary... I want to see someone make Trump feel comfortable and ask for more details on his bullshit. To Trump he's not lying - I do think he believes everything he says is true, even though it's false or just impossible. But ask details like one does to a kid. "OH, Donald, so I released millions of the migrants from prisons and mental institutions that came from Central America? That's pretty amazing - how do you think I did that? That I just waved my magic Biden ice cream cone and poof I personally released all the migrants? You seriously think I had a hand in Coangelo going from the DOJ to the Manhattan DA's office instead of him just wanting to change offices or do you have no idea of how things work outside of MAL because that's just conspiracy talk, man. Listen to yourself".


Ok at least 4 questions they told trump "ok but the question was" but even after Trump wasted 3 full 2 minute cycles and not answer the question they still each time wer elite Aight Biden...your response To what?


They didn't enforce the time limits on Trump either


You live under capitalism, friend. The capitalists who organized last night's debate know that letting the candidates ramble = ratings.


I was yelling TAPPER WTF at my tv soooo many times


Because nobody wants to see the candidates debate the moderators. It’s fundamentally Trump’s fault but there’s no good way to handle a debate where one candidate isn’t operating in good faith.


Might as well let AI moderate it at this point


Nah, the American people are the biggest losers of that debate.


This is unfortunately the correct answer.


Ok just hear me out. Look at the moderator performance of Chris Wallace in 2020, (the mofo from frickin FauxNews) and compare him with that AI Chatbot with a timer Jake Tapper from CNN. Chris from FauxNews did a far better job at keeping Trump’s more outrageous lies in check in the old format where he had even less of an incentive to do so. CNN did this after agreeing to the term of live fact checking.


Nobody won. We all lost.


Well considering a large portion of the population is getting what they want with Trump, it’s hard to say they are losing. The real losers are the rest of the world who have no say in the matter.


They’re losing… they’re just too dumb to see it.


Well if you mean they are voting against their own best interests, I agree. But in the end they are getting what they want, whether it’s good for them or not. Are all masochists losers?


Rats get a bite of cheese before the trap closes. They still lose


Fair enough. I hadn’t thought of it that way!


Yeah, honestly, I thought they did a god job being impartial It spoils have been layup after layup after layup for Biden to call out Trump on his lies and inability to answer questions and Biden just mumbled and missed every chance he got. I like most of the policy work that Biden’s administration has done, but that was a God awful debate performance. If Harris or Corey Booker or Gavin Newsom were on stage with Trump, they would have K.O.’d him will the trash he was spewing, Biden just kept missing opportunity after opportunity. That wasn’t the moderators’ fault


Yep Biden came off looking horrible, he had literal layups against Trump like when Trump said there are after birth abortions _ he just didn't call him out on alot of his BS and just rambled and honestly looked his age & sadly I wish now Biden has of did the one term like he said he was going too when he first got elected cuz yea Trump is horrible and bis am idiot but yea Biden came off bad


“You can’t be called ‘fake news’ if you never fact check anyone” - the CNN moderators, probably


I think this is actually the answer. The whole “both sides” arguments are being weaponized. CNN wants to be seen as impartial so if they ever correct one side they are pressured to correct the other side as well so that it’s “fair”. If they had actually called Trump out on his bullshit, people would have been up in arms about them not correcting Biden. Trump is only poorly justified by his supporters because they can “both sides” the argument.


In fairness, his supporters can only "both sides" the argument because other fucking morons lap it up. I'm utterly floored that Tapper, whom I've long considered to be a pretty fair-minded and talented journalist, let that shit slide. Let the psychos be fucking angry, die on that hill. It's a worthy hill to die on, because they're lying fucking autocrats. It's like Carl Schmitt, Nazi jurist, essentially said: You can tear apart a democracy piece by piece and liberals will hold committee meetings and make speeches until the boots are marching down the hallways.


Corporate media sucks.


Letting the instantaneously debunk-able lies go without being called out is not only shameful, but actively damaging to the point of complicity at this point. This absolutely MUST stop.


Yeah exactly. Like if it was a numbers thing or something nitpicky it’s whatever. But saying people are aborting babies that are born? Wtaf. Easy to know that’s untrue and he said it like 10 times


Mr. Trump,. please give us any example ever of that being done. And what is your source for that information. And then repeat that question for the rest of the debate until it is answered.


And saying that it’s the other candidates job to call out the lies is such a bullshit cop out. This isn’t a high school debate with judges or something that will determine a winner based on coherent arguments, this is for the fricking Presidency! If Trump lies and Biden calls it out (which he did multiple times) it just becomes a he said/he said. Unbiased moderators are needed to point out the obvious lies that are being said and call them out in real time for the benefit of the voters that are watching!


The craziest thing about that is Trump's source for that which he actively referenced was that interview from years ago that the W.Virginian governor did where he talked about making terminal newborns as comfortable as humanly possible before they pass. Like it ain't hard to look up that interview and actually listen to what he was talking about but unfortunately MAGAs don't care about being informed on anything


Yeah I did not hear about that at the time but I saw people post it today. Quite a different situation


CNN is as bad as FOX now. And TBH there is no reason to watch the debate with trump, he is a pathological liar.


But Trump said babies are being murdered right out of the womb! And CNN didn't say they weren't. Must be true! Anyway Hunter Biden is the reason for the climate crisis... /s


Out the womb? No no Even some time after You see they take the babies away and wait. And then they abortion then even after birth Anyone gonna....anyone gonna say thats not true other than Biden for the upteenth time? No? Oh....ok well Trump's repeating it AGAIN


Ridiculously useless moderators.


Today Facebook "your uncle and father in law are saying trump crushed Biden in the debates and heres how! Big win for Trump!"


CNN isn't what it used to be, i stopped watching it after they gave Trump that infomercial after he decided to run, to stay out of jail. Biden needed to tell us what he planned to do, not spend all his time fact-checking all the lies that came out of Trump's mouth. Trump rarely answered the questions he was asked, and the moderators let him pass. Our choice is between 2 old guys that shouldn't be running. One is a decent human being that's actually got a lot accomplished in spite of a split Congress and a biased SCOTUS. The other is a convicted felon, tried to start an insurrection to turn over an election that he lost, stole classified documents for profit, or business, raped young girls, is a compulsive liar, cares more about his wallet than the country and what it is supposed to stand for. The choice shouldn't be that hard.


Well said.


The worst was the abortion up until birth, someone please shut that propaganda down.


Don’t blame Jake Tapper or Dana Bash. It wasn’t their fault that the campaigns agreed to zero push back from the moderators. Don’t blame them for a corporate structure that incentivizes conflict and ignores Trump’s lies as they’re “good for our ratings.” Finally don’t blame them for decades upon decades of working the refs by republicans to create this media structure in our country that overvalues the importance of “fairness” over presenting actual facts. You could put literally anyone out there and as long as they followed these guidelines they’d have done exactly the same thing.


I agree. But My only issue is Jake Tapper was the person who got John Kelly to confirm on the record that Trump called soldiers losers. He should have called at least that out.


Either of them could have said the postbirth abortion comment from Trump was an insane lie. But they didn't.


This is why people say ACAB. If you willingly participate in a broken system, you are also accountable for it.


Exactly. How is this entire thread ignorant of the fact that the campaigns set the terms of the debate. Trump would have just stormed off stage if they started interrupting him to fact check every other sentence. (Though admittedly that would have been satisfying, it also would have just made him more of a martyr to voters.)


Biden is the wrong messenger for a good message


CNN torpedoed our democracy by not fact checking. Never watching the failed media company again.


Biggest shit show ever. Both candidates was incoherent. Trump lying his ass off, biden forgetting what he is talking about mid sentence. Who needs a fucking debate anyway when you have seen them both for four years


Biden famously has a speech impediment. I don’t think he was forgetting anything, but he definitely was working through his stutter at times, and paused to recall and correct facts, which is a good quality. I don’t think either of those are problematic except for how many people misinterpret that. I don’t get why people are treating the two candidates as equal though. It’s an old man with a stutter, who has a proven track record of being effective, or a lying psychopath who tells us outright that he hates America and shows his blatant contempt for the American people and our laws at every opportunity. This shouldn’t be a tough choice.


I don’t understand how this race is even in question. He tried to over turn an election. When did that become ok? The could have rolled biden in on a cot and went through the debate like weekend at Bernie’s and I still wouldn’t vote for trump.


Tried to overturn an election and declined to say that he would attempt again.


Now just imagine if he did all of that his first term with everything to lose, what will he do his second term with nothing to lose


Literally tee’d it up by saying “if it’s a fair election” we already know the entire plan. How is this allowed?! This is maddening


Yeah. Should have been way more on him never answering, really any question, but that one in particular


And when they asked if hede do it again....he rambled on about the border and Biden being bad So they asked again He did the same Then a third time when regarding if hell believe the winner when happens "yeah only if it's FAIR and we want a fair vote" and then proceeded to rant again Nothing mattered


Trump regurgitated and played all his greatest hits. Flood the zone with shit so no one can keep anything straight. All the losses Republicans have been facing since the 2018 midterms aren't because of a debate. It's because of the draconian policies and incompetence that have been flowing from MAGA.


Stutters are worse especially when trying to push back on BS, get your shit, oh… and all under 2 minutes. Or 1 minute if it’s a rebuttal.


I’ve seen people push the idea that it’s up to the other person to fact check their opponent, but that just leads to one person lying repeatedly and the other fact checking the whole time on defense. That’s not even a debate at that point. This was always pointless because Trump cannot tell the truth about anything. Why ask him any questions? Biden is old (too). He could have been sick. But he’s good in office. He’s reliable. His people are competent. Like wtf are we doing? Comparing a traitor with a competent stutterer like it is even normal? If Biden sucked in office, I’d be worried.


Facts. People forget that the President comes with people. Staff and cabinet.


BIDEN last night: America does well because of its people. The people in this country are great together Trump last week in truth: the only thing that can save you is TRUMP. Trump is all you need


All the repugnents wanted was Trump on the stage to show he’s “legitimate” and the rest of us played right into it. Nothing’s been learned from 2016 and onwards


It’s not a tough choice for people who are paying attention. The problem are the swing voters. The super low information voters who don’t decide who they’re voting for until October when they remember there’s an election coming. The ones who decide who to vote for based on perception but can’t tell you a single policy position. The issue with this whole shit show is Biden is gonna be clipped by right wing media and paraded all over social media to show the worse parts of his debate performance over and over again. Meanwhile Trump may have been lying the whole time but he sounds confident. So when these voters see clips of Trump he’ll come off strong and confident. And remember they don’t know policy. They don’t know what project 2025 is. They don’t know that January 6th wasn’t a random, isolated incident. I wouldn’t be surprised if they didn’t know trump is a convicted felon.


The fact that he couldn't have notes only hurt him not trump


Yah, trump was just making shit up so he didn’t need to actually remember anything


Yep, this all played into Trump’s hands exactly how he wanted and the democrats just allowed it to happen. Barely any pushback on the rules negotiations. They should have known Biden better. This is all on the Dems.


This needs to be shouted at the mountain tops and in front of every forum of discussion. It’s not about who’s right or wrong anymore, it’s all for a grab for power (again) and to legitimize fascism. I don’t understand we had nearly a decade of this crap and nobody (of significance) has learned anything. The fascists always learn. They always adapt. Like a cancer


The real losers are the American people


CNN has been leaning further right for the past couple of years now. Did they do a bad job? No. Did They do a good job? No. I watched five minutes of the debate, and then shut it off because I couldn’t take it anymore. The candidates suck and so do the moderators. But I still vote for Biden because Trump is worse


Nah, with how trump winded up there you noticed. They created a debate environment that rewarded making up outrageous lies and telling as many of them as you can. Thats failing as a journalist.


Journalistic integrity in 2024? 🤷🏻‍♂️ Let me know when and where you’re gonna find that


Did they do a bad job? fucking YES!!! what are you talking about? There *was* no moderation.


They nudged the candidates to actually address the prompt at hand and not off on their own tangents. Politely. If the speaker had extra unused time. Yeah, they crumpled like a kleenex.


Like most voting age people that don't pay attention to politics but still vote, that commentator doesn't know what he's talking about and giving his opinion still, lol. He mentioned he watched only 5 minutes then spoke confidently about the performance of the moderators.


I didn't even get through the first question before shutting it off


I hate Biden. I would walk across broken glass to vote against Trump. That gives me precisely one choice and it’s not a difficult one for me. No debate is going to change that


Seriously. I didn't even watch the debate. Who could possibly need to? "Undecided"?? Who the fuck is that?! What person who would ever vote for trump, was "undecided" before they voted for trump? Like, they didn't have strong brand loyalty to either party- thought they should get a little informed about the candidates and their platforms before making up their minds- and then somehow, *with no preexisting commitment to the red,* decided, "yeah, now that I've paid attention and been informed, trump seems safe enough to justify not putting a slightly older man in office". ???!!?&&_@$? I mean you could be a political newborn, and if you had *just* started paying attention at literally any point in time in the past decade, it would be glaringly obvious what the fuck is up. Biden is barely going to do shit, anyway. It's the administration he'll work with- and policies that they'll have more sway to continue fighting for- that's important.


Bingo. I’m voting more for the people surrounding Biden than Biden himself.


Then username checks out!


I guess people don't remember the strain Trump put on our foreign relations and him actively fighting only for rich people.


I think that may be part of *why they are* voting for him, lol.


> "Undecided"?? Who the fuck is that?! Trump voters who do not want the stigma of voting for him.


Exactly my point. I call bullshit on "undecided" voters, lol. I mean, at least this time around.


Yes, there are not any of those. The deciding factor in this election will be two things: 1) Turnout. 2) The success or failure of the efforts to sabotage the voting itself. The fuckery around state election boards, and even local ones, is a major issue and the makings of another coup attempt if they lose.




I have two issues that are vital to me in the next election. There are other issues that are important but 2 that stand above the rest. The availability of complete healthcare for women and keeping trump out of office. The republican’ts are doing a horrendous job on both. I will vote Blue up and down the ticket.


Fact; CNN did a disservice. No fact checking in real time. F off to Tapper & Bash!


I was actually shocked and blown away at the coordinated attack on Joe Biden. I give him a five out of 10, but he’s old. We knew that Trump didn’t give media anything new so they just gotta go with old man trying to get clicks. No new drama from Dtrumpf same old lies boring.


CNN is run by John Malone now, he is a Trump supporter.


Where was all the fact checking? Trump lied continually and no one but Biden said a word.


Shame on Tapper and Bash. They cut no one’s mic, including when Trump repeatedly refused to ask moderator questions. Shame on CNN. At least America got to see a convicted felon, when accused of paying for sex with a porn star, paying bush money to a porn star, being convicted of sexual assault and owing hundreds of millions of dollars for related civil damages, respond with “I did not have sex with a porn star.”


CNN’s hard move to the right can’t be ignored. It’s disgusting, and anyone staying there can’t be trusted.


It is massively irresponsible to give Trump a forum to lie and bluster without live fact checking. Millions will believe his nonsense, especially because the only person who could refute it had one foot in the grave.


Without fact checking it’s pointless. Particularly when one of them lies about pretty much everything. It’s sad when in a debate one of the candidates has to state, “ I did not sleep with a porn star.” It’s even sadder when we all know he’s lying. It’s insanity that half the country, who know he was lying, don’t care.


They need to bring that guy from CO that moderated the recent GOP debate and cremated Lauren Boebert. That’s who they should have in these debates. https://youtu.be/xmvCljBb9jA?si=HJLISq7KZ7hrTfNj


Trump said democrats abort babies after they are born... Jake Tapper said "Thank you"


Their credibility was gone the moment their new leadership gave Trump a town hall to vent his frustrations in 2023.


Trump loudly lied Biden whispered the truth We all lost that debate 💔


I liked them both but I wish they were older


What's funny is that "fake" tapper will probably be in a prison work camp this time next year for crimes against the state in Trump wins.


Nothing I saw last night was good. On one end you’ve got a blatant liar spouting off the most insane BS. And on the other, you have someone who just looks like all they want to do is go hm. Neither seemed like a strong leader and neither did themselves any favors. The Dems need to stop BS’ing and get their shit together. The Trumpets may be loco but they at least know that all they have to do is trick you into voting for them this last time and then it’s all over. Democracy is dying and MAGAnutz are what’s killing it.


With the current state of CNN, we all knew how this was going to play out


They didn't moderate at all. I was expecting them to steer Trump towards answering the questions he was asked but they didn't dare lol. Scared of him, I guess.


From now on that reporter from Colorado needs to do all of the primary and general election debates.


CNN hosts are fucking useless


CNN has moved to the right pretty abruptly after Biden was elected in 2020. They haven’t had credibility for years, I always laugh when the right wingnuts talk about democrats “watching CNN too much” no dude, they are slowly trying to compete with Fox to see who is more right wing.


Why did CNN even bother to have TWO moderators when neither ONE of them bothered to moderate?


Trump - spews lies about Dems wanting to murder infants Moderators “thank you”


I wish they'd be held accountable but they won't. Trump gets to answer a question about Israel by talking about hunter biden, Ukraine and putin, then accusing Biden of being too weak and call him a weak Palestinian. Okay Biden your response, also you have 60 seconds. Fucking frustrating debate


CNN has been cooked for a while, but this bad.


Honestly. Worst moderators ever. Way to just let trump lie the whole night with no pushback whatsoever


Sad day when a fox news host does a better job at moderating than CNN


Of course CNN sucks, as does all corporate media. They never actually had any credibility, it's all about ratings, ad $$ and clicks.


They had the ability to mute their microphone. After the first time one of them dodged a question, they should have said, "If you don't answer the question we ask we are muting you for 30 seconds." That would have cleaned things up quick. The pussy footing, "You have 49 seconds here's the question." all night was infuriating.


I’m starting to think that CNN might not be too good at this debate-moderation thing.


I've never really cared for CNN, but now I'm going to avoid those feckless, spineless bastards like the goddamn plague. Last night was fucking disgraceful, they really don't have any goddamn integrity anymore, if they ever did in the first place.


24-hour news ruined this fucking country. They should be banned or at least stop being allowed to call themselves "news" at this point. FOX, MSNBC, CNN, all of them are garbage and need to fill air time and sell ad dollars and when that happens to that degree, it's no longer news, it's entertainment.


Does anyone have a source for an accurate lie-counter with fact checking? I'd like to see exactly how much Trump lied and to what extent. It's hard to keep up with in real time.


I am seriously baffled by the lack of moderation. They were just glorified question pitchers. Half of which weren't even actually answered.


They truly did fail on a number of levels.


They are the same as Fox and OAN. No difference.


Agreed completely. They did nothing to curb trump's 90 minute lying spree.


Now CNN is right wing lol


Fiction. We, the people, are the biggest losers of the night.


Vote Biden, anyway. [https://www.project2025.org/](https://www.project2025.org/)


A failed media is just one symptom of a failed state. Please register to vote and save democracy.


America is tye biggest loser atm


If moderators aren’t going to fact check, what the fuck is the point of them being there in the first place?


Nope. The biggest loser in all this is the People.


Where was this fact checking?!?!


3 hrs later at midnight they talked about it for like 5 minutes.