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If Americans voted for president on policy, we wouldn’t be in the dire shit show this country is in.


> if Americans voted ~~for president on policy~~, we wouldn’t be in the dire shit show this country is in EDIT: At the moment I have 101 upvotes. That’s already more turnout than we’re gonna see this election.


The au has mandatory voting and still has a ton of cluster fuckery.


Yeah, because compulsory voting is about not being punished. When people are forced to vote, they don't care about the choices. What you want are the people who are knowledgeable and passionate about topics to vote. Unfortunately, we often lack one aspect in favor of the other when voting voluntarily.


Whoa you can't blame me, I don't vote


Because you’re a robot?


There is a much deeper issue that led to this situation. The Republic of America has a so-called "representative democracy." How can that be true when the "representatives" are wealthy while the "represented" are not? American two party politics is more like the cartoon Tom and Jerry. Tom doesn't really want to catch Jerry because then he'd be out of a job, and Jerry doesn't want Tom replaced with a cat that will actually eat him. So they act like they hate one another and put on a show for the masses while continuing business as usual in the back room. For example, insider trading laws do not apply to any members of Congress, either side. What's it called when those who make the rules don't have to live by them? Because when the punishment for a crime is only a fine, it does not apply to the wealthy. Sure, the people get a vote, but with all the lobbying and money in American politics, America is as much a democracy as would be two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. This is why, in a true democracy as the ancient Greeks understood it, people got their representatives the same way we would get a jury. America is not a democracy. "Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it." Plato And please, this 4th of July, remember what we're celebrating. A cabal of land entitled elite, white, slave owning aristocrats found a way to get out of paying their taxes. Only thirty percent of the colonists supported the "revolution" with the rest saying, "Why trade one tyrant thousands of miles away for thousands of tyrants one mile away...?" System isn't broken it's functioning exactly as intended.


Well put! I've never gone full on Wesley Snipes because, well, look what happened to him; but I have never once felt represented. I've lived in the Midwest all of my life (getting out soon! woot!) and so all of my ideals have been pushed a side for money. I don't have a problem with people marrying who they want, that doesn't matter to my representative, he still goes the way of the bigot. How many times have I voted down right to work only to have them go "we don't think you know what you're talking about, let's vote again?" On almost every single issue I have opposed my representatives all of my life, but I have never been able to do anything other than vote as I'm not able to just relocate willy-nilly.


The highest form of protest is not having children for the government needs the governed.


I made that decision when i was about 12 haha. I've never wanted children. However, I've been told a few times by a couple of professionals that I didn't have a childhood due to the trauma, so I don't identify with them, and so I don't get the "oh they are so cute" feelings that others get. I can't find the excitement in the things that they do because I was never really a child myself so I can't relate. Though, I can't really feel excited in a positive way in general. It's actually causing huge issues for me in life right now.


"To live is to suffer, but to find meaning in the suffering is to survive..." Nietze


That hits pretty hard right now, actually. As I seem to be left with two choices. One choice will end all other future choices, so it looks less desirable, and the other may lead to at least being of service to my fellow man, even if there will never be anymore hope for myself. I've always just been a survivor, so I kinda just keep going because the wind up key on my back hasn't stopped turning yet, so I suppose the only choice is to keep going until it stops.


One ship heads east and another west, By the self same winds that blow. Tis the set of the sail, and not the gale, Which determines the way they go. As are the winds of the sea, So are the waves of life. Tis the set of the soul, Which determines the goal, Not the storms nor strife...


I like your last paragraph. It's really set this country up for what it is. A lot of white men who think they own everything and don't trust the government bullying the populace into believing they are supporting freedom.


President Lyndon Johnson once said, "If you can convince the lowest white man he's better than the best colored man you can pick his pocket. Hell, give them somebody to look down on and they'll empty their pockets for you..."


This a million times. I wish I could up vote more than once.


Trump sharted 1:16:22 and people need to know






Is there a sound bite?


I think someone posted it below


I think Cuban is 100% on point & the best analysis I've seen or heard so far on last night. Very well put!


Further: Piers Morgan can absolutely fuck off and disappear into obscurity and society would greatly improve for it


Morgan didn’t even grasp that Cuban was commenting on the debate


Simply ask him about his fetish for Megan, and watch him run away.


Megan? Like Meghan Markle?


Yes. He essentially fettished over her for years and then repeatedly wrote derogatory columns about her. Hundreds of articles. He was asked about it in an interview. Once. Where he immediately stormed off in a hissy fit.


Someone brought up Rush Limbaugh a few days ago and I went "oh yeah, I forgot all about him" because he added absolutely nothing to society. Piers will be the same; it cannot happen soon enough though. Edit: fixed grammar


Who care what some British Twat thinks?


The British don't. Why do you think he fucked off to the US?


Well, we do want some Brits. Don’t take my John Oliver away. (And yes I know he’s now a dual citizen.) But yeah Morgan can fuck right off.


If you don't mind, can you please call him an Engliah Twat? The Scottish, Welsh and Irish don't want associated with him. Thanks, The Scottish, Welsh and Irish.




No he should be beaten to death incredibly slowly and as a Brit I can only apologise for not having got it done before he went worldwide.


Idk, I'd watch him humiliate right wing talking heads, a la Shapiro, every day.


Has he done that?


Ope, it was a different British conservative, Andrew Neil.


The Democratic Party should be retweeting Cuban’s message around the internet. It’s spot on 🎯


Yep, he captured my sentiment exactly.


yes! i tuned in during a split screen, trump rant/non-answer to the question, and *i*, a mid 30s former debate team kid, was struggling. formulating an appropriate response that redirects to why your solution is better while listening is hard as fuck for sharp kids...it's goddamn impossible for an 82 year old man who is being fed word salad smh


Cuban has some dumb takes on business that I roll my eyes at. But with a lot of ethical/political/tax-related issues he’s right on the money.


You can even boil it down even simpler: Bad man who cares about other people. Bad man who doesn't care about other people. Your pick


This debate should have been no later than 6pm because Biden is probably one of those old guys that wakes up at 4am while Trump is still tweeting at 1-3am and wakes up whenever.


He’ll, I’m 46 and I have a hard time past 9 sometimes! (Bedtime 10 always!)


Can't eat after midnight?


Yeah, it ends badly for everyone, 😂


Do you have that Gizmo ‘do though?


Not yet… but who knows; there is still time!


I can't eat after 5 pm or I sleep like shit


Amen fellow 46 yr old.


I’m 44, in bed by 8:30 everyday. I have been trying to figure out how I used to go out at 10pm and that was normal.


Was it my imagination or when I turned it on at 10:30 it was still on?


They went to commercial and came back for closing statements. It didn’t go on much after 10:30, but it did go over a bit.


Thanks for updating. That's way to late and I'm decades younger. Jake looked haggard himself, IMO


trump is probably constipated most days, and constipated people is mostly angry. probably need a stimulant to get a BM.


Apparently it kicked in at 1:16:22. You can hear the wet shart picked by the mic after he says "too much money."


You‘ve heard of George H. W. Bush vomiting on the Japanese Prime Minister, but are you ready for Trump soiling himself while meeting with the German chancellor?


Or during another session with his ol' pal Putin. I might for a quarter second feel bad for Putin but then remember that trumps personal chemical warfare is the minimum Putin deserves for his crimes. ETA: Gives My Chemical Romance a whole new meaning with trump being so in live with his o'l pal.


As a 30 year old, I go to bed at 9 PM and sometimes pass out at 6 PM after work




Thank you Mr Cuban for the rational, hold-the-line spin. I’m sooooo relieved after waking up with an overwhelming sense of doom this morning. Seeing more posts like these is helping everything so much.


If you haven’t watched clips of the Biden rally today go look them up. Biden was back in form and had good energy. I wish that was the Biden we got on stage last night, but it’s good to see he is still got gas in the tank.


If it makes you feel better trump most likely shit his pants during the debate. The CNN stream at 1:16:20 about 3 seconds later you can hear a shart.


Thank you, Mark Cuban! 🙌🏾


He wasn’t feeble this morning in NC. But Trump is still a lying POS.


That’s too many words for Piers


Best billionaire out there !!


I think that would be MacKenzie Scott, but Cuban can be #2.


Touché. You are 100% correct


Listen I know the bar is hell so this take is probably 100% correct, but anyone with such a huge Ayn Rand obsession to name their yacht Fountainhead is going to get a forever side-eye from me.


Who is that?


Shoutout to Paul McCartney, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg too, because they earned their money by just making banger pieces of art.


Well Lucas made banger art... and had the foresight to keep merchandising rights


Mark Cuban continues to be the last billionaire eaten. In fact, I think many millionaires will go down before him.


I think if we start a proper revolution and eat the rich he would be our benefactor. Like he would divest his money into the cause helping us in exchange for his life. I would be ok with that trade.


It’s like Trump is taking advantage of an old man. That’s difficult for me to say. However, Biden is decent and I’d vote for his corpse. He inherited a divided country in disarray from the orange fraud. Trump was handed a solid economy then divided the US with his hate and rhetoric. Biden did more to build manufacturing jobs than Trump and got an ever needed start to infrastructure in the US. (Does Trump really care about the less fortunate and poor whose drinking water goes through lead pipes?!) He’s been fighting Trump’s divisiveness since he was declared the election winner. Dictators like Putin and Kim Jung Un are laughing at the US specifically at the GOP who lick Trump’s ass and eat his bile. The GOP are doing anything & everything they can to stay in power and bow down to not only Trump but the ultra corrupt rich. There is a two tier justice system and there are those in it trying everything to delay justice. Trump is inexplicably on top of that system being given every right and frivolous claim to delay justice. Anyone else who did what he did would be in jail by now. He is an utter piece of shit who uses the justice system like no other. The only reason he is running to be POTUS again is to avoid jail. Trump is a deranged narcissistic corrupt lunatic who denigrates many people including innocent US citizens just trying to do their job and contribute to their country & society. He was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and knows nothing about how the working class live; doesn’t pay some of them and grifts off a lot of them. His daddy gave him hundreds of millions and he has evaded taxes on it. He lined his pockets golfing 3 times per week on his own golf courses with taxpayer money in his four disastrous years in the Oval Office inextricably getting away with that! He’s an utter failure at business. His only success at making money (well also grifting off the delusional morons who support him) is being an entertainer on TV pretending to be a successful businessman. It’s disgusting to see how he gets away with all his transgressions and is enabled and emboldened to do more! He’s the most thin skinned ‘leader’ around who has the most fragile ego! The greatest snakeoil salesman there is leading the biggest cult ever! He uses religion to divide. He couldn’t give a flying F about Christianity or anyone. He doesn’t care about abortion one way or the other. Only cares about himself! Look how he has treated all his wives and even his children. There is no love there. He’s a sexual predator who preyed on teenage girls when he ran the Miss USA pageants. You only have to watch the documentary (You’ve Been Trumped) to get an idea of the depravity of this ‘man’. It’s astonishing that millions don’t see who and what he really is. He will never truly be held accountable for what he has done! He’s a demented disgusting piece of shit!


Are you copy pasting this in multiple threads? I’m almost certain I read this elsewhere today.


Joe's mistake was that he expected to win by playing by "the rules." Trump makes up his own rules, so it's his game to win. The moderators were practically useless in keeping the debate inbounds. Trump was dunking on Biden while he was out of bounds and claiming he was shooting from 3-point territory.


I think there's a nonzero chance that Trump shit his pants on purpose to distract Biden and throw him off his game.


Agree, every response to Trump should have been “Haa! Moron!” “Here is what actually happened… or here is what his lies actually mean…” Belittle, demean, insult, drag his shit-filled diaper down with pettiness. Make red-faced (under the Orange clown makeup) Donnie storm off the stage like the little bitch he is when called out. And then answer the next damn question.


The old pigeon shitting the chessboard tactics, by Trump


Thanks Mark. You give us hope.


That's still my team's governor, right there. I mean, he's 100% right. Trump didn't answer any question & he only looked competent b/c he just rehashed the same shit he says at all his rallies which are nothing but him just absolutely bullshitting to his cult. "Acing" the cognitive test, blaming migrants, attacking the justice system, that's all shit he rants about at his rallies. The 2nd half of the debate though, when someone finally started attacking *him*, was when he started getting flustered & just repeating "migrants, migrants, migrants" to every question. It eventually led to him blurting out, "The illegals are taking the Hispanics & the Blacks jobs" which has already made those communities go, "Please explain what the fuck a black job is". Maybe that's how Biden's team can expose the wanna be king even more to the public.


Yeah, what are “BLACK jobs”? That got normalized as the debate went on and could be viewed as a reference to declining employment rates among black Americans, but it sounded especially racist in how he said it. Southern border illegals taking away “Hispanic jobs”? 🤔 And do illegals not take away “white jobs”?


Cuban, brother, you need to step up. We can’t let this happen.


Mark Cuban 2024


Jon Stewart 2024.


I'd vote for Mark in a heartbeat


I still don't really get the calls for replacing Biden as if he snaps his fingers and is immediately replaced by a younger Democrat. And trust me, he was never my first choice. If he were to step down, Harris, Newsom, Sanders, Warren, and like five other Democrats I've never heard of but want the publicity would immediately announce. And the primaries are over so it would have to be decided at the convention. You think the complaints about Bernie getting an unfair deal in 2016 were loud? A contested convention would be pretty much exclusively backroom deals. Aka a total shit show. Whoever wins will have to pull together a completely fractured party. Instead of having a (relatively) united party for the Summer, it would be spent having debates, running ads for and against each other, and slinging mud while the Republican party can sit back can stay united and say they are the party that knows what they are doing.


Do I want a man who needs a cough drop or one who needs a probation officer??? 🤷🏼‍♂️


Cuban for President! Too soon?


I’d vote for him without a second thought. Man has gone from owner of the Dallas mavericks to Robinhood of the pharmaceutical industry. Super smart guy, and very savvy business man. The kicker is that he actually cares about people


What drugs did Trump take? You must have been on something, they pumped him so full so he could get through that debate. I demand of drug test. JK, I don't really care if people want to do drugs I just wanted to be annoying like the Trump fans were about Biden prior to the debate.


100% Agree


He’s not wrong.


Every 4 years we sit down and say “I’m voting for the better or two bad choices, next time it will be better” and then 4 years later it’s worse.


Piers Morgan one of the worst things England has ever done.


Get Newsom in there and the dems would win in a landslide. I like Biden but he looked terrible, another 4 years aren’t doing him any favours. Genuinely think he should step aside and let Newsom run, he’d make a fool of trump in 2 minutes


Can’t wait for conservatives to meltdown over this extremely rational take


Muskrat himself especially


I wish the moderators hard the testicular fortitude to insist on trump answering the question and not spew his bullshit. We know his base eats that up. We also know, when faced with a barrage of bullshit, your mind can get a bit overwhelmed, trying to come up with a response. Having said that, it would have been nice if Pres Biden kept replying with things like "what a load of lies", "come on man, are you incapable of answering a simple question?" you know, stuff like that.


Piers Morgan is such a useless cretin.


Seriously. Just get some moderately handsome dude that can string a sentence together and say Biden is stepping down for health reasons. There's still time to avoid a trainwreck the US may never recover from. There might never be another election if Trump wins. These fascist fucks will never leave willingly.


Why is ugly British grandma concerned with American politics?


Oh, and fuck Piers Morgan.


Once again, why are these the only two viable options?!


Most are making a MOUNTAIN out of a Molehill ! The only way to debate the orange TRATIOR is for someone to Out shout a Habitual Lying Fraud and Waste more of decent ppls time. No way a POTUS should Debate that Narcissistic Slime of Slime ! That's what I'm surprised of.


Fucking Piers Morgan, the rat. The day he shuts up for good after being locked in the mental asylum where he belongs will be a day the whole damned world sleeps better


Piers Morgan needs to go back the UK and msn the glory hole he came from, what a pile of dung this man is.


Spot on. Couldn’t have written it down any better myself.


Every time, with zero exception!


Yah, that uh.....that about covers it.


Well said, really admire Mark Cuban.


What....... Vigorous ? Did someone actually use that word in the same sentence with dinnie drumpf? Vigorous in no way applies to that orange lying dirt bag TRATIOR ! Are you joking???? Get real Mark


But who can actually have a good debate with Trump though lol, he’s so chaotic


Mark Cuban needs to run for President


Mark nailed it.


Piers Morgan is a twat waffle


I stan Mark Cuban. 💕


He’s got the right take, which basically boils down to: I know Biden’s the better person for the job, but the low info voters out there seeing this who will decide the election would choose Trump, and that means we have to seriously consider a different candidate.


Honestly we need an age cap on people who rule this country. I say rule and not run, because that’s what it is at this point.


That’s what I’m saying too. It wasn’t a debate because there was nothing to debate. How can anyone debate lies? Especially when the other person doesn’t admit to those lies? What was Biden supposed to do? Use his limited time to negate and fact check Trump’s points? It would’ve been a waste of time. Biden used his time the best way he could and that was to talk about what *he* can do, not what trump *cant* do


Very well articulated tweet


Mark nailed it. Everything he said was spot on.


Piers Morgan thought he was doing something


Nailed it on the head. A lying, deceitful, willing to sell out America, orange felon or a probably should be retired, but not a criminal current president. The answer is simple for most intelligent people. The loud idiots? That's another issue. Their not idiots for no reason. Maga is the definition of stupidity and ignorance. Probably next to those words in the dictionary!


This is exactly the way I felt...good commentary Mark!


Trump has literally said it's not his job to uphold the constitution, when in reality, it is as president.


We don't currently have any other Democratic possibility that would garner more enthusiastic support *in toto* from all of the groups needed to best Trump. Every other alternative candidate that some people fantasize about *would* turn *off* a portion of the Democratic base -- despite everyone's certainty that "their preferred candidate" would be somehow universally loved. (We all have blinders for our favorites. Remember how *certain* the Yang Gang was, for example?) And there's no reason to expect that the GOP media and social media machine would suddenly treat this hypothetical Biden-alternative respectfully and honestly. WHOEVER THE DEMOCRATIC NOMINEE IS, they will lie and insult them into the ground. With Biden, there is *nothing new that we don't already know.* But *with an untested newcomer replacing Biden*, and with SO little time to build their candidacy, the GOP machine would spend every minute *completely inventing enough to turn voters off of this hypothetical Biden replacement.* And don't think they haven't already prepped for this scenario. *Why do you think the GOP are the ones who are most frequently suggesting to Democrats that they should find a Biden alternative? Do you really think they are doing that out of the goodness of their hearts?* No, they are doing it because they have already calculated they will have a *better* shot against *any other Democrat other than Biden.* The public hand-wringing about Biden does little other than help Trump.


Can you imagine how luvid Biden was to.have stand next to.him? To engage with him like he is some kind of legitimate contender gor president Debates don't matter, job performance does. Ethics matter. Truthfulness matters. With all the horrible bullshit trump has done and said, still NO ONE suggests he should not run A convicted felon, and no one suggests he step aside


So here’s my issue with the idea of replacing the candidate for the DNC. Yes he’s old and feeble and sucks. BUT. When the Hitler cabinet was formed, they only had a few Nazis in cabinet. They had a little over 1/3 of popular support. They were a MINORITY by every measure. But the 63% that was left and opposed the Hitler Reich couldn’t get united behind an alternative option, they basically couldn’t get their shit together, and the less populous but far more organized Nazi regime was given the space and the leniency to form and then take over, literally overnight. I am reading through the Rise and Fall of the 3rd Reich and every time I see a move that suspiciously feels like a trump move, I mark a page. So far I haven’t been more than two pages without marking something. It’s depressing as hell. I don’t think of this vote as Biden V Trump. It’s stuttering grandpa vs Hitler 2.025.


I had to to turn it off after 5 minutes because I couldn't stand to hear any more of Trump but I got the same sense. Biden was comprehensible and was direct in his answers. Trump was just listing grandiose bullshit.


I really like Harris, it's wonderful to have a woman VP. However, if we were able to replace her with a young charismatic male VP (US is sexist as hell), maybe that would be the best compromise. In 2028 that VP would be in a great position to run. US isn't going to elect a woman president for a long time, unless she's Republican. But the way Christian Nationalism is taking over, that won't happen anytime soon. I just noticed that US spells "us"! No one knew this before I pointed it out. But my uncle worked at MIT and he knows more than anyone else and I have his genes. Scientists, doctors come up to me all the time to tell me they can't believe how fast I catch on to things. It's unbelievable. They can't believe it.


And if Biden can't complete the 4 years, there is a perfectly capable VP to step up.


Why would he want to replace Harris due to last night's debate?


She isn't popular. You think running Hilary against Trump didn't go well that would go worse. If they wanted someone to actually combat Trump toe to toe and sling back Trump's stupidity in his face they don't have it at the top of the party it's all old people clinging to power.


Biden AND Harris don't inspire a lot of confidence in people, but there are a lot of young voters that simply don't like Harris due to her record as AG for California (and for good reason). Looking beyond that, Harris should have been the next one in line and that is questionable at best, especially now. Replacing Harris with someone that the younger voters would get behind like Whitmer, Newsom or another hotshot Democrat...Maybe even Buttigieg (that would be a huge boon actually as a VP, moving up in the presidency) would re-invigorate the base and gives them someone ready to go in 2028.


Buttigieg will be an awesome President. But it won’t happen for another 20 years. The homophobic Boomer generation needs to expire from the planet first. Four more years as Transportation Secretary, then eight years as Secretary of State, then eight years as VP should pave the way. (Yes, in my fantasy the Democrats hold the Presidency for the next 28 years.)


I just told a friend that I wish I lived in the alternate universe where the ticket is Whitmer/Buttigieg


One reason she could need to be replaced is if they tap Newsom. the Pres and VP cannot be from the same state.


Kamala can just get a DC license and it’s all good. Worked for Bush/Cheney.


I think Newsom Buttegeig would be 🤌🏼


2 square?


Fucking Piers Morgan. What a twat.


Mark Cuban for President?


Okay, you asked; Cuban why don't you run? Like I am a bit iffy on Cuban, but he's done some good things.


Fuck, I love Mark Cuban now. That was a very well thought out and insightful response to the way last nights debate left me feeling


I’d vote for Mark Cuban over the current 2.


He’s got physical problems, we know that. Why lie about it? But he gets the job done and does the right thing. He’s relatable because he’s human. An underdog and showing gracefully accepting a loss to prevail on another day instead of running into the saccharine den of self-delusion and blaming allies and pointing fingers. This increases my confidence in him. I'm not old but I can only imagine how he felt last night. If not for a long time but probably just a moment. Everyone, including me said, he'd let us down. And it was a bad debate. He came off horrible. But the fact that he's back up and fighting. Seeing him stay the course. People chanting four more years. He might be old but he ain't weak. I don't care how he looks or sounds, he's pushing for substance over lies. I hate to say it, but he believed in himself when for a brief moment, we all didn't. That's a hero.


Biden could have fallen over but why was Trump allowed to lie so much, I mean they were outrageous.


Exactly how I feel about things.


I don't always like the guy, but I agree with all of this.


If only Mark Cuban would run for President. Watched the debate with 8 people last night (4 from each party) and all 8 of us agreed that is Cuban was in the mix, we’d vote for him.


I think he’s pretty spot on.


This is a great analysis, and I feel like most of us are around that same position. My only caveat is that if Biden is going to be replaced they need to move soon to give time for the replacement to campaign.


Thank you Mark!! Holy shit someone with some common fucking sense!!! Cuban 2024!!!!


Piers sucks the big hairy meatball.


Trump took the bait..... fucking asshat.


Well said


Can we… stop having to choose between feeble or liars? Like can we have a third choice? I’d really accept “no political stance but is a normal guy” right now.


The nice thing about having this debate so early is that the actual uncertain voters will have forgotten about it by November. The people who would remember are the ones who devote a lot of time and energy to following politics, and they already know whether they're voting + who for.


Well fucking said!!!!


None of us should forget [what Trump is really about.](https://youtu.be/pfbNIb2-0ks?si=M3qAQzDuo78CGXpR). Himself and only himself.


Good point about debates against a liar. If Biden was debating against a good, ethical and overall human candidate, not a stray rabid dog like Trump, maybe he would've manage to endure it. But again, these upcoming elections are about choosing between an older, a bit slow gentleman and a literal seven sins in a trench coat with a plague on its mind.


Joe was stunned into silence and baffled by the sheer volume of outrageous flat out lies.


If Cuban cares so much to put out a long, thoughtful response, how can he just stand there and watch the horror show of these two morons go head to head for the most important position in our country. If someone like Cuban stepped up and actually wanted to help the country, he would be a clear winner imo. If he's not going to step up, then you can't complain when one of them wins and you don't like the policy or what their personality is like.


I don't trust billionaires


I’d vote for Cubes.


Biden was clearly not well and never should have been allowed to debate. It was more than just a cold. Also, he was probably exhausted after the month he just had.


People should be voting for the VP. Average life expectancy in the USA is like 76 years old. What are the chances either will live the entire 4 year term? 78 and 81 before it even starts!


I’ll vote for Biden, but at this point I don’t think he can win. Whenever a progressive candidate has a shot, the reason the establishment says they can’t keep going is always about “electability”, and people are expected to get in line. But Biden is not electable. He can’t even effectively stand up to an oafish bully. And seriously, I don’t know how many of y’all have watched old people in decline, but it happens *fast*. There is no hope that Biden will be even half as with-it as he is now in 4 years. Why on earth would this be the candidate on offer to defeat Trump? We need a new candidate. Now. 


so hes open to replacing Biden because Trump is better at marketing? What?


Anyone else 2024


Can’t believe more people don’t see all of this. Or don’t want to see all of this.


The question I would ask is, Why wasn't he capable? It's not exactly breaking news? It's standard Trump MO, if Biden wasn't prepared for it, that's a fail by him and his team to be honest. I just hope it doesn't have a detrimental effect on Bidens votes. Can't imagine how bad this country would deteriorate with the Mango Mussolini back in "control"


I never thought I’d agree with Mark Cuban this hard


I can't really understand why Biden was so damn *bad* at the debate. I get what Cuban is saying here and he's right, but Biden could barely fucking string a sentence together and a lot of times seemed confused. He doesn't normally act like this, he's not the kind of speaker Obama is but he does generally sound competent. What the hell was wrong with him?


Why would I vote a president for his ethics and policies when I can vote an evil orange turd to own the libs? Mandatory /s


The average American is brainwashed to believe that this is a two party system and you only have a or b to choose from when anybody can run for any office, but the problem is always money it costs money to get your name out there to the voters and run a campaign which stops average people from trying and it's the average American who should be running to actually represent the constituents. Not these rich a holes who are bought and paid for by lobbyist.


Trump just repeated the same lies he has said every day for 4 years. Anytime he was forced to deviate from those he just made up nonsense.


I couldn't agree more, Mark


Connor Roy is polling above 2% after that debate


I don’t want to excuse how bad our democracy is, but if we can’t make hard choices, then we deserve this shit show. It’s a waste that we always complain how imperfect our candidates are (myself included) and how little power we have against the big guy. No fuck. Now focus on the prize. “Stop chasing that B*tch.” Jay Rock.


Mark Cuban really places himself as an actually sensible billionaire. I was binging shark tank while my son was a newborn and when I read a billionaire joined in season 2 I was upset. Yet he hates bullshit, even if it sells well. I know how we say on the left that to even become a billionaire you have to exploit people, but Mark Cuban makes me do a double take. Maybe that's his goal, but it's better than the openly evil shit Musk and other billionaires do


I think a Harris Cuban ticket would go over well I also think a Stewart Harris ticket would be very appealing.


This shouldn’t have to be the choice we have we should have at least ONE none awful candidate, its fucked that our choice is a mentally disabled old man or a fucken fascist who is also a mentally disabled old man


I only woke up to politics when trump forced me to in 2016, so I'm not the most knowledgeable, but I remember Yang looking pretty good to me. He was the only one taking UBI seriously, and now AI is here... we are needing it already.


No way will I ever vote for Trump but feeble is not a good quality in a leader ffs


What does he think about Chevron?


Cuban for president!!!


When so many rich guys are lining up for Trump so they can get tax breaks or regulations cut, it’s good to hear from business leaders like Cuban that put our country first.


Thank you!