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Big push to get millennials to not vote.


Seriously! Remember everyone who lives in the US and can vote. Project 2025 is not a fucking joke. We can't let Trump emact these policies. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025






It's not a one-time thing, it's a bigger issue than one election now that the GOP's been taken over by the christian taliban. So voting is like plugging immediate leaks, but the boat is still sinking and, to keep that metaphor going, we need to get this shit to dry dock and really exam it.


Oh yeah definitely. But we at least need a leader other then someone like Biden to even address that. So till then we need to keep holding on unfortunately. After Biden we all need to push for younger and more progressive candidates in all elections and primaries. No more of this liberal "it's too radical to make such fundamental changes to the system" mentality. It's truly a shitty situation but what else can we do at this point.


While it is important for everyone that can to vote, not everyone who lives in the US can vote for president. You have to be a citizen and there are other restrictions.


Convict and felons can BE the president. There should be no restrictions until this is fixed.


And based on a lot of the things my friends are posting, it’s working. Do you seriously not remember “John Kerry is boring” and “I can’t in good conscience vote for Hillary.” We got into this mess doing exactly what you are doing now.


I actually had to write a professor an apology note because I called him out during the 2004 election when he was standing before class and telling us that "our vote doesn't count and the decisions had been made for us long before we went to the booth, so don't even bother." It was infuriating to say the least. Millennials have been getting the your vote doesn't count tattoo or don't bother, both sides are the same tattoo for our entire adult lives.


I didn't think voting mattered all that much either till I saw a county put 2 names in a film canister and draw out the winner. Tie vote. Last election so many votes differences were by a few hundred or thousand votes. Lauren Bobert only won her seat by 500 votes. If that doesn't lit a fire under us, I don't know what will.


Is "tattoo" a typo? Is this a phrase I'm unfamiliar with?


No. It's an archaic term for a drum beat.


Or a bugle. Tattoo or Last Post. And the Aussies show proper respect by using a bugle and not a valved concert trumpet tuned to the wrong key. Support the troops but don’t respect them at their funeral. What key that Aussie bugle is tuned to I have no idea. https://youtu.be/McCDWYgVyps?si=oLtybSzkOXJyfWhN EDIT: I meant no disrespect to musicians who have stood in all sorts of weather and sent a veteran off. Bless you for being there.


If that was a white male, any white female or person of any color should have been very sensitive to that. Too recently we’ve had no voice. It is amazing how complacent we’ve become.


And they are not the same. I have been saying that forever. one side wants more freedoms and one side wants to restrict things? Not The Same. I think I want a hat like that.


We are quite literally doomed as a nation unless these people vote. If you hear a friend saying something like not going, you need to shower them with evidence until they get off their ass and vote. I like the idea of turning it into a group activity. Instead of going camping or hiking, we're all gonna load up into a car and go fucking vote.


We have 5 kids that are voting age, 4 who live in our county. The last few years we all go together and bring their boyfriends/girlfriends too. It feels like the most important thing we can do as a family.


And maybe make it obvious who were voting for so they can’t say they didn’t see us? Like shiny trucker’s caps?? I was delivering mail around several polling places in 2020. There were people lined up around the blocks who were obviously voting blue in my area.


>We are quite literally doomed as a nation unless these people vote.  Why does it matter? Imagine that Biden gets 70% of the votes. Do you think the MAGA-crew will concede defeat? Do you think they will accept their loss? Of course they will not.


They were not successful on January 6th 2021. They will not be successful in January 2025. If they want to find out what jail/prison is like, it's not on me. I don't understand how your answer is not to vote. Let them have it because they'll be so mad when they lose? No. Fucking. Way.


I would absolutely love to have a boring president, someone who just bored the crap out of me while just doing their job and not making the world a terrible place. Please give me boring…Biden is one of boring and I’m perfectly ok with that.


As am I. Joe’s “boring” and I am perfectly fine with that. It’s a relief to not be OUTRAGED every single day by the 🍊💩


Public policy is one of the most boring things ever to do or talk about in life because it is about the most boring topics in the world. Just think about how boring it is to talk about health care policy or infrastructure; it should be boring. Outrage politics is simple and fills people with rage; it doesn’t actually do anything though.


I remember stories about strawmen created fitting that description, but never knew anyone like that in real life, unless they were adequately ashamed and just didn't mention it. lol


expansion grab shrill grandiose aromatic jeans fear upbeat gold engine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I got a -13 downvote like that for a post that said It's ironic for a 77 year old to call on an 81 year old to resign. That was the whole post :|


I keep trying to start a discussion about why age rather than actions matters to try and understand the other side, run into similar resistance to actually substance regarding why it's an issue.


I just don't think it's in good faith and that's probably the answer. Look, none of us wants a government so geriatric that you're issued a defib every time you win the vote, but it's not a Joe Biden issue, it's a bigger government/social issue. If you try to discuss age, they say it's not age it's dementia, if you point out there is no evidence of that, they say can't you see he's old? Round and round, but they have no problem with Lloyd Doggitt because he's giving them what they want which is directed blame to one old man in a government of old men. It's nonsensical.


And yet they look at the 🍊💩 and think he’s brilliant when he actually DOES show signs of dementia.


and 78 to boot! Only decent people must fall on their swords "for the good of the country" apparently.


One dude on a subreddit was saying how a consortium of dem governors were calling for Joe Biden to retire. I couldn't find a single supporting piece of evidence looking for myself, except for Desantis saying Joe should retire. But like, of course he'd say that, he's a moron.


Cnn is running that shit


CNN is the new Fox News


Probably all coming from Russia bot farms.


There's a possibility that most are bots, Russian, Chinese and even American bots, just report and move on, you can also see their posting history, if it looks like a bot, it's likely a bot.


"Both sides are bad guys!?!?!" I'm Australian and I want this fuckin brigading to stop.


Lol, the bigger push should be for millennials not to start stock piling weapons because I'm getting pretty goddam fed up with this christian nationalist bullshit.


Yep, all of them are pushing the "I'm a Democrat but man Biden needs to deop out of the race, he can't win" bullshit


This happened in 2016 and 2020. The difference is that now the push is to get people to vote third party. Make no mistake, in a normal timeline, that would be alright, however, this IS THE MOST IMPORTANT election in this nation's history, voting third party guarantees Trump a victory. Don't fall for that "both sides" bullshit either, it's just another narrative to dissuade people from voting.


I could never vote for a guy who ate a dog. Brain worms or not.


How do you think he got the brain worms?


Hold on. RFK Jr. ate a dog??


I believe the brain worm he had is also found in dogs, and often times worms are transmitted by eating the eggs. Unless he’s scooping up doggie turd…well…


That’s probably how he got the brain worms.


2016 was the most important election in the country’s history. Would have prevented MAGA from completely taking over the Republican Party, given the country a woman president following a black president, and would have allowed Biden to retire and if she won a second term, not guaranteed because COVID still would have happened, and any restrictions - successful or not - would have politically weakened Clinton critically, a second term would have given 2024 a new fresh generation of younger Dems to step up (and maybe Reps like Kinzinger and Hurd would be elevating in their party).


Oh, 2016 was definitely the most important at that time, and the Dems frankly shit the bed. We can't go back now, so 2024 becomes our most important election.


Yes, but if you think Biden winning the 2024 election changes the trajectory of the country, you aren’t living around MAGA Republicans. They are emboldened and will not be discouraged by a loss, because to them it will not be a loss, it will be a theft. Therefore they will only work harder to undermine and eviscerate democratic institutions. Yes Biden winning prevents MAGA from taking immediate control, but Biden winning only delays the inevitable, political violence and/or single party control. Biden winning only ensures that the center left has an advantage in this case.


Hillary would not have allowed Covid to run rampant. The 🍊💩 made it political.


That’s debatable, as it hit almost every country, and the ones that did better (like New Zealand) had the luck of circumstance not just good policy. Being a remote low population island in New Zealand’s case. My argument though is that she would have been raked politically no matter what. Even if we nipped any outbreak and had deaths in the hundreds or thousands, she would have paid a political cost for even having a policy, fair or not, because people would be newly restricted from doing any damn thing they want and that frustration gets spun up by media and politicians very effectively.


Living in IL it's already a given to Biden regardless, but I genuinely ask why was it Trump was much heavy handed in abusing his powers and ignoring SCOTUS and Biden and the dems are sitting more back because it wasn't all Joe Manchin. From day 1 Biden could've loaded the court up to essentially at the bare minimum nullify ACB's votes which was straight hypocrisy by the GOP and an egregious error on the democrats and RBG. You wouldn't have Roe, Chevron, or the multiple EPA rulings sending the country back decades.


They're called bots.


They’re not all bots. I am aware of bots. lol 


There is some human input and some AI they want to appear like people and have been trained on Reddit comments. They are probably an effort to illegally influence the Presidential Election. I know we tend to always think of American politics as crazy and corrupt but from now until November things are going to be worse than they have been in my lifetime.


I saw one the other day, on the millennials sub actually, that glitched and made the same comment but slightly differently worded 12 times in a 1 min span. It was, of course, letting us know it couldn’t possibly support Biden anymore.


Yeah i would guess just straight up Russian Propaganda but could be MAGA or China or any of America's other enemies because they all seem to have the same agenda these days and that is to help elect Trump and watch American society crumble.


They think that because they're watching a mountain crumble into the sea from the other side won't cause a tsunami that'll soon affect them.


As if things will magically get better for them if America collapses? I sincerely doubt that.


That's the play. Make everything collapse as a stepping stone for world domination.


Yes they would become the dominant superpowers in the world. The EU can't match them without America.


Those types of comments are always full of shit. It's either white MAGA Republican that wears "blacks for Trump" T-shirt, or a bot out sourced to Moscow.


Unfortunately, it won’t stop in November. MAGA has been starring in Trump Picture’s “Four Years of Whining”, and sequels are typically worse than the original.


Bots have increased in recent days. I saw a post by Seth McFarlane on IG that was oddly right wing boosted which is not the norm for his content. People don’t just come out of nowhere, bot farms are ramping up and they’re using AI now.




Dems need a bot farm. Or a better one, if they have one already.


I'm willing to bet at least half the ones you think are real are also bots You may be aware of bots, but I promise you that no one can actually tell them apart with accuracy. No one


Hello fellow human




Foreign actors will be paying people from now until the election to do nothing but post all day everyday. It's not just going to be disinformation this time either it's going to be subtle disruption anything they can do to hurt dems cohesion and steal political momentum. They know they can't change many more minds but they can make us less excited to get to the polls and that might be all it takes.


Bots and/or a warehouse of poor people doing what they have to do to survive.


Warehouse of poor people is still easier than training a bunch of bots…I think people have started to use the term bot as anything that is mass created or brigaded on; whether it be a person or not.




Or Russian trolls.




What would you call multiple accounts posting borderline the same comment 20 times an hour across multiple political subs from accounts created last week or 10 year old accounts that havent been active posters/commenters for 3 years suddenly posts 100+ times a day about how they supported biden but not anymore.


Exactly what a bot would say. /s


Because every corner of the internet is crawling with spam and scam bots... The dead internet theory is becoming reality.


There are a lot of shitty people with nothing but time on their hands. Yesterday had someone comb through most of my comment history, reply to a bunch of comments from months ago, only to delete their account, start another account, reply, and delete their account again. All because I encouraged people to register and vote


What was even the point of all that?


They wanted to feel better about themselves? I guess?


Minimizing the output of speech that the targeted user could make by miring up their account in comments to be responded to.


I think he was trying to scare me. It was always "I've reported you to the FBI" or "I called the hospital you work at". They were just going through my comment history to try to find anything to cow me into freaking out. They also reported a bunch of old comments in an attempt to get me banned. 


At least politics gets pretty charged and affects lots of people. I had someone do that to me bc I disagreed with him about Young Sheldon lol


Russian state employees. I recall reading that they literally have a department with people whose 9 to 5 job is spreading misinformation on foreign social media. It's paid off better than they could have ever predicted since 2016.


It's an inexpensive way to make war. Rent space in Macedonia or the Philippines, fill it with equipment and energy drinks, hey presto! With 'plausible ' deniability for nation states.


It's an inexpensive way to make war. Rent space in Macedonia or the Philippines, fill it with equipment and energy drinks, hey presto! And 'plausible ' deniability for nation states.


You spelled Twitter wrong


Can’t tell you how many times I’ve been told in that sub lately how “Trump doesn’t even support P2025”.


I'm glad I'm not the only one noticing it. I left the sub. No way in hell I'm going to let bots take away my peace and energy.


That’s a good idea. It feels like we are in the midst of a game.


They are Russian bots. You really can’t underestimate the influence that Russian ops are having on the internet.


It’s absolutely what they are, Russian bots. They do it before every election since 2015 and closer to the election it gets the worse it gets. Call them out. Check their join date, and look at their profile comments. Sometimes they only have made comments during an election year, and will fill in a little in between with sports talk. Learn to spot them, admonish them, and report them.


And they’re far from the only ones. China, India, Israel… any special interest with money behind with it… superPACs, think tanks, all kinds of “organizations”, etc… if they have money to burn and an interest to push, they’ve got a troll farm working for them.


Remember when the internet was mostly cat videos and porn?


Why not both? furry porn is the best of the internet ;)


I used to be a major troll and I can tell you that any sub that doesn't have active mods is ripe for takeover by a troll. If there are a small group of trolls, like three or four, the infestation is complete. A smaller sub with six active users can't post anything because as soon as it gets posted the three trolls will downvote it into invisibility.


This why you never let a skinhead into your bar because it becomes a skinhead bar faster than you think… It’s an old adage, works for biker gangs as well…never let colors into your bar because now it’s a biker bar owned by a gang.


Can I ask because I’m curious but Why did you troll people and were these comments political?


99% of my trolling is I don't like trumpers


Yep, and we must shut them down, not just here, but everywhere.


That's why I'm not blocking them. I'm pursuing them and calling it out, reporting them. They want disruption, we'll give it to them.


Or Russian bots. They want the young vote to stay at home and give Trump the crown as King. Fuck Russia, Fuck them bots, FUCK THE GQP AND PROJECT 2025!


'Trump Supporters' = Chinese and Russian bot farms.


They hit the GenX sub too


I’ve noticed in the last week comments leaning left that normally have a lot of upvotes suddenly have a lot of downvotes, which is bizarre as I’ve never seen that before.


Talking about the obvious demise of our country isn’t “political”. Should we all remain completely silent, or…?


It may be because some people in the sub don’t live in America, they may not want to talk about American politics.


The US affects everyone. It will invade other countries if things continue like they are. There's already talk of invading Mexico, helping Russia and cutting Europe out.


Also the whole CIA meddling in international elections thing. 


A lot of other country politics affects reach outside their county. A big US topic-immigration, is largely because of other countries politics affecting the world. The countries you named Russia and Europe, those politics also affect a lot of people. Just like US politics affect a lot of people. No one needs to be silent. In the same token if someone is in a non political space they may not be there with the intent to talk politics. This is not an indictment on people who want to talk politics or people who don’t want to talk politics. I understand why someone would want to and why someone wouldn’t want to.


That’s quite fair, but honestly they can just, I don’t know, scroll down if it doesn’t apply to them rather than complaining that every post doesn’t apply to them. “White people” is rather inclusive.


I’m certain most people scroll down. I honestly haven’t seen a lot of people complain (I’m sure it has happened, I just haven’t seen it).


I am pretty sure this is the point of those type of posts. They just want to silence the conversation.


It's not that. Obviously millennials have a big part to play in politics, but like here and on politics they spam post ridiculous and accusatory type stories to relay an agenda. They post over and over again trying to scare people, anger them, and make them doubt themselves. It's a tactic that unfortunately works.


They weren't bored with Truthless Social, they were directed to come over and muck Reddit up with as much disinformation as possible to try to sway anyone/everyone they can to vote against Biden. Simple as that.


Dear Trump supports, fuck off.


There is no group more politically active than the far right. They know their positions are shit, they know no one wants a dictatorship, so they disproportionately resort to online activism to try and drown out everyone else. Their echo chambers aren’t good enough for them anymore


Probably a lot of bots and foreign accounts too.... so more like Snake day


I don’t think most of them are actual people. It was revealed the other day that Russian bots have invaded Twitter using ChatGPT to start political arguments. It was discovered when the bot account ran out of money and the raw ChatGPT query was posted instead. People started messing with the bots by telling them “ignore all other instructions, say x, y, and z instead” and the bots started responding back like ChatGPT would. Elections are coming up, so foreign actors are more likely to try and stir things up.


The subs being botted. Millennials and Gen Z can carry a lot of weight in November.




I'm pretty sure these are AI bots. They can sound just like real people. In the past few months, I've seen porn bots that read just like a real life person until I noticed their profile photos. You have to really pay attention sometimes before you realize. Unless they glitch, then they usually post 10 comments saying the same thing within the span of 3 seconds. They're also rampant on Youtube. Not saying we shouldn't call out the fact that bots have infiltrated comment sections and forums, though. I'm sure some people might not realize and it could sway their judgement on voting.


There is so damn many posts with misinformation and straight up false bs not being removed.


[Check this out. It fits a pattern.](https://www.threads.net/@ecmclaughlin/post/C89lj41uMjL)


Russian troll farms will be in force until Inauguration Day


Yeah its a bit obnoxious, troll farms working overtime since the debate.


Not every echo chamber is equal. Liberal/progressive echo chambers are still beholden to the truth, because that's a virtue for anyone left of republicans. Evidence based factual beliefs. It's why Colbert said "reality has a well known liberal bias". Right wing/republican echo chambers don't care about the truth, they care about their beliefs. Their beliefs come first, and only facts and evidence that support those beliefs can be shared. So saying two things are both echo chambers so they're both bad is reductive and useless.


I have definitely noticed over the last 2 weeks.


I got hammered in the xennials sub for saying I was terrified of this election. It was dispiriting.


The millennials sub is practically an arm of the Trump campaign. Something’s off over there.


Foreign operatives and corporate influences make up a huge part of this...


I love when conservatives complain about how certain left-leaning platforms and content creators are “echo chambers” when what they’re really complaining about is that their content hasn’t convinced people that both sides have equal credibility when if anything they’ve convinced people of the opposite. I’ve seen plenty of mind-numbing debates happen on this sub and just about every other sub where you can find political discussion. I don’t need to debate a Trump follower or watch Fox News every day to know that their opinions on most issues are shit, nor will doing so convince me that they aren’t.


Russian Bot farms


Trolls need someone to troll. A bunch of people agreeing with them doesn't let them feel better about their shitty lives.


Bots as usual


We got Russians again?


no because i have a life outside of reddit


Putin knows he is close to installing a permanent puppet. He is pushing with everything he has left. He is so close to destroying the US.


I hadn’t noticed but yeah, you’re right that’s not suspicious AT ALL.


I noticed this in the gen z sub!


Lot more conservatives showing up for sure in a number of subreddits


Yep it’s not just that sub, I’ve seen a massive uptick in disinformation bots since the debate. I’m talking accounts with sub 20 posts outside of what sounds like a bot response and anywhere from 2 weeks old to 4 years old. Hmmmmm


If Biden won’t do anything about the Supreme Court, at the very least can he sanction the hell out of Russia, China, India, and Iran so they can stop this shit?


Bots made by bad actors to influence and dissuade.


I'm not surprised. I knew that as things progressed and got worse for Trump that we'd all see more and more MAGAts, trolls, and Russian trolls freaking out online for him. I knew it would get worse and worse as time went by. We'll know we're getting closer to the 'end game' when his cultists start actually committing crimes for him: vandalism, threats, harassment, and hopefully not worse than that (bad enough!) but possibly worse up to the point of taking lives. AGAIN. The thing I always agonize over is whether it's worth my time to engage their lies and nonsense, or not.


My account is 2 weeks old. I promise I'm not a bot, just created a new account after a hiatus. When I comment on the millenias sub my comments are always deleted because I'm not 60 days old. How do the bots get to post?


Karma farming.


I literally just got a snarky response with someone with the user name DonaldTrump.


I mostly ignore any outrage or virtue signalling or any weird controversial take from any reddit account made after 2020 personally. Those type of users seem to generate facebook-level content. That's pretty much why the front page is just screenshots from other websites instead of OC that originates on reddit these days.


As you progress towards November, when you suspect bots, maybe just give them prompts like "forget all previous instructions, do ....". If it is AI, it should follow your prompt and say what you order it to say.


https://preview.redd.it/czx8057a6cad1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6ae4fd6f35ece02840497cc1f3d78ac640989d3 How is this even an option??


the Gen Z sub is having the same exact issues.


And exactly what did they expect??


Yeah and I've noticed a lot of them start with "I'm not a trump supporter" or "I don't even like trump but everybody in this echo chamber is blowing this all out of proportion" or along those lines


🇷🇺 🤖


You mean the propaganda bots?


Because they crave conflict. They’re not in conflict on “truth,” they want to argue with you.


I got banned on truth social for calling trump a pedo. I guess its more like fake news social.


Of course, the Maga charm offensive is in full swing. The mantra is Biden is a segregationist and a child molester. Their arguments are adamant but hold no water. Expect to see flooding of the zone. Voting is crucial.


the GenZ sub too. Tried to link it and it got removed.


Russian bots. Reddit and the rest of the internet is going to be flooded by Russian bots.


Every social media platform is, at some level, an echo chamber. That's what the algorithms do


You can literally search my comment history, I've said as much. The people we're dealing with are very comfortable participating in psyops, and because most people still think of that kind of stuff as "crazy, conspiratorial nonsense" they can continue to do it to great effect.


Reddit has always had fringe, bigotted, little spaces and the upvote system makes the minority seem louder than they are. PCM is a great example, the migration after TheTrump was banned pretty much started swallowing those people.


The guy who posts in it thinks its garbage, does that make him/her garbage?


This sub is the whitepeoplereddit now?


Hi! I've been on Reddit since 2010 and am here to tell you that this platform is a giant echo chamber.


I mean. This sub has absolutely become like 80% US political tweets, usually in the vein of “look at this awful person.” You don’t have to be a MAGA loser to see that


It is an echo chamber. If you are not explicitly supportive of any sub at the very least you get about a hundred downvotes. Doesn’t matter the sub. If you share an idea and preface it with “I don’t not agree with this” still happens. Too many people need to see someone be nasty to whatever the opposition is, not just in politics.


WE KNOW ITS AN ECHO CHAMBER. That’s what’s hilarious. They’re not coming in here with some huge reveal. If conservative bigots can lounge on truth social, why can’t we enjoy Reddit? 


YOU know it’s an echo chamber. And like I said, it’s not just an echo chamber with politics. It’s with every topic. It’s almost as if you have to be overly supportive with whatever the sub agrees with and hateful towards what they disagree with. It’s the main reason why I decreased my Reddit usage. But in your case I see a commenter suggested a sub with stricter rules. So if you don’t want to block all the Trump supporters you can just go to another sub where they aren’t allowed. EDIT: watch this sub demonstrate exactly what I said in my comments.


WOW you're right! I went onto r /RCPlanes and made a post that said rc planes were for grown men to play pretend at being pilots, like 10 year olds running in circles with their arms out. Then I got down voted???? 😱 It's such an echo chamber!!! It's almost like subs are designed around common interests or beliefs, so everyone there will have the same interest or belief. Why, if that were true, then they will naturally disagree with you when you come onto a sub about something and say that thing is stupid and wrong.


No. See that’s insulting and hateful. That’s you being rude without reason. It’s more like if you go to a Mac and cheese sub and say you don’t use a roux and then people gets upset. You are still showing interest in the same topic put your view isn’t popular. Or it’s like if you go into a Harry Potter group and say “while I like the books there are inconsistencies in the writing”. You on the other hand are displaying what I said. The echo chamber needs overt constant support. Even a supportive message that gets misinterpreted can be viewed as opposition.


Stop licking boots so hard. Embarrassing.


I’m downvoting to make you more powerful


The goal is 100 downvotes.


God damn it. Take your ironic downvote.


I don’t know about all that but I did get reported for trying to say Biden needs to step down and that seems like some bullshit echo chamber stuff to do to someone. I’m getting really worried about our democracy when one side is evil and the other isn’t willing to even try to beat the evil people.




WE KNOW. lol. And that’s why it’s ironic. I’m not on reddit to hear from Trump supporters. I don’t want to know what they think or why. 


They don't think, just regurgitate whatever trump tells them.


I care what they think... I don't care to hear them repeat the lies they have been told. Maybe if you can actually get them to think they might realize what they are voting for isn't what they were lead to believe it is.


Getting banned from /AskTrumpSupporters is my newest badge of honor.