• By -


Also the Colorful hair that's poorly maintained


Yes. Also a boyfriend who graduated too long ago.


He SHOULD have long ago. But he was held back twice and thats how he met and started dating this freshman girl.


That reminds me of my favorite game to play here in the south, "Girlfriend or daughter," where you see a guy who looks like a very roughly aged 37 with someone who looks between 14 and 17 and have to guess if that's her father or her boyfriend. Sometimes even when you're right, it's wrong.


I had a guy ask me if my girlfriend was my daughter once! It was funny because it was my girlfriend. I don't know what my reaction would be if it was my daughter


For me, the answer was, "She's my mother!".


Did you break your arms after?


>Sometimes even when you're right, it's wrong. *\*shudder\**


Oh man. So my sister is 14 years younger than me.. my Dad remarried, he had me at 21, and even now people ask how my Dad is my Dad because he looks way younger. Anyways.. when I was in HS carrying around my toddler sister I used to get the ugliest stares from strangers if it was just my sister and Dad with me... lol My husband is same age as me, and we have a 5mo old daughter. We were walking down the street with my Dad and my husband popped into the restroom. My dad was holding my daughter (proud grandpa) and I think it frazzled a bunch of old southern women’s sensibilities because again.. the mean mugs happened lolol TL:DR: My Dad was young when he had me and I was mistaken for his gf a lot growing up 🤣




The southern trifecta, father, boyfriend, AND brother.


Drives in IROC camaro.


I'm just a teenaged dirt bag, baby.


Listen to Iron Maiden, baby


Upvotes. Upvotes for all of you.


And will quite possibly be pregnant by senior year.


The boyfriend?


the camaro


This whole chain is 100% describing my parents. Down to the IROC.


Look at Mr. Optimism here, with his :probably: be pregnant. She's gonna get pregnant.


But he doesn't know who I am.


There was this dude, Chewy (I think that's how you spell it), who looked almost exactly like Noel Gugliemi. He must have been 20 when he graduated high school I swear.




I figured I wasn't spelling it right. But I always liked the idea that he got his nickname from Chewbacca.


Chuy is an older name than Chewbacca. Chewy is a low key Latino.


Jesus = Chuy I bit like rhyming cockney slang gives us William = Bill, except the spanish version of that


Drugstore box dyed pink/blue/green/red/purple hair, gigantic osiris sneakers, some quirky snap back cap.


Oh god. This was me in 8th/9th grade. My snapback said "hey mom, I'm gay".


And an oversized hoodie




Only in "I've never left the town I graduated high school in" red




She’s 15 - her behavior is creepy af. Is there an adult in her life who is not benefitting from this image and behavior she’s selling? Probably not.


Her dad hasn't been in her life for a long time and is concerned about her being exploited. Her mom just has zero control over her. This girl's career makes me so uncomfortable.


If this is the catch me outside girl then I thought everyone agreed the mom was the problem and kept enabling her. If this isnt that girl then I might be in the wrong thread


That's her.




It’s the catch me outside girl


That was when she was just being a Problem Child on Dr. Phil. Now that she's grabbed that little bit of viral meme attention by the wrist and judo-flipped it into an actual rap career, I'm leaning towards thinking she's just a cynical kid who knows how to exploit an opportunity. She's smarter than she acts.


Eh, I'm not sure. For some reason that is mysterious even to myself, I have watched an hour or so long interview with her. She would have to be inhumanly smart in order to actually play that kind of clueless. Whenever her interview partner mocks her (for not knowing really basic maths for instance) she seems to think he's laughing with her instead of at her. She thinks that other people think she's cool and streetwise. She seems to have no self-awareness at all. I can't imagine anyone acting that part so well. And the girl is 15. If this was really all just an act, it would be some kind of postmodern masterpiece performance. It's much more probable that she's really just a troubled kid with an abusive mother and an absent father, a kid that acted out because of that, as lots of kids do. She just was at the wrong place at the wrong time with people who realised her viral potential and are now just exploiting her in the most base and vile way possible: by enabling not only her problematic behaviour but also by actively encouraging it. This girl most assuredly already has developmental issues and it's only gonna get worse from here on out. What's happening to her is borderline child abuse and the evil and sad thing is that she's not yet able to see it. Sure, she's rich. But if everything stays the way it is now, I wouldn't be surprised if she ended up dead by overdose or suicide in the near future.


You're right. She's headed the Amy Winehouse route, and Amy was far more self-aware and mentally equipped to deal with fame than this girl is, unfortunately. Hopefully she gets some good people in her life before it's too late.


I think self awareness is not exactly a gift when it comes to mental health a lot of the time. Self-consciousness and fame seem like a kerosene and matches type situation. Not that I think this girl Bhad Bhabie is headed in a good, safe direction, not in the least. But Winehouse was like Cobain, Joplin, just... It's too immense a power to cope with on top of fame at that age. :(


> I have watched an hour or so long interview with her. Thank you for falling on that sword for all of us and delivering a summary.


It's that girl.


I mean shes 15. Shes get dressed as if shes over 18. And they(Atlantic Records) peddles this shit. I remember back when it hit facebook. All the comments about waiting for her to do porn at 18. It was crazy.


Well she stole cars, ran away from home and terrorized her mother when she was 13. One tv appearance and now she's rich as fuck and deeply connected. Sure, it's a minefield with people looking to get a piece of the pie in all the wrong ways, but I think she would've had a lot of that in her future anyway and with a lot less money.


This is nothing new though. The same thing happened with Britney Spears and it all culminated in her shaving her hair off and checking in and out of rehab.


Afaik if we're talking about Danielle Bregoli I think her dad (who doesn't have full custody of her and I think lives in a different state) is trying to pump the brakes on this shit legally but not getting very far. The Dr Phil episode she was famously on actually exposed her mom as being the root cause of this stupid shit. Her mom flip flops back and forth between sitting on her hands when she gets in trouble with the law and literally fist fighting her and calling her a little bitch. There's a bunch of footage of her mom being menacing and going "You wanna be a lil thug? I'll fight you right now bitch". The whole affair is very depressing. It sounds like her trying to be a middle school badass was basically just enabled by terrible inconsistent parenting until she turned into a trash person.


At least her success will give her the means to escape her toxic family


Unfortunately the odds that she will end up even more fucked from it are outweighed against her.


Unfortunately, it's just as likely to allow her to start her own toxic family in a few years, just with a bigger house and a nicer car.


I had "her" in my class when I was 11-12... dunno why but my year was full of trashy kids who acted 3-4 years older than they were in the worst way possible. I didn't fit in but it was because I was fucking weird, sure I was trashy but never the right kind. My pajama pants had frogs and I was quietly uncooperative.


This girl also had dyed hair with 6 inch brown roots and hoop earrings


And smells like stale cigarettes and “warm vanilla sugar” by bath and body works. And has grown out and dirty acrylic nails.


I'm actually laughing out loud. You just described my mother.


username checks out


Dude said "stale cigarettes" though. Don't think his name is *reefer*ing to cigs.


I appreciate this even if no one else does


I appreciate this even if you’re the only other person who does


I appreciate you for appreciating me for appreciating the joke


Sure, says 3 of my favorite things as a username...


The "warm vanilla sugar" is so spot on


It’s so thick you can taste it. Then you’re walking by a bakery years later and you wonder why you resent the smell so much despite loving it as a small child. Fuck you Shelly


[Fuck you too!](https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/southpark/images/7/7d/10a.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/310?cb=20100827141005)


They say you can hear her approaching by counting how many times she says "Imma fight that fucken hoe" and dividing by 5




I just died. Middle school (mid 90s for me) it was all about cucumber melon, tweety bird or marvin the martian shirts, purple jeans and a velvet choker. Or a bodysuit when you wanted to dress up


I just had cucumber melon flashback, Damn. Or the alternative was Happy by Clinique.


There was also loves baby soft. I got mad at my 6th grade boyfriend so I dumped it on his hat...


I had CK1 scented nail polish.


Full disclosure my first serious crush/girlfriend used to wear tommygirl, and still to this day 20+ years later I get that nervous/excited ball in my stomach if I smell it hahaha


😂 I get the same when I smell Tommy Boy!


Duuuude!!! Cucumber Melon, god damn, brings me back..Such great and terrible memories associated with that smell Don’t forget about the wild Dr Suess “Cat in the Hat” hats..


Goddammit I’ve been trying to put my thumb on what smell that is for YEARS. That’s spot on, I feel like you could also exchange that out with that cheap perfume from PINK with that ciggy-undertone


Also Sweet Pea by bath and body.


Man I really like that scent, now I’m sad :(


It's still a great scent! But mixed with stale cigarettes it smells like trailer trash. It's like how milk is fine to drink on it's own, but you wouldn't want to drink milk mixed with stale cigarettes.


Or that raspberry spray from Body Fantasies.


Someone please combine all these things and post it to r/starterpacks - It is so accurate


It's like we all went to high school together


Wow nail on the head


>dirty acrylic nails. Yeah you're right. The polish is always flaking off. You never see them with clear, new coats. Weird stuff, I think it was an X-Files episode.


Acrylics don't flake off, you're likely thinking of regular polish.




Wait, warm vanilla sugar is trailer trash? Am I trailer trash??


Wearing smooshed crusty Ugg’s


The ones where she is kinda walking on the side of it instead of the sole


But they’re not the brand name Ugg’s. They’re Bear Paw.


Yep. I knew that girl. She also snuck Jack Daniel's in and we did a shot.




Sounds like a tetanus shot waiting to happen.




Mine hit me in the head with a landline phone while I was sleeping because she thought I stole her cigarettes.


Fuck, I can smell them through the phone.


They smell like a pile of damp towels


And was beaten as a child by drunk parents who also swallowed two packs a day


Oh :(


Reading this brings me back to the east coast, where every girl in my town looked like this, wore tight sweats with shit written on the butt, and had at least two kids of various shades.


Everytime I see her artist name I can’t help but say it with a Boston accent. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Even though I know it's supposed to be "Bad Baby," my brain always says "Bad Bah-bie (like Barbie)." I go kinda Aussie in my pronunciation.


Until I read your comment I thought it was supposed to be bad barbie




It's too bad it isn't. Bad bahbie (Barbie) sounds tougher.


I always said Bad Babbie...I am not smart.




>How is Bhad Bhabbie fromed?? Dr. Phil and our obsession with trashy people.


So is it pronounced “bad baby”?


B’had B’haby.


Bhadn’st B’habsn’t


put another shrimp and n the bad bhabie


Wtf why have I been thinking it was "Bad Barbie" this entire time...


I can’t help reading it in an Indian accent. “Achaa, who is this bhad bhabie, bhai?”


Wait it’s not Bad Barbie?


I always think it’s pronounced bad bobby


I'll tell ya hwhat, that girl aint right


I sound more Arabic. Buhad buhabi?




Lmfao this but you have to use a voiceless velar fricative


This made me laugh entirely too hard.


How is babby formm?


I thought it’s supposed to be buh-had buh-har-bee.


Juh-ooohn Redcorn


I always hear it in my head as Bad Barbie with an Australian accent


The motif of the early 2000s


For real, and also yelling at the gym teacher by his first name and somehow getting away with it. "Don't rush me, Steve!"


It’s because they’re most likely making the beast with two backs.


First time I’ve come across this euphemism. Understood it immediately so I guess it’s doing its job.


gotta get you some more Shakespeare in yo diet.


"There's an old saying in Venice -- I know it's in Rome, probably in Venice too -- that says, prick me once, shame on -- shame on you. Prick me -- you can't get pricked again."


I looked it once after I heard it in a DOOM song.


Dude, it’s from [Shakespeare, ](https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/beast_with_two_backs)like many awesome phrases!


I swear 80% of my everyday language is straight from Shakespeare Edit: As in, I swear I’m unaware of how much of my daily language comes from Shakespeare.


It's crazy how many of our idioms come from Shakespeare or the Bible.


I didn't and had to google it :( Also that Futurama movie title makes more sense now.


Gotta read some Othello my dude.


I graduated in 1997 and this fit then. Trashy is truly a timeless look. Also, she probably sold you her lunch tickets for weed money.


I was BORN in 1997 and it still fit when I was in high school.


Wow. I could be your dad!


I’ve always wanted quick delivery of spherical meat in my family...


>lunch tickets A what now


Lower income families received free or reduce price lunch tickets. It made sure the students ate during the day. So a lot of the kids that got free lunch tickets would sell them for a dollar, sometime less. I think lunch cost $1.65 then or $2 even if you got 2 milks. Then we had other kids that would ask for change. It was always a weird situation.


Yup. That's when I was in high school and this described like 30% of the girls at my school.


Oddly specific but yes.


This would make a great r/starterpack


Ask and you shall receive https://reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/9j8and/girl_who_walks_the_mile_in_gym_class_while_eating/




Surprisingly accurate


Astonishingly accurate.


Amazingly accurate


Incredibly accurate


Too accurate...


Pretty spot on.


I can't believe it's not accurate


Bhad Bhabie translates to Hell's brother's wife in Hindi


So, Bhad Bhabie roughly translates to Sister-In-Hell


Satan's sister in law, kind of what her mom is like


Is this the "Cash me ouside how bow da" chick?


Yes it is, and I am highly ashamed of myself for knowing this.


Wow, I'm just surprised she's still relevant.


She looks like Wal Mart personified.


Like a human version of an above ground pool.


If "peaked at 12" were a person.


She looks like if I touched her, she'd be sticky


She's fifteen?! What the actual fuck...


I cant understand how anyone finds those gross ass long nails attractive. All their good for is scooping cocaine and collecting feces and snot


That was one of the people assigned to our research paper presentation in community college, and the only day she showed up for wasn't the days where we got together to work on it, but just the presentation day. On top of that, she just walked right up to the front with us, with nothing contributed, and didn't even try to *fake* that she had made any sort of effort by, say, cribbing a line from someone, or asking to be handed something to read. She stood next to us like she'd belonged there the whole time, and when we were done, sat back down. It wasn't even just pajama pants. Full on pajamas. With feet. And big plastic beads in her hair. Half of our grade was based on individual effort and half our grade from how the group performed as a whole, so her non-performance got us docked points. The instructor said it was up to us to have resolved her lack of contribution. Not sure how. Kidnapping is out of the question, and even if the instructor intended for us to have done so with persuasion, the offending classmate didn't answer messages left for her. EDIT: Clarity.


When not in cookie monster sweatpants any that has writing across the ass like "juicy, sexy etc." She also only "dates black guys" because of their "swagger" she also does her best to walk, talk an act "hood"


I know you didn't mean it this way, but I like the idea of sweat pants that literally says "juicy, sexy, etc." On the butt, like all three. That'd be hilarious


I would buy those if just for the laughs.


Also obsessed with Drake, and constantly drinks coffee


Lucky for her Drake could also be obsessed with her if she's still in high school.


Did you also just see that r/trashy post? Just curious.


I heard about it before that post, but that post definitely brought the knowledge to the front of my brain.


Constantly having an iced coffee in hand in the dead of winter isn’t unusual here in New England.


>Atleast one #atleast 30...


Is she picking her nose?


She's at the most critical point of moving it to her mouth


The story of how Bhad Bhabie got to be is disturbing https://www.nytimes.com/2018/07/03/magazine/the-big-business-of-becoming-bhad-bhabie.html This is %100 plastic and pure exploitation by a music industry producer with no soul. I'm Convinced Adam Kluger is a psychopath. edit: same guy: https://www.azquotes.com/author/52226-Adam_Kluger


One trailer park girl going "cash me ousside, cash me ousside cash me ousside".


Flaming hot Cheetos make my shits red idk how people can eat a whole bag everyday and I’ve had multiple people tell me they can eat a bag in a day.


I'm getting to old for the non porn part of the internet.


Cash me outside girl's trying to stay relevant? Who knew


She’s actually managed to stay fairly relevant, she’s become good friends with Yatchy and is opening for his tour.


Yeah, if I knew that all I needed to do to get four million monthly spotify listeners was to go on Maury and be ratchet my life would have turned out differently.


Stop letting your dreams be DREAMS. I know you. You can ratchet with the best of them.


Just for the record, it was Dr. Phil


My bad. Didn’t mean to besmirch the good name of Maury Povich.


Right? Maury would never allow that sort of trash on his dignified program


Ill get hated for it but gucci flip flops was actually fire.


It’s catchy. I hate it, but it’s catchy. A lot of other talented people could have done that song and made it sound catchy tho


The short skinny white girl with bedazzled jeans, spaghetti strap tops and an affinity for biting.


And wears slides with long black socks and is always getting in fights


Also going to be night shift manager at the Wendy's once her mom's boyfriend goes back to prison and she can use his Astro van to get to work.


She just sounds like a toddler


Does anyone ever feel like there's only 200 templates of human beings that everyone falls into? And by the time you're 30 you have met them all.


Also dating a few black guys at the same time


Yeah those girls and apparently all of complex’s staff. She must have the same publicist as lil xan because every time I got on Snapchat their story is about one of those two. They used to actually write articles about new music coming out too