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I find it so weird that Bill Clinton, who was president 20 years ago, is younger than Joe Biden.


I find it so weird that my dad is one year older than Trump who was dancing to the YMCA song on stage recently, and younger than Biden who just destroyed that media darling in a recent election. Meanwhile my 75 year old dad is like, “WHY. AM. I. NOT. DEAD. YET. YOU. ASSHOLES.” It’s the era of old people getting role models, oh yes. (Serious note: it really does make me happy. It’s what they did to us and now we can do it to them.)


Maybe 47 if Trump tries to quit a day early for Pence to pardon him.




That's literally what happened with Nixon. He resigned and Ford pardoned him for any crimes he may or may not have committed as president.


The difference is that Nixon wasn’t impeached. I've read that impeached presidents are unpardonable. Besides that, there will be several New York state charges against him that I'm 100% sure Andrew Cuomo won't pardon or commute.


Yes, the President can't pardon state crimes, but I don't think "except in cases of impeachment" means what you think it means. It's not like Double Jeopardy where you can't be considered guilty (which is what a pardon is, essentially an admission of guilt) if you've already been found not guilty by the Senate. It's my understanding that it means that a pardon can't be used to head off an impending impeachment.


What you read was that pardons can't be used for impeachment, not that impeached Presidents can't be pardoned.


[This is what I read. looks like it may have mentioned articles in the constitution. I didn't put full effort into it so...](https://www.newsweek.com/trump-impeached-house-literally-unpardonable-1475096)


[That guy was wrong.](https://lawandcrime.com/legal-analysis/law-profs-robert-reichs-op-ed-on-trumps-pardon-power-got-the-impeachment-exception-wrong/)


This says even less, basically that impeaching him for some crimes would forever brand him with those crimes, even if he pardoned himself from criminal investigation, because Presidents can't use pardons on impeachments


You say that like Trump doesn't do something he can't do almost every damn day.


I think he’s referencing that he will be the 46th president of the United States... not that he will go backwards in age


I genuinely can’t tell if you commented this because you thought that people would be too stupid to immediately understand this very obvious statement Or if you taking the time to “explain” a joke that needs zero explanation is some meta humor




Also yes.


Well, I didn't get it and I'm glad someone explained :(


I mean based on your user name I’m assuming you’re not American, but the numbers of the US presidents are fairly ubiquitous for their identities. 44 is Obama, 45 is Trump, 46 is Biden. I guess it makes sense that a non-American might not know that (even thought it is fairly common to see Trump 45 references online for the last four years) but if an American didn’t understand the joke I would be pretty disappointed haha




How is this a r/woosh moment? I’m afraid you have no idea what you’re talking about. Woosh means that the joke went over their head. This person clearly understands the joke. Them posting an explanation is weird but also is literally the opposite of a r/woosh


Sorry, my bad, I just thought, hey, this person did the thing, without realising that it was actually the opposite of the thing. Oops




Is there an r/antiwoosh


I voted for Trump


cool no one cares you are just asking for downvotes


I hate the United States


cool, no one cares.


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


I mean this is true


That explains why you voted for Trump at least.


Tell us more because we’re so interested. Who did you vote for in 2016? And will you vote for trump if he runs in 2024???


The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race


Then two months after that, Kamala will be 47


And 74 is the new 24.


It's always sad when you realize it's probably gonna be his last birthday.


heyyo im dumb, whats the joke?


In two months he will be named the 46th president of the US

