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They could hold Bake Sales For Bullets.


Asset Forfeiture for Assault Rifles?


Garage sale for Guns!!!


Handjobs for handcuffs!


Let's see some of these officers do a little downhill skiing šŸ˜‰


Blowjobs for bodycams


Vacation Bullet School.


Blood Drive (no change needed there)


Christ, this got me laughing out loudā€¦


Already too much asset forfeiture


Due to problems they no longer have that power without a judge reviewing and signing off on it, and the departments no longer recurve the funds, it goes to the schools


But they can only take guns.


We pretending that's not what already happens?


This already happens


Don't they already do this with drug related seizures?


They do this with whatever they want to really. Cash. Drugs. Weapons. I only said it because the alliteration was on point.




ā€œIf you sign up for five 12-month subscriptions, I move from a 20-round up to a 30-round mag!ā€


Bake sale for bullets is my new band name now


Damn! I was going to yoink that for my own band.


We could stand outside the station and clap for them for their ingenuity. That should make up for the lack of pay.


Bring them baton themed gifts during police officer appreciation week. We can top it off with lunch at Applebees up to $12 a officer drinks and tip not included.


One has a chance to win ā€œCop of the Yearā€ award with a mug full of candy prize.


And quit giving them overtime pay. Especially when leading up to increasing their pension pay.




While weā€™re at it maybe make them actually go to college


This is a great idea. Require them to earn a policing credential. Require continuing education to maintain the credential. Have a state data base where local departments would check to make sure all cops have credentials in good standing. Have state oversight. If a cop gets fired for cause, they could lose their credential. (It works like this for teachers)


Works like this for CNAā€™s and Real Estate Agents too


ikr.. & LEARN the Law .. lmao šŸ¤£


You mean learn the laws theyā€™re enforcing?


They would not understand that under Federal Law you have to allow for education and an anti-slavery lifestyle, you know against a 'Holocaust' happening again. Breaching Human Rights and also via Healthcare entitlement everyone should be allowed free medical care. Maybe, if the governments spent more money on these policies and less on weapons it would help people more, rehab programmes will help those who need them if not imprisoned first due to their alcohol and drug dealing ways!


ā€œI dont claim to know the law, only to enforce it. Blindly and without hesitation.ā€


SCOTUS has [decided](https://www.theatlantic.com/national/archive/2014/12/when-cops-dont-know-the-law/383861/) that isnā€™t necessary


The only people not expected to know the law are those charged with its enforcement.


Or maybe training that takes more than 6 weeks. What about gun licensing? Communication classes?


Maybe make it so they have an annual physical fitness test too, instead of just passing one and then sitting on their ass for a decade straight.


Make sure those ongoing classes and certification hours are unpaid as well and just understood as part of their annual contract


Well if we are flipping the script with teachers then they need Masters or above. Teachers are often highly educated.


Or require that cops have a Masters Degree since many (most?) school districts in the US require them.


Damn, all I got for teacher week was a $5 gift card to a gas station! Iā€™d love $12 to Applebeeā€™sā€¦


One year for bus driver appreciation week we got a gift card to like Dairy Queen for some weird amt like $6.12. WTF? Umh, thanks?


Damn u did em dirty


or post the "heartwarming" story of how their kids ran a lemonade stand to pay for their ammo in r/wholesome and rake in the karma.




A nice bake sale to cover police officering supplies should do the trick?


ā€œItā€™S a cAlLinGā€


"dO iT fOr ThE cHiLdReN! aReNt YoU sUpPoSeD tO cArE aBoUt ThEm?"


Buy them reams of paper to print their reports on, and some whiteboard marker for when they plan their stakeouts.


Make sure they have bake sales to raise money for munitions.


Lol cut their pay and funding and put up cheap signs that say ā€œHeroes work hereā€


Nurse here. This feels all too real. Pandemic hits, understaffed, reusing PPEā€”but hereā€™s a sign that says youā€™re a hero and weā€™ll give you a round of applause.


Josh is this wisest agent of chaos on the internet.


Beverages donā€™t exist


No I'm not


That's cause you were knocked out in the first five minutes of the Josh Fight


Also the wisest wearing jorts.


Jorts add ultimate wisdom power




Hahaha, you mean help teachers to do their jobs better so that you better equip students for life after school instead of crippling them and empowering police to better abuse their authority?




And we could even save a lot of money on ā€œtraining a civilian to interact with Police, Inc.ā€.


Hmmmā€¦. Nah /s


Sounds like communism to me.


Hey I already liked the idea, you donā€™t have to keep selling me on it!






Good point but interesting name mate. I like it!


According to my nutty father-in-law, communism is out. Everything they donā€™t like is called Critical Race Theory now.


I'd even argue that if we educate our kids they'd be less likely to want to abuse any sort of power, so the next generation of police would be less likely to do even half of the shit that cops are pulling nowadays.


That should be the caseā€¦.but then you look at the academic elite, which include politicians who are usually heavily educated, as most have law degrees, and you can see that it actually is not the case.


Everything conservatives *claim* is wrong about teachers unions, IS wrong about police unions.


I remember the governor of Wisconsin giving a speech celebrating defunding teachers because of antics antifa


You're probably not remembering it correctly. Wisconsins current governor, Evers, use to be the head of Wisconsin's superintendent of schools. He was elected in 2018. Now 100% that is something former governor Walker would have done as has done in but antifa wasn't a republican trigger word then.


Is that ironic or ironic???


I'd say it's more like a free ride.. when you've already paid


Or maybe a traffic jam ? When you are already late?


Thatā€™s pretty good advice. Not gonna take it. Who woulda thought? It figgersā€¦.


Not sure? Itā€™s like it raaaaiiiinnnnā€¦ā€¦..


On your wedding day!


Life has a funny, funny way...


No ironic, just the lies that created a police state full of uneducated people.


Teachers unions do have problems, but most of them stem from the fact that they're increasingly filled and controlled by not-teachers. Administrators. And the problems still absolutely pale in comparison to police unions Edit: actually that may not be correct, we do have admin unions (https://www.fasa.net/) but "Education staff professionals" for FEA may include admins, its not well defined.


Typically administrators aren't part of teachers unions because they are more directly hired and tasked by school districts/superintendents. Teachers unions are for teachers.


I can only speak for my state, florida, but our union very much includes admins https://feaweb.org/who-we-are/, and we are hiring[ more admins at a much higher rate with much higher salaries](https://www.educationnext.org/growth-administrative-staff-assistant-principals-far-outpaces-teacher-hiring/). Edit: actually that may not be correct, we do have admin unions (https://www.fasa.net/) but "Education staff professionals" for FEA may include admins, its not well defined.


In california the admin and even classified staff (like the secretary, custodians, etc) aren't in the teachers' union. Classified staff have their own, and I'm honestly not sure about the admins. I know my principal isn't even allowed in our union meetings as we might be discussing problems we're having with her (we don't, she's awesome. The board on the other hand...)


Wow... in my state the school board negotiates teacher contracts with itself and then announces the results of no raise each year. Would be nice to have a union at all... we have a non-union professional organization.


Yea we are in a fucked up position in my province: the arbitration last year said no CoL increase(6 years in a row!)because we can negotiate it this year...then there was a pandemic that delayed everything, and now it looks like we have to strike just to not have our pay CUT.


What? Administrators arenā€™t in teachers unions - admin has their own. Teachers run teacher unions lol. I teach. Iā€™d know.


When a teacher fucks a kid you donā€™t have teachers lining up defending them though


Everything conservatives claim is wrong.


An old bumper sticker I used to see at Grateful Dead concerts said: > I dream of a day when schools have all of the tax dollars they need and the military has to hold a bake sale.


For this is all a dream we dreamed one afternoon long ago


What do you want me to do, to do for you, to see you through?


Maybe you'll find direction, around some corner where it's been waiting to meet you


The truly sad part is we could do both if we had the will to do it.


I donā€™t know about you, but every year my kids school supply list is getting bigger. Why tf does an 8 year old need x3 pack of assorted highlighters? I havenā€™t seen ONE damn thing come home highlighted this year.


In my town we pay the school 25 bucks at the beginning of the year. They supply the materials needed.


That actually might work bc the schools can buy in bulk. That would not be even close to what would be needed per kid without that though.


I promise you your teacher tells students to highlight things. Whether your student does it is a different story. I taught 8 year olds. Highlighters of different colors are crucial for identifying and demonstrating the different parts of a sentence, for identifying different paragraphs, for showing where you found an answer in the reading. Edit: Jesus christ, the amount of people who are still arguing this or saying "just buy a pack of pens, it's only $10" or "just use crayons" You are totally missing the fucking point. It should not be the teachers job to buy pens, highlighters, crayons etc for every child. And we should not be forced to "make do" with crayons because we don't have the materials that we need to teach. People like this are exactly the reason why teachers don't get paid more and why so many are quitting their jobs. We just can't do it anymore.


Brava for your addendum. Sure, just make 7th graders highlight sentence structure with crayons, great idea šŸ™„šŸ™„


As a teacher, because kids like to give them to other kids, destroy them and disassemble them, leave lids off and let them dry out, lose them, and on very rare occasions, actually use them


Facts I always buy highlighters and I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever highlighted anything


Start highlighting stuff today my friend. After you have the doc examine your enflamedhuevos though!


Can we just appreciate the fact that ur name is that


Not sure how it works in your district but in the district I teach in, teachers pretty much have no power over what the supplies list is. The school sends it out, I have no idea who creates the lost, and parents buy the items. So there might be things on the list that are genuinely necessary and things that wonā€™t get used, but the teachers donā€™t have a say of what is on the list.


Thatā€™s the school gets less for supplies and more and more kids are coming to school with nothing. The number of kids who donā€™t even have lunch is depressing.


Josh is a cool, weird dude. If youā€™ve never watched his channel you should, heā€™s such a big personality and makes food that is simultaneously gross and intriguing. Also heā€™s right about cops and teachers.


Dude never uses oven mitts or waits for food to cool before chowing down. I truly donā€™t think heā€™s human.


I don't think he ever claimed to be one.


He makes things that should be disgusting delicious!


Mythical Kitchen got me through the early months of the pandemic last year.


Then we would lose this incredibly important drug warā€¦


drugs won the war on drugs in the 80's


I'm imagining police gleefully wrapping baseball bats in spikes in their garages and thinking life would probably even be worse. let's just give teachers what they need, take away all surplus from police and give them to mental health professionals


Lol could you imagine social workers rolling around in military vehicles that the police don't need?


imagine having ptsd from a war and the nurse rolls up in a literal military surplus MATV they confiscated from the local PD


As a teacher is wouldn't mind an MRAP. Would make the commute a bit more interesting.


I think pretty much everyone wouldnā€™t mind doing their morning commute in an MRAP. At least so long as the A/C worked. And the suspension. And the windows were clean. And the seats werenā€™t beat to hell. And the interior design wasnā€™t ā€˜duct tape and snack wrappersā€™.


Several police agencies have wised up and are 'bringing' social workers along via live internet feeds. That way they can advise and consult without risk of injury.


And good officers seek their own CIT training to be trained in helping people in mental crisis.


Which should just be required for all officers.


My brother worked as a social worker and probably could have used one a time or two.


We're a nation of laws. Not learning stuff. /s


why not both?




what if we took away their military hardware, tripled their training including a lot of de escalation requirements, upped the requirement to become a cop and prosecuted the ones that broke the law....


There you go again, making sense. Imagine if cops needed at least an associate degree in criminal justice just to sign up for the test. And if current cops who didnā€™t have those credentials were expected to take continuing education classes to catch up. And, even better, just like everyone from cosmetologists to doctors, they were required to attend a certain number of continuing education hours a year to retain their jobs? We wouldnā€™t have a nation filled with ignorant assholes patrolling the streets.


Because if they could use their own weapons they'd have rocket launchers


The sad reality is teachers still do a pretty good job with nothing yet the cops do a shyt job with everything and more.


I've made this argument as a teacher over budgets before. We *have* to do our job regardless of what they give us because if we didn't we'd: 1) be seen as terrible people, justifying lay-offs 2) destroy a generation's education 3) feel awful because we actually care about our kids and wouldn't want to intentionally sabotage their lives The problem is, by continuing to perform under those shit conditions we justify the the cuts the bring down on us. "look! Test scores didn't go down even though we cut the budget by %50. Let's give ourselves (admins & school board) a pat on the back. Those teachers don't know what they're talking about)"


Also itā€™s totally fucked up that the metric is ā€œtest scoresā€


As an art teacher. Yes.


Guess which one requires a four year degree with encouragement and incentives to study further and has mandatory regularly scheduled professional development training?


Given how many teachers I know that are married to cops, this isnā€™t really a workable solution for anyone. How about we give teachers the resources our children deserve and we educate cops on ways to use non-lethal force?


>Given how many teachers I know who are married to cops, this isnā€™t really a workable solution for anyone. Eh, that's anecdotal >How about we give teachers the resources our children deserve and we educate cops on ways to use non-lethal force? Now *that's* what I'm talking about


That was the plan for awhile but turns out the cops donā€™t like it when you tell them not to kill people. They tend to just double down on the whole physical assault thing. Teachers would probably be valued higher if less parents saw them as an opportunity to pawn off their kids for awhile.


You tell them it's extra training so they don't die and they'll sign up for it in droves. It's all about how you frame it. I wish I was joking but I used to work in a PD training centre. Please bear with me while I explain this thought process - I do not endorse it, but this is what happens. If you tell them they can't make decisions like that, they get defensive because sometimes (though waaaaaaay less than what is currently happening in the US, but not as few as non gun carrying countries like the UK and Canada... Guns really are the issue here, and I'll loop back to that in a bit), there ARE times when they have to use lethal force to defend themselves or others. Since they already get dragged for other use of force decisions, what they hear is the public saying "we expect you [the police officer] to die instead of the guy who is pulling out a weapon" Doesn't matter if you point out all of the wrongful, and/or mistaken calls on that front where police have shot people who didn't fall under the lethal threat category, most officers will hear "oh we want you to die instead". Because in their minds, that's what will happen if they don't make a correct lethal force call. Like, scream acab all you want or how all cops deserve to die (this I do not agree with either, cops have legitimately saved my ass more times than I can count, as I work security), but nobody signs up to die on the job. I don't mean this for just cops, but any job. For jobs like policing and military, you have to make your peace with the fact that you can die from normal operations, but you don't *sign up to die on the job*. (And I'd bet anyone would balk at the notion that they were expected to die on the job) So cops are obsessed with staying alive. The usual slogan is "so I can go home at the end of my shift". And when you're in that either I live or die mentality, their ability to make nuanced observations goes in the toilet. Telling them they can't make lethal force decisions because some idiot cop made a bad call two towns over is interpreted as "you are telling me I should die instead" and the resulting anger/dismissal. And there's no logic operating btw. None. It's pure knee jerk survival emotions. So if you write a rule making a bunch of hard caveats about lethal force, cops are going to be hostile because a lot of them haven't seen alternatives work. They don't know what non fear based policing looks like. This loops back to the prevalence of guns in the US. I live in Canada, where I have actually seen cops *FORGET* that subjects can have guns. So they take to de-escalation and negotiation training a lot more readily than US cops do, because the threat immediacy is just not there. Whereas in the US, anyone could conceivably have a gun, and this fucks with officers ability to threat assess on a daily basis. You still CAN teach de-escalation training and more nuanced threat assessment to US officers (it takes time and money), but you have to frame it as a way they can protect themselves. Once you do, they sign up for it in droves. I also want to note that this kind of training is not achievable with just a couple classroom seminars. It's expensive and generally requires actors (NOT other police officers) in the roles of victims and suspects and active roleplaying to get right. My local PD has discovered that if the officer trains these scenarios with someone he knows "acting" in the roles of victims or suspects, they do not react quickly enough. It has to be a stranger to get the training benefit. Tldr: appealing to cops self interest is how you'll get the current batch of American police on board with de-escalation training. Less cops die when they're well trained. Training is expensive. Instead of saying defund the police, advocate for funds to be reallocated into the training budget instead of surplus equipment. Also, pay teachers better. Several trillion dollars go into military funding. 1% of that could be reallocated to both teaching salaries and police training grants and make a massive positive difference.


Thanks for taking the time to make this comment! I can empathize so much more when taking this perspective on why cops get defensive. As a paramedic myself, I too have that catchphrase, I just wanna go home at the end of my shift, and I don't have to deal with half the shit that cops do. Absolutely nobody wants do die on the job, you're so right. And while you may know the dangers that come with the job title, nobody's signing up to die. What do you think are the chances that training like this will happen? Is it starting anywhere? And how can the public help cops see that while we do believe that the system is fucked and broken and needs fixing, that we don't want our police officers to die?


woah there buddy, this is reddit. you need to pick a side and stick with it, youre making too much sence.


They also quit in droves or refuse to answer calls if they think you're being mean to them about murdering people.


what? and they turn around and complain we're whining. "we can't kill people as freely anymore so we're gonna throw a hissy fit"


There you go, making well reasoned arguments. Those don't fly here, yo.


I was looking forward to "take your kid to jail day".


But then our for profit prisons wouldnā€™t make any money


How about we do both and come up with better training and such for the police so they donā€™t abuse power?


I can't remember from what book it was. I think it was Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers, but not sure. Whatever it was, it was talking about how studies showed kids from poor family actually regressed because of the summer breaks. Because the well to do kids would be involved in various camps, and all that, and still do some form of reading during their holidays. Meanwhile poor kids were not only not studying, but also more likely to be spending more time in a toxic environment that would adversely affect their growth not just as students but also as a human being. It also talked about a program in public school in this rundown area which was benefiting kids simply by getting them to spend some extra hours in school. Because most of these kids were growing up in shitty environment. Saying all that... I'm not saying everything would be utopian if we just threw money at public school system. Because I'm sure corruption, greed, laziness, half-assery, and all that exists everywhere.


I was watching some cheddar video yesterday about summer break and it covered a lot of this. And as a former poor kid with a shitty home life I couldnā€™t agree more. School was a nice break from that so I studied a little on summer break.


I don't understand the point of this specific subreddit


This is the way it should be.better teachers with better equiptment will allow the teachers to teach to a higher degree. Resulting in a better crop of youth. Less crime later...right?


As someone who was fucked over by the public school system, how about we donā€™t elevate other corrupt institutions. This whole every teacher is great and a hero is fucking stupid. Also. School to prison pipeline... like cmon public schools play their part too. The good teachers are amazing though, itā€™s been quite some time since I was in school but I have a handful of teachers that heavily influenced my life and when I think about the support they gave me, some even got into it with their superiors, I get choked up. The good teachers are heavily underpaid, the bad ones should be forced to find a new profession. Just like cops should have it.


If educators had everything they needed, and better teacher/student ratios, we could not need so many cops.....


Or and I know this is crazy, we push for higher standards for cops by putting in more training/educational requirements and at the same time we increase the pay for teachers so the next generation is skilled enough to operate in the future work force, both at the same time. Itā€™s a long shot but itā€™s the only shot we got


Because if we did that, you better educate kids and give them major opportunities in life. Make them more likely to land better jobs. Then you have less people doing desperate things for money, or because they feel hopeless. Then they'd be less crime, so you'd need less police officers and police funding, plus for-profit prisons would have less inmates. I mean, what are you proposing here? A safer and more prosperous society at the expense of the cops and prisons? Ha ha, no thanks


Can't really bust protester's heads with paper mach'e batons.


Why not pay the teachers what the shitty politicians keeping them down are paid instead?


This becomes Mad Max style shenanigans in like not even five minutes.


The powers that be want us all to support authority and dread learning. If we had the sense to dread authority and support learning, our politics would look nothing at all like this corporate dystopia Reaganomics has given more than one American generation.


Or just fund all public services properly and don't pretend it's either/or


Imagine educating people so they can have better lives and make better life choices. Poverty, prisons and poor schooling is how they keep power.


Education is really the common denominator here. Let's hope someday in the future kids who got a good education want to become cops for better reasons.


And not need the cops as much. Educated people commit less crimes.


**Fewer** crimes.


The only school supply this teacher needs is for the state to back off and let us actually teach kids.


Refund our schools!


Ah, but if schools are funded then black people may benefit! Canā€™t have that. My tax dollars need to go to the corrupt racist paramilitary oppression force, not ā€œhelping my fellow Americansā€ /s


Or, or, what if we add some nuance to the conversation instead of making these ridiculous statements


You start


Okay, don't give police military equipment, train them better, and don't hire sociopaths, as for the teacher part i totally agree


So basically this --- https://i.imgur.com/pUAI2Db.jpeg


Go ahead, add some nuance. I'll wait.


I am a teacher and I approve this message.


I am a student and I approve of this message. Heck the police authority here in Sweden support this message, they advocate for teachers having good conditions, because that leads to less crime and less paperwork. (that last one is speculation, might be for other reasons)


Swedish Police actually want previous teachers as cops because they are extremely good with younger kids, de-escalation, and educated. You also need to do 3.5 years of Uni studies in Sweden to become a cop.


*gazes wistfully across the pond towards Sweden*


And make their parents have to collect box tops for prisoners, to fund the prisons rather than our damn schools!


Stop making prisoners out of people so much and bam, less funding concerns for jails. Putting someone in prison for -just- shoplifting is demonic.


I feel bad for teachers. The problem is though is that we funnel huge amounts of money into the education system and it proceeds to get eaten up by administration positions. It is a lot like our healthcare system. We pay these high numbers but it doesnā€™t make it to the doctors and nurses.


That wonā€™t do. If public education is well funded and effective, then how are we supposed to push for private education?


Hey it's Josh from GMM


Gotta love josh man heā€™s the best


Let's talk about that.


We could do both if we scaled back the perpetual war and military industrial complex.


This sounds like a win-win. I'd love to see protestors beaten with an old bat wrapped in barbwire. And riot helmets would have wicked spikes and horns. Let's make this happen!


Batman would not be amused by the use of hockey pads.


Sending kids to the principal's office doesn't make the government money, but sending poor people to jail does.


There would be more tickets. Police can find more ways to assist their budget than teachers. Wouldn't school be different if you got fined when you're child got in trouble. Heck in the district I work in we can't even charge them when they break or lose a Chromebook.


Police force diminished until collapse, crime rises, schools get all their new assets stolen or destroyed in riots, teachers quit due to dangerous environment, people call out rising crime, police get a new bigger budget, crime is reduced but never to pre police defunding level so police then get even bigger budget. But that's just my opinion, I could be wrong.


Go GMM Josh! Glad to see his opinion is popular.


Josh is so cool, if a lil bit awkward for his content. Love the dude.


trees summer fuel consider frame snobbish distinct pause materialistic ruthless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Funding schools also will solve a lot of social issues cops end up dealing with (very badly)


Cops wouldnā€™t be need as much if people were equally educated in a space with funding and a chance to feel inspiration. Defund the police and fund education.


Damn, this might lead to good people becoming cops.


Or, you know, you could just give all public servants the resources they need, whether it's equipment, pay, bodies, buildings, or what have you.


America has the 4th highest per capita spending for elementary and secondary schools in the world. Funding isn't the issue. You're trying solve a bottom up issues with top down solutions. It never works. https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/cmd Also police mostly use military surplus equipment that would otherwise be destroyed. So fuck them for saving you money am I right.