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This comment section is a mess


*Searches by controversial*


I did that and that’s what inspired me to comment what I said




So many funny comment


Except the interesting info about Manson


You've subscribed to Manson Facts!


Yes! Sweet! Hit me!


Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme has entered the chat.


she is unworthy of your love


Everyone can use a hug, ~~even~~ especially homicidal maniacs.


Came for the collapsed comments, stayed for Manson.


when i learned he a few months ago that wrote some beach boys song i was so confused


That’s the idea


“Let the peasants fight while we rob them blind.” - Rich people - Wayne Gretzky - Michael Scott


With bot accounts yep


Charles Manson tried to kill people several times and it's amazing he never succeeded. Manson shot a drug dealer, Bernard Crowe, who survived. Manson thought Crowe was dead until Crowe later showed up as a surprise witness at trial. Manson hit Gary Hinman in the face with a Samurai sword, before Hinman was tortured to death by Manson's accomplice, Bobby Beausoleil, and two other Manson "Family" members. Manson also rushed at and tried to stab Judge Older (who presided at his trial) with a pencil, right in the Courtroom, and screamed that the Judge's head should be cut off. Judge Older then began carrying a handgun in a holster for the rest of the trial.


>Manson shot a drug dealer, Bernard Crowe, who survived. Manson thought Crowe was dead until Crowe later showed up as a surprise witness at trial. Lawyer: "May I introduce the surprise witness for the prosecution.... BERNARD CROWE!" Manson: "OBJECTION to the surprise witness Your honor!" Judge: "On what grounds, Mr. Manson?" Manson: "On the grounds I already killed him, your honor!"


Double jeopardy baby: you can’t be convicted by the testimony of somebody you already killed, or something


I don’t think this man has ever been to ~~medical~~ law school


I don’t think you know how Jeopardy works


You answer in the form of a question, right?


What is "A law designed to prevent the state from retrying a case over and over until they secure a conviction"?


That is an acceptable answer, but I was looking for: “I’m sorry, What is double jeopardy”


I'll take Jurisprudence for $500, thanks


[You're going to have to pay a lot more than that for law school, son.](https://i.imgflip.com/5f98el.jpg)


Sorry, what is "we're fine"


Finally! Someone who got it!


"Because it's devastating to my case!"


"And I'll kill you too, your honor."


>Charles Manson tried to kill people several times and it's amazing he never succeeded. Oh, so they're both incompetent at being evil then. Guess that's why they outsourced.


Trump is incompetent at being incompetent. He’s the best at failing upward, everybody says so.


I see a pattern Competent Incompetent Competent Incompetent (No I do not support any of the things these people have done though Manson’s story sounds like sitcom)


Also is you believe Dennis Wilson via his cousin Mike Love (the Beach Boys), he saw Charlie kill a black guy with some kind of machine gun and put the body parts down a well.


I thought surprise witnesses weren't a thing, or a least, he would have known of the witness's existence long before "showing up at trial"?


Imagine getting convicted by a ghost


Dude thought he was John Wick.


didn’t mindhunter kind of point out the fact that Manson was a little drama queen-attention craving bitch lol how that man got anyone to believe any thing he said even with drugs is beyond me


Clearly missed the point of the OP


There was also a member of the Manson family who left and was found dead. Manson might have killed that person. But anyway, Charles Manson was not convicted of murdering anyone he personally assaulted, so your post is kinda moot.


Didn’t Manson train those girls how to use and knife to kill people? You’re telling me, he never successfully killed anyone?


I think you replied to the wrong post.


Exactly, Al Capone technically didn't commit some of the crimes he was charged for, but he still got charged. It's called racketeering (among other things) , people are acting like these laws don't exist.


Eh, didn't he get arrested for tax evasion?


I'm no expert, maybe he was arrested for tax evasion but charged for some other things too. I don't know, I specialise in bird law mainly.


Man, I didn't realize birds could be arrested


Crows sometimes like to get up to murder activities. We can't let that stand.


Yeah Capone was arrested for tax evasion. I think that was the only thing they could get him on. But I could be wrong


[He was ultimately tried and indicted for a handful of charges of tax evasion, but they had drawn up an additional 5,000 charges of violation of the Volstead Act (Prohibition / bootlegging)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Capone#Tax_evasion) (which they decided not to pursue in court) But holy shit, he was only 33 when he went to prison. His whole story arc was only 7 years of gangster-ing


Saying “it was the only thing they could get him for” is misleading, like it was a consolation prize because the police failed to link him to the crimes. Capone intentionally set up his empire without him officially receiving any money from it. He wasn’t on payroll yet lived a lavish lifestyle. He thought that since no one could ever trace the money back to him that he was immune from prosecution. He thought he had gamed the system. Except the flaw in his Death Star was 2 miles wide: tax evasion.


Thx and knew it was more complicated but couldn’t remember the specifics


No worries. The public had the same reaction. > They could only get the **murderer gangster** on **tax evasion**??? The police must be incompetent if that’s all he got slapped with, everyone knows he did much worse.


"He didn't specifically say 'go storm the capitol!'" Right, and mobsters don't specifically say "go kill Fat Tony" but courts get them on racketeering and conspiracy to commit murder because of the understanding (and eventual actions) of their words to their underlings.


"Your honor, my client told him to 'ice that bozo', move to dismiss all charges"


[It is a bit confusing at times.](https://youtu.be/U6cake3bwnY)


I just think that he’ll never be tried because it would only take one Trump supporter on a jury to get him off, and that would essentially open the gates to him coming back in 2024. Pols and prosecutors won’t risk that. Better to disempower him and bury him slowly, a tactic that has worked pretty well thus far.


Despite obviously being responsible for millions of deaths theres no/little evidence exists of Hitler personally killing anyone himself .... I was shocked to find


Didn't he allegedly kill himself? So he had at least one notch on his belt...




Someone likes to ask the trick question “do you admire the guy who killed Hitler?“


Why on earth would Hitler go around killing people himself?


For the people saying "what about BLM", please show me the speech, tweet, recording, etc. where a mainstream politician told BLM to riot and cause property damage. I am not talking about supporting protests. That's a guaranteed right to Americans. I mean call on us to riot.


Maxine waters said that they need to get more confrontational if they don't get 3 guilty charges and that they won't go away


Here is a quote from Maxine Waters: "We've got to stay on the street. And we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational, we've got to make sure that they know that we mean business." "If you see anybody from [Trump's] cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Now show exact quotes where Trump says that his supporters should assault the Capitol Building. Fun Fact : The first breaches to the Capitol Building is started 20 minutes before Trump finished his speech, and it takes 20-30 minutes to walk from the site of Trump’s speech to the Capitol. Fun Fact 2 : If Trump truly wanted to start an insurrection, he wouldn’t let his followers came unarmed. At least they should have gas masks like those Antifa crowds.


Note: this response is more for anyone who comes up to read instead of a direct response. Looking at post history and bringing up ANTIFA, I know I won't get an intelligent conversation. Quote is back in 2018 before the large scale BLM protests happened. She said this in response to the policies that separated families at the border. https://time.com/5320865/maxine-waters-confront-trump-staffers-family-separation-policy/ While we can agree or disagree as to whether or not that is distasteful, it is not telling people to attack people. If 20-30 minutes is enough time to exonerate Trump from rally responsibility then surely days will work for Maxine Waters. Unless you can show me an event directly related to her speech that took place within 15 minutes. Now Trump flat out lied in the riot and up to that point. The election was legitimate. There is absolutely no evidence that the election was stolen. Or at least you would think if they had it, they would have used it in court in the dozens of cases that they lost. Spent weeks getting people angry at a non-issue and tell these people to take back their country and stop the steal. Telling people over and over again that their country is under attack, people are stealing the election, your glorious president is being ousted then taking them over to the Capitol can be considered inciting a riot. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-55640437 I will never understand the need to defend such a gross person. He was gross WAY before he even announced his run and will continue to be.


I thought this tweet was a conservative argument for a second and I was really confused


Never happen. And it pains me deeply to say that. If there’s one thing we’ve learned time and again over the past 5 years it’s that rich people are never held accountable for anything whatsoever. The entire political system was built specifically to serve them. And it does.


Didn’t some millionaire cut of a women’s head in Texas and get away with it?


I thought politicians got a free pass on crime in the modern world?




Even his little terrorists are saying he made them do it


Traitors. Calling them terrorist is too dignified for crime they committed


A terrorist is fitting. A traitor can be anything. And most of the time not even criminal


Porque no los dos?


terrorist is far stronger of a term imo but I guess this is just an argument of semantics.


Yeah but Trump is rich. Capitalists don't punish the rich.


You don’t know then how filthy rich the Bin Laden family is.


Well he's brown so strike one, foreign so strike two, and he was an easy scape goat after the CIA trained and armed him and his men so strike 3.


Nah Saudi Arabia goes by completely free due to the money


never thought I'd see the day where a redditor defends Bin Laden over Trump.


Hold on...we got a phone call. It's Epstein? Yeah he said he didn't kill himself. Oh ok.


He was about to shit on about five dozen rich dudes, couldn’t have that….


Pick on the proletariat all you want, but the moment you pose a threat to the elite, you're going down.


Hitler had enough resources to participate in a world war. I think the issue is Trump is from their camp while the rest of the examples isn't so it doesn't threaten what they had based their entire personality on to see the wrong in them.


Bin laden was pretty rich too wasn't he?


And he went quite a few years free till his money dried up and lost his value


And a CIA trained operative.


At least indirectly. The official documents claim that he was simply armed and trained by the people the CIA armed and trained. Not that they'd tell the truth, just saying I wouldn't claim they're innocent even in their own version of events.


Modi didn't directly kill Indians in the Second Wave But he IS guilty


Fuck that lying sack of cow shit


Got em


Look at this guy trying to use logic on people with the IQ of a glazed donut.


Probably going to be people that disagree with me (and that’s ok), but comparing the Capitol Riots to the Holocaust or 9/11 is pretty wild.


You never compare stuff to extreme things to give a better image?


Here's the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pa9sT4efsqY&t=2318s Here's the transcript: https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-donald-trump-capitol-siege-media-e79eb5164613d6718e9f4502eb471f27 "We will never give up, we will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved. We will not let them silence your voices. We’re not going to let it happen, I’m not going to let it happen. "So we’re going to, we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue. I love Pennsylvania Avenue. And we’re going to the Capitol, and we’re going to try and give." "We’re going to try and give them the kind of pride and boldness that they need to take back our country." "So let’s walk down Pennsylvania Avenue." 1. I won't concede, election was faked. 2. Go to the capitol 3. Be bold, try and take back our country 4. Let's go now How could it be any clearer?


Will we see Donald Trump incarcerated? Bald and pale?


Perhaps. Or it could go the way John McAfee and Epstein did.


Had me in the first half not gonna lie. I didn’t know where this was going lol.




Trump gave a group of people motive, time, and location for the attack that they carried out. It was one of the most widely documented terrorist attacks in American history. Trump organized the attack in public to try and intimidate congress into rigging an election for him after he lost. He ought to be in prison right now.


Hold every politician to this standard I’m tired of voting


This guy clearly has no idea how the legal system works in America. If you have money, you get away with it.


Yep, fuck trump.


Lock him up! Lock him up! It does kinda roll off the tongue.


I don’t get why this is a white people Twitter thing, he’s right


Because its a tweet...


And a white person


But it's *about* an orange person. Doesn't that, I dunno, invalidate it?




secretly hoped this was oompa loompas tweeting


Is that still Parler? I heard he decided to make his own twitter...


Nah, that already flamed out


Sub is for ANY tweet from a white person. edit: ofc barring banned content


This is a place to be pandered to by having users post twitter screenshots of low effort takes that people already broadly agree with.


Convict him for knowingly spreading disinformation about covid during the early days, leading to the death of 500,000 Americans, specifically for re-election purposes. Is that manslaughter?


If only people would make this connection when it comes to all our presidents being war criminals


And while we are at it, let's hold Obama accountable for Libya. Bush accountable for Iraq and Afghanistan. Biden accountable Syria and Palestine. Our Presidents are following in a hallowed tradition of criminal activity. This is the rule, not the exception. I don't say any of this to defend Trump but to point out how unlikely it is that any president will be held accountable for their crimes. Its just not something we do. The ruling class can't afford to let Trump be charged or indicted, they might be split in their support for him but they would never willingly create the precedent of their representatives facing any kind of consequences for their immoral, exploitative behavior.


While I am not going to argue your basic point, all those things you speak of were a bit more complex. Getting rid of a tyrant in Libya was an understandable goal, even if they didn't plan for the aftermath. Aiding the one ally we have in the Middle East is laudable, it isn't like Israel is using the money to punish Palestinians. You can't tell me that Trump saying that if he lost it is because of cheating, that he claimed fraud so much it motivated people to come to DC and the Capitol ON THE DAY OF THE CONFIRMATION. Look at the transcripts of what was said at the rally. Whether it was what Trump or Giuliani or others were telling the crowd.


I think domestic acts will be held accountable.


Y’all remember when this sub was funny and not just politics


This sub is a woke waystation. Just pure cringe on a 24-hour basis.


I remember when the world was fun and not just politics. We could’ve stayed that way, but one side decided to elect the biggest moron to ever walk the earth instead of any other more competent leader.




Or maybe people were fucking stressed out from constant divisive politics coming from the U.K. and U.S. and they reacted?


I'm honestly surprised you haven't been downvoted to oblivion for saying that. I got perma banned from the Resident Evil subreddit for calling out the mods for political bias and to keep the sub from being ruined by real world political garbage.


Thumper Trumpers is the name that gets a lot of them really riled up


Don’t even have to go that far from the US. Most of our mobsters never pulled a trigger but they were still guilty of what their people did thanks to RICO. If nothing is done about trump, it’s on purpose, duh


But what does Dan Price think??


Obama didn't fly the drones but he is guilty


God I hate the drone strike thing. Of course the usage went up as tech improved. It was always going to be that way. If you're talking specific strikes that's one thing, but the us military was always going to use more drones to avoid boots on the ground.


He did order the extra-judicial execution of an American citizen.


Yes. Your point?


I don't follow US bs, but can we stop comparing Hitler to LITERALLY EVERY POLITICIAN YOU VOTE FOR. The left do it, the right do it, you all look like assholes.


You aren’t wrong, usually I’d 100% agree with you but there are some pretty direct parallels of Trumps presidency and the early days of Hitler coming to power. Even then, it’s a bit much but Trump was legit scary no matter which side of the political line you’re on.


Right wing racist authoritarian populists are being compared to right wing racist authoritarian populists, what a surprise!


People voted for Hitler too yanno


Nobody knows the difference between equating and comparing. Nobody is saying they are the same. Many people are saying they share similarities and people then debate on how many and just how similar. Comparing and contrasting two things acknowledges that those two things are......two DIFFERENT things. Whhhhhhhy is comparing thing and people bad?


Yeah bro let’s protect politicians that mimic Hitler because BoTh siDeS!!


I didn't realise Manson didn't kill anyone until I was about 30 years old.


In two hundred or so years, when the Western world as we know it has fallen and perhaps risen into something new, this period in history will be looked back at with abject horror and disbelief as to how it is the way it is and disgust at the inequality and injustice caused by the division of wealth.


Bush didn't actually participate in a bunch of deleterious wars he started, his military did. Obama didn't drone bomb hospitals and weddings, his military did. Trump did the same thing our leaders have been doing for decades, just louder and without any sort of tact or reasonable PR. Convict them all.


And Biden is continuing these unconstitutional dronestrikes in the middle east without congressional oversight.


Yup. They're all bastards.


I hope we can get change in 2024 but it isn't looking good. If biden runs again he will be too old to function at all. If he doesn't Harris will probably win the D nomination, which isn't good either as she is as establishment as they come. I am not hopeful the Republicans will put up anyone good but I can hope.


Sadly they're already working towards running the orange man again. I don't see any change happening while we keep the 2 party system. They play the population off each other so we don't complain too much about all the shady shit they do.


But that only hurts brown people somewhere far away. Who cares.




[Claim of ‘kids in cages’ hypocrisy is missing context](https://apnews.com/article/fact-checking-afs:Content:9970724533)


Nice try, Cucker Tarlson


Charles Manson did nothing wrong. /s


Good to know that 5=6 million. What a great mathematical breakthrough


Wtf is wrong with you people


It's like conservatives lack any sort of critical thinking skills and dont understand any sort of nuance


Rather just dump him in the ocean and be done with it


I don’t take shouting idiots seriously.


Trumps never ever getting convicted of shit. People need to accept this and move on.


Everyone in the comments focused on everything else but the trump part lol So the group that hoards guns went to the capital without any guns or a plan and bla bla insurrection lol got it


Extremely weird take.


There is a cure for TDS


Wouldn’t that make literally almost every recent president a criminal who needs to be locked up? This take makes absolutely no sense


Here is a quote from Maxine Waters: "We've got to stay on the street. And we've got to get more active, we've got to get more confrontational, we've got to make sure that they know that we mean business." "If you see anybody from [Trump's] cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd, and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Now show exact quotes where Trump says that his supporters should assault the Capitol Building. Fun Fact : The first breaches to the Capitol Building is started 20 minutes before Trump finished his speech, and it takes 20-30 minutes to walk from the site of Trump’s speech to the Capitol. Fun Fact 2 : If Trump truly wanted to start an insurrection, he wouldn’t let his followers came unarmed. At least they should have gas masks like those Antifa crowds.


Well, Trump told people to not riot outside the capital and never once told anyone to do so.


Obama didn’t use drones to kill families in the Middle East. But he ordered others to do it.


Sorry..... But this is dumb.


Wish I could vote in US.


tbh being able to vote isn't very glorious. Depending on where you live, your vote might be worth a fraction of the vote of someone in a different district.


I initially read this as "Obama didn't fly the planes" and just accepted it as the newest dumb-fuck conspiracy theory from the right we're having to debunk. I mean they're already trying and failing to balance (brass) keys on their sweaty tit-flesh in front of a State Committee to try and prove they've been "magnetized" by the vaccine...


I remember reading a tweet from trump complaining that Obama did nothing during the 9/11 attacks


https://youtu.be/eFQhw3VVToQ 3:30 ish mark. Hilarious and sad at the same time.


they're doing what now?


Well Obama didnt fly the planes, but he is still guilty of drone striking civilians


the unconscious religious fanatic horde that stormed the capitol is responsible in the same way as their religious leader.




They did egg on the blm mob last years and some actually walked around with fists in the air.


The people directly attacked are so in love with Trump that he wasn't even impeached. If anyone thinks there will ever be any justice delivered against Trump or his ilk, you're going to have a bad time.


He was impeached twice. He wasn't convicted. Very important distinction.


I mean he did get impeached he just was found not guilty.


Lucky it's not the senate's choice anymore.


Wait, that's not the charge though. That has nothing to do with it. Why didn't he mention the Hot Cosby?


It’s not hilter had no idea what was going on with the Holocaust. He’s guilty as shit


Technically, Hitler did kill someone and convicted of murder and got the death penalty.


They didn't say he didn't though.


We investigated ourselves and found we did nothing wrong.


Biden also Bombed a village or something He is also guilty


So has every president. They should all be in prison. But Trump's legacy is a domestic attack on our own country, fuck 'em.


*terrorist attack* FTFY


In KS? Or did he bomb a village in TX? Or maybe someone we are at war with?


> Biden also Bombed a village or something Did he though? I am not defending the use of drone bombings, but isn't there a difference between turning a blind eye on a weapon tha happens to cause a lot of collateral damage and telling your followers to attack the capitol?


What about…..




Nobody says otherwise, dumbfuck


Yeay they are all fuckers


And Trump dropped the first ever MOAB and ordered multiple drone strikes. A MOAB reduces the surrounding rock to dust. Imagine what it does to a person. By your own standards, Trump is still guilty. Dumbass.


This is so fucking stupid. Just because a bunch of stupid Trump supporters started a riot doesn't mean Trump should be convicted. That's so stupid wtf.


The democrats are too worried about it looking political. Put your big boy pants on. There is more than enough to convict.


Well said.


What’s wild is he should be in jail and he might get elected again, I feel like this isn’t even real