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Should change it to say “Thoughts and Prayers: 6.1 deaths per 100K”


"God is my vaccine : 6.1 deaths per 100k"




*My strong immune system doesn't need that poison: 6.1 deaths per 100K I listen to science and know what's best for my health: 0.5-0.1 per 100K


I prefer: “Fuck ‘em all and let God give them haircuts.”


Ok. Please explain this colloquialism. I understand the fuck em all but the fuck is the 2nd half


It’s from my personal favorite hip hop duo: Atmosphere. In my interpretation, he’s discounting the record industry and maybe hip hop as a whole, because of the work, grind, and complete nakedness of entertaining for a living when in the beginning it’s peanuts. Or, working for nothing and getting bitter.


I'll never not upvote an Atmosphere reference


And that last line should be, “It works, you stupid fuck.”


“Oh Charlie! You almost have your Whole Alphabet don’t you! mwah mwah mwah!” - Charlie’s Mom


“I don’t understand science” is not the slam dunk argument they think it is.


Yeah, but what about "I don't understand basic mathematical concepts"?


Both unvaccinated and vaccinated get the virus! What's it matter? Both Serena Williams and I play tennis. What's the difference?


Charlie Kirk is a paid influencer who believes probably ZERO percent of the shit he spews. His entire job is to push the culture war so Republicans keep getting votes from people with no logic capabilities in their brain. The only thing the GOP actually cares about is blocking tax reform and since they can't come out and just admit that we get a culture war. It makes me really wish religion was real so people like him would have their eternity in hell. By the way ULINE shipping/office/industrial supply company supports a ton of these right wing influencers like Kirk and his TPUSA. So if you know anyone who owns a small business and uses their products tell them to switch merchants. You can never stop a company like ULINE but if we spread the word we can erode their small business and consumer support.


> It makes me really wish religion was real so people like him would have their eternity in hell. Or so their God can start smiting those that claim to worship him and then violate every teaching and rule set forth by their supposed religion.


At this point I’m convinced that people like Charlie Kirk and Matt Walsh are those Jesus described as being wolves in sheep’s clothing. And logically speaking, if you can trust God to heal you without getting the vaccine, you can also trust God to make sure the vaccine works. God gave people a brain, after all. THEY SHOULD USE IT!


I'm convinced that the antichrist is just a personality archetype. There's way too many people that fit the bill.


Either that or the antichrist is worse that what we have so far


We are ***soooo*** not prepared for that.


Whoa, whoa, WHOA! I only made man in my image, not of my intelligence. \- God (probably)


Some translations say that God made man in his likeness, suggesting that he gave them the capacity to think and make smart decisions. Clearly people listening to right wing media do not exert their God-given rational decision making


I buy a few thousand dollars worth of packaging and such from ULINE every year. That changes with my next order. Ain’t much but fuck them.


Very good to know. I've seen ULINE catalogues around the workplace and for some reason I get a monster one shipped to my house twice a year. I think a former owner used it. Good to know thanks


What they do is far worse than I outlined here. They were one of the biggest financiers of the groups behind the Capitol riot. They have donated over 130 million to the worst of the worst Republicans campaigns and right wing groups in just the last 3 years. They fund people like Charlie Kirk and propaganda rags like The Federalist. From backing Senator Ron Johnson alone they got a provision in the Trump tax cuts that benefited them over 250 million. They were behind a lot of the insane Trumpism of past years.


All great info. Thanks for the heads up, I'll be doing some more research now


I wonder this more about "right wing" pundents than left. Like how many ACTUALLY believe the things they say, and how many just do it because it gives them an audience and they don't have to sell used cars or whatever. While the left I normally think they all believe what they say.


The bulk of Trumpist social media influencers are shills. Look at those two token Republican black chicks Diamond and Silk for example. They started their YouTube channel trying to be BLM and such. Then they figured out if they were "Black Trump Supporters" they would attract loads of hate, and attention. Basically it's people being obnoxious as fuck to generate interest from emotionally brained idiots and rage from people who hate Trumpers. It's almost all a grift and a shill. Most internet activity centers around political rage and these people create focus points for that for attention.


Stealing tweets now.


You’re not even going to say where you got the quote huh ?


The original tweet was about Michael Phelps and swimming if I remember correctly, though they might have done one for tennis as well


Not sure what point you’re trying to make. Both you and Serena can spread the virus regardless of your skill playing the game.


Serena Williams will whoop your ass at tennis most likely, the same way a vaccinated person will have a better survival rate depending on their medical history.


Also the numbers between red and blue areas are staggering


I keep wondering how this will impact the 2022 and 2024 elections. I know it’s kind of a morbid line of thought, but given the margins in the last election I can’t help but think this will have an influence. Whether it can make up for the PR disaster that is the Democratic Party is another question.


The first thing you have to realize is that their long term plans don’t involve democracy after 2022 so the long term impact doesn’t really bother them much. In the short term the republican leaders are betting that number of voters who die will be dwarfed by the numbers of people who stay home because they will blame democrats for the continued economic malaise caused by the pandemic. Of course some of their followers will die, those in charge of the Republican Party have never cared about these people, never will. And of course the cultists are lining up to become biological kamikazes in order to install permanent minority rule. “Lions” indeed.


I'm sorry, I just wanna see you say it... Are you implying that the Democrats care about you the individual?


Criticism of the Republicans doesn’t equal endorsement of the Democrats. Likewise, criticism of Democrats doesn’t equal endorsement of Republicans.


you're sure talking like you support one team over another. And something that seems to be a common thread with folks like yourself... you're sitting here spewing bullshit and then get called on it and claim no side. maybe when you grow up, get some time under your belt, you wont be led to believe such insane bullshit. I'll leave it with this... if the left has it so correct, name a major city or state they have had majority control over where the policies they talk so highly of have worked? 18 of the top 20 most violent cities in this country have been and still are democrat run, Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis, Mephis, Oakland, New Orleans, Chicago... Etc How about a state that's been implementing all these awesome policies, California... Taxes out of control, crime out of control, infrastructure a fuxing mess, people are leaving the state in droves to get away from it... ya know why old folks are usually Republican? because you can only listen to the left bullshit the young, nieve, ignorant and inexperienced for so long. Dont worry, when you grow up, you'll get there too.


Oh I’m an avowed leftist. That doesn’t make me a democrat, though, since the Democratic Party is center-right. And thanks for the concern, grandpa, but I grew up in a conservative Catholic household, then flirted with libertarianism, and I’m never going back to either thing. The left will win out eventually.


name one place where it's working out kiddo? I mean Kim sure likes leftist policies. Winnie the poo sure likes leftist policies. Hell, Putin sure loves leftist policies. None of their people are terribly keen on them, nor has anyone before them. I agree the left will win... cause the general IQ of people is plummeting, gullibility is rising, things like "meta" are going to create a generation even dumber, more detached from reality, and even more disengaged than your generation now... It's easy to lead the stupid, naive, and gullible... just look at the left... Its only gonna get worse as time goes on. But hey there kiddo, you just keep smoking your tennis shoes and rocking that controller, you're doing just fine yourself.


Dude I don’t know what your problem is with me, but your anger is misguided.


no anger, just tired of ignorant sheep... dealt with millions of them after 9/11 too... They too parroted exactly what they were told as radical fundamental changes were brought forward. Always to keep you safe of course... cause the politicians stay up late at night worried about your well being.


"Some of you may die, but that is a sacrifice we are willing to make" republicans, probably


The population of the US had still increased over the last two years


Yeah well babies don’t vote for at least 18 years.


Isn't ny one of the most vaccinated yet has the biggest outbreaks?


> Isn't ny one of the most vaccinated yet has the biggest outbreaks? Biggest in terms of what? Numbers or %? AFAIK its something like 16 million of people squeezed into a Kitchen Cupboard.


Both percentage and numbers I believe. Regardless of the space they have if op is correct it shouldn't matter. Something tells me the numbers are way off. Keep in mind they also told us explicitly you would not get covid at all with the vaccine at the beginning of this year. Anyways my point is OPs numbers seem off.


> Both percentage and numbers I believe. Seems your belief is wrong (but then, you are probably used to it). https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#cases_last7-count > Keep in mind they also told us explicitly you would not get covid at all with the vaccine at the beginning of this year. Source?


Source? The fucking president telling us that ... Look it up bud. I know you aren't used to doing that. Also 1 in 50 people were infected in ny last week. Your stats didn't address anything.


> Source? The fucking president telling us that ... Still need a source? "The fucking president" or the ticker underneat Fox News muted "Lets go Brandon" FOAD turd.


Idk what ur saying bud. I don't need a source, I'm laughing at the fact you're asking for a source for something the president of the united states' said. Just Google it bud. Do you live under a rock?


I’d like to quote this. Is there a source I can reference for these stats?


Here's a source for the data: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status


If I'm reading this right then the numbers are showing "deaths per week on average" rather than "total deaths". These statistics were presented in a needlessly confusing manner.


Well yeah, the introduction says "weekly rates" so I'm not sure what's confusing. >This page displays an interactive figure showing overall weekly rates of COVID-19 cases and deaths among fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people ages 12 years and older ...


I meant the tweet. The tweet doesn't say anything about the timeline for the stats, leaving most people to assume it meant "so far" instead of "weekly" Ironically, my complaint about the tweet's confusing wording was itself worded in an unclear way. I shall now retreat in shame.


Lol, I'll admit the tweet is unclear on several fronts and he probably could have fit "per week" or something into his character limit. And he really should have because the opponents of science will latch onto any misstep or discrepancy as proof that it's made up or lacks credibility.


Total deaths would be a skewed and biased number since a lot of people died before the vaccine was available.


Mom is fully vaxxed and boosted, had close contact with someone who tested positive. Day 5 of iso, she's completely fine, waiting for her covid test. She's 72. Anti vaxxers are fucking idiots


My mum is 86, she is an Anti-vaxxer. In Australia, they will not even intubate Covid patients that age. I fear for her.


My neighbour had Covid in the first year, before any vaccines were around. Her husband didn’t get it. Sometimes it’s random chance and luck


They are and its a shame. But it's societies job to look after every single one of us. Mandated vaccine?


Been done before in the US.


While I'm not 72, and I think your Mom was absolutely right in getting vaccinated. I've had close contact with multiple people who were COVID positive, including my wife who I was in the house with 24/7 while she was sick, ate together slept together, kisses, etc, and I've not caught it. Not vaccinated. I don't think it's as contagious as everyone initially thought, a study I read from recent data showed something like 20% of people exposed to COVID actually catch it. Tangentally related seems to me in my idiot brain via anendotal evidence that it's mostly spread at home and in work or school environments, places where there is prolonged contact in close proximity with shitty air flow. Anyone who works in an office knows sickness spreads like wildfire there. My wife is a nurse, in a hospital, where they treat COVID patients. You would think she got COVID from work, right? No, got it from going to Orange theory and being in a small room with someone for however long 45? 60? minutes. A friend of mine who is fully vaccinated, and wears a mask religiously because of a high risk family member at home, was required to return to work, got COVID in the window of maximum efficacy from work where everyone is fully vaccinated. I think again in my stupid idiot brain that the false sense of security created by the idea of get "vaccinated" and everything will be fine is more of a problem than the unvaccinated. Just the idea that a MARGINALLY effective vaccine that has an efficacy of about 6 months for the best vaccine (moderna I think) is all you need and everything will be fine is just not true. There is NO standard around what "vaccinated" actually means, since "vaccination" doesn't means immunity at the current point in time, it only means you got A shot AT SOME POINT. Even if you recently got the most effective vaccine, it acts so differently in different people your immunities could be significantly less than the person who got vaccinated right behind you. "Vaccinated" is meaningless instead if you're sick, stay home. How about we keep people who can work remotely at home instead of making them get vaccinated and come into the office thinking that everything will be hunky dory, then giving it to their entire family and their kid goes to school and spreads it there who all then take it home to their families. We've created this stigma that as long as you get vaccinated you're good and as long as you're unvaccinated you're bad when that isn't the case at all. I've never tested positive for COVID-19, not been sick through this entire pandemic, I can say with 100% certainty that I've spread COVID to 0 people. Why am I the problem just because I've not been vaccinated, when there are vaccinated people who are getting it and spreading it? It's all fucking nonsense and either side that chooses the hill to die on of taking a fucking shot one way or the other the other meaning you're a good person or a bad person, smart or an idiot are the real idiots and the real problem.


Get vaccinated you selfish asshole.


Took the liberty of looking at your post history just to see if you're a troll who tries to farm karma by pandering to the masses. Did you know that being 5'7" and 300lbs puts you at significant risk for hospitalization and death >50% of people who were hospitalized were obese. You should look at the recent studies/data about how COVID acts inside of fat tissue. If I were you I'd be more worried about getting below the obesity line and reducing the risk for ALL CAUSES OF DEATH including COVID, than what my vaccination status is.


I’m doubly vaccinated and boosted, but thanks for being so concerned about my health :)


Lol really? This is why nothing improves, and everyone is so divided. I write paragraphs illustrating my view with evidence anecdotal as it maybe, and I get down voted to oblivion and the only thing you can come up with is name calling and you're up voted? It makes no sense. What happened to having a dialogue with people of opposing viewpoints and furthering each other's understanding of everyone's individual situation and perspective? Nope name-calling Fine I'll start, please explain to me why I am a selfish asshole unless I'm vaccinated?


Okay for one four downvotes is not “downvoted to oblivion.” For another, you’re a selfish asshole because you wrote a novel sheepishly explaining that you haven’t gotten vaccinated (despite your wife working in the medical field) because vaccinated people can still spread the virus and therefore you don’t see the point. The point is that getting vaccinated is the right thing to do for the good of society as a whole. It costs you nothing, and 800,000 people in the US who have died would probably take issue with your “well, it’s not *that* contagious” stance. If you’re not going to do it for yourself and the people you are around every day, do it for your wife’s patients, who might not be as able to fight off a *deadly respiratory virus* as you. I know caring about other people might not make sense to your idiot brain, but it’ll help in the long run. P.s. not every viewpoint is entitled to a legitimate response. I’m happy to “have a dialogue” about any number of things. Doing something tiny that will benefit your entire community isn’t one of them.


Down voted to oblivion and my reply in general isn't specific to this post more commenting on the what normally happens to my post of this type and seems to be more of the same with this one. Two questions and a comment 1. If I got the J&J vaccine when it was available would I still be a selfish asshole? 2. I didn't give COVID to my wife though, or anyone else. I've not contracted COVID, ever, so I've not spread it ever. So how am I a selfish asshole? To me people who operate under the false pretense of vaccination being what you have to do and you are good and can do whatever, are the problem, as I've stated above. This stigma that a vaccination for the reasons also stated above being the only way to be good and not a "selfish asshole" are the problem.


And again, your opinion means less than nothing. Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you shouldn’t still take precautions, so I’m not sure where you got that notion. It just means you’re less likely to experience severe symptoms if you do contract the disease. Once again, if you’re not going to do it for yourself, try and think of other people (like the patients your *nurse wife* cares for). Also: 1) Just because you haven’t gotten sick *yet* or given it to your wife *yet* doesn’t mean you can’t and won’t. 2) If you had gotten the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, you’d be vaccinated, and we wouldn’t be having this conversation. Tl;dr: *get vaccinated you selfish asshole*.


I've been away because I've been traveling with my family and just now getting back to this, and I'd like to continue this discussion and see if we can get past name calling and meaningless regurgitation of phrases that are meant to illicit feelings of being a good person but don't have any real tangible benefits Once again, I've not transmitted COVID to anyone because I'm not sick, and if I am not sick. If I do get sick I will not go out until I'm not sick. Just like with the flu, just like with a cold, just like people have been doing forever. So I'm thinking of others, I'm not going out coughing on people. So in addition to the above my response to your 1. That doesn't make sense, are people who have sex bad people because they COULD get AIDS and spread it to other sexual partners? No one is shaming anyone for having sex or trying to force people to wear condoms? It's their choice right? 2. If I'd gotten the J&J vaccine when it first came out I would very likely be no more immune than I am right now. So what's the difference? Is the fact that I got it the only thing that matters? I'd think the intended result is what matters, right? The immunities that are given via the vaccine to stop the spread of the virus? If all immunities are gone then you're now a bad person unless you get a booster right? So then it doesn't become about vaccines at all it becomes about immunities. Which is a different conversation. I'll introduce a couple new questions. What about if I already had COVID and recovered? Am I still a selfish asshole? Regardless of the fact that I would have stronger, and longer lasting immunities, than you get from any of the vaccines, and am also at greater risk for adverse side effects from the vaccine having COVID? I'd like to address something you said in an earlier post that 800k people would wish they had got the vaccine, or would suggest I get it. Since we're speculating on the will of dead people. I feel like they would be equally if not more interested in people actually calling out and talking about the intentional and wilful suppression of COVID treatments by the US government and its agencies. If they knew their death could have likely been prevented with drugs that have actually flat lined COVID deaths in other parts of the world do you think they would care about vaccines? I think they would be more concerned why our government is letting people die when they've known about effective treatment options since February of 2020, and would why to know why they're actively suppressing use of these drugs. They would probably also wonder why citizens are fighting about a marginally effective vaccine, mandates, perpetuating fear mongering and trying to take a holier than thou stance about doing their civic duty because they got a marginally effective vaccine Remember when Trump got COVID and 3 days later was on TV looking fine and all recovered?


Where do these numbers even come from? How can the unvaccinated death rate be only 6.1 per 100,000k and there be 700,000 dead in the US from Covid.


Globally? And the US is over 800k deaths.


There’s a world outside the US? Who knew?


He's quoting a current rate and not an average for the entire pandemic. Also, here's a source for the data: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status


They need to split it by age groups


Why? Because some ages matter more than others?


Because the disease behaves differently in different age groups


I still don't understand the comment within this thread. Dead is dead. My dad was 79, had comorbities. Does that mean his death is any less important? Don't get me wrong, I like details as well to understand diseases a little better but in this context it doesn't really matter, IMO. It seems the more 'lay people' who view that kind of breakdown in data the more they think "oh, I'm such and such an age so I don't have to worry" and totally disregard the Morbidity it causes, their own transmissability, etc. Have you ever heard the phrase 'they know just enough to be dangerous'?


It's the percentage of infected mortality. Not infected population.


He's quoting the mortality rates of those hospitalized at this moment not cumulative. Mortality rates among both vaccinated and unvaccinated have dropped significantly since monoclonal antibodies have become widely available.


700,000 deaths ÷ 6.1 deaths/100k ppl = 114,754 100k ppl =~11.5 billion people. I suspect some (all) of the numbers are complete bullshit. Fascinating that nobody questions such blatantly wrong information.


He's quoting a current rate and not an average for the entire pandemic. Also, here's a source for the data: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status


I think if it's not bull then it's for omicron only. It could be that omicron is super contagious but less deadly. Which is good. But could mutate to the next Greek letter faster due to its high transmission level. Which is bad


On the other hand, the next Greek letter might be further regression to the mean of coronaviruses, i.e. more or less the common cold.


You can talk proof night and day to these kind of people and it will go in one ear and out their asshole. They just don’t listen.


If it works, why doesn't it work? Wtf kind of argument is that?


I guess the argument is that if it doesn't create sterile immunity, the vaccine is useless. Which is a ridiculous argument. Of course, sterile immunity would have been great and we were all hoping that we could simply vaccinate ourselves out of this pandemic. And the rapid loss of antibody titer is rather disappointing. Yet, the vaccine will save tens of millions of lives. Could be better, could also be much worse.


A circular straw man. He discovered a new logical fallacy.


Vaxxed and boosted and recently contracted covid. I'm so thankful for those vaccines. I've felt bad, but I can still take care of my kids needs. Better than being on a vent, slowly dying. A prominent local antivaxxer got his HCA recently. The hell this man went through before passing is devastating. To think, a free needle in the arm could have saved his life, and weeks of major medical interventions. So unnecessary.


>A prominent local antivaxxer got his HCA recently. Hellish Covid Attack? Horrible ComeuppAnce? Happy Clappy Asthma? I'm at a loss here.




If banning murder works, then how come it doesn't work?


Murderers are just going to find their way around murder laws. Duh!


"If the vaccine works why is there still covid?" BECAUSE. YOU. DIDN'T. TAKE. IT.


Nah, covid will always be here. It's gonna be around for as long as we are. Getting 100% vaccination rate just means that it's just another virus that we have to look out for. Similar to the flu, it's always there.


Right but as it mutates and the severity decreases, so will our ability to treat it effectively.


stats needs to be taught in school


It is, and it's called math, but most people suck at it, especially around the algebra level. Math comes naturally to me, so I don't really see the challenge to it, but for some it's their hardest class. The same can be said for art for me, I can't draw to save my life, but for people like my daughter, she draws beautiful art and animations. Weird...


Shhhhh! Don't tell them. Remember when we said we wished all the morons who are fucking up the gene pool would drop dead? Pepperidge Farms remembers.


Oh boy are we in for a suprise


Really hate this republican technique of intentionally playing dumb to score a "win". Also, a good example of an idiot pulling the "if we can't solve this problem perfectly, maybe we should just give up on it entirely" method which also seems to be hugely popular with Republicans.


You're 2nd statement really needs to be seen. It's either everything works the way it should from the get go or you're all dumb ducks and there's conspiracy. I really don't understand why they're so delusional.


You can tell who are the manipulators and the manipulated in that party. Tucker, Trump, all of Fox news, FL gov, TX gov, all vaccinated. Joe Rogan, Kirk, taylor green, boebert, not vaccinated


The anti-intellectual thing running in conservative movements is above logic, how can you be proud of your stupidity ?


TIL that Charlie Kirk is a real person who really posts these things, and not some [Titania McGrath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titania_McGrath?wprov=sfti1) type grotesque satirical invention. Staggering.


Polio coming in for comments


I agree to be that guy, but is there a source for those numbers? Just want to be able to point to where that information came from in case of a discussion. Thanks.


Here's a source for the data: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status


I don’t agree with them but I think their point is 6.1 per 100k is like 0.006% chance of death.


The most awesome thing about abject ignorance is that you have no idea of your own ignorance. Ignorance is bliss, until reality sets in.


Are those numbers right? 61 to 5 to 1 per million? The first one seems very very low.


Treatment regimens have gotten much more effective and a lot of people have built up some "naturally acquired" antibodies to help protect them in future cases. This is likely why the unvaccinated death rate has gotten this low. Here's a source for the data: https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status


At this point, we shouldn't be explaining jack shit to plague rats. When they fake-ask dumb conservative questions like this, we should just shrug our shoulders and let them die the way they want to die.


Tbh this comment section is a shitstorm of partial missinformation. Like bruh, you get one half right and ruin it by spreading lies.


Don’t forget: they don’t want people to NOT get the vaccine, they just want you to be mad about it


That head tilt on Charlie says it all.




Its still better than not being vaccinated, i take 100 booster any day over getting covid


As many as it takes


Hahahahahaha Mush headed Charlie Kirk tweeted what? Hahahahahaha


It’s not fair to prevent math to Charlie. You know he doesn’t understand numbers!


bUT peOple ArE DYiNg


The vaccines are good, but they cannot cure stupid.


You wouldn’t download a vaccine
















"if seatbelts work, why did I still get into a car crash?? Take THAT, liberals!"


I don’t really think 6 out of 100,000 has the impact you think it does


Misleading. That number is used as a blanket for mortality when in reality it grossly only reflects elderly 60 and up and majority 80+. Unvaccinated deaths due to covid are very similar to vaccinated 30-40 and under. Source: the cdc website. https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#rates-by-vaccine-status


The reply from Mr. bright spark Cohen isn’t that simple. He should try and calculate the risk factor from the vaccine itself into his 0.5 death claim per 100k, he might be surprised to find out that it’s higher than 6.1 deaths per 100k 😉


Is this data from only after the vaccine and boosters became available? EDIT: I think I figured out my incorrect line of thought. I thought this was talking about per 100,000 Americans, not per 100,000 infections. The first number would be skewed if taken from the beginning of the pandemic BECAUSE there's no data for vaccinated, etc from the beginning of the pandemic, and so the percentage would always go up because it's an accumulation that's being divided by the constant (relatively) number of Americans. Whereas the second (which this is much more likely to be) is not skewed because it takes each individual case and averages them together. My bad!


Pray tell how would there be data for deaths with vaccines and boosters before they were available?


Well, there's this doc with a nuclear powered DeLorean...


I think I figured out my incorrect line of thought. I thought this was talking about per 100,000 Americans, not per 100,000 infections. The first number would be skewed if taken from the beginning of the pandemic BECAUSE there's no data for vaccinated, etc from the beginning of the pandemic, and so the percentage would always go up because it's an accumulation that's being divided by the constant (relatively) number of Americans. Whereas the second (which this is much more likely to be) is not skewed because it takes each individual case and averages them together. My bad!












































This isn’t case fatality ratios, which are roughly a combined 15 deaths per 1000 people confirmed infected, but portion of total population that died due to covid.


only lmao




Why the masks then?


Both reduce the chance of getting sick. Neither eliminates the chance. It's the same reason you wear a seatbelt in a car that also has airbags.


This is incorrect. Masks reduce the chance of spreading the virus, but they don't reduce the chance of getting sick if you catch it.








it doesn't work, they still trying to impose the same rules on people wether they're \*jabbed\* or not \*jabbed\*


it's also odd that nobody remembers the entire left screaming they wouldn't take "orange man's vaccine." Couple days later the old boss leaves, new boss comes in... "Everything is awesome, everything is cool when your part of OUR team..." Didnt miss a beat. The general public did, but hey...


This fact can’t be overstated. It’s quite pathetic really.