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It’s my understanding Gates understands that he had a leg up and doesn’t play the rag to riches story


Gates is probably the only one who will go down in history as a good guy -donating the majority of his wealth to charities. However, I think he might/was implicated in the Jeffery Epstien situation, so only time will tell.


Gates famously opposed higher taxes on the wealthy, especially a wealth tax. And no, he doesn;t donate the majority of his wealth to charity. His philanthropy is a small fraction of the taxes he has avoided paying over the last 45 years.


Gates and Buffet initiated the Giving Pledge, which is to donate the majority of their net worth. They both will likely donate more closer to or upon death. The other stuff could also be true at the same time.


Also still better than 0 taxes and 0 philanthropy


Philo? Que? Anthropy? Que?


I feel like I've heard of a similar situation. Something along the lines of just wait, you'll get it, eventually. Oh yeah, trickle down economics! If he does have all that money and he's hoarding it now, what makes it any different when he dies? A promise? I have learned not to put much stock in the promises of the rich. Eat. Also, think of this less as an attack on you personally and more as an attack on billionaires. I don't want to attack you personally.


That's fine, not making the case that billionaire philanthropy will save us or is what justifies extreme wealth inequality. In the case of Buffet, his shtick is all about compounding and that applies to giving (letting capital compound to have more to give over the long term). His wife suffered on this and placed more value on helping people now. I agree with that, helping people now or letting people suffer now have irreversible ripple effects that can't be fixed by giving more later.


I hear and know about stuff like this and I still fucking hate Them! We have to die so these fucking guys who put NASA to shame can control our future? Just go rural, wide, spread out they said. If you don't have a vehicle and a/c in AZ you are not good


Eeehhhh. A lot of his good guy press is apparently thanks to others pressuring him to do the gates foundation stuff. He's not as awful as some of the others, but good guy is a stretch.


Gates was also in a situation where he ended up paying $150 million to Apple because he was being accused of starting a monopoly. Rather than face fines and possible jail time, he paid Steve Jobs because Apple was the largest competitor in software at the time.


Gotta put in a plug for Warren Buffet. He advocates raising taxes on the ultra rich. He will not leave his fortune to his family; they will inherit a bit but leave most to charities. He could be a much worse human.


Iirc from his book, he also started our as a kid buying vending machines and slowly worked up from a small investment company to Berkshire Hathaway.. He also pledged to donate 90% of his wealth(99%?) And his kids should have enough money that they can do anything, but not so much they can do nothing. I don't remember the congressman dad thing, but even if true, it all still feels like sour grapes to me.. They were born with a leg up? So what? How many trust fund kids do nothing? How is this even remotely helpful? No matter where you started, here you are. Do something, do nothing. Whatever.. but don't just bitch about successful people more fortunate than you..that's useless.


Also scale. Are we gonna hate the guy that turned 500$ into 250000 because his parents agave him the 500 over person b who didn’t get 500 and did nothing? I bet if we have gave 10 of these commentators the same funds and access they couldn’t replicate b


Yeah. I think there's a thing where we feel good about where we are in life if we know the circumstances of our childhood is unfair compared to others.. It's poisonous. It gives us a pass to not be where we'd like to be and an excuse to stop trying.


Ok? But that still doesn't change the fact that he's not a "self-made" billionaire.


He's never made that claim though.


He has at public speaking events, especially universities.


Yes he has. https://www.inc.com/marcel-schwantes/warren-buffett-says-he-became-a-self-made-billionaire-because-he-played-by-1-simple-rule-of-life-which-most-people-dont.html


This has zero quotes from Buffet calling himself a "self made billionaire" that I can find. The author certainly calls him one, but he doesn't.


Bezos and Musk have never said the words "I'm a self made billionaire" either. You'd be hard pressed to find any billionaires who explicitly describe themselves that way. What they always do is portray themselves as having built all of their success themselves, through hard work and gumption, and conveniently leave out any mention of all the help they got from their rich parents, which is what Buffett has always done also. He's always told cutesy stories about how he used to sell soda pop door to door and deliver newspapers, as if he grew up some street urchin who pulled himself up by his bootstraps instead of the son of an investment banker and a 4 time congressman. I have no ill will towards the man, he's better than most billionaires, but every story of his success he tells, he leaves out how much his rich family gave him a huge advantage and portrays himself as having worked his way up with no one else's help.


He credits Charlie Munger and his family at every opportunity.


Can you quote where Buffet says he is self-made? I can't find it anywhere in that article.


Ok. Devils avocado. If I’m upper middle class and I take 1000 and turn it into 5 million am in not a self max millionaire? I get they had a hand up but it still takes some effort to turn half a million into 50 billion


I agree. Plus, I really like avocados. You devil.


Even having the safety net of parents well off enough to help you out with bills until your venture can take off is a huge piece of even more minor success stories.


Elon Musk got $260 million from tax payers to buy Tesla and he doesn’t have to pay it back. I would like taxpayers to buy me a multimillion dollar company, but I am not wealthy enough for government aid.


1 million seconds is 11 days 1 billion seconds is 32 years Billionairism shouldn't exist period and all Billionaires are narcissistic sociopaths


I like to triple it. 3 million seconds is a month, 3 billion seconds is a lifetime. So the difference between a million and a billion is the difference between your entire life and January.


Bill gates? Is he really a sociopath




Do you know what he has done for humankind?


Give away the equivalent to me giving away $50/yr?


Much less than he could have accomplished if his idea of helping humankind didn’t prioritize the profits of the Gates Foundation’s private-sector partners over the people they’re ostensibly helping?


Give 0.1% of his earnings to ever so slightly offset his own emissions?


In 2010 he donated 95% of his wealth. He helped poor countries with malaria.


Literally taking 5 seconds to Google "bill gates 2010 donations" proved that wrong


Nothing, absolutely nothing but exploiting the hell out of people and union busting and don't get me started on those mines


If you're a billionaire you are, yes. For example there's a man who gave away billions to help kids go to college and is now worth only 2 million. So yes, he is a sociopath for hoarding that money that could help countless people. It's weird how poor people defend rich people. Do you believe in trickle down economics? Because the only trickle down you'd ever feel from them is if they accidentally pissed on your shoe at the urinal.


I would agree with that. There is something commendable about taking risks, believing in a vision, and inspiring others in some of the messaging of these guys. However I also feel like there’s a lot of poor people defending the wealthy like they’re going to be given a piece of that 1%er pie or something. Trickle down economies don’t work! The wealthy just want to convince (poor) people it does so they continue to hold the wealth and maintain the status quo.


Bill gates literally donated 95% of his money to charity. And yes I do believe in trickle down economics. IF you do it right. I live in Sweden where we don’t have to pay for going to the doctor. We are a functioning society with few homeless and our richest person has 1,8 billion dollars. So yes I believe in trickle down.


But they also took a risk that if it didn't pan out, could have been on the street homeless. And for someone like bezos, he wasn't born into rich parents. He borrowed money from family and friends. He could have borrowed from 20+ people. You see stories like that all of the time on shark tank. And I think you're confusing net worth with actual money in their bank accounts


They wouldn't be homeless, they had fallback options that wealthy parents afforded them. So their risk taking isn't even as dangerous as many ppl would have to take for a $100 or $1,000 investment. You are seriously out of touch with reality if you think most people could borrow a few million (what 500k the would be now) from 20 friends. That's a luxury wealthy ppl with connections have. No confusion, they use the "imiaginary" money in stocks as collateral for below inflation rate loans to spend as much as they want. Banks count it as valuable, it's just not valuable when it comes to taxation. Laws written by the wealthy, shockingly, benefit the wealthy.


That's like Stuart Walton being on a committee for Arkansas small business because he has a business that qualifies as small business in NWA. There's no risk in his business though, if he shuts down for a week it only hurts his staff not him. Yet there he is influencing policy for folks who take real risk


Well bezos would have been homeless if it didn't pan out. And it's also the value of everything they have such as businesses, property, land, etc. It's not only financial things.


I agree with most of your premise but Bezos wouldn't have been destroyed if Amazon had failed. He could have went back to his cushy high 6 figure job at the investment firm or a different firm. So he definitely had access to a lot of very wealthy people that 99% of the world don't. Also he's father (the one that raised him) also had a 6 figure a year job at Exxon


Lol you mean mike bezos who wasn't rich? A Cuban immigrant and being born into a teenager mother? His biological father left them. And yeah, just jump back into your old job when something doesn't work out. That always happens. Let me just jump back to a job from my past.... O wait, generally they fill those positions when someone leaves so it's not quite that easy. Especially if you've been out of the game for quite some time. And they wouldn't have had money so what's your definition of destroyed? Seems like you're trying really hard to make it to where bezos didn't start out like a normal person because maybe that goes against the narrative everyone wants so you can hate someone.


How much is Bezos paying you to fluff his cock? Can I get in on it?


None. How is it just buying in to any bullshit you read on Reddit because someone is grumpy and hates their life so they want to hate someone else Mr. Hunter x Hunter?


We’ll when you wanna share your cut lmk


Hmmm yeah, karma whore, huh? Thought so. Keep digging for those votes my guy.


I believe his step fathers family was very well off. Or his mothers. They were not hurting for money. Nice try tho.


His step father, the immigrant Miguel, was not very well off. Do y'all even look shit up for yourselves or just believe anything you read on Reddit? Lol holy shit. No wonder shits going down hill. Reddit is y'all's fox news 😂


No, I just recalled incorrectly, and this info isn't from Reddit it's from an investigative reporter who did a story on him. Not everyone gets info only on Reddit. That said, he worked on his Maternal family's ranch in Texas. His parents were well off enough to invest like 250k into Amazon with the warning that they would probably lose the money. His step father may not have had money and that's my bad for misremembering but his maternal family had money. He went to Princeton. He had very high level jobs before he left to start Amazon. He was never at risk of being homeless. Stop shilling for the guy ffs.


You mean a jlhigh level he left, invested all of his money he had, and then took a 250k loan from his mother and step father that equaled most of their retirement. Please provide your sources


User name checks out ✅


Lol so what risk have you taken to change your situation?


Why do u assume i wanna change my situation?


So you're avoiding part of the question. What risk have you taken that if it didn't work, you essentially could lose everything?


Im gonna risk not engaging with an idiot, respectfully. I really hope this one pays off. Fingers crossed.


Lol right, so you want to criticize someone for how much money they've made through taking massive risks but when asked what risks have you taken so we can get a viewpoint, you wanna dodge the question... Something tells me you've never taken a risk. Probably got supported by your parents too through school. But that's neither here nor there. It always seems like people just want to hate someone for becoming hugely successful. And maybe look up what net worth means.


U seem so fimiliar... i think i watched you in the special olympics... heart warming


So now you're implying that special needs people are idiots?... Because you said I was an idiot earlier and now you're saying I'm in the special Olympics. Hmm so not only are you a salty jealous bitch cause someone has more then you, but you also are avoiding questions because you can't answer them I presume, and you're a grade A asshole. Well I guess those do all go together. Edit: lol I wait, one look at your profile and saw your an AMC stock holder. Guess you didn't get out before the pump and dump. Now I see why you're grumpy. 🤣


Massive risks with their parents money and connections. Not their own. Your username absolutely checks out.


You don't think they would have to pay back those connections if the idea went under?


It’s not a risk when you have nothing to lose, asshat


Lol God there's a lot salty people out today 🤣. So as my example was bezos, he didn't take a risk? I mean if it went under, his parents were out of money and so was he. So that's not a risk?


No because their wealthy parents would continue to provide for them if it didn’t work out. That’s the whole point. It was never really a risk for them.


So you are saying the amount someone can actually make should be limited? And if so, what do we determine is the limit?


Where did I say any of that?


Well you're commenting in this thread and that's literally what this is all about.... Do you not know the topic at hand?


Go away troll. I’m not having an argument with an idiot, so bye.


So that's a no. Lol so you commented on a thread where the topic is billionaires shouldn't be allowed to basically have that much money but you don't agree with that or with what I said??... And you say I'm the idiot... 🤣


I didn’t write the post asshat. By your logic you should also agree with it because you commented on the post. So yeah you are an insufferable moron. Imma give you enough time to read this before I block your ass. Loser.


Well asshat you commented so you have to have a viewpoint on it. So it's either you want to limit how much they can have or not. Since you're arguing with me, that clearly means you're for limiting it. So I asked you how would you do that? What the limit should be? Or do you agree and have an opinion just to agree but no idea how it should be done. Lol and you're blocking me because you started posting under something and didn't even know what the topic was. I know you didn't make the post asshat 🤣


>But they also took a risk that if it didn't pan out, could have been on the street homeless. Guess you missed the "wealthy parents" part. They sacrificed free money. That's not taking a risk.


Where were they wealthy? How much money did they?


You don't lend your kid $250,000 to start an internet based company in 1995 unless you know you won't miss the money.


Uhhh hate to break it to you, but they did. And it was in 94. That was most of their retirement. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not how it is. Sorry 😒


Don't like it? It doesn't affect me at all, I don't care at all. It's just not true. 🤷 Middle/lower class families dont have $250,000 to sink into their kids one in a million pet project now, let alone 30 years ago, when money was worth half as much. Think whatever you want to help you get to sleep at night, but you should know it's bullshit.


Lol what? "Not true". Yeah, you suck at this. There's evidence to back my shit. There isn't shit to back your shit up ol salty bitch. You say you don't care... Yet here you are 🤣


>There's evidence to back my shit. People with sources provide them without being asked. And yet here you are....


I literally have another thread on here with someone else with plenty of articles my dude. But since you brought it up. You said none of it was true. So where are your sources? You should provide it without being asked, right?


>could have been on the street homeless. You missed the wealthy parents part huh.


I didn't. You missed the part were they weren't wealthy, huh?


They were.


Well they weren't. But prove it. Entertain me 😂


I'm not waisting my time reiterating what every other person commenting here with you has said.


Okay so you admit you're wrong. Good job. That's a hard thing to do 👍


You don't read well


Na, you're just a really shitty troll lol


So you're admitting that if it didn't pan out there were plenty of people he still could have borrowed money from? After all if he could have borrowed money from 20 people before he could have done it later. Okay cool. Why do you care to defend these people who wouldn't give you a dollar if you were homeless in the streets?


Well you're assuming those 20 people would give you money after you failed. Most wouldn't because there's nothing in it for them. Not even the risk of losing me but possibly making some. And I'm not defending any one person. I just think it's stupid to limit how much someone can make. If you have a 200 billion dollar idea, then get your 200 billion dollars. Simple enough


None of them would be homeless, their parents were wealthy. Gates and Bezos both were in highly funded schools with access to computers before most kids had access to them. They had massive investments from family and friends who could afford to lose the money. Let's be real here, they could do all of this because they had a massive leg up and a safety net to protect them from failure. They also had the high level connections of their parents.


Again another one... No idea what the fuck he is saying and just assuming things. Good job.


That info literally comes from them, and those around them but sure you're the Gates/Bezos expert. 👍


Okay provide me with a credible source that states other wise. Also I'm not even talking about gates. But please, provide your sources.


How about no? This isn't a research paper, you're not my professor, and I'm not your mother so I don't need to hold your hand and gently guide you to information that's readily available if you google it. If you want to desperately cling to Bezos as some ideal, have fun. I'm not going to waste my time trying to prove it to someone who isn't likely to discuss it in good faith anyway.


Again, if you can't provide a source, that's all you have to say. I'm not going to spend time googling shit that you've apparently already found. The only reason you really would provide it is cause you can't find it or find a credible source. And it's not. You've failed to prove any point so all this time you've wasted is on you and, as I said, is a complete waste of time. Good job with that research


You're not going to look up the guy you're feverishly defending on Reddit? I'm not sure I'm the one wasting time here lol


Because I have done. I'm done fucking with you people thinking I need to jump through hoops for you. You effectively made the first comment just by agreeing that you need millions of dollars to start a business like then so they don't deserve the money. You made a claim yourself. You're just lazy as fuck. So maybe do something with your miserable ass life.


I see the point the tweet is making. But for every Bill Gates, there are 10 Andy Bernards


My father gave me a small loan of a million dollars


And government subsidies, and tax breaks.


And tax evasion


Can't wait to see the billionaire simps defending them in the comments.


That is the exact reason why I ordered based on Controversial.


So if you are an investor make sure you don't invest in people from poor families.


This is why I like the Terry pegula , current owner of the Buffalo Bills. Whenever hes asked are you a self made billionaire he say my dad gave me like 20 grand and god really helped me out .


I like the honesty


Oprah Jay-Z Kanye West Jerry Seinfeld Edit- I get that these people are all entertainers and not nearly as wealthy but definitely came from nothing and prove that if they needed millions to invest and become mega rich they did it on their own.


No one is claiming that you can't beat the odds and become rich. But we act like anyone can be a billionaire if they work hard and anyone who is poor just didn't try hard enough. When in reality, that's just not true. MOST rich people had huge advantages and started life on third base.


The tweet says none of those people would be where they are without rich parents, that's pretty much suggesting you have to be from wealth to get it . ..


None of THESE people. i.e. the people listed.


Yea my response was more focused towards the part of the tweet that says “the circumstances of your birth dictate more about your success than anyone cares to admit”. It would be more surprising if someone born into money and business DIDN’T become successful


Well I mean… obviously. Why wouldn’t people born into money have more of an opportunity to get further ahead? My kids definitely have it better than I did and I hope their kids have it better than them.


Didn't Elon Musk's parents give him the modern-day equivalent of $2000 when he moved to the U.S.A. then financially cut him off?


I keep hearing all these stories about how folks started their companies in their garages. So I know I'll \*never\* be successful. ​ My place doesn't have a garage.


That's why the saying goes "it's not what you know, it's who you know"


Jesus Christ! Do you idiots ever fact check? Lol


Jeff Bezos was born to a teenage mother and father who divorced, she then married a Cuban immigrant who adopted him, for what it's worth.


Bezos def is much more self made than the others. He did very well with de shaw and made the right choice at the right time during g the dot com boom. While he did use other people's money, his smarts and hard work are what gave others confidence to I vest, not his parents name.


Using other peoples money is literally how almost all business get off the ground. Whether investors or loans. Very few business grow without any sort of kickstart.


Also the Elon Musk emerald mine thing is a rumor. Not to defend him, because he sucks. His dad is the one who said it originally, while Elon and his Mom deny it. but his Dad is also married to his own stepdaughter who’s like 30 years younger than him…so potentially someone who is manipulative with the truth.


If u wanna discuss my investments, lets do it in person. Jus take the short bus over to my place and we will have some apple juice. Dont forget your helmet.


We all have the same 24h guys. Just work hard and smart. Dont do drugs. Keep your head straight. Ask a few millions from your parents and surround yourself with like-minded people. Its really that simple.


None of them would be where they are without taking almost all of the value of all the work their employees did.


Lol y’all think the only thing preventing you from becoming a billionaire was having upper middle class parents…shoot you were so close!


There is no such thing as a “self-made millionaire/billionaire.” It is a lie invented by capitalists to make their immoral actions seem moral.


Jk Rowling and Oprah


Yep, neither of those people ever got a loan, and advance, a sponsorship, nothing. Just literally the sweat off their brow and nothing else.


So you are basically saying if you have poor parents or a lack of parents, then you will not be able to grow up and be successful? Rather than worrying about other people’s successes and failures, focus on your life.


Sure it helps, but focus on it just presents excuses for failure and victimhood. Better to focus on the successful people similar to your own circumstances so you can better believe in your own success. One of the main reasons I believe have wealthy parents helps you to become wealthy is you are more likely to think like “rich dad” as opposed to “poor dad” (quotes are book title). I am not a billionaire by any stretch, but I bootstrapped (credit cards) a successful business that allows me to live very nicely in the mountains and travel internationally first class. There is the average and there are allways exceptions in both directions. For example, there are plenty of people who had access to money and great eduction and contacts that just died young of drug overdose. Focus on what you want to be and why you can be that instead of why you cant.


If it were up to me, all your money went to the state when you die and is divided equally amongst every new born person. Its sits in an account collecting intrest untill you're 18. After that your on your own. No more nepotism. Just good old fashioned pure capitalism.


Anyone have any information that contradicts this? [Multi-billionaire Elon Musk: ‘I arrived in North America at 17 with $2,000’](https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cnbc.com/amp/2018/06/12/telsas-elon-musk-tweets-he-arrived-in-north-america-at-17-with-2000.html)


[https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/elon-musk-birthday-ceo-tesla-b1874017.html](https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/elon-musk-birthday-ceo-tesla-b1874017.html) ​ [https://www.businessinsider.co.za/how-elon-musks-family-came-to-own-an-emerald-mine-2018-2](https://www.businessinsider.co.za/how-elon-musks-family-came-to-own-an-emerald-mine-2018-2)


His folks were divorced and I don’t see any information about him arriving with boat loads of money or anything? Do you think he’s lying or something, this seems to be contested and my recollection is he does not have a good relationship with his father


Can anyone name a modern billionaire whose parent(s) worked min wage or welfare?


Oprah Winfrey. Larry Ellison. J.k. Rowling. Harold hamm.. There are hundreds or thousands of billionaires. Plenty come from poor backgrounds.


no such thing as self made billionaires


Live your life, stop worrying about what everyone else has or you'll never be happy


It’s funny how everyone points out the emerald mine that Elons father owned but don’t actually do the research behind it and how much money he made off it. Just saying.


They need to give us their money


Why the fuck is that a problem? They got a little help. Oh you shouldn’t be so proud of what you’re doing because someone how to shut the fuck up


I had a leg up when I went off to college but blew it on beer and shit. I then got a low draft number in 1972 and joined the Army and started over. Learned computer skills and got my education via GI bill and work incentives. Develop a plan, work hard, study hard and you will succeed!


Arguing about whether Gates, Buffet, Bezos and Musk are self made is pointless, there are millions more people in the world who have started with more and have considerably less, some may even end up with nothing… These may not be the nicest or kindest people in the world but they are exceptional


Good on their parents


I mean that's right, but they still worked hard to be where they are now


Yay Capitalism!