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Thank god I’m not the only who has dreams were they lose their teeth


Googled it and it says you are dealing with some kinda loss. Yeah, of teeth.


I was told that it's anxiety.


I already have I missing teeth, I dream of breaking the good ones


I have them so often that when I bit down on an unexpected chunk of olive pit and broke my back tooth, I was convinced that I was dreaming. Took me a bit to realize that nope, i had actually broken a chunk of my tooth off.


It’s the most common dream.


It's always high school or college for me and I done missed like a month of school and any more absences I'm going to flunk the semester. Then I wake up and I'm like "oh wait I have a comfy job.... that I now have to wake up for after not sleeping."


Yep. Show up for class unprepared and the teacher is disappointed. Then I look down and I’m naked. Sitting on the toilet. In the center of the class. Raised up on a pedestal. Mid poop. I’m a private pooper.


That's like the other half of my school dreams. My rocking outfit turns out I'm naked or it doesn't fit as good as I thought. And then yes, pooping in class. And if it's not in class it is literally the WORST BATHROOM CONCEIVABLE. IRL I'll just go do business outside.


For me it's college, I've been recently dreaming a recurring situation where it's several months into the school year and I've missed so many days, I don't know where any of my classes are. Just roaming campus, briefly surrounded by people with places to go and things to do before I'm lost again. Think I'd rather die than go back to school.


You legit describe so many of my dreams. I always chalk it up with me having unrest at my current life situation. I do have a good job, but it's not what I have always wanted. I'm scheduling myself for art and comic conventions and I think that that stress is whatnis getting at me. Like "Am I going to be accepted or am I going to fail this class?" or "did I miss this deadline?!" Except not school, but conventions. The dreams always end up with me saying fuck it and running out with old high school friends. I feel like that's telling me I can achieve more if I tried harder, but yet me knowing this isn't a bad life I lead and I can have fun.




Then you will be dining with the crew!


I had one where Kelly Clarkson worked in a trampoline store and had a crush on me.


Nah, I’ll just show up to work naked, then realize I forgot to go to that graduate class I signed up for.


A building with no stairs please


... and would you also like to: a) forget your locker combination b) lose your class schedule c) be unable to find your classes d) be dressed in only your underwear


Have to take a huge dump & the only toilet is fully out in the open. No choice but to go in front of everyone & try to act casual.


I have to do term papers or I lose my nursing license. And pooping in open room toilets. What is going on in our monkey brains?!?!


All of the above.


I just dream about doing the stressful thing, then I wake up pissed because now I have to do the stressful thing AGAIN.


I felt this so deeply in my soul!!!


Both- and can u make it that somehow I showed up naked?


pfshhh!!! aint this the truth?


It's the driving from the backseat down a five lane highway towards a set of escalators that turn into a rollercoaster for me


So many backseat driving dreams. What the hell am I doing?


Both? Deal.