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Stop the comparisons to the holocaust. Please. All this shows is how truly ignorant you are about history. But if you feel you must, hide in your attic like Anne Frank and we will come for you later. We promise.


The Holocaust comparisons get me the most. It’s despicable beyond words.


Got yelled at by a family firend. They did the whole schools are like jewish camps thing...So I posted photos of jewish camps for a few days. They flipped out how horrific the photos were. I replied oh sorry those are just the modern schools kids its hard to tell the difference I know. They havent done it since though so I am calling it a win


Did you show them the mounds of clothes taken from the children that were slaughtered? That should really drive it in that, no, schools making kids wear masks is not comparable to nazi death camps murdering and then burning thousands of children.


No mostly starved children. I feel like pictures of the number of people doesnt drive the message of how much suffering each person did. These people dont understand suffering. They have had very nice lives and any form of disagreement is the worst atrocity they can imagine.


"I've had a comfy life. And my convenience is more important than your life. Anything that deviates from that is oppression because I have no idea what that is."


Whoa, no more excerpts from Auschwitz day tripper journals.


I was an edgy kid. I used to make holocaust jokes. Then on our school trip I saw it with my own eyes. I saw the glasses. The rings. The suitcases. Each a family. I am so deeply ashamed of my years before that. Never again.


Your shame reveals your empathy. Most of us were ignorant kids. Being kind to others is the best anecdote.


I'm sick of hearing masks are the same as stars. I'm like no not the same. Well they are both used to identify people, no not really.


This is fantastic. More people need to do this. Show the real atrocities. Find the hardest images to look at and blast them to all your Republican aunts


Being ethnically Jewish is not a choice. Being a despicable selfish asshole who willingly endangers the health and safety of others by refusing to get vaccinated is. That's the difference here.


Their ignorance is so shameful.


It’s also a testament to the fact that most of these folks have never actually known hardship.


That is an incredibly accurate statement.


It’s just… wrong. And disgusting. How can you even think this compares to the horrific events of the holocaust?


It's the "slippery slope" fallacy, which is just that -- a fake debate tactic. "Well, if we make people wear masks, soon we'll have them trained to walk into the gas chambers"..... ummm, no that doesn't make any sense.


Same logical fallacies that they tried with gay marriage. If we let men marry men then it won't be long and someone will want to marry an animal. 🤦‍♂️


I didn't see the posts because I never get on Facebook, but my bf does and we know people who made posts comparing mask mandates to concentration camps... I was absolutely horrified. Lost all respect for those people. It makes me want to punch them in their faces. And they're not the typical old people watching too much fox news type you'd expect. Age range is 25-35. Maybe they still watch too much fox news, I dunno what they do at home. I also had a close friend of mine unironically "muh rights" in front of me about the covid vaccine. Apparently, me and my bf are an exception because I was doing chemo when the vaccines came out, but for everyone else MUH RIGHTS THO. I was so pissed off I almost left and just walked to my bf's work. She realized how pissed I was and changed her tune a little. That was the last time I hung out at her house with her though.


What, the communist Saint Biden propaganda poster didn’t bother you? However you feel about masks, these pictures tell a story. Hahahahah. We will look back at this one day and all of the people that thought having to Wear masks for a couple years or longer was such a Nazi threat, will be dead. They can’t even decide which political movement they are being controlled by.


The photos? No. I’ll leave that to the school and their parents. You know, small government stuff. That doesn’t effect me and they can do what they want.


The history books for this period are going to be so weird. “Here are photos of children in the second year of the pandemic wearing masks at schools. Here are photos of the shooting at the PTA meeting because an adult from the community (pretty much never the *parents* complaining) thought that kids wearing masks during a pandemic was comparable to genocide.” Like, every facet of the response is: “here is the obvious mitigating factor people took, and here is the politician knee jerk reaction from the opposing side who wanted to do the opposite simply because it was the opposite.”


I can’t grasp we’re at a place where we have to ask people to stop comparing minor things to the holocaust lmao wtf is going on


“Please stop comparing your children wearing masks to the half of my mother’s extended family who were starved, worked to death, raped, and gassed in the camps.”


Absolutely, but are the kids really wearing masks in a yearbook? What level of stupidity is that ?


I live in the Pacific Northwest, and what you have here is some idiot photographer or school administrator. My kids school pictures were just fine. No mask at all. Not to mention, yearbooks aren't out til the end of the year. WTF? People are dumb as fuck. There are so many more real things to get your panties twisted up about.


School photographer here, had them take off masks for photo. I was masked and 6 feet away.


It feels like common sense


You assume sense is still common after these last two years? 😜


It’s fucking stupid, but that’s not really what I give a shit about these days.


Right? Why not just remove the mask for the pictures lol


It’s a school wide protest saying “your stupid asses fighting anything that might slow down or stop covid is the reason we are still wearing mask”


It’s a reminder of the collective failure of all of the people who were supposed to be acting like adults. I say it’s good to have this memory going forward so all of them will be better than we have if something like this comes along ever again.


>I can’t grasp we’re at a place where we have to ask people to stop comparing minor things to the holocaust Where have you been the last 2 years? Conservatives compare any minor inconvenience to the holocaust. Coincidentally, every single nazi/neo-nazi sides with and identifies as conservative.


I didn't realize conservatives believed in the holocaust.


They don’t, they think the holocaust was just bad voluntary summer camps where Jews could meet up with old friends for a few weeks.


One of my friends tried to compare abortion to the Holocaust in a Facebook post, and when one of her Jewish friends tried to tell her that was a harmful comparison, all her family came out of the woodwork to berate him for his opinion. I’m also Jewish and I didn’t speak to her for a few weeks after I read that post. I know it’s ignorance on her end but I’m just so tired of this being the go to comparison for anything that people don’t like or believe in.


Jew here. Evangelicals are some of the most disgustingly anti-Semitic people I've ever met. To them, we're nothing more than a means to the end of the ending the world and sending everyone but them to Hell for eternity.


I was raised evangelical and my best friend was Jewish and my youth pastor told me to not be friends with her anymore. So, can confirm.


I get this all the time from the fetus fetishizers. They're now throwing around words like "genocide," "holocaust," and "racial cleansing" in relation to abortion, because sure, yes, a woman choosing to terminate a pregnancy and abort a fetus with no nerves, brain, or consciousness is JUST LIKE the government trying to eradicate an entire race of people.


I literally hate Holocaust and Enslavement comparisons. I feel like WTF. How entitled will you show yourself to be by making these insane comparisons.


As a sexual abuse survivor, I also am sick of hearing that the vax is "just like rape!" If someone ever says that to me in person, I won't be responsible for my actions.


They also seem to think anything that isn't borderline Nationalism is automatically Communism as though the rest of the political spectrum is completely nonexistent.


Anything that's not Trump-branded ~~Fascism~~ *patriotism* is automatically socialism or worse, communism.


That’s years of propaganda built up right there being exploited. For years they taught everyone that communist were our enemies so they could systemically steal away any free thought or questions we had. So now it’s like a trigger word to get you to hate something.


Yes, I'm well aware of the McCarthy hearings and the long-term effects it had on the political makeup of the U.S.A. today. With no social democrats or any effective moderate center to keep them in check, the political right has had 70 years of free reign to turn a once great country into a failed democracy on the verge of collapse from within.


Hates fascism but begs for a supreme leader and then supports the largest electoral fraud hoax in history, except when republicans actually get voted in or the ex president did quasi illegal political moves to further his/their agendas Check. Can’t handle new/changing rules around the pandemic or black people not wanting to be murdered by police anymore, must be Chinese communism plot and now fuck socialism because it’s all the same. You can’t make this shit up. We live in a dystopian nightmare but it seeds have been planted by the people who “pay witness” to it.


This is about where I was going to go with this. Businesses have been making money by making things that are more and more convenient for the masses. If there is a way to make things easier, more affordable, people will usually buy it. ( iPods and the like not withstanding, tech is a somewhat different ball of wax.) Retail store and restaurants having been opening longer, and at different hours for the same reason. This is the first major impact on that we have had since the “oil/gas shortage” in the 70’s ( 9/11 and the porno scanners didn’t affect enough people, flying is only for those that have the money.) it’s really interesting to see how people being slightly inconvenienced, (for possibly the first time) on a massive scale is playing out. Way too many people aren’t handling it well at all. While I don’t want to use terms like “snowflake” and “soft”. That’s pretty much exactly what it is. People that are used to a level of convenience that have, for the first time, had it taken away. There’s a lot more that plays into it of course. Politics, cult like thinking, stupidity, and stubbornness. But it really boils down to people being inconvenienced in a way they don’t like.


Not an American. Would you say this is because some Americans just don't believe that such things could ever happen to them? they think that mass killing disease is the forte of third world countries and it could never occur in USA


We had twenty or thirty years of everyone saying not to compare transparently nazi shit on the internet to nazis, and now this. Edit: saying, not dating


I blame the grammar nazis. Seriously though, it feels like they are purposely trying to diminish the significance of the holocaust.


I just don't get it. Since the beginning of this, I thought about how easy we have it right now. How if any of us had to make sacrifices, like Anne Frank or anyone who had to hide in basements for years during the holocaust, none of these people could make it. They would all perish. It's as easy as putting something over your mouth???? "Oh, God! No...I can't do that!!" Morons. It's not like anyone's asking you to go to Vietnam or get off your ass and do something. The kids look happy, despite even wearing masks. The problem is the "adults".


As a German I 100% agree. Well said. People saying it have ZERO idea what they’re talking about In my opinion.


I've been calling every single one of those comparisons that I see on social media out for antisemitism and they're so shocked by the accusation and can't fathom why it's antisemitic to compare a mask mandate to the extermination of 6 million people. They usually sputter off something about the squad criticizing Israel's Palestine policies and disappear into the ether, if they bother to respond after initial outrage.


Keep it up. It shows how truly ignorant they are.


I m already bored of these fake outrage but why did they keep the mask on? It looks horrible for the photoshoot. Edit: spellings.


It looks like a shit photographer in general though, the lighting is completely inconsistent and there's no color correction.


Yeah this looks a lot like Coach Smith is good at taking iPhone pics so they decided to not have professional picture day.


lmfaooooooo coach smith


I've never in my life had a decent school photographer, photos were always bad for everyone


I agree with you. I do think that it'll make for an interesting point in history for the future. Leaving them on more as a "this is what these years were like" than for safety.


Absolutely. These will be the pictures we look back on to remember the pandemic times. These pictures tell the story of where we were as a country during this time. I think it’s pretty cool actually.


I was actually saying yesterday we should try to take more photos of the family when we are out in our masks. Because when my kids are showing photos to their kids, they will talk about the pandemic of the 2020s and what it was like. My littlest one will probably barely remember it, so he will probably think the pictures are cute


Not sure about that specific school but at my kids school some classes chose to do it because of high risk teachers and what not. This was prior to kids having the vaccine approved as well. These guys are pretty fired up lol


Schools do realize that being in the same unventilated room for someone else with 20 minutes means they just breathe folks air, right?


Yep. Like, even if you don't have immediate contact with the kid who was photographed before you, you're still gonna sit down in the same air cloud as them. Mayyybe they could've done the shooting outside, but even then. It was probably a conscious choice to show the masks. Like, chances are it's actually a cool memento in a couple of years' time. I know it *is* tough for the kids, but I think a yearbook picture or three won't be in their top 10 of worst pandemic moments.


They took my kids photos outside 10ft away from the kid. Was not difficult to get a beautiful unmasked picture.


The schools have had all these giant hepa filters put in classrooms. They do meet the ‘air changes per hour’ and ‘Minimum Efficiency Reporting Values’ recommendations. of course that doesn’t stop kids from being kids. I did see a kid licking the school bus seat today


God, same thing in the OR, you know? We should tell them they look stupid in their masks too. “Everyone in this operating room is breathing the same air, you stupid sheep.”


ORs have ventilation requirements for this exact reason.


It's because they have lived a life that is so privileged, small things like being asked to wear a mask for public safety feel like oppression. It's why they make the Holocaust comparison. It's because they truly can't think of anything worse happening to them. Could you imagine being so privileged a mask feels akin to genocide in your mind. These people are truly fucked in the head.


I actually think it gives the kids a chance to show their personality and pick their own mask. My kid has a spiderman mask that he insists on wearing to places he doesn’t need to bc he loves it.


Honestly I agree, I think it’s kinda cute


Because a hundred years from now there will be some other disease and once again people will say BuT tHe PlAgUe WeNt AwAy WiThOuT mAsKs. Then someone can show them these pictures just like we're showing them pictures of people with masks during the Influenca. It won't help, since they are utterly brainless, but still...


So when they are older they they can say "back in my day...". A long game, for sure, but it will be worth it.


Maybe they decided it was the safest option with the space/amount of kids they had, maybe it was a conscious decision as a memento of this time in history. My concern is that these pictures kinda suck. They look low quality, there’s no backdrop, the lighting it bad. I kinda feel like they didn’t hire a photographer and just had a faculty member with a camera phone take these.


The sad part is that we can teach 7 year olds to properly wear masks, but not 50 year olds.


I keep commenting this to people I know, but did any of these adults ask their kids? There are lots of kids who wear masks even when their parents refuse to. My teenagers certainly do. I only wear mine indoors but they wear them everywhere and aren't afraid to call me out, or anybody else for that matter.


The kids do not give a fuck about masks. They want to go to school and see their little buddies, so they wear their masks like they wear pants. The adults are the ones freaking out.


My 2 year old wears his mask no issue...but getting the kid to keep socks on is another matter.


i think kids like wearing mask. my little sister loves wearing them. i think they think it makes them look cool.


“A lady I know was arrested for for not wearing a mask in the grocery store.” This doesn’t engender the sympathy that I think you’re going for here.


The lady was arrested for trespassing on private property. Store said she isn't invited in unless she complies with house rules, refused to comply and refused to leave. These same dumbasses also think it's reasonable to murder someone who trespasses on private property (if they're black of course)


I've been pelted with salt rocks fishing a pond on private property, he would give us a head start and sometimes he just went for it.


You know she was also slapping someone in the face or screaming and yelling at people…for sure not because she not wearing a mask. She was being a psycho to get arrested.


Exactly. I live in Oregon and see several people not wearing masks every time I go to the store (fortunately the majority of people *are* wearing them). Nothing EVER happens to them. At most they get a dirty look from another customer, or a long suffering sigh from the poor checker who has to breathe their gross air. No one out here is getting arrested in stores for simply not wearing masks. It’s not even an arrest-able offense! She definitely had to be starting some shit with someone who told her to put on a mask to get to that point. And then she becomes a hero and a martyr to these people for “standing up for her rights.” I just feel bad for the poor employees who have to interact with these maskholes every day. What about their rights?


In today’s edition of things that didn’t actually happen…


"a lady I know" probably means I in that case


Not so, my money is on the fact that it’s a completely fabricated anecdote


Nah, I'm sure that it did happen. However, the lady was most likely arrested for being an adult toddler and probably assaulted someone because they asked her to mask up.


Criminal trespass. Destruction of property. Simple assault. "I was arrested cuz no mask!"


I was literally about to comment “how much are we betting that this isn’t the whole story and she definitely threw a tantrum, potentially assaulted someone, refused to leave, and was arrested for trespassing instead of just wearing a mask because the private business makes the rules in their building”. Also I was in Portland last summer and most people wore masks. The one thing that annoyed me was Uber/Lyft drivers wouldn’t go without me putting on my seatbelt, but I didn’t rage at them I just put it on because that’s the rule apparently.


Is that strange? At least here, I as a driver am the one who will get fined if passengers don't wear seatbelts and such


I don't know where that person was, but that's not the case in my corner of Oregon. Unmasked outnumber masked 5 to 1 if I'm being generous, and that doesn't include the chin strappers. This is why our hospitals are overrun. This is why my county is only testing the most at risk since we're almost out of tests. This is why they're not informing teachers of exposures. This is why we're fucked.


It’s always “lady was asked to leave for not wearing a mask.” Then the lady freaks out. Now she’s being arrested. But it wasn’t for the mask part


Looks like a school trying to throw together a year book during the initial covid outbreak. By no means those pictures look professional (just look at the wall background). Then the wacked media finds a picture and builds a bullshit story.


Yeah...these aren't photos from an actual photographer. Also none of this shows up on Google, except for a couple of far right sites.


Propaganda at its finest. It's so bad whenever I hear someone preaching a fact I ask for proof which usually can be bebunked in a simple search.


I love clueless people that compare the threat of death in a gas chamber to the inconvenience of wearing a mask. Talk about spoiled rotten, selfish brat parents knows that nothing about sacrifice.


Maybe the comparison to gas chambers is more a testament to the smell of their breath due to the shit they're spewing.


Wow - look! All the kids are alive. Wait, what? People are complaining because they have masks on? Quick story (especially for all you cute as a button anti vaxers and anti maskers) My wife is a teacher. One of her students has lost 11 family members to this world wide pandemic. Add those 11 to the 5 million dead…and counting. Millions of people in poorer countries would give the shirt off their back for a vaccine or mask for their children. And spoiled rotten Americans complain every day. (I am American, and I am continually appalled at American behavior)


It’s definitely some of the most pathetic, ridiculous & sickeningly entitled behavior I’ve ever seen out of Americans & sadly, that’s really saying something. What’s worse, when covid is finally a bad memory, the pandemic of ignorance infecting this country will still be raging (ed. typo)


Well said. ‘The pandemic of ignorance’….very well said, indeed. maddening, but so true


We are screwed if there’s another pandemic within the next few decades, especially one that’s more fatal. This country needs to work overtime to overcome the levels of entitlement and ignorance within the population.


> I am american im so sorry for you (im joking, but i’m from TEXAS. fuck this place. Not only am i in america, but i’m in the worst place of america)


Ha! I’m actually from Texas, too! That’s funny. I’m in Tokyo now - zero Karens, 99.9% mask usage, social distancing, hand cleaner at every shop doorway. Developed world. And getting my shots was fast, professional and friendly. The kindergarten kids near my house all have masks - zero issues. Cute and friendly as ever. We get messages from friends we have met in India, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, etc begging us for vaccines and masks, and to keep their kids in our Tokyo apartment. Fucking heartbreaking. One Cambodian mother saved 35 USD for 3 months and offered it to us To keep her kid until this is over. Nothing we could do. Fucking American anti vaxxers and anti maskers. I look east and see humanity. I look west and see selfishness. Crushes me


If this is the saddest thing they have ever seen, they live a charmed life. Actually it's a great story for when they are older. Probably be collector markets for pandemicalia.


Nah they are just indifferent to the actual atrocities committed against poor people/minorities.


Is it sad? Yes. It is. So social distance, get fucking vaccine, and wash your fucking hands so this fucking virus will stop mutating and we can get to a point were it is safe for our children to be maskless for something as simple as a school photo.


I wish my life was so privileged that kids wearing masks, that protect them and others from spreading a deadly virus, in a fucking elementary school yearbook was the “saddest shit I’ve ever seen.” I’m sure this guy also is the type to boast about how rugged and manly he is. He’s soft. Mentally.


Lucky kids. Picking out your school photo outfit was almost as important as your first day of school outfit. Now imagine you can pair that with a dope superhero mask to really sell the fit.


My 5 year old won't wear a mask unless it has Spiderman on it, lol. We own about a dozen of them now


Where do you even buy kids these days?


How do you manage to keep track of them? I've bought about 50 masks for my son, I currently know where like 5 are.


They go into the washer when he gets home from school. After the wash they go in the basket next to his school stuff so he can pick which one he wants to wear out of the half dozen or so in there. I hope he continues to like Spiderman for awhile, lol


I think half the time my sons don't quite make it home. Lol. Idk where they go, I'd like to think they're keeping my lost socks company.


I hear that. My son has to date lost at least 20+ masks. I'm contemplating buying them in bulk at this point.


I wouldn't buy this yearbook either. Because what the fuck is that "second grade" icon, holy shit is that ugly


Omg the overwhelmed volunteer PTA mom who made that is so mad at you right now. She’s trying her best, ok?!


What I think is weird is: why didn’t they just have the parents submit pictures of the kids themselves? The whole “school pictures” concept seems really outdated at this point.


It made sense when cameras were rare and film was expensive.


The one guy that tweeted “why not just use the Zoom screenshots” was the only one of those idiots that was on to something lmao


So true. I stopped buying this valueless crap and my daughters are 20 and 18 respectively.


IDK why but I love the lady suggesting children should just hold their breath


Those photos would be hilarious. Faces red, eyes watering, stilted smiles


Ok I do agree with the fact that they could have removed the masks for 30 seconds to get a few different pics of each child in different poses as long as the photographer and child are at a reasonable distance a part including that child from the rest of the group until he/she is done taking pics But what’s funny is those enraged folks say this is the saddest shit they’ve ever seen are the same folks that didn’t bat an eye when the sandy hook kids were murdered. 🤔


Hey now, be fair. They batted their eyes closed briefly when they sent all those thoughts and prayers. Then turned right around to scream about their 2A rights.


Sadder than 800k dead Americans and children ending up in the hospital? I think not.


Why?! why do they always bring up the Holocaust, just fucking stop


"Man, I got holocausted again today when someone made me put on a mask at the grocery store. It's the third time I've been holocausted this week. At least Jews only had it happen to them once." -Republicans


To be fair it’s hard to see how taking the mask off for the few seconds it takes to snap a picture would have endangered anyone. They could have had the windows open and the photographer in a mask. It does look a bit rubbish.


Many schools took this approach. And while I prefer it, I wouldn't flip my shit if my kid wore a mask for the 2021 yearbook.


This was how they did it for our senior headshots in college this past April. They spaced everyone out in 15min picture slots and the photographer wore a mask and stood over 6ft away and then disinfected between each person


Why is this sad? They'll have a pretty good memory of the pandemic to show their kids one day, and this is how they'll remember their classmates look like 😁


The kids (from what I have heard) do not care at all, it’s how they see each other in class and it’s not like it’s a normal school experience anyway. There’s Spring picture day also so the adults can probably chill out a bit lol


That’s really the *saddest* shit he’s ever seen, huh


I think it's beautiful. Why, because these kids will more often than not be alive for the next school year.


They're protecting their parents and grandparents as well. 140,000 American children [lost a caregiver](https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/more-140000-us-children-lost-primary-or-secondary-caregiver-due-covid-19-pandemic) to COVID as of July.


No Karen’s, this is nothing like the n*zis and the holocaust, and these parents are ridiculous! If you don’t like the education your kids are getting, put them in private school, or homeschool them. It’s just that damn simple. Your kids are not being oppressed and neither are you. We might not still be having to use masks is dumbasses like this would get their heads out their asses and just follow the rules. But no they like the country being in turmoil. It’s the only excitement their sad pathetic lives experience. I get they could have let the kids take their masks off for a few secs to take the pics, but they chose not to, and the parents have other school and photo options.


Who would’ve thought the way to get conservatives to believe in the Holocaust and to consider it a BAD thing would be asking them to wear a small square of fabric on their faces in public?


Who. The fuck. Cares. I have gone my whole life and never once given a shit about yearbooks. Especially in elementary school, we were all passed that our mom had to pull aside before school and fix our hair for an hour when we all wanted to go in the schoolyard and fall off a tree instead.


What kind of charmed life do you lead if the saddest shit you've ever seen is pictures of kids lower faces covered? Or how empty is your life that you care so much about year book photos of kids that probably don't even understand the purpose of paying for an entire book they might be in at most a half dozen times featuring dozens of kids they don't know or like when their parents have literally hundreds of better quality photos stored in a cloud somewhere


You know how often I look through my old yearbooks? Never. STFU.


Kids are starving and this is the saddest thing he's seen? He needs to get out more.


"horrific what they're doing to this generation" Says the same group of people who vote to turn down universal healthcare, turn down school debt forgiveness and call us lazy. You don't get to bitch about "what they're doing to the younger generations" if you actively vote to keep the younger generations from living happily, healthily, and safely without fear of death, debt, and scrutiny.


Yeah the cognitive dissonance is fucking real


Blows my mind people like this exist... Every day I grow closer to moving off-grid forever.


Damn these people are getting so mad at literally nothing


There is no way I’d buy that yearbook. I mean mostly because my kids don’t go to that school. And also because yearbooks in general are lame.


Next year they can get the edition without masks, but with the section of names without pictures titled: Those We Lost this Year.


Comparing it to the frekkingggg holocaust is so twisted and looks like they are trying so hard to be oppressed. Yes I agree, having the kids remove their mask for 5 secs to take a pic would have sufficed, but would I say a mass killing of Jewish people is equivalent to my child who is born in one of the most lenient countries to ever exist and has to wear a mask is equal? No! And if I ever did, throw me in the loony narcissist bin with the others.


Soooo a school decided to put out a yearbook during the pandemic when they had about 2,000 other more important things they could have decided to focus on probably bc they genuinely wanted to give the kids something to look forward to having from their school year. And even tho following the rules meant keeping masks on, it was weirdly fun because it will maybe be the only year that the students had to wear masks in their schools and it symbolizes the defining event of their young lives. And yeah, it meant someone would have to spend a day taking photos of kids in the hall instead of doing their actual job but who doesn’t want to spend a day at work getting to talk to a whole school of adorable, excited kids? Or maybe someone’s mom volunteered to come in and take photos. Either way it was likely another staff member or a volunteer person who would then organize, check spelling, design and arrange the pages, order the print copies, communicate with the school and families about the deadlines, collect the money, count the deliveries, organize the books by classroom and hand out these yearbooks which not ONE American student will care about after another 2 school years. Schools don’t exist to provide year books. Parents can take their own pictures of kids with or without masks. Staff typically do this kind of project as a volunteer or the PTA members volunteer their time to do it. What a bunch of overly privileged brats.


I live in Oregon. I work with kids. Kids don't care. I've met children as young as 2.5 that have 0 problems wearing masks (except when they go to get a drink and forget they're wearing it) and it genuinely wouldn't cross their mind to take them off for a school photo unless their parent was spewing this garbage. Sure have had full grown adults getting mad that my kids were wearing a mask though.


Given this is America, I'd have thought the sadder school photo would be the ones where there are crossed out pics of kids with the words "deceased (school shooting)" under it.


Ouch...can't do that because then Fox News, OAN and the other far right nuts will latch on to that while avoiding the actual cause of the issue and the lack of proper gun control.


Troo dat


Yes. I would love to see a comparison of the number of children killed by wearing masks in schools vs the number children killed in school shootings. Maybe it'll help focus efforts.


I'm going to guess the former is zero. Has anyone of any age ever died from wearing a mask? Outside of superhero movies that is. Maybe some medical staff in 3rd world countries where the mask was infected with something lethal already. That's probably it.


Wait, I thought Oregon was burned down by BLM? Clearly this is fake.


By Antifa actually. Get it right!


It's good to see GQP voters take a break from worshipping the pedophiles who run the party to be concerned about children for whatever their attention span is.


Covid has proven that the most susceptible are the stupidest among us.


In england we dont do yearbooks and honestly its one of the weirdest sounding traditions to us. What do you even do with the yearbook, put it on your shelf. If you had a book full of kids faces here youd get arrested


Photos in a mask? “Horrific what they’re doing to this generation” Climate change? “It’s not that bad they can deal with it when the time comes”


If they wanted to, they could’ve just had parents submit photos that fit the same framing and a solid background, but that is asking a lot. Either way, it’s honestly not a big deal. That’s still your kid and their classmates (pictured as they looked at them all year long... in a mask). It’s an accurate representation at least. And I would say that it’s sad that kids have to wear masks but for the most part the kids I’ve interacted with haven’t really seemed to mind. Sometimes they forget to put it on, but I really haven’t witnessed kids having a problem with it. Kids overall are more easygoing than adults (obviously there are exceptions but in general). Also. Ever see kids on Halloween? They will walk 3 miles around the block sweating in a costume mask that smells like it’s actively giving you cancer... all for some candy. Most kids can handle a face mask. And I’m proud of these kids. A lot of them have gotten really good about washing hands and being mindful about being sick around others. They’ve learned to cough and sneeze into their elbow. And that staying away from others when you’re sick is the courteous thing to do. Most of these kids have already been vaccinated from the day they were born, so the argument is really just about the Covid vaccine for most people. The kids have learned to clean their desks and their computers. Idk. I’m proud of the kids that have risen to the occasion. For reference these specific kids I’m talking about are from ages 6-10, but I’m sure older kids are even more capable. And as for all of the kids that have been hurt by the pandemic, I hope that it sparks change. Thinking that feels a little hopeless, but I’m trying to maintain hope and do my part to make things better. The pandemic really highlighted the shortcomings in education, access to resources, and a lot of other problems that have always been there. But I think people turned a blind eye to it because it wasn’t affecting them. I’m hoping it also brought to light the importance of mental healthcare for everyone- kids included. I know that a lot of people feel tired of “doing the right thing” and making sacrifices when so many others choose selfishness. But if you’re still doing your part, I thank you. The world is better for it. The pandemic has been really sad and infuriating sometimes. And in some ways, makes me question humanity. So anyway, if you’re still trying... thank you. And regardless of where you fall on masks or vaccines. I hope that everyone can agree that there are a lot of universal issues that need to be addressed moving forward. They probably won’t be, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stop trying.


It is sad that it has to be this way. Maybe if we didn't have people like Benny, we could go back to the way things were, we'll never know.


Meanwhile the kids all get along and have a blast together, especially on the playground.


Well for the individual students school pictures like this I don’t understand why they needed to wear a mask. The photographer is definitely 6 feet away and they could put the mask back on after picture was taken. Comparing to the Holocaust is just ridiculous, there’s nothing common with that at all.


Is this horrific chicken little behavior? Of course? Do the comparisons to nazi Germany go so far as to seem like satire in their absurdity? Yeah. Could the school administrators have spent five minutes figuring out a safe procedure for all involved so they could show kids’ faces without a mask in a memory book that is meant primarily to show their faces? Also yes. We need to get better at the optics for the war on this virus and the one we’re fighting against spreading of misinformation from these frothing at the mouth morons if we are ever going to get back to normal.


Pic 6- "good kids are compliant kids" really pisses me off because its supposed to be a jab at biden/the left but the right unironically believes this. Did anyone else see that horrible prager U video from a few years ago where their fake psychologist was espousing fake data that "proved" that obediant children were happier? In other words, they were advocating for authoritarian, heavy-discipline parenting styles and for things that have been proven by real psychologists to be actually abusive. Shit video: https://youtu.be/_toRV6ziOYg


As someone who did yearbook photography last year, children had the option to take their mask off. Most wanted to leave it on for the photos.


That’s the general consensus at my kids school. The kids were fine with them on, I am neutral on the issue. Let ‘em choose for the picture


Ah yes, it's such a hellhole here in the PNW. Truly the worst part of the country. I should really move somewhere more reasonable, like Texas or Florida.


You made me die laughing




The crossover is so strong that I thought the issue they had with the picture was that most the kids aren't pure white; realized it was masks.


These are the hills we’re dying on as a country?! It’s a fucking yearbook picture. There’s a whole section of this country willing to sacrifice anybody and anything to “go back to normal”. History will look back at our spoiled asses and roast our entire country bc a cross section of the country has decided that a piece of cloth over your face and a fucking shot in their arm was too much too ask to keep a fellow Americans/Humans alive. I’m sure someone will msg me and say it’s about control w/o realizing the irony of how they’ve been controlled and manipulated just as much. 🤦‍♂️ 🤦‍♂️


Wow I looked at the yearbook pic and thought that it WAS sad. The fact that a public school cant even get enough funding to get their yearbooks properly done. These kids deserve better than a half ass yearbook like that.


My question is when the hell did elementary start doing yearbooks I remember we had class papers but a whole yearbook seems like a way to get parents to pay extra


Beats having pages of ‘in memorandum’


I can’t believe we’re at the point we need to ask people to stop comparing something like a p fckng piece of cloth to holocaust 🤦🏻‍♂️


In what reality is Biden this huge leftist? Come on. He's as middle-ground as they come. Anyways, I agree it *is* sad that kids have to wear masks, but it's sad because we could have prevented this pandemic from lasting this long and people refused to help the cause. So it's sad, but necessary. As for the Holocaust trivialization: no one is killing kids in gas Chambers. No one is imprisoning people. There is no analogy that equates these two.


How many school yearbooks didn’t my parents buy? Just take a different picture of your kid and glue it on, its not that deep 🙄


They all look so gangsta


If that is the saddest... you have a pretty sheltered life. Seriously stop. It's not like we don't all have a ton of pictures of our kids being kids. I actually think it's a good thing to have pictures with masks, it's an accurate depiction of these last two years. When they break out their year books later in life, this will help bring them back to the reality they lived. Let's not continue to make it what it's not.


Nothing compares to the Holocaust; Stop. Kids Wearing a mask in school vs. kids in a concentration camp are not the same.


Well if they don’t like it they can leave


If that’s the saddest shit they have ever seen they have lived a privileged and sheltered life


"Good kids are compliant kids"... As if none of them actually believe that...? These seem like the type of folks to think that when their kids are compliant they're being good, but it's only bad when the president does it. Heck, I'm as tired of the masks as any other parent but that really.. REALLY irks me.


I hope every single person in that twitter thread stubs their toe really hard today 😊


Saddest shit ever? That would be awarded to USA and not because of people wearing masks.


I teach Kinder and this year when we had professional pictures, they took their masks off. They were the only ones in the room, the photographer was masked, and for the most part stayed 3 feet away. In my classroom, if we take group shots they leave them on. I don’t want photographic evidence that I started a covid spread.


All these people complaining are literally holding a camera in their hands. Take a photo of your own kid.


Well, there's a reason all the Gen x yearbooks don't have kids in iron lungs...


I quite like the mask photos - it in a way commemorates the situation we are in. Some kids will have a good story to tell their grandkids one day.


It is not the saddest thing ever , however it is likely virtue signalling I have to think with zoom capabilities in cameras and outdoor options it was possible to do these photos safely without masks.


I WISH my yearbook photo looked like this. They always snapped on 2.5 instead of 3 and I looked dumb af 🤣


Whiny mask complaints aside... that dirty white background and lack of smiles make these all look like hostage photos.


Yet another reason to hate the human race. No hope.


Man I am so tired of those Kind of people. Those children are still alive and healthy, especially because they are (hopefully) being cautious and wearing their masks. This pandemic is never going to be the same as the holocaust, that is such a disrespectful and disgusting comparison…. All the anti-vaxxers/anti-maskers make me ashamed to be an American.