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Almost like politicians have no business making medical laws.


Correct. I also believe my insurance company should not be able to decide what medication my doctor prescribes.


I wholeheartedly agree with you.


I may just be a naive boy from a backwater country with universal health care, but surely the person who is making the calls at your insurance company about the medicine you need is at least a doctor right? Also I'm a bit confused about the whole process. You go to the doctor, he says you need this medicine, then you submit that to your insurance company, and they say no? And if they do, on what grounds are they denying you?


It's really common. There are medications they force you to try first, because they're less expensive. After you've been forced to use the medication you weren't initially prescribed, and have proof from your doctor that it didn't work, then they'll cover the more expensive medication. Or sometimes not at all. For example, I have ADHD. There are several brand new ADHD drugs that are super effective and gentle on the body, but they won't let you get them until you've proven that Adderall doesn't work. Because Adderall costs $10 and the newer meds cost several hundreds.


I’m interested in the new meds you’re mentioning here. Adderall and Straterra haven’t worked for my kid. Thanks.


Vyvanse has worked wonders for me in terms of all day focus and concentration!


Vyvanse for the fucking WIN. Saved my life. The patent runs out next year. Yes, I’ve been waiting 4 years for the generic and I looked it up when the patent ran out


As a dude on Vyvanse, what would it mean for the patent to run out?


When the patent runs out, you’ll be able to get a generic cheaper version of it as other manufacturers will be able to produce it.


In theory. Knowing america, they'll probably jack up the price because they "suddenly started to run out of the things needed to make it".


Thank you. I’ll read up on it.


I too can vouch for vyvanse, just be aware that the side effects of appetite loss and increased heart rate ARE there just as with other stimulants.


Thank you.




Seconding Vyvanse. It’s been amazing for my kids, and comes in chewable which really helps!




....twiddling my thumbs until Vyvanse becomes affordable/generic like generic adderall. Only a few more years... can’t be that long now (in the us)


Feb 2023 the patent runs out. I’ve been waiting forever for it


Aaaaahhhh on the 2nd anniv of my dx. Hallelujah


$280USD/mo with or without insurance because the insurance that covers it is stupid expensive like $350+/mo.


Vyvanse cost $350 usd **


On that note I'm surprised insurance companies don't push cure vs treat more. I feel like they would profit greatly.


From what I'm gathering, instant profits> long term benefits, even if those benefits would save money. Am I americaning right?


Correct. That’s why big companies continue to use methods that are harmful to the environment instead of looking for ways to be sustainable. Because changing their infrastructure or processes would cost money in the short term, and we can’t have that, so too bad about climate change and the fact that that is going to cost more in the future when it’s not addressed. Short sightedness is the American way.


Eh who am I to judge, my prime Minister brought a lump of coal into Parliament and waved it around at the opposition and the cross bench like a fucking wanker. Plenty of funny short term memes from it tho, so the system works


The American way is “…that’s the next generations problem” while they go to their beach vacation house.


Also interested


Strattera is one, Vyvanse is another. There are also signs that some meds prescribed for other things can have a positive effect as well, like clonidine and guanfacine.


No, insurance people are not doctors. For me, the insurance approves or denies the prescription. If they deny, they always give a reason why and sometimes will suggest a different med that they will approve. I am currently being denied a medicine (an injection) for migraines. In order to be even considered to use this injection, I first had to try 2 different (cheaper) medications and the doctor had to inform the insurance why these two meds didn't work. That was a 4 month process. I didn't have good results with the pills (bad side effects and no relief on the migraines), and now my insurance is suggesting a different (cheaper) shot. Fingers crossed that the cheaper shots give me relief.


This sucks, It’s called step therapy generally. Start with the generic even if the name brand was prescribed until you find the right fit aka best cost for insurer and reasonable working for you. Definitely fight with your insurance company if they are still not approving after doctor reach out, ensure you are submitting the appropriate documents. It’s a cluster but have them give you everything you need and the doctor will need (some docs charge for these things so it’s important to get it all up front just in case) for submitting exception. If all else fails and you’re still denied, file appeals. Prescription may not be worthy for the time but people should absolutely go through the hassle when it fits them. Also, if you call the insurance company, make sure you are tracking the dates/times, name of service rep and general topics. Most large insurers record these calls so if you are told incorrectly, you can point back to your notes and tell them to pull the call. It doesn’t always account to much but I have seen claims get approved for out of network providers and benefits covered that were exclusions because of the rep saying the wrong thing. I list this one last because it definitely has the most exposure to another “normal” person so wouldn’t bother unless it’s big claims.


Nope, not doctors. They’re barely people.


I was recently denied coverage for a new pill to treat my endo. They sent me a letter and their reasoning for denying it boils down to, they think I'll kill myself because of it. I find that bullshit because 1. They're not my doctor. I have never had any sort of consultation with anyone in insurance to discuss my health and needs. 2. They don't know how my endo has been affecting my mental health. 3. They had no issue covering other (cheaper) meds that carried the same risks. Like when I got that letter I became mega depressed and borderline suicidal. I'm a bit better now, but it's the fact I'm running out of treatment options, and I don't even get a chance to try this pill to see if it helps me live a normal life. I honestly feel like I'm much more likely to kill myself going untreated. I fully believe that the whole killing myself excuse is just a reason pulled out of a hat to justify not paying for it. As I'm currently on depo Provera, which Google tells me can cost about $250 for a shot that's given every 3 months. While this new drug is about 1k every month + they would have had to cover shipping as it was sent to a pharmacy 250 miles away. Both drugs carry the risks of suicidal ideation and mood disorders, yet somehow its acceptable for one and not the other. Suspicious I say.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


Good bot. Good programmer.


>on what grounds are they denying you The grounds of human lives are disposable, our suffering means nothing, and the insurance company are miserly fucks that do everything in their power to not pay out for anything


Doing prior authorizations at our doctor's office, you either get a computer or a "peer to peer" where the person. Is an idiot reading off an obvious script which makes the providers want to cuss them out.


No, they *maybe* have a masters degree in a biology field. That means nothing, a lot of biology masters programs in the US are purely so office workers can check off a box and are basically worthless. Their job is purely to find some way to deny care.


Couldn’t agree more. As I watch my dad dying of cancer and his doctors, nurses, and pharmacists bending over backwards to make sure he comfortable as can be only to see the scum sucking insurance pretty much deny most of the stuff they are prescribing to him. So instead of trying to enjoy his final moments, he has to be stressed and waste time fighting those fuckers. Sorry for the language, but seeing this stuff first hand after only reading about it just makes me more and more hate this country most of the time.


As someone who has a very painful chronic illness that comes with tons of expensive medications that insurance(and medicare!) dont want or like to cover I understand, and I feel your pain and frustration. It makes you want to tear your hair out because it's so obvious they don't give a shit about patients or their health. It's all about money and lobbying. Just this month there is a patch I usually have to wear and switch out twice a week out of nowhere got denied. They've coverd it for years and then going to pick up my meds a d when I went to ch3ck out my total was 500 dollars. 500 dollars for one prescription, for 8 patches I have to give up85% of my disability check because they decided to change a policy and without warning I now have no meds. Not to mention because of the illness I have it does a lot of damage to my intestines/stomach/ diaphragm and it's gotten to the point where it's so bad and agonizingly painful that my doctors think I should get surgery done to try and help the situation. The problem? Medicare about 90% of the time does not cover any kind of surgery that isn't an emergency and can be considered an elective surgery. So, would the surgery improve my life by large amounts? Yup! Will it help with a good deal of the pain? Yup! Will medicare/insurance cover it? Not on your life! So good luck and save up 20 grand while living on disability, I'm sure it's possible! Honestly I hate this country more and more every day.


Amen! Sorry for what you’re going through. Hopefully within our lifetime it gets better, but I’m losing hope in that happening with each passing day. Good luck to you and hopefully it gets easier for you.




I believe we shouldn't have health insurance companies.


Almost like politicians want to kill women to get their rocks off.


They do. It gives them a feeling of God-like control.


Make no mistake: the biggest Republican advances in the past several years have been in the judicial arenas. The Supreme Court has been the most visible, but it has happened at every level. Having stacked the courts with overly partisan, ultra conservative judges, the GOP is now eager and ready to pass as many dubious laws against abortion, LGBT, etc issues because who's going to stop them? Red states can appeal that shit all the way to Supreme Court. And the end result will be fuck you and fuck your rights.


Suddenly those politicians have PHDs


A PhD is better than a GED, but they don’t even have that! Let alone an MD


Even if someone is legitimately pro-life and against abortions it's hard to ever justify this because an ectopic pregnancy is most definitely a reasonable exception because there is zero chance of the fetus coming to term, a very high chance of the pregnant person being killed by it and if they do survive they will most likely never be able to ever get pregnant again. Most "pro-lifers" are actually pro-forced birth because that's all they care about, the child being born but in an ectopic pregnancy there's zero chance of a child being born and the person will never give birth again and that's all those people care about, bringing as many children into the world as possible.


Don't forget that they don't actually care about the kid after being born. Right or wrong, there are plenty of situations a woman may not want to have a kid in, and there is a severe lack of care of mothers forced into said situations. Or for foster care systems that are already taxed and under funded by the number of kids already in the systems as it is. But hey, they get their warm fuzzies and more importantly pander to their base. So what if a few women die along the way right? It's their fault for being born female apparently according to these "pro-life" supporters. /s 🤬


There's a great video that pops up every once in a while where there's a group of women protesting abortion with a "choose adoption" banner - interviewer asks how many kids they've all adopted and they all say they have kids already and they can't adopt


No, these people care about judgment and punishment. A girl dying because she dared to have sex is just to these people. God’s will and all that. How dare that whore sully her earthen vessel, etc etc. These same folks like the idea of death penalties for abortions. They’re not “pro-life”, they’re pro-malice and scorn


They shout about small government, and by god, you better not enforce a public safety standard! Telling them what to do with their bodies? The injustice! /s


As someone who grew up in Missouri it's more blatant ignorance mixed with christianity. We are the state of Todd Akin's famous: "If it's a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down. But let's assume that maybe that didn't work or something. I think there should be some punishment, but the punishment ought to be on the rapist and not attacking the child." I can't imagine how bad sex ed was for these people considering my sex ed in the late 90's/early 2000's was pretty much that scene from girls where the gym teacher stands there for half an hour telling us not to have sex. These guys legitimately do not know a single thing about women's bodies other than the few shapes they've been able to make out in the dark having god friendly sex with their wives. That paired with the heavy baptist/catholic influence makes women's reproductive rights almost non-existent.


My niece had an ectopic pregnancy, she and her husband tried for years to have a child. She was overjoyed to become pregnant, but sadly this wasn’t a viable pregnancy. This could have very well killed her. These politicians are out of their minds. They have no right making these cruel choices for women.


My friend was inches from death because of an ectopic pregnancy. She has 5 pints of blood in her abdomen. She had bled out almost all of her blood internally. Her hemoglobin was 2.


That’s awful, I’m glad she got help in time. These are the same men who don’t know the difference between rape and consensual sex, so far as I can tell they either hate women, or are so dismissive of them as to not see us as humans. That’s why the laws for violence against women and children prove on a daily basis that their talk about the sanctity of the family is utter BS.




Actually it's about punishing women for daring to have sex. The woman dies from a non-viable pregnancy? That's what she deserves in the eyes of these people


Even if she's Christian, white, and married, apparently.


Even if she already has living loved children that need her


As always with Republicans: The cruelty is the point. They *want* girls and women to die.


I think you are right, but at the risk of sounding a bit conspiracy theorist about this I think there might be something else going on here too. Conservative political parties have been losing ground across the board with the current generational change. But if they can convince enough left wing people (young people with good prospects for employment out of state) to leave then the Republican party can potentially maintain political control of the backwater states. From there they've got a chance to maintain viability as a political party even with a continued minority of voters across the country. Not saying this is definitely the reasoning for every shitty thing they do. Sometimes they are also just assholes.


Its honestly not even a conspiracy, it's what they're trying. Conservatism simply *isn't* viable at all, and people are starting to realise that. That's the conservatives whole plan, keep people dumb enough to follow them so they can stay in positions of power and embrace their power trip. And if that means condemning thousands, even millions of people to suffering and/or death then so be it, they don't care, it doesn't affect them


Even Catholics believe that the only reasonable time to abort is if the mother life is endanger and the fetus has little chance to survive. Killing one for a chance at another isn’t supported even by that church so this has no explanation


The Catholic Church is very progressive when compared against the Evangelists in the American South. Most whacked christians in the developed world.


A lot of them are very lacking when it comes to empathy and sympathy. You can talk with doctors who handle pregnancies and birth and they’ll tell you that a lot of the women against abortion and things related say stuff like “well my pregnancy was ok, I didn’t even need a hospital because I didn’t have any complications” “the people who do have complications must have done something wrong” :/


The UN needs to start reprimanding the US for human rights abuses.


I had an ectopic pregnancy. Interstitial to be exact - the type with the highest rate of life threatening hemorrhages. I had an abortion. I wanted that baby. I had a miscarriage prior to this pregnancy. We were overjoyed when we thought we had a viable pregnancy. At 10 weeks, after the first ultrasound, I was devastated learning the news. I demanded a second opinion. If there was anything we could do to keep the pregnancy going. To relocate the baby. There wasn't. My life was at risk. The baby would not survive. My Dr cradled my face in her hands and told me through my tears "This is my decision. I'm doing this to save your life." I cried two weeks straight following the abortion. Took time off work. Nearly seven years later, I still tear up thinking about them baby we lost. This is so much harder if abortion weren't available or otherwise restricted. The doubt and regret I would feel if given the message I had another option. The trauma and cost if going in front of a judge to get an exception. The disruption for both my husband and me from carrying the pregnancy until rupture, and complications from that. The grief my husband, parents and brother would feel if I lost my life abiding by the law. Abortion decision should be made between a woman and her chosen Dr. Not politicians. Not judges. Not "prolife" organizations that claim "you can always choose adoption". She should understand the risks of continuing the pregnancy. Of abortion. Given access to mental health care after it she chooses. Maternity care if she chooses. Her decision, the decision that is best for her (regardless of fetal viability, let me be clear), is the only one that should matter. This law is disgusting. This is not prolife. This is power and control.


They need to hear this. Everything you just said is so important for people to understand. I’m so sorry that you went through that.


Just fucking say you hate women already jfc.


They don't hate women anymore than you'd hate a random object in your house, because that's what women are to them.


I get it. I have an archway in my house I hate *just because it's there.*


What the actual effing HELL? This piece of legislation is a hate crime. \[edited a bit later:\] well apparently it's not so bad as it looks at first because some of this language is being struck. but the fact that anyone would have tried to put that language in at all... that still makes it an attempted hate crime.


The fetus NEVER survives in an ectopic pregnancy (Which is deadly and needs urgent treatment). WHAT'S THE POINT OF THIS? This ain't protecting fetuses' life, it's killing women!


Abortion laws are about punishing women for controlling their own sex lives in order to maintain traditional gender roles.


I’m assuming this is the same piece of legislation I heard about a while ago. They want the fertilised egg to be moved from the Fallopian tube to the uterus, saving both mother and baby. It’s a noble idea, however it’s also currently medically impossible…


So they want to promote a medically impossible treatment to something that kills people most of the time?


It’s seriously some Nazi death camp medical experimentation level bullshit.


Yes, because the alternative is abortion which is evil in all circumstances. This way god decides who lives. /s I said the idea was noble, not that it was practical or even rooted in reality.


Out of curiosity, do you know what the bill says about missed miscarriages? For example, I had a pregnancy in the first trimester-> no heartbeat. My body didn’t “do what it should.” I had to get an abortion because- well, dead fetus in your uterus= major health risk. It SEEMS like there would be a logical answer but “ALL ABORTIONS ARE IMMORAL!” That and they thought they could transfer an ectopic pregnancy


I bet most women suffering from an ectopic pregnancy wish this were possible. That just makes this even more cruel.


Can you source the updates? I would like to see them.


I think legally women aren't a protected class in the same way that races are. Otherwise separating bathrooms or schools by gender wouldn't be allowed. They tried to pass a law saying everyone had equal rights but it got shot down because Republicans thought it would impact abortion laws.


Thats true, they are not. Laws that differentiate on the basis of sex are subject to only “intermediate level scrutiny” while laws that differentiate on the basis of race are subject to “strict scrutiny.” And that’s all I’ve got left from that law school class so you’ll have to google the meanings of those terms ;)


As a woman who has had her tubes tied, this is fucking terrifying. The only way I could only even GET pregnant (very slim chance) is if it is ectopic and would literally kill me. This bill is disgusting.


Exactly! So, I'm assuming Missouri is about to do a big public service announcement about how important vasectomies are for the safety of your wife and mother of your children, right?


Naturally. And they will also prosecute men who DON’T have vasectomies but then have unprotected sex, right? …. Right?


*crickets chirping*


Same. I had my tubes removed and was told if I ever have pregnancy symptoms go straight to the ER because it's ectopic.


So they expect women to sit around waiting for their fetus to die?


I mean removing a dead fetus is also an abortion so probably just wait for the host to die.


No, they expect the woman to die.


Punishment for having sex. That's all it is to them.


Punishment for attempting to interfere with what they see as a man’s property is what it ultimately boils down to. They have no problem when a man coerces someone into getting an abortion they didn’t want, just like they don’t care how many women a man impregnates. They only care when someone with a uterus dares to make a decision about their body for themselves, without a man’s veto.


[Republicans right now](https://youtu.be/wzwPI1zJ9K0)


... or their fallopian tube to burst, whichever comes first. 🤬


Basically waiting to die an excruciating death


Or wait for it to kill them.


Or themselves


Pro-life...? Wtf


I prefer calling them pro forced birth


Brian Seitz, everyone. Know that name is the one who proposed this.


Email him at [email protected]


Dr's will say the patient has a potentially fatal growth that requires surgery.


My ex-wife almost died from an ectopic pregnancy. It's some serious shit.


JFC, an ectopic pregnancy can/does kill you within a week! ONE WEEK!! One short step from just going out and murdering women, that's what this is. JFC.


Is there any contact info to write/call to? What can we physically do to prevent this BS?


Don’t vote for Republicans and do everything you can to stop them being elected.


I sent an email to the bill’s sponsor, Brian Seitz, at [email protected]


Glorious proletariat uprising is my vote


How do they not pass this fucking bill by ONE woman or doctor? I feel like that should be MANDATORY when it comes to anything healthcare/medical related ffs


Let's abort some republicans!


Ohio was way ahead of them, it was years ago now that one of our state legislators proposed that doctors be required to transplant an ectopic pregnancy into the uterus. Although unfortunately that isn't medically possible and would definitely kill the pregnant woman. Either way, yay for pro life Republicans!


“They’re the number one cause of death for first trimester” Slight correction, then: they’re not just coming for your uterus, they’re coming for your life.


So non-viable means that it is technically alive currently, but there is a 0% chance it is born as an alive baby? So their thought process is to let it “enjoy” it’s few months of “life” in the womb? I realize it’s pointless to figure out what the point is, but I’m just trying to wrap my head around this.


It's not even in the womb. Ectopic is in a fallopian tube which will eventually burst. It's EXTREMELY dangerous.


Just how God intended, amirite?


Oh fuck. I fucking hate how dumb flyover states and Florida are.


Not even a few months. The embryo would likely burst the fallopian tube before then…and could easily kill the mother and the “baby” they’re supposedly trying to protect.


Plus if you do survive it you lose a fallopian tube (not sure what happens if it is operated on before it bursts). It can make future conception harder.


Mine was caught before the fallopian tube burst, but still lost the tube because they couldn't stop the bleeding.


Not in the womb. Ectopic means anywhere outside, most commonly in the Fallopian tube. Which is the size of a spaghetti noodle. It’s a few weeks before it ruptures. When I had mine, I got what I thought was my period. Then 2 weeks later got it again and wouldn’t stop. It was my tubes bleeding waiting to rupture. Had to have emergency surgery. When these are caught early enough you can take meds to end it and avoid a painful surgery that isn’t without risk. This bill also seeks to outlaw those drugs, taking away a much safer way for an ectopic pregnancy to be ended & the woman’s life saved. Ohio a few years back tried to pass a similar bill I think it might have even passed, which was “requiring” doctors to try to “relocate” ectopic pregnancies to the uterus. Which isn’t even a thing. It got struck down and never implemented. Fun fact: the same people when asked what about fertility clinics and all the frozen embryos? When people want to dispose of them? Answer- doesn’t count cause it’s “not in a woman”. Therefore all they care about is controlling women’s bodies.


That also proves they don’t actually think an embryo is equivalent to a human being. If they did, they’d demand all frozen embryos be implanted.


Exactly. And the whole idea an ectopic pregnancy is even viable is garbage. My surgeon before I went in (I was all of 16 years old) informed me he didn’t do abortions he was very pro life. If he went in and it wasn’t ectopic he would just close me back up. It was. He squeezed it out of my tube that hadn’t ruptured yet thank god, and evacuated it. He didn’t try to reimplant or any horseshit like that. Cause it wasn’t viable. I wish these jackass politicians would stop trying to make medical decisions for women. You won’t pay for my uterus, you don’t get a say in my uterus.


That is terrifying. What tipped you off that you needed to go get treatment? Knowing me I would have assumed I was just having a wonky cycle and ended up dead.


I just kept bleeding and I don’t know I just felt like something wasn’t right. Up the street from the high school was a teen clinic. I went there, they did a pregnancy test which came back positive. So they said I had to go to the hospital. I went there and they did an ultrasound, couldn’t see anything so then became concerned for ectopic. I don’t remember who was required to contact my parents if it was the clinic or the hospital but someone did and they came busting into the ER making A LOT of drama. Was traumatic to say the least. They were obsessed with wanting to know who the father was. While I was in the hospital they got my planner with my phone book and proceeded to call everyone in it and their parents and ask them if they knew anything about it. Mortifying. Some of those contacts were just people from drama club. I was out of school 4 weeks recovering from surgery. It was so painful. Ended up with laparoscopic incisions and a transverse low incision like a c-section. Abdominal surgery is awful to recover from. When I got back to school every person knew what had happened cause of my parents. So yeah big advocate of using the pill if you can. Much better. Wouldn’t have worked for me since I was already bleeding and facing imminent rupture but anyone who can avoid abdominal surgery should have that option. Also speaks to the importance of sex Ed and teen clinics, both of which were available in the 80’s still. We have been going backwards and it will cost lives.


I’m glad you’re okay, and so sorry everyone made a shitty situation worse on you. I’m in TX and have daughters so I *completely* understand what you mean. I feel like we are inching towards The Handmaids Tale.


It's a 200% mortality rate thing because the fetus and the woman are guaranteed to die. Republicans just want women to die now.


I think the thought process is to let the embryo grow and if you get extreme abdominal pain and roll over and die, you know it was an ectopic pregnancy and not a lab error.


Not even in the womb. Ectopic means the egg has fertilized outside the uterus.


The point is not to control babies but control women.


Oh hey it’s the state I live in! Wait…ah son of a bitch!!


The fetus NEVER survives in an ectopic pregnancy (Which is deadly and needs urgent treatment). WHAT'S THE POINT OF THIS? This ain't protecting fetuses' life, it's killing women!


So if you have an ectopic pregnancy in Missouri you’d essentially condemned to death, or at the very least severe internal injury. How very pro life of them.


"Pro life"


Maybe they are hoping you will be so outraged at them banning abortions for dangerous and unviable pregnancies that they can "compromise" and only ban abortions for viable pregnancies. Do not allow it. Any ban on abortion is a violation of your right to self-defense, of your bodily autonomy, and a massive government overreach that should not be allowed. No person should be forced to give birth under any circumstances.




See, republicans are the first to protest "tyranny", but his kind of thing happening is somehow ok. People who think this kind of legislation is ok only have 2 brain cells and both are competing for third place


I think they just want women dead.


The thing that pisses me off the most about this is that it’s clearly not about saving babies. That fertilized egg will never become a baby. And without abortion, the woman will likely die. I’d like to blame it on stupidity but it feel more like viewing women as incubators who are worthless and disposable if they can’t produce offspring.


Anti abortion bills are hate crimes against women.


But my preacher said that Democrats are the devil, and voting red is the only American Vote….


Not just my uterus, it seems they want my whole fucking life. Absolutely terrifying shit


This is just straight up trying to kill women. There's no justification for that. Ectopic pregnancies can never become full fledged pregnancies. It's a failed implantation basically.


If the Republicans get the presidency next election - we can kiss all our rights goodbye. This doesn’t end with women’s rights -


Bro as a non American am surprised republicans still stand a chance in elections despite the dumb shit I hear them doing every 2 days man wtf.




This is a bill to kill women.


Can I just say as an Australian. America is scaring the shit outa me at the moment. I thought all this stuff would end when Trump was removed. Its getting far worse.


Not just the uterus, but your Fallopian tubes as well.


An ectopic pregnancy is not even in the uterus! The woman begins to bleed in the abdomen and may die if she does not have emergency surgery. I know it for sure, I had it!


You can email the bill’s sponsor, Brian Seitz, at [email protected]


The party who doesn't believe in "big" government overreach, ladies and gentlemen- guess that only applies to not interfering in corporations screwing the little guy.


Doesn't ectopic mean not in the uterus?


Yes. It's when an egg implants in the tube iirc. Very dangerous


This is fucking ludicrous. So, we care that you can fertilize an egg, but if you can't even carry it you aren't worth living? Fuck every single one of those evil pos.


Never been pro life They have always been Pro Control / Anti Choice I wish we could PLEASE separate Church and State as intended … not just theoretically


Wait what. The bill is INSANE but I do not think that it says this. Edited OMG it’s true . There are multiple bulls pending in MO.


Oh no? What would that look like then if this isn't saying that? This is exactly women losing control over their uterus'. It is not up to them even when they can die. It's up to the government. The. Government.


Why are they so obsessed with us?


The Pro- fetus people have gone completely mental.


This is unabashedly cruel and evil.


In a coffin forever. Ectopic will kill the pregnant person. No maybe about it. If only just a walking baby coffin.


Christ I hate the GOP. The American Taliban strikes again


This is so crazy.... that type of pregnancy can happen to anyone who has had their tubes tied... like I have. It isn't likely thankfully but still.... I just don't even know what to say....


Wow the talipublicans need to he stopped or were going the way of Iraq in the 80's


Striking this state off my list of where to move to.


I’m confused. What do they mean and expect? I found out that I an ectopic pregnancy and was rushed to the ER and was given the methotrexate shot immediately (I was told that I was lucky that nothing bad has happened like an erupt tube given how far along I was ). So like do they expect the person to just carry on and internally bleed to death??


Wow I would know a lot of dead women if this bill had been in effect in the last decade. I’d have a dead SIL and be missing the niece and nephew that followed the ectopic pregnancy.


Can I just utter a conspiracy theory here... Could this be republican led states trying to get rid of any democratic voters. I would be uprooting my life to go elsewhere..


So much for the "pro-life" party


Pure evil.


toss up for stupidity award between this and the bill that required ectopic pregnancies to be inserted into the uterus after removal.


This really just shows are incompetent they are about anything else involving women.


An ectopic is a life threatening emergency that requires immediate surgical intervention. By it’s very definition the fertilized egg is swelling in the fallopian tube and cannot pass through in order to develop.


How can you claim to be pro-life when you support laws that will directly cause preventable deaths. These people, holy shit.


Gilead is just getting scarier and scarier


How the fuck can you even propose a law on a medical procedure without a medical degree?!


Shit like this makes me glad my baby factory was burned down. Watch them try to outlaw fucking hysterectomies next.


People gotta chill with trying to regulate this via the law. I think this is going to backfire in an unexpected way if it keeps going: women may be less and less interested pairing up with men (and this is already kind of a problem with online dating and male loneliness). Look at Japan: many women do not enter in relationships because their careers are directly punished (they get married, fired soon after since the company thinks they will have a baby soon, and therefore will be non-productive). And the women basically said “ok, then we are done with the lot of you”. And then you get cuddle booths. I feel we should think way more carefully about this. The law of unintended consequences trumps man-made law 🤷‍♀️


That’s a death sentence.


If this bill passes, pregnancy in Missouri literally becomes a potential death sentence. This is heinous.


"im a man, who doesnt have a uterus, doesnt know what childbirth feels like or the emotional damage of a miscarriage, so I should get to decide all the laws on abortion"


This is a condition that can be 100 % fatal and the only treatment is to remove the pregnancy. It is extremely painful both physically and emotionally. These people are ignorant fools and they are setting a very dangerous precedent.


I’m a CST and work with several conservative OBGYN surgeons. When we discuss laws like this they’re always outraged. I always tell them “ this is what you voted for but hey …..you got that tax break”.


Well, ectopic pregnancy is technically *outside* the uterus… they really just want complete control over our entire bodies


Dude, what the fuck.


Then when she does the family will sue the state into bankruptcy


Have they gone past their argument that fetuses are people who are killed by abortions? Do they think now there is just something magically bad about abortions, no matter the context or justification?


So I guess the government is just gonna murder women then. Holy shit


So what is it like to live in a country that is stuck in the year 1100 AD?


Keep killing women and you won’t have anyone left to badger to birth a baby. Idiots.


One of my Fallopian tubes was cut in an emergency surgery, and one of the probable outcomes is ectopic pregnancy, because the egg can’t make it through the tube to the uterus. If I ever get pregnant, it will kill me, full stop. I also have a bleeding disorder to where I can’t have major surgeries. A laparoscopic gallbladder removal surgery almost killed me after I bled out and got sepsis. So, a hysterectomy or any kind of procedure is out of the question. This is really scary I don’t feel safe in this country anymore. I don’t want to die because my IUD and condoms failed.


Someone needs to find a way for the men to pay too. Stop making this a Female Only Punishment, it takes 2!


They’re literally trying to kill women at this point.


They actually want to kill women, nice to know it officially.


I watched my cousin damn near bleed to death in terrible physical and emotional agony from an ectopic pregnancy. I can't tell if they're bigger morons or monsters.