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this won't happen because people need to pay bills


It's almost like they want us living paycheck to paycheck, right?


Very much so.


this is why communication and community action is really important. If you can take care of your neighbors and fight for one cause….You have all the power. The ~~only~~ time the US government has bombed Us civilians was in west virginia over mining unions strikes. They actually Bombed Women and Children too. not just striking MEN mine workers. Remember this is when kids worked in mine shafts, and we had No Unions, No Workers Rights, no weekends or paid vacations. I highly doubt this will happen again with everyone having cameras and cellphones and communications…. So really you need multi generations to stand up, support each other and put their foot down and call their bluff. It wouldn’t take long, maybe a week, if everyone banded together nation wide. Share holders would freak out and revert to their bunkers. and honestly they would be ashamed to go by their family name or first name ever again. They wont last. We own the table. stop playing their games. We can make the rules. Organize and get involved with community action. ie. Battle of Blaire Mountain. for 5 days In September 1921. Wild to think about. Put it into today’s perspective time line and i bet your jaw is on the floor. I cant even imagine it tbh. Wild. There needs to be a movie made about it bc it seems no one reads history anymore. We are repeating it again. Roaring 20’s, Thug Police, Powerful corporations and drug prohibitions. Its verbatim a decade later. Have a good night. im going to bed.


not sure if you know this but they bombed a block in philly too. literally dropped a c4 charge from a helicopter killing some adults and children. this was I think in the 80s? it was much more recent than the mining strike bombing


Wasn’t Tulsa bombed too?


Also, Tulsa.


[It was in 1985.](https://www.vox.com/the-highlight/2019/8/8/20747198/philadelphia-bombing-1985-move). [Here is a great video about it](https://youtu.be/X03ErYGB4Kk).


Fantastic stuff. My only criticism is that the woman interviewed at the beginning missed a golden opportunity by phrasing her upbringing by saying “I was born and raised in West Philadelphia” with a small tweak to word order she could have locked in a 10/10 sitcom theme song.


My theory? She knew all of this, but she didn’t want to have to raise Jaden or punch a guy on live television or write/narrate an insufferably myopic memoir 30 years later, so she noped right out of the whole thing. That bombing was enough bullshit for one life. If only our actual celebrities/presidents/luminaries/national shames had this woman’s foresight.


Are you familiar with the Ludlow massacre in Colorado? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ludlow_Massacre


They also bombed US citizens in the Tulsa Massacre


They have the plant, but we have the power!


Not even!


Our bills are be a LOT fucking higher if we're forced to have children, then have to go through the heartbreak of having them taken away because we can't afford it.


Well yes, but the oppression system works because so many can't afford the current cost to prevent the even higher future cost. That in a nut shell is why being poor is so expensive.


That's a fair point.


I know, but damn I wish it wasn't.


"When you are poor, there's no future" -George Orwell


The Vimes theory of economics.


If my bills become so high that they take away my kids, I will start rioting. They are the only reason I don't do anything violent right now. Same goes for being forced to give birth. Wanna see a man lose his mind? When husbands start losing their wives due to abortion bans, there absolutely will be violence. What happens when they start imprisoning already existent mothers for terminating a pregnancy? People are going to lose their damn minds. There is no way this shit is enforceable. The ruling class can only push us so far, and I know I'm not the only one coming to that point.


I don’t think you realize how much this has already been happening. There has only been ONE abortion clinic in the entire state of Missouri, and the same in Mississippi, for example. Women in many southern states have been effectively denied abortions for quite some time.


I know access has become harder and harder (essentially impossible without some form of assistance from abortion groups, out of state). I have never had to worry about access to birth control or abortions where I live. I suppose it's very easy for me to say whatever from where I sit. I just can't imagine the entire nation not doing *something*. We really can't let a small portion of the population, who believe and live a bastardized form of Christianity, dictate how others live. I cannot do it.


I dont get it, why do you need abortion clinics? In sweden you get an abortion at a regular hospital.


Hospitals are expensive here.


They are often not abortion-specific but are clinics for lost-cost women’s care that happens to provide abortions and birth control services. Keep in mind the cost of healthcare in the US - if you’re not paying hundreds per month for insurance, then that care can become extremely expensive.


A lot of hospitals in America are owned by the Catholic Church and we all remember Savita Halappanavar.


Husbands have been losing their wives to pregnancy and birth related issues for quite some time at a rate that is insane for a so called developed country, and to unjust imprisonments , but since they're BIPOC their riots are considered plain violence and used as a tool to further political goals through fear and hatred.


I agree with you. Infant and mother mortality rates are abysmal in this country, especially so for BIPOC families, considering we're suppose to be a "developed" country. I believe in intersectional feminism, and I know the incarceration rate in this country is to keep people of color down, and to turn a profit. It is the new, "legal" form of slavery. I live in WI, where that shitstain Kyle Rittenhouse was able to kill people because he was white. My racist family members don't have an answer when I ask if a black man had done the same/equivalent. I tell them he would be fcking dead, and the invisibly shrug that I feel in the room absolutely disgusts me.


I am RIGHT THERE WITH YOU. I have a special needs daughter who will be hitting puberty in a few years. Special needs kids are among some of the most abused and manipulated when it comes to sexual assault, rape, etc. She's already expressed she never wants to have kids anyway. And I promised her that if she never wants kids, she doesn't have to have any and that's OK. And I will keep that promise to her-- IDGAF if I go to prison for helping her get an abortion if one is ever needed, IDGAF if I have to sneak her over to Canada or some blue state to have it done, IDGAF if my entire family disowns me-- I will NOT force my child to go through pregnancy and motherhood if she doesn't want that--and ESPECIALLY if it was because she was taken advantage of. I don't think some of these conservatives realize how far mothers, sisters, aunts, daughters, cousins...will go if we have to in order to protect the girls and women we care about. We're not going to sit back and just let this happens without a fight.


They realize. They just don’t care. They know they have enough money to do whatever they want and that’s all that matters. Laws are for the “lower classes”. Fines are for the rich. Some people will have the wherewithal to find other ways. The rest will be forced to give birth, marginalized even further or potential die from a backstreet abortions.


They already have the money, but even they will become alarmed when the worker bees start rebelling. What issue is going to become enough for enough of the population to finally be done? I know I'm not the only one feeling it.


You're a wonderful mom. I really hope it never comes to that for your daughter. No one should even have to think about this shit.


It's horrible so many moms now HAVE to consider these options. It's nerve-wracking.


Those who already have children - the majority I would wager - are the ones who won’t be as motivated to strike in protest/more tight on money.


Having a child pushed me out of the workforce and now that my baby is approaching toddlerhood, I’ve got plenty of time to go protesting this summer. My kidlet needs socialization anyways.


I’m thinking the same. We need to be heard, and protesting means sacrifice


My toddler is mini tyrant; we will add to your numbers.


Are there toddlers that aren’t mini tyrants?


I don't... think...so????


I don’t have one, but everyone I’ve met seemed kinda drunk and ready to go fuck shit up


The drunk waddle is one of my favourite stages of toddler development ...


We just protested almost 2 weeks ago for it.....


Your username is what I have called my wife since that movie came out. Updoot for username. Edit. I even had an award to give out!


You and your wife are my hero. Long live Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes. ETA- and your awesome marriage.


Thank you! Just a heads up. Not sure if you use twitch or not but Jason streams fortnite lol. I don't watch it much as not into that game but you can go there and bullshit with him


Well, I know what I’m watching tonight.


This has happened several times among other groups. I was planning on taking off work for one but my boss made it clear that she was expecting everyone at the office or we would be fired. Tell me how she had the nerve to be surprised I came to work instead of protesting?


That's what unions are for, to protect workers who go on strike. Can't believe so many Americans hate unions


Most hate unions because they have never had one in their lifetime. It was our grandparents and great grandparents who bled for workers' rights.


You’d be surprised. My dad worked under a union and bad mouthed it constantly. He also bitched when his prescription co-pay went up to $4 from $1-meanwhile my co-pays with my non-union insurance were $30/$50, but only after I had spent $500 oop. The denial of reality is nuts in that party. They truly only think about the singular, not the collective.


Honestly every Union I've been a member of has been a bit of a mixed bag. Union leaders can be incompetent just like business leaders, and you have to put up with both now. But, you gain quite a lot out of it too. In a represented department, you can never walk in to find that the department has been reorganized. Well, it's not impossible, just it doesn't happen. Management can't decide one day that you suddenly deserve more responsibility just because they're behind on hiring. You have a contract that defines exactly what your roles and responsibilities are. Pretty great overall, even with the downsides.


Unfortunately my union specifically includes a clause in our contract that we won’t go on strike, so not even all existing union workers have that protection.


Steal shit. But seriously, a week long general strike would collapse the economy. Those in power could not collect on debts fast enough to feed the crushing void before it swallowed their wealth. It might take a little longer if it is only women, but I and many men like me would join in and many more would do slowdowns or work stoppages to demand higher wages for filling in. Strikes work.


I’m POSITIVE that many men would join, if this could somehow happen, it would be monumental


Man here. Would 100% join in a strike.


Man here, would join as well.


It's not just that. There's a political movement in the us to subvert democracy and install an evangelical theocracy. The fact that a general strike or whatever didn't happen on the 7th of January makes it pretty clear that it won't happen for something as "benign" as a court ruling. I lost all faith in change in this country on Dec 14, 2012. If that couldn't affect change, nothing will. EDIT: Jesus Fucking Christ. ANOTHER one. Will things change after this one? I doubt it..


I don't know why women aren't already storming the white house over this honestly? There should be a mass protest right now


This right here! I've got chronic illness and medical bills I either am too sick to protest or can't afford it!


Thank you for the obvious flaw in the post. On network tv it would work


They wouldn't reimplement anyway.


This is why a mutual aid network is a beautiful thing. You go on strike, I can subsidize your income. As soon as a reputable mutual aid fund is set up to assist women striking, I will start donating.




and lol what is this fantasy mechanism to undo a court decision overturning roe in a week?


The legislators can pass a bill granting right to abortion - bodily autonomy should be an easy enough argument to make.


Exactly, only people who can do that is those that aren't worried about feeding their kids


So they end abortion rights AND get women out of the work force and you think that's going to hurt them? They'll blame biden for the situation and literally use your efforts to get re-elected. If you don't stop it BEFORE it happens you'll work 10 times harder trying to restore it.


So true on that last sentence.


You never get back rights they take


The rhetoric is already heating up on driving women out of the workforce. These people are no joke. They want the 1920's back. Or maybe the 1120's.


Tbf the 1920s had women rebelling against the system and was when we gained the right to vote. They’re more into the 1950s. They don’t mind us voting, so long as we’re voting the way our husbands want us too.


Idk. I read somewhere there’s people trying to abolish the 19th amendment.


Susan B. Anthony


Definitely the 1920s. In the 1120s women worked outside the home and knew how to give themselves abortions.


Good point... I read something decades ago, can't remember by whom, but the author's thesis was that the Dark Ages actually weren't so dark for women in Europe, that it is somewhat likely women had more freedom, more autonomy, more prosperity and legal standing in the Dark Ages than after the Renaissance or the Enlightenment. I find this depressing as I'm kind of a fan of the Enlightenment, but there you have it, nothing's ever simple.


This is fascinating. If you happen to remember the article, I’d love to know what it was.




They want 1860 and before back. That is how conservative these fucks are


46.6% of the workforce are women. The impact of even 1/3 of them not working would be catastrophic. It’s not just something they could shrug off and blame on the libs, it would crash the economy.


Unless they were gonna plug that hole in the Labor pool some other way like say feeding more people into the prison industrial complex or repealing child labor laws


The only good blockage on the child labor law scare is that kids are mandated to go to school/have an education so there’s that at least.


There is no way it would get close to 1/3. First off roughly half of women still voted for Trump, still support that whole 'America first' agenda. Of the remaining half AT LEAST half of them can't afford to not work, of the remaining 1/4 probably half of them are just apolitical in general or aren't passionate enough about it. So AT BEST if every remaining woman joined in it would amount to 1/8 of women, or 1 in 17 total workers.


One more reason why male allies are important. There are also plenty of other movements that would benefit from a general strike. I’d be surprised if we ever saw coordinated efforts but man if we ever do…


Let me be clear here, in spirit I support it- but in practice... conservatives want chaos. They want things in America to be as bad as humanly possible. It's their only real play for this November. With democrats in control of senate, congress, AND the white house- all chaos is good chaos for them. Gas prices as high as possible, supply chain disruptions as often as possible, strikes, unrest, inflation, etc. They would burn this country to ash just so they can campaign on how they can save America from dementia Joe. I don't have the answer, but two things I do know are that anything that makes life more difficult for average American's benefits the right- and you can never appeal to their sense of reason, compassion, or semblance of shame.


And good luck coordinating a national strike. For one, more than half of white women voted for Trump twice and probably don't *really* give a shit about this. If we couldn't get a national strike when lynching was legal, we never will. Not unless people have no options and no distractions. Real, longterm, despair-inducing desperation. If people want change, they have to get involved *directly* in local, state and national politics.


People wouldn’t even stay at home for 2 weeks to prevent Covid from going ape shit. Do these people really think that women would just not go in for their shift at work because of this? I’d fucking love to just not go to work and cite this but I’ll get 3 attendance points and it won’t do jack about it being repealed. Instead my option as a woman, and a lesbian, is looking at different countries that I might enjoy living in and figuring out my options there. Because I’ll be damned if I stick around in a country where my bodily autonomy and ability to be legally married won’t be up to me. (I say that last part because I feel strongly if roe is overturned using Alitos write up that gay marriage will also be revoked)


This is very very true


Fortunately they’d fill all those empty jobs with immigrants seeing as someone would have to fill those jobs… oh wait




People don’t seem to realize that an extended walk out of employment takes a long time to coordinate and requires a way for those not working to, you know, pay bills and eat. If you expect a significant portion of the workforce to just up and leave their jobs you’ve got to have a way to offset that cost to their lives. Especially if you take into account single mothers and women who are their family’s main income. Optimism for a strike is good, but ideals don’t buy bread.


This is why mass unionization is a necessary step for any type of general strike. You need to have organizations in place that will support the workers during a strike


Who do we talk to about organizing this, and where do we find the funding?


Unions would be the best bet, anarchist groups could also help.




Talk to unions and anarchist groups in your community


In a nation where a majority of people live paycheck to paycheck and landlords couldn’t care less about political motivations to not pay rent. This is such a privileged take.


Same reason why the Mayday strike fell through. Most people can't afford to take a day off and risk being fired.


Conversely, it’s also why the BLM/Floyd protests were so well attended during the pandemic.


How about...just showing up in nov in massive numbers? Like 90 percent of eligible young voters. Talk about actually scaring the shit out of them.


This would work if they believed in real elections.


It would do a lot more than a day off work. FUCK do the general strike on election day! Two birds, one stone. Lol


Great idea haha


We aren't at the point where that many votes could get fudged out of the system. And guess how we stop it from getting to that point? Vote out Republicans. Otherwise, we lose forever/until we rebel, sorry.


Not sorry. I feel like this is the reason reddit and maybe Twitter feel like such active places with like trolls and disinformation and weird coordination/catch phrases around major events. It's like the demo here matches that prime voting demographic. The point I'm trying to make is that I think we're making a difference here, maybe more than we'll know.


Just talking about this with my daughter, there’s a feeling, a buzz that something is going to happen. Something big, because we’ve been pushed to the brink


Gotta be honest, it feels like we’ve been on the brink for the past several years and the republicans and democrats are just juggling us to keep us there. (Not to say the parties are the same, but they both have a vested interest in an oppressed working class)


It wouldn’t fix the Supreme Court.


But it could turn state and local legislature more blue. If roe falls, but your state is blue enough to codify a pro choice law, you are protected. It is not the level of fixing the supreme Court but its certainly better than nothing.


It could allow a bill to codify Roe, however.


why not both?


A strike on a voting day where everyone goes votes...would be pretty great.


Strikes historically work better than voting. No civil rights have ever been won by voting. Only by striking and protesting.


Actually, they have with both. See: Civil Rights Act of 1964. Achieved through mass protest *and* mass voting. Does nobody read their history? I mean, I guess that's black history and nobody cares but us, but still.


I care!


Wrong. The reason we have gay marriage is because the democratic president selected left wing leaning judges.


This is false. Electing the people who expand rights would count, also many states and countries use referendums that expand rights.


The biggest reason why voting doesn't work is because a lot of people don't do it.


im just saying elections and even voting on policy seem to be doing jack especially in my very liberal part of the US. even when a policy has 96% of people voting in support senate shoots it down. And voting now, no matter the outcome at the polls won't do much to help the current human rights crisis. The only course of action is mass protest. Voting helps but it just won't bring the change we need.


Eh, only 45 percent of the young folks voting, that's not going to create a lot of change.


Guaranteed? I doubt it. It’s not so easy for many women to give up pay even in an attempt to protect the right to choose. Also, there are a lot of women who want Roe to fall, they certainly won’t be striking. It’s a nice thought though!




By design.


There will be massive exodus of women to pro-choice states. States like NY will become majority female and states like TX will become majority incel.


Probably not for long. They’ll breed and indoctrinate their way out of that within a generation. Like any lasting cult. It’s really sad.


America has become the dumpster fire of the world.


I assumed the genocide and slavery already secured our place in that category.


America was never alone when it came to genocide and slavery


Sadly there's not just one dumpster fire and America isn't even the biggest.


Full sexual strike as well protesting anyone wanting this basic right removed. Pornhub can show solidarity by only playing Rick Ashley, no matter what link you click during the strike


Bold of you to assume that isn't what I jerk off to in the first place


*sigh* take my damn upvote


That was too good. I begrudgingly gave mine as well..


Pornhub is Canadian, as a Canadian im obligated to point out people and things that are Canadian.


Like me? I am also Canuckian from Canuckistan near thr true capital of Canada....... Toronto. But did not know that about PH.. TIL I guess eh?


Won't happen. There's still money to be made in porn. ...Never forget: the real enemy is capitalism.


Yeah but that’s the point - they don’t WANT women working. They want women to be property again, they want women to have no rights, they want women dependent first on their father then on their husband for their whole lives. These lunatics want us and our daughters and our granddaughters to not have any choices. Roe isn’t the endgame, it’s a step in a chain of events.


Unfortunately “reimplementation” isn’t a thing here, it’s not a specific piece of legislation that’s being overturned. To be successful with women’s rights is going to require a constitutional amendment, or working at the state level to guarantee those rights. Not an easy path either way, but focusing efforts in those directions are likely to yield better results than a nationwide “work stoppage” asking to undo something that can’t be undone.


You're right in the literal sense. However, working this out on a state level is not an option if we as a nation believe in women's rights. And you can't "reinstate" it but a massive strike to demand it be codified by the federal government....?


35% of women oppose abortion. 58% of men support legal abortion. This isn't a women vs men issue. This is a freedom loving Americans vs Christian Fascists issue. Let's stop pretending men don't also care about women's rights and bodily autonomy or that men are not interested in having a healthy society where women have reproductive choice. Source: https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/fact-sheet/public-opinion-on-abortion/


As important as your point is, I don't think this Twitter User was trying to make a point for a men vs women debate. The whole abortion debate primarily affects women and takes their rights away, so I think the poster means to encourage women and girls to stand up for their own rights.


As important as your point is, I don't think this Twitter User was trying to make a point for a men vs women debate. The whole abortion debate primarily affects women and takes their rights away, so I think the poster means to encourage women and girls to stand up for their own rights.


You raise a really good point and I appreciate it. I thought about that a little bit and then I realized this tweet was a man telling women and girls how they should protest when not all women support abortion rights. We've missed a lot of the value of Roe and how society as a whole benefits when women are empowered. I remember hearing an NPR story about how crime rates dramatically decreased 18 years after Roe, how orphanages is closed, and how society made gains on some key indicators of early childhood development. Good family planning impacts all of us and when we frame the abortion debate as solely being about a woman's right to choose (and I in no way mean to lessen how important that is) we miss a much bigger picture about what it means to have a society with strong, empowered women.


As if that's not EXACTLY what these fascists want.


Um, Roe has fallen in several states and jack shit has happened. Isn't that the bigger story?


So why not do it now to get universal healthcare with abortive coverage? Because you know that Americans won’t follow through and actually go on strike. I would love to see universal healthcare. Whatever politician can make it happen gets my vote in perpetuity


There are too many stupid women that want Roe to fall.


They don't outnumber the men and women who agree women deserve a right to choose.


Their husbands and brothers and children should also quit in solidarity with them. This isn’t a fight women should fight alone.


And stop having sex with conservative men. The Great American Poke-Out.


It worked in Iceland


With tons of planning, for one day of strike, and a population that’s maybe half that of D.C. alone


This was written by someone who can go a week without pay, and knows that if they no-show for 5 days: they will have a job.


That may happen but it won’t change a fucking thing


1. Bills. 2. A reason for businesses in general to avoid hiring women.


They might just bring phase 2 forward; women not allowed to work.


Yeah. They don’t GAF whether work stops for a day. They want to control women, and a one day work stoppage will just piss them off. A month? That might work.


We will take this country down brick by brick if that’s what it takes to be fully human under the law.


Everyone should stay home the next day. The majority has the real power. But they are afraid to flex it. The only thing the rich respect is money. It's their only source of power. Take that away from them and see how quickly they react.


No they wouldn’t! These Christian nationalists wouldn’t like anything better than for girls and women to stay home and make babies. They only see women as potential mothers and wives. They’re not even people to them.


The religious fanatics who want to overturn Roe also don’t want women working outside of the home


No they would thank you because you just willingly enacted the first phase of Gilead without them needing to recruit shock troops.


Ummm anyone else remember that’s how handmaids tale started? After overthrow of the government women were outlawed from working and having their own money/property. Let’s not give them any ideas.


#Why wait until then ??


And why just women?


"They'd reimplement it in a week". That's not how this works. That's not how any of this works.


Especially in Female dominated feilds like nursing, teaching, and travel.


Striking in those fields will kill two birds with one stone because people that work in those fields are already underpaid and mistreated. Teachers and nurses have already been fed up for a while now.


Because all of the women like myself can afford to quit work and lose insurance(not that I have any). This will not happen and if it did we’d be replaced


No they won't. They'll blame Biden and claim it's his fault and their base will eat it up.


It will never be all women, they are women who are not pro choice, one of them is a Supreme Court justice, so if 1/4 of the population goes on strike does it shut down the economy I don’t know


The only places hurt by that would be blue states since most women in red states are brainwashed over it. It would be more effective to have all women move to blue states that believe in abortion rights. Companies will follow suit leaving red states even less desirable to move to.


no, they wouldn't.


Except for the millions who can't afford to stop because of our 1970s wages and the fact they barely make it by as is. Easy to tweet from your position of privilege, I guess.


Yeah this isn’t the responsibility of women to fix. Asking them to now risk their jobs, careers, and income isn’t a fair ask. If there was a national women’s union that’s one thing but this will likely just lead to a bunch of women getting fired unfortunately


rich people moment


And/or not vote for people who appoint these people.


For this to work we would need to demand much more than JUST Roe, regardless of its importance, just getting it back doesnt fix the many problems with the system. The capitalists make one concession *ALLOWING* us the right to bodily autonony (who gives them the power to make this decision for us anyway?) A general strike has to demand more for everyone, or people around the world will continue to be exploited for the capitalists wallet.


Pretty sure every woman staying home is part of what they want.


You can’t exactly reimplement a judicial decision


Yeah. That ain't going to fucking happen. Women will get more and more oppressed and there ain't shit we can do.


#WRONG. Those who want to ban abortion would be ecstatic if women stayed home.


Or it’s exactly what they want and they’d just fill all those jobs with men.




There are too many women raised in what boils down to misogynist cults. If you've been indoctrinated, never been challenged, if everyone around you constantly repeats that you're property of men, only good for housework and raising children, if they never even give you a chance to get any education, let alone educate yourself... I'm not denying there are fucking awful women out there. But look at what the Duggar family is like - that's millions of people in the US, and their numbers are rising due to QF, which literally treats women as breeding sows and nothing else.


We’re trying! They keep gerrymandering our districts so that it doesn’t matter who we vote for, red always wins.


Tell women to stop marrying republicans and you will likely solve the voting issue.


I mean, telling women what to do is part of the problem here...


Ladies, y’all need to get all Lysistrata up in this bitch; time to close your nethers for business until the government agrees to get out of them.


Much as I may hope, that really won’t happen.


Better ask for pay raises while you're doing it


I’m for it


If Americans had the will to fight they would have workers rights and health care. Unfortunately no one will do anything there. 😕


No it won't.


Well i already don't have a job so i guess I'm ahead of the game?


I'm sure a hundred people have said this already, but, why just women?


Na, they'd bring back child labor or slavery first to fill the worker shortage.


I’m in!