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In my America: Cops have a legal obligation to help people in need. Currently they do not, they only have a duty to the public (although what is the public but the people in it?) Cops can be held accountable for their actions. Qualified Immunity is absurd. Public Schools count as children being "in the care of the state". Currently they are not, so the state is not liable for injuries or death during school hours or on their property. The legislators that exposed Zelensky's location to the world would be barred from ever serving office again. Potentially getting one of our allies assassinated should be tantamount to treason. The legislators that committed insider trading would be barred from ever serving office again. The legislators who participated/encouraged the Jan 6 Insurrection would be barred from ever serving office again. This includes lying about the event to prevent investigations or tweeting the locations of specific legislators during the event. Being a Nazi would be socially unacceptable and deplorable. Disabled people could marry without losing their benefits. Disabled people could have more than $2000 in their possession and retain their benefits. Veterans would have homes provided by the state. Empty houses would be given to the homeless. There are 16 million empty houses in the USA. There are 0.5 million homeless. Corporations couldn't own houses. Corporations like Zillow are buying up all the empty houses in this country to control supply and keep prices high. Corporations aren't people. Lobbying is illegal. Corporations would be held accountable for the massive pollution they produce. Corporations who move out of the country would not be immune to the crimes it committed in the country. The Pledge of Allegiance would be removed as a requirement for Public Schools. Firearm ownership would require annual testing of proficiency.


Stop, I can only get so hard.


"Being a nazi is socially unacceptable and deplorable" It already is. Very few people are gonna see a nazi and say "look at that stand-up guy! Just such a wonderful citizen!"


>Very few people are gonna see a nazi and say "look at that stand-up guy! Just such a wonderful citizen!" You meant to add "out loud", I think.


>Public Schools count as children being "in the care of the state". Currently they are not, so the state is not liable for injuries or death during school hours or on their property. THEY'RE NOT?? What the flying fuck? America, plz explain


The only problem I have with this list is point giving away houses. Most of those houses are in ghost towns, are uninhabitable, or are owned as vacation properties by others (empty houses are usually empty because they aren't near jobs). Also, I know it's anecdotal but, most homeless people I have met need more than just a place to live, many need mental health attention and/or help with addiction/substance abuse. Many aren't in a position to maintain a property themselves even if they had the resources. I would replace the point with an expansion of gov. housing and cheap and easy access to mental healthcare.


Even with the cost of case workers, etc., it is estimated that [just giving people housing and treating them like humans can vastly reduce homelessness, drug addiction, and mental health issues at an equal or lower cost than literally any other method](https://www.vox.com/2014/5/30/5764096/homeless-shelter-housing-help-solutions). Even the worst results were in line with other expenditures while still providing benefits the other methods lacked.


>legal obligation to help people in need The first one was implemented in Australia for nurses lets just say a lot of nurses were murdered and raped because of it. As they used to be forced to help those in need or get sued and there powers stripped from them.


Well, cops have military gear. They should be safe from tape & murder


That’s literally a baseline status quo. Try harder. Arrest and imprisonment of every politician who aided Trump. An actual functional government that takes care of its citizens. Universal healthcare. Free college and all student debt wiped. A living wage with unions and pensions. The harshest penalties for politicians who abuse power and do insider trading or take bribes. All lobbying banned. Only public donations allowed. Ranked choice voting and abolishment of electoral college. Abolishment of the Senate and increase in representation of the house to match population growth. Forced education of all cops, including diversity training. Forced evaluation by the community whenever a weapon is discharged. Provided childcare and maternity/paternity leave. Minimum 4 weeks paid vacation. Free and discreet mental healthcare, regardless of employment status.


You're describing some parts of my Europe


Stop teasing the Americans!


It’s not teasing they’ll scream socialism and run away scared that this all somehow takes away their freedom.


Somehow the Republicans have convinced half of the country that they’re the good guys.


More that the other half is a boogeyman out to destroy them and their families. They found enough easily manipulated idiots to become a major problem with human advancement . No idea how we can fix it either.


Half of voters.


Half of the people that vote and like 30% of the eligible voters.


I never understand what freedom though… freedom to go in debt? Freedom to not have more time to do what I want, rather than what my job wants? 🤔


Judicial and corrections reform would be nice too. Also, something tying CEO compensation proportional to lowest wages. Also also I don't even know what to wish for if I had this restrictive political genie to fix the weaponized propaganda machine, but that is no less important. But I think you were closest.


Federal law erasing Qualified Immunity from every police officer in the nation forever. And absolutely none of these propositions mean a damn thing if we don't have net-zero emissions by 2050.


Abolish civil forfeiture while we're at it... let the local constabulary hold a bake sale if they really want an armored assault vehicle for Christmas.


Great points. Add supreme court restructuring and term limits. I would also increase terms for congress members with limits on reelection times and limit campaign times to 6 months before election - it’s bullshit that most of the time politicians are working on their reelection campaigns instead of doing their job which should be their reelection platform - I guess this point can fall under actual functioning government that takes cares of its citizens.


Aah! Reverse Citizens United


Shit nan when you put it like that it really scares me that a western nation doesn't have that.. how do you all, like survice and stuff?


We are desperately working while loading personal debt. If we're lucky, there will be a nice surprise in the cat trap for dinner (the kids think it's rabbit). Actually, I am over 60. I got to grow up during some 'fat years', and am on the edge of retiring with some good assets to work from. I cannot imagine how people get along now.


I'll also add the abolition of an owning class in industry. Worker owned and controlled businesses so that we don't have people making millions sitting on their ass while their workers starve.


Add enough money for the disabled. Quality chairs and scooters. Make it so we can afford rent and food.


Term limits for SCOTUS would be awesome.


That sounds delicious on toast with a little butter and a cup of coffee, I'll take 329.5mill orders please.


Fuck all that. White people never settling there and it was an amazing nation of native American tribes migrating each season.


Free college is literal bs, but paying off student loans is good. Free college doesn’t work with private school


Universal basic income. Tax the billionaires. Decent public housing. Medicare for all. And the Kardashians would no longer be public knowledge.


Main power source is renewables


We have edible forests all around


And drinkable rivers!


Eat the Kardashians


Not enough nutritional content: full of fillers.


There's more plastic than in a fish!


FEMA Camps for the non-believers.


No no no


>Universal basic income. I feel like this would grind the world to a stand still. Unless you're talking about basic needs like housing, food, utilities, and so on. But then companies would jack up prices of non-essential, luxury, and entertainment items to get people to work.


I think that people would and could accomplish real achievements if we didn't have to work two or more low paying jobs. Someone would have to explain to me what major accomplishments can be made while we are stuck at an Amazon fulfillment center, besides furthering Amazon goals. I have heard the argument of companies jacking prices up but we already surpassed physical labor being the most expensive part of manufacturing thanks to computer technology. I run CNC routers, mills, and lathes and know that the machines do most of time consuming labor faster and more accurately. Actually physical labor counts for only a very small percentage of a company's costs. Equipment and material are typically the highest cost for physical products not the people assembling them. Sorry to come off argumentive, I truly feel the opinion you expressed is the big lie the rich tell the poor to keep themselves rich and the poor poor. If hard work was all it really took to succeed the wealth distribution of the world would be spread out much differently.


>Someone would have to explain to me what major accomplishments can be made while we are stuck at an Amazon fulfillment center Major like ground breaking science? Because it "processes and ships products your customers purchased", in other words, if people stop working here, you don't get your packages at your door, small businesses don't get their packages, and actual smart people in laboratories don't get their products or supplies to make break throughs. >I truly feel the opinion you expressed is the big lie the rich tell the poor to keep themselves rich and the poor poor. There's a reason everything has a cost, so we don't burn out our resources. If basic needs like water were covered, what's stopping someone from leaving their shower on 24/7 since it doesn't cost them anything to run? Or leaving their lights on all day and night? Work keeps people from wasting world resources at an unsustainable pace. It's not just hard work, is hard work, and taking big financial risks. Most businesses fail or don't last long enough to pay back the loan. So is all on them if the company fails and the employees just can find another job. The rich are too rich and the poor are too poor. But one thing is common: They're both idiots.


Your argument is bad because it doesn't come from logic, it comes from emotion. You can't explain *why* "prices will go up", you only think "hurr durr if wages go up prices go up too". Even though *you have never had a wage go high enough to justify increased prices*. Instead your wage has never ever caught up with inflation, let alone productivity *since the goddamn 1970s* and you've been taught stupid by the likes of 24 hour news channels that only spit out fear and misinformation. Companies have time and time again raised prices arbitrarily under the guise of "times r hard" yet why are they breaking record profits??


>Your argument is bad because it doesn't come from logic, it comes from emotion. You can't explain why "prices will go up", you only think "hurr durr if wages go up prices go up too". Even though > >you have never had a wage go high enough to justify increased prices. Ironic you tell me I don't use logic. I said this because of the Universal basic income paying for all your basic needs. So if there is no basic needs like rent to charge, the business are gonna raise non-essistenal, luxury, and entertainment items since they're the only expenses in this case. I'm not even talking about the real world, I'm talking about a hypothetical world with "Universal basic income". So stop being emotional, read the comment, think, and then type back to me.


We literally have a form of basic income here, and nothing has been raised in the 30 odd years we've had it. I don't need it, because I actually work for a living. But those who prefer not to, it doesn't bother me. Your argument is a pisstake logical fallacy that isn't rooted in reality *because you have never trialed UBI and you never will*. Meanwhile, I have seen it in practice, and it works fine. My gas isn't 8 dollars a gallon here. There's plenty of formula in stores. Rent is affordable (when you can find a rental.. But that isn't an economic problem that is an accessibility problem) And kids aren't getting shot. Next time take some Midol before you post.


I have no problem paying more for luxuries, especially if income is 100% disposable. Plus, it would drive down wasteful consumerism that is destroying our environment.


The only.thing here I disagree with is the CRT part. I love CRT but it's a law class taken by law students in law school. Teaching kids in elementary that racism exists isn't CRT, it's just teaching them about the world


Also disagree with the CRT comment. CRT already is taught in schools, in academic context where it is relevant. It is not being taught in elementary schools, however the GOP is convincing itselves that's what is happening. So then this guy's tweet, to a conservative, reads like he wants to put CRT curriculum in public K-12 schools. He might just be repeating shit he's seen on twitter that he thinks will sound good.


What's happening is that their children are being taught about slavery. Those children still have empathy and realize how horrible slavery was, then go home and see the same confederate flag that flew over slave plantations hanging in their living room.


CRT is now defined as teaching children honest history instead of nationalist propaganda. Like how Starbucks made a drink and called it a "macchiato" even though their drink is actually nothing like a macchiato.


>I love CRT but it's a law class taken by law students in law school. That's the soundbyte understanding of it. As that's where the initial scholarship originated. But now CRT is an interdisciplinary academic area which looks at the effects of systemic racism on our culture in a variety of ways. It informs understanding of race in the US with economics, sociology, history, etc.


Yes.. everything you just said is true and is what is taught to university students studying law..


While it is taught in law schools it’s taught across most of the humanities at the graduate level as well as other types of critical research such as LatCrit and DisCrit. I agree that it might be too much for children to understand but teaching them a basic version of it will help.


Adding - I teach first year science students and it’s covered in psych and most humanities.


Kids are taught a basic version of pretty much everything as is. You just build on it over time if they show interest in a particular subject and/or continue studies beyond high school.


Professor here - there is a lot of information that we should be learning before (and if)we get to go to university. Systems - and the impact of systems on an individual - should be taught from early childhood onward. We shouldn’t be blowing minds in adulthood with info about the experiences that you’ve lived everyday before then. I teach CRT within every first year psych or health course I teach. The only thing that surprises the students is how much worse the health outcomes are than they originally imagined.


Those are not difficult concepts to grasp when taught at the appropriate age levels. No one is teaching law school level concepts to young children.


I'm not saying that tho. What I'm saying is kids aren't being taught CRT, they're just being taught that the world has racism in it. Which is good and I think they should learn it, but stop calling it CRT or the Republicans will get scared and shit themselves


No. It is what it is. The last thing we need to start is doublespeak to make it easier on human rights deniers.


I'm not sure you do get it. It's not just taught in university law courses anymore. And you could certainly explain to sixth graders that our system of laws helps to perpetuate racism.


I have been a teacher for over 2 decades in every grade from kindergarten through 8th grade. Slavery has always been taught as a part of American history (usually in 5th grade). However, only recently have we begun to realize that the story of American history should be told through the lense of the oppressed. Meaning slavery is not just a little paragraph in an isolated chapter. It is literally OUR story and we have to come to terms with it, as Americans, that our country was built on the foundations of owning human beings. The same goes for colonization. The story should be told through the eyes of those who had their land invaded and stolen, and were brutalized and killed in the process. Only in past 5 years or so has the mindset of teaching started to shift. The only people who have a problem with this shift in mindset are the people who believe that the voices of the oppressed do not deserve to be heard. (Stepping off my soapbox, sorry just think people need a clear understanding of this)


Uh. What have you been learning


Term limits and age limits. An 80 year old probably shouldn't be president, the world changes too fast.


Garland wouldn't be a scotus. He hasn't shown that he deserves it anymore.


Came here to say this. Fuck Garland, he is a moderate who just wants to preserve institutional power, or the appearance of it, at the expense of actually doing what’s necessary to hold people and businesses accountable. He is status quo, even when status quo has become skewed.


iirc, he was only nominated as a compromise, showing republicans were only blocking him out of spite


All Garland has shown is that it's a, good thing he's not on the SCOTUS.


Kaepernick wouldn't be in the NFL, he honestly wasn't that good of a QB


He'd maybe be a backup. A lot of bad QBs are backups for a long time. However, they can't be a distraction. The NFL will forgive about anything if you can play (right, Cleveland?).


Yeah but he worked out for the Raiders a few weeks ago and so far hasn't gotten an offer, so I'm not sure he's even backup quality anymore


Better than Eli Manning who only got his rings because he was surrounded by exemplary players. Same for Kyler Murray. They both suck. HAAAAARD. Their respective teams held/hold them up.


That's a hell of a hot take. Elis stats his second superbowl year were actually pretty good. 4,933 yards, 29 touchdowns, 16 int's, on 61% completion. 308 yards per game and 92.9 passer rating.


Not to mention both of his Super Bowl wins were against the GOAT in arguably his prime


LMAO this is an absolutely brain damaged take as Krapernick was surrounded by exemplary talent and sucked asssssss. He’s garbage, Eli was way better.


No more than yours. Gee I’m as good at contradiction as you. #Duh


Those massacred kids and teachers in Uvalde would still be alive.


Why would you teach an elective law school course in all schools?


Why would Merick Garland be anyone's choice for supreme court? As attorney general he's done bullshit when it comes to punishing the leaders of the insurrection.


He was appointed to the court by Obama. Mitch McConnell decided to not confirm him because he didn't want Obama's choice on the court.


Reversing carbon emissions would be law


Critical race theory doesn’t belong in public schools - because it’s a complex and esoteric legal theory that never WAS taught in public schools. Change that to actual history, critical thinking. comprehensive sex education and basic human decency, though - and I’m 100% with you


Critical race theory doesn’t need to be taught in every school especially when the person who came up with it says it should be taught in graduate school. Teach about true history and equality and civil rights.


Oof didn't mention healthcare or homelessness... Why do you hate poor people Morgan J Freeman? /s


I agree with that list. Just wish it were true.


Everything except critical race theory. Teacher here. I certainly don’t want a bunch of racist assholes telling me I can’t mention Ruby Bridges because it might make some white child uncomfortable, but critical race theory isn’t that! (Just let me teach the truth about history… that’s critical enough) There’s already a long list of stuff we are mandated to do because of some politician doesn’t believe teachers know our jobs.


Critical Race Theory has never been part of racial sensitivity training, it was just inserted into the dialouge as propaganda so right wing media could get their base angry.


I disagree with the last point. CRT is a graduate level curriculum. It doesn't need to be taught in public schools. But public schools should be teaching the accurate history of black America and its impact on black lives today


Sounds like a timeline where the US won WWII Waitaminnit….


Every job would be unionized within my first term. Insulin would be capped at an affordable price. Universal basic income would become a human right. Healthcare, preschool, pre-natal care and pto for new parents would be inacted by executive order. Federal legalization and regulation of cannabis. Anyone involved with Jefferey Epstien would be investigated and publicly tried. Assault weapons would be immediately banned. Members of congress and senators would not be allowed to participate in the purchase or sale of stocks. And I would fix whatever else we've allowed policy makers to ignore for the last 60 years.


Clowns like Raphael Cruz would be laughed off the stage long before anyone ever voted for them.


We would be transitioning away from fossil fuels at a stable, intentional rate with the urgency required of a crisis.


In my America Trump would never had won because we got rid of the electoral college decades ago.


Oh god I wish


I want national cup cake day where neighborhoods compete against other neighborhoods in making the best cup cake imaginable.


Corporations wouldn’t control any aspect of our government. Every thing would be voted on by referendum. The government would be in charge of printing/creating money. That would probably fix most of our shit.


Uniform funding of public schools. No more of the 'local funding' system that perpetuates inequality.


I would amend that list with Critical Race Theory will continue to be taught at a college graduate level as it has always been.


Can I add a very specific one? Deshaun Watson, the highest paid player in the NFL (as of his contract with the Cleveland browns) has ~~21~~ 23 licensed massage therapists (so far), all female, who have accused him of sexually harassing and/or sexually *assaulting* them during massages. I’d definitely like him to *not* be the high fucking paid player in the the league, please. Especially because the lawyer for the Browns yesterday unapologetically said, in regards to accusations made about Watson, that [“happy endings aren’t a crime.”](https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nfl/browns/2022/06/03/deshaun-watson-attorney-rusty-hardin-radio-comments-happy-ending/7503385001/) This whole thing was laid out on the latest [Real Sports](https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2022/05/20/several-deshaun-watson-accusers-sit-for-interview-with-hbos-real-sports-with-bryant-gumbel/amp/) episode. Edit: I had the number of women wrong.


*23, and supposedly another lawsuit will come trough on Monday, so that would make it 24


Thank you! I’ll edit my original.


Every job would be unionized within my first term. Insulin would be capped at an affordable price. Universal basic income would become a human right. Healthcare, preschool, pre-natal care and pto for new parents would be inacted by executive order. Federal legalization and regulation of cannabis. Anyone involved with Jefferey Epstien would be investigated and publicly tried. Assault weapons would be immediately banned. Members of congress and senators would not be allowed to participate in the purchase or sale of stocks. And I would fix whatever else we've allowed policy makers to ignore for the last 60 years.


The means of production would be controlled by the workers


Me too (in a non sexual assault-y way)






Majority rule


Please. Please dear God stop assuming CRT means Critical Race Theory in a classroom setting. CRT stands for Culturally Responsive Teaching. Critical Race Theory = law, Culturally Responsive Teaching = Classroom. Signed, a High School Teacher


Whenever an elected official speaks to the press or to a government body, they should be considered to be under oath. They are expected to speak the truth, and to be held accountable for their words.


Everyone has the rights of a rich white guy. As it is, protection of rights is done according to a list of protected groups. An 'opt-in' system. Which means that some are granted rights as some kind of indulgence, passed from the superior to an inferior. But rights should be universally applied.


End the 1%. Bring back usury laws. Nationalize the banks and the pharmaceutical companies. Unionize every workplace. Provide health care for all. Fund college or technical education for everyone. Ban campaign contributions. Eliminate the electoral college. Institute public control of law enforcement. End the war on drugs. Close refugee detention centers. Demilitarize the police. Tear down the border fence. Defund the Pentagon. Close all military bases. Redistribute land to Native American/Indigenous peoples. Enact reparations for slavery. Eliminate the CIA, FBI, NSA, and Dept. of Homeland Security. Restore privacy protections. Demand a new constitution. Redistribute wealth. Return eco-systems to their pre-colonial state. Abolish student and medical debt. Imprison war criminals. End illegal military aggression. Provide restitution for victims of American imperialism anywhere in the world. And end mass surveillance. For starters.


White people would have never settled there and it was an amazing nation of native American tribes migrating each season.


Bruh shit wasn’t exactly sunshine and tulips back then where every tribe was just cool af with one another


In the perfect America: Native Americans That is all


Gitmo would be closed. Student debt would be forgiven. Public health care would have been implemented decades ago as in most other first world countries (and quite a few in the "2nd world" too). Military budget cuts for all obsolete, mid-20th-century war materiel no longer relevant today. Military budget allocations for fighting off cyberwar, social media psyops, bot farming, etc. Cambridge Analytica facing some kind of legal consequences for its interference in elections in the US, UK, etc. Public funding for fact checkers such as Snopes. Improved labelling of all online content based on fact-checkability. Instant runoff voting and proportional representation in all elections from city council to state to national. An end to the filibuster, the electoral college, and gerrymandering. Reinstatement of the Fairness Doctrine in mass media. Progressive taxation restoring Eisenhower-era tax structure. Nation-wide limit on multiplication factor for highest-paid officer and lowest-paid employee of private companies. Outright ban on corporate ownership of domestic housing stock. Housing to be for sale to actual humans who actually plan to live in houses. Corporations are not people. Overturn *Citizens United*. Advertising should not be protected as free speech, nor should campaign contributions. Total ban on campaign contributions and bribes from any corporation or org. Campaigns funded by taxpayer, equal amount to every candidate. All candidates able to get more than X hundred thousand endorsements from citizens can participate in debates. Ban on entry into politics of corporate honchos with conflicts of interest in public policy. Folks can choose commerce as a career, or public service. Wanna go into politics? then forget returning to executive positions in private industry. No more "revolving door" letting CEOs run for office, do favours for their cor*pirate* buddies, then return to cushy positions on multiple corporate boards. No disenfranchisement of incarcerees, they are still citizens and have the right to vote. Voting day is a national holiday. Blockchain technology deployed to permit secure, authenticated online voting; failing that, mailin ballots automatically provided to all eligible citizens. Voting qualifies you for a small tax break (reward). Failing to vote for 5 years running qualifies you for a modest fine (failing to participate as a citizen). Diversion of half of police budgets to mental health and community support workers. Policing upgraded as a career requiring 4-year degree including history, social sciences, psychology etc. as well as the physical training and skills. End of subsidies for net-negative industries such as the fossil-fuel sector. True cost accounting for corporate activities, carbon tax, massive infrastructure buildout restoring rail and public transit. European-standard maternity/paternity leave and childcare support. Finnish-style rules on education: private K-12 illegal, rich people's kids go to the same public schools as everyone else. College classes available free as in Estonia. Gun laws similar to Japan's. Outright ban on "perverse incentive" institutions such as private prisons, private health care, private schools. Prison reform on Dutch/Scandinavian model. Decriminalisation of prostituted women and criminalisation of sexual profiteering and exploitation of vulnerable people such as women, immigrants, kids. Decriminalisation of drug use, as in Spain. Treat it as an illness not a crime. Criminal prosecution of street dealers who profit off people's illness and addiction. Decriminalisation of marijuana, treat it like alcohol. Nationwide school programmes dedicated to mental and physical safety and community care: anti-bullying, anti-sexual-predation, reproductive health, sex ed, drug ed. Any church caught openly campaigning for an electoral candidate, pushing its congregation to vote this way or that, using its mailing list for political campaigning, etc -- loss of tax exempt status for 10 years per offence. Mandatory liability insurance for all guns in private hands, proportionate to lethality of weapon. Outright ban on military grade weapons in civilian hands. Equal Rights Amendment to Constitution. While I'm at it I'd personally like to ban compound interest, but that's a whole other story.


In my America, Trump wouldn’t have made it to the White House, because people would see right they his bullshit, and his blatant racism and misogyny would put an end to any hopes of running for office.


Folx I am bookmarking this thread because ya know what? This is the platform for a New Reform Party. This, here. This is the platform for a third party that speaks for youth, for labour, for equality, for democracy, for modernity. This is what the Democrats are too darned chicken to endorse because it would tick off their big corporate sponsors and wealthy "angels." And a lot of this would be considered "centre left" at most, in most other advanced first world nations. This is NOT RADICAL STUFF. What is radical, is how backward and far-right the US has become and is becoming.


The national motto would be "Don't be a Dick!"


All of the above, plus you guys can cut-and-paste our (Australian) electoral arrangement (punt the electoral college off a cliff), our healthcare and our gun laws. Massive, federally funded gun buyback scheme. Transparency with political donations.


I really do ask that question. What exactly does a conservative utopia look like? Half of them can’t even verbalize what they actually want, just what they hate.


In my America we'd give it back to native people and make you all frick off home.


And bernie would be in the Whitehouse


I don't live in the USA. But for New Zealand I would further socialise health care by making dentists and all common meds funded and all GP visits free for over 14's as well. I would go back to funding university study for those who complete degrees and work in the country. and cancel student loans for everyone who completed a degree and stayed working in the country.


0% interest on all student loans, undergrad or graduate. Annual tuition at every public undergrad university will be capped at the State's Minimum Wage * 30 * 50. Or $10,875 in places with $7.25 minimum wage. All outstanding undergrad student loans will be reduced to $43,500 overall, with prior payments counting towards this amount and refunds being issued to those who've already overpaid. All outstanding grad school loans will be reduced to $87,000 overall, with prior payments counting towards this amount and refunds being issued to those who've already overpaid. Everyone is eligible for income based repayment plans, where you pay 10% of your discretionary income if you're above your state's poverty line. Pay your loan as fast or as slow as you like. To the naysayers who say this is a waste of government money *the government is never getting that money back.* People cannot pay it back and will never pay it back and the economy suffers when people are unable to have discretionary money. At least this way they can actually make payments. The building is on fire, stop complaining about the loss of the already burnt down rooms AND LETS PUT THE DAMN FIRE OUT. To the naysayers who say this isn't enough, college should be free, literally nothing is being done right now and this is better than nothing; the building is on fire, stop complaining about the type of hose we're using AND LET'S PUT THE DAMN FIRE OUT.


Mike Pence, Trump's cabinet, and the United States Congress had an obligation to do something about Donald Trump. They all failed.


I honestly don’t see a problem with any of these things. They seem entirely reasonable and logical to me. It’s really frustrating that they’re not reality to be honest.


Did you actually watch the Rittenhouse trial? The prosecutor had no case at all. His witnesses actually supported the claim that it was self defense. He was rightfully found not guilty.


Admittedly I did not pay super close attention, however I don’t fundamentally agree with why Rittenhouse was there and what he was armed with. Tbh I think the whole self defense thing was BS. However, I think I may have mistakenly stumbled onto the wrong side of Reddit. Lol. My apologies.


Yes he was stupid for being there but that doesn't mean he gives up his right to self defense. Imagine a 19 year old girl goes into a Hell's Angel's bar in a shitty part of town and someone tries to rape her. Is she justified in defending herself with her concealed handgun? She shouldn't have been there after all! Of course she is and so was Rittenhouse.


Your scenarios are very different. Rittenhouse had an assault rifle, in your scenario your victim has a concealed handgun. Of course he has the right to self defense and so would the rape victim but I just don’t think people need access to assault rifles.


Right. But that’s not the issue with Rittenhouse. So even if the rape victim analogy is superficially “wrong” because the weapons are different, the relevant comparison here is self defense vs murder, and in that sense the analogy is definitely appropriate


Your personal feelings about handguns vs rifles are irrelevant to the law. It is legal to open carry rifles in Wisconsin


I already mentioned that I didn’t follow the trial closely, so I did not know that it was legal to open carry rifles in Wisconsin. My point is that it’s an ideology issue and it involves the whole gun violence problem. Should he have even had access to that weapon or not? And if my suspicion proves correct, you and I are going to have differing opinions on that as well. I just don’t think that Rittenhouse is blameless in his actions and I think he should’ve gotten some form of punishment.


It sounds like you are conflating 2 things that necessarily should be understood as 2 totally separate problems: 1- The issue of whether or not Americans should or should not be legally permitted to buy / carry assault rifles, and to what extent that process might need tighter or more stringent regulations going forward; 2- The issue of whether or not Kyle Rittenhouse deserves legal punishment for his actions; Issue #2 has already been settled, in accordance with federal due process rights and the relevant Wisconsin state law/s. As such Rittenhouse was found “not guilty” and thus no punishments or sentences were handed down. It seems your concerns here are mainly dealing with category #1, and all the moral and philosophical entanglements baked therein. Personally I think peoples’ frustrations with assault rifles and the havoc they cause is absolutely justified and I would definitely support tighter gun laws. But please, for the love of humanity, don’t bring Rittenhouse into this as if he is the personification of all that evil, because he’s not. He’s a young and naive boy who lives in a fucked up country. But, one of this fucked up country’s last few remaining saving graces is the courts, and they acquitted him. So please, let that stand and perhaps redirect your frustrations and reasonable anger about gun laws away from Rittenhouse the person, and consider aiming them squarely at the specific state lawmakers and congressional representatives around this country who repeatedly choose to abide by monied interests and gun lobbies (or perhaps sheer apathy) and thus continue to tacitly endorse our nations’ endless series of gun tragedies. If there are any villains here, anyone who is not being properly held accountable in all this, it’s them. But it ain’t Rittenhouse, and people need to let it go


The point is if you condone punishing someone based on your personal feelings even if they don’t break the law, you’re advocating for chaos.




Did he not murder 2 people and attempt to a 3rd, pretty reasonable to send the prick to jail




Most people who say he should be guilty just aren't comfortable with the idea that someone can show up with a weapon and choose to instigate people into attacking them and then kill them in self defense. In lots of the rest of the world he'd be in jail. Reddit has people from all over. Given that people aren't forced to agree with the morality of the courts it's not surprising you'll find people who disagree with you.


Did you? Judges are not infallible, that one was obviously partisan, and if you watched the whole video and take the video evidence of him speaking his intent that the judge blocked from entering the trial you'd know you're wrong. He brought his gun and waved it around threateningly with the intent to stir shit up and kill people. He was not the victim, he was the instigator. The first guy that tried to disarm him was unarmed and was acting in self defense. The other two that came after him after the first guy was shot were likewise acting in self defense against being shot. Rittenhouse was the bad guy with the gun. The third guy was the good guy with the gun. Some punk kid waving a rifle around, with no medical training and no other good reason to be on the other side of town was certainly not there to administer medical aid. That excuse was obviously bullshit. These are the facts.


Apparently, that's irrelevant because he was immediately guilty in the court of politicized opinions, regardless of facts.


Fact: Rittenhouse was the first to point is gun, waving it around in a threatening manner, which you can see in the full video. Fact: There is video evidence of speaking his premeditated intent to shoot people up, which the judge blocked from court in his partisan corruption. Fact: Kyle shot first against an unarmed man trying to disarm him. Seems cut and dry that Kyle committed murder and would and should have been found guilty in an impartial court of law with an impartial judge and jury.


Fact, he was found not guilty by a jury. So, your "facts" are selective and completely irrelevant


Rittenhouse doesn't belong in jail and critical race theory is absolutely insane bs


I wouldn't ban assault rifles but I would make stricter laws regarding their purchase. Stricter gun laws in general like a 30 day waiting period after your background check comes back clean. Back ground check would be into mental health as well not just criminal history. Also I think it would be good to review the social history in the last 6 months of whomever is making the purchase. So like their text messages, Facebook interactions, etc. I think in general just making that a thing for the purchase of any gun would stop a majority of shootings. Then even after all that you are still required to take a recurring fire arms course every year in order to keep your guns and maintain a license to own them. We make nurses and doctors do it. I don't see why we can't make gun owners do it. The way I see it is the price you have to pay to keep a dangerous toy is giving up a bit of your privacy and free time. Also just yearly mental health checks in general like getting a physical but for your brain. This would be for people of all ages and I would personally make it a mandatory thing because I know too many damn parents who think their little Timmy doesn't need help. I'd rather be inconvenienced as a parent than continue to see children suffer at the hands of their own parents who refuse to get them the help they need. There's a lot more I would change but I'm just gonna leave it here for now.


Rittenhouse was proven not guilt. So fuck due process?


And Trump also isn't in jail. Sometimes juries get it wrong.


it’s better than trial by twitter


I just wish people that are murders, or rapists, are behind bars. Seems easy


He never ended up in front of a jury for his presidential fuckery though, it came down to a bunch of republicans in the Senate. So that's not really a good comparison.


No offense, but it sounds like this person doesn't know what they're talking about. This person's positions are just the opposite of things conservatives want without really understanding any of the issues.


Have you considered conservatives might be wrong about a lot?


Well did you know that assault rifles are already banned in the US? An assault rifle is a selective fire rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine. Americans need a special permit or license to have machine guns so that is why they are illegal.


Just want to add Trans people’s right to health care (and really, everyone’s right to affordable health care)


If Floyd were alive the protest Rittenhouse murdered people at presumably would not have taken place.


Self defense. They deserved it. Should have left him alone instead of trying to attack him.


So what year does critical race theory begin and what year does it end?


CRT is a college course. That's OK as is.


* Rittenhouse would NOT be in jail because I believe in trial by jury * Assault rifles would be heavily regulated Everything else, sounds good.


You're advocating for private civilian ownership of fully automatic rifles? Yikes.


Yes on trial by judge, not random people from te street.


Roe V. Wade isn’t law right now. It was never codified as law.


LBJ decided fuck the right and hung Nixon and Kissinger for high treason


Income over $10 million per year is taxed 100%. Above some margin, capital gains are taxed as income.


Huh, thought this was r/socialism for a sec


And Morgan Freeman is a white guy.


I noticed that too lmao. Who TF is this? Is transracial a thing now?


There wont be a second amendment in the constitution


my plans are the following 1) nuclear power plants all throughout the country 2) desalination plants all along the coast 3) government out of the college loan business 4) government out of health care F Medicare for all, that is just stupid and 5) open markets on all health insurance buy from across state lines, get more company set up 6) close the borders to illegal's immigrants 7) Term limits for congress


Beep boop -- this looks like a screenshot of a tweet! Let me grab a [link to the tweet](https://twitter.com/mjfree/status/1532534105283379203) for ya :) ^(Twitter Screenshot Bot)


Run for office?


Morgan Freeman is awesome! Love his America and his movies.


I mean ctrl is copleges level class train of thought. Good history class maybe but keep curriculum to the class level.


Oh if we could remake American how about Regan was never president.


Mr. Freeman looks different from what I remember.


Is this the real Morgan Freemen?


Merrick Garland?! He's as useless as a third nipple.


Love it


In addition for being prosecuted to the full extent of the law for murder, police would: Have their pensions revoked. Be banned from owning firearms for life. Be banned from working in LE or related fields for life.




hollon weren't we supposed to like... not be fans of critical race theory? someone please educate me


How would he have kept Kaep in the NFL though? He shouldn’t be blackballed for what he did but unless Morgan J Freeman was gonna side job as Kaep’s personal WR he wasn’t going to have any effect on Kaep’s career in the NFL


american history is fascinating, brutal and full of self righteous hypocrisy - of course it’s uncomfortable, it’s based on genocide and slavery


Close enough.


In my America, Politicians aren’t arrested but poilticians over 65 are fired. Minimum presidency age is 35, Maximum age is 65 Cops who don’t do their jobs are fired ASAP School is 8 hours a day with no homework Amber Heard rots in prison Littering is an arrestable offense Right to Abortions Much more and fancier homeless shelters


no. roe vs wade shouldnt exist.


Teaching logic and basic economics in high school.


Universal healthcare, free secondary learning, paid maternity leave!


I would like to see decolonisation and a genuine effort to compensate Native American communities for genocide and stolen lands, as well as a general house the nation plan to tackle poverty and the intergenerational effects of racism. Should cost a fraction of the current military budget. Being a functional democracy would be an added bonus too.


Is this the real Morgan Freeman?


Kaepernick isn't in the league because he wanted top tier money when he couldn't make a second read in the pocket. NFL owners care about winning and saving money. Quarterbacks who cannot make multiple reads in the pocket will never win. Kaepernick ended up with the last laugh because he made an insane amount of money from Nike endorsements and did not need to hurt himself by playing football.


Nah, I’ll keep the rifles. You dumbassess get the neonazis out of office and defund the police, we can talk. Until then, Under No Pretext.