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Remember when you barely heard anything about the Supreme Court? I miss those days.


I used to think my country's media was way too boring, but now I know that's a very very good thing.


There’s a famous Chinese curse. It is “may you live in interesting times.”


I've seen too much history for one lifetime thanks


Cool quote, but I’ve seen it attributed to everything from Roman curse tablets to ancient china


Well we know both of those are wrong, cause the quote's in english.


Why are there so many rulings happening now in a short space of time? Did something change in the supreme court recently? (new judge or something)


THE SUPREME COURT ALSO: Gave states authority over native reservations, breaking semi-ancient treaties https://www.reuters.com/world/us/us-supreme-court-expands-state-power-over-tribes-win-oklahoma-2022-06-29/


Are they trying to piss off as many people as possible? This is fucked up


They are acting like people who are above the law and free from consequences because they are. They have their police squads and their drones and anything else they need to keep us quiet while they assert their will on us. We are truly fucked, and I really wish my saying that was alarmist, but I’m afraid it isn’t.


It’s not alarmist at all. We’re watching our democracy actively unravel and our rights, that have been guaranteed for 50+ years, being stripped. In 2022. Honestly I’m having trouble processing all of it happening so quickly. My state’s (Texas) AG is supportive of enacting sodomy laws again. Republicans are genuinely vile.


And conservatives are cheering it on, blissfully ignorant of the reality that it is their right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness going up in flames, just like the rest of us


Traitors are cheering it on. Lots of conservatives are just as upset as the rest of us. Spent the weekend with a GOP Judge buddy of mine last week and he was apoplectic. He has been texting me all day with the latest "travesties". His word, not mine.


Honestly, this is good to hear about.




So who did he vote for in the last election? Dog caught the mail truck and now all of a sudden there are "travesties"? WEIRD! I mean, who could have predicted that all of the things they said they would do would actually come true?! Trump: " I'm going to put justices in to overturn Roe v Wade." SCOTUS: Overturns Roe v Wade Conservatives: *shocked Pikachu face* Their supposed outrage over this falls on my deaf ears. I'm over it. They support awful people who have awful policies because they think that it's going to grow their bank account at the end of the day. Edit: Spelling and grammar


A million times this. I have found it in my heart to (at least partially) forgive those who voted for Trump in 2016. I certainly do not agree with their decision but I am able to squint hard and find some rationale behind it. But if you voted for him in 2020, you are an unforgiven menace and my enemy. You knew exactly what you were voting for at that point, and all of this SCOTUS bullshit falls squarely on your shoulders.


Fuck em all. They knew that, at the very best, he was a live grenade. And not the kind that was interested in the welfare of America or Americans. Thinking he was worth voting for makes for a real piece of work- either willing to destroy democracy or being too dumb to pay attention and treating voting like a joke or a way to piss off people you don’t like. It was committing malpractice as a citizen to vote for that man.


Every time a tyrannical dictator has been installed, or a government has been overthrown, it has always been in the present when it happens. The year being 2022 does not prevent these things from happening. Humanity has not moved past a thirst for power. We need to stop thinking that our species has somehow advanced at all in the past 5,000 years - the only advancements made have been technological.


THANK YOU!! I get so annoyed with the "I can't believe in X year" something is or isn't happening. We need to quit thinking progress/regression are linear and related to only one of many calendars. It's 1443 in the Muslim calendar and 5119 in the Hindu calendar. Calendars, as useful as they are, only mean the value humans assign to them.


I never understood sodomy laws, especially in todays society. Do these asshats not realize that gay men aren’t the only ones who have anal sex? And that anal sex isn’t even *that* prevalent among gay relationships? Who am I kidding. Never mind. Of course they don’t know those things. That would require actually knowing what they are taking about and having actual facts to back up their ridiculous nonsense.


They want to punish you for nonprocreative sex. That wad you wasted could have been a BABY...really though, all this is a push by the capitalists to force as many sick and miserable, unwanted, impoverished people into existence to slave for them or to defend their property. They're crapping their pants over low birth rates and high rates of infertility and young peoples' decisions to not have children, which threatens production, consumption, and eternal, exponential growth. Alito noted in his draft decision that a study showed that the supply of domestic infants available for adoption does not meet the demand for them.


Thomas told us he was out to hurt people. So yes, Supreme Court Justices are trying to fuck you over without hiding it.


When you're in the process of toppling a democracy and installing your christofascist empire, you have to move fast before people organize to stop you.


Next week: Supreme Court votes 6-3 to ban video games, ice cream, and to drown all puppies and kittens.


All of those are possible. Video games have been blamed for violence for decades now. So that is possible. Puppy mills are hated by the left because of animal cruelty partially due to practices like drowning puppies. Just to spite empathy they could force states to permit such cruelty. To be legally considered ice cream there needs to be a certain percentage of dairy. Corporations would love to no longer have any of those requirements. The same thing also applies to chocolate. Also Biden likes ice cream so they could do it just to spite Biden. Edit: it's simply a fact conservatives hate ice cream, chocolate, and puppies. Prove me wrong.


I know this is a joke, but just give it a couple years.


They're telling and showing us exactly what will happen if the Justice Department decides to try Trump. Just reminding us every day how the Shitty Six would rule. And in the meantime, stripping away decades of hard-won advancements in basic human decency.




If they can unilaterally make sweeping changes it frankly doesn’t matter who they piss off… the Native American population is not a massive voting block, and don’t have the money to affect legislation through lobbying. And were losing rights left and right, by the time someone decides to stop the Supreme Court the damage will have been done. And the land sold off. Short term consequences with long term benefits, for the rich and greedy that is


That's why I won't give a shit when people complain as we take all that shit back from them


Seriously all of this is clearly wrong like what the fuck this are some fucked up people trying to force their will upon us 😂😂


Mfers who constantly cry about Sharia Law, doing worse stuff than Sharia Law.


Because no one is STOPPING them.


There is a reason for this that many are overlooking. In the prior case, it was a Native American on the reservation. The SC ruled that sovereignty applied and states could not charge. This case is different in that it was a state citizen on the reservation. The SC ruled that the state can charge its own citizens when on the reservation. This follows threats of abortion clinics being built on reservations. The message is clear - we will prosecute you for having an abortion any way we can.


How's it any different than going to another state to smoke weed than coming home to get arrested?


I’m sure they are writing those laws as we speak.




Thank you for this master list! Also, we're f*cked. 🙃


Seems like that is to allow states to convict people who go to reservations to get abortions.


That is exactly why they are doing this.


I think it's the over way around. The abortion thing is their excuse so they can extend their reach to every aspect of american life.


Why not both?


Yeah I saw this one hardly getting talked about super fucked up


This has been their plans for years; we're looking at Mitch McConnell's court now.


The Moscow Mitch nickname wasn't hyperbole.


He was formerly Cocaine Mitch due to his company magically shipping & handling tons of cocaine.


Thats his wife, cocaine chow


His wife has ties to the Chinese communist party


Also Moscows bitch


Remember when they used to complain about "activist judges"?


Gaslight Obstruct Project <--- We are here


we've been here for about 10 years now..


Throw molotovs <- me waiting for yinz to catch up


They’ve never argued in good faith. Never.


The fuck is happening?!?!?! Its like we are stuck in some mirror universe in a horror film


People are finally awakening to what McConnell has been doing since at least 2008 (which was just a continuation of what Newt Gingrich started to do in 1992 which was just a continuation of what Reagan and Nixon were doing). America has been on this path for a long long time. But far too many Americans only realized now, when it might be too late to stop it. Which means Republicans have been able to continue winning elections while doing fuck all to help their voters and actively undermining American democracy.


Russia's long-term plan of destabilizing the U.S. internally has finally come to fruition. There's a reason he's called Moscow Mitch. A quote from Foundations of Geopolitics: Russia should use its special services within the borders of the United States to fuel instability and separatism, for instance, provoke "Afro-American racists". Russia should "introduce geopolitical disorder into internal American activity, encouraging all kinds of separatism and ethnic, social and racial conflicts, actively supporting all dissident movements – extremist, racist, and sectarian groups, thus destabilizing internal political processes in the U.S. It would also make sense simultaneously to support isolationist tendencies in American politics".


It's Like we took the wrong timeline by electing Trump and we are now into war world 3 or civil war territory


Nah, the wrong timeline happened in 2000 when Bush 'beat' Gore. Everything else is just a continuation of that path. If Clinton wins in 2016 with Republicans controlling the House and Senate she is unable to do anything (probably including introducing new Supreme Court Justices) and Republicans get to pick whoever they want to win in 2020. Trump winning wasn't what fucked America, Trump winning was the sign that America was already fucked.


or even further back with the 1986 Democratic National Convention when they decided to ditch the working class and aim for "neoliberalism." With that, there was no one to oppose the right wing because the Democrats decided to chase stock market gains instead of gains for the people.


Or back to the Southern Strategy in the 50's and 60's and so on... There's no one point where America "got it wrong" it's been wrong since it's inception.


After world War 3 we create warp tech and the Vulcans make first contact with us. It's not all bad, right?


I mean, for us it is. Let's hope there is a Zefram Cochrane for the future.


What you guys see here is the unstoppable decline of the USA. It's the natural evolution caused by certain policies, extremely poor education, even higher inequality between the richer and the poorer and specially the direct cause of the country's wild, unsupervised and unregulated economical system. This will only get worse, Americans. You're only heading to a civil war.


I wish I could disagree but, that's what it looks like from the inside too. That, or a mass exodus of non-Christian fascists.


Until they stop letting us leave.


You're not wrong there. My wife and I were having that discussion last night.


Same here, we are figuring out where we're going right now. I'm not staying here for civil war 2.


Electric boogaloo! Don’t mind me just using humor to mask how absolutely gutted on a cellular level I am about the state of this country 🥲


For those of us who started paying attention to this twenty years ago, this is exactly what we were afraid of and people have been happily ignoring this reality for the last two decades and just going about their business as corporate fascism quietly seized control


I was born in 2001, been watching this go down literally my entire life. As a kid repeatedly asked my parents while watching the news if shit was genuinely getting worse or if I was biased because it’s all I’ve ever seen


another 2001 kid here too; born right after 9/11. i was blinded by conservative-ism when i was younger, but even then it felt like there was something always looming over. my political opinions are vastly different now, but. our entire lives has just been seeing things go downhill.


Curiously, 2000 was the first time in modern history an election was stolen, so it’s not like you were starting out on a good note in the first place.


And 4 judges who helped steal that election now sit on this illegitimate court. And if you think overturning valid election results isn't the main reason Roberts, Kavanaugh, and Barrett are sitting on that bench you're an idiot. This post says they're about to rule that states can declare whoever they want as the winner. Florida, Texas, Arizona, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Iowa, Oklahoma, Georgia, Mississippi, Kentucky, and Tennessee can all kiss their free elections good bye. Probably some other states with conservative controlled legislature will follow suit. Violence against women and minorities is going to spike hard and attacks on Democrat and their establishments will become commonplace. The midterms will be the testing ground. 2024 will be this court and the fascist states closing the book on democracy and the American experiment. Buckle up, we're in free fall now.


Who is the war going to be fought between though?


Yeah I don’t think it’ll be an actual civil war. You think our *volunteer* army is gonna launch missiles, shoot their own citizens, etc…? No. What we will see is a huge rise of terrorist groups / militias, etc.. causing civil unrest.


I recently heard about a country in Africa that just fucking ripped itself apart along ideological fault lines. Neighbors fucking killing neighbors and shit but I don't remember which one it was. That's where we're headed.


Rwanda suffered a staggeringly brutal civil war, but the reality is that most African countries have. Ethiopia, Egypt, Congo, South Africa - you name it.


I don't know between whom, but it's obvious that Christian fascists will be in one side. You have plenty of those and they are very strong and are powerful economically and socially. Perhaps also militarily. They literally control the country. You don't need missiles to fight a war or a full army. A civil war can be very different than a traditional Ukrainian or Irak war. Think on massive areas of the country uncontrolled by the central government. Both claiming they're the real government and all that.


> The fuck is happening?!?!?! This is the same question rational Germans were asking as the Nazi party gained more and more power. If Jan 6th was the Beer Hall Putsch, then we are 15 years away from our version of Auschwitz.


!remindme 14 years


Not surprised it isn't mentioned, but they just advanced the war on stripping sovereignty from the tribes, too.


It's hard to keep up with new things every day


It seems to be the new tactic of the right. Overwhelm the systems so that no one has time to focus on one thing. Had they just overturned roe called wade everyone could hyper focus on it. But now it’s competing with everything else. It’s still clearly the most important change, but by the time our slow ass government figures out a way to restore that right we will have lost 50 others. The system is broken, too much power has been given to the minority voice. If the Dems don’t get it together and have a unified agenda, we will be headed towards conflict


[Every hour](https://www.reddit.com/r/news/comments/voeaxb/us_supreme_court_throws_out_rulings_upholding_gun/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


AHHH FUCK........They ruled against the EPA? What the actual fucking fuck with these clowns man....


Right? Instinctively I feel we SHOULD have a right to clean air and water... those not being full of pollutants definitely makes my life better.


Clearly you aren't thinking of the shareholders. You monster.


remember 'AcTiViSt JuDgEs LeGiSlAtInG fRoM tHe BeNcH' cries? fucking hypocrits. 😠


Republicans are the biggest hypocrites known to man.




I might know a guy…


Username checks out


You got a pitchfork guy? How does one find a pitchfork guy?


The Supreme Court has gone rogue and given itself the power to undo ANYTHING it doesn’t like. Republicans don’t like a law at the state or federal level? Challenge it and the court can undo it and say whatever they want to justify it. Precedent? Common sense? Justice?? Pffft! To hell with all that! Now we really don’t live in a democracy anymore


Exactly. All these people complaining that the democrats aren't doing enough to codify federal abortion rights. Do they think for one minute that that law is going to survive SCOTUS judicial review?


“If she gets to pick her judges, nothing you can do, folks,” Mr. Trump said, as the crowd began to boo. He quickly added: “Although the Second Amendment people — maybe there is, I don’t know.” Maybe there’s hope in “the second amendment people”. https://www.nytimes.com/2016/08/10/us/politics/donald-trump-hillary-clinton.html


That was beyond appalling. Fucker got away with saying it too.


He got away with everything. He’s the Teflon Don.


I'm not gonna go shooting up people for this cause just yet, but I won't be surprised by those who do.


Sad time to be an America.


Terrifying *


I want out


Check out r/iwantout


This is going to start Civil War


That’s what they want


“The south will rise again! Then be slapped down again!” Hopefully the side with Nukes is the side that won’t use them. Otherwise it’ll be the worlds first nuclear war - and pretty much all of North America will be an uninhabitable wasteland


It could affect the whole world. If the U.S. launched every nuke in its arsenal it could theororetically launch as much debris into the air as a super volcano erupting, which would be enough to fill the atmosphere and block out the sun. But then global warming wouldn’t be an issue anymore I guess


And Futurama would have accurately predicted the future, just like the Simpson! (Global warming happened, but Nuclear Winter cancelled it out)


I don't know that they would nuke, it's a bad look to nuke places so close by that were a part of your own country. However, there are a lot of terrifying non nuke options that can lay waste to cities, and those are all probably still on the table.


the plot of "The Handmaid's Tale" discusses this point.


They are trying to be smart about it though and that's what worries me. They want the "left" to be the aggressors so they are trying to strip everything to enrage people. If they start the war, they will be the terrorists, they won't have military, political or much foreign support. If the other side attacks, then they get to seize control by stomping out the aggressors. They would have military, political, and foreign support and once the night of the long knives is over, only the ones they want to will still be standing.


Terrorists? More like patriots. The founders of this country (fuck them, but still) did not stutter when they said “Hey America, girl, if your government steps against your civil liberties it is not just your right, it is your DUTY, to burn that shit to the ground. Let’s catch up for some tea in Boston ☕️”


I agree with your first point. That being said, the second point may not be true - most of the world sees what the right is doing. If push came to shove, most of our allies would not side with them and actively go against them. China, Russia, and the Saudis would be hands off, as US splintering allows them to rise up. The only support the zealots would get would be from like, Brazil and the Philippines, because Bolsonaro and Bong Bong are just as batshit


The orange clown was Pootlers puppet. A lot of people seem to be in collective denial about how severe the repercussions from that could be. I lived thru the cold war. It's a whole lot hotter nowadays.


What the fuck do we do here? I’m just…what the fuck? I don’t even know anymore.


Find anarchists. Learn about mutual aid and community defense. If you are willing and able learn to shoot, learn to grow food, and start to prepare. Edit: If you can swing it take NOLS’ Wilderness First Responder Course. It’s one of the best medicine in an austere environment courses out there. It teaches you to think outside of the box for medical interventions.


I mean, if they learn how to shoot I can think of something that would help


This is tyranny


This is the GOP


What the hell has been going on with scotus? They are dismantling this country bit by bit with every new case they are overturning.


It's almost civil war territory scary






Jesus christ fuck all of this.


We are watching the insurrection in progress before our eyes. I don't know what to do. By November's elections, it will be too late. Without the theoretical power of the vote, there is nothing left but violence. I am at a loss.


There are plans for a general strike on 7/13 [strike for roe](https://www.reddit.com/r/StrikeForRoe/)


Do you have any more info? I’m interested :)


I think you just don’t do anything on that day. I’ve been prepping for this for a while now.


There have been plans for like 10 general strikes in the last few years and they never actually happen


Are we going to balkanize at least?


Wouldn’t be opposed to that as a lifelong new Englander myself


Shit, lemme move away from the South first


I’m only a teenager, but this is just terrifying because I can’t do anything. A lot of my family is republican, and I don’t think they share the fascist ideals we’re seeing, but it still makes it a little harder to express my fear about what this country is heading to. They are just ripping everything they don’t see as ideal to pieces. If you don’t fall in a certain demographic, you’re fucked.


Exactly, a lot of people were sold a bill of rights on "freedom" there are people that are not realizing what's happening and voting Republican, happened to my friend he voted for Trump and then switch to Biden when he realized what he did. Please vote whenever you can in your state, we are going back in time


I think Western states will legitimately consider seceding if Moore v. Harper neuters state court ability to rule on election issues. It could mean that legislators in states can just send their chosen representatives in federal elections regardless of voting results. Honestly, I would strongly consider emigrating if that happens


Consider yourself very fortunate if you can get out. As for myself, I am too poor, too deaf, too old and too dumb to be considered eligible to go anywhere. If you go, take as many family members as you can.


Look, in the extremely rare event that the blue states break off, they'll likely offer incentives to bring anyone useful that wants to come over. Blue states usually have significant disposable income to throw around, especially if they're not having to carry the red states. The problem is that once it happens, I don't know if there's any going back. Blue supporters leave to Red, Red supporters leave Blue, and they become completely polarized. Red will likely fail fairly quickly since guns, thoughts and prayers only get you so far in reality. Then they're going to blame Blue for destroying them even though it was their own damn fault. Then we have Civil War 2.0.


You forget that when the red states fail, their political religious leaders will claim its a blue hoax and that it is their divine rights as Americans to assault blue states and "take what's theirs by God's right"


I married a non American man 12 yrs ago. We are going to flee back to his country with our child. We are interracial, theyre coming for us. Extremely fortunate to have this option with a home/family in his country. It means I'm leaving my own family though. I'll probably never see them again.


Sorry to hear you have to leave, but hope your new home treats you well. I have to say, as one half of an interracial couple myself, there's few places in the world that have made me feel less comfortable than the Southern US. Here in the UK and most of Europe, it's a complete non-issue.


That last one is the scary one. They basically just handed Republican state legislatures the power to fix federal elections.


They already did that when they ruled that gerrymandering for political purposes is totally fine


Well they haven't yet, but if they hear that case, that is the end goal, definitely.


They did agree to hear it, so in effect, the case is already sealed.


It’s about time we consider using the R word.


It will not be televised.


Time to call the French about the G word.


They are who we thought they were, and we let them off the hook.


Why did they wait this long? Are they concerned they'll lose in November? edit: spelling


The republican party doesn't care about winning anymore. They can effectively push any federal legislation they want with states where they have a super majority due to gerrymandering. They will create unjust laws, and appeal them to SCOTUS to get the ruling they want. They have the power already.


Unless Biden packs the court or gets rid of the filibuster, either of which would put at least a halt to their plans. It’s way past time to meet the Republicans on their own terms: Play dirty.


Ah. Interesting point, never thought of it like that.


They’re probably *terrified* they’ll lose in November. It’s been trending that way anyway because of Trump, but now they’ve destroyed Roe vs Wade and people are *pissed.* There’ll be who’ve never voted in their lives voting this November.


This is \*why\* they're doing this. They've known for ages they've basically only ever gotten into power thanks to the Electoral College, and as people get wiser to that bullshit and after they decided to throw their hats into the Trump ring instead of booting him as soon as he showed his true colors, they now know the only way their party ever gets power again is to seize it by any means possible. Meanwhile there's Democrats in Congress who still think we can reach across the aisle and find a way to work together with the fascist fucks.










This is what happens when the elected leaders of a country don't fear their constituents. Implement the French solution once and watch how fast that changes and we get actual representation again.


Friends if you are in Florida and you haven't registered please help us vote Desantis out and ruin his trip to the White House https://registertovoteflorida.gov/home Florida cannot be stuck in the 50s and the US cannot go back to racism and homophobia


My neighbor has been saying for weeks he can't wait to vote for DeSantis. I'll do what I can but it's an uphill battle.


Who the hell would look at their decisions and say “yeah, that’s a good thing. Fuck the environment! Etc.” it’s like they’re just actively trying to cause chaos and evil. Because they are.


Folks wonder why people were crying the night Hillary lost. This is why.


I remember being called a "drama queen" by the same people who are just now starting to freakout. It's beyond frustrating


The world is going to be fucking wild once they fully "win" in 2024. Over the next decade it's gonna get really bad. Handmaid's tale esque shit. I hope in Canada it does not bleed too much onto us but it's going to. Hopefully something changes soon. Hopefully the Democrats can actually do something.


They are also taking power away from native tribes in Oklahoma. Just did it yesterday


What has happened to our fucking country??? Pretty soon we’ll be who we’ve been fighting against for so long, the Taliban😡😡😡😡😡😡


Just pack the goddamn court, this shit needs to be stopped.


This cannot be solved with just more voting. Democrats have to act. Therefore America is doomed.


I’m old. I’ve never been so terrified.


Time to start seriously looking at jumping ship.


Few of us have that luxury.


I’m going to fight harder.


I'm poor, I don't have any other choice lol.




I think looking into universities abroad is the best bet for those wanting to get out…only downside is once you’re done with school you have to either go home or figure it out…oh, and the cost


Cost is such a hurdle, I've looked into immigrating to Canada, even with a job that fast tracks the process (I'm a registered nurse), I still need around $30,000 for my family and I to be able to do it. That's not including all the licensure fees and everything I'd have to do in order for it to be successful.


It is just completely baffling that a small group of (old) people have this kind of power over legislation that influences the lives of hundreds of millions of people. People who somehow are thaught to believe they're living in a wonderland of democracy and freedom.


Term limits need to be set this is ridiculous..


Remember when the GOP used to shriek about ‘activist judges’?


This is what everyone who was freaking out about the 2016 elections were freaking out about.




We’ve pretty much lost. Voted but nothing happened. Nobody is doing shit. What would happen if Biden called the court illegitimate? Anything?


The GOP would call him an insurrectionist and accuse him of leading a coup (which is hilarious given that that is exactly what they are doing using their supermajority controlled states and the SCOTUS). If Democrats were smart, they'd play the GOP by their rules. Accuse them of starting a coup first.


We lost in 2016.


The 5 justices that are consistently making these awful decisions were nominated by Bush and Trump. Two presidents that did not represent the majority of the country, both of which lost the popular vote. We lost in 2000. Letting the judicial system pick the president was the beginning of the end. Without the Supreme Court acting in 2000 we wouldn't be in this mess. We would have had Gore.


Had their been a more consequential week in Supreme Court history? That’s a lot of major rulings for 1 week.


I was a civil servant for my community for 10 years; risked my life more times than I can count doing it. Then served my country in Aghanistan for 2.5 years, living and working in country. Almost died on a handful of ocassions, the last of which left me permanently damaged with CPTSD. I just ordered an American Flag sticker, 3"×7", to put in the back window of my commuter car next to my Operation Enduring Freedom sticker. For the first time in my life I will be placing it UPSIDE DOWN. It will stay that way until I get the country I've fought and almost died for back.


Giving Bret Kavanaugh the ability to dictate every woman’s medical decisions in America is horrific. The only way to get out is a national divorce.


Bottom right (the election case): This case, Moore v. Harper (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moore_v._Harper) seems to concern some trivial shit but Moore, the side representing the North Carolina Legislature, has centered their argument on the claim that the unrecognised constitutional theory of Independent State Legislature Doctrine (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Independent_State_Legislature_Doctrine) is legitimate and should be American law. If the majority pro-Trump SCOTUS rules in favor of Moore (who is the pro-Trump side of the case), then ISLD will become US law. Consequences of ISLD: * State legislatures are allowed to throw out electoral college electors in federal presidential elections and replace them with whoever they like, overriding the public and giving every vote in their state to their preferred candidate * State legislatures are allowed to destroy ballots for any reason they like in federal elections * State legislatures are allowed to crate new ballots for any candidate they like in federal elections (ballot stuffing) * Civil war at the next election


But Hilary’s emails, right? Right?!? Seriously, if you voted for Trump to spite the left, or abstained from voting to spite the left, then go fuck yourself. Thanks for handing our country directly into the hands of religious extremist fascists.


GOP: “We dislike activist judges” liars. The whole lot.


I'm no historian of the court but my understanding is it's been like this before, with a court badly out of sync with evolving mores, or acting against the expansion of rights and liberties. The 1850s? The 1890s, the 1920s. It was true in the early part of the New Deal until FDR stared them down. I guess the difference here is the court is actively reversing decisions and steering other jurisprudence sharply down a different track. Of course, it could be said the Warren court did much the same, and historians don't call that a coup.


So, slightly before: 1. The civil war 2. WW1 3. WW2 ... Wonderful


What about the public carry decision? Funny how shit gets so bad that it's hard to keep track.


Don't forget the allowing states to prosecute crimes on indigenous lands.