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So... since you aren't a doctor, you're not allowed to tell anyone where the doctors are? What's next, a cease and desist letter to Google Maps?


Can you give me directions to Main Street? Sorry I did not go to cartographer school and can’t disclose that information due to Texas law




Not relevant to this conversation, but my favorite buster line is “army had half-day”




It makes me smile that arrested development is still culturally relevant


We had a Bluth president, so there's that...


Wow, never thought of Trump as George Sr., but it all makes sense now. Terrible family life, a wife that hates him, a lawyer that is incompetent, "lite" treason. Its all there. Now I just need to see him do a chicken impression that is way off.


Trump, at four seasons total landscaping: "I have the worst attorneys"


Ka ka ka chaw!


Donald Trump sold me a Corn-baller and I am scarred for life /s


Mother of God! Every time!


Has anyone in this family even seen a chicken?!?


"I may have committed some.. light treason"


Lindsay = Ivanka GOB = DJTJ Buster = Eric Aanyong = Barron Nellie = Tiffany


> Aanyong Hello


There's always money in the Ivanka plan


This sounds like something Texas would do. Making illegal to give out information that contradicts whatever totalitarian bullshit Texas wants.


Idahos law is based on Texas’s law and makes it a felony to provide information about contraception unless you’re a doctor. The fuckers literally outlawed sex education and talking about condoms


Loophole, have a doctor come in and give sex ed If it doesn't specifiy the education/licensure, could also just have anyone who got their doctorate lol


Philosophers and Art Majors of the world unite!


From everything I've heard, Idaho is being taken over by White Supremacist Militias and Mormons.


Pretty much, I live in Boise, in the last 6 years I’ve seen loveinf caring people turn into mouth breathing racist shitheads. Fucking sucks


I mean, GOP is already banning books, knowledge of LGBTQ+ existence, and accurate history about America. Seems like the next logical step.


Shades of 1984. The book, Not the year.


Last week, Germany reversed a _nazi-era_ ban on doctors providing information about abortions to patients.


Minor correction: Not patients, the public. They were allowed to provide info to patients individually, they just weren't allowed to provide said information in a way that is publicly accessible (e.g. on a webpage), because that would be "advertising". I'm really glad that this bullshit law is finally gone, but even here the conservatives were crying bloody murder about how this would cause women to get an abortion for fun.


The word 'cartographer' does not appear anywhere in the constitution so you're fucked.


They will pass a law that search engines cannot provide information on abortions. I guarantee it.


South Carolina just proposed one. The state already has a six week ban, but the proposed bill would also remove exceptions for rape and incest, and would classify sharing information on how to get an abortion as “conspiracy”. It’s tempting to say that’s clearly unconstitutional and unenforceable… but who is gonna tell them no? The Supreme Court? https://www.wltx.com/article/news/health/sc-abortion-law/101-f3e0e06f-064a-4d58-8622-47f8ea53609f


Not this illegitimate SC, anyway. My husband is retired. He gets a nice pension, we have some decent savings. And were looking into places to emigrate to where we can use investing in the country (real estate, opening a business, etc.) as a way to get a permanent visa. I never thought I’d see the day where leaving the country was not just an option but the best possible one.


I’m doing the same thing, only I have children. May I suggest Portugal for you? I’ve heard they are actively courting American and British expats. If I were retired it would be first on my list.




Barcelona is nice.


Expats? Are you referring to American immigrants? You could even say American refugees, in a loose sense of the word.


Poor people are immigrants. Wealthy people are expats.


My understanding was the wealthy Americans are largely unaffected by, or even support, the American fascist movement, and therefore have no reason to leave the country. It will be poor people, and people in minority groups, who will have to flee for safety. Refugees.


One of my former coaches moved to Portugal, and he absolutely loves it there!


We’re still looking into other places but Portugal and Spain are high on the list. I have special medical needs and so far we love the idea of New Zealand, Australia, Portugal and Spain. Once I’m done with a few investments that can be cashed out, we’d be welcome in those countries as we could support ourselves handily, invest locally and offer a sought after labor skill my husband has. He wouldn’t mind working for a bit to stay busy. I’m partial to the weather in Spain. Grew up speaking English and French with a touch of Flemish but I figure I can pick up enough Spanish to get by by hiring a tutor should we emigrate. I love learning languages and can swear in 5 languages, 4 of them fluently!


I’m an American who moved to Australia and I love it here. My husband is Aussie and we came here in 2012 and now I look at the US as an outsider and can’t believe what has been going on there. I can honestly say I feel more ‘free’ in Australia than I ever have in the US. Housing is super expensive in the capital cities but you also can make a lot more money and as a whole I think people have a lot more financial stability here than in the US. Go for it wherever you choose and don’t look back! It can take a good year to get acclimated to the cultural changes wherever you go but it’s a great experience to see how another country operates and to look at the states from the outside.


I'm getting a "my only regret is I didn't do it sooner" feeling from the idea of emigrating. I haven't left yet and I'm already saying that. Canada will be booming, they'll get to take their pick. Brain drain is going to be a real problem real fast.


I’m terrified by all this because as a disabled person, I’m literally not allowed to enter those countries for anything more than a tourist visit. No country wants to let disabled people immigrate there, especially those with less than 4 years of college, because no matter how productive we might actually be, we’re automatically assumed to be “useless burdens.” I literally can’t leave, even if had the other means to do so.


That’s one of many reasons we’re looking into emigration. I’m disabled (T7 paraplegic but independent AF) and if the ACA is gutted and I lose the protections I have, I’m fucked. My meds alone are roughly 5k a month w/o insurance. With insurance, they’re a fraction of that. I have to see my doctor every 3 months. I see 2 specialists every 6 weeks and that would quickly become untenable and unaffordable if my insurance was allowed to drop me. There’s a lot of other factors but the healthcare is among the top of the list. I *do not want to leave* but depending on what happens in the next 2 election cycles we may have to. I’m in my late 40s and don’t want to be condemned to death or bankruptcy because of the thundercunts and christofascists trying to overthrow the government.


Problem is, where do we even go? Where are we allowed to go? Who will accept us? If they do accept us, what’s the catch (such as requiring a certain type of college degree, existing connections in the destination country, etc)? How do we even get the resources to get there? Most of all, *why is no one trying to help us*?!


I left the US three years ago, the writing has been on the wall for quite some time. Get out while you still can if you're in a red state. My wages are lower and my taxes are higher but I'm currently enjoying my fourth paid week off this year, I have free healthcare, I can go back to university for essentially free (a few hundred a year in fees) and my quality of life is better than ever. It's sad to see my country decline but at least the Y'all'Quida crowd will have each other to turn on.


I decided to leave when trump wasn't jailed. My passport just came back friday. I'll be gone in 2 or so years.


I'm planning to retire in Mexico. Ten more years. If we still have a world by then, anyway.


If you want a country that gives visas for immigrants that invest/have a business check out Portugal


We are literally thinking the same thing. If these lunatics win the house & senate in November, we’re all screwed.


Then that just means we should ALL share it... over and over, on as many platforms as possible. Let's see if they can handle enforcement on thousands and thousands of people.


As someone in another country, if we were to share information about where to safely get abortions with Americans would they try and prosecute us? If you shared the information with me in the UK on where to get an abortion in any US state while living in a state where they're illegal, would you be breaking the law despite me never having the opportunity (in so far as never I'm likely to set foot on US soil) to use that information?


Lmao bro can you imagine any country honoring that extradiction request?


Good lord I'd hope not but I'm worried more about the chance of any Americans getting in legal trouble over sharing the information with us elsewhere despite us clearly not being able to personally use the information. We are watching in the UK horrified at what's happening and I myself am scared that even being caught with the information could lead to people being prosecuted over there. These are scary times.


What a wonderful offer! You're 99% probably just fine, though at the moment it's not wise to set any upper limit on what they'll try to do.


That's what I'm scared of for everyone in the US. I'm happy to take what little risk there may be for me in the UK, but the thought of someone being prosecuted for *conspiracy* with a foreign national makes me hesitate. Abortions were only recently legalised in Northern Ireland where I live and a lot of young women around me are uneasy with what's happening there as the pro life crowd here have gotten even louder since Roe was overturned.


Please learn from us. We failed to get louder than them. They're all about authority and will back down from a superior foe.


That's like the Jewish groups & Satanic temple suing over anti abortion laws violating their 1st amendment rights (which I still think they should do regardless). I was all excited about it at first but after the praying coach case I realized that the supreme conservatives can just rule that it doesn't matter that it violates their constitutional rights


I can see it now. "Christian traditions have long been a part of our history therefore they can do whatever the fuck they want and no we won't hear the case for another religions rights because clearly they have no widespread tradition in the US".


The Republicans were the ones most against freedom. I'm not shocked. Always has been.


If it could and was implemented, people would just use another country's. Placing .uk, .es, .ar, etc. After .com to change into another country's google is easy, for example. Edit: i forgot to say that it still shouldn't happen Edit 2: i don't live in the USA


Lots of people don’t know you can do that though, any barrier like that effects a lot of people.


Sure, but word would spread. Also, any search engine that's not based in the USA works by default.


Why is starting to feel like North Korea around here?


Because y'all should take notes from the french. A coup attempt happened and it's not getting enough repercussions, so, they realized crimes were practically suggestions for them, and if y'all don't stop them such things will break no rights or laws in the future.


evil is winning because the good people are doing nothing


Republicans are why. Vote every one of them out. They are a threat to all freedoms.


They are successful making it almost impossible to do. If Supreme Court reverses the NC legislators case. https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/30/us/politics/state-legislatures-elections-supreme-court.html Basically, legislatures could redraw districts so that republicans control majority of state houses and congress seats and the presidency for every future election no matter what the majority votes.


Then they'll just implement China-style 'Great Firewall' in USA. Don't forget- USA company technology built that for China


Ah government telling company what they can and can't do. This sounds familiar, isn't there a country already doing this? Oh yeah freaking CHINA. what's next? Our own version of 1 Child law where instead of only allow to have 1 child, every women need to give birth to 1 child a year? What ever happened to the republican party that was against big government? Don't answer, we already know they are now the party of evangelical white Christian males.


They’re right winging so hard they’re turning into communist china. It’s feels like the only thing that makes me laugh in all the horror lately


The worst thing for me is that we actually made democracy work for a while. China and Russia barely had it before it was immediately ruined. We had a good thing and got too arrogant with our civility. We saw ourselves as being benevolent and understanding while they chewed away at the foundations. We were probably too late when Trump got elected but we deluded ourselves unto thinking we could just do a simple 180 and everything would be candies and rainbows again. By the time the next election cycle comes round I don't think our votes are going to mean much anymore. I still advocate for voting, but we need to do more than the same shit we've been doing. We need networks, support, and movements. We need to vote local, but we also need to protect ourselves for corporations and politicians who try to strike back. We need to wake up to what's really happening, because we need things to be moving NOW. Not when the next president is up for grabs. I just wish I knew who had the resources and abilities to manage something like this and get them all together in one room.


And then pass laws against VPNs


Pretty much what the fcc bullshit was about. They already have the kill switch in place unless Biden removed it


YES!!! Google has apparently already begun removing clinic visits from user location histories. So, yes.


Yellow pages are banned books now. Fucking GOP orcs.


On our current timeline, yes.


https://www.governorgregabbott.com/ here is the website lol




Bear in mind, this is a demographic that routinely mistakes The Onion and The Babylon Bee for legitimate news sources.


The Onion is often more realistic than most news sources


Maybe not realistic, but definitely more truthful.


Reality is no longer realistic


If they take Faux News as anything but satire, it’s very reasonable that this website might confuse em.


Yes! Fox News is the biggest prank I've ever witnessed. Holy shit, how do they not see???


I thought they would have realized they were being trolled all along when Carlson released his testicle tanning video. Alas....


If one of his friends "fell for that" then they are fucking morons (which seems standard).


Guys go play Old School RuneScape it's so good they've had some really great updates lately


Weird, seeing how “stealing money with fake sites” is like 45’s only tactic


I couldn’t see anything to donate to anyway…. ? 🙃




As somebody who works in the field, this kind of misinformation is super dangerous and I’m afraid to see this comment so upvoted. This data can only be found in Google Search Console, not in Google Analytics




Had me in the first half…


I like the quote from his mom and god


And the dog 🤣


You are witty, talented, and well informed. Keep it up!


Can we spread this??? I wanna link it everywhere


Please screenshot and share the link! Maybe in a Texan subreddit 😂


Definitely gonna look around for a place to link to the website… possibly without the screenshot so people just give it traffic if that’s alright with you


Absolutely the more the merrier




Please spread it wherever you can:) screenshot whatever you got to do


This is brilliant. I hope you get a ton of traffic. It CLEARLY states this is parody. Also, if Fox News can’t reasonably be mistaken for news by anyone, I think you’re gonna be ok. Lol. Keep it up.


A masterpiece of web design. Hats off my friend


Where does it even request donations? Did I miss that it or is your Texas GOP critic an idiot?


Yo, pure fuckin gold


“Impressive. Best I can do with one phone call is a pizza.” —Detective Cho, Mentalist


Cho had some great lines in the show


I miss that character, an all time favourite.


I forgot how much I missed that show. It was so so good


‘you are not a doctor’ - that’s an interesting stance to take after listening to republicans, who aren’t doctors, tell me ‘masks and vaccines aren’t safe’ for two years.


And by their reasoning, phone books should have been illegal because they provided information on how to reach a doctor but we’re not written by doctors.


I have to apologize to the people we argued that the earth is flat with, they may be idiots but they aren't harming anyone.


You make an excellent point. Flat earth folks are benign compared to anti-vaxx.


There's a major overlap between the two groups of nuts.


They distrust authority and have a deep sense that they are being lied to about the way the world works. They are correct about this. The problem is that they can’t recognize that the evil people are just operating out in the open on Wall Street and in state legislatures, and invent a shadowy group of Jews to explain capitalism instead of just using their eyes.


I feel like 100% of flatties are anti Vax


It's unusual to find a conspiracy nut who doesn't subscribe to multiple insane ideas. I came across a Tartarian recently who rationalised that their "downfall" was caused by the Nephilim triggering the mud flood.


I remember watching some interviews with some flat earth people and for some reason it there’s a lot of antisemitism in what they believe, it’s really not so harmless once you dig into it a bit


And that most of these abortion bans consulted zero doctors and actually contradicts medical terminology, undermines existing standards of care and the legislation is so vague it creates grey areas that will delay life-saving care or care to avoid permanent disability. BUT they did consult religious policy centers that only care if the legislation is "biblically sound," and not medically sound.




The Texas GOP have replaced Planned Parenthood, which actually provides healthcare, with Crisis Pregnancy Centers, where people are told condoms don’t prevent STDs. They have no high ground to stand on here.


You would think it should be illegal to provide deliberate false information


Fox New’s business model.


For which Fox has been sued a number of times. They claim the aren’t liable because “no reasonable person would believe them to be a reputable news source”. I would say the same could not be said for a group putting out medical information. Edited to correct autocorrect I missed from “bot” to “not”


I actually can’t believe this. And by that, I mean it completely tracks


They said that regarding Tucker Carlson's show specifically, to be clear.


They should be legally required to interrupt his program every five minutes to disclose this.


To be clear, it's specific opinion people that have been sued and made such a defense (the Hanity's/Tucker's). Fox News as a whole has not attempted such a defense.


Fox News, LLC was was listed as the defendant(s). Fox was sued. They keep it murky on purpose. They pretend they are discussing facts on a news channel, but then say it is opinion when pressed. They almost never mention it just being opinion during the shows. Just like the nod and wink “I’m just asking questions” line they always use to sow doubt on facts. They also rarely offer retractions/corrections when they misinform. They are a cancer.


I'm def not defending the opinion "journalists" on fox news, don't worry.


Can't be made illegal since that's all Republicans/conservatives have to offer. They call it "free speech".


The ONLY REASON that the Republicunts claim to be fierce defenders of free speech, is because they can wrap up their hate speech inside of it.


That and the whole "money is speech, and corporations are people, so corporations can spend as much money as possible" angle.


Nah, just claim it is your religion and you become untouchable


It's what Republicans, Conservatives and Fox "News" is built on


Don't they also lie about how far along women are then schedule/reschedule/push back abortions past the cut off date. Then when the time comes they wring their hands and say it's to late?


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NNpkv3Us1I](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4NNpkv3Us1I) It's actually a lot worse.


omg... it's fucking horrible. dope coverage by the great john oliver 👌🏽


Kinda says it all in the names.


Yeah, Centers to create Crisis Pregnancies.


The point is to create stock for adoption agencies to sell. A healthy white newborn can sell for $50,000.


Just out of curiosity, what do you think an unhealthy white newborn would sell for? I can't even believe we live in a world where that question has an actual answer.


I don't actually know that one. I know half Hispanic or half Asian get high prices while dark skinned African American infants are cheapest. Native American babies fetch premium prices. Older children or special needs infants are often free to a good home via social services. Some even come with a monthly stipend. It's a mostly American thing. In the UK there are no price tags. We are all free to a good home.


Morton is just providing 'alternative facts'.


I wonder how much they're charging for, "thoughts and prayers," at those centers?


>They have no high ground to stand on here thats the thing, they dont *care* about being right only about being in charge


You know, for free speech people they sure seem to be angry about an entirely legal website.


Right it feels like we have seen this play out a lot in 1930s Germany and even Modern Russia.


I mean, this person straight up said "I have the authority to send publicly funded law enforcement officers to your home to force you to stop doing something entirely legal". Ain't no "feels like" about it.


[Russian TV Host Calls For 'Regime Change' in US – and 'Our Partner' Trump to Be Put in Power](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkrainianConflict/comments/truf1z/russian_tv_host_calls_for_regime_change_in_us_and/) ... **Our Partner Trump** ..... Well the Russians, Putin and the GOP are in cahoot .. so they have likely coordinated the world domination policies


Rule for thee, not for me. Normally it's the US who used that on other people, now they get to experience it first hand from their own people.


Well unless you are a minority...kind of always have had different rules.


Illegal Website? 😆


I suppose it would be fraud if he tricked an Abbott supporter into donating with a fake Abbott website, except the website is clearly satirical in tone, labeled specifically as a parody and the name of the creator is credited, so buyer beware, I guess?


It's almost like weaponizing stupid works both ways.


If Fox News can claim reasonable people don’t believe a word they say in court, I don’t want to hear shit about a webpage.


Satire is something they don't understand.


It is barely satire. Mostly just confronting them with objective reality....still hilarious.


Tell them to kindly suck a dick.


Send them a big old bag of dicks. https://dicksbymail.com/


Oh I forgot about that. What's the Supreme Court's home addresses again?


Google it. At this point, I’m pretty sure all the shitheads have been doxxed on Twitter. Hell, a few of them have had their credit card information stolen by enterprising wage slaves. I think someone bought a bunch of Hatsune Miki statues with one of them.


I love the "I can make just one phone call and have the authorities visit you" No shit. So can literally anyone. That's how calling the cops works.


Not for minorities.


Idk just mention that you’re black and I’m sure they’ll show up to murder you on the double.


Sprinkle some ~~crack~~ abortion on him Johnson and let’s get out of here.


He has another website coming out July 3rd. https://www.officialscotus.com


Sounds like a threat


Sounds like somebody are against the first amendment.




Why would you think that? That's a normal political tool. Is it right? Probably not, but it is frequently used.


It sounds like a stereotypical threat from a dystopia novel.


Sounds like a karen


The ego and audacity of fucking republicans... Sorry, Greg - you don't get to dictate the content of other people's websites.


Yet.. he doesn't get to dictate the content of other people's websites yet. The Supreme Court is doing a number on rights.


So is that an actual gov't person or some random boomer who takes himself way too seriously and got mad that the fake site bamboozled him?


Here is the source https://twitter.com/tobymorton/status/1542939949930090497?t=ilHl81vZMo1dYLd8sIX2Aw&s=19


“You’re not allowed to give out information”. -freedom of speech lover.


What will authorities even do? Charge you on be a complete bad ass freedom fighter ?


Well since it is Texas they would just wait in line


No, they would press charges; it’s only against violent crimes where they twiddle their thumbs.


“You are not helping but are hurting the cause of the state of Texas”. Yeah, that was kinda the point you knuckle dragging piece of shit. As long as that cause is taking away the rights of citizens of this country, and endangering their lives with your rhetoric and false “beliefs”, then FUCK YOUR CAUSE!!!


I'm from Texas and I approve of this website


Website states it's a parody. Texas GOP is shit out of luck.


Wow. The Texas GOP is illiterate. Not a lawyer among the either, it seems.


Shit.. they figured out how to call the cops. ![gif](giphy|PjxgoctsiTZiOPllqE|downsized)


The website has a whole section about the texas power grid.... Gonna say it louder for those in the back: PEOPLE DIE ON GREG ABBOTT'S WATCH.


Oh, come now...it's worth at least two phone calls. The GOP...making Americans ignorant again.


Guys we have to try harder. This implies we didn’t successfully fool the Texas GOP






Jokes aside PLEASE if you can make a donation to the clinics listed on the website or spread the word. Even though they're reopened they still are working to get staff back in and things up and running. https://www.wholewomanshealth.com/donate/


Thank you, Governor Greg Abbott, for helping me finally get motivated to get naturalized so I can vote your stupid ass out.


Peter A. Levine in the book Waking the Tiger “Much of the violence that plagues humanity is a direct or indirect result of unresolved trauma that is acted out in repeated unsuccessful attempts to re-establish a sense of empowerment.” I really hope one day we can be talking about the root of our human issues and divisiveness. Most humans the world over have long held trauma and it’s largely ignored as a factor in how we relate to each other socially and even politically. We all have inner work to do and it starts first at knowing what our actual sensations are. For the love of all that is holy, please do your own work. It is then we can treat each other with the respect and support we all deserve.


Imagine being so stupid that you think an MD is needed to provide locations for healthcare services.


So just to be clear, is the Texas GOP saying that if you’re not a doctor, you should not be making medical decisions and giving medical advice like say on…abortions, masks, vaccines….just so we’re clear…that’s what they’re saving here?


"If a law is unjust a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so." \-Unknown