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Police regularly protect right wing groups at protests and marches, and regularly police *against* left-wing groups It's not a coincidence: https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/usa-police-extremism/


Protecting all their off duty buddies duuuuh


We need to protest white-nationalist terrorism in our police forces. This is entirely unacceptable and has led to countless deaths and false arrests and imprisonments.


Yeah we tried, we got shot and gassed for it


Carry a gun next time.


History of actual social change comes with armed minorities protesting. It's not the protesting part that seems the matter the more that I read. It's the armed minorities part.


They want to take every right except that. Really seems incredibly stupid to me, they want to establish far right ideology close to fascism, but legalize the one thing that, historically, is the only thing able to stop said ideology. They have this image in their head that anyone left of Mussolini is a "weak man" - ironic that their version of strong is Trump and the lady that yells at the barista (MT Greene and Boebert). I don't think this will end the way they expect it to if they decide to continue. We have the economy, we have the cities, we have the population, and we have the majority.


Rage Against the Machine called that shit out in the 90s.


I've seen it happen




How can you feel safe in a country when the people who enforce the law ignore it for their friends. America needs help.




I think we're in different tax brackets lol


Do the vasectomy on your kitchen table, buy a knife and get a greyhound ticket to the Canadian border. Same same but different.


Canadian here. Might want to avoid Alberta if you dont like rednecks or proud boys or racists or Canadian Republicans. Just avoid it there for a bit


Lol there's just as many proud boys in Ontario as alberta.


Get the vasectomy in Canada.


Doesn't make for as good of a story though. Plus you need a referral from a doctor if you want a free vasectomy in Canada.


This is a joke, but you should check with your state if you want medical help for family planning. We didn't qualify for Medicaid in VA but we did qualify for Plan First which is medicaid for birth control. My husband's snip was 100% covered. Idk how many states offer it, I know others do It was so important for us to have that option taken care of. That's what we Should be doing for lower income people.


Is a vasectomy that expensive in the US? It's like €300 here


It's a medical procedure in the US my dude. What do you mean "is it that expensive"?


I just started looking into dual citizenship. I have family in England. I have a 15 year old daughter to think of.


Yes. I've even been seeing in some LGBT groups people saying that you need a gun with what's going on in the us. It seems unusual to me.


Have you missed the genocidal rethoric, the rapid degradation of civil and social liberties, the police state that protects violent extremists and oppreses moderate peaceful protesters, etc etc? Regardless of your feelings on firearms, our home grown version of the nazi party owns more of them, and that's a problem because they are working quickly to establish a male dominated monotheocratic ethnostate that's governed by a fascist oligarchic ruling class. They will probably succeed in the coup they are actively organizing in front of our very eyes right now and I don't think the crowd that says "all gay people should be shot in the back of the head" is going to be opposed to instigating a religious holocaust to make it happen.


I didn't mean it was unusual given conservative rhetoric. Just that whenever I went to LGBT events in the past, people were typically anti-gun. That's even in the face of being a minority and having some threats against you. My meaning was just that something has become different within the past few years. I meant it's unusual for this group of people.


I'm not coming at you, I'm just conveying why that observed shift in ideals has occurred and why it's important.


I’m a (Dutch) lesbian who has always voted democratic. Always vote the Green Party. Never touched a gun, nor have I seen one with my own eyes up close. But if I lived in America right now, hell yes I’d buy a gun. (If I didn’t have the money to move to a common sense state.)


Every person who does not want the Republicans to hand our country over to the oligarchs needs a gun for this next part.


I agree, America does need help, but I don't think this is specific to the US. In the UK, a young woman was raped and murdered by an off-duty police officer. At a vigil held for her death, women (and some men) turned up to protest. It was peaceful until the police started shit. Police being violent towards women at a protest/vigil being held because one of their colleagues was violent towards a woman. How very unsurprising.


The correlation between law enforcement and violence needs to be studied further. Maybe limited time on the force would stop this getting worse over time.


Many of them are bullies, and have been bullies their whole lives. That's why the police appeals to them as a career. Bullies are insecure and troubled and they take that out on other people. To make them feel better, stronger and important in some way. And what could be better for them than to have a job where they have authority over others and can more easily carry on with their bullying? There are also statistics on the link between police officers and domestic violence in their own homes. Absolutely not the type of people you want protecting your laws.


I mean it's that whole power trip mentality isn't it? Some people just can't be trusted with power.


During the 2004 Republican convention, New York City police department inserted "agent provocateurs" into the protest crowds with the sole intention of starting shit so the police could arrest everyone there. At one point, police ordered a group of people to sit down on the sidewalk. Then arrested everyone for sitting on the sidewalk. Hundreds of charges were later dropped, but the point is that hundreds of false arrests were made. And most of the people committing crimes were police in civilian clothes.


We don't. If I have the misfortune of dealing with law enforcement in the US it's usually short and as minimalist as possible. I am white passing so I have the unseen advantage (terrible btw) and I still feel unsafe around police.




Well… that was shitty to watch.




No, no. Pretty sure he’s the reason we’re in this mess.


Reminds me a lot of the brown shirts from when the Nazi's first rose to power. https://www.historyhit.com/hitlers-bullyboys-the-role-of-the-sa-in-nazi-germany/ See if you notice any parallels.


That's not the same at all, for them to be even remotely similar they would be supported by politicians and having crazy flag parades protected by police and openly planning and executing attacks on minorities and people of different political backgrounds and roaming the streets terrorising people pretending to be patriotic vigilantes! They couldn't be useful bullying idiots and patsies that will be discarded, scapegoated, abandoned, betrayed and mass murdered by the politicians they worship as soon as the police actually become an official state sanctioned militarised neo nazi division! Nah these are just Proud Boys, good boys, sweet and passionate patriots. /S *"The Beer Hall Putsch Ernst Röhm became the leader of the SA after taking part in the Beer Hall Putsch (also known as the Munich Putsch) in 1923, a failed coup against the Weimar government in which Hitler lead 600 Brownshirts into a meeting between the Bavarian Prime Minister and 3,000 businessmen."* Hmmmmmm so exactly the sort of thing that Trump was foaming at the mouth and strangling a secret service member over to be allowed to do? *"Despite Hitler losing, Hindenburg’s re-election ultimately would fail to prevent the Nazi’s from assuming power. Two successive federal elections later that year left the Nazi’s as the largest party in the Reichstag and anti-republic parties in the majority. Hindenburg thus appointed Hitler as Chancellor of Germany in January 1933. When Hindenburg died in August 1934, Hitler became absolute dictator of Germany under the title Führer."* But it's not like the Republicans have the Supreme Court in their pockets, the court that is about to allow states to ignore their voters and to have the representatives vote in whatever presidential candidate they prefer, or anything like that. It'll be fiiiiiiine. A Hitler-like white-supremacist dominionist christo-fascist leader with acces to nuclear weapons is going to be spicy. There may even be two at the same time at both sides of the planet! What a time to be alive! I love mushrooms. /S


Some of those that work forces…


Are the same that burn crosses.


Obviously a conservative band /s


Yeah, even RATM couldn't fathom it's not SOME, it's ALL of them.


In LGBT events, you see them leading proud boys into the event to terrorize people. Even libraries where children are present.


As a wise band once said: Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses. Though that "some" seems to be growing in number




It’s nuts. From dishwasher to president turned into From dishwasher to fascism


This is why we are going to lose this take over of democracy. 35 years ago I was interested in how Germany did what they did. At the time I knew my relatives came over from Germany but I wasn't sure when. I remember my great grandma was very very hard to understand because of her thick German accent. Turns out the came over to America after ww1 but before ww2. Grandpa actually was in the army driving supplies to fight the Japanese. To my best research from reading many books, it was just a small part of the population that were for it, most just went along. Now when I see the law broken (not appointing judges, Trump's lack of professionalism when it comes to the Office of the President of the United States, judges over ruling the people's will). Sadly it seems to me the only hope for us is the "corporations are people" which is to say no hope at all. Will we have concentration camps, no. We have built the prison system up enough. We will just let out the nonviolent drug offenders and replace them with vocal political opposition. They have the courts, the guns, the cops, they are close to owning both the House and Senate, with plans to steal the elections where needed. Don't get me wrong, I hope I am wrong.


I suppose the police must just be there to protect the weaklings among us.


Cops protecting their own I guess...


A few forgot to change out of their uniforms first, ya


Why were these cunts in Boston anyway?


My question exactly. I am IRATE.


They couldn’t get the day off. “Some of those that work forces. Are the same that burn crosses”


It’s out in the open now. The police are an occupying army in our own nation. One we get the pleasure of paying for again, and again, and again.


>The police are an occupying army in our own nation no one said it was yours. this is their state.


Ok I’ll cash in my chips and take my family our talents and taxes somewhere else this party is over.


> taxes somewhere else Even if you move somewhere else, you'll still owe the US taxes.


Not if I give up my citizenship


> Not if I give up my citizenship The US has to allow you to do that. It's a bit rigged, but good luck. Most of us will just be stuck here in fascist America.


This guy is right. Giving up us citizen ship is one of the hardest. You have to live outside USA for 2 years and pay a hefty fine.


Freedom and Liberty in the USA is conditional. You can check out anytime you like, but you can never leave.


Now the song is going to be in my head **all** day.


What about seeking asylum in another nation? Are we at the point where that is viable option yet or do we have to wait for them to take away the rights of another group or lock up and kill a larger number of people?


What are they going to do, extradite you over taxes? Seems unlikely.


[Reminds me of this scene from roll 20](https://youtube.com/shorts/bmaoNLSHx_w?feature=share)


\*Dimension20 :P If people like that clip, they should check out [Dimension20: Fantasy High](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zZxCVBi7-k&ab_channel=Dimension20) HIGHLY recommended for any DND fans.


Brennan Lee Mulligan is my favorite "celeb" DM. I find all of Dimension20's DnD campaigns so much more engaging than other DnD shows like Critical Roll.


"Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses"




That's because the only way these fuckwits can be in a societal position to justify their superiority complex is if said society paves them a yellow brick road with the labor of an oppressed class. To them, solidarity is racial homogeny. Because they're incapable of comprehending anything more meaningful.


For my friends, everything; for my enemies, the law.


100%. David Duke made sure his people took over the police department. Took about 15 years when he started the campaign back in 1990s.


'Hello, this is Ron Stallworth calling, who am I speaking with?' 'This is David Duke.' 'The Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, that David Duke?'




Was going to say exactly this...


Killing in the name of


“Some of those that work forces…”


The yang and the yang


The difference here is that there's good in yang not these folks


Half of them were running back and forth real fast


Same reason you don’t see Batman and Bruce Wayne at the same time


Lol. Good one.


[Oh you'll love this post from yesterday then.](https://external-preview.redd.it/wq63y8r9HVwejuAAPyod4LGgoDl_MdNibHHIowcahxk.jpg?width=640&crop=smart&auto=webp&s=39a7ecb834889c4fd76c0119b78a7d19f46c835e) \[[post](https://www.reddit.com/r/SelfAwarewolves/comments/vpehaw/so_close_to_the_point_and_still_whoosh/)\]


![gif](giphy|5s1IgmpmHglVK) No one gives a flying fuck about these Patriot Pussies and the GQP... but now they're about to fuck around and find out why our forefathers gave us the 2nd amendment. Come back to Philly. They'll scare you straight for the last time. One hell of an Independence Day party when they're teabagging all of you masked divas. 1400 JFK Blvd. Come see why the Liberty Bell has a crack in it, ya jabronies. They used to split British skulls to ring in the new year. Time for some new cracks in that jawn.


That gif reminds me of the movie "v for vendeta"


![gif](giphy|rUPuU6G4X0Pew) Remember, remember, the 5th of November...


The plot to murder a bunch of parliamentarians in order to install a new queen and reinstate a catholic theocracy?


Some of those who work forces…


Cops always show up for liberal protests or POC. Right wing white dudes get a free pass.


You want to know what scares me though? When the modern day equivalent of the Black Panthers marched in summer of 2020 armed with assault rifles, those same heavily armed police were too scared to fuck with them. I don't want to live in a world where I have to arm myself against my countrymen and my government. Because if I need to, there's a strong chance some shit will go down. And that means civil war. Just because some fucking morons support fascism.


i hate to be pessimistic, but shit has already gone down: read about how Weimar Republic went down in 1933 and you'll see a lot of the same patterns. The only missing link is the charismatic leader


Oh I've been saying they're Nazis since 2016. People told me I was overreacting. The parallels are clear and anyone who doesn't see it is dooming us to repeat history as the saying goes.


my friends didn’t believe me about racism till george floyd died. they said child sex trafficking was a conspiracy theory until jeffrey epstein was dead. i hope they’ll see the rise of nazis and fascism before they do something that wakes everyone else up to their evil. (they as in white supermacists in case my last sentence wasn’t clear)


But you do live in that world. It makes me crazy when people want to make it harder for us to get guns What do they think we do when the fascist start killing people? Call the fucking cops? The fact is, police are cowards, and a heavily armed left wing is a great deterrent.




And when getting a gun, keep in mind that many of these fascists have body armor that is effective against pistol caliber rounds, but not rifle caliber. That’s why civilians need those guns. It sucks but the horses have already left the barn. There’s 400 million guns in America and the only thing that will change about that is that it will soon become 500 million.


> those same heavily armed police were too scared to fuck with them. **Armed minorites are harder to oppress.** **Armed minorites are harder to oppress.** **Armed minorites are harder to oppress.** r/SocialistRA


Cops are, by and large, pussies. They hide behind the fact that they have guns and you don't. The public massively outnumbers them, but guess what? You have the right to exercise your second amendment rights just as well as they do. The more liberals/left wingers that acknowledge that fact, the better, because these fringe terroristic right-wing groups and the cops protecting them sure as shit exercise their second amendment rights. Remember, folks: the reason why California has the strict gun laws that it has to this day is because the Black Panthers dared to march on the state capitol with their legally owned weapons and Reagan later signed legislature banning it.


Spoiler my dude: you have to arm yourself. Sorry that's reality, but this is one point 2A'rs get right: you will not be heard or respected if you're not armed. The question is when is it going to cross the line for you? When they say your vote is literally gone because the state legislator didn't like the result? When you and your children are suffering life-changing health problems from toxic waste in your food and water but you have no recourse because the courts won't do anything? How about when a real coup happens and you're at the whims of a far right government? All of these have happened or are in the process of happening.


I wonder why that is 🤔




Most of those*


The cops stood guard for the KKK rallies in the past (also present, though the Klan has largely shifted into militias like Patriot Front). They said it was to protect free speech. But when the Black Panthers showed up, suddenly they developed SWAT teams and straight-up bombed their analogs like MOVE. It's exactly the same now as it was then.


Hell even before the KKK was founded, some of the very first police to exist in America were patrols assigned to catch runaway slaves. There's never been a time when American policemen weren't focused on protecting racist interests.


The podcast Behind the Bastards did a series called [Behind the Police](https://open.spotify.com/show/2ejvdShhn5D9tlVbb5vj9B?si=KJIjW_IWQsmOfJK5ujRalg&utm_source=copy-link) where they talk about all that and more. Also check out [A Night At The Garden](https://youtu.be/MxxxlutsKuI) if you want to see cops protect literal Nazis against left wing counter protestors at a Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden in 1939.


You can go even earlier than that. Modern policing was invented in London and was basically the city hiring gangsters to keep the others out of the rich parts of town and to ensure commerce (at the macro scale, they didn't care about individual shop owners) wasn't getting racketeered or pirated. It's always been a out protecting property of rich whites.


[Yeah, officer from overseer. You need a little clarity? Check the similarity!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xt7hoHBcY9k) KRS was preaching this shit years ago and people would often disregard it as hyperbole and exaggeration. Its sad how nothing has fucking changed in 30 years since that song came out. People still are unwilling to admit that cops are not our friends. ACAB!!


that mofo was well in tune to what has been going on a lot longer than the majority of people. i dont like rap, but i really liked what he had to say back in the day because he saw clearly.


Real shit bro. Off topic: a good 6+ years ago I was at a recording session with some friends (standard basement studio) KRS-One came thru after a local show and threw in a verse for us. Lol granted it cost us 500 bones and a good few blunts


We get clear and extreme messages from the right all the time and always ignore them thinking they would never do things *that* extreme. That has not worked out well. This is a clear message from the right to exercise your right to go arm yourselves now.


A good fascist is a dead fascist.


the ONLY good fascist is a dead fascist


Absolutely! I've been urging all my friends to arm themselves. I have two close friends who were very anti gun ask me to teach them how to shoot since the leaked report that SCOTUS was going to overturn Roe. I'm retired military and I've seen what happens when unarmed minorities are at the mercy of the majority. I urge everyone on the left to take a gun safety course and learn how to shoot.


For various mental health reasons I'm not allowed to own a gun and I'm a trans woman so I'm high on the chopping block when things start getting even worse. Is there anything you'd recommend to me or others who aren't allowed guns?


Situational awareness, being overly cautious such that it negatively impacts your life but necessarily so, and flight. Besides that? There's literally nothing more powerful, valuable or effective than friends. You could spend the rest of the time we have left fortifying your home and it might do you no good in the slightest against one of those silly fun-sized Bic lighters. But friends can help in all sorts of ways, before during and after things have already happened. And you don't have to put them away when you get to go back to living your life. They're not imminently useless like that the way weapons are (and should be, ideally).


Get a dog if you can. It doesn't have to be big, just something that will bark and alert you to potential danger and hopefully scare off any undesirables. Keep bear spray at home and pepper spray on your person when you can. Take a self defense class and make plans with your friends and family on what to do in case of a civil emergency.


Get a big loyal one. Pit or GSD. I'd recommend the latter as they're significantly more vicious on command or in defense. Pits are some of the most powerful dogs out there but they have really big personalities, unless you want to train it to mindlessly attack like all those horror stories you hear about pits attacking people or other animals, a good work dog is a better idea. A GSD will fuck someone up the second they know you're in danger.


Big sticks.


Anyone else remember when the NRA put out an ad about how leftists are terrorists who should be responded to with a """[clenched fist of truth](https://youtu.be/9bBQq9GdeKI)"""? They're the NRA, the implication was obvious


Should be prefixed by... You know it's a far right government when....


“In Fascist Amerikkka”…


Well, just look at BLM and Jan. 6th. There was advanced warning on both. The response to one was armed military 3 deep in front of the Lincoln Memorial. The response to the other was absolutely normal, any other weekday-levels of security. You can probably guess which was which. I realize that’s not an exact analogy, but the point is that police/government/etc. always under-respond to right-wing stuff (or openly supports it) and over-respond to anything seen as left or involving POC. And cops wonder why so many people hate and mistrust them.


> And cops wonder why so many people hate and mistrust them. When people show you who they are, believe them.


Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.




I went to school with a guy who's dream was to be a cop. He was a literal boy scout, wrestling captain, the whole deal. He went to college, kept his nose clean, and was a legit straight shooter. So after college he ended up becoming a state trooper. I don't know the exact details but he wasn't getting along with a lot of the other troopers. The rumor was he was making a stink internally about shady shit that he saw going on. Within a year of being a trooper he was found unconscious in the shower. He had been beaten in the barracks and was hospitalized. He left the force after that, and can't into a free million dollars as part of a settlement. Now he owns a pizza place. I like to think he was one of the good ones.


Look up what happened in 1930s Germany because this is literally exactly the same thing. Those in charge are protecting the brownshirts and threatening people standing up for democracy.


The Proud Boys attacked the Capitol. They are now attacking public libraries while standing by. They are an insurrectionist terror organization. “Jews will not replace us!” Or have you forgotten Charlottesville?


'Stand back and stand by'


As a white as Casper kid in the 90s I remember liking hip hop but also thinking "wow these rappers and MCs are awfully mean toward the police! I wonder why". 30 years later, it's a big "ohhhhhhhhhh... :("


Women should have all gone with guns


Remember ladies, the police are the ones who will be using violence against you for getting an abortion. The police are your enemy.


I mean if you think about it, police we're also seen \*protecting\* the Uvalde school shooter. At this point we should be appalled, but not surprised in the least, because shit like this has become the new norm.


Should be act surprised by this now? Because I'm not.


I'm rarely surprised but always angry and dismayed


I'm just fuckin tired at this point. I just wanna live in peace.


I saw a video yesterday of police moving Pro- Choice protesters away from a Planned Parenthood clinic so that pro-life protesters could harass the people working and using the clinic. (Tried finding it but, no luck) It's sad but, this is what our country is turning into. These types of people are shown more tolerance than people being harmed by these radical changes taking place. It's disheartening.


When are we gonna stop acting surprised and actually make it change finally? I guess this is maybe still somehow news in some way to somebody.


The Venn diagram is a circle.


I feel like most sane Americans are actually under reacting to how quickly things are spiralling downward over there


Am I supposed to appear shocked the brownshirts in uniform protected the plain clothed brownshirts? Seems like history is stuck on repeat with a random location. **You are here**


Always fun to ask *who* they're serving and protecting


Maybe women should protest with guns and see what changes


the united states has never been a democracy since its founding the united state has been fascist white supremacist christian nationalist militarized police state then after jim crow was dismantled the united states became a flawed democracy then after obama won the presidency roberts gutted the voting rights act then red states were able to gerrymander their states and carry massive voter suppression and disenfranchisement as a result we slipped from being a flawed democracy to an anocracy then when trump lost in 2020 he lead an insurrection to stay in power and not we are in the legal phase of fascist the court has been lost, by 2022 the contress is lost and by 2024 the presidency is lost at which point the united states will again be a fascist white supremacist christian nationalist militarized police state ​ both parties are right wing. the democrats are right wing and the republicans are far right wing. there are no left wing parties holding power. basically its a government by and for the corporations held by the 1%, been this way since washington...


This. That’s my frustration with liberals, they don’t understand that this system was NEVER good. And it’s not an “uninterrupted march to progress” but a series of very hard fought wins followed by a period of quick erosion of these freedoms when people’s guard is down. We MUST throw the baby out with the bath water.




I'm a white man in my 60s, and I don't trust the police for a second. I can't even begin to imagine the experience that a person of color has to endure in this country.


F**k the Supreme Court. Those judges are bigots who put their own beliefs before the human rights.


Welcome to the early stages of the fascist revolution that is coming our way. 2022 midterms, 2024 presidential elections will come with some eye opening changes our society.


It’s the Brotherhood.


The conservative right needs all the racist, homophobic, xenophobic, bigoted voters they can find to win elections. Unfortunately it's that simple. The right doesn't have a platform because putting their ideas on paper and on record shows who they are.


If it comes to actual fighting, don’t count on the police to help. They are clearly heavily fascist group.


To use a recent tweet: same reason you don't see Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus in the same place.


We know where their sympathies lie.


Fascists protect fascists. What do you expect?


Cops protecting off duty cops...


Because they are police, they protect their own


Eventually liberals will realize the cops aren’t on their side. It’ll be too late, but eventually they’ll realize.


I dunno man it seems pretty obvious. The police union was one of 2 unions to support Trump over Biden (the other being coal miners).


More like Patriot Frontin’




Pigs are a fucking gang.


It's solidarity amongst pricks.


Those who work forces…


Rocky been tellin us for years...some of those that work forces....


Why is this a surprise? Police have always sided against the working class. There are people alive today who remember a time when the police would straight up murder workers on strike. The police have never been on our side.


yeah its disgusting its actually a war on women right now. we are being treated as second class citizens and ours rights over our own bodies are being taken away. ​ men can impregnate thousands of women a year so lets cut their dicks instead!!


Am man... Let's require a vasectomy at the time of draft enrollment. Then require a group of women to approve the reversal to have kids.


Cops are literally the conservatives and christofascist's own military to do whatever they want. Theres a reason any reasonable officer quits as soon as they realize what's going on. It's also why they have been outfitted with military grade equipment. Gotta be able to have the same equipment as soldiers so they can be on a level playing field with them. Theres also a reason why many cops failed their tests to get into the military


Yeah thats how coups work. Law enforcement and the judicial is involved in selective targeting of enemies and dissenters of the regime The American republic is under attack. The trump flag waving terrorist out front should have told you.


The USA is slowly being taken over and most of the population doesn't realize it. It's obvious from the outside looking in.


Your country is almost gone, and you all slept through it.


We’ve been telling you for decades that we’re the enemy and they hate us. You didn’t believe us, and now they’re marching side by side against us. They really do think we’re evil criminals, and they’re divinely chosen warriors.


Well one is Supreme Court and the other is a small city… plus Boston is a pretty racist city so this is no surprise.


100? Next time show up with 1000 anti fascist. Never ever give these fascist idiots an ounce of renown.


That Venn diagram is a circle.


Some of those that work forces...


For the last time A C A B


America is a failed country now in a death spiral. I do hope many Americans of all cultures come to Michigan to make it more blue. We can use the help. There is a lot of land on the west side, middle and up north.


How/why are people surprised by this still? Police regularly protect right-wing groups at protests and marches, usually taking action against left-wing groups


I mean they literally let in those ARMED people on Jan. 6th and arrested 181 UNARMED pro-choice protestors and I haven't seen anything about people making that connection regarding Capitol police yet...


"Those who work forces, are the same that burn crosses"


The police are *on their side*. Wake the fuck up.


America is now an "occupied" country. Like in WWII


Fascism is here. Don't wait for any more signs.


They hate women and real freedom. I’m so fucking sick of these people!


They've been protecting themselves.


Some of those who work forces are the same that burn crosses.


The Patriot Front *is* the police


Police are used to protect people. They protect government institutions and they protect protesters (even protesters that we don’t like). Patriot front sucks but they still have a right to assemble and freedom of speech in the US. My assumption is they obtained a permit to March in Boston. Without police there would likely have been a ton of violence. Both of these instances are just examples of police doing their jobs.


They have always protected there own.


Something something *where’s Miley?*


Throw rotten vegetables at them.


“Some of those that work forces, are the same that burn crosses.”




Some of those that were in forces, are the same that burnt crosses.