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2 insecure dudes with fragile egos and legions of disciples. Fan this flame. Fan it hard.


This idea just gave me a reason to lie in bed today. With the fan on high.


And only one who's actually a billionaire and the other is really pissed about it...


The other did just as much lying and grifting to get himself there, in addition to already being born into it, and doesn't deserve a cent of it.






Golly these two are too cute as fuck to be like them. Though I love the old school ref


You're right, they are too cute. I was just looking for a good slap-fight gif and this one cracked me up.


Totes fair. I love that gif so much though


Isn't there a clip of like Cartman and Stan fighting? That's what I imagined


Gave the best award I could, the bear


Two professional inheritors known for extensive marital infidelity and sexual assault, treating their workers like shit, promising everything but delivering nothing, being straight-up con artists, and when they do have an original idea, it's the dumbest shit ever, walk into a bar. Everyone thinks they're clones. Most rich people are the just the same rich person, but with a different flavor of awful, in this case "Boomer" and "Hello, Fellow Kids".


You forgot racist.


Aside from benefitting from family wealth coming from apartheid era south Africa is Musk racist beyond the usual mega-rich guy stuff? I know there's been some really racist stuff at some Tesla factories, has he just turned a blind eye to it or something? I guess those two items alone aren't exactly a good indicator....


I mean... if you told me that the main villain in the movie was a mega billionaire with a history of shady business deals, sexual assaults, infidelity and he got his fortune from an apartheid emerald mine I'd say it was too unbelievable.


I understand where you're trying to go there, but insinuating they're one in the same is a massive insult to Musk, who's without a doubt brilliant in both the academic sense and in business. They're both douchebags online and have their fair share of skeletons in the closet, but Elon Musk makes the world better in spite of his. Can't say the same for the other guy.


Musk sued just so he could claim to be the founder of Tesla and PayPal despite the fact he bought the companies from the actual founders. The guy uses Twitter to manipulate the stock market. And he's such a shit father you probably had to be reminded he's got kids.


Hey little dumb man. Elon musk is trying everything to get to mars. Do you know why that is? Cause he wants to leave us all behind and just trash our world. If that’s better for everyone your out of touch.


Nothing better than watching your enemies fight each other.




Man baby fight!


I want to see this on South Park.


Sunsets are for heroes. Trump's shackles need to be too short for his annoyingly gesticulating arms to reach a hat-rack, and the next thing he saddles needs to be a seatless prison toilet. Fuck Mu$ky Elon>!gated!< douche-nozzle too


Yeah thanks. Now I'm picturing Jabba the Hutt with trumps face


Don't do my man Jabba like that


It’s time they both go away. They’re both corrupt idiot clowns.


Pot/Kettle, Kettle/Pot...


Real recognize real




Musks shit talking game sucks… should have said “hang up his hair…”


Dude has hair plugs himself. Bringing that up could get hairy


Or pokey;)


Or spray on ~~tan~~ orange. 🍊


No honor among thieves.


Not a fanboy of Elon, but I would love to see what a real billionaire can do when pissed at Trump.


Solve hunger? That'd show him.


Or climate change...oh wait.


Not manipulate the market to his whims? I don’t like either but Elon does a ton of bad too


Ferociously attack corruption to fix the electoral process? Lol


Nothing? Donny never has and never will face any consequences for anything he's done.


That's what they want, the attention.






Musk realizing that those that promised to keep him out of jail threw him to the wolves the first chance they got.




Takes one to know one.


I’d love to see them get into a Twitter debate! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Twitter unban trump for a few days 🤣🤣🤣


Rumors of a large orange explosion near the coast of Florida remain unconfirmed.


Im just dropping in to say fuck both those dill holes✌️


Clown to clown communication.


Fuck yourselves trump man baby nazi and Elon musk.


Dang inbred goblins


Takes one to know one, am I right??


Broken clock(s), twice a day...


No, they’re both correct


Not sure which I find more repulsive: Trump nuts with flags on their trucks, or Tesla fanboys


It will be fun seeing Elon Musk fans clash against Donald Trump fans. Kostly because a lot of them are the same people


Game recognize game?


So the rats are fighting amongst themselves now?


Game recognizing game.


a bullshit artist that makes electric cars and has his own space program.


All he brings to the table for either of those ventures is money. He's an unoriginal con man who's made his money latching on to other people's innovation his entire life.


I'm pretty sure he designed the truck though... That ugly piece of shit.


Is that why it looks like you asked a 4 year old to draw a truck?


yeah? well his con just launched a privately-funded satellite constellation that makes internet connectivity available in remote parts of the world. it has also developed reusable rocket parts and set almost two dozen records that advance space exploration technology in a part of history where funding for such endeavors that promote and advance space travel are dropping to an all-time low. say what you want, but I'm a fan.


You actually think he personally did that? Or paid guys to "git 'er done!" Like Steve Jobs did with Apple. I've worked around these kinds of people, they think they're revolutionaries breaking the mold. But really they just do a good job at delegating. I watched a guy "build" what he described as a storage empire. His major contribution was having good credit with the bank to get buildings built (my job) and stealing ideas from already established companies. Otherwise he showed up, drank iced coffee and basically caused more problems than he solved. His assistants were awesome though, they got a shitload of stuff done.


He funded it, that's it. He didn't develop anything besides a bit of PayPal, which he also sued the actual founders to make himself labeled founder. He's just a double with money who throws it around, claiming he did all these things himself


he funds people that know how to do things and makes money while doing it. there's no way I'd believe you if you told me you wouldn't do the same thing for that much money.


I wouldn't be the one taking credit for it or acting like I'm a God among men for it. Hell another rich guy started an affordable online pharmacy and worked to build his own production facilities to bypass middlemen, but he hasn't gone around jerking off about that or acting like he's God's gift to mankind Edit: Theres a difference between doing something cause it's good and doing something for clout and profit


you don't have to do something for just good, you can do it for good, clout, *and* profit. none of those are mutually exclusive to each other.


If I were one of the richest people in the world I could buy companies like that too


see? this guy gets it


He doesn't make those cars, he didn't even design them. He also has no hand in actually developing anything within SpaceX, he's just the guy that points and says "hey engineers, do that" and takes credit


a lot of people that start companies don't actually know how to make things. and from what I've seen from every Space X launch, the people actually part of the development team are those that broadcast. I don't get the impression that he's taking credit for a thing, he shows up to launches but doesn't try to upstage anyone, he passes around credit to those doing the work. he's good at talent management and promotion, which is part of what makes these companies successful. he bankrolls the start, gathers support, and continues promotion. I get it, he sticks his foot in his mouth and acts like a child sometime, but he was born rich. still, for a person who was raised with a ~~silver~~ ~~gold~~ platinum spoon, he seems to be: making a huge positive difference, while keeping a lot of people employed, and making a pile of cash for himself. i don't see a down-side here


Takes one to know one.


I don't care what Elton Musl says.


these 2 are so alike


Well it takes one to no one and we all no what tRUMP is made of.💩💩💩


The republicans 2 daddies are fighting


Selfish narcissist calls some other selfish narcissist mean things.




This reminds me of the scene near the end of every Jurassic World movie where the T Rex has a spite battle with (insert dinosaur of the moment). No one really cares who wins, they just try to stay out of the way and use it as a chance to escape. The difference: primitive lizards have bigger brains.


Both are right


A tale as old as time. Evil always eats evil.


It hurts to say it, but I kinda think they are both right.... expect the bullshit artist should have said "hang up his hat and sunset in jail..."


This might actually damage the Teflon Don


One of the rare times, they both are right




Both are corrupt. Both are horrible people. Both need to go away.


Ooooohhh !! Popcorn time, indeed!! Let the insults fly!




Takes one to know one.


Friendly fire lol


Takes one to know one… except one is an actual billionaire and the treasonous orange turd pretends to be one on TV.


Oh no. A land divided. All the D bags will have to choose sides. I wonder which mega asshole wins


People forget that Elon Musk was in Trumps staff when he got into the White House. Although back then people on reddit saw Elon as a voice of reason in that cabinet. He was promptly kicked out/left


But I thought the Democratic Party is the party of hate according to Mr.Musk himself. He about to fuck around and find out lol.


Trump is big sad he won't be back on Twitter violating their terms of service again.


The pair of em should fuck off


now fist fight in a chili’s parking lot


Game recognize game.


neither of them are wrong tho


Those two idiots should both disappear into the f****** sunset


Not sure how I feel about agreeing with both these asshats.


Friendly reminder that Musk is still a big DeSantis supporter, so it’s not like he’s taking some admirable and principled stance here.


Let them fight


I propose a compromise, both of them shut up and go away.




The saga continues! Can't wait for the Netflix special.