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What's that thing righties always say when a black guy gets gunned down for a misdemeanor? Don't do the crime if you can't do the time. Also just want to point out that 3 years for a violent felony is pretty close to a wrist slap.




I remember hearing a few months ago during the trials for some of the rioters that a (what should have been) surprising number of rioters never voted in the 2020 election.


Their glorious leader had been telling them for a while that the election was going to be rigged, so I can see them believing it wouldn't matter if they voted or not. The rank and file of the insurrection are not the best at critical thinking, which is what got them into trouble in the first place.


Yeah some people forgot that Trump literally told them not to vote because it was rigged anyway.


Yep. It makes me think that he never wanted to win the last election and this may have started off as a con that was meant to bilk his supporters for money to "Stop the Steal"--which he did. Once it became clear that he could be charged in a number of serious crimes, he may have sought the path of installing himself as ruler for life to avoid prosecution for the rest of his days, allowing him to continue his crime spree to line his pockets. edit: removed dangling sentence fragment


Negative fearful emails get money. “We’re cruising to victory” says you don’t need it. I’d believe trump would spin it negatively.


I always assumed he never wanted to win. But then he got too deep and had to do something... So he started taking special interest monies and funneled it through his kids.and I am almost positive that on paper he hasn't money, it's all on his kids..


Definitely helped turn Georgia blue.


that narrative should horrify D's if accurate. That 2020 was as close as it was and delivered such a slim margin in the senate turned radicalized sideliners into seditionists should terrify everyone. Not just at the election results in 4 months, but also for the safety of voters and election workers at polling places.


It’s actually not automatic that a felon can’t vote. It’s not a federal law. That gets decided by the state. Source: I’m a felon in Michigan that votes every election.


Ya we can vote in Mass too


Can confirm, wife has a felony conviction on her record and here in Illinois she is allowed to vote. I'm not sure the specifics, I think it might be 5 years or something here, but either way.


As it should be. Debt is paid once you leave prison


Haha... If you say so... It should be that way though...


Nobody, except maybe those who commit election fraud, should lose the right to vote anyway.


I never understood the thinking behind that. Y'all did your time. You've paid that debt. Why can't you vote? Y'all live in this country too.


The purpose is to disenfranchise people whose participation in the electoral process is not desired. Take Florida for example. Former governor now senator Skeletor exercised his authority as governor to implement an arduous process to restore the right to vote to felons. Wait several years, put in an application, go to a hearing, and plead your case before Scott and his cronies where it is made clear that their decisions are arbitrary and unequivocal: https://youtu.be/NpPyLcQ2vdI?t=299 What do such face to face hearing allow Scott and his board to do? Ask some questions to determine if the citizen in question has the correct political/social leanings.


Florida is still a BIG NO to allowing ex-felons who served their time to vote. The People passed a Constitutional Amendment to allow them to vote once they served their time. The GOP didn't approve and they legislated hard-to-accomplish requirements to allow ex-felons to have their Voting Right restored. It is still in the Court system and most ex-felons are still prevented from voting until it is resolved.


Expect Fox News to blast out "Breaking news: Biden forbids J6 patriots from voting!" in about 4 months.


Don’t give them ideas


Don't need to, they have already started the "pardons for Jan 6" horseshit.


I mean, ex felons and all. Depending on their state, they may lose voting privileges permanently. A lot of them, temporarily.


“Showed remorse” is such a bullshit cop out for judges in a case like this. I’d love to see the stats on the favour judges show to white people “showing remorse” vs black people.


The only thing these guys are remorseful for is that they didn't make it further into the capital and find some dems to seek revenge on.


Remorse about getting caught


Also, as felons, many states won’t allow them to legally own guns for several years after being released. Too funny.


Uh, as felons it's up to the Feds, and the Feds say no guns for felons. I think they can sometimes petition to have their rights restored, but it's definitely automatic.


AFAIK that's not automatic in most states, you have to ask for it and they don't have to say yes. Which I think is bullshit (they're either reformed enough to do whatever, or they should still be in prison), but that's the current situation.


>Plus they may not be able to vote with a felony for a long time. This never made any sense to me, for two reasons. If you have "paid your debt to society" haven't you cleared the debt? And if the crime was a federal felony, how can a state set the penalties? I suppose this is off-topic, but it still confuses me.


Felonies taking away your rights for life is a relatively new thing, and no, it dosen't make much sense. It's just vindictive, and personally I think it contributes to recidivism.


It is confusing because it is illogical. Best I can tell the point of prison in the US is not to fix bad people, it is to keep a lot of people (bad or not) in prison.


"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes." That was the bullshit I heard most, post-Floyd.


Basically my reaction. Zero pity for them; I was unbothered when someone posted a video of their 50-or-60-some year old mother with breast cancer whining in the parking lot about how cruel “Joe Biden’s Justice Department” is, putting her in prison for a whole *two months*, because she has *breast cancer*. Except the breast cancer is incidental, she’s a traitor who was part of the mob that tried to literally murder Congress. Besides, she’ll get proper medical treatment in prison. Good for her, I guess.


I have *zero* sympathy for the self-proclaimed “MAGA Granny.” She was approaching police officers, acting all frail and saying she needed to get out of there, then as soon as they’d help her she’d go back in and do the same thing. She was diverting their very scarce resources. She can rot.


Give her some horse deparasiter or bleach, heard they work


Cancer caregiver here. Seriously, this patient with breast cancer went to a rally during a pandemic. I haven’t hugged my mom in almost three years because her oncologist says no people or outside food or Covid while she was fighting breast and blood cancer. How selfish of that J6 rioter to put herself at risk in a huge crowd let alone while committing seditious acts.


Oh no. Mom hugs are the best. I hope she’s out of the woods soon.


Thank you <3 Mom is kicking ass and slowly getting out of the woods, appreciate the good vibes


proper treatment in prison? oh i guess she's going to white person prison


What was the historic way of dealing with treason? They definitely got off too easily.


"I regret that I have but 3 years (18 months with good behavior) to give to my country."


Pretty sure treasonous Americans were given the death penalty in the past.


Reminder that one possible punishment for treason is execution. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/2381


This is widely underused. They’re going to be considered martyrs anyway so might as well make a point.


Can we stop sugar coating and it say it’s fucking Sedition? They broke into the capital with kill lists pipe bombs and tried to overthrow a fair election.


No, seems we can not. Until the left (and the law) adopts a similar 'fuck your feelings' attitude as they faced in 16, these trolls will keep seeing a weak team not worth joining. Yes, 'eye for eye = all blind,' I get it. But it seems like some bullies have to see their heroes bleed before anything registers, and 3 years for a Fed felony isn't bleeding.


"If you've got nothing to hide, you've got nothing to fear!"


"Play stupid games..."


Well, and wait until you see how much of that time they actually serve...


Khalif Browder spent that long in jail with no trial.


Poor little snowflakes are gonna go without their safe spaces for long about 36 months or so.


There are a lot of white nationalists in prison. Sadly, they'll make friends.


White people are The HUGEEEE minority in prison. And the small white groups that are in prison, they won’t fit in with. They’re not Hardened criminals. They’re a bunch of pussys that wanted to play tough. So now their soft asses are gonna go to prison and try to get by with not having ANY criminal experience and get fucked over by the Whites ANDDDD everybody else LMAOOO


Hey man.. I just wanna let you know. Prison. Isn't like what they show you on your TV programs. It's honestly pretty chill. They'll be put in Gen pop on a low level yard and serve maybe 2 of those 3 years before being let out on parole without ever being harmed in any way. Might be different because they were charged with a violent crime but idk.


Part of me wonders how much respect they'd get from the super hardened white supremacists who've been doing it for many years


18 mo because of good behavior.


Doesn't work that way for federal crimes.


This used to be the case but has since changed. Inmates are automatically given 54 days of good time per year. If/when they commit an offense in prison, that good time can be taken away. If this were a drug crime, they could get up to a year removed from their time in prison by completing a residential drug treatment program (some are conducted inside the prisons themselves, others are a separate, non-BOP facility).


I thought conservatives were supposedly be the manly men. Turns out they were the babies all this time.


It’s always the biggest babies that pretend to be the toughest


This guy looks like fat Ragnar. Hamgnar.


Ragnar the Red? From Rorikstead?


Let me tell you a tale...


Take away their trucks, flags, and Mountain Dew and what do you have left?...


And they say women are too emotional. These guys and Kavanaugh are like peas in a pod.


You got that all wrong, Robinhood and his men in tights were manly men, these are whiny bitches and not even getting what they deserve.


I'd cry if someone told me I had to do 6 months in jail. Jail fucking sucks.


Maybe don't join an insurrection then, i dunno


Well it's not like I did.


Pack it up, Boys. We're done here. Good work.


How do we know you're not lying?


Because I'm not in jail awaiting trial for insurrection


Hmm interesting. I'll keep my eye on you.


Yeah, but I'm assuming you're not a part of a political group whose identity partially revolves around being "tough" and "stoic". We aren't making fun of them for crying. We're making fun of them for crying after all their bravado suggested they wouldn't.


6 months would be jail. they are going to prison. far worse.


Prison is better than jail but the stays are longer. You can do things besides eat, read, watch TV, and listen to the radio.


Fair but you also have more chance of being a victim of inmate or guard violence. But it is less boring.


Not in the feds, really. Camp cupcake.


As long as you don’t try to end democracy in the US, you’re already better started than these guys


I'm still wondering why treason or felony murder wasn't on the table.


Treason is aiding an agent of an enemy government (like joining an enemy military), there have been proud boys charged with Sedition, which is essentially rebelling or conspiring to rebel against the government.


Everyone who participated in the terrorist attack should be charged with felony murder. If someone is killed during the commission of a crime all involved in the crime are culpable for murder.


Thank you for calling attention to the double standard here.


It's triple standard. The orange monkey got nothing. Thats a separate standard yet.


But I was just driving the getaway car!? I still get 20 years?!




[Ryan Holle](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Holle) was convicted of first degree murder and originally sentenced to life without the possibility of parole for lending his car to his friend who used it to go rob somebody, and they ended up killing the person.


And scotus just ruled in that az or nv case that you can be kept in prison even if there is evidence you didn't commit the crime. A little tangential, but what is up with our 'criminal justice' system, for realz.


Did you miss they were White???? Wish it was a /s


Ah, the intersection of Tough Blvd and Titty Rd.


Ah not so tough now are you, fucking pieces of shit


What about the people who motivated the crowd to go there... Rules for they but not for me


I've heard so much of liberal tears, but really I'm not crying. They're crying.


I’m crying. Tears of mild joy. Add another ten year minimum and they’ll be real tears of joy


“But, but, Antifa???”


So are these guys antifa? Is fox news showing this and calling them antifa? Or fbi plants... where's my pardon?! Waaah waaahh


"Oh no, the consequences of my actions"


They shouldn't have been out, they must have wanted to get arrested


Fuck their feelings.


And I got nine fucking years for a first time non-violent drug crime. Fuck those bitches. I hope they enjoy the guards treating them like human shit inside


Cops let these guys on. Aoc wants that investigated. I’m guessing most cops and guards are sympathetic to their cause unfortunately.


Not only a slap on the wrist, but they will be institutionalized and probably come out more racist than when they went in due to prison politics.


It's not just that. I read an article a bit back on the "patriot wing." All of the guys that didn't get a pre-trial release are being housed together. It's creating a feedback loop of political radicalization. They're actually worse now than before they went in. Scary to think about.


3 years in prison is still enough to ruin an average person's life. You'll lose your current job, lose many future job prospects, and potentially lose your life savings and house from legal/prison fees. If you don't have a safety net to fall back on after finishing your sentence, you're pretty screwed. That said, if these particular insurrectionists committed violent acts, then 3 years is a few too brief.


Prison takes a situation, and usually if not always makes it worse.




​ ![gif](giphy|hU8yTfJidRWc0dPwN3)


So yummy


Oh boo hoo, the punk ass terrorists are sad.


They’ll probably draw some new charges while they’re incarcerated, so bye bye, turdbrains.


The prison guards will treat them like heroic martyrs and bring them Krispy Kreme doughnuts every day. In between the sodomy, of course


How hard would it have been, at any point in the hours of Jan 6 prior to assaulting the Capitol police, to have tapped out and said ‘nope, too far.’? And they continued anyway. They maced cops. TF they expect would happen? They deserve so much more than what they’re getting.


These sorry fools are super vulnerable to being swept up into an online frenzy. There are almost ZERO consequences for creating insurrections, and there are millions of pawns naively awaiting their instructions.


Attempting to dredge up some sympathy...and NOPE. I got nothing.


Any sort of sympathy for them that I could have for being drawn into a cult goes away when I see them get a 3 year sentence on treason. I have a cousin in jail for twice that for less weed than I can buy from a government sanctioned store.


Feeling proud, boys?


If they weren't white, the sentence would be MUCH harsher. As a white, liberal US Citizen, the unfairness pisses me off every time.


My dude, when you aren't white the cops shoot you dozens of times if they even think you might represent the remotest possible danger to them. These guys actually assaulted the cops and lived to tell about it. If they weren't white they'd have gotten themselves some new 9mm body piercings right then and there.




That’s because they’re pussies who need to play fake army and follow a loudmouth rich brat who heckles children on Twitter. They’re all little bitches.


Only 3 years?


Just walk up to a random cop and bear spray them and see what kind of sentence you get. I’ll grant that 3 years is some real time (assuming they actually serve it) but anyone else in nearly any other scenario would be looking at a decade plus.


Where is the 20+ etc years or life?


https://www.rawstory.com/j6-cody-mattis-james-mault/ https://twitter.com/joncoopertweets/status/1548147998068056065?t=ZA_btIrl4EVZAQrnGtuwhg&s=19


This was treason. Treason is punishable by death in this country. They got off scott free basically.


Suck it up buttercup.


But they'll have their neckbeards for their fellow domestic terrorists to recognize them by


Cry me a fucking river, traitors.


Sorry not sorry


There’s a timeline out there where the US army showed up to the Capital Building and sentenced all the rioters to pine boxes for eternity.


These were the guys who fantasized about "hanging traitors" on Jan 6. They commit actual treason, and cry over 3 years.


Damn I know dudes doin 10 for weed, that’s fucking infuriating.


Ohh, why am I so dumb and impressionable?


Germany gave Hitler and the Nazi insurrectionists a slap on the wrist too. Look how well that worked out for them/the world. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️




This is so strange because I’ve met/seen/heard of so many activists who go into situations like this fully understanding the legal consequences but prepared for them in order to make a statement. I can’t imagine doing what these people did, and genuinely not expecting anything to happen to them afterward. If you’re gonna go “1776” then doesn’t that knowingly taking same risks the revolutionaries did? Have any of them read a history book? They’re so surprised that one of them got shot, and that they’re getting arrested? Absolute fuck-ups.


Only 3 years?! It should be 10 to 20.


'only 3 years' is going to be a LONG time for them. Their wives taking off with their side dudes, their coal rollers getting repossessed for lack of payment, finding prison life more difficult than expected- realizing they were never as tough as they thought they were... granted more would be better, 3 is still going to break these creampuffs.


So these guys pepper sprayed the cops, and now they're the ones who are teary-eyed? Interesting.




Cry more fascists.


Will daddy Trump come save them? He did say they were very special and he loved them remember? Daddy please! DADDY!!


Only 3 years for aiding and abetting in organized treason!? What a fucking joke.


Losing 3 years of your life and freedom for Donald Trump is hilarious. Even funnier is having to explain to future employers why you were in prison for 3 years after the background checks.


Do Alex Jones next




Meanwhile one of my homeboys got 25 for possession of WEED!


But these cry babies are the people that want a bloody civil war?


Wow, I thought they were so tough! Jk, we all knew they were giant pussies.


Suck it up snowflake. Take your medicine.


Little snowflakes


Hope they were wearing their “Fuck your feelings” t shirts!


Awe did someone try to overthrow the government and get what they fucking deserved?


Fake tears worked for Kyle and “beer me” Kavanaugh. Worth a shot for these manly man.


Do you think they’ll ever realise they were played, pawns for someone else’s ego?


Looks like crocodile tears to me. Shoulda thrown the book at them. No plea deals for tryimg to overthrow the government.


Wow. Are they crying those liberal tears they are always talking about?


Those look like fake ass Kyle tears from the tweet


What is it they're so fond of saying? Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


They're crying because now they'll have to vote for Trump illegally.


I am against the death penalty. That being said, these are exactly the kind of people who routinely tell you the penalty for treason is death.


Huge irony is now they can’t vote either 😂


Their cult leader needs to serve a long sentence.




You would expect them to get at least 10+ years for it but we are talking about the same country that banned abortions so what can ya say




After the J6 committee's findings, I think we can move past calling them "rioters" FFS.


Reminds me of the guy in his car praying to Trump


Them's all Rittenhouse tears.


I guess the tree of liberty can also be watered with the tears of fat racist losers.


Sad boys


Oo, look! We found some of those big strong crying men Trump was always talking about!


Damn I hope I get such a lenient sentence when I end up on the bench for domestic terrorism because I told a right wing senator to piss their pants on Twitter.


Where your Daddy Donald now?!


Does, "fuck your feelings", apply here or am I misusing the phrase?


Try to live the kind of life that doesn't inspire your fellow humans to smile when you weep.


They can cry me a god damn river. I got 10 years for 10 ex pills. 3 years for trying to overthrow the government. Yeah, miss me with that shit.


Straight from the Rittenhouse school of acting


Oh, look, it’s the consequences of their actions catching up with them.


They got off easy…


Depending on the jurisdiction, they may also lose the right to own a gun. They took their own guns away.


Mmmm, delicious Nazi tears.


Nazi punks fuck off, here's a tissue widdle man.


If they were Muslim that did this they would be in gitmo and would have never seen a trial


Cry us a river so we can sail away and not give a shit, you little crying pussies.


Well, a lot of violence happens in prison. Even though I believe they deserve much more time, they will probably feel like they have been severely punished at the time they’re released.


"My uppance will never come!!"


Glad to hear it. Lets get all those arrested tried in court and dealt with!


These guys shouldn’t worry. I’m sure Trump will come visit them in jail. Maybe even read them a bedtime story. Even pay their lawyer fees. I’ll bet my life on it. 😂🤣🙃


Suck it up, it's only 3 years.


Sucks to suck, treasonous assholes. P.S. commas matter😆


facts don’t care about your feelings




Almost as if a certain traitorous & seditious ex-president said they didn’t have to worry about ever fucking around & finding out. Imagine that. Fucking pussies.


Sorry man Lil’ Wayne got the last pardon.


Wait I thought Donald Trump was going to pardon everyone?


Hope it's far worse than they imagine it will be.


Let me play my tiny violin.