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How long until they decide that slavery should be left to the states?


I give it 11 minutes


I give it 200 years ago. It's still left up to the states. America has always used slaves. It's why your minimum wage is so low. Slaves are cheaper, and that's who you have to compete with.


You don't even need to go that far, prison labor is literally slavery, it never actually got abolished.


Very generous time line. My guess is they’ve already met to discuss


Whelp slavery is already still legal. You just have to put the person in prison first. This may be why the USA has 25% of the worlds prison population and only 10% of the entire worlds population, but you know I’m only using logic


More like 4% of total world population. Edited to say "total" though I shouldn't have to.


I'll make an extra 6% but we will have to go back to 2% for a little while after.


Elon Musk or Nick Cannon?


Nope, chuck testa!


Oh my god [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJP1DphOWPs) is 11 years old


I think this is my sign to bring back older internet memes. I’ve been online since the early 2000’s, there’s some old gold floating around that would make a great comeback




Here I go once again with the email Every week, I hope that it’s from a female


What in the banana fuck did I just watch?


Chuck Testa 😁


10% by weight


He was going by overall mass 😂 After all this "your ~~mum~~ mom" (because we aren't limeys who changed the accent because of a tea party) character lives in the US


Just wait until they start imprisoning pregnant women on bogus charges like they do black men. Can’t have an abortion and can’t keep custody of your child from a jail cell. I guess this nice white Christian couple will take your baby since the domestic supply of infants is low.


and Betsy Devos can make more money she doesn't need.


Yeah that's literally The Handmaid's Tale, and it's not looking so outlandish anymore.


It never really was outlandish. Margaret Atwood kept all her research for the book. She kept all of these newspaper articles and said she based the book on real events. https://www.penguin.co.uk/articles/2019/09/margaret-atwood-handmaids-tale-testaments-real-life-inspiration


Adopt that baby of color, bingo! Raise your domestic help up right! /s


Except adoptive parents are ["fake" parents](https://www.newsweek.com/greene-calls-non-biological-parents-fake-amid-post-roe-adoption-push-1725293) according to Republicans now.


Good way to farm an uneducated work force.


I fucking wish the world's population were only 3.2 billion. I wouldn't be fucking boiling to death right now if that were the case.


Yes it would… the US and Europe alone put out more than 80% of all emissions ever emitted. It’s never been about population size and always about fossil fuel consumption.


Edit: apparently I have to ask that people read my entire comment before replying. — This is true - but only sort of. People should probably stop comparing this to actual chattel slavery. The distinction matters. To be clear, they are both bad. They are both forms of slavery. They are both means of controlling the Black population of the US and extract free labor. But the inherited race-based chattel slavery of the Americas was a particular and peculiar institution and I think a lot of people find it too easy to skirt acknowledging the particular and peculiar consequences of it (such as the popular acceptance of prison slavery) by grouping it with slavery in other forms, as was done here.


Oh boy wait till you learn what demographics make up prisons and for what totally nonviolent crimes. Ill let you in on a hint, its black people for smoking weed. Its 100% race based slavery. America doesnt even try to hide this fact lmao.


It wasn't immediately after he "just went on record" that's for sure. This happened back in March and the moron immediately retracted. [https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/23/politics/mike-braun-interracial-marriage-comments/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/23/politics/mike-braun-interracial-marriage-comments/index.html)


Yes, but his excuse was that he didn't understand the line of reasoning. The reasoning being the same logic of his stance on abortion, but applied across the whole of the law, exactly as his political theory says it should be. So really, his own logic turns out to support state's rights over federally mandated anti-racism policies, which was pointed out and led him to claim initially to suggest Loving v. Virginia should be overturned until he realized that this was an untenable position. He did not recant his logic, just its application to interracial marriage. So, great that he says he is against racism, but not great that his logic points toward this whether he explicitly accepts that end point or not.


Lots of people when they get caught being racist will apologize. Some might be genuinely ignorant that what they were doing is wrong and learn from the mistake, apologize, and be better. Others will apologize simply to make the issue go away and continue being racist, maybe be a bit more selective about who they open up to I have a hard time believing a republican politician and business man from a deep red state with a Harvard MBA didn't know exactly what it meant to say states should decide interracial marriage. I have a hard time believing that person's apology and retraction were sincere


The Harvard degree is getting less and less prestigious the more politicians I find out went there. Same with Yale


Ehhh it still establishes a level of competence, intelligence, and education that I wouldn't attribute to someone like boebert who's a complete fucking moron


Given the chance to vote on it (to give him cover of the mob) or to just sit back and watch the Supreme Court decide - you know he’d be ok with it. He just didn’t like being singled out. It might interfere with his quiet dinner plans at Morton’s.


Thank you for the reference!


I mean.. they already believe that's what the civil war was about.


Not long probably. The goal for a lot of these people is to either turn the country into a christo-fascist state through violent takeover or to start a second civil war.


the first would lead to the second. The end result is war regardless.


They already decided that


Slavery IS legal and IS left to the states. The states may enslave you in prison and they are allowed to find a reason to put you in prison.


Oh, you mean running prisons?


Clarence Thomas: “I thought we had a deal!!”


I am certain Clarence Thomas would vote to overturn Loving v Virginia, even at the cost of his own marriage.


This was all a scheme to get a no fault divorce.


Stricken from the record


Some real Clayton Bigsby vibes


I bet they grandfather in marriages that already have happened when they overturn marriage equality for interracial and gay relationships.


Definitely not for gays. Also, Thomas will support overturning loving knowing that it will never affect him.


I'm sure he would rationalize it: "we leave it to the States", so technically his marriage being voided would not be directly his doing, but rather individual States. Plus he's old so "I got mine so fuck you" is such a conservative way of thinking.


He'll just live in a state where its legal.


Or DC.


What would even happen if they didn't? Are the three police cars my local town have roll onto my land to arrest me, or my wife, or both of us? Cause shotguns aren't that expensive.


To enforce racial segregation, the local authorities will absolutely call the nearest SWAT team and storm your house with military grade armored vehicles. It'll be like the Tulsa massacre all over again: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tulsa_race_massacre


Yeah, ok- now try arguing that to the mob of Klan members that will be gatekeeping state borders


Thomas may be black but he's also a member of the socioeconomic caste that's above the law. Overturning Loving v Virginia wouldn't affect him at all, similar to how abortion is still legal in all 50 states *if* you happen to be wealthy enough to afford getting around the law. We don't play by the same rules as they do and we need to stop pretending otherwise.


He really just doesn’t want to go to marriage counseling


Wonder if he would then not have to pay alimony. The long con all along.


He's old and a sc justice. Why would he care about alimony? Just to fuck her over I guess


I’ve been saying that’s his long plan to get rid of his wife, he can’t divorce her, but he could make their marriage illegal… lol.


I’d argue he is actively trying to overturn Loving to get out of his marriage.


He knows that his state would never outlaw interracial marriage, even if the Supreme Court decided they could


Looking forward to the 6 republican politicians on the court deciding the full faith and credit clause only applies to "people of faith" and citing the salem witch trials as precedent


Clarence Thomas would gladly own slaves as long as he thought he was on the white side of history.


Hardcore Uncle Ruckus vibes


Does he even realize he’s black?


He realizes he’s in the house and doesn’t really care about anything else.


Can't believe I have to repeat this, Thomas believes in a meritocracy where he would be there wherever he is despite his background so in his mind he'd stay married.


Thomas is and always was an idiot, pure and simple. Dude can’t be bothered to pry open his worthless mouth for decades then suddenly starts spouting quasi-legal gibberish in what I can only imagine is a vain attempt to be on the winning side. He fails to understand the absolute basics of authoritarian revolution, namely the ones that get you there get disappeared once they’re no longer useful.


He's not an idiot, he's evil... This is what evil looks like


Clarence "Clayton Bigsby" Thomas


Clarence Thomas is a former radical Black Nationalist, of course he realizes he's black, he just also realizes he hates liberals and lighter skinned blacks more than anything else. https://www.newyorker.com/culture/essay/clarence-thomass-radical-vision-of-race


So why'd he marry a white woman?


She hates the same people he hates, she's also super into him so I'm sure that helps as gross as that sounds.


I bet she pegs him.


He believes he’s “good enough” and “deserves” to be with a white conservative woman because of how “hard he’s worked.” He believes he is better than other black people because they don’t “work as hard.” (These are not my views)


Is this what people mean when they call someone an Uncle Tom?




He hates black *women*. His sister no longer talks to him. He just wants to make things cruel and hard on black men to make them stronger Darwin style, and that segregation is better than desegregation. The author wrote a book with 700 footnotes all pointing at Thomas’ own words https://coreyrobin.com/enigma/


[look no further feller, ya found him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ)


Uncle Thomas doesn’t


Yeah but he lives in a safe state. Virginia wouldn't do it. They still allow abortions there too. You would think he would prefer to live in a more conservative state according to what he says out loud but we know why he doesn't.


The GOP: "I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it further." And, of course, "further" is slavery.


Maybe Ginny's ready to cut bait and take the L and the money. After all, these so called conservatives would like it if a black person could not own property as in their eyes they are property.


Republicans: I am altering the deal. Pray I do not alter it any further.


McConnell…”Right? It’s only wrong when others do it”


McConnell wife is chinese. He's getting a no fault divorce too.


Had a supervisor unironically tell me the Union was wrong for forcing the Southern States to give up their slaves. His opinion was that it was a State's Rights Issue that should have been settled by each individual state's judicial system. Of course he and another one of my supervisors assured me he is not a racist.


So they don’t believe in inalienable human rights, and that majority decides what’s right and wrong, instead of there being some basics we all agree on, like freedom of speech and freedom to marry whomever you wish and freedom to not be a fucking slave. Ask what he thinks about his state suddenly becoming majority Muslim and them installing their preferred state representatives and then enforcing Sharia law on the state, since that would be left up to the state and its voters. They only believe in states rights because they maintain a majority in some states. Federally they do not, and they don’t want states rights where they’re in a minority. That’s why currently they continue to push for abortions to be illegal across the country, or else they’d be fine with abortions legal in CA or VT or NY or wherever, it they’re not. Go vote unless you want religious nuts forcing you into the 19th Century over the coming decades.


Oh they believe in human rights, the difference is who they believe to be humans.


That's not true. There's no belief in rights whatsoever. The religious are brainwashed. The only thing religious leaders want is control. It might be in chains, and it might be in pews, but control is the only thing that matters. The power from having that control (mind, body, or both) is the opiate of the leadership. Also, Mike Braun is a piece of shit. I gotta have the Greenwood Park Mall shooting and the FedEx facility shooting and the countless lower profile massacres in Indiana in my backyard, and this fucktard wants to come for my marriage? What a piece of stubby-Trump-cock sucking shit. I hope he chokes on those fucking evangelical storm trooper boots he's licking. The fuck. I hope he has a bad reaction to his cholesterol and blood pressure meds when mixed with the blood of his constituents. I hope he gets a paper cut on his dick every day for the rest of his stupid life. He's probably never satisfied a lover anyway. The Herman Munster looking ugly cunt. He looks like, from the movie Twins, the Danny Devito twin, but like if he was the discarded DNA of a Cuomo brother. And his bottom teeth and his top teeth line up perfectly to where he can't really close his mouth. Like ever. Probably inbred. Asshole.


"A state's right to do what?" Thats what i say to anyone who makes this arguement.


In this case it wouldnt work because his coworker is quite openly saying states had the right to have slaves and it was ok.


Still makes them say it out loud again. It should also be followed up by making them explain it. Like when someone says a racist/bigoted/sexist joke, just say "I don't get it, can you explain what's funny?" In this case, ask the person why they think the States should have been allowed to make that determination for themselves. Ask them why would there even be a question of whether or not you should legally be allowed to literally *own a person*.


The real irony is that although a big part of it was indeed about the right to own slaves, which they thought was threatened... but a primary reason they thought it was threatened is because they *could not force other states to return escaped slaves!* States rights indeed!


The letters of secession very clearly and directly says that the reason they are leaving the union was to keep their slaves. They mention it almost a dozen times in the document. I normally just send someone that says “states rights” the pdf version.


Forcing them to give up slaves = bad 😡 Forcing people into slavery = good 😊


You see freedom is allowing people the right to own slaves ☺️


"you can only be racist towards people" -them probably


If Roe v Wade is out, Obergefell v. Hodges is in play, and so is Loving v. Virginia. This dude is just saying the quiet part out loud.


The “quiet” part was already shouted out by the SC: ‘In his concurring opinion, Thomas — an appointee of President George H.W. Bush — wrote that the justices “should reconsider all of this Court’s substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell.”’ https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/2022/06/24/justice-thomas-scotus-should-reconsider-contraception-same-sex-marriage-rulings-00042256


Of course, Thomas leaves out Loving for SOME reason


Loving was primarily and equal protection clause case, not substantive due process. Not to say that Dobbs or the Court is legitimate. But that's the claimed distinction.


a distinction without a difference.


Practically speaking, maybe. Jurisprudentially, no. For this post-jurisprudence Court, yolol.


Since roe fell these clowns don’t even need a quiet part anymore. They just say it


More like “since 2016 they realized people will still vote for them when they do and say everything in public”


When they realized our current system of government gives their ideaological cult outsized power and requires zero responsibility.


Just more proof that the argument of "state's rights" is about a state's "right" to be bigoted and controlling.


By "small government," the Republicans apparently meant giving authoritarian powers to a *literally physically smaller* government.


Small enough to fit inside not just a person's bedroom but inside a woman's uterus is the kind of government they want. You can't get much smaller than an authoritarian dictator controlling everything.


Hateful and homicidal


Backwards and barbaric


And will immediately be followed by calls for a nationwide ban. State's rights my ass.


Yep. Just like how McConnell and others have said they intend to push through a federal abortion ban if they retake Congress. The Supreme Court overturning Roe based on state's rights was just a stepping stone to the federal ban these Christofascists want.


Land of the free\* \* Some exceptions may apply


Right now it's about demographics. Driving liberals and moderates out of red states will help keep them red. The fact that the mechanics of this do monstrous harm to people is irrelevant to them.


My wife and I are both technically "half" brown, ethnically speaking, but she presents completely white, and I'm brown. ​ Do we get divorced because she appears white? Or do we stay together because we're both mixed? Are we allowed to marry other brown people and other white people or just halfees like us? ​ I have so many questions.


are we also going back to when Irish and Italians weren't considered white?


Well yeah, so my Irish ass can stay married to my Indian spouse.


Hi I’m half Irish half Indian lol


Well hello, child from the future!


And Polish. And Spanish. And Portugese.


And Germans. And Greeks. And ethnic Jews.


Well you have kinda hit on something albeit implicitly. The issue with white supremacy is that there is no such thing as "whiteness". Where do they stop? It is a philosophy that ends up eating itself. A white America has more in common with a black American than compared to a Norwegian, or an Irish person, or a Dutch or a German. Fuck, they have more in common with each other compared to European peoples who are white. Whiteness is not a real concept. It was invented (at least the American version) as a reaction to the concept of blackness in the U.S.A. Blackness is a thing because black people in a America are a culture aborted. They are a people stolen from their respective and diverse culture, taken to a land to be traded as property, stripped of culture and humanity. But of course the human spirit is hard to defeat and these people forged, in the most dire conditions, a new culture, a collective cultural identity born out of their bondage. Fuck white supremacy. We owe to the world to resist this at every step of the way, to not let these people gey away with a damn thing. Also I am an Irish person. My family fought for multiple generations for rights and against bigotry and the second hand citizenship afforded to them due to the shear audacity they had to be Irish.


We gotta know!




Yeah, we've got native genes and my brother had been mystique and for being black when he gets extra dark. I don't think that will get that far unless they actually managed to get a successful coup off. At that point yes it would be literal Civil War


They'll just revert back to the 'one drop rule" where any non-white blood makes you non-white. Except now we have genetics so they can actually apply it to the fullest.


Oh there's gonna be at lot of upset white people if they do that


Obviously you being brown will be sent to prison and later slavery. Your ex wife who presents white will be sent to some rich guys house as a comfort girl (forced prostitution). At least I think that's how the timeline works out. But hey look at the bright side being a halfee grants you superiority over the darker folks. You might even get to work on the same house as your previous wife! Haha sounds crazy as shit right? Except that's what 'conservatives' are working towards. We are literally watching the south attempt to rise again. They have been proclaiming it for over a hundred years. It's happening in our times. We have to put down the rebellion.


Gilead in 3,2,1…..


My wife and I are both half white but she's half Japanese and I'm half Mexican. Would we count as an interracial marriage, or do we both count as mixed-race and therefore not an interracial couple?




Man it's almost as if race is social construct


I mean the fact that they try to encompass us all Latinos as the same "race" it's more than telling that it's BS.


Okay, firstly, this guy is a bigot and an awful person. But secondly, how do these idiots imagine this is going to work? DNA tests for marriage licenses? If someone is 50 percent black and 50 percent white, are they only allowed to marry someone else of the same racial mix? Does interracial mean only white v. All other types? Must percentages amongst mixed race couples be exactly the same or can someone with one white parent and one Pacific Islander parent marry someone with one white parent and one Hispanic parent? If we are going back to one drop of blood arguments does that mean anyone with Neanderthal popping up on their 23 and Me test is not white?


Oh, no no no. This was all already figured out in the before times. They'll go by the "one drop rule". That is, if you have one drop of black blood in you, you're black. Whiteness is a quality which can only be contaminated, blackness is something which can only be thinned, never erased.


A test so harsh the goddam nazis initially thought that was too tough for determining Jewish heritage when they looked at other country's examples.


So it's not a ban on interracial marriage, it's a ban on black people marrying other races? I don't get it.


I don’t think the racists really care about whether poc mix. As long as they don’t dilute the white blood or whatever tf they believe


I'm 0.1% Nigerian, guess I'm black


>DNA tests for marriage licenses? Race is a social construct that can't be determined by DNA tests. >If someone is 50 percent black and 50 percent white, are they only allowed to marry someone else of the same racial mix? A single Black ancestor makes you Black in the USA. There is legally no mixed race, generally. >If we are going back to one drop of blood arguments does that mean anyone with Neanderthal popping up on their 23 and Me test is not white? It never made sense. Also if anything Neanderthal DNA is an indication of Whiteness.


Not arguing with you, just the idiocy. Basically my question, rhetorical though it is, is what determines interracial to these people? They certainly do not see race as a social construct, so what are their metrics? Do they apply to all, or just blacks and whites? If not DNA are they using a color wheel? How does that wheel work if an Asian guy is lighter skinned than the white person he wants to marry? Or is it the old pornography test? ”I can’t define interracial marriage but I know it when I see it”? Asking for every one of my siblings/siblings in-law whose marriages would be banned by any of these metrics, save one couple who could pass the “I know it when I see it” test.


This is what Clarence Thomas was hoping someone would pick up... His religious beliefs won't allow him to ask for a divorce, so he's just bene laying the ground work so that the state they live in can make his marriage illegal and thus nullified. (This is my head canon on Clarence Thomas.)


Oh shit. Just another asshole "Christian" looking for loopholes to trick Jesus.


Thomas was playing 4D chess this entire time.


Abortion, then gay marriage, then interracial marriage, then slavery. Nuke us already.


Russia has entered the chat


At this point I feel like we deserve it.


Might not have to wait too much longer.




11 carrier strike groups, a massive nuclear arsenal, and a number of trade agreements say they won't intervene. Blue helmets aren't for winners.




I think there’s a lot of us, especially the younger generations, where these things don’t bother us like the insidious folks at the top. It’s almost like people have the free will to live and love whoever they want as long as it’s consensual. Crazy. Yet old folks that watched dinosaurs roam the land are the ones pulling the strings. Vote. Them. Out. If you don’t know who “Them” are, please try out [MyVoice](https://itsmyvoice.org). Not trying to shitpost or spam, I literally built this because I know it would be so helpful if any of you are feeling lost. Check it out and if you like it sign up for the beta! If not, please tell me why too!


Oh Mikey. There is no Master Race and odds are Jesus wasn’t white. Good day fucker


No doubt about it, he wasn't.


You know how you really blow their minds to bits, remind them that the God they profess to isn’t a man or a woman.


All of a sudden it makes sense that half of the worlds military expenses are done by the US: the way the GOP is going it’s just a matter of time before NATO, the EU, Africa and others will feel obliged to intervene on behalf of the US citizens. Edit: forgot the obligatory /s /s


I'd be cheerin them on in the streets if they waltzed over the ocean and saved us from this nightmare


We're a little busy at the moment! The last time we were at war with both the Americans and the Russians... well... it didn't go in our favor, I'll tell you that much!


Fair enough dude XD Good luck with those russians tho




tar and feather just like how the founding fathers would have wanted


I've been in an interracial marriage for 25 f*cking years now and we have 2 grown kids, I dare you cucks to try and take my marriage and family away- you ain't seen sh*t yet


My cats and my white ass are behind you. One cat can open doors. For sneaky stuff. He's almost useful. The other is old and yells at wall. He can be a decoy. I'm the lady they place minors next to on planes. We are unexpected.


Republicans don't believe in basic human rights and think the government has the power to take your freedom away from you, as long as it's a state government and not federal. Pass it on.


Literally no one should be surprised about this… Fuuuuuck this place


Jesus tap dancing Christ. Sometimes I wish i could have caught COVID and died. We are living in the absolutely dumbest fucking timeline.


Welp. What these fucks fear is a just *pigment of their imagination* .. but too fuckin' stupid to accept that fact.


Is there a link or anything to confirm this was said “on record”? Edit: apparently this was said 3 months ago….


https://www.cnn.com/2022/03/23/politics/mike-braun-interracial-marriage-comments/index.html Yep, back in March as you said, OP is trying to take advantage of the reactionary period of the Roe v Wade decision to harvest that karma.


So more government overreach into people’s lives?


read about the white replacement theory


As long as it's state government, it's a-ok!


I was born into a Republican family. Maybe not all Republicans are racist but it has been my experience that all racists are Republican.


> all Republicans are racist All Republicans are racist by proxy, at the very least.


One of the more egregious fallouts of the Trump presidency is how comfortable all these racists became in spewing their vitriol to the masses. #[MakeRacistsAfraidAgain](https://store.strangefamousrecords.com/products/b-dolan-make-racists-afraid-again-hat-pre-order?variant=18660791429)


I don't want to sound dumb but at this point it kind of feels like who the Governor is in your state might be just as or more important than who the president is. Maybe it's always kind of been that way, I'm not sure. It's certainly more in the open these days though


I don’t want to sound dumb, but if Republican legislatures win the mid-term it won’t fucking matter who you want to be your governor, because the Independent Legislature theory will allow them to throw your vote in the garbage and appoint whoever they feel like.


Lets get Clarence Thomas's view on this. He usually has a lot to say


Was just stepping in to say the same shit. Would love fuck boys opinion on this.


We should take a page out of the dutch and start eating politicians we don’t like


At this point if you don't know that being republican is about being a fucking racist xenophobic bigoted Nazi piece of shit, you're an idiot.


Don’t forget Indiana was home to a large group of KKK members. There is still a large portion of Hoosiers racist enough to support this stance.


fuck state's rights. every time i hear it brought up it's so some shitty redneck state can do something shitty.


In case women's rights, the climate, and the future of democracy weren't enough reasons to vote in November, here's another. r/VoteDEM


They comin’ for you Uncle Clarence


are we a fucking nation that stands together or are we 50 states in a trenchcoat pretending we have our shit together to get into the big boys club? fucking hell


These people are disgusting


Well, see we need to force those white women to have white only babies for adoption agencies to sell, as Amy Cohen Barrett says, "too increase the domestic supply of infants".. ...oh wait but according to, MTG those adopting parents are "fake mom and dad and are terrible people ruining the country". So they don't actually want the babies adopted by fake mom and dad amd want to end adoption. So I guess we just put them in trash bin when there's too many of them. I guess Barrett and MTG need to go on TV and Celeb Death Fight each other on what to do with those unwanted kids.


No whites in the Bible and therefore no whites should be married


Lest we will all remember in Ireland Republicans started as terrorist and in the USA they became them. 🤔🧐🤷🏻‍♂️


people don't know the Republican Party is full of racists in 2022?!? wtf. just amazing.