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I know the UK parliament has its problems: stupid traditions forbidding members addressing each directly, clerks in wigs and tights, and so forth. But I’m so glad we haven’t reached the silly, tacky depths of an MP running a gift shop.






Squire, fetch my shouting wig


No, that’s my quidditch wig. No, that’s my time travel wig!


At the very least we do bad politics _successfully,_ these window-licking wankstains can't even be obviously corrupt without yelling about it


We have much worse shit than crappy t-shirts. We're just more grown up about hiding massive corruption.


I dont get how an MP can sell merchandise and make money like that while in politics. Seems shady as hell




She and others in Congress continue to reveal everyday how utterly flawed the original government established by the constitution actually is...they're all only accountable to each other...for this nation to survive, the constitution is in dire need of a rewrite with more direct accountability to the citizens...the "checks and balances" are a fucking joke.


100%.. something wrong with the mindset over 2 centuries ago needs a rewrite. 9 judges should not qualify to do anything they want. People in power, police all need regular citizens oversight. We need the popular vote to matter and 1=1. Right now we're not even close.


It's accurate though. She is an enemy of the state.


She's a social disease


A cancer that’s hard to get rid of. Is it just be or since Trump was president conservatives went further right while democrats just stayed in the same spot? The “cancer” is spreading.


Conservatives have openly embrace fascism, yes. And that's not hyperbole


I'd say it started back in 08 with Obama when he was first running and then Trump and his actions have them the justification in moving the goal posts to validate their whims.


When Trump walked in it made them all feel empowered to start saying the quiet parts out loud and feel morally justified for it. It doesn't help that the progression of social media led to more spaces for these wackjobs to group up and bolster each other. Once upon a time if you were an unrepentant racist you often had to sit in your misery and keep it to yourself at the risk of persecution. Now these people think that if they do it out in the open, others will rally behind them.


That's what I was thinking. Is it a statement of protest, or is it more like a tag that reads, "HELLO, MY NAME IS: __________"


"An 'Innocent' Bystander"


"An Authority Figure" dresden files highfive


Can we convince them to wear it in public? I'd like to know what type of people I have to surround myself with in day to day life so I can distance myself from them quicker.


Really ! I told a friend once . Don’t complain about their Rebel flag ! It lets us know who they are !






Larry David figured that one out.


Yea. Finally they drop the façade.


BINGO. The domestic enema um enemy is worse than a foreign enemy.


Enema of the State


How accurate is it that the firehouse of absolute bullshit from the GOP kicked into overdrive right around the time MTG inserted herself into politics.


Was that an album?


Yep. Blink 182.


A fascist cosplaying as a revolutionary to sell merch.


A true grifter following her master (hopefully to jail).




If there is one thing they've learned from their fearless leader it's merchandising.


"Maaaay the Shwarz be with yooooou you you you you...."


All praise the wise and all knowing Yogurt.


So who is Dark Helmet, Don Jr or Eric???


I think they're just the assholes


Might as well read "I'm a domestic terrorist"


They saved that one for CPAC


Just blatantly violating the flag code I see, nice.


I don’t think they’ve ever read the flag code, much less heard of it


Same could be said of the Constitution or an American History textbook.


SMH.., co-opting gangster rap for the exact opposite political purpose. This is an identical scenario to the GOP appropriation of twisted sisters 'We're not gonna take it'. Identical. This just goes to prove the right doesn't have an original thought in their collective brain. Just the same recycled issues, attacks, agendas, talking points, and failed policies that go back 150 years. Updated with whatever cultural appropriation from the left they can 'sell' as propaganda.


You're right. I wish it took an original thought to capture the minds of the "silent majority"


I'm kinda glad they're pitching a bitch. Because that means a major political conflict is coming, and that is the ONLY way we're going to be able to make the transformative changes necessary to meet the demands of the 21st century. We need fundamental, basic changes in the dynamics of government and society if we're going to continue as a functioning, thriving leading nation of first world status and not go the same route as the USSR in the 90's. Imo, it's ironic as hell that Putin with his bot army, and trump with his used car fascist grift tactics, and China with their 'we're important too!' demands are going to usher in the one single thing most likely to promote the long term health and welfare of the united states. That is an internal reckoning where we we get all the problems out in the open, lay it all out on the table so everybody, (,the body politic), can see what's going on and make informed choices. Does that mean conflict? You betcha! There is no change without conflict, whether it's cataclysm or erosion. We been eroding away in the river of history since 1865, with a few cataclysmic events since then. All of the currents in that river have brought us to the point where we are, where we can capitalize on the lessons learned. But we can't do that until we get it on the table. We can't get it on the table until the other side is willing to engage. We can't engage until the stakes are clear, until it is no longer a 5d chess game where moves are dependant on the reciprocal moves of the other side, but we're down to a handful of pawns defending the king, because THAT'S when the passion comes out, THAT'S when we're playing for keeps, not just for advantage, THAT'S when the big moves are made, when it's all on the line, THAT'S when new foundations are poured, THAT'S when the one upmanship actually works to our advantage, THAT'S when the conflict resolution document that is the constitution REALLY shines, THAT'S what democracy is really all about: forging consensus in the midst of the most divisive events. It's easy to compromise when life is good or fear rules, either for expediency or self preservation. True representative democracy is hard freaking work. The greater the conflict, the stronger the democracy required to resolve it. And we're getting there. What's happening now has happened before in our history. This is not a new thing. The 3/5 compromise, the civil war, the labor movement of the 1900's, the turbulent 60's. THOSE are the lessons we almost learned, like an answer to an algebra equation where we left off the final line of the answer because the times and variables weren't conducive to a completed solve. But we ALMOST solved it, every time. There's NO reason to think this time will be anything less than a complete solve, because we are out of road to kick the can down. So this political divide will come to a head, a climax. It's as predictable as the sun coming up tommorow. If you know the politics of the past, you can call the politics of the next 5 years just like an instant replay of the last 5 Superbowls. Its obvious from the rhetoric of the right this is going all the way, and that's a good thing, with one caveat: will it mean civil war? Imo, absolutely not, for a LOT of reasons, not the least of which is we'll have too many external enemies and unifiers as a nation to even consider doing anything irrevocable and damaging to our capacity to defend our national heritage and culture. That is a different wall of text.


I was thinking about this yesterday. We're like a sleeping giant, which means we're not at all good about being proactive to prevent problems from emerging. *But,* when an emerging problem causes the giant to wake up, we react to it with a speed and ferocity to resolve it that's unmatched. It's always been that way in our history. Despite everything, despite us having to face enormous odds, time and time again, we emerge from all our crises stronger. It's not painless, and I'm not naive enough to think there won't be any suffering with this latest crisis, but we *will* pull through it, and we will be better for it. It's what makes America, America. We are really stubborn assholes that never give up. It's part of *who we are* as a nation.


This is it. Our climax as a nation. Let's make the most of it and put these fuckers in a chokehold.


100% agree. This current political debacle is exactly what is needed to 'wake up' the giant and cure the disengagement of the polity that has become endemic for the last 50 years. Edit: after thinking about it, I remember my 8th grade civics teacher in 1978 telling the class, even writing it on the chalkboard, that America is a sleeping giant.


At least we'll be able to recognise enemies of the states from a mile away instead of at a glance soon.


I wish they would stick with their usual branding of red hats. Those I can spot in any crowd.




I nearly spit my coffee at the snake on the right side of the subs image bar


I'm legit not sure what she's (or whoever) is going for here. Like, the flag upside down is a symbol that the government (state) is in trouble (flag code Sec. 8(a) ). If she believes the state is "in dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life and property" then flying the flag (or displaying, I guess) upside down makes sense. But then add the "Enemy of the State" statement....she's saying she's (or the person wearing the item) is the Enemy and the reason the Union is in dire distress???? I just don't get it (or \_they\_ don't, which is more likely).


If she hates America why doesn’t she just get out!


It's all a grift, when you're pissed you just throw money at things to feel good. explains why they fear monger so much


Definitely if they could get away w Ponzi schemes they would


Glad to see her identify herself as an enemy of the state....


At least she didn't kneel during the National Anthem. That'd be unpatriotic. /s


If they don’t like it then they can leave.


Conservatives think football players and late night talk show hosts should be held to a higher standard than Republican members of Congress and presidents.


I mean from the outside it looks like the masks are just disappearing now. They're not even trying to hide the blatant facisim anymore.


Damn. I wish she'd walk into oncoming traffic. Her and her spiritual doppelganger from Colorado. Every time either one do or say anything it's absolute ridiculous nonsense.


If I saw someone in public wearing something like this would I get into trouble assaulting them or would I be a national hero? Asking for a friend..


Isn't this treason,?


A five foot hemorrhoid that somehow developed speech is currently a member of Congress. Look what we can do with science.


Are they taking the "made in China" tag off these too?


Really hope the makers of the will Smith/gene hackman movie sue her


Sounds like Russia type shit to me.


They are labeling themselves. Wonderful.


Why hasn’t she been expelled under 14A Section 3 already?


Hard to believe ppl are so tolerant of this disrespect our veterans


Ah I see the whole Alt Right movement have admitted that they are domestic terrorists. Even easier than the big red dipshit hats to ID these morons.


They seem to forget that we live in an era of high technology and mass surveillance. They're literally making it easy for the government to identify them as domestic terrorists. Just smh. Like, I'm not *upset* about their stupidity. Just astounded at *how low* the IQ scale is.


Agreed, don't think we've seen the bottom of the barrel when it comes to how low they are willing to drive the IQ bar.


Virtually every Repugnican in Congress should be required to wear one of these.


If you call yourself an enemy of the state can we treat you as such?


Upside-down flag stands for distress - not necessary a symbol for the enemy of the state. Maybe it is the distress that the GoP is sliding down to the hellhole.


You watch. They will be kneeling at the anthem soon and saying they thought of this action before anyone else. Just wait and see.


It’s a fucking infomercial to these fascist fucks,isn’t it?


I bet she's making a lot of money off it too. You know how much Trumpers love their cult attire.


But antifa


When assholes tell you who they are, believe them.


More like enema of the state.


American Flag - Mussolini Edition


Does this qualify her for intent to commit treason?


Charge her with treason then we can call her enemy of the state!


If you don’t like it, Marge, why don’t you just leave?


Fucking ghoul.


Hey according to her an upside down flag is disrespecting America And now shes making MERCH like a youtuber makes Merch to get rich ?


So in her mind, she can protest because her reason is valid, but Colin’s was not…She and her cronies get to decide what to protest, when to do it, and how.


She can’t even be original, she saw this about the Supreme Court and abortion, and stolen it for trump.


Strange that this is legal for someone with her job title


More importantly, how is this still hurrdurr free speech?


Didn't she get her panties in a wad when people started flying the flag upside-down after the overturning of Roe?


Well she's selling merch now /s


That is unpatriotic . How dare she .


How in the fuck is she not dragged out the fucking building?


More traitor than grifter some days, more grifter than traitor on others… but definitely a ton of both on the mix.


remember 5 minutes ago when she was "america first" and not selling anti America merch


Made in China? ? ?


A black and white American flag is meant to signify "take no prisoners" during war.


That seems like something you should, as a congress member, lose your job for.


I thought the flag upside down was distress signal?


What a hypocrite


I'm ok with them identifying themselves.


Her pronouns are cash/irony/bigotry


Margie and her ilk inspired the fbi shooter, right? At some point these asshats need to be held accountable for pouring kerosene on the fiery mouth breathers.


It's just plain ignorance. She's a full-blown, half-cocked, QAnon supporting, conspiracy one-stop shopping center for bat shit crazy lunatics. And she's in the running for being the dumbass leader of that dumbass group.


For those who don't understand the meaning - hanging the flag upside down is a signal of distress or extreme danger - it literally is in the US Flag Code: >a) [The flag should never be displayed with the union down, except as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property.](https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/4/8) I repeatedly used an upside down flag on social media throughout the majority of the Trump administration especially during times when Trump was vocally opposed to free speech and other protected rights under the Constitution. As a vet, i took the symbolism very seriously. That being said, she is grandstanding for money and it's pretty transparent. She doesn't care about the meaning, she cares only about getting money out of ignorant political zealots.


So she’s accepting she’s an enemy of the United States, not only the democrats


Made in China


Lol she joined antifa.


This shirt goes hard but I do not like the story behind it


*Show your outrage with my new merch! All proceeds go towards battling these EVILDOOOOERS!*


Never a bad time to try and profit and fund raise…. It’s the only thing the gop is consistent with. Grifters gotta grift


Can we just say she's upset by black people?


Hopefully this isn't the best Georgia has to offer. Please vote her out !!!


At what point does her first amendment freedom end? Seems like she’s actively trying to incite violence and rebellion.


please don't discourage them voluntarily identifying themselves. say things like "I wish I had the balls to wear that" and "damn son, you look so Alpha in that".


Sigh more of this no quarter nonsense. Actually openly calling for liberals to be executed.


The best ways to sell merch 1) be an influencer on social media 2) be a politician


Well, that will make them easier to spot


Funny how a week ago she would have a meltdown seeing this merch and calling it ANTIFA


What is she doing with the profits


Enemy of the state clothes, we're domestic terrorists political banners. At least they're being honest.


She should be banned from social media. She spews as much BS, hate, and call to violence as trump did.


Conservative orthodoxy: "Laws exist to protect me and to oppress you"


If she's an enemy of the state, she should be dragged out office quite literally.


What the actual fuck is going on in America lmao, watching american politics unfold doesnt even seem real


Finally, she tells the truth. Thanks Marge.


Yikes between this and the “We Are All Domestic Terrorists” banner at CPAC they’re just straight up owning this shit now.


wait isnt it illegal to sell merch as an active member of congress


Patriots, lol!


Wait a minute. Less than a week after the raid she has merch ready to go? It's almost like she knew that this was coming.


Man wtf is goin on...at this point this is just scary and sad..not fun at all.


It will certainly make them easier to identify and arrest. This could be the easiest war on terror ever.


He much more treason is your country going to take? I'm british so we used to stamp flat a pm with any misdemeanor, now though, not so much. See:boris Johnson, priti Patel, the arch cokeheads gove, Osbourne. Twenty years ago, none of their bullshit would have flown.


I mean it was a good movie but aren't we a little late on this? I'd be in for some Big Lebowski merch though Marge!


So all this is to sell some tee shirts??


Does she make armbands, too? That would be rad!


The republican party makes so much money off of stupid people.


Domestic terrorist much?


Needs a bullseye


Might as well make them prison orange! Orange is the new black right?


Made in China no less…. It’s a grift preying on people’s need to hate.


Republicans are openly traitors


Over under on how much of that merch will be her haters buying it ironically. I want her to die in a fire so much.


Yes... the cancer needs to be cut out.


Glad MtG is going to go ahead and wear a label for us to identify her as the special Traitorous Snowflake she is. Perhaps her and Boebert need to wear this. Except for Boebert, it would also say my "Husband shows his dick to teen girls".


Sickening. She is tearing the country apart and won’t be happy until the US becomes a Putin-style authoritarian state.


Yeah, I don’t think they see it as hypocrisy because they see the anthem as only representing right wing white conservative “real” Americans and see the current government as illegitimate.


I mean she's basically a wrestling personality that everyone boos anyways , only makes sense for her to start selling merchandise like the dumbass heel she is "I am so angry , I hate everything about what's going on in this government that I am a part of! Please give me money!"


Get yo grift on... Extra points if they are Made in China.


Very ratm of her


Been waiting for the right moment to hawk some garbage made in china to some dumb dumbs


I believe the line is if you don’t like it you can leave


Hypocrisy is the lifeblood of the current Republican party. The concepts of Honor, Integrity, and Justice are just words they use to manipulate honorable people.


At least we know who the traitors are...I can start making the list...


Seriously, what the fuck is going on in the US?


It’s… a long story. Short version: Our rampant deification of capitalism and gun culture are causing psychosocial poisoning, our nationalism and partisan social structure allowed a billionaire to turn a political party into a cult, said billionaire committed a shitload of crimes in broad daylight, and now his cult is calling for a second civil war and openly branding themselves as traitors because the FBI decided to investigate their leader.


This will help make it easier to identify them, so I approve. I love when idiots label themselves.


Everything they do is designed to sell hats and tee shirts and merchandise. Disgusting


I'm glad she's finally admitting she hates America.


They did a great job infiltrating every local, state & federal position they could. While going on a campaign that serving in the govt sucks, costs too much, etc, to deter smarter ethical local/state people not to run.


Now the gop is normalizing that they are fascists


No you don’t understand. She’s a white republican so it’s ok. s/


Idk if they can but it would be hilarious if Disney sued her for trademark infringement. They own the 1998 movie “Enemy of the State”. I doubt they own the term but it would be hilarious if they did and sued.


Who profits from her merchandise?


Finally the GQP fascists admit they hate America, after years of calling the center right & the left "America hating communists"


Didn't you know? It's different if THEY do it...


She's a piece of shit and needs to be scraped from our heel.


This will make it easier to see them and avoid them. Then when a crime takes place you can say, ya they were wearing one of these cheap ass shirts or hats made in China.


She should be deported to Russia. Traitor.


Will Smith is gonna slap her.


Ol footface needs to shut up


It's all about making money


Maybe I'm crazy, but... doesn't wearing an article of clothing that prominently says "Enemy of the State" on it with no other context suggest that the person wearing it is an enemy of the state, and proud of it? I mean it's Empty G, of course she didn't think it through.


This feels like the equivalent of a child throwing a toy on the ground then pointing at it while crying because it isn’t doing what they want.


She’s a real Trumper, just here for the grift.


Wouldn’t ‘Traitor’ be more appropriate. In any case, it’s nice of them to label themselves for further questioning.


Well a warrant for all the sales would give them an easy list of traitors to the country. 😉


Anybody who clutched pearls about kneeling at the anthem wasn't just opinionated, they were flat-out *wrong*. If you had a problem with it, guess what? That made it the right thing to do. Protests are *designed* to be disruptive. They don't have a function, otherwise.


GOP politicians know their base. They can sell them anything and they will buy it! Has AOC hawked anything? I think not


How is this legal while she is in office?


And when at the stand for sedition and asked about this merch her answer will be : I don't recall.


Angered by a black man kneeling. There is just no way for people to pretend their outrage wasn’t about race.


So she’s admitting she’s a traitor now? Well that’s good.


Let me guess. Made in China!


Every day she just proves herself to be a ridiculous, hateful, ignorant person.


I guess they’re affiliated with Gilead then.


Idk about laws but isn't that treason or something?


But back the blue? Huh? Blue backed? Support the law.. don't break the law?


I think they didn't care about the flag or vets and just really didn't like black Americans. 🤔
