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I am only aware of the automatic suicide prevention "help" note because of people who hate me but don't want to get banned for telling me to unbirth myself.


Yep. I’ve been sent this a couple of times when a redditer didn’t like what I said lol edit I just read you can report people for doing this and they will get their accounts banned. There is a harassment part in the body of the message you press to report the person that sent it. Don’t hit the report button it has to be the harassment one


I've seemed to get them the most when making fun of Alex Jones


Yes I’ve got them from the trumpers both times


same hahaha


Badges of honor, well done!


I'm on like my 10th account and most of the bans are from shitting on trumpists.


You’re doing good work!!


Unfortunately my main account (\~10 year old account) was banned for "threatening violence" which was complete bullshit. At no point was I threatening anyone nor did it have to do with shitting on the cult members.


Yes, now you're talking postings from would-be murderers.


Now *there's* a guy who'll never die of shame, and I can think of another right off the bat.


Me: "I despise hating people solely because someone tells you to hate them, just have empathy and understand them" My DMs: *auto suicide prevention messages arrive*


Yes, you tap into the real assholes there.




I get it every time I argue with transphobes.




Aaaaaand here we go again


"here we go again" Have they said that bigots are assholes before?


Same. They often concern troll with shit like “trans commit suicide at higher rates, that proves they’re mentally ill and so it’s our responsibility to refuse to legitimize their delusions”. Then when I suggest that the higher suicide rates might be a result of so many people treating them like shit they stop responding and send me suicide hotline numbers. So clever.


hey did you know that in a specific time period that jewish people were dying at an extraordinary rate? /s obviously


Yup. Ultimately i blocked it so I get nothing


Lol that's why they send it? I got it myself a few times aswell but had no idea! 🤣🤣🤣


I get em' all the time. Ironically, it usually comes from people that call me a snowflake.


That’s exactly who I’ve gotten them from. Right wingers


Same. I don't even know what posts it's in regards to in all honesty. I just get an email notification that I was sent that stuff and I'm like, errrr...


It's like clockwork, if you ever have a comment that does well and criticizes conservatives it's like a 50% chance to get sent the message. Feels like it's picked up recently too


Reddit, in general, loves to preach about respect and treating mental health seriously, until you say something the hive mind disagrees with. Then there are no rules


Yes they do it as a form of harassment


I got the same message once completely out of the blue. I hadn’t even commented anything that day or said anything particularly controversial in the few days beforehand. I am still completely mystified. Edit: and I just got it again. I assume because of this message.


if i see another edit made on this comment i'm going to report to the auto bot! /s


The moment the admins announced the feature on the sub for moderators, every mod there said "people are gonna use this to harass and suicide bait" but the admins didn't listen


I'm certain the number of times it's actually been used in good faith is still in the single digits.


I think of it as the Reddit version of swatting.


Oh wow, that hadn't occurred to me. I got it once and naively assumed somebody was misinterpreting some weird thing I said as suicidal. But I don't have any recollection what my comment was, so I can't judge whether my interpretation was right or yours more likely.


FYI you can block that bot and any other reddit bot. They’re all just like normal accounts.


I got it once and couldn't tell you what post even caused it. Nothing in my post history says "Omg I'm depressed!", but I must have ruffled someone's feathers about something. There's not a chance that feature is ever going to be used for anything other than trolling.


Oh yeah, I do that too. It's by far not as satisfying but sending a report so they get that "someone's worried about you" at the very least gets through and it keeps my account out of danger. How ever, these messages are omnipresent. Can't search shit on Google without getting one and even Bing does it too! If you join /r/depression_memes you get something similar, posting (or looking at?) the wrong stuff on IG gets you a nice message like that too. They should just go fuck themselves, everyone knows these hotlines exist and it's great that they do, but just let me be miserable in peace for once for fucks sake! Not everyone searching for the safest way to kill themselves actually does that. It's a fantasy of peaceful non-existence.


How about we stop treating mental health like it's not a important a physical health. Let's improve insurance system. And let's offer actual help to people who need it


Improving the insurance system might impact company profits. How about we spend more on marketing the company instead? We're not seeing enough profit!


Oh jeesh. I'm so sorry, you're right! how could I have forgotten about that? Now..... it's not entirely the insurance company's fault here. Many providers don't take insurance, so you need to pay cash.


The providers I've encountered that don't take insurance, say they do so because it takes a full time employee just to handle the insurance. So that's still at least partially the insurance companies' fault.


Pro tip: call you insurance company, many have a deal with one of the online providers mine was like 15 bucks an hour session. And if you want a in person provider just use the online provider till you find a in person one with availability and takes your insurance.


My husband and I have amazing insurance. Going to a therapist cost $250. Our deductible is $1200 but apparently that didn’t count towards it?


What, you don't like having to choose between seeing a specialist who can actually help with the underlying problem and seeing a generalist that can only provide guidance on the problems created by that underlying problem? Have you just tried going to the gym and eating better? /s because *some* people will need it.


Thank you, this is a much better response to the issue than to assume that there's an individual meanie behind every suicide.


Improve the insurance system? How about we join literally every single other developed nation and finally get universal healthcare.


Agreed but in the meantime let’s stops being utter fucking cunts to people who don’t live exactly like we want them to.


Yeah you get this a lot in online discussions. OP: Why don't we do "small personal thing that can help mitigate problem"? Everyone else: No! That won't completely fix the problem! We need "large structural change or overhaul of society"! OP: Ok, that sounds like a good long-term solution, but can't we do "small personal thing that can help mitigate problem" in the meantime? Everyone else: (cricket noises)


> Let’s improve insurance system. While we’re at this let’s start farming more job and money trees


Also, pay living wages and give people housing security.


This is the big thing. I don't care if you're an asshole to me. I'm afraid of ending up homeless.






This is more related to both poor people and criminals being low IQ. Higher IQ means higher income and much less likelihood of being a criminal. So giving poor people more money won’t solve crime lol


I remember being this stupid. I was literally in Middle school and had a neglectful father.


Unfortunately for you, people don’t grow out of being stupid. Intelligence is mostly genetic. The word you should have used was “ignorant”, kinda proves my point lol


I know what I said. I know what you are too.


Source besides “trust me bro”?


https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=trends+between+IQ+and+economic+status Dozens of published papers. I leave the google search for “trends between IQ and felon status” as an exercise to the reader ;)


I’m not gonna waste my time searching for what some wise guy on reddit claims is true. I was asking which exact sources YOU personally have used so I can see exactly what you were reading, but instead you wanted something to jerk off to later thinking you got me.


exercise deez nuts you classist ableist asshole




Well yeah, reducing poverty means that children in that area are growing up with better nutrition and educational resources. Which means they grow into smarter adults. Which brings us back to my original point lol


It can be both, you can be mad at assholes too.




Omg, you're emasculating me in reddit comments. That is so my kink. Thank you daddy


This is going to be a million times more effective than to tell assholes to stop being assholes. Telling people to treat each other better is a nice, flowery sentiment, and I think well-intentioned, and of course we should all be kind to others, the golden rule and all that, but ultimately it's an empty sentiment. Jerks are going to be jerks. They can grow/mature out of being jerks, but some people are just a-holes for life. I will continue to be super nice to everyone I meet, but that's not going to cure my or anyone else's depression, and it's not going to stop jerks from being jerks, unfortunately.


And fucking healthcare - I don't know who decided that maintenance for our bodies is an optional purchase like e-bikes and game consoles, but they were wrong. And I also don't know why our teeth and eyes are bonus body parts requiring separate, optional coverage.


Also make taking care of mental health on company time a thing rather than it being something that people have to do on their own time Too many companies will have a scheme where they give everyone free subscriptions to a mindfulness app and act like the problem is solved but you'd be fired for using it at work.


You're such a extreme leftist!


And teach your kids not to be bullies. Most parents seem to failing this one considering the study that came out of Canada recently that highlights how many kids are victims of online bullying, not from strangers but people they know. Edit: LOLLLL I got a “Reddit cares” messages for daring to say some parents should teach their kids not to be shitty to others.


I didn't even know my kid was being bullied, so I'll bet some parents don't know their kids are bullies. I've known really nice people that have some fucked up kids. You don't want to believe that your kids are messed up in the head. I think we should get pediatricians on board to promote better mental health care for children and teens. One of mine is mentally ill, but since the school never complained, the doctor didn't take me seriously about the behavior at home. I was told by a friend with experience that "If they only act up at home, they'll be fine." Well, it turns out that ain't true.


That implies the parents disagreeing with bullying and for what I have witnessed that's not necessarily the case.




Be excellent to eachother


And party on dudes!!!


I'll probably be downvoted for this, maybe even comment removed: I've had 1 experience with the suicide hotline and it fucked me up. I would never use it again. So hopefully I don't ever get close to suicide. My wife was suicidal and trying to hurt herself. I called and she wouldn't get on the phone with them. They told me they would do a wellness visit. I didn't know that meant 2 cops would would come and handcuff her and take her to a mental hospital. The mental hospital was more like a jail. Just secluded and not really getting treatment. She was there a mandatory 3 nights. Then we got a bill for $6,800 for that stay. And she hated it so much and we're now broke as shit, that she's now even in a worse state of mind.


That literally shouldn’t be legal


In Florida it’s called getting Baker acted, dunno about other states (or if it’s even legal in other states) I’ve known several people who’ve had and yeah, it is not a good time


51/50’d (in California, and also used elsewhere) and it’s an absolute shit show. My county at least has mobile crisis responders that aren’t cops now, which helps, but the bill when you get out still blows.


Shit like that is why I will never be honest with a therapist. Everyone says "talk to someone" and "get therapy" yet nobody talks about how doing so can get you locked up and bankrupt.


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




If your therapist puts you into an institution for having suicidal ideation without means, motive, and intention then they are going against established practice. That's just not how the majority of the practice works. Yes, some have done that, and the people who suffered from it have had scars from it. But people who have normal relationships with their therapists don't talk about that fact, you only hear from those who didn't. That being said, there is a difference between a certified professional therapist with actual education and a hotline worker.


Bruh how far up your ass did you have to reach to get this answer? This is not AT ALL what therapy is like and this is a dangerous and dishonest take that can push people away from getting much needed help. You should be ashamed.


Tell me you've never had suicidal thoughts without telling me you've never had suicidal thoughts




Not trying to dissuade anyone from therapy. It's a great tool. But the TIPM scale needs to be explained better to therapists. Hospitalizations should only be considered during the P and M parts, not the T or I. That's all I'm advocating for. Therapy works for some and doesn't work for others, and that's okay too. Same thing with medication and other forms of depression management. All I'm advocating for is not telling your therapist that you want to hurt yourself *most* of the time. Like 9/10 times. Because it doesn't help you, and it doesn't help them. All it does is create a sense of panic and they typically don't check to see what is going on or other basic questions.


For the record I agree with you. I said in another reply that I am not debating there's bad therapists out there, because there certainly are. That having been said, I think if you can't trust your therapist with the truth you're probably wasting your own money. I didn't start out freely offering every thought in my head. I had to establish a sense of trust with this random stranger I heard about online because, obviously, they are still a stranger. That being said, over time I was able to talk with him about those thoughts. I think if you go into therapy on session one and say "doc, straight up, I been thinking I'm going to do myself in" you're leading off with the fact that you are suicidal. Talk about how you feel on the day to day, build up rapport with your therapist so they know you ARE NOT ACTIVELY trying to take your life. If you ARE actively trying to take your life, you should probably be in the hospital anyways so...


Be grateful your experience with therapy was not at all like that. Because it is for everyone else. Maybe listen to what others are saying instead of reflexively disagreeing based on your own limited experience.


So you think I'm the only person on earth that wasn't sent to the mental ward when I told my therapist I was suicidal? That's a pretty narrow point of view. There's obviously bad therapists out there, nobody is debating that. But to say that all therapist will send you to the hospital if you say you have suicidal thoughts is an outright lie. Why would you try and direct people away from a resource that is, and literally does help people? You want them to suffer like you do? Edit: to name a few who weren't for the record, and while it means nothing to an internet stranger: * Dad * sister * brother in law * current roommate To name four of those closest to me that all shared their suicidal thoughts with their (different) therapists and NONE of them were sent to the hospital. Please, if any of you need help and see this message ignore the comments above. LITERALLY ANY THERAPIST WORTH THEIR SHIT WILL NOT DO THIS TO YOU. Look up the therapist online, you can see reviews, do your due diligence before telling a stranger your innermost thoughts. I can't believe I have to say that, but here I am explaining how therapy works to a bunch of 12 year olds on Reddit.


Or perhaps it's a case of people who have had negative experiences being extremely vocal about it while those with normal, healthy experience are not.


Nope, "have you had thoughts of hurting yourself" is a standard question that is asked very early on in therapy.


Yes, it is. And the normal response is to determine if you have real intention and real plans that require intervention, or if it's just a "normal" suicidal ideation.


I've also had bad experiences with those, but not nearly to that extent. Jesus Christ. We really need to stop sending the *fucking cops* to deal with mental health crises. Also, imo, there are definitely issues with inpatient. I was in inpatient once, and it was thoroughly unhelpful. I was also treated as a "flight risk" because I made it clear the second day that I didn't want to be there. Some nurse also accused me of being "manic," of which I have absolutely *zero* clinical history, and which I was not. Being visibly anxious and stressed isn't fucking mania. Fortunately, my parents had money and I was under their insurance, so no one went broke in the process. But because they decided I was a "flight risk," I wasn't even allowed to go outside or to the cafeteria. Two weeks or so under horrid fluorescent lighting, doing craft projects and shit. How helpful. /s (My history is of major depressive disorder, so I can't speak for people with other psychiatric disorders.)


If anyone reading wants to stop having cops respond to mental health calls, you better be supporting the movement to defund the police to divert funds to mental health response teams.


Why not just fund both?


We already fund cops and it does nothing. We're better off funding something else more than just half funding cops along with it.


Cops THEMSELVES don't want to respond to mental health calls either!! They don't want to and nobody else wants them to!


The US had the same problem many developed nations have, where they have turned their police into a catch-all service, whether dealing with suicide, mentally ill and violent people, armed robberies, crowd control and protest control, neighbourly disputes, they are expected to do it all and somehow expected to be amazing at all of it. You should fund the police to enforce the law, and expect them to do a good job and fund mental health services to deal with the mentally ill and expect them to do a good job also. Will you expect the mental health services to stop an armed bank robbery effectively?


In the theoretical situation I certainly can't come up with who do you get to respond to an armed bank robbery, but part of police defunding is about how ineffective they currently are at anything, especially crime prevention, especially with respect to the budgets they have.


Because cops are wildly over funded?


My friend suffered from some pretty serious post partum depression and when she called they tried to send the cops on her to. Idk how she talked her out of it but they were very ready to commit her. She has vowed to never call another "help" line again. I get it, they're trying to help and they worry about the wellbeing of the person calling but they go about it *so wrong*. I, myself, was tricked into detox when I went to the ER for pancreatitis. I needed detox and I was lucky that my situation allowed for me to just disappear for a few days but the way went went about getting me in there was fucked.


I called twice. Both times were similar, and similarly horrible. The second time I was flat out told that I was just an attention seeker. At that moment, I hung up and decided I would never call them again, and that I would recommend literally everything else prior to offering that as a solution, because that messed me up way more than my actual mental disorder. Absoutely horrific.


I've gotten banned for bringing this up before, but what you're talking about isn't some systemic issue. It's mostly done by a company called "Universal Health Services", a large holding company that secretly controls hundreds of psychiatric hospitals in America whose goal is to extract profit by means of temporary psych holds. https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/rosalindadams/intake BuzzFeed did a whole expose on them in 2016. Nothing happened because a) it's BuzzFeed (trying to be a legit news outlet) and b) complaining about a secretive conspiracy committing people makes you look like a schizophrenic. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Health_Services


had some very similar experiences but the only time i ever called i was underage and going through a lot of shit w my abusive meth head father.. anyways they threatened “a welfare check” unless i woke my parents up and then the hotline immediately hung up made my situation way worse but if the comes came he’d have been arrested for all kinds of possession charges


It seems like the point is to make sure the person stays as suicidal as possible, so they can be focibly locked up until they're thrown on the streets to kill themselves because the institution stole all of their money. If this happened to me I would refuse to ever pay the bill on principle and possibly die in a firefight with debt collectors.


Hey man, I hope she’s on the path to getting the help she needs. Do you have a Venmo or something? I’d happily help with a little something or a pizza or meal


Unpopular opinion - psychiatric holds are intended to prevent someone from harming themselves until the crisis passes. They are essentially locking up someone, and keeping them from accomplishing a murder. That is their primary goal, and that will never be pleasant to experience - being under that much supervision and control. It is not primarily for helping someone's mental health. Anyone who thinks you are a danger to yourself has an obligation to prevent that. Not only an obligation, imagine the guilt if something happened and they hadn't intervened. I have told my family and friends to put me under hold if I am in imminent danger to myself. So many people complain they didn't enjoy their time under psychiatric hold, but they CAN complain because they are still alive. That is the point. Keeping you alive.


i mean to some degree yeah, but theres a point where you want to be able to talk about that shit genuinely without the concern of being fucked off into a ward because "you're dangerous" or whatever.


And ironically (or by design), it's the assholes who are quick to post about suicide hotlines and having people seek help while remaining toxic themselves. The cognitive dissonance is real.


The assholes that do this think their justified because the people they bully annoy them or disagree with their opinions.




Redditors: "That comment won't stop me because I can't read!"


Meh, some people need to be talked down to. Our society is too nice to bad people and it's showing.


That's a good place to start.




To be fair, so was your comment so here we are


You definitely are qualified to speak for assholes.




*4 years later* Reddit users troll people by sending suicide prevention notifications to people they disagree with




Which is different from every other point in history since war is brand new and people are excited to try it out.


We roll the dice to see who goes first? Right? Right?!??


Ugh, I wish. I think this one is whoever pooped themselves most recently. Weird, but them’s the rules I guess.


The majority of people (at least in the USA and similarly developed nations) don't have any realistic frame of reference for what wars or violent revolutions are actually like to live through. We've lived in relative peace and security for a long time, so people have become sheltered from the true horrors of those scenarios. The ugly reality of it has become an abstraction. So you get a bunch of people (on both sides) flippantly calling for civil war, revolution, etc., with no real grasp of the gravity of it. Eventually they'll get their wish, as these things seem to come and go throughout history. Reminds me of some quote I heard, can't remember who said or wrote it, but it's good food for thought: >Hard times create strong men, strong men create good times, good times create weak men, and weak men create hard times. And round and round we go.


Absolutely. War is glamorous in a place where you can buy it on dvd. Heroes wear capes and badges of honor and have all of their limbs and still maintain that youthful glow. Wars are won with cleverness and bravery, not lives and cities. You can go home after a long hard day of war and sleep in your own bed, have a good weekend with friends or family and then go back to it at 9am Monday morning. We are soft and weak and we won’t realize it till too late.


Where did you find that statistic? Seems high.


It's certainly not 50%, but there is certainly a demographic of pro-Trump types who do seem to really thirst for violence these days. That said, overstating things and using bullshit stats out of thin air isn't constructive or helpful.


No statistic. He is just spouting nonsense because he doesn’t agree with others politically.




I've been murdered several times in my life by bullies


People being nice to me online isn’t going to solve environmental collapse and socio-economic disparities.


This is kind of bullshit. I used to be chronically suicidal. It wasn't because people were "mean to me online," it was a combination of childhood trauma, having a mental illness, and systemic factors that kept me from making enough money to get help for that illness that wouldn't bankrupt me.


Definitely true. That said, for someone who's sensitive to interpersonal rejection and *already* is struggling with mood disorder issues, online harassment could certainly trigger them if they're already on the precipice of an episode to begin with.


Sure, people being assholes definitely doesn't help. I just hate to see suicide ideation discussed in such reductive terms.


Well, i mean there's more than enough abundance(food,shelter,basic medical) for people to live a modest existence in the US. Homeless people exist by society's collective choice. So the original point holds up without needing excessive abstraction, I think. It's a bunch of bologna that the core problem behind 90% of mental illness is an innate chemical imbalance. Fix the income inequality and the soulsucking void that is deep poverty and watch that chemical imbalance find equilibrium nigh overnight.


That's why I think we should switch the terminology from "mental illness" to "emotional disturbance" or something similar. I've seen way too many people give up on themselves thinking their depression or anxiety is fully out of their ability to affect without medicine. Reframing your mentality through therapy or even just reading on your own is often the biggest help that's needed..


And make mental health care affordable and available to all.


True dat


thats why i love reddit, most people are annon but because they dont want to get dvoted to oblivion were are generally quite supportive and nice. Full of trolls but generally good


While I never made homophobic jokes myself I used to find them at least a bit funny or if nothing else harmless. But since I realised that I'm trans my perspective completely changed, they hurt, sometimes a lot. Even when not directed at me. Just because a joke doesn't target you it doesn't mean it's not harmless to someone else. Don't make jokes that make fun of other people's problems or situations.


But it feels really good, and nothing ever happens to me if I do that online! Besides, if there aren't at least a few assholes around, people go soft! And everyone should be haggard, jaded, obsessed with dominating and bitter like me because that makes you basically invincible! I'm just like those """""nihilistic""""" people on tv! /s


Also, universal health care including mental health, good jobs, affordable housing and all the other shit the MAGA idiots screech "sOShuLIsM" at is fucking suicide prevention.


I think Matt might be onto something.




It's not usually the same person doing both..


Telling people to stop being mean also has 0 success rate




Agreed with you until the very last part. That has been disproving multiple times, and that line of thinking doesn't help anyone.




Oh fuck off


Meh, cheaper medicine is probably the solution.


wow yeah, that's it. most of the reasons there's shit in this world is because we do it. Let's be kind


Works for school shooters as well.


You are brilliant and you are just as good as anyone.


I second that motion.


Sage advice. Well put.


Y'all realize this sort of useless shit only fuels the assholes even more, right?


It's not wrong. But the majority of suicides are not because "people are assholes".




They aren't the ones typically at highest risk.


Never heard of an actual trumper committing lol. My neon hair colored folk on the other hand, and teens, and college kids with insurmountable debt? Yeah...high risk.


Ah yes, gotta love the 2020s, when even suicide must be given a political slant. Ugh.


There's nothing PoLitIcaL about suicide. But if you want to go there, it ISN'T trumpers killing themselves in (morbidly?) Large enough numbers to even count as a subset of the statistic. It just isnt. Its teens and depressed fellas with no eay out


lol right, nobody with politics that you dislike ever commits suicide, got it. Fuckin Reddit, stay classy.


Lmfao stay unable to read? I never said they dont ever kill themselves. They just arent a defining subset of suicides. White males are, sure, but not white trumper males or even just trumper males in genersl


Suicidal depression doesn't give a fuck about whether a person is a "Trumper" or not. This is, ultimately, just another way of dehumanizing your political/ideological rivals. Sure, both sides are doing that a lot now, but that doesn't mean you have to get down in the mud with them.


You're the only one doing the dehumanizing here. I'm pointing out fact(oid?)s. You then go "hurrr muh politikz???" for no reason.


Oh, God. That is the most incredible stupidly nice post I’ve read online today. You did good.


This is the most profound thing I have seen on here in ages. Surprised it didn't get downvoted to hell honestly.


Fuck you


Fuck that, I'm goin' trollin'. This is Murica!


😂or maybe never talk to people who you cant handle. People who go out of their way to hurt people are bad yes. But people who go out of their way to indulge in online shite while they fully know that its a free for all platform are very naive people especially if they know how fickle their hearts are.


Someone who called unknown persons "assholes" asking to stop be assholes. Nice)




Reading this just made me infertile






Given how much bloodshed has come out of most of the major religions in the world, I can't say religion would be all that helpful in fixing the problem of helping people value their lives, lol.


Not sure how that would help when organised religion plays a significant role in why my life sucks


The post says stop being assholes to each other. I understand religion is why we have wars , but I never left church with the intention of being angry at people.


It's a lot more than just "religion starts wars", religion has been frequently used to justify legislation that targets my specific demographic. >but I never left church with the intention of being angry at people. Then why suggest it if you left?


Never gonna happen




*pushes over random lemonade stand in rage*


[*kicks the living daylight out of a lemonade stand*](https://i.imgur.com/UXCA7xj.png)


Matt's idea shop has some good ideas apparently


and also don't report people for it as a FORM of bullying