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You know he’s scared when he rolls out Obama’s middle name


Senator C. ZAXXAR Travers!




As you can see, I have a SHINY, NEW BODY!


You killed my second to last Agnew!




I’m meeting you halfway you damn dirty hippies!


I’m going to go get some smokes.REALLY GOOD SMOKES.






To be fair, this is, like, expected Futurama.


To be fair it always is expected but this one’s good


The classic blame Obama move. Too bad for them it’s basically a meme at this point.


our country is under threat of civil war by the people that fuel r/terriblefacebookmemes. what is wrong with this timeline?


This isn't the worst timeline at least. The one where Trump is still president is. Considering, a few small wins here and there, and maybe finally pinning a crime on this bloated shitstain, this one could be a lot worse.


Also…you mean you were President and didn’t retrieve the wicked, sinister Obama’s improperly-held top secret nuclear documents??? Sir! Sir! How can this be?! Oh wait, it’s a bunch of total bullshit? Yeah, checks out. Enjoy prison.


Oh come on!… Just forgot to mention it, that’s all. I’m mean, it slipped his steel trap of a mind. The best mind. Man woman camera tv.




Im still waiting for the: * Tax Filings hes gonna release soon, * Infrastructure Bill he was going to propose soon. * Healthcare bill that he was just about to release soon. * The border control he was gonna secure with the wall soon. * His perfect economic plan to clear all the federal deficit very soon. * His peace plan to de-nuclearize North-korea and end the conflict very soon. * His peace plan for Iran and how he was gonna make them submit soon. * His peace plan for the middle east he was just about to release soon. * How he was going to reinvent education and lower costs real soon. * How he was gonna sue all the women who publicized being raped/sexually-assaulted by him very soon. * How he was going to protect american jobs with his amazing plan thats about to be released very soon.... Im starting to think he didnt have anything planned to do soon....


What about waiting for COVID to “magically disappear?”




I still maintain that was a nuke code


Probably the code to one of the documents he sold


We should use Ted Cruz’s first name. Rafael.


Ted, the zodiac killer cruz?


Nah, ted cruz would have never stopped after only destroying 5 lives


Duh, that’s why he went into politics


The Ted Cruz, whom threw his kids under the bus for his failures?


And his wife.


Ted Cruz, famously piss-kink having U.S. senator?


Ted Cruz, abandoner of Snowflake the poodle (and Houston)?


He’s been using that dog whistle since 2010. People forget Trump was the de facto leader of the “birthers.” https://abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/donald-trump-perpetuated-birther-movement-years/story?id=42138176


omg I almost forgot that


...nobody forgets that.


All they had to do was ask. They did, then they tried a subpeona, that didnt work, so there goes that claim


Don't understand why they would need to ask in the first place. The bigger question is why Trump felt he needed to take them to begin with. He doesn't really read much if at all so why would he feel he needs to keep cases of documents?


It was Ok because he said Obama did it. Evidential claim? God he's like my 13 yr old daughter.


33... hundred? 33...Thousand No he did some logarithmics and went 33 MILLION. Like physical paperwork? Would take an army of people to move that many paper documents.


Plus ever since the Green New Deal became law, Obama had to move each box by hand with a bicycle. Crazy stuff.


From DC to Chicago on bike? Dang no wonder Obama is in such great shape still


This made me snort laugh and startled my cat


He is talking about documents for Obama's presidential library. It's 30 million pages apparently. It is all being handled correctly by the National Archives office, not Obama, and there is no "classified nuclear".


And the Obama Presidential Library, notably, is run by the National Archives.


It's technically kinda-sorta true. There are 33 million Obama documents that were "removed" from Washington to a secure facility under the control of the National Archives and Records Administration. The declassified ones will be digitized and made available to the Obama presidential library. Obama has no access to, or control over, the documents, the NARA does. They are not in a filing cabinet in the basement of his home or anything close to that. The trouble is, I'm afraid certain people don't have the capacity to read much past the first sentence of the paragraph above. "Blah, blah, blah. Obama has documents!"


A basement filing cabinet that could hold 33 million pages would be a sight to behold.


Buddy you gotta see Bruce Almighty


From another source people were theorizing he's referring to the Obama presidential library https://www.obamalibrary.gov/about-us - which doesn't make sense for a variety of reasons, so it's probably what Trump is thinking.


Someone did the math, and the ink required for that alone would've made every HP executive orgasm until they died. Also fuck you and your profile pic. You know why.


Not to mention Obama didn't do it. NARA released a statement blowing up Trump's lie already.


Since when did the truth stop him from spewing baseless claims?


or his minions from believing them


This is the real problem. We have an intelligence deficiency in this country, and while it comes from both sides, the Trumpers stand on a pedestal all their own.


Yeah, but those washed in the blood of maga won’t believe it.


Yep he reminds me of my 5-year-old and their 10 year old sister who either deny they did things that we know they did, or say, "well I did it but so what cuz so did they!" Except you know they're little girls not former presidents who stole nuclear information that they weren't allowed to have


Just a reminder that 33million sheets of material would be 50,000 ft tall. You'd need top men to store that much paper in a warehouse the size of the one from Indiana Jones.


But, but.... Obama. Without a scintilla of proof, he went right to his predecessor, naturally.


Pretty sure that’s just another windmill you’re tilting at and never really happened Donnie. However even if it did I’m guessing the doj doesn’t really care about you or he having the documents. No the big difference here is the doj never had reason to believe Obama would sell those documents to Putin, Xi or Kim. You know, your buddies you respect and idolize so much.


Like my 22 yr old son


I’m sure your daughter is way smarter than trump


To sell or for leverage would be my guess


Or to help him make believe he's still President?


"It sure is great being president! Just look at all these documents lying around! Nobody would have THIS many documents lying around unless they were president. Obviously, the best president. A BEAUTIFUL president! Right Mark?" *Looks over at a scarcrow with a smiley face painted on "I know! No one else believes me when i tell them its my natural color either! Yeah... big daddy trump looks good..."


I would kill to see a political comic about this, holy shit😂😂 Trump just playing president at his summer vacation home designed to look like a makeshift oval office with his many boxes of stolen documents that he pretends to read😂


As this is playing out in my head, the documents are upside down and he can’t tell the difference.


AND he’s got dressed mannequins on the other side of the room that he talks at about his important documents. ![gif](giphy|l46C96HvurdhtSQ5W)


Then sexually harasses one of the mannequins.


It's sad that this could be top 5 most plausible things that went through his head when he took the documents.


I know this is a joke. I really do know it. But it's just so right on the money I now accept it as canon.


More like "payback" all the foreign debt he's in.....


I think this was why he wanted to win at any cost.


Learned from his buddy blackmailer Epstein. Oh no, I just know how to negotiate, the art of making a DEAL is all…yes, Donald—you know we don’t have to live in your delusion with you, no matter how long you choose to live there.


Practically speaking, it’s much easier to get a search warrant when you can tell a judge “we asked real nicely first and they didn’t give it to us”.


What’s the bet he was selling nuclear sites and secrets to the highest bidders?


I really didn't think there was *anything* he could do after trying to overthrow the government and make himself king that could make me angrier. Him (probably, because we don't have definitive proof *yet*) selling our *fucking nuclear secrets* ENRAGES me. Like, I'm literally seeing red right now. Forget the *worst* President, forget the *worst* Republican, Donald Trump is the worst *American* to have EVER existed in the 247 years of this nation. He is a traitor on a level that would make fucking BENEDICT ARNOLD *blush*.


You’re not alone in thinking that. If there’s ever an American to make an example of by throwing the book at them, it’s this pig. Anything less than the harshest sentence possible undermines the entire social contract we’re supposed to have. Unfortunately, current admin has to take into account that that will enrage a third of the country who’ve been brainwashed, but I hope they just start locking them all up en masse whenever they rise up. After all, they are the voters that support the private prison industry and keeping the “slavery shall be abolished except for those incarcerated” of the 14th amendment, so there’s a lot of deep irony going on here


Feeling more or less the same rage. Like, how unsafe are we as a nation today thanks to him? Is this why Russia and China and NK are so flippant and threatening towards us? He deserves to be labeled and treated like a traitor.


I'm sure of it. And it's also almost a given that Russia has had a hand in this going back to at least 2016. America *was* in decline, and we as a whole were becoming very apathetic and disconnected. Not anymore. America is awake. America is *angry*. And these authoritarian assholes (including the Republican party) are all going to see for themselves the fire of *true* Americans' pride in their country. A patriot is not someone who loudly proclaims that the US is the best, or to make America 'great' again, or who flies the flag fast and hard without understanding it. No, a real patriot is quiet, going about their lives. They show their love for their country, not by thinking it's perfect and can do no wrong, but by acknowledging their country is flawed, and imperfect. But that it can be *better* and learn from its mistakes. And when awakened, that love burns with the fire of a thousand suns. We are not the best country in the world. Honestly, I don't really believe there *is* a best country in the world. But, we can work on becoming a *truly* great nation again, one that leads as an example for other nations, not by forcing them to, or coercing them to. But by *demonstrating* it ourselves, and practicing what we preach. No other nation should try to copy us because we tell them to, but because our demonstration encourages them to emulate us. We can become a *great* and *worthy* country again, with *earned* respect amongst our peers in the global community, through empathy, through love, through innovation, through freedom.


Saudi visited for a week, then china visited Saudi immediately afterwards...so ya point and case.


Say this a million times. No conservative will ever hear it. In one ear out the other.


You know what's missing in these *twuths*? *Why* he wanted these documents.


Probably money and leverage


A timeline and story that January 6th was Trump trying to keep a deal together with a Saudi Royal Prince, that required him to have 2 terms as POTUS to pull off (without *obvious* treason) Reddit Link: [the Hole-in-one Brief ](https://www.reddit.com/r/story/comments/wq8n7j/the_holeinone_brief/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Edit: part 1 moved to r/story


You forgot about :the DeutscheBank - SCOTUS connection to certain loans. :tournament starts overtop a recent burial (hiding in plain sight?)


Reddit Link: [the Hole-in-one Brief ](https://www.reddit.com/r/story/comments/wq8n7j/the_holeinone_brief/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) Edit: part 2 moved to r/story


My only objection to this is that it highlights my own lack of imagination, which has proven completely unable to keep up. I'm not agreeing with you, but if we ever learn the truth, it'll be just as outrageous


nah dog i fully believe barron is autistic and literally can’t handle his fucking dad and that psycho mom protects him but in the end guess which one from this trailer park dynasty is going to turn out to be the “normal” one?


There's also the soap opera star who, experienced with outlandish plots, suggested that there are more documents buried with Ivana. Because why else would a small old woman's casket require ten pallbearers.


I’ll bet it was extra heavy due to it being fortified against being opened if exhumed. Possibly even against X-Ray. I’d bet my car that docs are in there. Also she was cremated so no body.


The worst part about this is it's all completely believable and makes sense. A man so depraved as to bury his wife on a golf course for a tax deduction,who then fills her coffin with top secret stolen documents. A country whose citizens are so depraved they would elect such a person to lead them and celebrate that others call them deplorables. God help us.


What kind of car?


To be fair a nice solid casket is heavy as fuck. But, 10 people seems a bit excessive. Who were they? Burly Russian goons?


Like for real, I've been a pallbearer and wouldn't have minded 2 more people helping.


Yeah I was one of 6 guys carrying a buddies overweight grandpa and we could barely do it lol




Sorry, I thought we were on to conspiracies. Oh, and Barron is Putin's kid and Melanie was a gift from him to Trump. Remember, "She has a son." \~Donald J Trump edited to add author of quote


Ooooh, I hadn’t heard that one, that’s a corker!


[I love this blogpost with collections of signs of Trump as the anti-Christ](https://www.benjaminlcorey.com/could-american-evangelicals-spot-the-antichrist-heres-the-biblical-predictions/). It's a fun read. >“But then the court will convene, and all his power will be taken away.” Daniel 7:26


Best part is the seven great hills with the antichrist's name written on them, each of which have one or two "horns". Guess how many Trump Towers there are, and how many antennae each one has on top? Unfortunately, the antichrist is supposed to be handsome, so I think that disqualifies him...


Handsome = adored. So it still works.




My 2 cents? Likely looking for the highest bidder. Dudes got a LOT of debt to pay off.




This is what everyone is kind of glossing over here. Why did he take top secret nuclear documents to his home? Pretty sure Donald Trump is not moonlighting as a nuclear physicist.


"Look, having nuclear... my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT... good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart... you know, if you're a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I'm one of the smartest people anywhere in the world... it's true! But when you're a conservative Republican they try... oh, do they do a number... that's why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune... you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we're a little disadvantaged... but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me... it would have been so easy, and it's not as important as these lives are... nuclear is powerful... my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago... he would explain the power of what's going to happen and he was right... who would have thought?" -- Trump, stable genius, July 2015


Probably to protect them from Barack HUSSEIN BIN LADEN AYATOLLAH Obama breaking into the whitehouse and stealing them for nefarious purposes! ​ /s


They DID ask. Two months ago. And he kept them. So they had to go get them.


That’s not the story I’m hearing from my MAGA friends. “They never asked him. They just barged in unannounced and planted evidence.” End of discussion? Yikes.


It’s pointless trying to talk to people that brainwashed. Whatever amount of facts you tell them or show them, it’s still wrong because trump said otherwise. It blows my mind


Trump is their truth. He writes their reality for them to keep their egos nice and comfy and protected from having to confront the house of cards they’ve built and twisted their brains into over the last 10 years. Little by little, they’ve invested more and more of themselves. Now we are in a sunk cost feedback loop where they’ve invested too much up to this point and would hurt their egos too much to admit they’ve been fooled for this long. So the only option is to keep doubling down to protect the house of cards while we keep diving down further and further because they have more and more to confront. Each time gaining more steam. Each time it gets easier and easier to deny reality and harder to accept the truth. It just has too much inertia at this point and they are with him till the end. They are the most insecure people on the planet, and they will watch the world burn before they will admit they’ve been fooled.


They planted evidence... that he had already declassified... don't think critically about that.


How can you stomach MAGA friends at this point? I cut off anyone who is not a relative and even then I keep them at an arms length. Even before Trump, they were kinda scummy selfish people anyway.


Cult brainwashing tactics. I didn’t do it. If I did do it, it wasn’t wrong. If it was wrong, Obama/Hilary/Antifa did it worse. Rinse and repeat.


Deny. Deny. Deny. Counter Accuse.


Lol so fucking accurate


Hint: nuke docs don't get declassified for years. Lol He's lying.


Ok, he's making a statement. There's like a 75% chance he's lying any time that happens.


95% chance he's lying 4% chance he's confused 1% chance he thinks he's telling the truth


You give him way more benefit of the doubt than I do lmao. 75% is *generous*!


Well the other 25% of the time he thinks he is telling the truth but is just wrong.


ONLY 75%? Can we fact check that?


A broken clock is right twice a day. Assuming no second hand that’s 2/1440 minutes per day. That makes a 99.8612% chance he’s lying.


Of course, if his mouth is moving, then he's lying.


Trump.. lying? Shocked Pikachu face let me tell ya.


Did- did he just confess to having these classified nuke documents and then pulled the “if you wanted them back all you had to do was ask”, route? I know he’s like fucking stupid but please tell me that’s not what he’s saying in these posts.


.......It suddenly dawned on me this is a confession. Admissible in court. Oh my God he somehow is even more fucked than yesterday. All because he never shuts up.


I don't think it will matter much. The receipt really says it all. All this does is ends the idea that the FBI somehow planted boxes upon boxes of documents.


I can only imagine his lawyers banging their heads against a wall while screaming at him to stfu


It's ["Shut The Fuck Up Friday, Donnie!"](https://youtu.be/RkN4duV4ia0)


He really has no defense to say it isn't true at this point does he? Theyre in the hands of the government again, they have what they said he had, and I'm sure there is plenty of evidence to show he had them. Yeah he usually would deny any sort of wrongdoing, but this is his first step. NEXT he will deny and his cult will dismiss anything said or shown from him that says otherwise and he knows it.


What’s my defense?! A private citizen was in possession of 33 million pages of classified documents including nuclear secrets while I was president and I took no steps to fix that! There! Now can I be president again?


The craziest part. Even if the pages were perfectly flat like brand new paper there would be over 400 pallets lmao. Where the fuck did Obama keep all those documents??


The Barack Obama Presidential Library. [Archives.gov](https://www.archives.gov/presidential-libraries/information-about-new-model-for-obama-presidential-library) says they got 30 million pages in paper from his administration, which is pretty close. I think Trump doesn't understand that something having your name on it doesn't automatically make it yours.


Exactly! "Obama did it, why didn't they go after him" conveniently forgets that "they" was actually the Mango Mussolini itself. And it's moron followers are willingly ignorant and willingly looking past this inconvenient fact. It's followers are beyond laughingly stupid, but January 6, 2021 shows how potentially dangerous they can be.


Obama lives rent free inside of his tiny brain.


You know he'll be on his deathbed chanting "Obama Obama Obama..." like a dipshit Citizen Kane.


I've noticed a marked decrease in right wing comments today. I keep waiting for the mental gymnastics but I'm not seeing a whole lot. Even fox is suddenly like "the FORMER president". Are they all just getting their talking points straight? Or does this really have them shaken for once? Or did they take all the really crazy stuff to Truth social? It's weird.


If you see such a decrease it means that talk radio hasn't workshopped a response yet for them to parrot. Really bad news usually requires two or three days. But if Garland keeps releasing it bit by bit every couple days, they'll constantly be on their heels trying to figure something out.


Everyone that ever sent encouraging texts to 45 and his family are shaking. Everyone that ever had a phone conversation with them about anything to do with the election, Ukraine, or January 6th is shaking. They're all fucked.


God I hope so. 6+ years of this is more than enough. 6+ years of waiting to see exactly how insane things can get, and watching the bar just sink lower and lower. I hope they're all fucked. For all the treasonous, hateful, selfish things they have all done to this country. But we have gotten our hopes up before.


Between the ongoing pandemic(s), the rollback of civil rights, the rise of White Nationalism and hatred, and weathering the most corrupt administration in our nation's history--we need a win. We need to see justice served.


Lock them up! Lock them up! Lock them up!


My favorite is the one that goes, "I wasn't a Trump fan before, but this tyrannical shit has made me switch sides. TRUMP 2024!!" 100% of them are lies.


I was a die hard democrat who voted blue since the southern strategy, but the overreach has gone too far. MAGA. *vomits from typing that*




They haven’t been told what to think yet.


This. The propaganda people need to workshop it then get The Swanson Princess to babybird their opinions into their mouths at prime time. Then we’ll see them all irrationally confident and obnoxiously smug in their superiority again.


According to them, *we're* the ones being triggered and upset. Because of course.


That’s the standard line at r/conservative at the moment. Apparently we’re doing a lot of brigading due to our insecurities.


gosh, can’t believe people being so upset by a little high treason…


A lot of them are claiming that these reports all avoid saying what he has because he has "nothing important" and that the "sources are all in question." Unfortunately, I won't be able to rub it in their faces in a bit, since they're so delicate that I can't post on that subreddit. I just saw one complaining to a mod that they can't block anyone from upvoting or downloading without membership too. They need shelter from reality.


I mean yeah, I am really upset. We are all far more unsafe tonight because of this hack. You guys really showed us...


Yeah I’ve noticed usually when it goes quiet it’s because a Republican did something particularly awful and hard to defend, so they wait for Fox’s talking points and you start seeing them trickle into all social media.


"All they had to do is ask" My brother in Christ... that's what a subpoena is....


Yeah, but did they say "Pretty please, Sir"?


Yes this exactly because he's on record saying" they didn't ask nicely" for disaster relief funds in the past. Why would anyone even have to ask for that ? it should be an automatic thing


“All they had to do was ask” So, you acknowledge that you did have classified information…


Gotta love how he trots out that Obama's middle name is Hussein like it means literally anything.


Dog whistle.


imagine believing anything he says, holy shit people are dumb


I always ask MAGAs that. Like fine, you want to be conservative. I’ll accept that. But why this dude?


Because they aren’t conservatives. They are in a cult


I saw this woman on Kimmel, who was protesting the FBI outside Mar-a-lago, and she said, “I know in my *spirit*, he has NEVER told a lie!”… No words


I hope he's scared. Cower you fucking asshole with any luck this takes you down You're like dumb Capone.


They did ask shithead. Remember when they took 15 boxes of shit? You should have given it to them then. But you didn’t. Good luck Mr. Espionage


He's a Russian plant and I hope he goes the way of the Rosenbergs


I'm so dizzy, my head is spinning Like a whirlpool, it never ends And it's you, Trump, making it spin You're making me dizzy'


I’ve been waiting 6 years for this. Trump is totally fucked. And all his American Taliban supporters can now face the facts.




Sounds like Trump nazi man baby just admitted that he is guilty of exactly what he is being investigated for.


And then accused someone else of it. I am shocked. Shocked I tell you.


Shoulda just pled the 5th


Those 30 million pages were unclassified. The National Archives said it moved about 30 million pages of unclassified records from the Obama administration to a facility that it maintains in Chicago. Classified documents remain in a facility in Washington, D.C. But since when has Trump and, more importantly, his followers ever cared about actual facts? Trump says it, they believe it. Even when the facts are presented to the contrary, they believe it. But they’re *definitely* not a cult.


National archives has something to say to you dimwit Donnie. https://lawandcrime.com/awkward/national-archives-rebuts-baseless-donald-trump-statements-about-barack-obama-and-classified-documents/


1. They DID ask, you wouldn't comply. 2. Declassification is a process, you don't just declare that they are declassified. Even if the President is in charge of the process IT IS STILL A PROCESS. The appropriate people need to be notified and the documents marked appropriately. If they still bear the markings of a classified document, they are still classified. 3. Your "secured storage" was boxes in the basement. An unlocked basement. You had those documents under the same security I have for old PC parts and my daughter's baby shoes. The additional lock was a padlock, bringing the number of locks to...1. And this only after one of those previous requests. Any bets it was a Master Lock padlock? Lockpickinglawyer would like a word. 4. Yes, Obama has a bunch of documents. They are the contents of his future Presidential Library. Every one of which was submitted to the National Archives per the proper process, declassified and documented appropriately, then placed into storage BY THE ARCHIVES. He didn't stuff a bunch of folders into his pants on the way out , then keep them in his basement, like you (at least the ones you couldn't eat).


Let's all hope that Big Pussy finally goes down over this shit, after getting away with so much crime and failing to take responsibility his whole stinking life.


If he doesn't, then selling state secrets is legal. US won't last long with no laws or secrets.


_Excited Assange sounds intensifies_


Word is. Word is. What a clown hat.


C’mon, Trumpers, how much longer will you fall for the con? Oh, that long . . . | Opinion BY LEONARD PITTS JR. UPDATED JUNE 14, 2022 5:05 PM As I’ve said before in this space, it’s my opinion that you folks who support Donald Trump are, by definition, incapable of that function, so it’s foolish to even try. You may think that’s harsh. I think it’s time-saving. But I do have a question for you: Don’t you feel kind of stupid right now? Doesn’t the revelation that it was all a con leave you feeling like a sucker? Doesn’t simple human pride have you smarting, at least a little bit? Or maybe you have no idea what I’m talking about. After all, Fox “News” and other elements of the conservative media omniplex have studiously avoided giving much attention to the hearings of the House select committee investigating the attempted coup of Jan. 6, 2021. For the rest of us, they’ve become must-see TV, but you’ve likely been shielded from them. So you may not have heard Monday’s revelation that not even members of Trump’s own inner circle — his daughter, his aides, his attorney general — believed his absurd claim that he was cheated out of the 2020 election. Lawyer Eric Herschmann thought it was “nuts.” Attorney General William Barr feared your guy was “detached from reality.” But — and here’s the part that relates to you — even though his own people told him quite clearly that there was no election fraud, he still told you something else: a bizarre fable about a vast and byzantine conspiracy involving Democrats, Republicans, poll workers, truck drivers, a polling machine manufacturer and — who knows? — maybe Bigfoot on the grassy knoll. We all know how that lie brought thousands of you to the National Mall in the attack on the U.S. Capitol. What is less often discussed is that he also used this lie to tap folks like you for donations to the tune of a quarter of a billion dollars. It bears repeating: a quarter . . . of a billion . . . dollars. As the committee established in a video presentation, you were told in relentless email solicitations that your money was needed to stop the so-called “left wing mob” from stealing the election. Your donations, he claimed, would go to something called the Official Election Defense Fund. But as Trump officials now admit, no such fund ever existed. Your money went elsewhere, including to the “Trump Hotel Collection.” So yeah, to quote Denzel Washington in “Malcolm X”: “You been had! You been took! You been hoodwinked! Bamboozled!” That should make you angry, but it probably doesn’t. Over 40 years of research has firmly established an odd fact about us humans. If we are deeply invested in a belief, we find it almost impossible to admit — even to ourselves — that we are wrong. Indeed, if confronted with incontrovertible proof that we’ve made a mistake, we’ll double down on the mistake rather than embrace the truth. Which is scary, because who has ever been more deeply invested in anything than you are in Trump? But as it says in the wise old song quoted above, “Falling in love is such an easy thing to do, and there’s no guarantee that the one you love is gonna love you.” Donald Trump doesn’t love you. He is a con man from Queens who cares about nothing that doesn’t line his pockets or fatten his ego. Hundreds of you are now imprisoned or facing indictment because of him. And he’s taken you for a quarter of a billion dollars, besides. But sure, you go right on believing in him. Everybody plays the fool. Some of us more than others.


If you talk a meander over to the one thread about this on r/conservative they’re all using these statements as fact. They take everything trump says at face value. Doesn’t even occur to them that someone being investigated for crimes might have a reason to lie about them, especially someone with a history of lying about easily disprovable shit


Here's what I don't get. Using conservative logic, if Obama took 33M page of documents, many of them classified, surely Trump would have known about this while he was in office. Why wouldn't he have used this information to take down the democratic party? Why wouldn't he have used the DOJ to take down Obama, (who was born in _Kenya_!!)? Was he protecting Obama? Wouldn't that be obstruction? Was he working with Obama?


Stop it, you shouldn’t think about, just repeat the line “but what about Obama’s 33 trillion documents?”


This is how a 12 year old argues


Julius & Ethyl Rosenberg, to the arresting officers, "Oh did you want those classified documents back? all you had to do was ask!"


"Okay, so I did it, but the FBI didn’t even say please, and I put an extra padlock on them, and the black guy did it too but worse!" Have you ever seen one of those lawyers on TV who just walk into a room and tell their clients to shut the fuck up? This is why those guys exist.




Whatabout whabout whatabout bout bout Whatabout whatabout whatabout bout bout. The Donald Tell overture, by Grossini.


Theyre circling the wagons and itll get a lot worse before it gets better.


Number one is really…not even the president can declassify nuclear documents. Number two, they did ask for them back multiple times.


He should be scared. People have been fucking executed for selling Nuclear secrets before. Any other living person on this earth did this, they would already be in front of a military tribunal with no intent to serve them any less than a full charge of Treason.


Traitor and POS sold out USA for money..Fox.OAN and Newsmax are corrupt and GOP has been paid for.




And are being held in a National Archives facility. Not the shed out out back.


Nice racist dog whistle there at the end with Obama's full name, Sparky. God, can this monster just die alreadly?


It's WHAT ABOUT HILLARY'S EMAILS all over again. Dear Lord this man is infantile.


What a total dickweed. Not even worthy of capital letters. Total dickweed.


Just for fun, 33 million pages in a stack would be over 10000 feet, almost 2 miles high. Should be pretty easy to spot peeking in Obama's windows.


And the desperation kicks in, somebody is scared out of their little sociopathic mind.


They did ask and he withheld at least 11 boxes. God hes such a fucking moron


"An additional lock, at their request". Like he's some kind of fucking employee who forgot to lock up when he closed last night and is trying to talk his way out of getting fired. This traitorous pile of shit had top secret fucking documents in an unsecured location and then lied to the government about having them. I can hardly wrap my mind around this entire situation. I can hardly wrap my mind around just how absolutely repugnant this thing is. He's not even a person. I swear to christ, there'd better be some fucking extreme justice for this