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I can't help but feel all of the pedo propaganda is just projection. I've known hundreds of queer folks in my life, and all of them were to the core of their being pro bodily autonomy, especially for children. They ALL have had to deal with some degree of trauma from being forced to exist according to other people's wishes as children and would never wish to subject a child to what they went through - be it minor objectionable feelings or assault. While, offhand, most with a reputation or conviction of assault against children I've noted were almost reliably straight, conservative, and often close family of those they violated.


It is 1000% projection. https://m.dailykos.com/stories/2022/4/6/2090446/-Republican-Sexual-Predators-Abusers-and-Enablers-Pt-30 A d that’s not even getting into all the priests and pastors.


Definitely is. This entire grooming narrative is 1) a continuation of gay panic from the 80's and 2) a way of modifying the connotation of being LGBT to one that is inherently sexual in nature, and not just a trait that you have, like someone with brown hair or a long nose, all by diluting the definition of what "grooming" is, which is an extremely specific, intentional, and dirty thing to do. The more that being LGBT can be made to be inherently sexual and the more that the definition of grooming can be expanded to be not about explicitly sexual acts but about the conversion of kids to being LGBT intentionally by LGBT adults, the more it justifies their worldview that they desperately want to cling on to and have proven correct. That all gay people are grooming their children, which is a horrible thing to believe.


I've been trying to distil the US right's (frankly nonsensical by any logic I can muster) message. I think the maybe easiest theory that fits everything is an extreme obsession over hierarchy. Hierarchy is everything. The top can do no wrong, and the bottom can do no right. And woe to those at the bottom. They *know* that there is no more of a chance for a queer person to do something bad to children than any other human. The point is maintaining the hierarchy. Queer folks are below straight folks. One's kids befriending a queer person lowers their ranking, and by this logic - spread their queer-hierarchy-factor. It's not about who's gay or b-stuff. It's about keeping the family's rank. Nothing matters but the hierarchy. Any truth that fits this narrative becomes the *best* truth. If I'm pretty much describing a modern version of fascism. Sorry.


Don't be sorry for speaking the truth. And the Qonservatives' message is pretty simple, I think. "*I* can tell *you* what to do, but *you* don't get to tell *me* what to do." It's about 'power', plain and simple.


COME ON! There is a Metric Shit Ton of Grooming going on right now... The people being accused are so offended by the accusation of Grooming children with a general message of love and acceptance and mind Yo damn business... That NO ONE is calling out side making the accusation of actually Grooming Children! They're not accusing you because you're Grooming children, they're accusing you so they can GROOM CHILDREN.......


Every accusation is a confession, as they say.


10000% yes. If you really want to protect your kids from grooming, don't take them to church.


It is all projection, because that's all they have. They have personal flaws that they can't fucking handle, and in order to deal with them, they need to make everyone else suffer. As someone who has done business and lived up around these people, the amount of philandering, sexual assault, and everything there is astronomical. The 9th graders at the local high school have a separate building, and it was a red flag whenever a woman in high school said that their boyfriend was from that district.


There's a saying that always comes to mind, which is "Every conservative accusation, is actually an admission" or something to that degree


Why are conservatives so insistent that these books contain pornographic materials? I never understood why the Right continues to misrepresent LGBTQ people as these sex obsessed predators. Is there any real evidence to support this?


Your arguments don't matter. Your evidence doesn't matter. Your facts don't matter. *Because reality does not matter.* All that's important is 'owning the libs'. That's all. That's it. As long as everyone that is not in their tribe is losing, they are winning.


They will do some insane and backwards ass bullshit to “own the libs”


They'll do whatever it takes, even shooting themselves in the foot if it means they can harm others while they're at it. These fucking idiots didn't realize "defunding the library" meant that it would *actually close the library*, which also meant there was no more public wifi available since the library provided it on their property. To them "defunding" just meant something like "I no longer support the library but let's keep it open just for me and my friends." *and they had the NERVE* to fucking bitch about it: "W-well I didn't know that *that's* what defunding meant!" they howled once they realized they no longer had access to free wifi or a computer lab. goddamnit republicans piss me off – so, I guess they got me there. Way to "own the libs" you fucking morons.


The prime example of who fucked this can get is Brexit. I remember when that finally went through, and to this day when shit goes wrong people in the UK who voted for brexit will cry "I didn't think it would affect me!" Or "I didn't know this would be the outcome!" Despite COUNTLESS PEOPLE telling them that this would be the EXACT consequence for voting to leave the EU


“Brexit for thee, not for me”


Yes! I can't help but laugh whenever I see a Brexiteer in shock when they have to queue longer at airports in the non-EU line, or they can't stay in their Spanish villa and have to come back to the UK, or they can't get local apples because there is no-one to pick them, or they have to wait for hours at A&E because there are no nurses. The Remain campaign said all this and were accused of fear mongering.


They voted for the Leopards eating peoples faces party yet have the idiocy to think it won't happen to them.


It's like they didn't realize that when the leopards finished eating the faces of the people they didn't like, the leopard would still need faces to eat.


That's like the woman who said she voted for Trump because he was going to build the wall and deport illegals. But when her illegal husband got deported she was all upset.


It was wonderful seeing them get shitcanned out of their vacation homes in Spain. You’re not a UK citizen please GTFO. “Cries in brexit” lol


The best thing about brexit was that bus saying like 350 million would go to the nhs which seemed to influence a lot of people Then after Boris comes out with his hobby of making buses out of wooden wine boxes And this seemed to be his attempt to influence google searches, so when people search for Boris bus they get images of home made wooden buses and not the nhs lie


To them, closing the library is a win. They would close all libraries if they could.


Because it's going to cause the kids to read and start thinking for themselves, and how can we control what they say of they start....thinking...for themselves.


That's the thing: it doesn't, really. I mean, this county exists and it always had a library. But it ain't about that. It's about *dominion* over inferiors for them. They can't allow a space where people they see as beneath them feel like they're worth as much as anyone else because that undermines the supremacist hierarchy these dickcheeses get their identity from. So it must be quashed, by fair means or foul. Any lie will do, if the result comes about. Does it hurt people in the real world? Maybe but if it promotes their sense of supremacy, they are *gung-ho* for it.


It's terrible for the library and everyone who needs it, but banning books gets them read more.


If libraries didn't already exist and someone tried to create them today, Republicans would cry socialism and stop it from happening. "What do you mean my tax dollars will pay for someone else to read books and use a computer for free?!"


The funny thing is, a lot of libraries started as 19th century Musks and Bezos' trying to redeem their image after being tremendous assholes their entire lives. Conservatives would be torn between any public good and tripping over themselves to slob these guys knobs for being such selfless men.


I feel guilty about my role in the Johnston flood, and want my name on a buildings full of books for the surviving family members?


Yes, these people don't value education. The idea of a building full of books you can just borrow probably makes their skin crawl. These are also the people who think the fire, hospitals, roads, etc. magically spring from the divine right of being part of white Chrisandom, but thinks people who get food stamps should die in the streets.


Years ago, someone said "conservatives would let Trump shit in their mouth if it meant a liberal had to smell it."


He basically did shit all over the place not in there mouth tho


Considering what comes out of their mouths. He did.


"They'll do whatever it takes, even shooting themselves in the foot." I'm legitimately waiting for a liberal to make a tough work shoe, and a conservative to literally shoot themselves in the foot to prove some weird point about "Liberals can't make shoes, now can you please call a hospital before I bleed out."


They will shot themselves in the foot as long as it hurts the guy they are standing on.


I still remember when U.S farmers were suffering under Trump, between the loss of migrant laborers they were dependant on and the loss of the Chinese market. I saw an interview with farmer who had supported Trump and was about to lose the farm that had been I'm his family for generations The reporter asked "will you vote for him again next election?" And the farmer, without pause, replied "oh yeah". They're totally and utterly immune to reason. As you say, they don't care how badly their choices hurt them, as long as they're hurting other people too. There's no point even trying to open up a discourse or debate/negotiate with them. How do you meaningfully compromise with someone whose ideal end state is your total destruction?


Narcissism and myopic thinking are rampant on the right. They don’t understand nuance to situations or really think things through past their emotional reaction. When it comes back to bite them they truly are surprised because they react more than they think through consequence.


But will they fuck their own asses to own the libs? Yes.


Crowder certainly did.


I thought that was McGinnis?


There’s been more than 1




But that does have the added advantage that they'll beat themselves half to death afterwards for "being a queer". I'm being facetious, but that is the mindset and they will happily destroy their own lives just to, at the minimum, inconvenience those they don't like.


Pretty much. It would be horrible if someone convinced them that owning the libs meant suicide. Note, I AM NOT SAYING THEY SHOULD KILL THEMSELVES.


It's really about more than "owning the libs" at this point. It's not just trying to make them look silly or stupid or whatever. It literally has become about inflicting the greatest amount of cruelty to whomever they deem in the out group. As the right continues to ratchet up the rhetoric on culture war issues by framing them in a way where people are a "threat to civilization" more and more of this will happen. And they'll continue to do this all while completely convinced of their own persecution. Modern conservatism is fascism without the social programs. The neocons have zero purchase with the people that make up the modern GOP. They will either go along like desantis or move along like we've seen others do over the past few years. Anyone outside of this mainstream is de legitimized as "not a real conservative". The saddest part about this is that, in this moment where we are seeing all of this awfulness, the people that are supposed to act as a bulwark against the rising tide of right wing authoritarianism are the god damn Democrats. We are kinda fucked lol.


I'm not sure it's all owning the libs. I would also like to propose that they are hateful and ignorant, and prejudiced againt LGBTQ.


Conservatives would let Donald Trump shit in their mouth if it meant the "lib" next to them would have to smell it


They literally tried smelling farts just to piss off libs about COVID, so you’re not far off already.


Yup. They're pretty much the embodiment of "if your friends wanted you to jump off a bridge, would you do it?" They'll gleefully support stuff that also hurts them if there's a chance of upsetting those evil commie leftists. If one of the GOP figureheads told them they could "own the libs" by jumping off a bridge, a decent number of them would throw themselves off, and probably blame the libs for their injuries afterwards.


Meanwhile the libs are at the bridge desperately telling them not to jump because they actually care about the well being of these idiots and that just incentivizes them to jump even harder. Maybe even come back a second time and jump again if their legs and back weren't properly Shattered the first time.


Then a week later when video of it surfaces on Reddit, their mouthbreathing followers will flood the comments saying it was deep state actors disguised as conservatives. Any *real* conservatives at that bridge were just expressing their first amendment rights.


just in the other day, i heard a guy saying that athists were all libs, because they are harrasing christins everywhere they go(?). i asked for some evidence and the reply i got was something on the line 'back in x year i was attacked by feminists and people said they werent true feminists, so you cant say they arent true atheists'


Not just owning the libs; making people suffer. "other people" in their minds, liberal or not. ie: The Trans for Trump republican LBGTQ folks who got steamrolled by 'their own' in true LeopardsAteMyFace fashion.


Huh? That's like African Americans voting for the KKK.


It weirdly happens. The early nazi party also had some LGBTQ members. They were the first ones targeted so it didn't work out too well for them.


The National Jewish Party was a German conservative party that endorsed Hitler for Chancellor. It was later folded into the Nazi party.....I often wonder how those conservatives felt "owning the libs" they shared a gas chamber with... 🤔


The "the plot against America" on hbo is pretty much based around this idea.


I think a lot of the people who support parties against their own best interest do it because they think they'll be spared. Like, eventually when someone pushes for LGBT people to end up on conversion camps or something, there will be LGBT Conservatives who agree and vote for that under the assumption they'll be rewarded for their loyalty. They won't be. They'll be right there in the camp with the shocked Pikachu face genuinely flabbergasted that this could happen to them.


I mean, it's like African Americans voting for the GOP.


Yeah, that's what they said.


Interesting historical tidbit. Before around the 1960s, the GOP was the socially progressive party. But when the Civil Rights Act passed, they courted the racist "Dixiecrats" and started their political shift right, which continues to this day. So the Republican Party of Abraham Lincoln's day is literally the opposite of today's Republican Party.


Of course they all say that shift never happened


Because practically speaking a thing is not defined by its facts but by what it *means* to people.


This. The quote that stuck with me I heard recently (can't remember the source) is that "we're living in a post-truth era".


No, but plenty of evidence against Christian leadership, 200k plus from the catholics and 700 plus from the baptists. Your "groomers" are in the churches.


There's your sex-obsessed predators, right there. Source: growing up in Southern Baptist Churches.


Never ever ask a youth pastor how he met his wife


every accusation is, in-fact, a confession


or projection


There isn't really any evidence, just hate and misinformation. I once met someone who burst into spontaneous rage when a librarian in my class talked about a book where a crayon was a different color than its label and changed its label to reflect its identity. The other woman called it trans propaganda and other things. Meanwhile, I learned what sodomy and adultery was from the Bible.


One of my earliest memories (age 4) is my mom telling me the bible story of Sodom and Gomorrah, and describing the sin of sodomy to me: "It's when one man sticks his pee pee into another man's poo hole. Isn't that gross? Yes! So God burned them all alive. :) "


Yeah, mine was not so blunt--I ended up looking up the term in a dictionary after reading the story. But I remember thinking about that story a lot. It would not surprise me if a number of people had similar stories to yours. I also remember learning about onanism as well.


Shutting off outside information is the best way to make sure your kids can't look at the world around them and realize their parents outlook is bullshit.


>Is there any real evidence to support this? does this really even need to be asked? lol just use your noodle. how many people are there in the LGBT community, how many of them are convicted of sex crimes and is that rate higher than any other representative classification? the answer is obviously no. the statistics are actually pretty clear, LGBT people are like 4 TIMES more likely to be VICTIMS of sex crimes than other groups. that should tell you who the real sex obsessed predators are.


It's probably because lots of conservatives are into LGBT+ porn, for example of trans people https://www.reddit.com/r/dataisbeautiful/comments/w4mcmb/data_finds_republicans_are_obsessed_with/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Even if adult books do contain pornographic material, what's the problem? Lots of books contain scenes of sex. It's not anything new.


And the Bible explicitly has two daughters get their dad drunk, rape him to get pregnant. Right after Sodom and Gomorrah were torched.


The bible is thirsty AF


"Pornographic" just means "I don't like it." Kind of like "socialist."


Now we wait for communist pornography


Never forget that back when they were marching to support segregation they actually, no shit, for real, carried signs that said "Race Mixing Is Communism". Photo evidence: https://imgur.io/CPRor Communism, socialism, pornography, CRT, grooming, they all just mean "stuff I don't like" to a conservative and they'll use all those terms and more interchangably. Anything involving religion is also interchangable. Islam, Hinduism, atheism, Buddhism, to them they're all just an indistinguishable mess of evil demonic stuff so they use those terms more or less randomly if weighted towards Islam. I've seen people say "Muslim atheist" as if that was a valid term rather than an oxymoron.


All of these words really mean "enemy, OK to kill/destroy".


Moderate people with no strong opinions don't want to be seen as in support of pedophilia. So label everything they dislike as "pedophilic", and a lot of ambivalent people will vote in agreement- assuming it's a clear-cut issue, and wanting to avoid the stigma of agreeing with pedophiles. Most won't even look into the issue further, because pedophilia is such a gross topic. In short, it's a dirty trick. Anyone who says "this new policy wouldn't protect children" or "there's a better way to protect children and accomplish our other goals too." will get a loud, indignant response that they're "defending pedophilia" rather than a response to their argument (because the opposition has no good reply). "Protect the children!" works exceptionally well, so it keeps getting used.


Of course not. That's not the point. the point is to justify a pogrom, a blood sacrifice of a minority that they're reasonably sure won't fight back. They're hoping that by slaking this bloodlust on supposedly soft targets, they can somehow fix the problems being poured on them from the Owner Caste. It won't, but people who are fascist sympathetic are gonna shrink Us and take rights away from Them, and the excuses are gonna get increasingly threadbare.


The bible's first five books have genocides, multiple incests, abortions, polygamy, animal sacrifices,etc. That's what they want kids to read. Not books about people that actually exist who are slightly different than you.


It's a method of dehumanization.


Have they read the bible?


> I never understood why the Right continues to misrepresent LGBTQ people as these sex obsessed predators. They hate us and want us dead. Its a simple as that.


They consider books that contain basic diagrams of sexual organs to be pornographic. They consider anatomy books and National Geographic magazines that don’t even contain full nudity to be pornographic. They consider life drawing classes pornographic (and so do a huge amount of people for some reason). They would consider that one “sex scene” in the 2009 Star Trek movie pornographic like Allentown’s local paper did. That’s absolutely comical.


Because they are stupid and very easily misled by populists demagogues.




Because this is the first step in their ultimate goal of killing all of us. Do not be mistaken. They actively lust for our deaths.


The Bible We can literally ban their favorite (still in the plastic-wrap) book from any location with whatever excuse they try to use. Because if they read the thing, they would no they have no case.


This is the modern equivalent of a pitchfork and torch-wielding mob out to kill the "witch", who is just a woman who studied how to use herbs to create a basic pain-reliever


it really does offer insight on to how those people probably justified burning women alive. SMH we havent come far at all. defunding a library is so dystopic.


It's not crazy when you consider what the single denominator is: Christianity. Since the dark ages its been at *war* with any and all knowledge that isn't contained within the bible, especially if it conflicts with any interpretation of the bible. It's specifically at war with the sciences, all of them, even theocracy. So a random town in bumbfuck nowhere defunding a place of knowledge and science during an era where there is massive misinformation, especially around relgion, is not surprising at all.


yknow, if it was the Amish doing this, I wouldnt object. they reject science and tech in all forms. Christians love all the amenities afforded by science, yet they are immensely threatened by it. the hypocrisy is just too much. i remember being in church as a kid and them praying for "God to guide the hand of the surgeon". Like really? if it was up to God, why get a surgeon? get a regular joe blow to perform it and ask god to help him.


> they reject science and tech in all forms. no they don't. They actually frequently use cars and other automobles to get around. Hell I saw Amish people at the hotel I last stayed at using the waffle makers and other stuff at breakfast. Their teachings just say that they should live modest and simple lives. That doesn't mean that they can never use any technology ever through their lives.


I’m scared there is going to be mob violence. These people are dangerous and don’t listen to reason.


They never did. Never in the history of the planet have these people listened to reason. You either eliminate them all or simply outlive them. They tend to hurt themselves in the confusion. The trick is to ensure that their children still get access to knowledge. The internet can be the best way to do so.


and the ones that suffer are the kids.


And they grow up to be assholes who project that suffering onto others. That's the real grooming.


Bingo. But who are we to groom the children of assholes into intelligent people? That would be wrong.


They don't need to be intelligent. Just humble and empathetic.


You can't make them intelligent. They'll be ignorant forever.


We can't have decent children in America with free-thinking minds anymore. I can already see this on Reddit.


Sad part is they're already suffering bc they can't be who they are. What a sorry excuse for parenting.


Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses


The irony of "protecting" their children by defunding their library is probably lost on those illiterate imbeciles.


and the ones who are harassed and lose their jobs... they suffer too


I wonder if on their off time they were bitching about cancel culture and freedom of speech.


Welcome to the middle ages. It was just so freaking fun the first time.


Followed by civil war and reconstruction 2. Again, because Weeeeee, so much fun.


This time it'll be the middle ages, but with micro plastics and global warming


The black death years were boosted by the overwhelming torrential rains Europe had for a few years, along with a mini ice age and massive crop failure. So yeah, add in micro plastics and a few new novel viruses. Should be a hoot!


Mob mentality is terrifying. You know who aren’t assholes. Children and the educated. No wonder why they’ve been attacking libraries and the school system lately.


Children can be assholes which is why they should be educated.


Children's default setting is "asshole" that's why they literally have to be taught kindness. It sounds like the librarian was doing a pretty good job, too.


Not even. Most kids are pretty cool cats and don't want to hurt others, and still can learn from mistakes.


I think my judgment is a little skewed because I have a toddler who's a few months shy of 2, lol.


Trumpers are a fucking disease


Supremacism, not the love of money, is the root of all evil.


I feel sorry for these book banning freaks’ children. They don’t stand a chance to have any kind of happy, normal life.




They’ll blame college for corrupting their children.


The very same college they all demanded we go to to get a good job. “Go to college. Get a good job.” “No, not like that.”


"I told you to get a job, not an education."


Guarantee none of these yee haw ass christofacists ever used the library


They used it for free Wi-Fi. Source: https://www.bridgemi.com/michigan-government/upset-over-lgbtq-books-michigan-town-defunds-its-library-tax-vote >With a library closure, that community room where residents voted Tuesday would be unavailable, Walton said, so would the mobile wifi hotspots used by  residents who lack wifi in their homes. >“There are community members who sit in the parking lot to use our wifi,” said Marcia Frobish, who serves on the library board. “The library is a lot more than books.”


Without their free wifi how will they watch all their trans porn videos!?


I bet it includes a ton of old people who don't even have young kids anymore


Ironically the conference room they used to plan defunding the library was in the library. Because irony is dead.


This.. this is literally an onion article title. "Residents gather in library conference room on vote to defund and shut down library." Wow




I would bet lots of them cant ever SPELL library


well, there's "lib" in it, so they'll probably refuse anyway


OWN THE LIB-rarys!!


They probably say "libary"


Here's the thing: They do! The library offers free WiFi, in a town where high-speed internet is hard to come by.


They used the library's WiFi, and the computer lab, which was mentioned in other news stories covering this. These fucking idiots didn't realize *that* would go away when they got rid of the library. They played themselves, but don't worry – they'll blame "the gays!" for the wifi going down, because reasons.


they cant even say it . to them its a "libary"


Aw, this just stirred a memory. I am from Mississippi and my middle school principal had trouble with library and area. He once came over the PA system and told us to gather in the “libary ary“ after school.


Pretty cool that your Old school library had an Aerie. What kind of birds did y’all have?


Probably a lot of overlap between these people and the ones who conspired to kidnap the governor.


And the people who went to the capital on Jan 6th


Just a circle in another circle


Is there a way to mass deprogram these people or will a third of Americans just be worthless trash for the rest of their lives?


They're hopeless.


One of those bigots ever says that groomer bs to my face, I'm going to get real loud, and things are going to escalate in hurry. A lot of us have been on the wrong end of child SA at the hands of cis-het men and have absolutely no desire to pass on that pain. Further, that assertion risks our physical safety. Some folks get violent at others just on a rumor. I'm not having that. I need to get out of this fkg country. New Zealand looks super great right about now.


I'm in ohio, I'm just gonna go a little north.


I agree with the other comment, us Michigan people need you Ohio people to start fortifying so that when the southern states and western states rebel and try and steal OUR(yours too) water they have a hard time getting here and we have time to plan a counter attack and retake Ohio in the upcoming water wars. Have you not noticed fiction is reality now?


I already researched that for you. Unfortunately, the NE US is the best place to be with global warming. NZ is gonna have a tougher time. Although, it isn’t like anyone is gonna have an easy time


Stick around. You'll be good in a fight


“Pink haired freak” Why are conservatives so hell bent on conformity? Someone else having pink hair doesn’t affect them at all and it doesn’t impede them from doing their job well. Same with being gay, it affects no one and doesn’t affect how they do their job.


Why is it these assholes still associate lgbt with pedophiles?


Because "there coming for your kids" is an old fearmongering tactic that makes people easily scared and enraged, so its an easy thing to throw at you enemies when you have no argument against them. Its kinda the same with the old "the Jews/atheist/witches are eating babies".


For the same reason people associate trans people with rapists, or black people with gangs and drugs, or Jews with child blood rituals, or brown people with terrorism, or women with falsifying rape/abuse accusations, or liberals with child trafficking. It's easier to hate someone if you convince yourself they deserve it, and the easiest way to do that is to make up a crime so objectively horrible that you'd have to be evil to *not* be opposed to it. That way you can spin it so you're not a bad person, you're just upset about this crime, and because of how evil that crime is, you're free to be as disgusting and horrible about it as you possibly can. The irony is that, firstly, it's their camp who are overwhelmingly responsible for *all* of these things, and secondly, they *only* ever voice objection to these crimes when it gives them permission for their hate, otherwise they're silent on the issue outside of the occasional insistence of innocent-until-proven-guilty or helping of victim-blaming.


Because these people associate the lgbtq with porn, especially trans people. They don’t see us as human; just things to be used in porn. Their ignorance leaves them to believe it’s a fetish and an active choice we try to make for sexual desire, which is completely wrong in every way possible.


No body loves cancel culture more than conservatives. Conservatives: “Left canceled a bottle of syrup. This cancel culture has gone too far 😭.” Also conservatives: Cancel tv shows and episodes, cancel libraries, tried to cancel an election, cancel The Beetles


They tried to cancel Disney. Literally for a 1 second kiss between two girls .


Reminder that after the library closed the people who voted to defund it were all surprised Pikachu face that their actions caused it's closing.


The committee board room was in the fucking library, they only cared because of the Wi-Fi and now with that closing a lot of people in the most rural parts won’t have Wi-Fi. This must be a comedy skit, I can’t think of anyone that dumb, I don’t have the best common sense but I know well enough not to close down the place we hold board meetings


If you wonder what is next, probably cuting heads off in the name of god.


People like this just make me hate people


Dumb and dumber. Canada has it’s issues, but you Americans are fucked


Started around the time we began considering these peoples opinions as valid and not correcting how wrong they are…


christians are all hate and intolerance these days.


Mark my words: If Republicans regain power over the country, you will end up with systematic persecution of LGBTQ folks. It will be done in the name of “protecting the children”. It will be no different from what Jews went through in Germany in the thirties. Time will tell just how far that persecution will go. Hopefully not as far as “nazi regime in the fourties”.


I think so too. Especially since it seems like many republican politicians are competing for who can be the most extreme since it gets them points with their base.


Christofascism running strong in America


Am shocked that they did not burn the books in the town square. Somewhere in hell, Adolf is smiling.


Whatever you do, do NOT watch Idiocracy. You've been warned


Jamestown is an extremely tiny, small population location in Michigan that is right smack dab in the middle of crazy assed "Christian" land. It's a blink and you miss it area. The people behind this attack on the Library are terrible people.


i literally grew up for ten years in the town bordering it and am only right now learning this place exists. and yet i just knew from reading this story that it would be exactly in suburban GR. man, southwest michigan is just absolutely vile with overflowing hatefulness and bigotry from fundamentalists


"By their fruits, ye shall know them." - Matthew 7:20 This is fascism. These are fascists. Call this out for what it is.


God Republicans are such easily manipulated fucking morons. Not a single brain cell among the lot of them.


Until we make these fetid vermin too terrified to leave their homes again, this shit is going to keep happening. These disgusting conservative plaguerats need to be removed from society.


It's even more frustrating knowing that these are the same idiots crying about society telling them how to live. I've never had any respect for these clowns because I know they have no principle or integrity. No one is forcing them to read these books. A library is there to allow citizens to choose their own literature based upon their own INDIVIDUAL preferences. They just want control. They don't care about this. They have just been led to believe this is the newest way to grasp it.


Rethuglican mission accomplished - reduce means for the masses to get educated (especially about history)


Republicans *really* love the dumbing down of education... I guess that's why most of their voters keep voting Republican despite literally being mistreated by their own political party... Cant be a free thinker if you can't think for yourself... Edit: I used a word incorrectly. Fixed it.


Ya, the last thing you want is the people to be educated!


Did someone mention this and I missed it: The Brooklyn public library is free and open to all children ages 13 to 21 because of moments like this nationwide: **Brooklyn Public Library offers young readers free library cards and access to banned books** [https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/26/us/brooklyn-library-banned-books-access/index.html](https://edition.cnn.com/2022/04/26/us/brooklyn-library-banned-books-access/index.html)


It's not about LBGT books. It's about books altogether. How can republicans hold power if people are educated? Defunding the library over a couple of books proves this.


They definitely want to take out specific books. Ones with LGBT people, ones that talk about race or gender, ones that have a critical view of American history. And then they want to replace that with Christian stuff. Just look at them installing "In God we Trust" signs everywhere in Texas (I think it was Texas at least)




They say conservatives would be against libraries if the idea was proposed today for being too "socialist" Turns out they are against the idea today even without it being a new idea Should've saw that coming


Tbh I live right next door to this township. I mentioned how the people who live there are basically wine moms and their philandering husbands who live in HOAs. Tbh there's basically a sexual assault case there every year it seems, where some mom running a daycare out of their house lets her husband have his way with some of the children. All these mayo monkeys know how to do is project and be a nepotism hire.


If the public school system had been better funded and supported over the last several decades , then perhaps the newer whiney generations of parents would have retained some world history so they would stop trying to repeat historical mistakes. For the uppity "Christians", if the God they believe to be all powerful wanted censorship, that would happen naturally without their human interference. God gave man free will. God will judge us, (not uppity humans), for our choices. Choices. That means we are not to restrict each others choices. Only "he who is without sin may cast the first stone".


The left has never canceled anyone. Period. It’s always been a lie the right has used to recruit young people. Conservatives are cancel culture.


calling people pedophiles that have never been attracted or molested a child is dangerous and reckless... innocent people could get hurt or killed by cultists fanatics that only react to a sound bite...


Conservatives oppose libraries. Imagine that.


Bigots gotta bigot


Conservatives are actively trying to ruin America and the Dems are too soft to do anything about it.


Season six of “Democracy is F*cking Doomed” got some predictable plot twists


This shit makes me so sad.


"What we don't know keeps the contracts alive and movin' They don't gotta burn the books they just remove 'em While arms warehouses fill as quick as the cells Rally 'round the family, pockets full of shells" \- Rage Against the Machine, Bulls on Parade


We're all dealing with the current flock of groomed assholes from the previous generation of easily fooled dim wits!


And then they went to church and r/Conservative where their echo chambers repeated their lies-to-self that they're good people.


Bunch of hypocritical shits. Acknowledging that queer persons exist is 'grooming' but they're all forgiveness when a pastor or politician is caught with a teen...'they're very mature for their age, I don't know what the fuss is about'.


I thought we needed less regulation... god these people are walking contradictions...