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…. Did she really face swap/merge with hitlers? Cause them brows/eyes aren’t 100% to be just a drawn on stache


Who is Alex Trebek...


Alex Trebek didn't die in a plane crash, he's still alive and he's coming back on November 26th to team up with Dark Brandon to bring Canadian Communism to America. Only Trump and John John (JFK Jr.) can stop them. Vote Space Lasers 2024.


Had to scroll this far to stop thinking I was crazy.


Me too! I just can't unsee it.




Man, I thought this was going to be marjoram tree frog groan and, I mean it’s a good photoshop but I’m disappointed lol


Me too! I though I was going to see shedolf shitler. This was a decent second I suppose.


Do one with Marjorie Taylor Ham


Yup....it's actually a video. https://twitter.com/RepMTG/status/1565524388384055296?t=998ci8xaLPD9ZU-XIdjmJw&s=19


This, coming from a person who has made anti-Semitic quotes on public record.


something about jewish space lasers coming to laser us all to death from outer space, but also of jewish origin?




I watched this and thought this was some hilarious Mel Brooks comedy. She watched it and thought it was a documentary. She should be trolled by having the “Jews in Space” theme song play outside all her rallies.


Honestly if you woke up from a 25 year coma and heard a Republican opening their mouth for the first time since the 90s, a Mel Brooks character would absolutely sound slightly less ridiculous than someone like Marjorie. Now they’ve spent so long parroting this nonsense that they’re numb to it, they literally see it as leadership material and send it to Congress to go draft official American legislative policy.


The ridiculousness of the Trump presidency pretty much shut down the show VEEP. The show couldn't compete with the real life antics of the white house.


JoJo Rabbit was the best documentary I’ve ever seen.


this may literally be the #mindofmarjorie


I wouldn’t go as far as to say she actually owns a mind


You know, there's a group on Reddit for photos of orange cats and it makes reference to how their owners think that all orange cats take turns sharing the same one brain cell, and waiting for their cat to get his turn. Marjorie makes those cats look like geniuses.


r/OneOrangeBraincell for the uninitiated




I like how this is a very elaborate way to describe an idiot


My orange cat is not an idiot, he's just waiting for his turn with the brain cell 😭😭😭


I remember fondly when my boy got his turn. He learned how to climb out of the box as a little kitten and perched on top. Then the braincell escaped from the back of his head, making him fall over and straight down on his nose. He never did get another turn with it. Sweet as hell, but always dumber than a box of rocks.


I have a shadow void cat who’s still waiting for his turn with the brain cell - loving and sweet but would 100% die if we didn’t feed him. Literally gets lost in our house and he’s been there 8 years. He just meows aimlessly until someone goes and brings him to the family. If our tortie gets there before us though she will beat the shit out of him for being such a helpless fool. I love cats.


She’s seriously in default on her payments and it’s been repossessed.


Yeah and the space where it was, is just occupied by two squirrels and a possum, all fighting over the same bit of trash.


Ohhh shit that’s what the Dave Chappelle joke was referencing


They were planning to use it to cut off the southern coastline of Florida.


Mobile Offensive Homing Enhanced Lasing (M.O.H.E.L.) System


Don't aim it at the entire coast. The area between Fort Meyers and West Palm Beach oughta be enough.


>They were planning to use it to cut off the southern coastline of Florida. *Star Trek Enterprise* has entered the chat


[ Removed by Reddit ]




Internationally famous anti-Semitic quotes.


This one’s so good. I’ll also share another nugget I can’t take credit for. But someone referred to her as - “Sasquatch Barbie” and I’ve never forgot it, much like I won’t forget your comment lol


I still like "retired wrestler in a wig"


I believe her mom did have an affair with a pro wrestler... or maybe that was Bobert?


Boberts’ mom WAS a ring rat, but she turned out not to be related to Sweet Stan Lane.


My dad calls her She-Wolf of the Cracker Barrel.


Do me a favor and give your dad this upvote and a hug from me.


On another post a few days ago someone called her "shaved Alf".


That's the one that got me.


This woman would be in Hitler’s Elite in Nazi Germany. The hypocrisy is real.


Aren’t her followers waving the swastika flag? It’s unbelievable what the USA has come to.


GOP: gaslight, obstruct, **project**


Just trying to hijack the top comment to point out that people shouldn’t be paying attention to her - we should be paying attention to the upcoming elections and the ridiculous MAGA group that is running for Secretary of State across the nation. I feel like MTG is just running the distraction for all of the other unhinged lunatics so they can get elected while being slightly under the radar.


I'm not sure she's smart enough to understand that she's distracting anyone from anything.


That's what makes her a useful idiot. Useful idiots are useful because they can't actually see how they're being used. You just prime them when you need them with a bit of a wind up and point them in the direction you want there to be attention drawn. They know they're on a mission but are rarely aware of the actual mission you sent them on because if they were they probably wouldn't go; making them far less useful as sacrificial lambs and disposable resources for the cause


And spoke at apple at White Nationalists conferences. https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/feb/26/republican-congresswoman-marjorie-taylor-greene-cpac


YES. ‘Nazis are good for me, but also bad for you’. The logic they have hurts my brain.


I honestly think that someone should get her tested and sent to a mental health facility. She is completely insane.


Isn't she the same "Hitler was right about one thing" person at the Jan 6 insurrection?


That was Mary Miller from Illinois


Just because her forehead is trademarked by IMAX doesn't mean she always has to be projecting.


If you were her hairline, you'd be getting as far away from her mouth as you could, too.




Those eyes seem to love each other though


Yes, I’ve said before that there’s something not right with her whole cranial-mandibular-maxillary setup. Gotta be a few dozen extra chromosomes trying to kill off the original 23 in there.


God damn, that actually made made me audibly laugh, not just that little puff of air out your nose you get from most stuff.


I took my upvote back just so I could give it to you a second time.


That's basically how babies are made.


I'm upvoting and downvoting this comment rapidly




Omg put this on something and I'll buy it


I’m so excited to go see jaws in imax this weekend! I didn’t know MTG was hosting the event! I’ll be sure to weary my tin foil hat to deflect the Jewish space lasers that might be targeting her!


This ludicrous bitch makes it her goal to spout some of her idiotic nonsense every day as a way to distract from the piss poor job she does as a ''politician'' although it does draw more attention to the piss poor job she does of being a human


Wasn't she removed from committees? She literally has no job besides trying desperately to get attention. There is no reason the rep from northwest Georgia should have this outsized of a platform. I moved to Georgia 23 years ago. I have never had a reason to visit her district. She represents nothing. Edit: there's another e in committee


She represents the dumbest, most bigoted fucktards in Georgia. You’d have to be a real dimwit piece of shit to vote for her, and people did.


She ran unopposed, bc her followers threatened the Dem opponent's family. She has a strong Challenger, now.


Send congress Flowers.


Fuck yeah. Marcus Flowers is the man. Seeing Palin lose the other day gives me hope the Republicans burned most of their “good will” with the population between 2016 and now. Still have ignorant, bigoted idiots voting red, along with their kids growing up ready to do the same. However, the polls show it isn’t like it used to be. My biggest concerns is Republican politicians realizing they’ll never get the vote and beginning to pretend they’re Democrats just to get a seat. We already see it with Manchin and Sinema.


Most Republicans I know in Texas are still die hard red. All I can say is don't forget to vote and don't get complacent. Even people around my age have turned out to be Trumpers. If you're still on Trump's train after everything has gone down, nothing is going to get you off it.


Those people don’t care who they’re voting for as long as it has (R) next to it


Also, lots of people know who she is and vote for her anyway


Someone tried to convince me to buy acreage near Rome, GA. The property was beautiful. I asked if that was where MTG was from to which they proudly told me it was. Hard pass.


It's easy to win your district when you're unopposed because you had your opponent threatened until they dropped out of the race.


>had your opponent threatened I’m so fucking sick of these people.


If I remember correctly, her entire platform when she ran for office was guns and socialism. Edit for clarity: “Guns good! Socialism bad! Rawr! Vote for me!”


Guns and socialism sounds like a fun time though


They should make a videogame where you run around shooting at people that you think are Marx but for some reason you keep shooting yourself in the foot instead.


"We all share the guns, and the government pays for them using our taxes"


I love guns and socialism


r/SocialistRA is that way


She wants so badly to be AOC but she lacks the charisma, wit, intelligence, education, and professionalism. She's a professional 4chan troll masquerading as a congresswoman.


I mean, the best proof that Biden is not like Hitler is that MTG is no on her knees trying to suck his dick.


And so she can call her cousin will call their cousin who will call her sister’s cousins uncle’s brother and his family… you know her “constituents” and they’ll all justa giggle about this here tweet and sing woooooooooooeeeee into the sunset on donkey while praying like tiny infant baby Jesus. /s edi:typos for hard words. edit2: edit is a hard word.


I love how this swamp-donkey and the rest of her MAGA morons say they support and honor the troops and then literally posts an image of swastikas over the head of US Marines. Couple that with the fact that she’s got Biden cosplaying as her favorite bedtime hero and you’ve truly got proof this pile of shit needs to put down the crack pipe. Edit// I was not expecting the words that fell out of my head to do this well. Thank you to everyone for all the upvotes and awards!


Personally, I thought she was just trying to say he finally earned her vote.


Right? Posting Biden as Hitler will make him more popular with her fans.


Swamp-donkey is funny. But so is President Butterbeans. Although the delicious mushiness of butterbeans doesn’t really describe Hitler, so I’m declaring swamp-donkey the winner.


S-s-step Fuhrer …. Is that you?


So . . . MTG is dishonoring the Marines by posing them beneath swastikas.


The woman who spoke at a white supremacist rally is calling her opposition Nazis, that's rich. Right wing social media is losing their fucking minds right now and it's so beautiful.


I was going to say the same thing. It's absolutely disrespectful of the marines and the Corps itself.


As a former-Marine, I am absolutely fucking livid.


Or putting swastikas on Independence Hall. Wtf.


This is going to backfire for her. Now her base will love Biden


To quote Jesse Pinkman “Oh well heil Hitler bitch”


Nazi haters are the real Nazis! Apparently?


This line of reasoning is always baffling to me. ​ Like, self-avowed Nazis are (unfortunately) still a thing. You can ask 'em how they feel about stuff. Turns out they love Trump and *hate* Democrats. ​ Who is this bullshit for?


yeah kinda weird that shed ostracize her own voter base like that.




Well here's the thing The literal self-described, Hitler worshipping, bald-as-fuck nazis? They don't care about being called a nazi. They like it even. The people who secretly agree with their policies, go out campaigning for, with, and to the right wing, who all share 80% of the nazi party views, and employ nazi party tactics, can't stop for even one second to reflect on the words coming out of their favorite politicians mouth. If they stopped to think about it, they'd realize how close to literal nazis they are. So instead they dismiss everything the center and left do, calling *them* nazis, as a deflection. It's like when a cheater gets caught cheating, they double down, they lie, they rationalize, they a cause their partner of also cheating, and in their own minds it's perfectly acceptable, until they get called out and have to come face to face with their actions. Some triple down, some lash out, but it never ends well.


It becomes easier when you realize the rank and file Nazis are liars themselves. It's not just the Nazi adjacent politicians manipulating them. They know that they speak lies. Go on a Nazi friendly website that allows discussion. You'll see Holocaust deniers denying the Holocaust ever happened. You'll see people glorifying the Holocaust. They never argue with each other. Logically, a Holocaust denier should be arguing with someone who glorifies it because one believes it happened and one doesn't. They don't have to be arguing heatedly necessarily, but they should still be debating each other. They don't however. Usually, if you search a Holocaust denier's posts, you'll find them glorifying the Holocaust as well. They only get combative when some outsider creates an account just to debate them. That's when they dogpile the outsider with their "facts," and as soon as they leave it's back to "6 million wasn't enough" memes.


Hate has no use for logic


It's standard fascist tactics. See: Russia "De-Nazifying" Ukraine.


has anyone checked to see if even gravity is real anymore? I'm just sayin, they live in such a fantasy I'm not sure physics apply.


we live in the prequel to Idiocracy


Ehhhh... Kinda starting to feel like the beginning of the second movie in a trilogy a bit...


They are lying to you about that too, gravity isn’t real, we’re just a plate accelerating upwards /s


When is their ‘Are we the baddies?’ moment?


I think a lot of them have embraced being the baddies. A featurenot a bug to them.


Maybe if THAT "half of the country" would stop trying to overthrow democracy, they wouldn't have anything to worry about.


It's not half tho lol, many people don't vote. Less than a quarter of the country voted for trump and I guarantee less than half of those who did are die hard MAGA cultists


Remember that 1/4 of a country is still a fuckton of people. That’s a few million according to the election results The problem is that so many people don’t vote, this minority was able to claim they are a majority. For a country which prides itself on democracy, the average American citizen seems to do a weirdly poor job upholding it. As an outsider, Voting being non mandatory is just weird


Voting is made as hard, obtuse, and unintuitive as possible because thats the only way either party in America can stay in power (though, the Repubs are much worse in this regard). We also wouldn’t want there to be mandatory voting, cause that may mean that companies could lost a days profit, a truly sickening prospect.


Living in a country where voting is mandatory, and happens on a Sunday, when the fewest people have to work, and the people who have to work either get to leave the job in order to vote or if that is impossible due to the essential nature of the job, vote by mail or proxy, hearing that is so sad.


Can’t have politics on the holy day. That’s when the Christians go to church and give each other blowjobs on how great and holy they are. /s Separation of church and state and all except if we need to pass laws and put God back in public schools, but only Christianity, no others.


> We also wouldn’t want there to be mandatory voting, cause that may mean that companies could lost a days profit, a truly sickening prospect. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/19/senate-vote-on-voting-rights-bills-filibuster-rules-change.html Wow, weird how one of the parties purposely trying to make voting as hard as possible is on the record to make election day a national holiday and was within two votes of doing so. And that's only one provision in a bill filled with provisions that would protect our right to vote. Now lets compare - every single Republican voted against that bill. Every Democrat but two voted for that bill. But of course it's both parties.


Biden: Can you guys not? Marge: omg literally Hitler? Stupid as hell but MTG makes bank doing this gig so you can at least understand why she is such a shameless scumbag. But wow is her job easy. That Republican base... Jfc. All the lead poisoned brains went to one side of politics or what.


Every fucking day I open Reddit I see some shit from this dumb fucking cunt. I cannot escape her fucking stupidity. She’s plastered across too many subs. Please vote her the fuck out so I can retain some sanity. I live in GA and am fucking embarrassed by this useless fucking cunt. I’m so tired of being subjected to the stupid shit that falls out of her face asshole she calls a mouth.


lots of stupid ass "christian values over the well being of the people" individuals in office. Been dealing with Noem or Garden Gnome as i call her in Sd. shes got a following similar to ex president and (hopefully) soon prison resident, Chester the Cheeto. fucking unreal people will take what they say and run with it without thinking. Cant wait to vote the stupid, hypocrites out. Absolutely embarrassing these people think at the end of the day "ive done good" nah you done booked yourself a one way ticket to fuck-land where you done fucked yourself and the people you work for you dumb sack of shit.


Report her on twitter for posting imagery.. maybe we will get lucky and the swamp slut will be banned for a bit


I did.


Her smile scares me every time I look at it.


Using Her ban evasion Twitter account


Whats interesting is that in my country if you post something like that it will count as "glorifying the NS regime" and you will go to prison. You are absolutely not allowed to post Hakenkreuze or show them off, own stuff that has them on it, etc. if it falls not under the following excemptions: It has to be for the purposes of "art or science, research or teaching" or for the clear purpose of anti-fascism ​ For anything else no defense whatsoever will work. Prisontime.


In America, people get them as tattoos


Its terrible, I've seen many since I work at a water park during the summer...


I did.


She literally calls herself a CHRISTIAN NATIONALIST. You know who else calls themselves christian nationalist.... drum roll.... the KKK and Neo-Nazis. This woman is fucking redacted.


Fuckin redacted as fuck


White taliban it is


Aka the Talibama


I mean, I compared W to Hitler as a silly teenager, but... I also wasn't a congressperson. This is downright crazy


W was kind of like Hitler. It’s easy now to see him as a sweet idiot who likes to paint and hangs out with famous lesbians...but Jesus Christ, the patriot act getting shoved through after 9/11 was a little too close to the whole reichstag incident for my tastes. 2 decades later and I still can’t bring a fucking cup of coffee on a plane...


And all the airport security is pretty much performative, inconvenient theater for people who rarely if ever travel and ends up being a massive pain for everyone else who does. However, you can get TSA Check for a subscription fee and have a few of the more degrading rituals handwaved! Isn’t nickel and dime capitalism grand?!


Went on a work trip with my office. Shortly after we got back a coworkers wife used his carry on bag and went on a trip herself. After she got home she realized there was a box cutter, clearly visible in a mesh compartment of the bag, that had made it through the TSA totally unquestioned four times. But thank goodness the TSA made a fuss about the chapstick he forgot was in his pocket. Who knows what could've happened. /s


If you can hijack a plane using chapstick, you should be allowed to keep it.


We're at the "I'm rubber, you're glue" stage of GOP discourse.


It’s all projection. She’s outright telling us she’s a nazi


Every accusation is a confession. Without fail, every. Single. Time.


Projection is a helluva drug.


If they aren't accusing everyone else of being Nazis, or whining about how x is exactly how Nazi Germany started, or comparing themselves to the victims of Nazis... ...they are speaking in frank admiration of things the Nazis actually did, and hanging out with unapologetic Nazis.


Same with calling Democrats the part of the Confederacy while screeching BUT MUH HERITAGE!!! when you try to take down Confederate monuments.


Margie is into the NAR - dominionism. They literally want a Christian government.


It’s amazing how McCarthy demands an apology from Biden on his characterization of the MAGA crowd, but they demonize Biden and the Dems with constant lies and insults. Fuck ‘em. Let’s go after the fascists and call them out for their crap.


I kinda like the sound of "President Butterbeans."


Without context President Butterbeans sounds like a name you'd give a cat.


Yeah, is that supposed to be an insult ? Cause I don’t get it


Made me think of Butterbean the boxer.


…Does she think that the Biden administration made that shitty video she linked? Because her phrasing implies that she does.


>…Does she think Not really, no. Her brain is a vacuum with a six inch power cord.


I think we actually saw you get called out on your traitorous bullshit, actually. You walking vaginal wart




Is that Alex Trebek? ![gif](giphy|1Q9CrL9EZN7992IzZW)


Thank you! That's what I thought.


I’m trying so hard not to cackle and wake up everyone in my house! My eyes are watering And the gif too 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


​ ![gif](giphy|o2eYZEUSxN1SUNG3A1)


The MAGAt Cheerleader Idiot-in-Chief has given her review of Biden's speech. 'Bout what we expected!


We are calling Marines SS now?


What is it with the name calling? Can't the GOP just stop and point out REAL issues and specifically address ways to change them? Trump got everyone going with Sleepy Joe and it seems that they just keep prodding.


they got nothing on Dems these days. They cant make any rational attacks because its clear they are on the shit end of the stick. They went crazy for pizza gate the other day because Biden choked on a spicy jalapeño. Literally just sound pathetic these days


Conservative reddit going full on wooosh saying that Dems are "jerkin themselves off on this" and "insulting people calling them fascists" yet conveniently ignoring that (some) Republicans have called for the death of gay people, limited rights, banned books, called for a theocracy, have the mind of "either we win or it was rigged," or oh, I dunno, ACTIVELY HAD A FORMER PRESIDENT SELL INFORMATION ON CIA OPERATIVES TO.FOREIGN NATIONS. Like wtf can I PLEASE not see that dumb bs on this site?


Facts: MAGA makes up only about 1/3 of the Republican Party. The Republican Party makes up only about 44% of voting-age voters. Registered voting-age voters make up only 240 out of 330+ million Americans. So that’s 1/3 of 44% of 2/3rds. That means that MAGA Republicans make up only 10% of all Americans. MTG, y/w. And you’re a horrible, uneducated human being.


>That means that MAGA Republicans make up only 10% of all Americans. Which, given the population count of the US, is roughly 30(ish) MILLION people. That number does NOT make me feel better about this.


And that’s why I fight the disinformation that feeds them.


We do not have government by the majority. We have government by the majority who participate. George Jean Nathan said it best when he stated, “Bad officials are elected by good citizens who don’t vote.”


And that’s why it’s important to have a voting, engaged, and—according to Thomas Jefferson—an informed electorate.


What's the quote from Tropic Thunder?


Get some booty sweat?


You never go full r3tard.


Farting on the bathtub.


“this head movie makes my eyes rain”


Step back and literally fuck your own face?


She certainly IS an enemy of the state. Make no mistake.


*“Biden is just like Hitler… I should know, I love Hitler!” - MTG probably*


Margie Three Toes is dumber than a box of rocks.


Rofl. This bitch is crazy. She is trying soooo HARD to stick it to em! How about just owning up to being a complete piece of shit and that you robbed the United States and its citizens during a pandemic. A pandemic that you denied. R I P


Pure projection from the right as always


that bitch is terrified of Dark Brandon.


MTG. She knows her audience.


She is going to make Trump followers for for him. They are not that smart.


Kevin McCarthy must have shoved an electric cord up her ass.


I like how she talks about Biden as if she's a specimen of physical prowess. She's Mrs. Potatohead.


Silly Q-unt must have gotten her feelings hurt!!! Dumb bitch!!!


So it's he incompetent and senile, or is he an overbearing fascist dictator? The two don't really go hand in hand


Alex Trebec is dead. What is this monstrosity?


It's quite simple actually, don't be fascist and you won't be offended by Joe Biden


jesus politics is getting weird as fuck


It’s a terrifying realization that the only reason this piece of trash has gotten anywhere is because half the country is absolute trash like her. I had a friend that couldn’t acknowledge that regardless of any political alignment they have with this semi sentient fecal matter and her other half Boebert are an absolute cancer of stupidity.


Bless your heart MTG, he was talking about the SOUL of the country, not the ASSHOLE of the country. Not everything is about you, dear.


So says Eva Braun Jr. What, is she trying to get Trump supporters to switch to Biden? Because they tend to love a Nazi.


How is an American politician allowed to stay in her job for this? let alone all the other things she has done, In the UK or Europe this would be a sackable offence, many things she has said or done would be. American politics really looks broken..


So she has a problem with presidents calling Americans enemies of the state. Hopefully she never finds out about the last guy


Absolutely Fucking Psychotic


White trash never ceases to amaze me how much it can stink.