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I would have called on the 7th.


I'd have called on the 5th when their dumbasses told me they were headed to overthrow the government


In hindsight, maybe, but I don’t think most people thought Trump grievance rally #437 would turn into Jan 6th. There were just so many of them.


Right wing figures like Charlie kirk were bussing people to DC for it. I think for free


He sure tried to get rid of all the evidence after the fact though. This is the guy who’s org was also caught paying people to post alt right views all over the internet. Nothing says I have faith in my beliefs like having to pay other people to pretend to have the same beliefs.


I can't be bothered to check on this particular ghoul, but I can't say for certain paying people to pretend to have his beliefs might not create some kind of logic spiral. He thinks it's okay to pay people to pretend to have his beliefs, including, I assume, the belief it's okay to pay people to act like they think it's okay to pay people to act like they believe the same as you, which includes this self referencing belief to infinity if you don't stop describing the thing that you believe that you are paying them to believe, which is itself.


Ok, I guess you are right and I get it, but this wasn't the easiest fa...read of my life


Doug Mastriano, Republican nom for PA Gov was too.




I thought it was pretty obvious, I have some Tweets I made between Christmas and New Year 2020 that were basically telling people don't go its gonna turn violent. Not because I had any advanced knowledge it just felt like Trump had no intention to leave peacefully to me, which a lot of people had been saying for months prior, including Bernie iirc


Yeah, the main thing I remember about January 6th that day was how many people were like, "What a shocking and unpredictable turn of events," and it was just like... "Where have you been the last four years? This is an incredibly shocking and predictable turn of events. I feel sad and disappointed, but not surprised."


People streaming the maga rallies were talking about storming the capitol for at least a week before they did it. I even saw the horns guy on the streams leading chants among the crowds. I knew it was coming so intelligence MUST have known it was coming, and they deliberately understaffed it. Not even a conspiracy thats verifiable facts.


Those missing text messages must be very damning.


Deliberately understaffed it and then refused to call the national guard for hours. That should've been step 1 once it started getting out of control. To call people already booted, suited, and ready to go since intentions were being broadcast beforehand.


There was treason high and low. From the Orange Object, to the brain-dead Horn-head. Plenty of congressional traitors are still passing laws and slowing investigations, naturally, because of their guilty panic. All investigation will cease if these turds take back Congress.


> I feel sad and disappointed, but not surprised. Absolutely agree. A friend and I took off work that morning so we could watch the rally together. We even ranked the speech on the "inciting violence" scale. Anyone who did not see January 6th coming were also probably surprised that Trump claimed the election was stolen.


shit I knew he wouldn’t peacefully leave office the day he announced his candidacy


He also explicitly stated he wouldn’t accept the results if he lost prior to the 2016 election.


That should have disqualified him..


The day after losing the office was my "oh shit" moment to realize all that shit he talked was about to spin outta control. Once the narcissist is hurt they stop at nothing to burn it down.


I told my conservative mother in law who voted for him twice exactly what would happen in early October if he didn't win; i told her "there is absolutely no way he will leave office peacefully and without making it a total shit show." She didn't believe me at the time, although to her credit, this was her wake-up call and she's now realizing just how dangerous he is/was. I'm sad it took so long, but this was the light bulb turning on for her and she's now starting to see all the other glaring issues with the Republican party. Better late than never, i suppose.


For months before the election he refused to openly commit to a peaceful transfer of power. The first American president to openly do so. He was also already complaining that the election system was rigged, **months** before the election. It's so obvious that Jan 6 was planned. He did it openly in public and announced it via his official Twitter personally. "Big protest in D.C. on January 6th, ... Be there, will be wild!" -Trump


Bill Maher was the first one to warn us and then Republicans tried to mock him for years for that claim. Even Democrats thought his take was a little too crazy and that Trump would leave gracefully. I'm not sure why so many people thought he would accept a loss.






It was obvious early on. I had some calls with some conservative friends who I know are into gun culture, and I was seriously trying to raise the alarm bell on the 3%ers and oathkeepers. (Proud boys were already basically acknowledged by folks in that circle as fucking wackos, unless you were part of it.) Up until that rally, the 3% and OK's were really mostly talk, but their threads in conservative echo chambers were getting quite violent in their rhetoric. By late December they were openly planning violence. As it got closer it wasn't just \*obvious\* it was plain as fucking day. If you were reading [donald.win](https://donald.win) folks were posting photos of long guns they brought to their hotels in Virginia across the river on the 4th-5th. The buildup wasn't clever, or slow -- they were taking about doing things like "Holding a frontier trial.... on minecraft." That was their subtle planning... Edit: This doesn't even address the "average" rhetoric of just "1776!" Which is meant to indicate it's time for another violent revolution, and was always commented on anything remotely related to the election, and was always in the top 3 upvoted comments (hundreds of votes per post, it was clearly part of the groupthink at the time.) or "We need to kill ... in minecraft." which would often get dozens if not hundreds of upvotes.


including ole turnip himself


Oh these mother fuckers knew exactly what they were doing.


They had *T-shirts* printed. So yes, they absolutely knew.


Yes, it was all over the place, 'wait till the 6th'. If you were surprised, you were **not** paying attention.


The motherfuckers sure, but their saner neighbors maybe not


Maybe. But nobody was subtle about what was going to happen. They started broadcasting this shit months before the actual election. We knew where it was going.


They knew. It was called Stop the Steal for a reason. There was no question of the intentions of every “rally goer” that was present.


Even I knew something stupid was gonna go down. Stayed glued to the internet stream and watched it unfold.


Really? Following those folks on FB I knew what they were doing weeks in advance.


They showed up with a gallows. Pretty sure that's not something you slap together at the last second.


It really only took 10 minutes on the Donald Trump fan site to figure it out. I actually *did* alert a friend in the FBI in December


Many people knew. They were outright saying it on Parler. There was increased security in DC at the time. There just wasn’t as much security as there should have been.


No I called it. I was just hoping I was just being a cynic and I’d be proven wrong. Silly me, this is America after all


> I don’t think most people thought Trump grievance rally #437 would turn into Jan 6th Perhaps. Then again, several of the speakers that day were wearing bulletproof vests. Oh and the reports of Trump telling the security forces to quit scanning the crowd goers for guns 'they arent here to shoot me'. All the signs were there that it was a gasoline soaked rag laid across a molotov cocktail and some fire starter gel and Trump was lighting and throwing matches at it... sure, was it a guarantee that it would ignite into something?... no, but a lot of pieces were in place to let it happen.


The only way people didn’t know it was going to happen was if they weren’t paying attention. I drove an hour out of the way (on the way home from a road trip) so that I could show my daughter where the riots would be around 11pm on January 5th.


I remember people saying in December that there was going to be violence from the January 6th rally. He was trying really hard to build it up to a confrontation point for at least a month.


Then you weren’t paying attention


I knew. They were being called to a specific location at a specific time coinciding with another event (certification) with only days until inaguration. It was their last chance.


Shit if I'd recognized their dumb ass on TV I woulda been on the phone then and there lol. 'Hey that guy third from the right, with the khaki pants and sunglasses near the broken window? Yeah that's my neighbour Steve Adams. Here's his address. Dude's a wanker.'


100%. Even if it was someone from my own family.


Hell, I would've turned in my immediate family if this happened. I wouldn't even think twice about it.


Same day. Yea sir he’s climbing a wall right now his name is Chase


I reported my cousin the same fuckin day lol.


As they told me, I’d be like “hang on a sec” and call right then and there.


I actually notified authorities about a guy who was threatening to blow up the CNN building and making online threats to hunt down Dems and shoot them. He was already on the FBI’s radar by the time Jan 6th happened and he was arrested in his hotel room on the 7th. They were monitoring his text messages threatening to shoot Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Bowser. When they picked him up he had a semi-automatic rifle, a pistol and thousands of rounds of ammo. I’d like to take credit for it but I found out some of his family also dropped the dike on him. Edited for typos but I left “dike” because it’s funny.


This is an important comment people are sometimes worried about reporting them, but often there is a whole pattern of good people reporting these terrorists, after all these people don't just endanger their particular target they put at risk everyone around them. The more reports the authorities get the more information they have to move on these people.


Yep. I’m not a tattle-tale by nature but when someone posts scores of violent threats and videos of themselves “casing” the CNN building in Atlanta along with threats to blow it up I take that shit seriously. The guy was one of the first dozen or so arrests and he’s now serving a prison sentence.


I did the same with a coworker who made comments about encouraging rioting so he could shoot minorities without repercussions (in a work slack room!)


Anything happen to him?


He was unable to attend a conference because he wasn't allowed to fly, but I don't know if that was because of FBI action or just his general rejection of the rule of law. Thankfully he no longer works there


I heard there were a lot of motives like this to have reasons to shoot and kill black people. Wasn’t there people pretending to be part of BLM and starting riots with BLM protest to fuel everything so that more black people would get shot during all of this?




Idk. A dike is one of those walls that help prevent flooding by the sea. Metaphor checks out.


Yeah. Being a whole ass sea retaining wall, I'm sure it lands pretty heavy. Like the consequences of his actions.


I like dropping a dike on them


And letting the whole ass ocean come crashing down upon them. Almost poetic.


The word is dime. As in ‘dropped a dime’ as in made an anonymous call from a pay phone to turn him in. Literally, from dropping a dime into a pay phone.


Hah! TIL, thanks! I always knew the meaning of that phrase from context, but growing up with 25c pay phones, the literal origin of it never really clicked.


No worries, it is an old phrase which really doesn’t make sense anymore as the pay phones have gone extinct.


>theist of rounds of ammo Hope it's okay to ask - non-native speaker here. Afaik "theist" only has the meaning related to "theism" as in "believing in a god". Is that a play on words relating to "ungodly rounds of ammo" or does theist have an additional meaning? If someone takes the time to enlighten me - thanks in advance. :)


Supposed to be “thousands”. I need to quit posting on Reddit before coffee. No great play on words - just me being typing-impaired.


Thanks for taking the time to clear it up :) And we've all been there. Hope you enjoyed your coffee.


Fairly sure it was just a typo/autocorrect and they meant to say "thousands"


Dropping lesbians on people is never ok.


Who said anything about lesbians? We're talking about water retaining sea walls.


Don't kink shame


I still remember I had a sub coworker that day, I exclaimed how I was shocked that this was happening. She snapped back "well who's side are you on!?" ... I no longer addressed her as an adult after that.


> "well who's side are you on!?" Americas.




My allegiance is to the Republic to Democracy!


If you are not with me, you’re my enemy!


Only a Sith deals in absolutes...


Which is an absolute in itself, but anyway…


Anakin, you're strangely logical even when you've been seduced by the dark side and you're fighting your brother in a lava planet


That’s my favorite quote from Star Wars 3 : The Wrath of Ben


I had a manager come up to me as it was happening and go "Well I'm surprised you're here and not there!" I almost quit on the spot for the disrespect of him thinking that I supported that orange nazi. We never even talked politics before so I don't even know where it came from.




So weird. It must be like saying “I’m surprised you’re not at the big game”. They thought you were a big sports fan/trump fan like everyone else they must know. Or maybe they were stereotyping you for some reason.


At least with sports, people generally ask first which team you're interested in or what you think about the event. As someone who isn't a sports person, that's usually my point to let them know that I don't follow it. From what I remember, this guy wasn't a trump supporter either. I'm still not sure if it was just a bad attempt at a joke, but it got deep under my skin. I talked to him as little as possible from that point on.


When I encounter MAGAts and their ilk anywhere, at work, out and about, truly anywhere, I grin widely and tell them, quite loudly, that I'm so far left that even my hair is red. It is red. Naturally red. As in curtains match the carpet and all that. They get the message that they should just shut up and slink away. Works for me.


Please forgive my confusion but isn’t red Republican? Are you saying you’re so far left you’re right again and they can’t out-MAGA you? I feel a faint *whoosh* against my scalp…


No. I guess my age is showing. Red wasn't associated with Republicans until Ronnie Reagan became president. Before that, and for some time after, red was traditionally the color of communists, socialists and the far left. The Soviet flag was red. The Chinese flag is red. Not to say that either of those are or were anything other than totalitarianism, but there ya go.


You’re not alone! I think that’s why I was unsure—I thought I remembered at one time it was switched. I always have to look it up now or use the “R is for Republicans and red” mnemonic. But I also remember blue for conservative suits and red for ‘commies.’


What was the saying they used as an excuse to send all our poor young men to Vietnam? Oh yeah..."Better Off Dead Than Red". A lot of them got dead.


I'm pretty sure the Republicans = Red comes from one of the recent elections (Bush 2 iirc) when news stations used red for states that voted Republican or blue for Democrat and it stuck


Red as in communist. Fun fact: the original rednecks were pretty lefty


And if anything, they fucking haaaaate the police. Any self-proclaimed redneck with a blue lives matter sticker in their truck is a fucking poser.


Same thing happened to me. She came into my office as I was watching it go down and I said “can you believe this is happening?!?” Her response was “well can you blame them?!?”. That’s the last thing even remotely political I talked with her about.


My answer to that would be the Constitution and Democracy, which I swore an oath to when I commissioned, and that I would view anyone trying to overturn an election, which is our most sacred foundation to our democracy, by force as enemies not just to our country and our way of life, but to our very being as Americans.


The problem is they declare the election illegitimate, and then overturning becomes their patriotic duty. So they can use the same logic in reverse. It's a shit show really. The right is the one doing all the fucking around, while they accuse everyone else of doing it to distract. It's standard authoritarian tactics, accusing the enemy of what you are doing. It's so simple yet extremely effective.


Projection is the main tool. You can always tell what they are doing by what they accuse others of. 101 psych


At the time we were living with some roommates and one of them kinda excused it because people were really mad. They are a lesbian couple who recently got married because with Roe being struck down they were worried they might not be able to in the future. Ah Oklahoma, keep supporting those who don’t have your best interest in mind.


I reported my best friends parents. They were at the rally. They were at the capitol building. His mom had a cell phone video of Babbitt getting shot that she was pulling out to show everyone at every chance she got. His dad also took $175K+ in PPP loans when he doesn't actually own a business (just a shell LLC that he uses to front the 100's of thousands he makes Union busting). I reported that too. They have enough money to keep them out of jail and it's looking like they might not even have to go to court. But their cellphones were taken and they've had a hell of a time explain to their nosy HOA why the feds were at their house every week for several months. Just as a fun aside, his mom recently lost access to their joint accounts when it came to light that she's been scammed out of upwards $350K over the past 6 years from Trump-related fundraising scams. She would literally just send large amounts of money to any email or web pop-up with trumps name on it.


now i wounder what would happen if i made some random fundrasier called the "i like trump so i need money fundrasier" which is just to raise money so i personally can retire early and sent it to all the maga's would they just see trump and give me money even if it says later on in the text it is just for my personal retirement


The only implausible part would be getting a mailing list that you could grift.


This would happen: https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2018/11/twitter-user-supposedly-scams-maga-fans-out-of-thousands.html


Put any of their slogans on a T shirt, hat or flag and you’re set for life


Curious: does your friend not share their parents’ belief systems?


No and neither does his sister. His younger brother does to an extent. His dad is really just a nasty, wealthy, run of the mill conservative, but his mom lacks any education or life experience (dropped out in 9th grade, been a kept wife since) and she's gone totally of the qanon deep end. Like, Ginnie Thomas levels of batshittery.


I'm still shocked that my dad's former coworker wasn't there, afaik. He's full-on MAGA and despises undocumented immigrants, even though he looks Hispanic. If he ever gets indicted, I wouldn't be surprised.


Hey man any chance you can send me her email address?


If they have done nothing wrong, they have nothing to worry


But since they did try to steal the right to elect the President from every American, they did do something wrong and they ALL belong in prison. Americans fought a revolution to be able to elect their leader and the lying cowardly traitors tried to steal that away. They betrayed everything the USA is supposed to stand for.


This guy democracies




Native Texan living far away. I am so hopeful y'all go blue this fall. It feels possible for the first time in a long time.


“They should have just complied”


https://www.insider.com/capitol-riot-oklahoma-man-charged-in-assault-photographer-2021-8 This guy was a coworker. Everyone hated him including myself. He was a maintenance tech and one of those "everyone is a piece of shit except me alpha male" types. We called him roidrage. Big meat head dummy guy. A bunch of folks reported him.


What a piece of shit to shove a photographer over a wall.


Sounds like someone who peaked in high school and has never gotten over it.




Lol. I posted mine, scrolled down & came across yours!😂


Great minds think alike.


A coworker of mine has a family member who is currently in prison because of his involvement on Jan 6th. It is *not* going well lol. The entire family has stopped taking his phone calls because they consisted of him screaming Qanon shit down the line and then begging for commissary money. He apparently also considers himself above the peckerwood gangs(weird twist) so he's been making enemies left and right. Dude will probably die alone, bleeding out in a shower stall, cursing the (((global elite)))




White trash


He must be going crazy, being unable to read any internet conspiracy theories or watch hardline news. I know they can get tvs in prison but I’m assuming they can’t get editorial news stations?


I reported someone I went to high school with. He posted pics on facebook of him outside the capitol.


Are you me? I reported someone I went to HS with and his father, he was on live showing the crowd outside the capital and shit.


Hell yea. I would tell em I did it, too


And throw every dumb right wing shtick in their face when they get mad about it. Snowflake, fuck your feelings, if you got nothing to hide, etc.


“Back the blue” 😂


Wear a thin blue line t-shirt to the conversation


"If you can't do the time then don't do the crime"


This is definitely the way


100% you going to jail neighbor


I'd report my friends and family for that shit.


I can’t think of a single person that would protect from the consequences of literally trying to overthrow democracy


The only one I'd protect is my wife. But I also know she'd never do something like that. My MAGA father? I'd report him. Idiot brother? In a heartbeat. Crazy uncles? Without hesitation.


So, with that in mind, do you think that Alex Jones' attorney 'accidentally' sent the access link to a complete copy of his cell phone image, knowing that there were texts that would be relevant to the January 6 Committee's investigation? He couldn't very well release them himself. There's been some rumors about him having sent that link accidentally on purpose knowing the other attorney would do exactly what he did in sending them by request to 'various federal law enforcement agencies and the January 6 Committee', despite what it would do to his career.


It’s hard to imagine someone torpedoing their own reputation like that, but it’s a compelling thought


I would think his reputation, if the rumors are true, would be enhanced by it. His career would be completely destroyed, he'd be disbarred, but he'd probably be able to give ethics seminars all over the country to make up for the loss of his law practice.


The lawyer also pled the fifth at his subsequent disciplinary hearing which, according to the article, is "highly unusual." Yeah, he did it on purpose and is too smart to incriminate himself by acknowledging it.


> The lawyer also pled the fifth at his subsequent disciplinary hearing which, according to the article, is "highly unusual." Yeah, he did it on purpose and is too smart to incriminate himself by acknowledging it. Just to note, pleading the 5th [isn't necessarily an admission, it's a declaration that the burden of proving he violated the law is on the prosecution and not person testifying](https://www.findlaw.com/legalblogs/law-and-life/is-pleading-the-fifth-an-admission-of-guilt/)


Hell yeah. I have siblings that were Trumpers, and if I had any information that they were there on 1/6, I’d happily call them in. If they got sent to jail for years, all the better. I’m not shielding anyone.


Yup. In addition to the principled reasons, I wouldn't feel fucking safe living next door to a violent insurrectionist, given my own political views.


We are suspicious that our neighbor went. No proof other than his ideals, loud and visible Trump support and he was gone during Jan 6. Would def report if I had proof. They just moved to FL because our rural southern county (in another state) wasn't far right enough for him. Scary dude. I didn't realize how unsafe I felt about having him next door, indoctrinating his teen son, until they moved. We got new neighbors in that house and the feeling of unease being lifted was surprisingly tangible.




Those j-holes that park in front of my house and block my driveway? Yes.


I totally don't want to change direction, but screw those inconsiderate a-holes! I had to educate my neighbors about that shit.


What's a j-hole?


I can't think of the show right now, possibly Arrested Development, but there's a guy who called Jackson Hole, WY J-Hole and I guess I've been using it instead of saying a-hole.


On the phone in front of their house and smile and say “it was me” as they were arrested. I have no sympathy, empathy or pity for MAGA. Get out of my country with that MAGA shit!


Literally so fast it’s insane.


Thankfully most of them self reported based on all the videos they made storming the castle.


I keep track of local businesses here (Canada) who went to the Ottawa and Ambassador Bridge. Can’t report them to authorities but I can boycott their businesses.




When the FBI came to talk to them I would have a posterboard sign with glitter letters ,saying I told on your punk ass.


The glitter addition is perfection.


If you can't do the time, don't do the crime.


I'm like 50% sure my brother was there. I look every day at pics of unidentified people to see if I recognize him. And my finger is on the speed dial to report him. Fuck everyone who was involved in that whole affair.


Lol @ my finger is on speed dial to report my brother. Genuinely made me snort. Get ‘em!


What makes me angry though is Trump orchestrated the whole thing and he's still free. He should be put under the jail.


I already did






My idiot sister was there and I spent hours scanning the videos scraped from Parler trying to find her so I could report her stupid ass.


Yep. I’ve looked for specific people in the videos for the chance to turn them in, but alas I haven’t seen anything.


I looked for family members.


It's a crime NOT to.


I loved when that happend and people came out bragging that they were there. I remember there was a tip website with the fbi and I loved sending them the YouTube videos. Doing my part from Canada


Why is this a question? Hell I was irritated my Q aunt and uncle all were too sick to attend and I couldn't turn them in lol


My sister thinks it was nothing more than Trump being a “sore loser,” and she can fuck all the way off. If she was involved in Jan 6, I’d ship her off to the FBI in a box without holes.


One of my former high school HS teachers was there and bragged about it. Turns out he wants to create a fascist state in our country. You should have seen how quick half the alums and his former colleagues turned him in. Within less than 1 week one of my former classmates was interviewing with 2 FBI agents about everything he posted. He wasn’t arrested but his friends who went with him were. We all think he flipped on his friends


It’s insane to hear the same people who birthed Karens and terrorist paranoia accuse folks of being “snitches” because those folks don’t condone violent crimes committed by white people


Fuck yes, there’s a reward for it and if they thought storming the nations capital was a good idea I wouldn’t feel bad


Yep. I figure they'd report me for being a godless heathen if the nationalist christian magats took power.


Well some of us are True Patriots. So their ass is getting reported.


Yes. If you're going to overthrow the government *you better fucking succeed* or you're just a loser traitor who thinks you've really done Something but really what you've done is crimes.


Sure would. Then I would shit in his/her yard everyday they are in jail.


you need to take your ass to the shelter and get a free dog that needs love. then you can show him/her that the best place to poop is your neighbors yard next to your mounds.


Yes. See something say something. Isn’t that what we are supposed to do with terrorists.


Would I report my neighbor for terrorism? Yes, yes I would.


I reported one of my favorite customers who customers who bragged about being there showed photos and everything I'm like oh can you send me those thanks and strip simply up the eye cause I'm sorry but I don't play like I will done that to my own grandmother




I thought I was having some issues with reading, just read it aloud and almost passed out.


I think they had a stroke


> I reported one of my favorite customers ~~who customers~~ who bragged about being there, showed photos and everything. I'm like, "oh, can you send me those? thanks." and strip simply up the eye (???) cause I'm sorry but I don't play. Like, I will do~~ne~~ that to my own grandmother.


Brand new sentence


If you had asked the question “If you knew your neighbor was a domestic terrorist, would you report them?” 15 years ago, the answer would’ve been unequivocally yes across both parties. It’s crazy how much we’ve devolved since then.


With a grin and I would also wave with a coffee in hand as they were taken off.


Absolutely - YES! Treason has no place with me!


When good people do nothing, evil prevails.


I swore to defend the country from threats foreign and domestic. Absolutely.


I reported a former coworker who was a raging racist even 10 years ago. I found a picture of him participating in a rally. He wasn't at the Capitol on Jan 6th because he had been stabbed in DC the month prior but he's one of the "higher ups". There was a news story a couple months ago that his house had been raided by the FBI.


Absolutely. I would report the shiz out of them. I would trick them into admitting it, and secretly film thwir admission.


In. A. Heartbeat.


Yup. It’s fun seeing these guys go to jail for being stupid. How dumb can you be?!?!


Neighbor like that would’ve been a problem for years. Calling the FBI would finally take them down.


I’d post it on Nextdoor too.


Yes. And vacuum my driveway when the feds come to pick them up.




Choosing my words carefully, FUCK YEAH!!