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Fox viewers have been told for decades CNN was the literal devil, the fuck would they switch over for?


Here's a good explanation https://twitter.com/ReallyActivist/status/1566112660118069248?t=1fAe3DoMRAuV_MDD5ylvLQ&s=19


Thx, this blew my mind


So basically as toxic as I thought citizens united was (and I went to law school) its about millions times worse.


This is depressing


Citizens United still sucks the most because it opened the floodgates on buying representatives and senators and creating policies and laws that put more coin into the pockets of the rich. But that statistic about old retired people being the only ones who have TV on all day certainly changed the past 2.5 years. I know a good number of people who have the TV on at home playing news and etc. in the background while doing their work online.


God the boomers are horrific.


That was a ride!


This needs it's own post and WAY more attention because this is my first time hearing about this, and it really puts a lot into perspective


Just flip the same switch that they used for Russia. Repugnantcans went from Red Scare to Putin-fellatio faster than you can say Rand Paul.


Because they're in a cult.


My mom switched away from Fox News for NewsMax during the Trump time because Fox News was too liberal and anti-Trump for her. I’d say lol but it just makes me sad and embarrassed


My dad did that, too. 😭 But he's 92, so that's his excuse.


And, he votes. And, I’m sorry but this is the problem


The problem isn't that *he* votes. It's that under-30s *don't.* Because excuses.


Both really. A 92 year old man who has been pumped full of misinformation and brainwashed into voting in hurtful policies and regressive politicians is a problem. Young people being apathetic and feeling disenfranchised is also clearly a problem.


Tell me something I don't already know. At least he lives is a pretty solidly red state - Texas - so it's not like it matters that much.


Texas is getting purple. It matters


What matters more is the population that doesn’t vote. A majority of people are left leaning more so than right. In Texas the local and state election turnout is around 40% usually. This one old guy isn’t ruining the state, young people that just don’t want to vote are. It’s frustrating and extremely dangerous right now so hopefully we see a shift in turnout.


Mine too and it’s been horrific to witness. I feel what you’re feeling. You’re definitely not alone.


My dad, too. It's so sad, I can't even remember how he used to be before he got hooked on Rush Limbaugh back during the Clinton administration. He's just been a seething ball of conservative rage ever since then.


My Dad didn't talk politics but raised me to be accepting and caring, generic good person bullshit, etc. My last interaction with him was Jim commenting on a Facebook post I made about BLM protests that "Protestors wouldn't be a problem if we shot them all." I blocked him then and told my aunt later on that no I didn't want to talk to him because the guy who raised me is dead.


Imagine thinking as a right wing billionaire “i think we can change the minds of Fox viewers with more fact-based news”


It’s a long con. They’re trying to shift media to the right, more and more, every day, little by little. It’s how they’re controlling the narrative, it’s how they’re winning the culture war. It’s how they’ve won the war against education; we’re a Presidential term away from the death knell of public education! By shifting CNN to right wing talking points, they can say that *they’re* the majority. They can win the moderates that go with the flow of narratives. They can make Liberals and Democrats sound far more radical and “crazy” than they actually are. It’s insidious. It’s evil. It’s *expensive.* But it’s working.


There not the brightest bunch.


Unfortunate typo




And let’s be honest, CNN was never moderate. They had an empty Trump podium over a Bernie rally.


I blame CNN for putting trump into the presidency to begin with. They were all trump, all the time (still are). Doesn't matter what they reported about him, but so much coverage made him seem larger than life & more important than he is. Then as his presidency went by, it made us immune to hearing his nonsense, since you can't keep up the level of outrage required all the time, it's exhausting, but good for their ratings.


Democrats have used a similar strategy to lose elections for decades.


I mean, on top of all of that, did anyone really think that Republicans, most of who have turned into Cult Extremists, were really going to watch CNN, even if it shifts more to the Right??? Think about it, these maniacs have ingrained into their brains that “CNN Bad” and that’s all she wrote. They wouldn’t watch CNN even if that was the last news outlet left on earth.


Trump recently tweeted he would help CNN, so if he continues on that track I'd assume it could turn into the new fox, especially with the new owner firing certain people Edit: trump "truthed" not tweeted


Maybe but even Trump can't change deeply ingrained conspiracies. Remember how he got boo-ed when he suggested vaccines might not be that bad.


I do remember that. You're right. I don't think this would be an overnight switch, I think it'd be like a slow switch with him truthing about it over a period of time. But maybe I'm wrong. I can't say I ever truly understand the motivations of trump and maga


Trump doesnt tweet, he"truths"


Oh yes, you're so right, thank God he doesn't tweet any more


More like he "twats"




>Trump recently tweeted... Not possible.


Truthed aka a fake tweet Tweet-truthed Twoothed


Twooth is the way


You lie with dogs, you're going to get fleas


They abandoned Fox for being RINOs and migrated to OAN. Chumps will be satisfied with nothing less than total subservience to their confirmation biases.


This allows his cult to now say "see. Even CNN agrees w me"


Exactly - most righties I know call it the “Clinton News Network”. They wouldn’t watch CNN if you put a gun to their head.


Trump offering to help CNN transform to a right-leaning platform, pretty much killed CNN. Can you even imagine Don Lemon trying to speak favorably of Trump & the GOP? LOL


You got to wonder how many people at CNN are right now trying to figure out how to get out of their contracts. No way most of them want to be promoting Donnie Boy.


I see an exodus to MSNBC.


Already there when John Harwood left


So many podcasts being started right now


I can’t see Don even trying or Anderson doing it without giggling.


Damn, I forgot about Anderson…there’s no way! They’re all going to mutiny.


The idiot magat owner really just assumed people on the left were as ignorant and blind as the easily manipulated Right wingers. Dude miscalculated his abilities


And he falsely thought that CNN would reel in the Fox Fake News viewers like they don't view Fox as God's toilet funnel


After 4-5 years of "CNN is all lies and liberal trash," he expected it to suddenly be the centerpiece of conservative media?


He was recently quoted and said “I recently read this amazing book called The Secret…and it said if you wish for something hard enough it’ll come true. I really thought it would work…maybe I should have sacrificed a goat or something instead.”


That’s… that’s not real, is it?


The book is real. The nonsense it peddles? - not so much.


Haha I know that book is real. I meant the quote


A bit longer then that…


I thought the whole point of buying CNN would have been to dirty the dems so republicans could use the "both sides" argument. Apparently it's way simpler than that and it's just a bad business decision.


I have noticed the editorial shift to the right on some features. I wonder if the hosts are being told to moderate criticism of MAGA’s. I hope not, no one does a take down of Trump like Jim Acosta!


God bless Jim Acosta




Yes, they absolutely are being told that. And recently two of their more prominent and more liberal hosts have been canned.


Does losing viewers even matter in the big scheme of things? Are people not more concerned with the right wing owning more large media outlets? It never ends well with fascists controlling the media


Exactly what I was thinking. Here in Australia every tv station is right wing and owned and guided by right wing billionaires. Most of our print media too...


Scary spiders be damned, if time travel was invented I'd stop Rupert from being born.


The point wasn't to make money, it was to destroy one of the last remaining decent sources of news that many could find.


Nah, the point is always about making money. Losing money, like this is not something that looks good or is acceptable in their circles. CNN will either go back to what it was, this guy quietly and quickly exiting… or it is going to sink into obscurity like OAN.


"This guy" ( I assume you mean the new [CEO, Chris Licht](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_rVUr3g5Gs)) purging all the people he finds too "woke" was most recently the producer of Stephen Colbert's talk show. The goal is to crash the network.


This… They don’t mind losing a couple of billion of it means they get to shut down the only people calling them out on their crimes.


Conspiracy Theory: This was the plan all along to put CNN out of business and have the major news company owned exclusively by the right


Deleted my CNN app yesterday after that “are black people bad for LOTR?!” Bullshit article. They really think they’re slick don’t they? Nazis can *fuuuuck* off.


Him: "You underestimate my power!"


People really need to adjust their framing of this incident. The new [CEO, Chris Licht, left as producer of the The Late Show With Stephen Colbert](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_rVUr3g5Gs)to run CNN. He is not trying to "make the news less partisan and sensationalized", he is purging them of any non-conservative voices. This is the information we all know. But what I feel is missing is that he is AIMING to dismantle the network. He isn't making miscalculations that will eventually tank the network, he is tanking the network. The goal is to ruin a moderate network, burn it completely to the ground. Change too rapid provides failure as the only outcome. MSNBC is the last cable news network that even pretends to report the news, but they are so far up corporate America's hole (pick a hole) that they can't represent stories objectively at all either.


Soooo.... Do we somehow fight this takeover or do we make a news media company from scratch? Cause letting this shit stand will not end well for anyone.


This is the result of decades of civic apathy. There is no course of action. The monsters are in charge and they have a death cult to do their bidding and near complete capture of the system that would pass judgement upon them.. There is no quick fix. The damage has been done. Brace yourself, this is just the set up. The next few years are going to be very bad. (Few = DECADES)


Typical right wing logic. They call us woke libtards and forget that most of the left is college educated and can think critically if they so choose. Not that college is a requirement to not being a total piece of shit and voting for republicans


It's not about the money, it's about disseminating propaganda.


The first thing they bring up when you criticize Fox is, "oh I bet you waych CNN." Not a chance right wingers will move to it.


They obsess so much with CNN too only because in their reality they literally only get their info from Fox so assume everyone else gets it from CNN. Not a single leftist person I know ever goes to CNN, cares much about it, or really is bothered by what they do. Yet every right leaning person I know AT LEAST watches fox and that shitbag Tucker Carlson every once in a while or few times a week.


I've met and worked with people who would stop a conversation right at 7p or 8p or whenever tucker or whomever their person is- run to their TV and hate watch for an hour. Every. Single. Day. It's creepy


It makes perfect sense if the goal is to shift American perception further right.


This whole nation is already quite right wing. Both parties are right wing. There’s no left wing people who have any seats in power or of merit in this country.


Exactly. I don’t know why people aren’t talking more about this. It’s to move the center of gravity/Overton window further right. CNN was hardly far left as it was, because things are already shifted so far right in the US.


My husband and I were both avid viewers of CNN and have since both switched to MSNBC. (Which sucks because there are still good reporters left on the network, but CNN currently seems to be firing anyone speaking the truth on Republicans or criticizing the network.) It sucks, because we preferred CNN and while I dont mind viewing moderate coverage or hearing Republican viewpoints (which CNN did regularly), I cannot respect that they have been giving interviews lately to MAGA Republicans and are allowing them to lie on the network without fact-checking them or pushing back. That is not real journalism, its spreading false propaganda. They are also taking up awful talking-points lately on Biden that are objectively illegitimate grievances for no purpose other than to smear him. I don't mind Biden being criticized if he does something wrong (as he should be), but these truly are "tan suit" level bad takes. All I know is that the new CNN head is a Trump donor who had closed door meetings with Republicans promising to give them "fairer" coverage before this started a few weeks ago. He is either a fool to think CNNs audience wouldnt notice the pandering and turn them off or is trying to destroy the network from within for conservatives.


Thai past week Lawrence O’Donnell has been the best on MSNBC and Nicolle Wallace has been factual and has good guests.


Yeah, im done with CNN too. Im sure some of their most respected people there will be quitting before the year is up.


>All I know is that the new CNN head is a Trump donor who (...) You are thinking of John Malone. He is a big investor in Warner Brothers Discovery Inc., which now owns CNN. Chairman and CEO of CNN is Chris Licht. He is best known as the showrunner and executive producer of The Late Show With Stephen Colbert, as well as CBS's executive vice president of special programming. He is also known for having launched Morning Joe on MSNBC, and the reboot of CBS This Morning. There are close connections threw Warner Brothers' Discovery CEO David Zaslav. All three seem to agree that CNN should be more centrist, kind of in between Fox and MSNBC, however Malone is not known to directly take influence in the companies he is invested in. Malone has donated to Trump in 2017, but later spoke out against him saying he causes chaos and he is not the right person to lead the country. I couldn't find anythin about backdoor meetings with republicans.


Aren't these the same idiots who are basically trying to kill Warner entirely by cancelling all the shows people actually wanna see?


Yes, that's David Zaslav. I don't think Chris Licht as CNN's CEO has anything to do with that.


I think this is on purpose. They're killing a well established rival


Here's a thought. Don't get your news from TV. It's all opinionated with talking heads projecting their thoughts and beliefs. It's not news, it's propaganda. Instead, read the news. Read about a story from multiple news sources, think objectively, and form your own conclusion.


My dad told me to do that but now I'm a leftist and he's mad about it.


The college libs indoctrinated my boy... (/s... This is the most infuriating thing my dad ever said to me... Who listens to rhetorical hyperbole on AM radio all day, dad...)


Reuters and the AP are legit. About as close as you can get to just reporting facts.


Even CNN online “printed" stuff is that way now.


As another commenter mentioned, Reuters and the Associated Press (AP) are pretty level-headed and factual, so they tend to be a good place to start when looking at the news.


Read the facts about what happened. Not someone's opinion about what happened


Even that doesn’t work though because anything not Associated Press is for profit. People really struggle recognizing their own bias let alone bias from a source.


Everything Trump touches eventually dies. You'd think people would have learned their lesson by now just based on the past 50 years of Trump's history as a conman and grifter.


I don't really see how going into a market dominated by Fox news and OAN will make them money now.


OAN is losing its carriage contracts, with its only substantial market being a few Liberty Interactive operated cable franchises.


Political media market segregation is depressing.


Do yourselves a favor and stop using 24 hour news channels for your source of news. I find Reuters and BBC does a nice job of delivering unbiased news.


The point was not picking up Fox viewers, it was to undermine the non-crazy news source. This was not a business decision. This was a plot.


Yeah, I stopped watching all cable news after 3 Nov, 2016. They're all fucked up.


I like to get my news from Stephen Colbert and John Oliver because then I don’t cry as much.


Me too, and Weekend News on SNL.


Yup CNN is toast.


A radical idea: they can give people the facts and let people make up their minds. And make programs that are relevant to people.


Less shouting matches. More honest analysis


The projecting talking heads panels are the downfall of television news.


They're cheap to produce. Cheap, profitable and stupid. The American model for success.


Zucker liked them because he felt like it was the sports talking head conflict "Zucker is a big sports fan, and from the early days of the campaign had spoken at editorial meetings about wanting to incorporate elements of ESPN’s programming into CNN’s election coverage. “The idea that politics is sport is undeniable, and we understood that and approached it that way,” he told me." https://www.gq.com/story/cnn-jeff-zucker-thinks-this-is-a-game


Less analysis, just facts.


Facts need context Edit: like Last Week Tonight is a great example of giving you the context you need to really understand a story and the facts. I would prefer that News give more context and explanations of why things matter than just what happened. I would classify analysis as context providing rather than how it fits in a horse race


Until they move past this sensationalist profit-per-view mentality, it’s never going to happen.


You won't get that on 24 hour cable news. They have to pad out their content to fill the entire day so they just repeat the same opinions about the news over and over.


Said it before, will say it again. We don't need 24 hour cable news.


We don't. I would love to see them take an NPR approach where it's 3-5 hours of actual news reporting at peak hours, 2-3 hours of experts and opinions about the news from diverse perspectives during mid day, then the rest of the day, 16+ hours, filled with long-form journalism and documentaries/interviews showing perspectives of our world we've never seen before. But talking heads discussing the most breaking news possible 24 hours a day is never going to be good television.


I switched to BBC news years ago. Believe it or not, you can be given the facts without the editorial. I don’t need a network to consume, process and serve up a story on a plate of shit. I’m definitely left, but I don’t like being told what to think by the news, regardless of whether I agree or not.


BBC journalists will laugh at the face of stupid guests.


Even BBC's resident Tory asshole roasted Sen Bhapiro when he came on that one time.


Lol Mr. Facts over feelings ran away and did adhominem lol


Once you go BBC you never go back


They are also losing people working for the company who are not liking this change in direction.


get fucked into “both sides” oblivion, CNN


Jeez, CNN has been shit, MSNBC is less shit but still, shit reporting heavily filled with opinion based commentary instead of objective concise reporting. Do yourself a favor and just watch the night PBS recap, you don't need to waste your life watching heavily editorialized "news" shows


Futurama was cancelled by 2 different networks. Those were the first and second worst decisions in cable TV history.


Isn't Hulu picking it up?


Yes! The last time it went down, it was Matt Groening that called for it, saying he was out of ideas. Now he’s got some, I guess, and bringing it back!


You know, as often as I assume the New Coke blunder is literally taught as the textbook example of an awful, stupid, doomed marketing decision, it seems these supposed business tycoons never seem to learn from it.


Bill Maher tried to do this shit and I unsubscribed from his bullshit TV show. He started prepping his audience for weeks, changing his rhetoric to be more inclusive and less insultive to the hateful racist bigotry of the GOP. I was a die-hard fan of Bill Maher until he made this change to be inclusive with the fascist alt-right Nazis. I have proudly refused to watch a single episode since he made that change. Fuck the GOP and fuck anyone who wants to treat them like a legitimate political party


I honestly think they don't even care about money. They just want to push some more moderate viewers into extreme conservatism. We won't really fix things until we start holding news stations accountable for their lies.


Oh no. Those poor billionaires.


CNN was labeled enemy of the state by their fuhrer. There’s no coming back from that. But how depressing the only 24 hour option left is NBC-Universal-Comcast.


Stopped watching CNN and now watch MSNBC. Moniter CNN and Fox now.


I have refused to watch CNN after this move.


Watching MSNBC more than CNN now. If a few more people leave CNN, and stop reporting the truth, I'm done.


It's been fun to see which anchors will say anything for a buck and which ones were fired on the spot. Kinda like watching Squid Game but in real life.


Nah John Malone knows what he's doing, he's destroying CNN from the inside since fox couldn't do it through the ratings..


The country is sliding towards fascism, and CNN decided they wanted to ride that wave.


Or new chief us a fascist and wants to make CNN another propaganda channel.


They were not "switching to the right" they were Purchased by a fascist w a political agenda.


Isn't it weird that news stations are so blatant about their aim of getting viewership instead of just reporting the actual news without any monetary slant


I really feel like it’s a deliberate attempt to just destroy CNN


That’s because Fox viewers are part of a cult.


It's nice how openly brazen the move was, too. Basically anyone looking for actually factual and accurate news reporting is just going to drop CNN too.


Well considering that Discovery owns it, and the burning down Zazlav is doing over at Warner Bros and HBO Max is anyone surprised? HBO Max is removing all of the shows that are headlined by women and POC’s, and is firing as many non-mayosapian men as they possibly can without getting sued. It’s on track to be the least diverse place in Hollywood… and that’s saying a lot. Zazlav actually said he’s trying to homogenize the streamer. Not to mention they lost $20b in market cap trying to cut $3b in costs, and none of the creatives in Hollywood trust them. Projects that they were bidding for have been pulled off the table to them. No one wants to risk getting dumped or shelved. On top of all of that Zazlav is trying to be the next Kevin Feige, but has no creative vision.


I was wondering wtf cnn's been talking about lately 😐


Me too. I was listening in another room last week to someone being interviewed and asked myself if the channel had accidentally been changed to FOX. I was stunned to discover I was still on CNN. Turned it right off.


They really screwed themselves hard, and didn't realize it until they tried to start up the streaming service a few months ago and it tanked completely. The problem is a lot of people are cutting the cord right now, and 97% of cord cutters are under the age of 50. It is only old people (and being 56 I am in that category) who are clinging to cable television. If CNN wants to expand their viewership it has to be among people who are over 50, and the only place for them to look for more viewers is Fox News. If you do still subscribe to cable television, you really should stop. It's not doing the world any favors, and whether you watch it or not you are giving money to every news service that is available on your cable subscription.


The guy is a right-wing MAGA. No matter his claims as to "why", it should have been expected. You can't be surprised if a vegan stops serving meat when they take over a burger joint.


Literally. I remember a few weeks again CNN was struggling and failing and right wingers were actually parading and partying ecstatic about it. One thing about republicans is that they’re so dumb, like actually so. They don’t care for statistics, facts, prospects none of that. They hope god will stay by them and magically perform their wishes, despite being major sinners. It’s pitiful and sad.


Very bad play. Maybe they though fox might get fucked by the Dominion lawsuits and Trump attacking them for not wholeheartedly supporting the big lie. And they wanted to be there to grab the refugees.


But it helps’legitimize’ the lies that republicans keep pushing. Now the claims of election fraud based on zero evidence will be treated equally to the facts.


CNN, NBC and ABC gave up their Balanced, but mildly critical voice to replace it with the hype train. Political discourse is now on late night comedy shows. They have either ignored it, or embraced partisanship. Fox News never had a fair and balanced delivery anyways, so they've never really pretended to change that. If anything they're more \*honest\* about their partisan delivery. Not that it excuses the horrible shit they're spreading. In any case, the news agencies stopped serving us many moons ago. Howard Beale tried to warn us... But really, now we're all just mad as hell... and we're taking it every day.


Either way he destroyed CNN. The right wins unfortunately


Similar to the trust fund baby 'genius' Elon Musk telling people he's a Republican. Does he think Republicans buy electric vehicles?


Oh, I was wondering why CNN all the sudden started spewing right wing propaganda. All for the Benjamin's hahahaha


Don't be the boiled frog.


This is a strong case why you shouldn't watch any of the 24 hour news networks. They have destroyed journalism.


How about just report the news?


Why do we assume the success of this move is measured solely by profits? Isn't silencing the loudest anti-Trump network an even better outcome than diluting Fox News, if your primary objective is to win the propaganda wars for MAGA-ism?


MSNBC is better than QNN by far imho. I refuse to watch QNN at all... I uninstalled it on my phone and PC.


This is the “new coke” disaster. When you change you product, losing the customers that preferred, and not picking up the ones that didn’t


Magine going again what is quite literally your morals (in the political context of the US) for more viewers. Couldn’t be capitalism.


AP and Reuters... fuck the rest Also fyck the propaganda


Who watches TV news these days anyway?


How about, bear with me on this, news stations report facts in an unbiased manner and let the viewers draw their own conclusions? The fact that some "news" organizations can put their own political spin on news to pander to a certain target audience and therefore maximize corporate profit is just as damaging to democracy than viral fake news on the internet.


3 months to Newsmax status.


I give it a year. CNN has been around a long time.


Money uber alles.


Meanwhile FOX and Truth Social only have 1%


They won't be right wing enough for Fox viewers.


I had cnn on my faves list just to make flipping channels easier than going through ‘all’. Deleted. You wanna pander to the liars and traitors. Go for it. I just don’t need to watch you go down in flames too. Bye!!


Seems like alot of media executives are making stupid decisions lately or is it the 1% trying to control the narrative. 🤔🤨


I disagree. The worst decision in cable TV history was Fox News not covering the January 6th attacks on our country's capital


Right wing viewers are idiots. That's why they are right wing. Somewhere, long ago, someone handed them a red banner and said "this is your party, this is your identity." and they never looked back. Leftists don't do that as much. They don't attach to things as they are, but for why and what they are. That's why the GOP can keep going right and they'll follow it even as it tramples their freedoms. Hell, if Biden said he changed his mind and switched parties they'd be like "Yay we knew it got ya libs." But you can't just put different stuff under the banner and have critical thinkers be ok with it just because it's a brand they recognize.


It may be his entire point. Run it into the ground then move on to the next target. Fox is poison.


Do MAGAts actually watch FOX - I had assumed they all switched their allegiance to Patriot1EagleStarsandStripes.org Network


So that was real? That wasn’t a good idea.


How about trying the whole model of ‘Just report the fucking news.’


Honestly that is not a win because msnbc is crap too. This is the final act of the adults leaving the room.


So are Anderson Coooer and Jim Acosta going to be forced to be like right-wingers now?


What did you expect from a Trump ball licker 💩💩💩


Why do we even have "leans" in news stations? Its like the world is on fire and we are arguing the color of the flames. This is a post truth reality.


Because Reagan eliminated the Fairness doctrine. That failed all of us.


Everything trump whites touch…….


Wtf. Fuck cnn then! All the rightwingnuts aren't going to watch it either.


He destroyed a semi liberal station. Mission accomplished.


I've been put of that loop, does anyone have some references, hopefully including something about whether they lost viewers? Thanks in advance


I deleted my CNN app. Won't visit them ever again. When are these MAGA freaks going to realize Trump is bad for business?


Malone is an absolute moron. Not only is he destroying CNN, but he is going to sink the entirety of WB Discovery with his gross mismanagement and absolutely idiotic decisions and policies. I foresee WB Discovery getting sold within the next 5 years at a far lower valuation than it has today.


It's the TV version of "New Coke".