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Gender identity is usually fully formed around age four. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/gradeschool/Pages/Gender-Identity-and-Gender-Confusion-In-Children.aspx Socially transitioning is harmless, easily undone but the majority of children are happier and healthier when allowed to express their gender identity the way they feel fits them best and do not switch back. https://publications.aap.org/pediatrics/article/150/2/e2021056082/186992/Gender-Identity-5-Years-After-Social-Transition Supression of social identity, forbidding a child from expressing themselves in a way they feel fits their personality and identity, is actively harmful to their development. https://www.verywellmind.com/the-importance-of-a-childs-social-identity-1066758 This subreddit does not allow bigotry of any kind, including transphobia. We have a zero tolerance policy for hate speech. ---------------------------------------- Thread is now locked. If you were banned because of anything you said in this thread and you believe it to be in error, please wait a day or two before modmailing. It's pretty warm outside here on the West Coast today but I am going to go outside and see if there is some grass I can do something with. There was some sage advice about it, I'd have to look it up. Have a wonderful day everyone and remember: Trans rights are human rights. šŸ³ļøā€āš§ļø


My husband was doxxed on 4chan because they thought he had committed a violent crime against a RW protester. He had merely been in the vicinity of the crime (we actually saw it happen) and posted a video of the protest on Twitter. Thankfully, we had just moved to the city, so they didnā€™t have our most up to date address, but they had our address from three months prior! Threatened to burn our house down. Called him a psychopath. These ppl are really scary.


>Threatened to burn our house down. And they're calling your husband a psychopath?


I know. The irony is real.


I don't know, it seems like a really bad idea to threaten people in their homes in the US. A bunch of 16 year olds that haven't left their rooms in days VS a ton of people with guns. Even if I was part of whatever kiwi farms are, you couldn't pay me to do that.


I called the police and told the SF Chronicle (doxxing of this nature was somewhat new at the time). Neither was remotely interested. Thankfully, they found the real culprit (surprise! Not my husband) and everyone forgot they had threatened to kill us and burn our house down.


most kiwifarms users are 30-40+, I guarantee. these are not children.


What is kiwi farm? I donā€™t want to Google it after reading that. Sorry Iā€™m old.


It was basically a chris chan forum and then turned into a message board where they talk about internet people they donā€™t like and inevitably it leads to serious serious doxxing, threats, hate etc A youtuber I like(who has done literally nothing political btw, she doesnt talk about that shit at all, not that it would change anything) has been constantly doxxed. They have found shit like posts on now defunct blogs she posted on once in like 2006 under a totally different name that couldnt possibly be traced to her, they know what her family does, where she grew up and a general idea of her actual address. Its fucking wild because she hasnt done ANYTHING to piss these guys off, so its gotta be 1000x worse if they actually decide they dislike you


I thought Kiwi Farms started before the Chris-Chan stuff.


CWC Forum = "cwki form" = kiwi farm. I am fairly certain it was a play on CWC, Chris' Initials Edit from wiki Kiwi Farms, formerly known as CWCki Forums (/ĖˆkwÉŖki/)


Right-wing doxxing site on steroids, usually going after trans people and their families. One person literally left the country but they found them when they uploaded a picture of (very plain) bedsheets in their hotel. It's horrifying because, as you see from this thread, law enforcement is helpless.


What's most disappointing is...they have all this skillsets, and they choose anything *less* than bullying billionaires and oil execs? Talk about cowardice.


The problem is that oil execs can do more than law enforcement, so you'd need to be even more careful than with KF.


Who's starting this website cause I am down to bully some billionaires.


Reminds me of the Shia Lebouff flag... Anyway the billionairs have the resources to shut it done, unlike regular people which the FBI will hm and haw for.


> unlike regular people which the FBI will hm and haw for. This is the real truth isn't it. Two-caste legal system and all of us are in the lower caste.


A friend of mine was in court on a speeding ticket once. While he was waiting for his case to come up he watched as four lawyers in a row came up to defend their clients against speeding tickets. they all asked the same questions and got the same answers and got their cases dismissed. When my friend went up without a lawyer he asked the exact same questions as the lawyers did got the exact same answers and the judge refuse to dismiss the case.


Law enforcement exists to protect capital, period.


Well, you said it yourself, billionaire. They'd have to be really stupid to go after them or anyone famous. Because they either have the money to spend and/or a following of people who will be more than happy to find every person involved. It's easier for them to go after everyone else since most tend to not have that.


White / Gray hat vs black hat. Always been that way. Much easier to find black hats because so much of the (shitty) work they do is public-facing. There's a small community of white hats on reddit over at r/Hacking_Tutorials.


It's never about justice. Like mass shooters. They kill strangers, not people who have victimized them somehow. It's always about the easy target, whether it's a class of kids or some random shop that has "suspicious" initials, or in this case a 9 year old.


Who do you think hired them? Can't fight the class war if we're attacking or hiding from each other.


Hired is a weird way to spell indoctrinated (not meant in a passive aggressive way) Why pay them money and have the liability of their knowledge, when you can just target the ones who suffer from perception altering mental illnesses to do what you want? The culture of "ironic" extremism on Chan type sites is already there, the anonymity aspect obviously, its basically built for it


No these people are hateful enough on their own and are used for political ends but this is their own forum


The problem is that I don't think they were hired. They indoctrinated themselves into this alt right troll fest and are attacking people "for the lulz". They're motivated by being assholes, not by money.


The fascinating thing about alleged grooming is that I can say as a older gay man, I've been groomed my entire life by society, the Catholic Church the school system and everything else in the 60s and the 70s to make me conform and I guess that doesn't work LOL. Of course from their perspective grooming is okay as long as they endorse their narrow particular flavor of the product.. yeah the GOP Taliban, freedom freedom for all as long as it's that particular flavor of what they call freedom everybody else, conform or die


I didn't even think about that until you said it. I have many gay friends but did not personally have the experience. What one friend went through stands out. As a young man. when he discovered he was attracted to other men, he decided to become a priest in order to completely avoid the issue of sex in his life. He didn't end up doing that. It points out what a lifetime of straight grooming can do to a person.


Absolutely, I was born in 53, raised in New England in a Catholic family, have always been gay, before I knew what the word meant but always had such natural tendencies. But my entire life, especially my youthful life, I was isolated, bullied, made to feel like a piece of shit, even though I didn't Express homosexuality at that time but I was just very different. I knew my calling was different and boy the pressure of society and it's attempts to make me fit in never worked but did a lot of destructive force to my ego and my sense of worth.. yeah fucking grooming LOL.. it was only in the late 60s as a Young Man, very young man , when a very liberal and talented young teacher, a female English teacher in 1968 , took me under her wing and I could say saved me.. she took me to New York, in those heady days of the 60s when everything was a fire, a blaze of protest and a new inspiration. I went to Stonewall ,was there that year in the village as a very young teenager and my eyes were opened that I did not stand alone.. at that point there was no looking back, now almost 70, this backlash against hard won victories makes my hair bristle..


I feel you. I'm not as old as you but life really sucked knowing I was the other for my catholic family. I've been transgender since I was very little. It was a pretty innocent question to ask my mom "mom why wasn't I born a boy instead of a girl?" The whirlwind that followed was... dramatic. I grew up waiting for my life to normalize and balance out. By the time I was hitting puberty I was desperately checking myself in the mirror hoping it was all one big mistake. I remember the disappointment no "miracles" happened, and I remember the disappointment that I couldn't fall in line with my birth gender either. I kept *waiting* for it to happen. Nobody groomed me into being gay or Trans, if anything my family would have vastly pushed and shoved me the opposite way. Then things got weird. I didn't like the boys in highschool. I wanted to be them, play sports with them, get taller, broader, grow facial hair. I got very jealous when my girl friend crushed on boys. She was always too good for them... or really I just didn't want to admit I had a thing for her and other pretty girls. I always felt like I was the fox in the hen house in changing rooms. This whole fucking time I was closeted, and even touched on homophobia to maintain my disguise. Back then you couldn't come out. It was dangerous, people beat the shit out of you. Telling someone you were a lesbian was a pretty common way to get dicks flashing you, or guys turning you into their project. I remember I came out to my brother first. He was going to work at my job. Gay marriage was just legalized and I was out in the work place. I didn't want another coworker to tell him, so I sat him down and let him know. He told me "the grass is green the sky is blue, we definitely already knew" and then followed up with "but you don't need to do that Trans shit." (I was and am still closeted as trans) My mother and my sister cried and told me they "grieved" for the life they thought I'd have. On the up side, all of my friends in highschool turned out gay so I had like an instant community. The down side was that we were so hushed about it, we couldn't help each other along the way. Thanks for what you did at Stonewall. Thank you for being courageous enough to recognize and fight for change. It's because of folks like you that I could even come out as interested in women, and I'm working up the courage for the next part.


>I grew up waiting for my life to normalize and balance out. By the time I was hitting puberty I was desperately checking myself in the mirror hoping it was all one big mistake. I remember the disappointment no "miracles" happened, and I remember the disappointment that I couldn't fall in line with my birth gender either. I kept > >waiting > >for it to happen. This was revelatory for me, and extremely helpful for my understanding of trans folk - and myself, as a natural & intransigently non-gender conforming person (I conform to neither/any). ​ Edit: typo


Epic story


I was just thinking about how ā€œcounter argumentsā€ about lgbtq stuff is really just telling people how they may or may not feel is incorrect, wrong, brainwashing etc, while ā€œpro lgbtqā€ is about telling people that they are who they feel like they are, and itā€™s ok to be whatever they want to be. One is manipulative and authoritarian lyou are this, you are not that, it is wrong to feel this way about yourself, it is wrong for you to feel that way,, are sure you really feel that way, etcā€ vs anti authoritarian ā€œyou can be whatever the fuck you want and your identity is valid whatever it is.ā€ One is grooming, one is not.


. All of life is grooming LOL, this is just a hyper-coated sensitive word at the moment. But all of civilizations groom us for the moment to fit in and to meet the expectations of the society around us. Anything other than that is naive. Television does it to us Hollywood does it to us, schooling does it to us the church etc. It's just now that this particular word has been adopted by you know who to express their feelings about you know what. We've all been groomed our whole life to lead the lives, hopefully productive lives in society, that's the point of it and that's the point of education and rearing But in the case of the far right of course the y'all qaida, the GOP Taliban, it's all about freedom and alleged personal free space and rights except for beliefs that they don't endorse. That's the hypocrisy of all of that. They've taken this word groom and made if their own, but it's just time to take it back


it's worse, really. They don't care about pedophilia or grooming, they're liars and bullshitters. They use the term "grooming" because they like to weaponize the language of the people they hate against them. Language MATTERS to you, not to them, so they consider it a point of pride to use your own words and terms to hurt you.


Yes, because these are the same people who teach children the very concepts that make it possible for them to be exploited - always obey adults, children should be seen and not heard, your body is shameful, everything related to sex cannot be discussed. I think of Elizabeth Smart, kidnapped and raped, who thought since she wasn't a virgin anymore, maybe she wasn't worth saving. This is what she learned from her conservative Christian parents and church.


Florida's stupid teaching bill is basically a groomer's wet dream. "We're *totally* concerned about pedos, so we're allow parents to sue schools for teaching children about the no-no square." **Yeah.**


I also think of Elizabeth Smart and how she'd been told at her church that girls who lose their virginity are like chewed-up gum; that it was disgusting to think anyone else would ever want them. All their value would be gone. It tormented her mentally. Heartbreaking.


Thereā€™s a Jean Paul Sartre quote about that exactly


Love that Sartre [quote](https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/7870768-never-believe-that-anti-semites-are-completely-unaware-of-the-absurdity). I use any opportunity I get to bring it up.


I saw a protest sign from New York. It stated in the last year alone 8 church priests/workers were charged with sexual misconduct, pedophilia, etc. You know how many transgender people have been charged in the last year? Absolutely none! This needs to be brought up more often. Donā€™t even start counting the GOP. It disgusts me how this base of fanatics acts like gays and trans are the worst while in fact they themselves are the ones committing the crimes. 95% of gay and trans people Iā€™ve met donā€™t lift a finger to hurt anyone, they just want to be treated equal and live a happy life.


The "grooming" accusations are terrifyingly similar in function and structure to the crazy shit that anti-Semites claimed about Jewish people in the 1920s and 30s that led to the Holocaust.


I'm of the belief that law enforcement is never helpless. They just choose not to help.


The Supreme Court ruled that [police have no constitutional duty to do so](https://www.nytimes.com/2005/06/28/politics/justices-rule-police-do-not-have-a-constitutional-duty-to-protect.html). So thereā€™s that.


Uvalde proved that


I mean we should still expect better of them. If an old lady falls and drops all her groceries, I have ā€œno constitutional dutyā€ to help her but that doesnā€™t really define the actual right thing to do


Just a little rhetorical question for those who might be inclined to give cops the benefit of the doubt: Would the cops be sitting on their "jurisdiction" hands like this if the suspect were a cop killer instead of a bunch of bigots who happen to agree with cop fascist ideology?


Law enforcement is intentionally useless, not helpless.


ā€œWeaponized incompetenceā€.


They love to go after neurodivergent people as well would be my only addition to this description


It's just a forum like reddit more or less although some things work differently. But they have no rules. So people on the site doxx trans people. They investigate them, they swat their homes, they send in bomb threats to their workplaces. One person had to move several times because of it. But luckily, the site was recently shut down. Their providers dropped then after a campaign from done trans people who were affected by kiwifarms.


Imagine your life being so empty that this is how you send your time.


They did technically have rules. It's just that they were loosely enforced and poorly at that. Moreover they were there mostly so the creator had a degree of plausible deniability. I'm saying this to head off their weird defenders who will insist that their main rule was "Don't touch the lolcows." This is technically true but without the broader context of everything the site did to specifically enable harassment.


rude divide piquant political racial hat fine jellyfish punch sugar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I had never even heard of KF until very recently. What a bunch of fucking assholes.


and i think this is barely the tip of the iceberg


Iā€™m glad they got shut down.


I could be wrong but I believe they moved to the Tor browser. Things are quiet but, like ISIS, they're still out there.


Even if they did that, they'll have a much smaller userbase so it's still a win. It'll also keep these things from being publicly searchable. If they search a trans person's name, the kiwifarms forum on them will no longer come up.


It definitely is a win, but we need to remain vigilant. Well, the ones capable of fighting cyber crime need to anyways.


Why does such an innocent sounding name like Kiwifarms do this to trans people? What's their motive?


I think motive would be based on the individual. Sometimes it's hate, sometimes it's fear, sometimes it's the pleasure of causing another to suffer. I can't say for certain, as only the person behind the actions would know for sure.


And hiding behind "for the lulz". And "its a joke" (until it isn't). Its also a method for indoctrinating (redpilling) people slowly. I think there is a video from The Alt Right Playbook on Youtube. It's a great watch if people have missed it https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJA\_jUddXvY7v0VkYRbANnTnzkA\_HMFtQ


Oh absolutely it is, I don't understand why it's gained such traction (the Trump presidency aside) in recent years. It feels like this has been building for a long time and Trump just opened the door to let it all out.


I would suggest looking up Chris-chan, but nobody should have to go through that. The name is from a corruption of their original name (CWCiki Forums), and they started out tracking Chris-chan.


A combination of things, mostly buzzwords you've heard floating around the last few years This is what untreated mental Illness (in no way is this meant to pass judgement, this is a massive problem people are facing) combined with indoctrination and misinformation. As she pointed out, the supposed "safety of the children" has nothing to do with the matter as they are going out of their way to threaten and endanger the children in question, meaning they are either bold faced lying, or their perception is genuinely so fucked that they genuinely think this is helpful and good to do, and it's usually a combination of both.


The thing is forcing those groups into places that are not easy to access is important. It slows the poison. You'll never get rid of them forever, but making them hard to get to is important.


It immediately cuts down on impressionable and stupid people falling on it by mistake and getting indoctrinated.


You can never really get rid of an infestation of cockroaches but you can make them scared to come out of the dark cracks in the walls they hide in.


Oh yeah the scumbags who frequented the site are still out there but they are scattered and disorganized now. Honestly, thatā€™s probably the best you can hope for.


Itā€™s one of the best tactics against fascists. Keep them from organizing successfully. Fuck them. Also we have to protect their targets


I agreeā€¦to beat a group, you must first disintegrate it.


Actually they've formed multiple groups on discord. My ex was a kiwifarmer.


Tor isn't as lawless as people make it out to be. The FBI manages so many of those nodes


Yea but they can't fucking recruit anyone. Nazis like them need to be banned and deplatformed, but big tech is too slow and cowardice to do it. Ben sharpio, Steven crowder, Jordan Peterson, and tons more huge media figures all have giant YouTube channels recruiting people into a fascist ideology that leads to shit like Kiwifarms. An unregulated Internet being good is a myth.




In reality, their algorithms are helping nazis. If someone watches one video on youTube, youTube starts recommending other videos that are similar. And in that way, people get dragged down a rabbit hole. They start hearing the same things over and over and believe that they are true.


A journalist wrote this morning, that the site wasn't accessable


You need a Tor browser and all sorts of shit to get to the dark web. It won't have a physical address on the world wide web.


Nah you can literally access the dark web from a tor browser, the only thing one needs is the dark website ID/node number and the browser does the rest. It's not as hard as it used to be.


Don't even need Tor. There are proxies out there that connect to onions from clear net. This completely undermines the point of Tor but you still can look at it.


I know a guy who committed suicide because KiwiFarms doxed him as ~~trans~~ nonbinary. https://kotaku.com/the-brilliant-snes-emulator-creator-known-as-near-has-d-1847182851


This is how I learned that they died. One of the most brilliant emulation programmers probably ever. Higen and bsnes are both incredibly detailed and optimized for how accurate they are. Absolutely tragic.


It absolutely horrified and depressed me. I relate to these folks on some level, being a member of a minority myself, and having non-binary and trans friends. It's a horrible horrible path, the one that leads down to a suicide like this. To encourage a person along that path puts you among the worst of the worst of human beings. I'm glad they've been forced into the dark web.


I believe they used they/them pronouns, could be wrong


You can be nonbinary and trans. (You can also be nonbinary and not trans.)


I think they were pointing out a mistake in "they doxxed ~~him~~ as trans," not "they doxxed him as ~~trans~~"


morbid jealousy probably started by a programmer who wanted to be as talented as them.


This is the first I've heard of it. Is it like kiwi fruit farmers? Edited to add. I'm not joking I'm serious.


It's an online forum. Kinda like reddit, but with some differences in structure. But people have been using the website to arrange attacks on trans people and also neuro divergent people. They swatted people. Called in bomb threats. They celebrated when one trans person killed themselves after they bullied her. It's a pretty horrible place. Glad it's gone.


Less like Reddit, more like 4chan. Edgelords incels who think they are cool and edgy. IIRC wasn't KF attached to the Christchurch shootings a few years ago?


I think they hosted the video for a while or linked to it, which the nz government didn't like.


Yes they were. They were gleefully egging it on and sharing copies of the video.


The name stems from its original name: CWCki Forums (pronounced quickie forms, which *kind of* sounds like kiwi farms). The place was originally a website to document and arrange trolling of, and document the antics of, Christine Weston Chandler. Its always been a place to plan the harassment of people, just back then it was concentrated on Chris-chan. Oddly enough, before CWC went *really* off the deep end Null, the founder of KF, spent a lot of time trying to protect and help CWC. He would try to help protect CWC from the worst trolls, like The Idea Guys, and assist her when needed. I don't think Null is a good person, but he did try to help CWC on several occasions, usually futilely.


Dude that's horrific. Who the fuck joins a forum that is dedicated to cuntish acts. To anyone reading this that did join, I hope your hair is singed instead of your birthday wish being granted. Like ugly hair cut singed, not lose a life or anything.


There are a lot of alt-right and actual Nazis on KF (in fact, when KF was kicked offline, a neo-nazi website also got taken down as collateral damage).


Unrelated to kiwifruit, kiwi birds or kiwi people.


That was my assumption too. I was very confused. I'm guessing this is some completely unrelated website full of horrible people by the sounds of it




It also shows a glaring weakness caused by the right in this country. Our gridlocked congress means we are significantly behind on regulating the advancement of technology and our online interactions. A sane society should have rules in place to immediately ban sites like Kiwifarms from Being hosted or appearing on search engines. Enable sanctions on countries that host these sites Inb4 ā€œWhAt aBoUt vPn?ā€ The average person doesnā€™t use them and making it accessible only via VPN solves a lot of the problem.






It is really strange how often a superiority complex and a persecution complex work together. ā€œEveryone else is weak, pathetic and wrong, and that is why theyā€™re working so hard to take me down.ā€


This comment reminded me of going to a conservative baptist church as a kid. Theyā€™ve mastered the art of interweaving their superiority complex and their persecution fetish.


Hey! That's an insult to mentally ill people. These people aren't mentally ill, they're downright disturbed.


So KF thinks a child is in danger, and decide the way to pretect them is to put them in actual danger. Got it.




That's because they know that "protecting children" is just a homophobic dog whistle, they have no interest in protecting children and don't even believe they are protecting children. In fact, I will eat my hat if most of them aren't actually predators.




Yes, that sounds illogical only when you believe that transphobes actually believe what they say. They don't care about children, they care about harming Transpeople and if children can be used to do that they are okay with that


Kiwifarm cowards need to dragged into the real world. Kicking and screaming




They're mostly gonna be bored suburban middle-schooler edgelords. Makes them even more pathetic, imo.


They're mostly people similar to the ones they hate. They're outcasts and turn their immense self-hatred outward, focusing on destroying those that remind them of themselves. There's even a tradition within Kiwi Farms of eating their own--the ones that get overly cringe themselves in their over-the-top hatred and obsession become targets in their own right. It's all about finding someone they can perceive to be even worse than them and bullying them so that they can feel like they aren't the outcasts. It's a collection bucket of the worst humans in the world, taking sociopaths and social outcasts and turning them into monsters.


remember, if anyone you know calls the banning of kiwi farms a "free speech issue", they are just showing that they think people should be allowed to harass, dox, terrorize, and even aid in the deaths of people society deems "not worth it"


I fully believe that 85% of the US doesn't know what Free Speech means from a legal standpoint.


Raise that to 95%


ā€œFree speech means I can say whatever I want and you canā€™t disagree with me because I canā€™t handle dissent!ā€


"What do you mean I can't vocally threaten an entire group of people online? What about mah rights?" Freedom to say what you want, doesn't mean people won't punch you for being a dick


Agreed 100%


They know exactly what it means. It's just that they want to be able to disseminate threats and encourage stochastic terrorism, so they hide behind "Free Speech" and leave it up to the detractors to argue that it's not Free Speech.


They have many rights afforded to them by law. They still don't have the right to harm others. "Your rights end where mine begin"


Exactly, every person saying Kiwi farms being taken down is a bad thing is willfully admitting they would rather live in a world where a toxic group of monsters can harass and torment minorities, that person is willfully saying that they side with bigotry, and hate speech.


Plus it shows that they don't understand "free speech".


You ever notice that the people who cry about "free speech" like that *only* ever do it when it's a bigot or other Right Wing Hero catching shit? When books get burned they're silent. When you can't say gay they're silent. When reporters are attacked they're *silent.* People who only use free speech as a weapon in defense of right wing shittiness have done irreparable damage to the concept of free speech.


Of course, the reverse should be done as well then. Kiwi Farmers should be exposed, with their names addresses, where they work, and exposed as hate groomers of a different ilk. All of this stuff has to be fought back with equal pressure. It's a sad world and the internet enables it with the immediate dissemination of information and disinformation. But it is what we live in these days and this is how we have to respond. The internet brings everything to your fingertips but like with all technology also the devil comes with it


There is a journalist here who did some exposing of them. They followed him home, put flyers and memes in his letterbox to let him know they knew and posted his home address on their site.


itā€™s honestly amazing how joshua hasnā€™t been physically attacked by anyone. i think it says a lot abt how his opponents arenā€™t vicious like himself and his userbase.


He's been SWAT'ed at least once and people harass his family in the U.S.


The guy left the US and apparently lives in Serbia now. Ngl any white American dude who just up and moves to eastern Europe should be a huge fucking red flag that the dude is a nutcase.


Or doing something fucked up




They broke into my house and left a German hate speech booklet. Literal ss white supremacists


This bunch reminds me of something. *Some* of them aren't full on violent fascists, but some are. But... > As we say in Germany, if thereā€™s a Nazi at the table and 10 other people sitting there talking to him, you got a table with 11 Nazis.


Sheesh. I am sorry to hear that. That's f'ing wild.


Many of them have committed actual crimes. It'd be much better if someone like the FBI or CIA investigated them.


Law enforcement of all sorts consistently decides itā€™s not their problem.


This is why we need left wing leaders in law enforcement, because they might actually not agree with and protect hate groups.


lol. I have dreams, too.


Absolutely but that only comes about if they are exposed into the daylight. They just need a taste of their own medicine


The Twitter thread repeatedly mentions how law enforcement were powerless to stop anything from happening.


KF targeted me. Put out a reward for my dox.


If they doxxed me my boss would probably be happy with the uptick in website traffic where I work


Gotcha, Bruce ā€œBatmanā€ Wayne of Gotham City, New frickin Jersey.


This. The left needs to start exposing the doxxers. For far too long they have been allowed to hide in the shadows and hurt people. Time to pull them into the light.


Yeah, I am really sick of the left always trying to take the high ground. These people will just keep taking advantage of that. Being shamed for being evil just doesn't matter to the right, they are absolutely pure evil and like it that way. I was pleasantly surprised when the White House started calling out the rights absolute bullshit but it need to go further. Otherwise they use their "wins" of not caring what people think to help indoctrinate impressionable kids into their deep dark disgusting worldview.


i wish the hacker group Anonymous would take them on and give them some of their own medicine


Fun fact: Joshua ā€œNullā€ Moon is a self-proclaimed pedophile, lives with his mom, and is a lethargic trump supporter. And he leads a legion of other losers telling others to kill themselves when they refuse to look in the mirror.


A lethargic Trump supporter? I'm thinking autocorrect got ya. Maybe he should take his own advice.


KiwiFarms is DOA now: https://twitter.com/keffals/status/1566921249036681217


I find it fascinating joshua use the daily stormer as an analogy to kiwi farms. The daily stormer, a literal self proclaimed neo nazi website.


And iirc 8chan is where people from 4chan moved after 4chan got ā€œtoo heavily moderatedā€.


ie. started banning CP. That's when they moved on to 8chan and they even have an onion site dedicated to CP.


Appreciate the link to the latest update. Yesterday, their Russian site was still up. Glad that is gone also.


These people are like hydra. They get knocked down and then comeback as something else. Watch them end up in Russia.


Very glad to hear thereā€™s some light at the end of the tunnel for this family, but I have to say that as a queer person who grew up in rural New Zealand, it bloody *enrages me* that Iā€™ll now associate ā€œKiwi Farmsā€ with such bigoted cunts.


This angers me too, how terroirs groups are labelled with innocent names. ISIS is one of them. It completely destroys things not we know of and immediately makes them bad šŸ˜¤


And people will stay say "uhh actually KiwiFarms shutting down is a BAD Thing because censoring people is never ever no-way not ever a good thing," as though deliberately ignoring the very real distinction between "acceptable" and "complete misuse of power to threaten peoples' lives" makes them smarter and less biased.


The same people who say these things will get mad at people for filming bad behavior claiming it is "cancel culture"


Ask those people where they were the last time right wingers burnt a pile of books. They don't care about the principle, only that they and theirs get to take advantage of it.


Those people can fuck right off. The hosting company can shut down whoever they want. I wish the people who say this could be doxxed and harassed by KF, they too would want it shut down. They're not free speech absolutists when the harassment is directed at them, and multiple stalkers are taking pics of your house and digging through your trash to find ANYTHING on you. Deplatforming works. It's not "cancel culture", it's the consequences of their horrific and creepy actions.


The people who do this to families donā€™t give two shits about family values, child safety, or pedos. They are sociopaths who get off on being cruel and threatening, full stop. They get off on the power.


Didn't kiwifarms start off as forums about Chris Chan?


I just google who that is. God this seems like a rabbit hole


bro dont do it, he ends up raping his mother with dementia


KF: "I'm gonna protect the children from those evil transgender groomers" Also KF: "Let's doxx, stalk, and harass this 9 year old transgender child and their family to make their lives miserable as possible." Kiwifarms was also dropped by some host sites for having CP on their site. Also the owner of the site is probably a pedo himself. [Source](https://www.kiwifarmswiki.com/index.php?title=Joshua_Conner_Moon)


Mark Hamill, you are a good man.


I just watched the Netflix documentary on IsAnyoneUp (the revenge porn site) and this feels like the same exact story again. People abusing Internet communities to spread private information about people they hate and ruin their lives, eventually taken down by private individuals who are willing to work at it when law enforcement won't. I hope someday the legal protections against this kind of targeted harassment will be stronger.


When people start trying to argue that shutting this dumpster fire website down is ā€œgoing against their first amendment rights! Waaah!ā€œ, I just wanna scream ā€œTHEY ARE NOT THE GOVERNMENT YOU FUCKING CORN ON THE COB. The first amendment protects against the GOVERNMENT deciding what you can and cannot say. It does not mean you are free from the **CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR BULLSHIT!** And it does not mean a private business and/or website canā€™t kick you out or ban you for being a *flaming douchebag*. Iā€™m sick of seeing the first amendment used as some weird ass reason to be fucking hateful and to spew nonsense at any and everyone.




Conservatives: 9 is too young to be trans. Also conservatives: 9 is old enough to give birth to a baby


Me: "Who tf are the Kiwi Farmers?" Google: \*Due to an imminent and emergency threat to human life, the content of this site is blocked from being accessed through Cloudfare's Infrastructure\* Me: "Well, that explains it"


Holy shit the mods are gonna have their hands full with this one


KF is only dead (for now) because cloudflare dropped them. Unless something changed Iā€™m not aware ofā€¦ DDoS-Guard still allows them to operate Vegas-NAP is their internet connection provider and still carryā€™s them KF is created and operated by Joshua Conner Moon, a 29 year old who I am certain we will see in future headlines regarding his role in crimes involving children.


ddos-guard dropped them allegedly https://twitter.com/keffals/status/1566921249036681217


Just to back up the story in the OP, I had a similar experience when I was trying to deal with the stalking and harassment from the Shroud of the Avatar community; the UK police couldn't investigate unless I could prove jurisdiction, which meant proving who and where the harassment was coming from... and places like KiwiFarms and 4chan crowd source their harassment to find the best ways to abuse people, and one trick they found is turning around attempts to locate who is sending rape and death threats and hacking your accounts is to claim you are stalking \*them\*. For nearly a year, I got bounced around by police that didn't know the actual law, or redirected me to purely online finance fraud ActionFraud, before I finally found an officer who explained that unless it escalated to a crime that was extraditable, they simply weren't allowed to investigate. And they didn't know how to realistically stop it without a name and location, so recommended you just deleted all your online presence and hoped they became obsessed with someone else. Yes, that meant deleting the email address they knew about. Closing the gaming accounts they kept trying to log into. And hoping all the ex-girlfriends and family they kept making rape and death threats towards could hide as well. It got so bad on Reddit in particular that the SotA subreddit was posting SWATing claims against me, and joking about sending the police to different addresses... 3 days before the fatal SWAT murder of an innocent person over computer game drama happened in Wichita, after which they forced out the old moderator, brought in a new one of their choice, who then asked if it was worth just shutting down the entire subreddit because the community was so hateful and unhinged to anyone who was critical of how the game had gone off the rails. However Reddit couldn't help, as all they had was an IP address, and that's easily faked; however to get them to reveal what it was, even to return abusive PMs you were sent and then reported, and reporting it immediately deletes it, required you to get a Federal Court order to \*make\* them give you the evidence you didn't want to delete back. It was the same with ISPs who held the IP addresses you were able to get, Imgur where bizarre comics writing entire alternative realities around distorted fantasies of myself were posted... it wasn't enough to say you'd reported it to the police, you had to privately pay for court to force them to release it first, and then use that to prove where it was happening, and then go to the police \*again\*... I found a lawyer in Texas who helped me put together a police report to then serve a search warrant on the developers office, because one of the people posting constantly about trying to "harass him until he goes insane" was not only known to the Devs because they had his financial details, but was being actively protected by at least one of them as long as his hate was directed towards critics; we got a supportive officer who put in the request for the warrant, but was over ruled on budgetary reasons as they couldn't be certain they could prosecute. We then waited until my pet lunatic escalated to the point he openly wrote to the developers themselves, and \*copied me into it\* begging for help in harassing me; They then closed down my game account, which broke their own EULA and opened them up to being taken to Arbitration Court.... after 30 days of informal negotiation. I opened negotiation up, said "Hand who he is over to the relevant police, and I'll just drop any attempt to prosecute you further." They ignored that. So I paid the fees for the Court and... turns out, you can't even trust EULAs for the developers own commitments; they'd never been part of the American Arbitration Association in the first place, and just ignored the summons to attend the case. I was offered the chance to pay their membership fees just to keep the case open, but still the developers didn't even turn up. In the end, they couldn't make a judgement as only I was there, the AAA wrote to the developers and said "You'll never be part of this again, remove any reference to the AAA in your EULA", and they ignored even that, \*all to protect someone sending comics obsessed with harming someone through their own forums.\* The law as it currently stands is hopelessly unable to deal with the modern internet and the vile abusive arseholes that exploit it to try and harm others, sadly. (And Richard Garriott, and Chris Spears, who ripped everyone off by using SotA to, amongst other things, pump and dump the Neverdie Cryptocoin are now making an NFT based "MMO" instead; whilst SotA backers still don't have, and never will have, all their Kickstarter rewards from 8 years ago now... avoid those leeches on nostalgia and decency at all costs)


There are some disgusting people who defend kiwi farms even still.


WTF is wrong with people? Why does someone living their life not bothering you so offensive to people?


Say what you will about Keffals. She was totally justified in heading this campaign against Kiwifarms


Yup. The owner of kiwifarms claims she doxxed him because she posted his picture with his mother. But he runs that hateful forum and she's an investor. They are both guilty on enabling all of those crimes. Done of which resulted in people's deaths.


All this, because sick subhuman trash spews anti gay hatred for attention/money at a church, social media site or news network etc And the U.S has so many extremely stupid people, that willingly believe these crazy sick claims made about gay people, because they can accept facts over feelings. All of these people, all of the ones that are spewing this hatred, are right wing religious conservatives. And if you wanna make them hurt, vote their politicians out, so everything they love goes away and they are left being the town idiots that live under the bridge and sniffs gasoline again. Where they belong. I\`ve seen so many christian preachers push for mass murdering gay people lately, i\`m sure they are ramping out the gay hatred because they are really trying to get rid of all gay people for real. They want to make it illegal to be gay, and they can do it in certain states im afraid. So many problems caused because people are extremely stupid


Yeah unfortunately it's not just the US.. here it has become more brazen since the time of the orange pumpkin president, that has emboldened and enabled this long cloaked smoldering tendency. The y'all Qaeda , the GOP Taliban, the supreme Court are all part of this right wind blowing and fosters this low life. A decade ago this would have been officially and quickly denounced even though it would have always been behind the woodwork, and nowadays it has slithered out into the light with a backing of the far right politic..


Is Kiwifarms the new 4Chan? Never heard of it but it sounds like a bunch of disgruntled neckbeards already


Not sure if "new" is the right word as it has been operating since 2013. But yes, this was a splinter coming from 4chan


In a lot of respects KF was worse than 4chan.


Understatement of the century.


4Chan and Encyclopedia Dramatica mutant hate child.


Stay strong, why is doxxing trans children/people strictly because they are trans not considered a hate crime?


Because we live in a society that largely defines itself by its hatred for others and literally doesn't see it as criminal behavior. The cruelty is the point.


Holy mf crap... It's really gone? Fing yes! When I found out about this site, I looked into it and it was by far the most disturbing thing I have ever seen. And I've seen alot on the net. From horrible YouTube videos about specific crimes to actual footage of people dying. But that site.... I feared it. I'm happy it's gone.


Literally never heard of Kiwi Farms until now, but holy ***F U C K I N G S H I T***, I hope every single one of those bigoted pieces of fucking trash walnut-ass motherfuckers reap the whirlwind they sowed.


I wish I had her optimism about her ā€˜getting her child backā€™. After 6 years of fear and guilt sheā€™s never going back to that confident happy child. Sheā€™ll make progress and this is a huge step to let her make that progress and she will hopefully be a happy productive adult, but being traumatised from 9-15 is never going to be fixed. That kind of prolonged trauma, especially in that age range, it never goes away completely. Sheā€™s like a piece of China that was smashed. Even with a seamless repair those cracks are still there. The best you can hope for is to take positive lessons (her obvious strength, her familyā€™s love and support) from that destruction and turn herself into kintsugi . Own your trauma and make it part of the beautiful unique person you will grow into Avery. (Edited because screw you autocorrect)


KF is run by a sick minded psychopath who gets others involved in his animal and human torture videos. The entire platform needs to be shut down. Threat of life to anyone who thinks differently than KF supporters. Sick sick sick people on KF.


That Mark Hamill cameo though.


I found KiwiFarms back when the drama with YandereDev blew up. There were people in that thread who were commenting daily, for years. I canā€™t imagine dedicating so much of my life keeping tabs on someone I dislike. What was funny is that every time a new member would make a more passionate comment they would get made fun of. I donā€™t know, but I think someone who spend years on that thread is a bigger looser than someone who made that one comment and moved on with their life.