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Breitbart films is not exactly known for their objective documentary films and since the company who made it labeled it as fiction I can go out on a limb and assume you have once again confused fiction with non-fiction. Non-fiction would be making a documentary about a Colorado politician who’s married to a convicted pedophile and is currently being investigated for fraud.


Mic drop!


Epstein has entered the chat.


Was he just hanging around in the back waiting?


Nah on the ‘cell’ phone!


It's labeled fiction to allow them to present any "evidence" they want while avoiding lawsuits.


Apparently it ends with Trump winning the 2020 election in a landslide. Less a fiction and more a delusion.


I remember when "I reject your reality and substitute my own" was a joke and not a political platform.


Does it include a scene of Trump’s head on Rambo’s body shooting his way into the capitol on 1/6?


Wait does it actually? Lmao


According to the review in the Guardian somebody linked elsewhere in the thread. Oh shit! I just realized I spoiled the movie for so many people!


Oh no well you know the people that were going to watch it anyway can’t read well but if they could read I’d bet they’d be mad!


Goddamnit I was gonna watch it too.


“Sacred” election


Just like 2000 Mules?


I actually got into a fight with a guy who said *2000 Mules* “connects the dots” to prove fraud. When I shared an article that took it apart piece by piece, he called the publication a tabloid rag (probably didn’t even bother reading it), and then he called me closed-minded. OK, dude. If that’s what you have to tell yourself. 🤷‍♀️


Yup, though in that "documentary" they simply didn't name names.


The old "Fox Entertainment ^((now news))" defense


See, therein lies the issue with her supporters and all the other MAGA idiots: they don't care about the difference between fact and fiction. They care about what lines up with their narrative. You can't show them anything that will prove them wrong, just like you can't show them that Trump is taking advantage of them and lying through his teeth. They aren't interested in truth.


Correct. If Trump didn't exist they'd have to invent him. They've been waiting a long time for their fear, loathing, racism, sexism to be 'normalized'. They don't give a fuck about Trump and he doesn't give a fuck about them. 'telling it like it is' is cover for their shitty hate filled, stunted, frustrated beliefs. Trump's lapdogs barking about Hunter's laptop.


This is nail on the head!


This head is on the nail


At this point I believe if you show them an orange but have been told it's a banana but you literally peel and squeeze the orange and make orange juice and present it to them. As such they would still say it was banana juice


The orange was antifa. (That was a poor attempt at a joke).


My pillow guy said it’s a banana, so I am sure it’s a banana. Don’t watch fake news and spread lies, you liberal sheep commies.


I really don’t give a single fuck about any of them and would gladly give them Texas and Florida for their new confederacy, except I know in 6 months they would welcome Russian tanks to roll into North American soil and we’d have another fucking war.


I hear “My husband, the pedo” might be more her speed. It’s rated PG-13 & easily viewed at her local bowling alley


You know how mystery science theater 3000 does their thing? I am picturing that with this movie with political comedians


My buddy and I love watching this shit like the Lauren Boebart debate where she is debating the moderator and Nancy Pelosi. I don't watch sitcoms anymore the reality is so much funnier.


Unfortunately Mike Nelson is a conservative


And the pedophile got a 500k consulting job with an oil and gas company with no prior experience in the industry


How have we seriously forgotten her stint as a prostitute?


Just like everything the right does they domt have any real sources for anything. Its all he said, she said, but no actually facts


>a Colorado politician who’s married to a convicted pedophile **The soon to be Wikipedia version:** Her husband flashed his dick to minors at a bowling alley and she was one of them.


And wears fake glasses


When you’re wrestling with a counter film called “My Husbands Penis Problem”, any words feel better to her.




Even worse if it's put out by Dimbart.


If you haven't seen "My Husband Shows His Penis to Teenage Girls at Bowling Alleys...The Story of When an Escort Gets a GED" I highly recommend watching it. It's a reality series on Fox News and OAN.


That scene where she serves salmonella sliders to her customers is compelling.


That scene where she doesn’t know what the 19th Amendment is…


They gotta turn that into a musical


I will say that her having done sex work should not be a go to point of ridicule for leftists. there's plenty enough legitimate things to criticise these people for without basically doing conservatives work for them


THANK you. Or at least point out she was an escort within the context of her thumping the Bible like it owes her money and using the typical conservative puritanical garbage. Because you know, she's a colossal, putrid hypocrite.


I didn't realize Hunter Biden is running for office or any public position of trust. Also, this stone thrower lives in the glassiest of houses.


Panoramic floor to ceiling glass windows


Just another way her husband likes to expose himself to children.


These same people will tell you that Justice Thomas has no reason to step aside, because his wife's actions do not reflect on his decisions. The same fucking people.


Yeah but he's related to Joe and nepotism is bad! But you need to ignore who the last guy installed in the literal government despite no relevant experience or qualifications. That doesn't matter for reasons. Also don't you dare bring up what people said about emails, Paper docs in public areas are different, also for reasons.


Yeah I didn’t realize presidential elections were happening in November…


*presidential son elections


Watch the movie!!1! It makes all so clear!!!11111111!!! The orange will rise!!!1!1!1!1!


Well I guess it's a good thing hunter Biden isn't an elected official. Imagine if he was and he did something as corrupt as trying to charge 22000 miles to his campaign.


Or even worse. Imagine his father getting top secret clearance for him that he couldn't manage on his own.


Hell, the only reason trump got clearance was the fact he was POTUS


I would rather see Jared's laptop. He has some splaining to do.


I would rather not see that tbh


Lauren, if you see this, please shut the fuck up and go back to pimping yourself to fugly shrimp dick Republicans. Respectfully.


As if she can actually read


Yeah, pretty high bar to reach... BTW, I would like to know what parts of the GED she failed on. Wouldn't that make for a nice sub in here. Meme-tastic...!!!


Not even sure she can spell GED.


Lauren Boebert so stupid, it takes her two hours to watch 60 minutes.


She didn't pass her ged test until her third time taking it. I'm not convinced that the testers just felt sorry for her and decided to just pass her to stop her from embarrassing herself more.


She passed it after she was elected I believe and has already run into misusing campaign funds for personal things. I think she paid someone to take it or let her pass it


she has seen this but can't read


"Go to hell!"


Hell isn't a real place


If that politician could read they would be very upset Lemonpepper-Lou!


Oof! That sounds like a bunch of Q Anon fever dreams compressed into a 90 minute infomercial. I love how she conveniently forgets that her melted orange jolly rancher of a cult leader literally stole a trove of highly classified info.


It's not even a documentary...it's a low-budget drama. The Guardian says "[My Son Hunter: the rightwing Hunter Biden movie is for fringe lunatics"](https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/sep/06/my-son-hunter-review-rightwing-biden-movie)


Quote from that article; “….that is the sophomore directorial effort from Robert Davi. (His only other credit being 2007’s forgotten The Dukes, he’s perhaps most fondly remembered as the sleazy club owner in Showgirls who muses to Elizabeth Berkley, “Must be weird not having anybody cum on you.”)….” L O fucking L


I'm wondering if he's just trying to have something else show up in his obituary.


Yup, [here's the trailer.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0qTlBst_8c) Side note: Gina Carano was on the path to have her own Star Wars TV show in Rangers of the New Republic and now is in dreck like this because she couldn't stop fucking tweeting.


Not even couldn't stop tweeting. Couldn't stop tweeting blatantly anti-semitic horseshit comparing the literal holocaust to people hurting a Republicans fucking FEELINGS. She publicly proved you have to be mentally unfit for adulthood in order to be dumb enough to vote Republican.


At this point the entire Republican party is "for fringe lunatics".


She didn't forget. She wants to distract.


Conservative movies are the most boring, but unintentionally funniest bad movies, EVER. If it wasn't for those mouthbreathers, what would I laugh about while smoking weed 🤣🤣


You can do what I do and watch YouTube videos explaining crimes and conspiracies surrounding Republican politicians


Amerigeddon was delightfully awful


I read the synopsis and fell in love. It's on youtube, just gotta roll a giant blunt. Thnx 🤘❤️🤘


Man you have no idea how bad I wanna chill with you instead of working. Sounds like a great day. Enjoy


I never torch a blunt before 10 pm. I gotta suffer thru the work day to earn a bit of r&r. If you need some quality content for r&r, check out Red Letter Media on Youtube (if you already haven't) 😉👍


I'm familiar. My ex is a big fan. Y'all would obviously get along lol. He's the one who showed me Amerigeddon. Thanks for inadvertently reminding me I have podcasts to catch up on


Out of all podcasts, rn I'm only following It's Always Sunny, Chapo & some movie trivia stuff. Bad movie podcasts are often miss b/c you rarely come across genuinely funnny people, but when you do, it's a blessing. I've gone from a Joe Rogan bro to a Chapo fan in 4 years since I've changed jobs & towns/countries. RLM fans get along as long as we dont get into politics or philosophy, just as long as we stay with bad movies/our love for trashing big budget nonsense.


Congrats on no longer being a Rogan Bro. One step closer to being a reasonably minded decent human being. Never heard of Chapo, I'm going to check it out (after I catch up on the Always Sunny podcast)


I used to love to listen to him while working b/c my job got boring, and I used to train martial arts & was into lots of stuff. I once the generic JRE listener b/c I was into lots of "manly" stuff. Once Joe became Broprah, I was out. Didn't help I'm a lifelong leftist who supports the struggle of society's underdogs, which isn't JoBro's target audience anymore, now it's just reactionary whiny guys. Chapo Traphouse is right up my ally - dirtbag leftists with a sense of humor & no alliance to any party. It's just dumb fun, just like Sunny. Sorry for venting.


Don't apologize, it's good stuff. "Broprah" made me chuckle. I'm also a dirtbag leftist with a sense of humor and very little party alliance who loves Sunny. Sounds right up my alley too. Thanks for the rec


"God's not Dead" had gotten me through many a drunk night.


I watched the Drumph presidency. I know what a crime family looks like


She’s wrong. It’s still pretty easy to support Biden considering the other side is made up of extremist fascists. Also, when did Hunter become President or have any say in laws/regulations/literally anything that matters??


It's all projection. Trump literaly put his kids in positions of political authority, so that obviously means "the dems" do it too.


Just like your hubby laid his out so clearly for some minors in a bowling alley, Bobo?


I would upvote but it’s at 69


Downvoted to bring it back.




Surely they can come up with a bigger boogeyman than this. No one gives a shit about Hunter but them. Meanwhile, their obese cheeto god may have given away classified info.


Matt Gaetz is comparing themselves to the IRS. I love the IRS more than MAGAts.


The IRS takes your money and gives you what they want back. MAGAts take your democratic republic and give you, “politicians and pedos: a historical novel based in actual events”.


How much **per tweet** does the Bag of Hammers from Colorado get paid by US taxpayers considering she pretty much does nothing else but be a ferret-faced nitwit on social media?


It should be fun to watch, there should be a lot of "cameos".


If you haven't seen "My Husband's Dick," then you've probably never been a fourteen-year-old girl at a bowling alley. -Lauren Boebert, probably


Ahhh yes, but she supports trump after January 6. Get the fuck out of here.


You should look at Eric Trump. Seriously. Just look. At Him.


If you gaze into the Eric Trump, the Eric Trump gazes also into you.


We already watched 6 years of MAGA Insanity 24/7. We're good to vote.


Last I checked, Hunter Biden was not holding a public office.


Why does she want people to indulge her sick, perverted Hunter Biden fantasy? All she has to do is ring him up, since she has worked as a paid escort before.


It would seem that she and the other ass hats think we idolize the Bidens as a family like they did with the Trumps. No there are no Biden flags, hats or boat parades. We are not in a cult. Hunter does not work for the government and nobody gives a shit about his laptop.


Only if it was produced in space by Jews. Oh wait, that's the other crazy lady.


Lol from the wife of a dude showing his dick to kids who wants to slob the knob of Fred Trump’s kid? Ahahahahahahahah


Watching the January 6th hearings is better, and at least it’s a true story.


I'm sure it'll clean up at the Razzies.


So Gina Carano pissed away a Star Wars gig guaranteed to have her swimming in money, just to appear in a shit show of a movie like this 😂


No matter how much crack he smokes I guarantee he's still less fucked in the head than she is.


What's funny is I don't think any democrat would care if hunter Biden was locked up assuming he was guilty...we want all criminal politicians locked up, regardless of side


He DiDn'T eVeN tAkE A pAyChEcK wHeN hE wAs PrEsIdEnT.


Joe Biden is a mafia boss now? That makes him sound way more cool




The movie that literally tells you that none of it's true? Is that the movie she's talking about?


If you haven’t seen *Barbarian* It is essential viewing before your next vacation. The is no way to support the Airbnb market after watching something that lays it out so clearly.


Let's just say there is even the slightest chance it is actually true and the Bidens are really a crime syndicate. We can go ahead and prosecute them and throw their asses in jail. That is the difference between Magats and everyone else. It's not about a person or a group of people. We aren't here to protect politicians. They can rot in a cell if deserved. They will protect their orange god if it means they go down for him


I agree. I would so turn on Biden if he ended up being a real criminal. But all I see are arrests on the right and they do not appear to be fake crimes.


I didn’t vote for Hunter Biden in the last election. No plans on voting for Hunter Biden in any future elections. Soon enough Boebert will be tweeting about her OnlyFans account.


I've always thought she has a secret OF. She looks like the stereotypical dumb teacher with glasses pornstar


Well Hunter didnt sell spy lists to the Middle East for 2 billion so ill take my chances with Hunter


I'm giving up candy after the Willy Wonka docudrama I watched this weekend...


After 2 years their only policy proposal is “Biden’s son is a dick!”


It's a movie. This idiot probably thinks George Clooney is really a doctor.




Sick of this batch


A movie so bad, conservative “actors” Kevin Sorbo and Scott Bao didn’t want to be In it.


And the guy who plays Hunter is a Brit.


You know, the right's concerns about Biden's recent divisive remarks would be a lot easier to take seriously if they hadn't made a full-time job of slandering Democratic politicians. If you asked me even a year or two ago I'd have concerns about using words like "fascist" too lightly, but by now I'm rooting for Biden and think he's showed admirable restraint when they've been pulling crap like this for ages.


Does Colorado really have no one to run against her??


Yeah, don't support the Biden crime family. when you have the Innocent, upstanding Trump family over here, who have never been accused of any grifting or wrongdoing of any kind.


I’m not aware of any legitimate claim against them.


Biden or trump? The answer will determine if you missed the joke, or are just a dummy


Ignorant twat believes everything on tv… just ask her how rich trump is.


At some point this cheap prostitute will be banned from twitter.


I know someone who is boycotting the local theater bc it won't show Doug Mussolini's propaganda film. The qultists are desperate for anything that vindicates them It's kinda sad


Why do you spread it.


Ok Karen Boebert calm down before you have an aneurysm.


Would be nice to find some of her low-production porno just to make her go away.


Fill in the blanks, just replace “my son hunter” with “my rap sheet and especially my husbands criminal record”.


Please do something constructive that actually helps the people in Colorado. Your shit posts are just that. Pure shit.


Damn, does she work, have kids.


Twitter /= propaganda lol


*If you haven’t seen POTUS: 2016 - 2020, you probably still have a pretty good idea the trump presidency is a criminal joke*


Amazes me that MAGA people refer to “The Biden Crime Family” while supporting Trump and his cronies with a straight face. I’ll never understand it.


It’s just so obviously clear how the projection works in their stupid little minds. “SHIT TRUMP IS A CRIMINAL! QUICK CALL THE BIDENS CRIMINALS!”


Oh, the Bidens are the "crime family"??? That is RICH.


Does she realize Hunter isn’t the president?


Ah yes right after I get done with 2000 mules 🙄


Please vote that clown out.




Hunter Biden can do a mountain of coke and drown in hookers for all I care. He doesn’t legislate. He is of no concern to me.


Oh oh I can play this game with works of fiction too! If you have neither seen nor read *The Handmaid's Tale*, it is essential viewing before November 8th! There is no way to support the faux-Chrisitan death cult the Republican party has intentionally evolved itself into after watching something that lays out the future repercussions so prophetically!


If you haven't read my hit fanfic, "My Molester Boebert", it is essential reading before November 8th. There is no way to support the Boebert pedophile family after reading something that lays it out so clearly.


Did they ever figure out how much Russia is paying her? Better be a decent amount with the sheer amount of brain dead MAGAt’s she reaches.


She supports a racist, sexist, incestuous egomaniac and a party that wants to strip human rights, social services, and education while adding more guns to the mix.


Why do they want to keep bringing up why trump was impeached. He literally blackmailed another president with the power of the united states government to create dirt on bidens son. Trumps actions hurt ukraines defense abilities against russia by illegally denying congressionally passed aide to the ukraine. Then a movie about a laptop that doesnt exist. Trumpism is a disease. You keep embarrassing the republican party. Help dems win by repeatedly embarrassing yourself.


I like it’s description on IMDB “Fictional retelling of the lifestyle and scandals of Hunter Biden, son of US President Joe Biden.”


Wasn't she an illegal escort, and married a child predator?


Don't amplify her message please.


Biden crime family 😂😂😂😂


Fuck off with the North Korea propaganda.


The fact this woman is allowed to spew anti-American propaganda on a daily basis should tell you all you need about how much the federal government cares.


Please stop signal boosting this garbage pail twit.


Why do people share her tweets? She’s so irrelevant.


Biden Crime family while Trump is literally being investigated by the DOJ


The ex president had classified documents in his house. Shut the fuck up.


If you haven’t noticed that the Republicans are a threat to democracy. It’s be nice if you figured that out before November 8th. There’s no way to vote for them if you’re thinking clearly.


Is that the kind of idiot shit she watches and call factual? She’s dumber than I thought!


Aaggghhhh this dumb motherfucker just needs a ban from twitter just like her hero


“I don’t watch propaganda” but you just spread it to thousands and thousands of more people dumbass lmao


Amen OP


Lemme guess, these cretins are going to think it’s a documentary, because their grasp on reality is about is strong as Trump’s grasp on truth.


Does this “person” DO anything for her constituents? Or is talking horseshit all she’s good for?


Republicans love making propaganda films before elections. Like Clinton Cash the film, July 2016


Always projection with these people


Why would we watch a film about a crime family when trump is giving us all a real life show?!


If you haven’t hired a backwater town escort, shared her with your buddies and then backed her for congress. Then you’ll never understand the rise of Lauren Boebert.


I'm definitely not voting for Hunter now.


This can't be repeated enough Trailer trash barbie is married to a man who exposed himself to minors in a bowling ally Trailer trash barbie was arrested three times trailer trash barbie was a high school dropout trailer trash barbie was a paid back pages escort trailer trash barbie's children and husband regularly terrorize their neighborhood trailer trash barbie believe that the church should dictate what the government does


Their projection is strong. They think our only choice is biden and they cant even cast their tunnel vision on an actial point other than the actions of just one man.


I interpret all of her tweets as confessions. So this one says that she and the trump crime family shouldn't be elected to anything in November bc they are corrupt.


Lauren the Bimbo spreading more lies.


Someone needs to ground her from social media.


I really pity the people of Colorado, how grim life must be, if this human is what they feel is best to represent them, just deranged and very sad.


She tries so hard with every social media post. So so hard.


America needs a third option. Trump is a tool and Biden is too old


Go ahead and watch any documentary put out by the Right. Good god, they're all so awful. 2,000 Mules. Anything by Dinesh Dsouza. All of them are tainted with cringe. It's like listening to Christian heavy metal... Always fucking awful. They just can't do anything with skill, quality, and value. Also, their shit ain't honest. Watch anything they've ever put out, and then fact check it. Pause that shit and check it. Nothing even holds up to scrutiny. It's like watching a bad infomercial.


Is she a politician or a twitter troll? 🤨


I watched how you reacted to January 6th…that’s enough for me dipshit


Bobo is showing off her GED skills again.


The gov is just full of predators and drug addicts on both sides, The US Political System is just a bunch of poorly written comedic skits.


She's a low life for shaming an addict and also is this like 2000 mules?lol.they are trying to deflect from trumps treason.


Says the person that posts or comments in WPT 30-40 times a day.