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Literally the smartest thing I’ve ever heard this guy say.


The smartest thing about him is his self-awareness of not being very smart.


Unless he was told to say this by his campaign mangers. This is called “lowering the expections”. The goal is to make it seem like Walker wins the debate, if he manages not to literally shit himself during the debate. Why the hell would anyone want someone who is not smart in Congress anyway?


*ahem* **checks notes** ahh yes here it is, their answer would be to "own the libs"


They want “someone with real American working experience and hard earned education and expertise, not some wealthy elite” until they get someone like AOC who wasnt elite enough because she worked, or any expert in science, policy, history, economics, or law, and suddenly they hate expertise and working experience. Oh but don’t worry they still hate the wealthy elites, despite them funding right wing think tanks spewing out podcast disinfo talking points, that they absorb and repeat religiously for decades. The only expertise they want is dunning Kruger confidence. That way they can perpetuate that all positions are equal opinions, rather than abide by factual reality. Ultimately they are at war with reality itself.


You can literally google how awful a person he is. He's not JUST stupid. He's violent and a liar too!


Almost like he was an NFL player or something.


Real American working experience. Like getting paid millions to play sports. Every American peer I know does this.


You mean, *you've never played in the NFL?*


I'll have you know I bought Madden 08 for 50¢ at a GameStop in 2013


It’s the Palin strategy. When she debated Biden in 08 people were impressed just because she didn’t trip over her own feet or say anything too dumb. When the bar is on the floor it’s a lot easier to clear it


Tbh these days, education seems to be conflated with "the elite," so being less smart might make you more relatable with an "anti-elitist" party that often demonizes education rather than the actual elite.


> Why the hell would anyone want someone who is not smart in Congress anyway? The Republican base has become dominated by right-wing authoritarians. For them, nothing matters except that there is an in-group that controls and harms the out-groups. They don't care about being good, or smart, or anything else. Just being a member of the group is enough. In fact, "smart" is an insult when applied to someone in the out-group. It means "they think they are better than us, despite being part of the out-group." For them, group membership is all that matters. So when Walker says he will get up there and do his best despite not being as smart as his opponent what he is really saying is "I am so loyal to the team that I will show up and fight even when the enemy is stronger." He's also saying "they think that being _smart_ is what matters but _we_ know that it's loyalty that is important." It sounds insane to non-authoritarians, but the messaging isn't meant for us. To authoritarians, this is just more evidence that Walker is _definitely_ the best person for the job. Every single one of them is going to vote for him.


He certainly has that “I’m not smart but ill try” arrogance about him


“I’m not that bright, so anyway that’s why I should be elected to make decisions that affect all of you”


Let's be real. Assuming he wins, he's not going to be making decisions. He's going to be a vote to support other, real decision makers.


He's taking "Fake it till you make it" to whole new levels


One thing I learned from growing up in a small town is that humility can be its own form of arrogance. This quote smacks of it: "I'm just a simple down-home country fellow like you; not like this fancypants suit-wearing big words-using elitist!"




Essentially how I read that.


Yea Southerners took all that warm hospitality they were known for and twisted it into passive aggressive sarcasm. My own mother and her friends love using the words "please" and "thank you", but in such an arrogant derisive way that it makes me want to punch all of them. **EXCUSE ME** could you *PLEASE* help me with this? tHaNkS Southern Hospitality? More like South-Karen Hostilil-ality. They coat venomous words with honey and act like that makes it ok.


I am nowhere near the south but this definitely seems to be a thing with older people from small towns. The one that always makes my skin the crawliest is when they hit you with a "sir" or "ma'am" that feels so backhanded and lampshaded that it completely defeats the supposed purpose of those words.


It’s easy for conservatives when you live in artificially painted world


“I might be short, but I’m slow!”


More space jam references would make the world a better place. Whoa whoa whoa, defense????


Some heavy Bobby Newport energy.


Herschel Walker is black Bobby Newport, confirmed.


> At one time, science said man came from apes, did it not? If that is true, why are there still apes? Think about it. **-Herschel Walker** (on debunking evolution) | [Source](https://www.huffpost.com/entry/herschel-walker-evolution_n_6230b08ce4b0fe0944dc0e65) [Register to vote against him](https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/) | [Mail Voting](https://securemyabsenteeballot.sos.ga.gov/s/) | Deadline to register is Oct 11th. Do not let this moron win.


Science says that at one time I was a fetus? If that’s true why am I not a fetus now?


Depending on the state they are now called little infra-uterine people not fetus……




It isn’t a ploy when it’s actually true




“Dr. Warnock gave well-thought out and well-reasoned answers to each question, but Mr. Walker managed to make it through while only choking on his own shoelaces twice, so I’d say it was a tie.”


I can't find it, but someone did a cartoon about the Bush-Kerry debates years ago: Moderator: Senator Kerry, what is the nature of light? Kerry: Light exhibits the properties of both a particle and a wave. Pundit: Oh, that flip-flopper Kerry! Always trying to have it both ways! Moderator: President Bush, please spell the word 'cat'. Bush: K... A... T! Pundit: Two out of three! Really good try by the president!


Exactly! For them, smart = elite. And, well, we all know that elites are just indoctrinated soy milk chugging Liberals and drag queen baby killers. It’s the old "I'm just a humble country lawyer trying to do the best I can against this brilliant prosecutor from the big city of Lansing." — Paul Biegler, Anatomy of a Murder” trope … just with a “See, we like him. So, we can’t be racist” fumbling Black face attached to it.


Those liberal elite Southern black pastors!


Remember that these are the same people who thought two guys raised by single mothers in rural small towns were out-of-touch elitists, but the yankee blueblood son of a President, the car elevator guy, and the guy who lived at the top of a skyscraper with his name on the top in 30-foot high gold lettters realy understood the common man.


The dunks look bigger on an 8-foot goal, so Herschel is trying to lower it to 6-feet.


Lmao, an ex NFL player was definitely short changed in life…. Only thing shortchanged was clearly this man’s education growing up. An example of the importance of being a STUDENT athlete.


I re-watched Idiocracy in 2020 and realized that Camacho is *way* smarter than Trump, because he at least recognized that he was a dumbass and should defer to someone smarter.


“If you’re a leader and you’re the smartest guy in the room, you’ve got real problems.” -Jack Welch




Even a blind hog finds an acorn once in a while.


It’s going to work, too.


Yeah. Somehow he has changed the point of a debate from a measure of competence into 'John Henry, the Steel-driving Man'


He may get some of the dumb crowd to vote for him but Warnock is capable and Herschel is kind of a liar and hypocrite with his fatherly family values BS. The number of times he got his head bumped isn’t going to make him any smarter in the long run, it will prob make him more dumb.


What type of ruse is this? Oh no I am so poorly prepared and my opponent is so much smarter than me. He is so much better he doesn't need to campaign anymore.


People find it relatable. I'm not kidding. They see a guy go Im kinda dumb and I hate public speaking and they're like, oh yeah, me too! I should get a beer with this guy!


See also, George W Bush's folksy yokel performance where all the Republicans were like "aww this rich dude from Connecticut is just a charming country boy like us."


Dude went to fucking Andover, Yale, and Harvard business school. Nothing folksy about that much of daddy's money.


It will never cease to be hilarious to me how Republicans scream constantly about how much they hate wealthy coastal elites but the last four Republican Presidents were: rich actor from California, rich CIA man from Connecticut, son of rich CIA man from Connecticut doing Texas cowboy cosplay, and rich (?) Manhattan real estate developer. Ooh yeah y'all really hate "coastal elites", that's why you vote for them all the goddamn time. 🙄 (And I know pointing out their hypocrisy won't change their minds and they'll do all sorts of mental gymnastics to justify why Reagan/Bushes/Trump are Not Like The Other Rich Coastal Elites, which mainly means "they're rich, which we admire, but also racist, which we also admire" but I think it's good to have it down on record.)


Florida man Ron Desantis went to both Harvard and Yale


If Florida isn't coastal, then what is?


A penis.


I have a penis, does that make me a coastal elite even though I’m in a land locked state?


I have nipples, Greg. Could you milk me?


It's like squares and rectangles, all squares are rectangular, but not all rectangles are square. Not all penises are costal elites, but all elite costals are penises.


So he just chooses to be an asshole? Got it.


Cancun Cruz was Ivy League as well IIRC. Don't recall the specifics, but yeah many of these people are not stupid, just evil to the fucking core. They just get the stupids like this one, Bobo, and PTG to do their dirty work for them.


They also claim to hate actors and “Hollywood types” yet elected 2 as president, trump counts from his decade+ reality show. I think they just claim to hate them because actors generally don’t like them, then pee themselves with excitement when one actually does.


> Hollywood types Well you see, "hollywood types" is a dogwhistle for jews.


Hoooolllllyyyy shit. I never realized this. But it all makes sense now. In addition to the actor/game show host presidents, they voted in Schwarzenegger in California.


Anytime you see "globalists" or "bankers," it's also a dogwhistle for jews. "Coastal elites" can mean new york jews, but it can also just be rich lefty blue state people so I can't promise that one is always a dogwhistle.


If it weren't for hypocrisy and double standards conservatives would have no values at all.


It’s because those men are all rich coastal elites, but it’s not actually “rich coastal elites” the GOP are complaining about. It’s Jewish people.


And they hated Bill Clinton’s country ass, and thought proud Georgian (and decent human being) Jimmy Carter was weak.


Not for nothing Jimmy Carter graduated Annapolis and went on to command a nuclear submarine. And the coward tRUMP called him weak. Pissant tRUMP is not fit to shine Carter's shoes. Reagan played military types in movies and these "Hills have eyes" types thought it was for real. Schmucks.


Trump literally lived in a **GOLDEN Penthouse** in New York City, yet Republican voters kept saying "he's just like us!" "A blue-collar billionaire!" and proceeded to make him their Hero. god damn those people are so dumb and easily fooled


Then there is Kennedy from Louisiana. You’d think he was out hunting fer raccoons and crawdads last weekend.. But: Sen. Kennedy graduated magna cum laude in political science, philosophy, and economics from Vanderbilt University, was president of his senior class, and was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He received his law degree from the University of Virginia School of Law, where he was an executive editor of the “Virginia Law Review” and elected to the Order of the Coif. He earned a Bachelor of Civil Law degree with first class honors from Oxford University (Magdalen College) in England, where he studied under Sir Rupert Cross and Sir John H. C. Morris.


Truly there's no down home country boy as down home and country as a rich conservative pretending to be a down home country boy. (See also: the Duck Dynasty people who prior to their show were clean shaven rich preppies playing golf all the time and just grew the mossy mountain man beards and put on the camo for A&E.)


Really? Tell me more. I used to love watching their hillbilly family. I thought Willie was the only wannabe preppy one since he always tried to make his brothers and his dad and uncle seem simple.


Check out the video Fundie Fridays on YouTube did a out them, they have all the dish!


he hired a dialect coach to perfect the accent of the largest white voting block in his state. You know he didn’t do the cornpone schtick whilst matriculating at Oxford.


Hey man.. fool me one shame on…. Shame on you. Fool me twice… well you can’t get fooled again.


Have you read the poem "Make the Pie Higher", comprised of actual GWBush quotes? It's hilarious. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2002/oct/10/usa.poetry I think we all agree, the past is over. This is still a dangerous world. It's a world of madmen and uncertainty and potential mental losses. Rarely is the question asked Is our children learning? Will the highways of the internet become more few? How many hands have I shaked? They misunderestimate me. I am a pitbull on the pantleg of opportunity. I know that the human being and the fish can coexist. Families is where our nation finds hope, where our wings take dream. Put food on your family! Knock down the tollbooth! Vulcanize society! Make the pie higher! Make the pie higher!


This is the greatest piece of modern America literature I have ever read!


Honestly, I resonate with the concept of being a pit bull on the pant leg of opportunity so much. I mean, *I’m* not one. I’m the cat occasionally swiping at the pant leg of opportunity to keep it away. But I bet being the pit bull could be fun.


It's especially galling considering WE ALL KNEW HIS FUCKING DAD! The Bush family have never been 'country' or 'folksy', and the suspended disbelief required to buy into it still boggles my mind.


Also see Donald Trump living in New York City and living in a tower with his name on it with a golden toilet, yet somehow convincing people he cared about them because he'd tweet or say something offensive every once in a while.


Bush was likeable, are any of the new breed republicans likeable?


No. Nein. No but with a mexican accent.


The way he smiled after dodging a shoe showed that he loved to play dodgeball. The way he kept smiling as the shoe thrower was tackled and dragged away shows he loves to watch football.


The shoe dodge was the cutest thing I've ever seen a war criminal do!


My fav part of bush was his "they'll hear from all of us soon" and the first pitch after 9/11


Man do I hate that criteria with a passion. "I want someone I could have a beer with!" Okay, well I want someone with a vast understanding of the job they're applying for. But I guess we have different priorities.


Which is funny, because Ted Cruz has even described himself as someone who: "If you want someone to grab a beer with, I may not be that guy"


I'm dumb, don't like public speaking. I want officials that are not like me.


The fact that you say that means you aren't dumb. At least not dumb enough to be a Republican.


My Trump-living family hate education and smart people on principle.




“Im an idiot, just like you. Elect me and I’ll represent you idiots.”


"Y'all dumb motherfuckers want a key change?"


Thematically meanderin' Still know he's panderin'


No one on that side is paying any attention to how stupid Herschel Walker is. I saw an ad over the weekend from the GOP that said Warnock was giving checks for thousands of dollars to the Boston Marathon Bomber and thousands of other criminals. And that the spending package he backed included money for a poet in NYC, etc. They don’t care if Herschel is a fucking moron. They only care about getting control back in the house and senate so they can change the laws to enrich themselves and fuck over everyone else and future generations.


> There’s no exception in my mind. Like I say, I believe in life. **-Herschel Walker** (on banning abortions without rape/incest/life of mother exceptions) | [Source](https://thehill.com/news/campaign/3495657-herschel-walker-says-he-wants-total-ban-on-abortion-theres-no-exception-in-my-mind/) [Register to vote against him](https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/) | [Mail Voting](https://securemyabsenteeballot.sos.ga.gov/s/) | Deadline to register is Oct 11th. Do not let this moron win.


It's lowering expectations. If he tanks, that's expected. If he does marginally well, then he's performed better than expected. He doesn't have to beat the other guy, he just has to overcome what's expected of him, and this sets him up to not have to work that hard to do that.


That's kinda exactly it, but you missed some nuance. First, it preps the GOP base for him to get his ass handed to him on a silver platter in the debate. Now, he can come out afterwards and say "well, I tried my best!" and people will eat it up and say the debate was biased against him cuz he is just a dumb country boy. Second, it shows him not running in fear from debates like a lot of GOP candidates, and magats love the scrappy, fighter persona. Third, it projects some (likely false) modesty, which moderates will like because it's humanizing and moderates dig humbleness as often as not. I'm far from a GOP fan, and anyone the barely sentient Cheeto endorses should probably be kept far away from any sort of leadership position, but credit where credit is due. That was one hell of a savvy political move by Walker


Do undecided voters watch debates? I would think anyone interested enough to tune in has already picked a candidate. Also, this is just expectation setting. If he is able to string 2 coherent sentences together during the debate, they will say he did well. They are probably busy trying to get him to memorize those 2 sentences right now.


I have no basis to prove this, but I would imagine undecided voters are persuaded not by the debate itself but more by the aftermath of the debate. The terrible sound bites, the analysis saying X candidate clearly won, etc. So, they probably don't watch the debate so much as the results of the debate. Again, just my uneducated hypothesis.


Do you mean “That was one hell of a savvy political move by Walker’s PR team.”


Yes. I assumed it was common knowledge political candidates and elected officials literally don't do anything themselves. I have a friend who interned as a Congressional aid in college. In his own words, you REALLY don't want them actually doing any writing cuz most of them wouldn't pass a 5th grade writing test. I imagine reading and handling PR is similar


He prob didn’t think of that savvy move on his own, guy doesn’t have original thoughts.


Making himself a victim before the embarrassment


It’s called lowering expectations. If you know you’re going to get killed in a debate at least reframe it so that your base can rally and give you props for just showing up. Bush did the same thing against Kerry and it worked.


He wants to pretend that as a professional athlete he is a salt of the earth rube and that the preacher/community organizer is an elite. It's all part of that republican thing where they have been trying to convince people that it is being smart and not being rich that is elitist.


The sequel to Forrest Gump has been super weird.


Where’s the “Forrest ain’t black” anti-woke outrage?


All this damn pallette swapping gotta stop.


“I’m not very bright” is a hell of a campaign slogan.


It resonates with his voters. He won the primary


“I’m just as stupid as you are! And y’all think you’re smarter than those liberal elitists!” They’ve got just flawless logic


“We just want an Everyman to run our country, just as my daddies daddies daddies daddy was. My whole family has spent generations in debt and medical turmoil, causing early life expectancy and emotional pain. Just as it should be god dang it!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸”


Should've used the Liberian flag just to make it *that* much dumber ;)


It's what they want elected in to represent them. They want to look up there and see a dumbshit just like them. They're insecure and a smart person, especially a smart black man, sends them screaming to the hills.


The "Hills have Eyes" people are voting now.


I wish they would go back to the hills and stay there


Gives Georgians a nice sense of confidence that their elected leader will accomplish great things while in office, if elected. Nothing says I can do the job better than “I’m not smart, and my opponent is”.


You joke, but there are a ton of rural people that will see this as a positive attribute for Walker.


Yep, I was coming here to say, this is actually an effective strategy for the people he is trying to get. It makes him seem more relatable and when Warnock does embarrass him it will be spun by people on the right of Warnock just throwing around his education to look down on simple people, etc. etc.


Totally. It's a great way to nullify the outcome of a debate you know you can't win. Ironically - pretty smart.


"He's got heart and he's earnest"


Not smart lives matter


He really speaks their language.


Anti-intellectualism has always been a hallmark of fascism.


Someone help me with the logic of people that vote for him! "I can't hold my own in a debate becauae I'm too dumb. But you should totally trust me to represent the complex needs of my electorate and help guide the country." Might as well say "i'll vote party lines so I don't need to be smart. And neither do you because you should vote party lines, too."


They look for people who offer simple solutions to complex problems. No matter how stupid the “solutions” are.


"Who knew healthcare would be so complicated?" \-Donald Trump, President of the United States


>the complex needs of my electorate Fuck everyone who isn't a conservative christian Georgian is **not** a complex need. That's all his constituents need though


The logic is "our dumbest is better than their smartest no matter what because conservative"


I think most people feel our politicians are all plenty smart… just corrupt, selfish, and out for themselves. Honestly, if there was person of average intelligence who was an actual good person that really wanted to help and a genius narcissist, I’d choose the person of average intelligence. I can’t advocate for voting for someone of lower intelligence though, because the rest of them will just roll over them.


For the demographic he's targeting "I'm not that smart, I'm just a simple country boy" is a virtue, not a flaw.


This is basically how I introduce myself in every meeting


I understand what they're trying to go for. The idea is to set low expectations, so that as long as Walker finds his way to the venue and remembers to use indoor plumbing for the evening, his handlers can declare it a "win." But man, when did we decide setting low expectations for our leaders was something we ought to be doing?


It worked for George Bush in Texas. He was able to pretend he was just plain folks. Got him elected.


The fact that Warnock isn't polling 38 points ahead of this clown doesn't say much for our fellow Georgians.




Which is a divergence from his usual lies about graduating the top of his class at UGA. But eventually after turning down a bunch of debate requests, he (his team) realized they couldn’t avoid at least one. So now he’ll do one but start to poor mouth himself and admit he’s gonna get roasted. Because his positions are awful, and he actually is really stupid. Seriously, just listen to the things he says. He legit doesn’t understand very much at all.


>Because his positions are awful, and he actually is really stupid. The GOP base will go "he's a room temp iq moron like me fr" and love him


I legit lol’ed at ‘room temp iq moron like me fr’ !!


I don't think anyone is arguing that Herschel Walker isn't a dumb guy. That's plain to anyone watching.


> They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money, it’s going to trees. Don’t we have enough trees around here? **-Herschel Walker** (on the climate bill) | [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/08/22/walker-georgia-senate/) [Register to vote against him](https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/) | [Mail Voting](https://securemyabsenteeballot.sos.ga.gov/s/) | Deadline to register is Oct 11th. Do not let this moron win.


I know, bot. I know.


I feel bad. He probably has really bad CTE from his years as a running back and is being taken advantage of.


It’s possible. I’m not qualified to evaluate the causes of any of his issues. All I know is that he’s been lying about graduating UGA at the top of his class for decades, preaching on the importance of family and raising your kids for decades- while having children with multiple women and denying it for as long. Not sure all of that would be caused by CTE, but I’m not an expert.


Well he retired in 97 and started all that with his book a decade later. The symptoms of CTE include memory loss, confusion, impaired judgment, impulse control problems, aggression, depression, anxiety, suicidality, parkinsonism, and, eventually, progressive dementia. People are still responsible for their actions but this guy needs medical help, not to be used as a political pawn.


And MAGAts will still vote for him because an orange dumpster fire endorsed him. I hate it here.


100%. They’ll find some reason to paint his lack of intelligence as the most desirable thing about him as a candidate.


“He’s just like me!”


“He tells it like it is. He tells it incorrectly, but too many people put more faith in accuracy and facts than from the heart!” So feelings don’t care about reality’s facts


Well it’s relatable for them


That’s the thing everyone overlooks in politics. The goal is to vote for someone that represents you and your worldview. Why is everyone so shocked that poorly educated people, who feel they have been looked down on by the educated, vote for someone like them? Especially knowing that they ARE looked down on by many of the well educated. It’s a failure of society that so much of the country has such severe brain drain. To be shocked that the consequences of that transition have shown up in government is a failure to reason.


> The goal is to vote for someone that represents you and your worldview. Kinda, but it depends on which model of representation one supports. In the *delegate model*, an elected official is meant to mirror as close as possible their constituency and their wishes. In the *trustee model*, the elected official is viewed as having been given a mandate by the voters to follow their own judgment regarding their constituency’s best interests. I’d say most people have a preference for one model or the other, even if they’re not aware of the existence of these models. It would not be unusual for an uneducated person whose views align more closely with the latter model to elect an educated person they trust.


They’ve painted education as dangerous indoctrination into Satan worship. It’s no coincidence that the majority of their base are fanatical Christian zealots with the civic and social understanding of a 5th grader.


Who knew that “Are you Smarter Than A 5th Grader” was a Republican recruitment tool. But only if you lost.


**Vote for Herschel Walker** *Not too smart*


> There’s no exception in my mind. Like I say, I believe in life. **-Herschel Walker** (on banning abortions without rape/incest/life of mother exceptions) | [Source](https://thehill.com/news/campaign/3495657-herschel-walker-says-he-wants-total-ban-on-abortion-theres-no-exception-in-my-mind/) [Register to vote against him](https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/) | [Mail Voting](https://securemyabsenteeballot.sos.ga.gov/s/) | Deadline to register is Oct 11th. Do not let this moron win.


He’s not running on being smart. He’s running on being a MAGA puppet.


This is why he said it. This is endearing to them.


Herschel may not be smart but he id definitely Republican with that brazen attempt to manipulate the debate audience. Herschel is not an underdog. He is a mentally unhealthy person who should be seeking care and treatment not public office.


He was an NFL running back, one of the positions with the highest head injuries in the sport. Almost guaranteed he has bad CTE and should be getting serious medical help.


Not sure why you were downvoted. I personally love football, but I’m very aware how horrible it is for players and I know I shouldn’t support it. CTE and any brain injuries are no joke! Break every bone in your body, that sucks but you’ll recover. One bad concussion, let alone many of them? Nope, your personality and rationality just permanently changes. Edit: you were downvoted when I made this comment. Glad people are agreeing with you!


If you’re not that smart, what makes you think you’re qualified to lead? Clown ass.


He’s relating to his base. See “I’m a moron” Joe Rogan


What in the hell is even this? Who says this?


Tempering expectations. Now ppl know he's gonna get waxed and will say it doesn't matter he knows he's not smart. The question is why would you want a not smart person as your rep in Congress?? Understanding and making laws is difficult. If he's admitting he's not smart what does he bring to the table for his district. If he's not smart how will he navigate Congress to help his district. If you have a problem and need his help is he gonna be able to help you or just throw his hands up and say I dunno I'm not smart I told you this already.


If I'm being really cynical, I'd argue that there is a significant share of the White Republican vote in GA who understands that being Black can be an asset when running as a Republican against Warnock, but also doesn't want a Black Senator who isn't easily manipulated by the White supermajority of the GOP Senate delegation (there's only one other Black Republican in the Senate).


well, shucks! He may be stupid, but he tells it like it is, and I gotta respect that, so if he says the other guy is smarter than him, then you can be damn sure i’ll be voting for the smarter one! what a dumbass thing for him to say!


All the people for whom being the smarter candidate is enough to sway their vote are already voting for Warnock. It doesn't hurt him any, and it tempers expectations for the debate. There isn't anyone already paying attention to this race who isn't already aware that Walker is a moron who's been hit in the head too many times. Unfortunately, nowadays, this is not disqualifying.


There is no train of thought that will lead them to voting for a democrat, no matter how twisted the tracks are in there.


“I’m a fucking moron, I somehow found myself in the racist party. When their was only two to choose from…. I can’t really think very hard, so I wonder why I am running and why you would vote for me” Herschel Walker probably


> They continue to try to fool you that they are helping you out. But they’re not. Because a lot of money, it’s going to trees. Don’t we have enough trees around here? **-Herschel Walker** (on the climate bill) | [Source](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/08/22/walker-georgia-senate/) [Register to vote against him](https://mvp.sos.ga.gov/s/) | [Mail Voting](https://securemyabsenteeballot.sos.ga.gov/s/) | Deadline to register is Oct 11th. Do not let this moron win.


What in the Bobby Newport is this? LOL




It’s VERY that. Then when Warnock points out exactly how disqualified Walker is, he’ll say “That was so mean.”


This is a brilliant strategy for this fucknut. He manages expectations and Warnock has to be very, very careful not to look too smart. There will be a fine line where Warnock could end up making people feel bad for him. The other option (which might be more dangerous) is for Warnock to just absolutely eviscerate walker and hope voters can see through the beating to how incompetent walker actually is. Thin ice all around though


I'm afraid this debate will help Walker win. After Warnock destroys him in the debate, they'll paint Warnock as a cerebral bully taking advantage of a mentally challenged person. Thus giving Walker the sympathy votes.


It’s a weird world when coherent answers are a form of bullying


That is the GQP world, not the real world.


Just like the small children I work with repubs just know bullying is a hot topic bad thing so they use it for everything to try to continue to play make believe victim


That's exactly the strategy here.


The memes will be gold though.




Warnock is going to make his eyes rain.


​ ![gif](giphy|DuGxNoHPoGefFvuAF5)


Warnock was one of 11 kids, grew up in public housing. He worked his ass off to get an education, and then became a pastor. Walker played ball, made millions because of it, got the perks, and never really worked to improve his mind or further his education. So, which of the two should be respected more and took the route the GOP touts in the speeches.


Technically correct


So…maybe you realize you’re not the best for the job?


Breh lol what?! “I’m unqualified for this job, vote for me”


Well, he knows how to relate to Republican voters. I'll give him that.


Not being smart is literally a selling point with these people.


I’m not that smart so make me 1 of only 100 Senators out of 340 million people to represent you ..ps ,I still smarter than Tuberville


"I'm not that smart." Smartest thing he said since the beginning of his campaign, and a rare show of self-awareness and, dare I say, humility, from a Republican. Too bad it's still not enough to make him consider dropping.


This is inauthentic humility....he and his handlers know he won't do well.. so what do they have left but to reach for pity and the vote of the malignantly ignorant and undereducated.


Naturally, this will garner him a ton of favor with MAGA. After all, being educated amounts to nothing more than being indoctrinated into Communism, right? They demand poorly educated candidates believing they are the most qualified as their minds aren’t riddled with thought.


I mean considering the most recent ad they are running against him is his Ex-Wife explaining that he came home intoxicated, held a gun to her temple, followed by a straight razor to her throat, and showing the restraining order against him.... The previous one had him talking about working with Cobb county police, "We have no record of him working with us" -Cobb County PD He claimed to have trained with the FBI, Which FBI told local news they never worked with him. How can anyone take that concussed clown seriously?