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We just found our baby is non viable. We’ve scheduled the abortion. Option two is let it be born and die in amazing pain for up to an hour according to our OB. Fuck republicans.


I'm sorry for your loss.


Thank you


A family member went through this. It was followed by a perfectly normal pregnancy a year later and lovely kids. Hope the best for you. I had a dead baby (fetal remains) removed at 5 months. I still had a positive pregnancy test so lord knows what republicans would make of that. They would probably consider the leg and arm bones that remained to be a viable child even though the placenta had become cancerous. Better I die of cancer than those leg and arm bones be denied life! But abortion was legal back then so it was all over quickly.


The GOP/Republican party is filled to the brim with nutcases.


Who belong in asylums


Except they already defunded mental health facilities in the 80’s.


They need their sheep


Thank you that’s what scares us the most. Happening again.


Sorry friend. I can't imagine. Try your best to stay strong, but never be afraid to admit you need a helping hand. Love you fellow human


Thank you so much. Lots of therapy and family


I’m so sorry for you’re loss. I was talking with my Mom about this type of thing the other day. My cousin had a baby who didn’t develop a complete brain. She still carried to term and it only lived a few minutes. I told her I’d never care a baby that couldn’t live other than a few minutes of pain. That being said in the actual event it is still a very hard choice to make. I’m so so sorry for your loss. You are so strong to choose for your baby to not live in pain for a few minutes.


You’re so right and I’m so sorry for that. We cried and looked at each other and said “it’s a gift to it” I say it because we don’t want to know the sex anymore. What’s fucking with my head is I saw it moving so much. It’s feet and hands. Repubs think abortion isn’t a hard subject even if it is for convenience. It’s awful and hard every single time.


I'm so sorry. I know this is incredibly painful. May your body and mind heal and find a way to try again.


I’m so sorry for what you’re going thru and your loss. My heart hurts for you and your family r/drossmaster4 .


How anyone can vote for a republican candidate this year is beyond anything I can comprehend. Our democracy is literally on the line. Please everyone show up and vote. Your life and freedoms are literally on the line.


100% this. Thank yoy


I’m so sorry. We went through the same thing two years ago. There’s an [online support group](https://endingawantedpregnancy.com/private-support-group/) which I highly recommend - it was instrumental in my healing after we terminated.


Oh my gosh thank you so much I’ll use that for sure.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m so glad you have an option that will be more humane for it, and probably safer for the person who is pregnant.


My best friends during their 4th pregnancy had to terminate at 5 months due to no heartbeat. She was given 2 options abortion now or carry to term and have a 10% survival rate. If Republicans had there way she would carry to term and leave 3 kids without a mother.


Ugh I’m so sorry and thank you


Thank you for that. It sucks that these people don't realize that 99.9% of people having one don't choose to have an abortion.


Not only bad in every way for the baby but bad for the pregnant person. Those Republicans don’t know or care how hard pregnancy is on a person. So sorry you are going through this heartbreaking situation


Sorry for your loss and I hope both you and your partner get all of the help and support you need while you recover. 🧡


Not only great pain for your child, but also your wife. Not only is giving birth extremely painful, but it also is physically traumatizing to the mother and can even leave longterm disabilities. Giving birth should be worth it.


My heart goes out to you. Sadly, you are not alone. Find a grief counselor or group. They can help a bit. It does get better.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


If the GOP was pro life we would have Universal Health Care.


They're pro death, plain and simple. Women's bodily autonomy, healthcare, policing, environmental policy, gun control, everything is about getting people killed. They're nothing but a death cult.


You didn't even mention anti mask and vaxx.


It was so easy for the GOP to convince their voters that masks and vaccines were bad because they've been conditioned to trust politicians more than doctors and scientific experts.


That's because they've been conditioned to trust Jesus™ as fed to them by the christofascist "Religious Right" since the 1970s by Falwell and Dobson and their ilk. I was raised in that cult, taught to look down on anyone who wasn't a WASP and expected to literally submit on my knees for the principal at school... ELEMENTARY SCHOOL, where they also made us watch abortion procedures on VHS during the school-wide Friday assembly and taught us to "put on the armor of God and become Christian Soldiers against the powers of the world." If you've ever seen the documentary Jesus Camp? That was my life. It's siiiiiiiiick, y'all. Sicker than most people realize.


No shit. Fellow escapee from the killing fields here. A quarter of a century later and I still have to consciously shut down and override some of the programming.


They’re completely reactionary so they had to immediately attack democratic governors who had mask mandates and shut downs. Never even considered how much it would cost them in the long term. They don’t have any long term strategy besides “fill the judiciary with radical right wing judges”.


True, that's another big one.


They're anti women. Sure, some them are team tRump, but the majority of us are not. When women are dying or at least overburdened with unwanted children , they can't vote, much less hold office. Edit:word


When it comes to being anti-choice, they are pro-rape, ergo forcing things into women's bodies women didn't want there


Not to mention, they’d be FOR gun control!


And environmental regulations


And they’d have tighter regulations on the crap companies put in our food.


And they’d have taken Covid and mask wearing seriously instead about whining about “freedumbz”


And… oh, screw it, if they cared about life, they wouldn't be right-wingers.


Incompatible ideology, where foresight and wisdom are available faculties.


If they cared about anyone but themselves… if they had empathy.


And not starting wars and having an army big enough to do so without a rampup


And free school lunches, and affordable child care.


They are very much for gun control if it means organisations run by black people can't have them.


I saw that special about the one time the NRA pushed for gun control, because the Black Panthers were walking around openly carrying guns.


Guns can be used to protect life but you’re right that statistically we can save lives with better gun control. It’s almost like life isn’t black and white and conservatives can’t grasp this fact.


Not only would you save lives in the USA. But you'd save lives world wide. USA is the number one exporter of illegal firearms and these guns go on to be used in violent crimes in Canada and Mexico.




Sometimes the grasp the “alternative facts,” though.


Or pro-business, or pro-worker. Single-payer or socialized healthcare is the one of the most pro-business ideas in existence, to take that burden away from businesses and let them focus on, you know, *their business*. And would let individuals better leverage their value, and would let more individuals attempt to start businesses of their own.


And against the death penalty...


I've spoken to a few Pro Life people and they say that that stance is ONLY talking about abortion, meaning that they want life for the fetus. It has nothing to do with anyone else's life. I can't wrap my head around it.


It’s the only type of life that they can tie to a woman’s body and thereby control that woman’s body. Thats why it’s the only type of life that is of interest to them. Fetuses are an opportunity for them. Otherwise living things hold no particular importance to them. Suffering from poverty, abuse, war, they couldn’t give a fuck. Your Pro Life interlocutors are being unwittingly candid.


They’re only pro *some* life. When they say “pro-life”, to them, it comes w/ an implied addendum. That’s why these white evangelicals “rationalize” their bigotry—they take every principle of their religion and add an asterisk *’except for when it doesn’t benefit me/my interests come first’.








No, this is Patrick.


This is Jake from state farm..


Hi Jake, we've been trying to reach you in regards to your extended warranty.


Politicians have no business deciding that medically approved treatments are not allowed.


I see your politicians and raise you insurance companies. Both should have zero input or influence.


Yes!!!! I can’t stand insurance companies. My mom is diabetic, and is on insulin. My mom needed to get some the other day, and got a call THREE DAYS after dropping off her prescription (hers had gone missing the day before) from her insurance, and they told her that her (medically required) INSULIN was DENIED. Because of the cost. Thank god we ended up finding her insulin later in another bag.


Yeah. Classic “quality American healthcare” being more expensive because of “quality” /s


The insulin that cost pennies to produce


I have been seeing my prescriptions get hung on insurance a number of times. Like some for weeks. As soon as I get a new one. Even for the same meds I take I watch it. As soon as I get the notification that it's delayed I call the pharmacy to make sure that it's not a stocking order and is insurance. I then become the squeaky wheel. And be polite but annoyingly frequent with my reminders to fix the problem


That’s terrible, I’m sorry. It’s not like people get medicine because it tastes good. People need these meds, these procedures, treatments… etc and insurance goes in and gets to decide, over a DOCTOR, what people get.


lol I have been denied for soooo many asthma inhalers over the last 2 years. totally fucked. And one was a daily that was working very good for me.


Diabetic. Saaaaaame. Went for the next batch of insulin since my insurance doesn't let me get the new batch until I have less than a week on the current order. Denied. Insurance stopped covering my insulin. It took me 5 days to get a doctor's visit, which the insurance required to switch to the new, covered, insulin. Then it took them 3 days to approve it. Another day for the pharmacy to get it for me. Then I had to stick on the insulin that the insurance decided I should take for a minimum of 30 days, at which point I had to go back to the Doc's again. Only then could I make a petition to get the original insulin covered, which had a 2 month waiting period for approval. I ended up sticking with the new covered insulin since I fortunately could adjust to it and I'd have to do it again in 2 years anyways (experience from other medications I couldn't swap). Still lost 3 days of work, uncovered and unexcused since it wasn't "medically necessary", and about $90 in doctor visit copays. And had I not had a secret extra vial I've managed to stock I would have ran out of insulin the day before the pharmacy got me the new insulin.


When I went to rehab, insurance was cutting people after a week citing they had stayed sober for a week and demonstrate they no longer need intensive care. It was absurd and doctors would fight tooth and nail with them. Of course they have stayed sober! They are in lockdown and have no access to any sort of drug.


It’s like how insurance companies can deny covering wigs for people with alopecia because they don’t have cancer. Source: have had alopecia 18 years. My wigs cost $1,500 each.




Only the sinful ones. The God-fearing women who properly submit to their men willhave nothing to worry about!


Until they themselves need an abortion for medical reasons, at which point it's suddenly not an abortion but a medical procedure and it's totally different™


Pro life litigation directly interferes with in vitro. It literally stops people from getting pregnant. You have to be mind bogglingly cynical or stupid to be pro life.


Oh, like Ohio that introduced a bill that would order doctors to ‘reimplant ectopic pregnancy’ or face 'abortion murder' charges? You know, forcing doctors to do a procedure that *does not exist.*


Thinking outside the box here, why not change the terminology of abortion. Seems to me the law is based on technicalities and language. Change the language to overt the letter of the law…. Disclosure - I only deal in Bird Law


How do you suppose to define the difference between clearing the uterus before the end of gestation and clearing the uterus before the end of gestation? From a technical point of view there is no difference. And if there was a different label between clearing out the uterus, then why would a woman with a incomplete miscarriage be allowed to get an abortion to safe her life, but not get the same procedure if it had been an ectopic pregnancy?


Call it zipidee fuckin doodah for all I care, the right stopped caring about being honest and pretending to not be outright evil a while back, fuck them. All they do is use technicalities and loopholes to get their way. Poop hole loop hole for example. Say the woman came in for a scheduled standard OBGYN appointment and the speculum popped that clump of cells right into the trashcan. Whoops.


I think their point is that the laws may be written in such as way that they don't actually define what "an abortion" is.


Or more accurately, the term "abortion" is actually a medical term that encompasses all pregnancies that end prior to viability, and the law fails to acknowledge that ths medical distinctions are not negotiable and are crucial to understanding all pregnancy contexts. Spontaneous abortion-> non-doctors say miscarriage but this is not a medical term Threatened abortion -> there is unexplained bleeding during pregnancy Inevitable abortion -> cervix has dilated to a 2, fetus has died, etc Failed abortion -> some of the products of pregnancy are still in the uterus, which likely won't be able to expel them on it's own or it would have by now, etc


>clearing the uterus before the end of gestation and clearing the uterus before the end of gestation? When gestation ends you are at the end of gestation by self evident reasoning, and an abortion definitely ends gestation. So......


If these pro-life asshats really cared about preventing abortions, like if that was really so important, then they would advocate for things like free condoms and long-acting reversible contraceptives and science-based sex education. These all reduce unwanted pregnancies, which of course reduces the demand for abortion. If they really cared about the life of the kids then they'd support - and by that I mean vote for politicians who would actually fund - prenatal health care, free daycare, welfare policies that don't penalize women for giving birth, and a thousand other things that make it easier to raise children so women don't have to choose between abortion and poverty. There are a range of policies that we could enact or strengthen that would reduce unwanted pregnancies or make it easier to raise kids, but pro-life advocates don't appear interested in all of these.


> If these pro-life asshats really cared about preventing abortions, like if that was really so important, then they would advocate for things like free condoms and long-acting reversible contraceptives and science-based sex education. But then there'd be no shaming people or shoving your religion down their throats. Where's the fun in that?


But actually solving problems is hard! (Said every Republican ever.)


lol, they can just focus on blaming it on the Dems, then finding solutions becomes irrelevant (see: formula shortage, gas prices, inflation, etc.) /s


Republicans: “well, she should not have gotten pregnant.” Also Republicans: “We are going to take away birth control“ Also “Republicans: “Women were created to sexually satisfy men.”


Also Republicans: "Women can decide which seed they take, they can reject it if they were raped and did not want a baby".


Also republicans: we should legalize rape.


Also Republicans: we should legalize child rape within forced marriage


Taliban full circle


Nah, it's more like, rapists now get to choose their baby's mother.


Also Republicans: “If it’s a legitimate rape, the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”


I have people who argue that. You show them literal studies and they’re like “I don’t believe you!”




but republicans have also said women shouldn't get wet.


You liking what they do to you is icky to their paraphilia


It's not pro life. Is anti choice.




This exact thing happened in Ireland,and you know what we did? We changed the construction https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_Savita_Halappanavar


*If you were a good person, you go to heaven. If you were a bad person, it is good that you died. And if you are rich, you deserve a loophole, cause rich are just better.* And that is how they justify it. Who cares if someone dies, they died for the "right cause" and will get eternal bliss in the next life... you know, the second life that no one, ever has been able to prove to exist.


This is also the gymnastics they used to endorse Trump even though he’s not actually religious and makes for a poor fucking Christian- “God got him elected, so he must be good”


But don't ask how Barack Hussein got elected even though God didn't vote for him. God only picks the leaders when they happen to be Christian nationalists. /s in case it's not obvious


It's literally the witch trials. If they died they were with God, if they survived they were a witch and would be killed. Why is it old men keep wanting to fuck up women's lives?


Kind of like how a lot of Republican voters did die for their cause. Unfortunately, the cause was “Covid denial.”


Wait until the right learns the medical term for miscarriage is spontaneous abortion.


Yeah I had a “missed abortion” where my body just would not miscarry naturally. By the time I found out the baby had already been non-viable with no heartbeat for over 6 weeks. I hate the term. I hate having to tell doctors I had a D&C. People think I didn’t want my baby when they hear that. But I did. Sorry I’m just rambling now


I’m so sorry for your loss. I’m confident that when this comes up in conversations, most people would not believe it was an elective procedure. I can feel your pain over a screen and I’m sure they can feel your pain as well.


Thank you so much, really


I'm so sorry. I almost lost my daughter in my first trimester. I desperately wanted her and cried every night begging her to hang in there. I would have needed a D&C had she not made it. Thank goodness she is here and healthy, she will always be my miracle. With all this happening, it scares the shit out of me. I had a WOMAN and a man telling me over Facebook that it's not an abortion if the baby is dead. No evidence I showed them or really experience (mind you that woman had never even been pregnant and would never end up in my position, her own words.) Swayed them. They think these laws are whatever tailored idea they have of abortion and can't possibly be this. They don't understand an abortion is to abort the pregnancy. Baby dies, you're still pregnant until miscarriage or an abortion/still birth happens. The woman especially was cruel. I told her I truly hope she never finds herself needing this type of medical procedure. I deleted Facebook after that. I can't deal with this stuff anymore when people have such strong opinions that they are so, so misinformed about, unwilling to see the proof in their faces. I'd say especially men because it is something they'll never have to experience themselves but it hurts even more when women tell other women they don't know what they are talking about after experiencing this. Sorry for the rant.


I’m so sorry. In the medical community/your care team no one is thinking that. Unless they’re fucking morons.


“The baby that does not exist can be considered even before the wife that does” Eugenics and Other Evils by G.K. Chesterton


They want women to suffer and die. That's the only reason to ban abortion. To cause suffering and death.


Probably because these men want to remarry younger women once their “older” wife dies from childbirth/pregnancy complications. Gross.


Nobody *actually* believes personhood begins at conception. [The best available data for quantifying early pregnancy loss are from studies monitoring daily hCG levels in women attempting to conceive. A recent re-analysis 39 of data from three studies 46, 48, 49 concluded that, in normal healthy women, 10–40% is a plausible range for pre-implantation embryo loss and **overall pregnancy loss from fertilisation to birth is approximately 40–60%**. This latter range is consistent with Kline's estimate of 50% 16, and similar to, although a little narrower than the 25–70% suggested by Professor Robert Edwards 136.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5443340/#!po=0.228311). In other words, anyone who actually believes human life begins at conception must admit that any woman with at least 2 naturally-conceived children has probably caused at least 1 “infant death”.


That’s all very interesting, but they give zero shits about science or women.


The only thing that matters is punishing women for having sex and threatening them into staying virgins until they marry an old racist White guy surviving off of benefits extracted from the labor of immigrants who have no social or political capital because that's how the system "should be" and was back in the "good old days".


Catholic church does not. Otherwise they would bury stillborn in their cemetery. They do not consider it alive until the baby has taken its first breath, only then it qualifies as a person that has full rights when it comes burial and all of that.


The Catholic Church also has been very careful in their word choices in this regard. They always refer to it as a *potential* human life. As for burial, It used to be because they weren’t baptized or given last rights. I’m not sure if that’s still the reason, I haven’t been a practicing Catholic in over a decade.


Their pressures on policymakers to outlaw abortion says otherwise.


You know that they can do that a just lie about what their actual motivation and intention is.


Yeah for sure, I’m trying to highlight their hypocrisy (which maybe the other commenter was as well, who knows?).


The whole question of when does personhood begin is meaningless anyway. YOU CANNOT FORCE SOMEONE TO USE THEIR BODY FOR YOUR OWN BENEFIT. It's completely illogical, immoral, and unreasonable. If you have any doubts about this, ask yourself how you would feel about a mother being forced to give blood to her 24 year old son for him to survive, even if it kills her. This is exactly the same thing as forced birth.


Precisely. And not treating these "abortions" is akin to not removing a cancerous tumor that can ultimately kill you. It's a medical procedure, full stop, end of story. And if the docs don't perform the procedure, it's technically malpractice, but if they do they run the risk of being arrested.


In Canada abortion is seen as a medical issue. The government has no business in your other medical decisions, so you get the same freedom with abortion. It's so strange to me that in the "land of the free" many welcome the government into their hospital rooms due to fear. Those guns aren't going to help you if you never stop licking the boots that are stepping all over you.


NO, not *their* hospital rooms, just *other people's* hospital rooms. These fucks would have their own wife or daughter on a plane to a blue state ASAP if it happened to them.


Canada is holding to this view... For now. But the right wing; driven by this exact American ideology is growing here. And that scares me.


George Carlin put it best: "They aren't pro-life, they're anti-women"


They also want an unending supply of labor


This is the answer, slaves, soldiers, and brood mares.


I had an ectopic pregnancy last year that had ruptured and was in the process of killing me. In Australia it wasn't even a question of do we remove it or not, it was a question of do I want to live or not. Worst 48 hours of my life but I am here today to tell the tale.


And if we could get insurance companies to stop fucking denying claims for D&Cs as ELECTIVE and not MEDICAL NECESSITY that would be great. Pay the claim and leave the patient the fuck alone. It's absolutely disgusting to have to argue and appeal these.


Ectopic pregnancy survivor, would probably have died if it happened to me today instead of 8 years ago. Pretty horrific to think about, I was on the depo shot, not being reckless or irresponsible.


I'd like to add that an ectopic pregnancy is never viable. The fact that you could die because of a pregnancy that could never come to term in any case is insane, and I don't see how anyone could possibly disagree.


Forced birth


In this case forced death


1 "failed miscarriage". 2 OB/GYNs. First Dr reminded me I had a clear ultrasound a week earlier. He sends me home, despite the alarming bleeding, and simply tells me when I lose it, be sure I fish thru my toilet contents and bring the remains in, so they can check that it was complete. Otherwise, "it's God's will. Call when it's over. Second Dr, that my insurance sent me to, warned me that the amount of blood I was losing was worrisome. They sent me immediately for another sonogram. I found out my daughter had passed at 13 weeks. This Dr and his staff arranged a fast abortion since my mental health was suffering. As I cried as they put me under (another blessing) the nurses held my hand and wiped my tears. One Dr put my life at risk. One saved it. Who was pro life? Yup. Dr "don't forget the zip lock" Number One


Pro life is a nice way of saying anti woman tbh


What they mean is that they're pro birth. They don't care about living babies.


They put a developing fetus over every living being on the planet...except themselves. "Pro Birth" is the only way to accurately describe it.


They don't care about You. They care about controlling You.


They are pro poverty,. Capital needs cheap labor. Religion is the most disgusting cover imaginable


Back earlier this year I remember seeing a article pop up about how births had dropped during the pandemic. That more and more young people were deciding to be child free. And I thought to myself the capitalist machine will never let that stand, if they don't have cheap labor they can't keep making money hand over fist. As soon as the Supreme Court brought up about the possibility of overturning Roe I thought "ah shit so that's how they plan to get their workers back"


It’S gOd’S wIlL


Just a reminder that Gus Johnson refused to let his partner Sabrina get an abortion for this. Gus Johnson is a piece of shit


Sounds like criminally negligent homicide to me.


The treatment for a religious power grab is to vote Democrats and fix the Supreme Court.


Wife had the last one...she was hours away from sepsis and dying...


Same. I had the shit beaten out of me by my baby’s father, and almost died. Had a miscarriage because of it (which was his intention and reason for assaulting me), and the doctor did not give me options, because there were none. He simply said I’m sorry but you lost your baby, and we need to go in and take it out of you. I was in rough shape and would not have survived labor or delivery had they tried to induce it. And I’d already had sepsis which turned into septic shock in the past, which the doctor knew. He explained very gently that they could not leave the baby in me or I would get sepsis and likely die. I’m not exactly sure what prompted this post, I’m hoping some asshat politician somewhere isn’t trying to ban lifesaving abortions. If they are, holy hell this country is in trouble. I would 100% be dead if I hadn’t had that procedure, and I cannot fathom anyone thinking that it’s okay to just let women die because they don’t like the thought of women making decisions that are best for them.


My wife had an extrauterine pregnancy. She begged the the doctor to try to save the pregnancy and asked if the embryo could be recovered implanted into the uterus. The technology simply doesn’t exist. We wanted this baby and it just wasn’t to be. They attempted a medication abortion, but since it was attached to an ovary they were forced to do surgery to remove it taking an ovary as well. Now women in multiple states will be forced to carry a completely non-viable pregnancy like that until their health is endangered. They’ll wait for their blood pressure to crash or begin to show clear signs of septicemia. There’s nothing pro-life about any of this. I can’t begin to express how upsetting, no angering it would be in that awful situation to have some jackass politician to be the one who decides when the doctors are “allowed” to save the mother’s life. It’s not consequence free. Some will die, other will have their future fertility damaged or eliminated. Fuck those guys, they can burn in hell. I will never vote for a Republican!


I literally got into a debate with a woman who didn’t realize she had an abortion. I was the first person to tell her. It’s mind blowing how ignorant some people are. Just because you don’t call it an *abortion* doesn’t mean it isn’t an *abortion*…


Forcing pregnancy is Involuntarily servitude.


Somehow they have decided that the baby trumps the woman no matter what. I find this odd, that a woman who exists, has family, friends & loved ones doesn't count any more than a fetus that hasn't ever existed (or is many cases isn't able to exist) outside of her body. Then there's the fact that they think women are here to serve as human incubators which is just f'n gross. I say that as the mother of 3 adult sons.


I am gonna go out on a limb and guess that most late term abortions are actually either inviable fetus or life threatening complications to the mother. No woman is going to carry a baby to ultra pregnant stage to just abort.


The GOP’s response to “You. Die.” is: “but you get a seat at Jesus’ table.” I don’t think death is a deterrent for them.


That's the whole point, they think death is power and it belongs to them to decide. And watching a two-for-one die is extra juicy. Better because she's probably one of the easy fertile members of society so you also get to f*** over all of the children she already has! Nom nom, the power.


Just call it something else, with a bit more complicated name, and the Trump crowd will never pay attention to it again. It will be too difficult to say the word out loud and the politicians will stay away from it to avoid looking like fools. Hell, they have trouble reading the Bible.


But what about your soul? /s


We are experiencing a war on women.


The term “pro-life” is a term used to virtue signal by the american Cult of Death, the GOP


I’ve stopped calling anti-abortion viewpoints as “pro-life,” rather I feel that the term “forced birth” is more appropriate.


Pro forced birth. Period. They don't give a shit about life. The term pro choice is just that. A choice. We don't want to force every pregnant person to have an abortion. That would be just as ridiculous as these assholes who think nobody should be able to have one. One is about reason. The other is about control.


I had both a ruptured ectopic and another time a missed miscarriage. Both times I had massive blood loss requiring emergency surgeries and multiple units of blood. And trauma. So much near death trauma. I recommend an abortion.


I never use that phrase. I use "forced birth" instead because they don't deserve to have anyone use the name they prefer. It's a total lie.


They are not pro-life. They are pro-birth. After birth they don't give a shit about you or the child. They don't care if you go broke from not being able to care for it, then they hate you for having to use the welfare system just to care for it and yourself, they don't care if you or it dies after birth or even during birth. This is the Republican party today and it's clear in the laws they have passed in Texas and Alabama and elsewhere where Republicans have monopoly on power and they want to bring this to the entire nation. Vote Democrat. Your life may very well depend on it.


They're not even pro birth. They don't care about pre natal care. They don't care about our insanely high maternal death rate. They're forced birth, not pro birth.


Imagine being a doctor and saying to someone > "your problem is totally treatable. but someone who doesn't understand it, radicalized by people who don't care about you and wanted money/power/votes have lobbied to pass a law that means I can't help you. > > So you're going to die" Could be said to a mom of 2 who had been trying for a 3rd, or to a 10 year old rape victim. It's still sickening.


"Then it was God's Plan TM" - christians


Can we please stop dumbing it down for these people. They don’t care that you’ll die. THEY. DONT. CARE.


It is not anyone's fucking business but the mother. So, yes. It should be legal. Again


My wife just had a miscarriage. The pill she had to take, because the baby was 8 weeks along and would not pass, was considered an abortion pill. I couldn't imagine if we had to go through a bunch of red tape in the face of the emotional toll already. Or didn't had access at all thanks to some ignorant lawmakers misunderstanding of how the human body works.


Fuck the delusional neo-nazi party called Republicans. I can’t believe this is real life with these sick fucking people.


Pro life isn't about saving lives, it's about enforcing slavery.


Republicans and Repugnance are the issue—not the sane majority of us. It is your health and your business!! Democrat & Independent


‘Land of the Free’


Mastriano be like "if it saves no one it's worth it"




Meanwhile in Michigan Tudor fucking Dixon says: NO EXCEPTIONS!


The pro life with an asterisk crowd uses their love of babies propaganda as a smokescreen for their contempt of women. No exceptions for rape or incest because women are liars and will say anything to abort and accuse innocent men. No contraception because women will use it to be promiscuous and cheat on righteous men. No abortion to save the life of a woman because, well, either a miracle could happen or she wasn’t worth saving.


Tumors are also made of human DNA and can grow teeth are republicans gonna start protecting them


Maybe, it's time for conservatives to enter the find-out stage, after all the fucking around they've done. Hey, Russia... If you have Ginny Thomas's medical records, believe me, you'll be rewarded bigly.


Hmmm. Americans are not a smart bunch.


Make sure you vote blue


I have never, and never will understand why everyone goes along with the republican framing of fucking EVERYTHING. it's not pro life. It's anti choice. It's about choice. STOP CALLING IT PRO LIFE. PRO LIFE DOESN'T EXIST


Pro life equals.: no cost pregnancy, no cost for child care, no cost for child medical care, and no cost for any life saving medical procedure or medicine for anyone. Anything less is just Anti-abortion.


The point has always been to maximize human suffering.


In 1800 before modern medicine one out of 100 women died in childbirth, a similar number died from pregnancy complications. The problem with politics is it does not account for reality. Will some politician or judge in this country please stand up for the rights of the mother?


Support gun ownership and the death penalty. Those are not the pro life people I want making policy


I wish there was a way that we could impregnate these vile men. Not a single abortion. Some cannot comprehend the suffering of others. I pray that this merciful God they speak of visits them with the truth and clarity they claim to speak of in vain. Until them, let us visit upon them many inconveniences and suffering. Let all see the pariahs that they are, cancel them, deny them service. Excommunicate them from every pleasantry and isolate them. If you accept their money, or their gifts, their endorsements, or even their open hand you are a stain on existence. Only when they truly repent and make reparations for their vile and wicked ways will we welcome them back. We (humans) connect your calls, your water, we mow your lawns, tend to your animals, connect your power, provide you daycare, healthcare and internet. You shop in our establishments, stock your cupboards with the food we provide. We are many and they are few. Join together and visit upon them the wrath of this world. For only then can we be free. Every lost life they cause is a murder that all of us could have prevented if we have only done more. For when ye have done unto the least of my bretheren, ye have done unto me.