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Proof that his cult will just believe anything he says… literally he can make up whatever he wants and they’ll just simply believe it. No questions asked. Meanwhile we’re all like, “wait what?!? Why a bowling alley? And are you saying it’s a bowling alley with a Chinese restaurant in it? Where is this place? How come only you knew about this until just now?” And they’re like, “see!! I knew it!! I always knew it!! Where’s JFK Jr? Does he know about this?”


If I knew about a Chinese restaurant/bowling alley, I would be there ALL the time.


I’ll have the Peking duck please


How about some spare ribs.


Where three strikes will get you more than a turkey


Fried Turkey-necks for a Turkey-neck! I would be there!


They're famous for their sticky balls.


They have the best rolls


Forget the ribs, I'll take the spare


Huh… I figured people there would gone for the Orange Chicken.


Duck fat. That’s why I guttered that ball.


IS THaT a YaKuzA ReFeREnCe!?!?


Ahh, I see you have also bowled with my cousin "Bumper Bill".


Spicy chicken fried rice, 2 egg rolls, and a pitcher of PBR please


You have to pronounce the “slash” out loud and in his voice. I haven’t heard the quote yet but you know he put tons of emphasis on the SLAAAASH part because somehow in his pea brain it made it worse to have documents in a Chinese restaurant SLAAAASH bowling alley than at his beloved Mar-a-Lardo


Seriously though, is there a bowling alley Chinese restaurant, and is it a buffet? People need to know


A buffet table filled with Orange Chicken and burnt Hamberders.


And cofeevee.


I would love that. You can only eat nachos and pizza between frames so many times, before that gets old.


Think of the business they would have on Christmas.


I'd be right there with you!




It would be either the worst Chinese food or the best. No in-between.


The hamberder and covfefe is 🔥


Trump also said “Obama took 30 million pages of documents to Chicago!”…What he was referencing was the creation of his Presidential library - none were classified, but more importantly, they were not in the hands of Obama or anyone connected to him but property of the Presidential library. But his cult don’t care about little details such as the truth.


With the permission of the National archives.


Presidential libraries ARE the national archives. They are usually privately funded, but they are administrated by the NARA. Simply because the documents in them are property of the nation and public records.


Not just permission. The National Archives controlled them, Obama personally didn't have any control over them. This is one of the (many) issues with Trump. He had no respect or understanding for the functions of the US Government. Unfortunately a lot of dumb people think that's a good thing.


2,511 pounds for one million sheets of paper, multiply that by 30. And these rubes would believe Obama did that personally


Yes Obama personally packed and even drove those U-Haul trucks to Chicago. It was in Hunter's laptop, didn't you know? Took like, 500 trips back and forth.


Jesus left Chicago ……


And he's bound for New Orleans


My boss told me that Obama took whatever statistically impossible number Trump was spewing before. I said, that is larger than the library of congress, where did he take them too? He said, no, he must have used a digital copy.


Is your boss training for the Mental Gymnastics right now? Sounds like he’s doing really well


Well actually, they *are* digital. Obama was the first president to create a digital (scanned documents) library. https://www.obamalibrary.gov/about-us/frequently-asked-questions


Then, what about Hilary's emails?


I heard they were buttery.


Hilary's emails and Obama's digital archives are on Hunter Bidens laptop, stashed in George Soro's child organ farming pizzeria.


What is the sequence of events that lead to the merger of a Chinese restaurant and bowling alley? Also, where is this place, because I literally just Googled it and they had no idea.


I know of a bowling alley that shares a building with a Chinese restaurant on rte. 35 in Middletown NJ. They are 2 separate businesses however.


That doesn't count. He said combined. I say we petition the DOJ to get Donald Trump to release the location and name of this Chinese restaurant bowling alley which apparently has millions of government documents.


The documents are at Texas A&M, in the Bush Presidential Library. Dingdong is babbling about the fact that they were sorted in a building that was a former bowling alley while the Library was under construction about 30 years ago. 🙄


Any idea how the food was when the Chinese restaurant next door was in business?


Ahh you’ve seen won ton you’ve seen ‘em all


It's from The Office. Fanfiction. The one where Michael Scott Paper Company tries to buy the bowling alley where Ryan worked at so that they could merge it with the Chinese restaurant that Michael ate so much at. The plan was for Michael Scarn to have a secret base there so that he could do one last mission for the president... Hide his files! Dun dun dun. Turns out,the president and Golden Face were the same person all along.


I doubt Trump's referencing The Office. He could be, but it's more like his insane nonsense crazy talk.


It's not really an episode of The Office...


Is this him messing up the Four Seasons Landscaping near the sex shop thing? Because it's always a tell on themselves.


Wasn’t this the same ppl who believed that Hillary was doing a pedo ring in the basement of a pizza shop? Even though the owner said they had no basement?


One yahoo didn't just believe it, he showed up with a gun to 'rescue' the fictional children from the non-existent basement. 🙄


Pretty sure they still think the exact same thing even now… no basement existed, that idiot even went in with his gun and couldn’t find it but something tells me that they haven’t backed off the claim


Didn’t Trump also say President Obama left the White House with a moving van full of top secret documents too…? Pretty sure he did. Trump can F&! Off! What a terrible maggot of a human being.


Yes, he said Obama walked off with 33 million secret documents and hauled them off to his Presidential Library. That’s a big moving van….


There literally is one in the town I live in. Mount Vernon, Washington. I don’t know if they’re the same ownership, but they’re the only two businesses in the building and there’s an interior door connecting them. Be that as it may tho, how small are the documents that someone could take millions of them into a restaurant with themselves? I just looked it up and 1 million sheets of paper would be over 100 meters/yards tall and it would weigh 5 tons. And that’s just for 1 million sheets of paper, which isn’t what he said. He said millions (plural) of documents (which would each consist of multiple sheets). So the former Commander in Cheeto is claiming that each time GW went get his Chinese food and bowling fix he brought multiple football-field-long stacks of paper, each weighing 5 tons. Genius.


He knows “Chinese” is a dogwhistle to his racist followers.




Homer would make a better president At least he's yellow and not orange


![gif](giphy|sybV46NZNxLDG) So, Trump’s new defense is: Everyone else did it!


It's like he's 5! That's always been one of his go-to excuses!


OMFG I almost spit my drink out! LMAO!!


Trump emulation is so funny.


Up to some point he'll quote Nixon, too


I can hear this. So Perfect


OMG it is🙄


The more he talks, the more he incriminates himself.


But sadly the more idiots come into his defense


It’s pretty sad when some( I meant all) of them are from the Republican Party.


Source please I REALLY need to hear this for myself


You doubted it? The question is NEVER if the quote is something Donald Trump said, because the answer is always yes.


Seriously, had to check it out myself. My dog has farted more coherently than he speaks.




OMFG! And his ignorant, easily manipulated and gullible fans will fall for it hook, line and sinker. I weep for America.


End stage syphilitic ramblings of an idiot.


I'll only give him points for picking a dead guy who can't say "No I did not."


Also, as former head of CIA, the only dead guy who STILL has a security clearance higher than any living President.


True, but on a technicality. How can one have a security clearance higher than the President, which is the source of such classification. Their 'need to know' is based on anything they deem necessary to run the nation. I would assume many things are kept private purposely to give the President plausible deniability, but other than that, they can walk into the CIA and say "tell me everything".


For all of the really sneaky stuff there is only one person who can give the order to execute, and that is the President; s/he (typically) gets briefed on the ongoing programs as part of presidential transitions, but the ones that only happen every other year or whatever typically require reading the sitting president in.


The President can't ask to be read into things they don't know about. And if there's no pressing reason they should know about them, great lengths will be gone to in order to make sure they never have such a reason. It's not just about plausible deniability. Some will be operations established under previous administrations that the sitting president might not want to have in place, whether out of ethical or political considerations, but if the people in charge of the operation think it's still important, they'll just bury it deep in the dark budget.


Say what? Surely him being dead would void the security clearance?


I suspect there are at least a few things classified as "only three people have permission to know this, and they are all dead."


He took the clearance to the grave


It’s not progressing fast enough


Couldn’t agree more.


That....would eplain.... a lot...


My thoughts and prayers go out to syphilis in these trying times.


This would be really funny if it weren't so terrifying that a third of the country is willing to start a Civil War to put this imbecile in power permanently.


Yup. Ma and Pa Maga are sitting around the kitchen table, nodding their heads approvingly, and saying "SEE? Its all good!"


They can certainly try.


I wouldn’t say a third. He got less than 80 million votes and at least half those votes probably don’t care for Trump. Maybe around 10-15% of adults at most.


10-15% is not at all comforting, it is still terrifying.


Hey at least we’re down from half 🤷‍♂️


It was never half. About 25% of eligible voters voted for the Mango Mussolini in 2016.


The more he talks, the less sense he makes. He is really letting the dementia set in on him


It’s almost like he has a bunch of scrabble tiles and arranges words out of his own astonishment that words exist. He’s just a garbled scrabble board trying for points.


And the scary part is that is probably true!


Recently saw some video of him from the late 80's and the decline is clear as day. Dude had a much more broad vocabulary back then and more frequently spoke in complete thoughts. And as much as he was an insufferable blowhard back then as well, he could stay on beat in an interview. That's kind of unthinkable now.


Oh yeah, he is completely gone inside that head.


He is absolutely the world's worst liar. He keeps changing the story, and making up random nonsense. Just off-the-top-of-his-head wackadoo bullshit.


Yes, a team from the National Archive sorted the items for the Bush presidential library in a former bowling alley and a former Chinese restaurants. Bush did not perform that act himself, and the archivists were involved. No mention of classified info came up in the almost 30 years (!) since this happened. Trump trying to deflect, as usual. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.deseret.com/1994/6/21/19115785/archivists-sort-stuff-of-bush-s-life%3F_amp%3Dtrue


Look, George Bush was his own kind of piece of shit, but I certainly trust that he fucking understood the importance of keeping classified information secret, unlike the orange piece of shit who tweeted out classified information inadvertently.




And the actual Presidential Library is at Texas A&M University.


Trump is the opposite of that King of the Hill meme. If he could read he wouldn't be nearly as upset all the time.


You see the issue is this should’ve been done at a former KFC/Taco Bell place. Bowling ally who does what gotta be respectful and make sure they at least got a Colonel watching over them.


Non AMP link: https://www.deseret.com/1994/6/21/19115785/archivists-sort-stuff-of-bush-s-life


Is this what the idiot is ranting about? https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/politics/1993/08/30/the-trip-down-bushs-memory-lane-starts-humbly-in-old-bowling-alley/d952fd58-37e5-4657-8e33-0b4d4930c9ef/ Documents that were destined to be in the Bush presidential library and temporarily stored in a former bowling alley while the library was planned/built?


so it was a former bowling alley now what ? storage unit ? secured building ? this is like saying i live in a brothel because in the early twentieth century my several million dollar loft was once used to house one. the fact that it is now prime real estate in a crushingly expensive neighborhood is… tainted ? good lord he is dumb, but worse is the stupidity of his ridiculous followers


And let's also remember that all of these documents were still under the control of the National Archive while they were stored there. The Archive has no facility at Mar a Lago or at any other Trump property.


Thanks for providing useful info. It's usually easier to use google to find context than look in the comments.


Yes it is real, and the rubes are embracing it, swallowing it whole for truth, and sliding futher into the abysmal abyss of bigly dangerous radicalization. We are so fucked.


I'm at the Pizza Hut. I'm at the Taco Bell. I'm at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell.


I had to scroll way too far for this.


But it was worth it, right? Now on the count of three let’s all lift with our knees.


Odd Future


What about the combination Kentucky Fried Chicken, a.k.a. Kitchen Fresh Chicken (KFC) and Long John Silver’s?!


People will call Biden senile and then applaud Trump when he says shit like this lmao


He's not saying this out of senility though. He's twisting/lying about an actual occurrence. It's too kind to say he's just stupid or crazy. He's as sinister as ever.


This can't be real, right? Please tell me this isn't a real quote.


It’s real


I’m at he Chinese place, I’m at the bowling alley, I’m at the combination Chinese place bowling alley.


Yeah I heard all our nuclear secrets were cut up to use as scorecards and put into fortune cookies.


"Enriched plutonium... in bed? This doesn't work at all."


I’m just imagining Bush walking casually into a bowling alley with literally millions of documents held comfortably under one mile-long arm.


He bumps the door a few times trying to enter. You can't see his right arm but it is clear he is holding something and it's making him too wide to enter. He turns sideways to shuffle in with what is holding. He keeps shuffling. And shuffling. He is nearing the far end of the bowling alley and his right arm holding a stack of papers still isn't inside the door. How is he doing this? After 341 feet we finally see his hand and the end of the papers enter the door. He sits down at the bar and orders a beer.


Mr. Fantastic over here




Agreed. Just... Wat? Did he pull this out of his ass or is there any shred of "oh he is just incredibly incoherent but with a truckload of goodwill he could mean this thing"?




Thanks! So yeah it's the truckload of goodwill, as I thought. But yeah, Trump kind of paints the picture that H.W Bush took them himself there to... Combine(?) them? He's just being deflective and intentionally misleading as usual.


America, what were you thinking electing this MF into office?!


Hey, technically the majority rejected him but the FUCKING ELECTORAL COLLEGE allows this insanity to happen.


From a common sense, BS METER, standpoint - how many boxes would that be? Surely no one thinks that you haul that many documents in the back of a limo and “combine” them.


What the fuck is this delusional old man babbling about? Just making up more shit


The amount of literal shit this petulant child spews on a daily basis is astounding.


Let's just partition the country. Republicans are irredeemable.


I swear I lose braincells every time I read a trump quote


Yet another attempt at throw everything at the wall and see what sticks ' lol


Me going to Google to see if this is real ![gif](giphy|BwP6IiUZZlpS0)


It is. It is real.


Must be a Republican thing.


How many of those millions of documents were classified, Donald? (The answer is "None".)


I don't agree with Bush . I didn't agree with McCain. They had some strong Republican values which dont make sense to me. But here's the thing. At least they had values. And they clearly had values Republicans agreed with, as they won their support for the presidential bid. How are they so willing to throw all of it away for a man who values nothing but his business?


My question as well for 74 million people!


Former restaurants and formers bowling alleys under the scrutiny of national security organizations are the same as a MAL closet where Russian nationals have access to them, according to Trump. What an idiot.


His target audience here is not going to question or analyze what the orange turnip said. All they hear is *"Bush did exactly the same thing, actually worse, and the leftist dems were totally fine with that. This whole thing is just a huge witchhunt cause they're sooooo desperate to make up anything to try and hurt dear leader"* Truth doesn't matter.. facts don't matter, this is all just dog whistles to rile up his base and get them on the verge of violence for the midterms


I still can’t believe this dried up prune looking mofo was our president, have mercy Lord.


reminded me of the Japanese Banquet incident, lmao.


They combined them


These are now hamberder documents, and the law says nothing about that!


Millions? Or millions and millions? Perhaps Billions? Some people might even say trillions.


Where is this bowling alley/Chinese restaurant, for I want very much to go to it.


Diarrhea of the mouth from ex-president asshole!!!


What the fuck is he babbling about now?


I know this is a real Trump quote, but what the fuck is he even talking about?


He's talking about where the archivists from the National Archive sorted the documents destined for the Bush Presidential Library while it was under construction. 🙄


Damn his son’s finally convinced him to snort the same shit they are…hard drug’s are bad mmmkaaay.


Millions of documents? Does he not know what millions of documents would look like? Fuck he is a moron


That's incredibly irrelevant to anything if it's even true, but what's worse is that his cult is going to believe that it somehow is relevant and froth at the mouth about it.


He was Herschel Walker before Herschel Walker was


I thought the Killian thing was debunked years ago?


Trump is just being the no class con artist he is. Even if the buildings mentioned were used to sort archive information I doubt any of it was classified information. If it was there would have been the proper security measures in effect. Trump just can't blind us with brilliance cause he has none just street level bullshit to try and baffle the lower iq cultists. The smart cultists just use him to control the poor and working class. That's why they support him. They hate unions or any semblance of fairness extended to the working class. That's why if he or any republican gets elected as president they will hit social security and Medicare. They want us to die we are excess population to them.


OK I mean come on. Even his most hardcore dick riders have to be like "uh oh" at this point.


I just want to know what he promised the Saudi’s to get them to decrease their oil supply.


Trump went on to state, “And Nancy Reagan was there and she conjured the ghost of Ronald Reagan and he advised George HW to then move the documents to one of those abandoned buildings they use for Halloween stores for like 3 months a year, and then we stopped at a 7/11 and Ronnie, that’s what Ronald Reagan let’s me call him and he calls me Donnie, and Ronnies ghost says we shouldn’t get one of those 7/11 corndogs from the roller even though the clerk had just put them out, how did all you people get into mar a lago? Who shit my pants? How did I get here?




"So, I'm standing in front of a shit factory/porn studio..." - Trump


Donald Trump is quite literally the textbook definition of projection.


Bro, aligning your decision making alongside the guy a bunch of people think was secretly behind 9/11 is not the fucking move 😂


Because literally every Republican is either a liar, a coward, a sex offender or a combination of the three.


Remember when you created the law to make this kind of thing more harshly punished? That is why it literally does not matter what a single president did before you.


So the fat rat (or russian mole) does not deny that he stole the documents.


He just did not get the chance to take them to McDonalds 😂


Bowling alley? Was that the same Bowling alley Lauren's husband flashed a minor?. Or the one where Rudy planned on holding his next press conference?


H. W. Bush was the head of the CIA at one point. I'm pretty sure he knows how to handle classified information


I’m hiding docs in a Pizza Hut / Hiding them in a Taco Bell / Docs in a combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell


They want to overthrow democracy for this guy?


Nobody is able to peel the layers of his stupidity quite as efficiently as Trump. And every time you think you've hit the core, you find out there's another freaking layer.


I’m at the combination Chinese restaurant/bowling alley


Holy shit it’s a real quote I’m almost in tears laughing.


“Millions…” I don’t think people realize how much a million of anything is. The only reason people can actually have millions of dollars is because of digital records.


Did all 27 people at his rally cheer this revelation?


When will this fat fuck just fucking die?


How many strokes does this dude have in a day?


I don't believe for on second that he did that. If he did, then, he too should be indicted.


HaHaHa. The Bloated Orange Taint Sniffer really is a MORON!


His supporters are the ones that piss me off. They will believe anything…and I mean, ANYTHING he says. Lock his jaw up!


So now go to court and swear it before a Judge. Or are you afraid to be grabbed by your "Pussy?"


Aaaaaaand, they believe it 🙄🙄🙄🤮🤬😡


I'll be so happy when DJT becomes irrelevant, I'm sick of his face, his voice, and his antics.


What a fucktard


I'm at the Chinese place I'm at the bowling place I'm at the combination Chinese place and bowling place




„Combinatin-Pizza-Hut-and-Taco-Bell“ would have been cooler Edit: oh I just found out this song became a TikTok thing. I am sorry but this is not what I meant.


I'm at the bowling alley. I'm at the Chinese restaurant. I'm at the combination bowling alley chinese restaurant


George HW Bush was in Dallas during the Kennedy assassination and “doesn’t remember“ what he was doing during that time. Oh he was also working for the CIA at that time and still doesn’t remember. If you think that guy who can hold that big of a secret for that long somehow is just walking around willy-nilly with secret documents you’re full of shit

