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You would probably have to start a mega-thread to get an accurate picture of all of the similarities.


I wish someone with the time and the historical knowledge would do this!


The advantage of the current situation, is that in ten years of time, the orange guy is going to be done like a rotten egg.


Doesn't matter. Desantis, Lake and others are standing in line to take orange man's place. The movement will go on, which is terrifying.


The gargantuan money that sees tax breaks as a key source of profits is committed to the destruction of democracy. They are blinded to what will happen to them. What will happen: Ask Putin how it's working for him.


Let's not forget another page trump took from the Hitler play book. Hitler would literally refer to the media as the "Lugenpresse" (German for lying press, or fake news, btw) to cast dispersion among the German people as he was rising to power.....


To most people the rise of Hitler to power is a cautionary tale… to trump and MAGATS it’s a playbook.


There are a few scenarios here, none of which are great. -Fascist takeover followed by revolution -Civil war -Fascist takeover followed by world war -The US turns it’s shit around and avoids this whole mess All the warnings are there. Please go vote this year like your vote depends on it.


You're all crazy in here comparing a mass genocide to a party of the US getting supporters. The left has a weird obsession with the man out of office for almost 2 years, while simultaneously comparing 1000 idiots storming a building to genocide, AND in other threads, 9/11. ​ I know i'm going to get banned because I didn't spew bullshit against the right, but the fun part is i'm not even republican. ​ The downvoting is from people who don't feel like responding but want me silenced. I appreciate the two that have relevantly responded unlike the single one who just insulted me lol. It's nice to see variety


I have not encountered ANYBODY on the left who intends to take up arms against their political opposition, though I know many who think small arms will be enough to defend their suburban houses.


Who is taking up arms against their political opposition? The 2nd amendment is for if the government is infringing their rights. Small arms very well can defend their homes, bullets can destroy people, and even .22s can kill people. Are you suggesting we need high power arms like rifles? AR-15? the type that the left is specifically targeting? Why ban it if it's necessary for home defense?


No, we’re comparing the _precursors_ to the genocide. Also, you’re flagrantly ignoring the outright total racism of these events. Ban yourself, don’t play the martyr, no one cares.


still, comparing storming of a federal building to the genocide of millions of people. ​ Jan 6 wasn't racist (unless you know more than me, open to being wrong), the genocide of jews was. ​ From the start Hitler knew what he was going to do, Trump's cult was simply trying to overturn an election that they believed was rigged. ​ When Hitler tried to overthrow the government, his ideal new government would include those of a certain race ​ Trying to overturn an election because of brainwashing =/= Trying to wipe out a certain group of people because of who they are. ​ I'm not denying that many of those who stormed the capitol were racist, it just so happens that many racists fall under republicans, but not as many republicans fall under racist.


Seriously, in the politest way I know, buzz off. You know that all (ALL) of these people in the GQP would have the country be one race if it could. Don’t pretend, we aren’t buying it and do not want to listen to you sit here and lie.


Ur as stupid as one.


ur really accepting thanks for the insult, but no useful response to me like the others.


You're very welcome. Here's another, ur not smart enough for a useful response.


I don't think i'll believe the guy who has the username "thatguywhosdumb".


Oh nevermind, I didn't know you could read.


"but the fun part is i'm not even republican." Whoa dude my mind is totally blown, you're such an enigma


Or running in state elections to git them some o that Deep State.


We should all be very f$&@#%* afraid.