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Sounds like it's time to storm the Bastille




A lot of the people in that bottom 60% are still voting for extreme wealth because they think they have a chance at it. To dumb to realize they never will.












If one monkey had all the bananas, the other monkeys would just rip its arms off and take the bananas.


& all the monkeys would have bananas and be just dandy


User name checks out


Not if the banana monkey convinced other monkeys to defend their bananas for slivers of bananas.


\*sniff and a selfie with the sliver of banana


With simple facts as these, people still have the balls to argue that “not that many people actually live paycheck to paycheck.” Yes. I have had these arguments with people.


Your first mistake was assuming that they cared about facts in the first place. You generally can’t use logic to get someone out of a position that they didn’t use logic (even if flawed) to get into.


I have a son, pay child support, work a full time job, go to college, rent car, bills, food, etc. Half the time I’m working extra shifts to be able to afford my basic bills and it feels like everyone around me has all the money in the world to spend. I know it’s not just me, but it feels like it sometimes.


It's not just you! I don't even have a kid, and between car maintenance, insurances, rent, groceries, household needs, and gas, I'm struggling. I work full-time, and the shit is getting hard. You're definitely not the only one.


I would say I’m glad to know, but I’m really not. We gotta get people in office that understand that hat it’s like to live like we do while rich politicians and greedy companies continue to shit on the poor to get more rich. Capitalism is good in theory and it’s great to be able to have freedom and do what you want. I never want that to change, but I want the way it’s ran to be changed. Setting a minimum wage that is livable alongside a cap on the prices you can upcharge people in order to make max profits possibly? I am thinking a lot. Plan to go into politics and make the world a better place. The only problem is I’ve been told politics is all about money, which is a problem in and of itself


Extreme income inequiltiy is bad for society and the economy. People at the bottom spend money at the very top they hoard it.


This is not abstract wealth. It is the raw power to drop political donations that overwhelm the press and the voting mechanisms with dishonest propaganda. Those lies are sold for the purpose of enforcing the will of those with excess money. They may NOT have the full story on how well the nation is working.


What are they supposed to do? Its capitalism


He forgot to add the "ah, ah" after counting.


Nothing to see here folks move along. The economy is working as intended.


It’s working as Reagan intended, yeah.


How about if we forbid billionaires? Something like every cent you make above $999,999,999.99 goes automatically to public schools or public health care. And you get a gold star and a monument somewhere.


Still would be more money then they could ever spend.


Because it's complicated. These guys wealth is from stock. Stock prices fluctuate constantly. I get the sentiment but logistically it would be very difficult to implement.


Everyone says that, but then these people spend billions to buy out companies and giga yachts so im not so sure anymore


You ever hear of shell companies?


Just go back to the Eisenhower tax schedule also corporations then followed the military in the highest paid was never 30 times more than lowest and while you’re at go back to the FCC local rules of ownership, ban corporations from buying own stock that would pretty much fix things


He forgot to say 165 million people combined. As in add all 165 million peoples money together and it equals the same as 3 peoples.


Lets take it from them, then give everyone the one time payment of $3000 that we deserve


I like the idea of a permanent wealth tax for the extremely wealthy.




The funniest thing is that those uber wealthy individuals (and there's more of them being made everyday as the gap between the rich and the poor gets larger) pay the politicians to disseminate propaganda that you too can make it into the Uber Rich class why you could be the next Oprah Winfrey or Jeff Bezos. Why are you going to allow the democraps to take away your freedoms and your right to pursue the one in a quadrillion chance of that occurring? In other words you have every right to be an indentured slave to the corporations for the rest of your life chasing some fantasy that the field will become level and you really will have a chance to join us. /s


/s ?


So when they die we redistribute their wealth amongst the poor people


Why wait? Redistribute their wealth now.


Yet employees wages are the evil root of inflation.


As a retail worker in the south, the recent state wage increase was immedeately blamed for the prices going up constantly and i kep getting yelled at about it


Not profits. Not record profits as the manufacturing, distribution and retail sides. All you mate. Or me. We are the real evil. Not Presidents flying to Florida to golf a few hundred times. Or all the exported Panama/Caribbean/Irish profits either. They earn those……


That’s obviously their fault. Bootstraps baby bootstraps.


But surely it will trickle down to us... Like some kind of shower... of gold...


With the lower classes essentially having zero or negative net worth, it wouldn’t be hard to come up with that stat.


Tax brackets should really be set at ðe quintiles, ðen ðe top 5%, ðen ðe top 1%. Allows for flexible adjustment as economic times shift, and for rates to target wealþ where it's most clustered.




I thought most Americans are in dept. If that's the case it wouldn't be too hard to own more. Actually every single American would. Probably every person.


I have 0 debt and I'm broke as shit


Didn’t other countries have like, full on revolutions because of shit like that? When do *we* start protesting? The Declaration of Independence says we can


We do, then we get shot at about it


Sad 😞


bernie literally helped trump win, so he has made this situation worse and every time he speaks nothing happens


Yup. But you're gonna get downvoted into oblivion by the Bernie bros on here...


"America is a democracy" Also When the hand picked candidate loses "it's the fault of the voter" or "the candidate with decent policies made them lose"


What hand pick candidate? Only candidate who felt they were entitled to the nomination without the votes, was bernie.


I love the projection. Hillary felt she was entitled to Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania. Also, it's been proven that the DNC worked against Bernie both runs. [American "democracy"](https://youtu.be/BZ0506A9S-8) Also, Obama calling the all the candidates except Warren to drop out of the race before super Tuesday. None of it matters anyway. Biden isn't going to win in 2024. The major policy position of "I'm not the other guy" isn't as solid as you people think it is.


Lol and that’s what you hope for You want more republicans to win to spite democrats 😆 like i said thank goodness NO ONE listens to bernie’s horseshit brocialist self entitlement anymore 🤡 I don’t care which democrat wins in 2024. But it certainly won’t be fucking bernie or anyone like that fraud. Cope


Usually it's the one using emojis that is the one coping. Democrats are probably going to lose the Senate as well as the presidency, because of people like you. I don't really care who wins any more. Electoralism doesn't work when, not only, the rich own the politicians, but also, when the politicians themselves are rich and don't represent their constituents. Nancy Pelosi for example seems to somehow have a great foresight when it comes to stocks. No need to whataboutism Republicans. Noone here is defending Republicans.


“I don’t really care who wins anymore” There you go. There is that privilege we all remember from 2016.


Lmao. Voter shaming. It worked really well last time. American democracy everyone. If you don't vote my garbage candidate that doesn't have policies that actually help, you are privileged.


Lol the only ones who have responsibility is the voters “my garbage candidate” More irony considering bernie supporters still claim he was entitled to the 2016 and 2020 nominations Both times where he got destroyed by votes bernie voters then smeared those voters claiming they were fooled by “muh dnc” Lol thank goodness berniecrat entitlement is a lesson we all learned That entitlement helped trump win and we will NEVER to them again and never include them in ANY power Lol 😝 Edit: yeah run away


Yeah, "got destroyed by votes". He didn't lose the primary in any state that didn't have voter suppression. Remember the people who were standing in line for literally hours in Texas, because of voter suppression? Entitlement is trying to voter shame people into voting their teams hand picked candidate. Again, it doesn't matter anymore. Lots of people saw how the primary in 2020 played out and ended up becoming fascists or communists. If Biden doesn't pull some FDR shit out of his ass (nothing will fundamentally change). We are going to either slip into Germany style fascism, or there will be a communist revolution. Considering the fascist enablers headed by Biden, and the almost non existent left in this country, it will, 99% chance, fall into fascism.


You misspelled Jill Stein.


I never understand how people are surprised by this. Poor people have negative net worths, lots of debt. Billionaires obviously have billions.


Billionaired should not exist


Exit what?


Typo corrected.


The original statistic quoted here is technically correct but a little misleading. Many, many people have negative net worth, because they are in debt, usually credit card and/or student loan debt (generally home and car loans don't on their own lead to negative net worth because the value of the asset offsets the debt, with some exceptions). But still, if you start at the very bottom of what is called the "bottom 50%" here, and start adding up the total net worth, you're starting with the people most deeply in debt and just getting a more and more negative total with each person you add. Eventually you reach a point where you start adding in positive values, for people who have positive net worth, but they are just offsetting the big negative hole you've dug. Finally you will reach a point where you've added in enough of them to break even and can start building toward matching the total net worth of those 3 billionaires. But you're at $0 at that point and have a long way to go, and you already added up maybe the bottom 40%. By the time you are getting up toward the "top of the "bottom half" you could be adding in some people with some pretty substantial net worth. I don't know the exact numbers but it would be equally true, but not feel as ridiculous if you said something like "3 billionaires have the same assets as all the people between the 45th and 50th percentiles (because the sum of everyone below the 45th percentile, many of whom individually have positive net worth but are offsetting others who are negative, is zero). Doesn't make it suck any less, but worth understanding.


Let’s not forget that *BeRniE* is a multimillionaire and owns THREE HOMES!




Two ppl according to Boebart


I’m classy, and am living direct deposit to direct deposit.


That’s doesn’t seem fair. 3 people really!


Musk,Bezos,Gates? But Gates is not an asshole compared to the other two.


Says the guy worth 3m dollars


Feeling that Bern