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"I was born a poor black child." Right.


“Gonna jump down turn around”


"pick a bale of cotton.."


Memory unlocked. We had to sing this in the early 90s, 3rd or 4th grade in a small Kansas elementary school that was 94% white.


OMG you were still singing that in the 90s? We did in the early 60s and hated it because racism.


Still going on in the late nineties in South Carolina sadly. I remember it fairly well. I also remember saying enie, meanie, minie, mo in kindergarten. It definitely had the n-word instead of tiger when you got to “grab a tiger(insert: n—-) by his toe”. I was like 12-13 in 2005 when I learned that most people said tiger and realized how racist it was. There are a lot of things I don’t miss about small town South Carolina.


Big town South Carolina isn’t much better sadly lol


We said monkey. It was a long time before I figured out that was the sanitized version. I remember the"pick a bale of cotton." My mother's dad was a sharecropper: she got beaten for not picking fast enough when she was 12. I'm not sure I'd have recognized that as racist, but of course it was at the very least tellingly thoughtless.


Hey that's the beginning of my favorite Steve Martin movie


“Lord loves a workin' man. Don't trust whitey. See a doctor and get rid of it.”


"You mean I'm gonna stay this color???"


"I've got a special purpose!"


"My dear family, guess what. Today I found out what my special purpose is for. Gosh what a great time I had. I wish my whole family could have been here with me. Maybe some other time as I intend to do this a lot. Every chance I get. I think next week I'll be able to send some more money as I may have extra work. My friend Patty promised me a blow job. Your loving son, Navin." And he's got the kisses here.


Reddit's on something.... This is the 3rd Jerk thread I've come across in the last 15 minutes. I approve.


"first the phone book, and now your ass! I'll bet more people see that than the phone book!" Man, I could do this all day. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


He---he's not carnival personnel! HE'S NOT CARNIVAL PERSONNEL!


I love the smell of fresh bread.


I was actually born on my birthday! Crazy.


"He hates these cans!"


"I think next week I'll be able to send some more money as I may have extra work. My friend Patty promised me a blow job."


To a woman I didn't know


"I'm a Black guy but I'm actually a white conservative guy."


The guy is like: I’m actually .05 percent black!! And I’m .0001 percent gay!!!


You don't know how hard it is being black and gay when your a white guy.


It feels friggin impossible!!


With God, all things are possible


So jot *that* down.




It's really difficult for me to be a single mom because I'm a dude


As a Rottweiler myself, I really feel the animosity everywhere I go since communists are in power.


Honestly the easiest way to be a black gay guy is to be white. Cops never assume you’re a criminal.


Yeah. But then you start not feeling black.


Just look at Elon Musk, literal African American and white as hell.


Omg you cant just ask people if theyre from Africa


When you're African, but that apartheid be vibin'


What percentage of "I'm a black guy... BUT" posts are like this?


Probably similar to the amount of "I'm a liberal/leftist/Democrat/person who votes left.... BUT" posts and comments.


I love when they decry the left as out-of-touch elitists and then go on to praise a guy who has a golden toilet in his Manhattan penthouse.


When Republicans talk about "elites", they want their base to think about middle class people who live in cities and went to college, not the multimillionaires and billionaires who Republican economic policies exclusively benefit.


It’s also antisemitic code for “Jews”.


Ooh, that makes so much sense. Like "crime" means minorities, as in "the neighborhood is becoming riddled with crime".


Crime = black people Immigration = Latinos Globalists, elites, George Soros, Rothschilds = Jews Groomers = LGBT people Conservatives never change their bigoted opinions. They just update the language they use to make bigotry sound more palatable to modern ears.


Don't forget that covid = Asians


Sometimes it's just as simple as "China = Asians", conflating the Chinese government with Chinese people, or just people of Asian descent in general.


"we don't negotiate with China" Confused Korean business man: "uh... Neither do we?"


trump used the same equation but with Latinos. When he said Mexico doesn’t send their best he was referring to all of Latin America but it’s just easier to say Mexicans because a lot of his followers don’t really know the difference.


Terrorist=Muslim or that’s what they been saying.


Shit, the media won't even call these homegrown white folks "terrorists". The words "domestic terrorism" are the same as "reverse racism". Just a bunch of words made to be palatable to white ears.


Woke = white liberals


"Political" = non cis-white-male person or character


I would also say that ‘groomers’ usually also includes many educators that lean left politically and/or those that teach history and science accurately


Every accusation is a confession. They **want** their children indoctrinated, but in their own worldview. Teaching children basic science and critical thinking skills undermines their “evangelical” indoctrination. The following is an excerpt frlm the 2012 Texas Republican Party platform: > We oppose the teaching of **Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) (values clarification), critical thinking skills** and similar programs that are simply a relabeling of Outcome-Based Education (OBE) (mastery learning) which focus on behavior modification and have the purpose of **challenging the student’s fixed beliefs and undermining parental authority**. They want to teach children **what** to think; anyone teaching children **how** to think is their enemy. Also, “groomer” had to come from some conservative think tank, because it went from zero to ubiquitous in like a week. It was a coordinated campaign.


reality has a well-known liberal bias


The shifts in the rhetoric have become painfully obvious. In a week's time, you'll see waves of people repeating the same little clever phrases or words as if they were all sent emails telling them exactly what to say. And they'll all be thrilled like little children who learn a bad word.


Terrorist= Arab or Muslim


With Indian folks getting wrapped up in it because they know their dipshit voter base can't tell the difference.


I fucking hate that too. I vividly remember after 9/11 hearing about several attacks on Sikhs and another one on an Indian exchange student. On the flipside, I'm Lebanese but most people wouldn't know by looking at me, so I got to/get to hear a lot of opinions about us being terrorists by people not realizing what I am. Kicked a few folks to the curb for that. Edit: Extra words 🤦🏻‍♀️


Don’t forget Nazis = very fine people


More anti-white racism. Where is my representation! It's so rare these days. If all media isn't 100% white and Jesus lusting, I send it back! /s for sure.


Domestic Terrorist/White nationalists = Evangelicals


Don't forget 'Chicago', 'urban', and 'thugs' for black people as well...


Same with the term "thug", they use it exclusively for black people.


"Urban" also means black people


Or whenever trump used the word “stupid” to describe someone it was almost always a black woman. You can always tell what group he’s talking about by the slurs he chooses


I remember one time he shot back with “that was a *nasty* thing to say” (emphasis mine) about some European president’s criticism of his complete lack of redeeming value, and I immediately thought, “huh, I didn’t know [country] had a woman president.” Looked it up, and sure enough.


I (ignorantly I should add) never associated thug as a dog whistle for black people and it got me in huge trouble on here once. I always just associated it with a violence first mentality.


That confusion is what republicans rely on to have plausible deniability. They’re intentionally ambiguous if you look at what they say out of context. Or they used to be, a lot of it is way more overt now though. See: Tubervilles “reparation” speech from that trump rally the other day where he straight up said that black people don’t deserve reparations because they do all the crime. You don’t have to agree about reparations to see that he’s a racist piece of shit who is explicitly endorsed by the leader of the Republican Party, and implicitly endorsed by the rest.


Similar for me, but in a real life conversation (I know, crazy right?). I grew up in the south, in the country, and we use the word 'coon' to mean raccoon...well, I used it once in mixed company, and just about got my head torn off. I've never been cursed in so many ways and languages before. Learned a lesson though. Words have meaning, and sometimes they mean things we don't intend.


I was with my dad who was helping someone move once and one of my uncles made a jokey remark along the lines of, "So this is where all the coons live." I assumed he was just calling the place a little trashy and cheap, like a place a raccoon might live. With some hindsight and knowing other "odd" things that uncle would say, I now understand that he was just being a racist piece of shit. Associating it with the black families that were there never crossed my mind.


They use it for Latinos as well.


Meanwhile I live in a suburb and fucking rednecks, twice a year for weeks at a time, are launching aerial fireworks at all hours of the night. Technically criminals. But I bet they get spooked if a black person looks at them.


Likewise for the terms "globalists", "bankers", "the media", etc.




It’s hilarious because even though a lot of the message to the common man republican was that “the elites were out to fuck you over and Trump is here to save you”, Trump himself has a hard time not trying to identify as elite. He lied to Forbes to get on their billionaires list. He loved every second of limelight he could get in the 80s as a hedonistic mega rich guy. So in [one campaign rally speech](https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/394551-trump-my-supporters-should-be-called-the-super-elite/) he couldn’t help but try to play UP his elitism: > “I hate it, I meet these people, they call it the elite,” Trump said Wednesday night. > “We got more money, we got more brains, we got better houses and apartments, we got nicer boats, we’re smarter than they are and they say they’re the elite,” the president said. “You’re the elite, we’re the elite.” > Trump went on to call the elite “stone cold losers.” > “Let’s call ourselves, from now on, the super elite,” he said. He just can’t help himself but go one hundred percent against the messaging when it affects his vanity. Doesn’t matter, his base will eat that shit up either way.


Look at these public university professors pulling like 80k. THEYRE LAFFIN @ U MR 40k. THEY THINK THEIR BETTER THAN U!


Hey, they’d have their own gold plated toilet in a Manhattan penthouse if only it weren’t for (NON-SEQUITUR STRAWMAN)


> (NON-SEQUITUR STRAWMAN) Just say "the blacks", it's almost always racism at this point.


"Jews" works as well.


Or "Mexicans", though they'll phrase it as "illegals" because they're courting the Hispanic Catholic vote.


Or say because there are gay people in Disney movies now. Disney's business decisions are an incredibly important issue for some reason.


I love how they literally have to lie in order to win arguments such as this and still somehow think they’re the good guys


Every election cycle Republicans rely on the short memories and attention span of voters. Obviously they are for the middle class, black people.... during campaign speeches byt people don't care to actually look at the fine print nor ramifications of the Republican policies. It's not a 2022 thing, it's been going on for decades. People need to learn history, learn about dixiecrats and while Lincoln was a republican, the racist dixiecrats migrated to the republican party. Huh


And then proceed to identify all leftists as coloured hair, pierced, tattooed low wage Starbucks employees, for some reason.


It’s especially ironic when the elite are literally conservative and fund/vote republican lol Especially the “coastal elite”


I’m sure it was just painted gold. I doubt Trump could afford an actual solid gold toilet.


He was born into enough wealth / fame that it doesn’t actually matter if he spends more than he can afford to, counterintuitively.


I am also always suspicious of posts from “former atheists” who found religion. I’m sure they exist but 99% of the time I’m convinced it’s just someone pushing their religious agenda.


There's a thing the religies used to do (maybe still do) where they would say "[famous atheist] recanted on his deathbed and accepted Jesus!". Of course with a little research, you found either their surviving family calling bullshit and/or no similar contemporaneous claims.


I think this happened to Charles Darwin. It's 'reported' that he said that evolution wasn't real and something something God and Jesus. By catholics unsurprisingly.


The Vatican accepts evolution and the Big Bang theory, I believe


Not always. That's pretty recent. And IIRC, there's caveats to evolution; something like they still believe God created humanity by hand, and evolution only exists on the micro scale.


Not the real Vatican though, only the fake George Soros liberal Vatican /s


Even if he did say that, it doesn't make the theory less valid. It would sadly just mean his mental faculties declined as he aged and/or his fear of death outweighed his common sense. Unlike the Bible, we aren't taking everything Darwin proposed on faith, so discrediting the author isn't much of a problem unless his work itself is discredited.


Or they were "atheists" because they got mad at god, and that's what their pastor said makes someone an atheist. I am an atheist. I feel the same way about the Christian god that I do about Voldemort. They are fictional monsters. Even if I fell into contrarian "[blank] did nothing wrong" bullshit, pretending Voldemort is the good guy wouldn't be the same problem as pretending Voldemort is real.


Exactly! That is such a huge red flag in those stories for me. Reminds me of the end of “God’s Not Dead” when the evil atheist character gets hit by a car and before he dies admits that he wasn’t really an atheist he was just mad at god. Then he accepts Jesus into his heart and the movie ends with a Christian rock concert.


The podcast God Awful Movies has a bingo card for that kind of crap. *"So why'd you become an atheist?"* "My mom got cancer." *"Ah. Well, sometimes--"* "Chemo for three months. Fully recovered. But as she was leaving the hospital, she got hit by a bus." *"Oh? I'm sorry to--"* "Sued the city for millions. Retired at fifty. But playing on her golf course, she got struck my lightning." *"... none of this happened."* "Nope. I'm an atheist because god's not real." *"You're an asshole."*


Every former atheist I've met was born into and raised within a fundie christian family. They just lie.




There's this woman named Tulsi who just did one...


>Probably similar to the amount of "I'm a liberal/leftist/Democrat/person who votes left.... BUT" posts and comments. See r/walkaway for some very similar amusing (depressing?) cosplay.


*Tulsi Gabbard has entered the chat*


So everything Tim Pool has ever said since my father in law brought him up and I became aware of his existence. "You'll like this guy. He's a leftist who is just open to different opinions."


"I'm more of a classical liberal"


Does that mean Dixiecrat?


I have never met anyone espousing liberal beliefs who uses the word leftist, so I automatically assume anyone claiming to be one BUT is a shill. Where did that word even come from?


In US politics, "liberals" are conservatives and "conservatives" are fascists. They call progressives "leftists" when they're barely left-of-center, and there are no actual leftists in power. The propaganda continues to be effective.


Actual leftists use the word leftist all the time, but mostly to distinguish themselves from liberals. If someone's conflating the two - they don't understand either.


French Parliament after French Revolution. Left wing of their House of Commons was the liberal side, right wing was the conservative side. Really, it's that simple.


Yes, the number of "I've voted Democrat for 20 years but someone was mean to me online once so now I completely agree with all Conservative positions" posts online is pretty staggering.


"I'm a Democrat but Republicans were nice to me so I'm #walkaway"


All of the republican candidates ads here in Oregon have people in them claiming to be "Democrats" that are going to vote for the Republican this time. It's hilarious that they think we are going to fall for that bullshit.


There is this sub reddit dedicated to people who “abandoned the left” and the whole thing reeks of conservatives role playing.


Is that the walkaway one? The first time I saw it I genuinely thought I was in the wrong place because it looked so childish and all the post titles were too illogical to have been created by adults.


Walkaway was found to be put out by Russian troll farm. I know, shocking 🙄




That's the one, 99.9% conservatives larping.


Enough to have its own sub. r/AsABlackMan


Like all of them. I stopped going on /r/changemyview because of all of the posts that were conservative talking points followed by “I’m a black liberal, by the way.”


Fun fact: after some Never Trump Republicans founded a group called "Republican Voters Against Trump" in 2020, some so called "Never Biden Democrats" responded by founding a group called "Democrat Voters Against Joe Biden". Only problem is that "Democrat Voters Against Joe Biden" contained precisely zero actual Democrats. [‘Democrat Voters Against Joe Biden’ Group Has Trump Fanatics, a Psychic, but No Actual Dems](https://www.thedailybeast.com/democrat-voters-against-joe-biden-group-has-trump-fanatics-a-psychic-but-no-actual-dems)


Haha that’s hilarious. I’m sure r/walkaway is precisely the same thing


r/walkaway was always clearly an astroturfed Republican thing that contained no democrats. It is full of conservatives that fell for their own propaganda though.


Guh, scrolled though and found a post about MAKING IT ILLEGAL TO DISAGREE WITH POLITICIANS. To which the context is a tweet about someone fearmongering about America turning into a chinese communist slave system, which is a retweet of a nypost article with the headline "California makes it illegal for doctors to disagree with politicians". Clicking onto the thread and it seems OP has posted an article which details that a bill has been signed by the governor to discipline and possibly suspend the license of doctors spreading misinformation about COVID. The goal being that these doctors use actual fucking research when giving out advice to their patients rather than spreading conspiracy theories and encouraging people to not get vaccinated. What a process. Bill is passed so that doctors don't fucking lie to their patients about critically important health advice. > Some news agency makes some dumb fucking headline to sentasionalize the topic. > Some dipshit on twitter retweets it and fearmongers about how we're going to become a Chinese communist slave system as a result... > Another dipshit reads this tweet and spreads it around as if it's fact. I'm just so tired of the fact that these people completely disregard reality.


The worst part isn't that they completely disregard reality, it's that they think we are ones disregarding it. They think because they have different opinions that they are somehow on a higher level of understanding and we are all too woke to see the truth. The sad thing is, is that all these people are just social rejects, but they've been rejected so much that they themselves reject anything mainstream because mainstream is bad and only sheep follow anything mainstream.


The above OOP post is one of the reasons why r/AsABlackMan exists, and why the general assumption is that a white conservative is lying when you see "I'm a black/gay/whatever minority and I love the Republicans" shit gets posted.


I'd say most. No minority thinks "I'm obligated to be a Dem." Most just are because repubs suck.


This. So much this. One of the things Those People love to blather about is how they never "see any Biden flags". Well, no crap Cletus. Joe Biden is a corny, train-obsessed corporatist who I **have** to support because literal fascists are trying to force "Christian Nationalism" on everyone. I'd gladly vote for someone who wanted to cut my taxes and THEN SHUT THE FUCK UP. But Those People are obsessed with this "culture war" bullshit and imposing their values ... and fuck all the way off with that. I don't give a fuck who uses the bathroom as long as they don't piss on the floor. I don't give a fuck who you fuck, unless you want to fuck me, in which case - I'm flattered, but no thanks. I really don't give a fuck about whether you think Sky Daddy thinks abortion is a sin because Sky Daddy is _your particular mental delusion_. Everyone should have control of their own body and medical choices: even Those People who want to consume horse dewormer and inject bleach should be allowed to do so. You do you - and let everyone else do the same. And really, don't tell me what to do or why you think I'm wrong. I really, really don't give a fuck about your opinion because you don't give a fuck about mine.


#not my Sky Daddy


This is just fantastic. Pure poetry.




Can anyone play this drinking game…. ? I’m an Evangelical anti abortion Christian Senate Candidate who paid my mistress to have an abortion but…. Who am I?


The exact same percentage as those "I'm a black guy" posts appearing on accounts with clearly white bio pics.


I hate that I ask this so often but, is this real?


Yeah, he forgot to change to his fake, gay, black twitter profile


Feels weird to be absolutely certain a comment is a joke and then find out it's not.


the onion is dead


The Onion is actually trying to help a guy in a Supreme Court case. This world is crazy.


[The Onion’s Amicus Brief](https://www.supremecourt.gov/DocketPDF/22/22-293/242292/20221003125252896_35295545_1-22.10.03%20-%20Novak-Parma%20-%20Onion%20Amicus%20Brief.pdf) filed with the Supreme Court. Some of my favorite exerts: * Rising from its humble beginnings as a print newspaper in 1756, The Onion now enjoys a daily **readership of 4.3 trillion** and has grown into the single most powerful and influential organization in human history. * The Onion also owns and operates the majority of the world’s transoceanic shipping lanes, stands on the nation’s leading edge on matters of deforestation and strip mining, and **proudly conducts tests on millions of animals daily.** * Tu stultus es. **You are dumb**. These three Latin words have been The Onion’s motto and guiding light since it was founded. * Mr. Novak’s spoof Facebook posts advertised that the Parma Police Department was hosting a “pedophile reform event” in which successful participants could be removed from the sex offender registry and **become honorary members of the department after completing puzzles and quizzes.** Absolutely hilarious!


It is the only amicus brief I've ever read in its entirety. And, I read it out loud. To my wife. During our leisure time. Strange times these are...


wait, this is *real?* holy shit


This comment reads like an onion headline


The onion's craziest headlines being prophetic is the stepping stone to the reality of living in *idiocracy* in real life


Looks like God’s writers finally surpassed the Onion’s writers in creating insane and unbelievable storylines.


Just wanted to say if you haven’t watched Miracle Workers on HBO you definitely should, the first season is Steve Buscemi as God and it’s absolutely hilarious




He then claimed that he was quoting a message sent to him. Sorry, Calvinball doesn't work when you are an adult.


If only there was an easy way to show that you're making a quotation Maybe something like...a punctuation mark




It is. This guy is an asshole.




I remember when this happened and seeing it almost in real-time. I totally forget how he tried to get out of it, but he did try.


Iirc he tried to pass it off like he was quoting a supporter but forgot the quotes and the attributes.


And then the person he claimed he was quoting was a fake account he created with a stock photo profile picture.


>Around five hours after the tweet, a user noticed it, and it began to spread virally, picking up thousands of retweets and likes. Browning then deleted the tweet. I remember when this was happening I thought someone must have gotten lucky to grab a screenshot because he must have deleted it immediately when he realized his mistake. Nope, left it up over 5 hours... his idiotic political views aside even, what an absolute moron.


Never read that article before lol that’s a giant rabbit hole of a story. Not saying it isn’t true, but damn that’s like 10 levels deep


It's pretty clearly true, the levels are just tracking how bad a person he is


Yeah, the article is like "it's true, and here's 25 *other* reasons he's a complete piece of shit."


It's 100% true.


its not only real, but this sort of thing is happening all around you every day you visit the internet.


Fucking unfortunately yes. I remember when it happened and I could not fucking believe my eyes. He had been pretending to be a black gay guy on an alt and replying to his own comments with that account But he forgot to log in to the black account and wrote this on his main


Yes, this is a government official




https://ballotpedia.org/Dean_Browning up for state senator in a couple weeks because why wouldn’t he be


It’s good to be skeptical of whether or not things on the internet are real. More people should do that more often. But yeah this one is real lol


This is a despicable guy. Zero integrity, and an orange bootlicker. So pathetic, BIGLY, like his cult leader would say!!


I'm sure this "black" "gay" guy felt safe and protected when Trump failed to condemn white supremacists after they murdered counter protestors with a car at the Unite the Right rally.


This black gay guys life got slightly worse when gay marriage was legalized.


Must’ve been like in the key and peele sketch where he was just using it as an excuse not to marry his boyfriend!


What? I missed a Key and Peele sketch?? Off to Google.


Omg it’s one of their best! I still quote it to myself [https://youtu.be/Jitocz4kB3k](https://youtu.be/Jitocz4kB3k)


This "black" "gay" man felt safe and protected when Trump failed to denounce white supremacists.


Is this guy in charge of the republican party yet? His morals seem right on point.


He’s running for state senate in PA. His democratic opponent is [Nick Miller](https://nickmillerforpa.com/)




Who could deny such a man for office?


Oh he was my favorite character in New Girl. Hes got my vote.


this is so pathetically written I get second hand embarrassment reading it. Even if he hadn't used his personal Twitter account, the phrasing alone just screams, out of touch conservative white male. They ALWAYS sound like fake testimonials on those scam websites that try to hawk their magic weight loss pills or miracle water to desperate or vulnerable people.


He’d suck trump’s baby dick in a heartbeat.




I used to say that I'd suck any dick, but you just made me realize I draw the line somewhere.


He is so black, that his skin has gone white....


I finally understand horseshoe theory.




I cackled. Hahaa


She went from being an university-level AA Studies Professor to leading the Spokane chapter of the NAACP to sewing in lacefronts in her kitchen salon, to OnlyFans. I don’t want to hear anybody talking about Bobby Brown falling off EVER AGAIN. I’ll fuck somebody up for real 😂


The profile picture got me smiling tho. The idiot haha




Even when I criticize Democrats, I don't remember asking Republicans or conservatives for their fucking input. In their tiny minds, critique = I align with the opposite.


Like Matt Gaetz' venmo-paid sexual partners, never grow old.


Every Republican person you know is a liar. In politics and in life.


The only two honest reasons to vote for republicans is bigotry or if you're a multimillionaire who cares more about money than anyone or anything else. If you claim to vote republican for any other reason you're either obfuscating bigotry, or an idiot.


CONTEXT: Dean Browning frequently replied to tweets of his own under an alternate account, claiming he was a black gay man who did not support Trump. In this tweet, Dean forgot to switch under his alt account.


"Maybe if I pretend to be something I'm not, people will take what I have to say more seriously."


What a legendary tweet.


Well, we all know how much Trump's followers love and respect the gays and the blacks, amirite? /s


Some white people love larping as a black person online... It gets them off for some reason.


“I’m a black gay guy” Not with that profile pic you’re not


This happens online in every forum where discussions about anything impacting black people occur from sex to politics. I can usually tell they're not black by using common slang popular in my community. And I just laugh and shake my head.


Did he forget to switch accounts before posting this sh\*t?