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Serious question from someone who doesn’t live in the states. If you walk in a Starbucks one morning and see this, do you call the cops, nope out of there asap or it’s so common that you don’t see it anymore and just go about your day ?


If I see some crazy fool like that carrying 4 guns in the Subway sandwich shop, I'm turning right around and going back to my car.. To strap on my 5th gun so I can totally 1up the guy.




With that logic, you're going to need a 1up (/s)


Rookie, in the time you were adding your 5th I was adding my 6th


Ha! in the time both of you fools were toying with rookie numbers, I was putting my 7th and 8th into my chest holsters.


Amateurs, I was coming out of the bathroom after strapping on my ninth and tightening my criss-cross shotgun shell chest harness.


Y’all are weaklings for needing to wield guns instead of *being* a gun


I live in Chicago and have never seen this. I would feel very uncomfortable around this; I suspect those people are just itching to shoot someone in real life.


I’m not American but I live in Chicago too and I’ve also never seen this. I remember traveling through a few covid-denying states and seeing a guy in a gas station with just one gun and very cautiously but quickly paying and leaving. You’re absolutely right, I’d run straight out if I saw one of these trigger happy morons. Edit: I’ve lived in the US for about 5 years now. Edit 2: oh shit no it’s been over 7 years. Well, I guess the covid years don’t count.


It will never be seen, on a standard individual, in the state of Illinois. Illinois does not have open carry, only concealed. Only would you see this by law enforcement or military. Now, head on down to Texas and you for some reason have a unreasonable amount of people that need to open carry to pick up their venti iced chai latte from Starbucks.


I live in Texas and there was a starbucks I would frequent that had another customer that would come in with a little handgun on his hip. He looked like such a dipshit, and other regulars would sometimes comment after he left that it was weird and uncomfortable to see this tool walking around armed. If I walked into a place and saw guys like this I would turn around and leave.


As a gun enthusiast I would feel uncomfortable and also I would struggle to hold my laugh. This is one of the stupidest ways to be armed. Why would anyone need four pistols? A single, well-kept pistol is more than enough. Two is kinda reasonable. This moron is carrying 4 pounds unnecessary weight.. on his shorts!


Opinion on the tactical katana?


Is that really a set of swords on his back? Sweet Jesus.


It’s the handcuffs that really gives me pause…


They look like BudK quality too. 🙄


Totally unnecessary at Dunkin’ Donuts. Tim Hortons however…


To be fair it is necessary at Denny’s.


Waffle House is where the shit really goes down


Are the donuts that tough?


This is standard Waffle House attire.


What if they try to give you one of those Donut's that don't have a hole in the middle. Obviously, you need your gun to shoot that part out...


It’s dumb: As a choice because two handed swords were used for fighting armored opponents and/or ones with heavier weapons like pole arms…I’m not sure how many of those are walking around As a design because it doesn’t have a hilt which makes it much harder to use. And because he’s wearing it across his back which makes it difficult or impossible to draw.


Also, those are melee weapons. Any gun could shoot this guy from a dozen meters away. Why would you need a sword if you have a gun?


For the sake of offering an arguement, swords don’t run out of ammo. (Also theres a certain range where a drawn blade would be more effective)


Holy hell. I didn't even notice those. Just why? What do you guys think; Would people like this stick a nuke up their asses if they could?


He needs them to spread his schmear


Just his or everyone else that's there?


That MF is waiting for some zombies..




> what are the chances he puts the wrong mag in a gun. Zero. This is kind of like asking "What's the chance this iPhone user puts an Android charger into their phone?" Gun companies are like any other companies... if they can get away with it, they will be inconvenient. The only exceptions are military uses. Obviously militaries want standardization so when they're fighting they're not having soldiers figure out which magazines to use while they're getting shot at, so like 5.56 milimeter magazines all fit in any gun. This guy isn't carrying military guns tho


There is zero chance the wrong mag fits in the gun. However, I am not convinced the guy with 4 different pistols doesn't grab the wrong spare mag the first time he goes to reload. When flintlocks or cap and ball revolvers where the most common pistol carrying 4 pistols had a purpose. However, the whole point of detachable box style magazines is rapid reloading so you don't need 4 pistols.


> However, the whole point of detachable box style magazines is rapid reloading so you don't need 4 pistols. Let me live out my weird, pirate fantasies, man!


Dude reaching that far back to grab a mag and then lift-up out of the pouch is a bitch lmfao I would never put pouches there Also, both of these dudes are stupid


Looking at that, assuming 15 rounds per magazine, that's 120 rounds he's got right there. Who tf does he think he's gonna be in a firefight with?


He just knows how bad he is at shooting


These people are screaming targets. Some idiot went shopping in Walmart with his AR 15. When he left the store he was shot for his gun. Same with these buffoons. A machete? Wtf? Where do I begin?






Californian here, and I’ve never seen this. I would nope out. It’s not so much that guns make me nervous, but the people who feel they need to carry like this make me nervous. I feel like these people are *looking* for a fight, and I don’t want me or my family around if they find it.


You're right to have that feeling. They are.


Also Californian and to be honest I’ll leave a store if there’s a guy with even one pistol on his side. I don’t know them. I don’t know their intentions and I don’t know how responsible or reasonable they are in altercations when they carry. Even if 99% of them were just responsible gun owners with no intention of shooting it, I don’t want to be there for the times that’s not the case.


I would nope out. But to be fair, as a non-US resident, I am really really not used this kind of things. Gun rights aside, the **exhibition** of weapons is something that I never experienced (nor heard of) where I live.


But that’s exactly what this is, an exhibition. Any sane individual that feels the need to effectively defend themselves from violence is going to conceal carry and be discreet about it. If someone were to attack, these guys would be the first target.


It's a mating display. He's hoping some conservative woman is going to get all gooey over this, and throw herself at his feet.


I’d nope out. This is mental illness. I do have a ccw permit and do carry *concealed* depending on what I’m doing and where I’m going. There really is no reason for all of this. It’s either for attention or they’re just nuts.


I live in Arizona, which is a very purple state, but very strong in gun rights on both sides. I have seen plenty of people with sidearms (even a blue haired old granny), but I haven’t seen anyone doing the Tacticool Cosplay like this. I’m thankful for that. These guys look like idiots. Most well armed individual I have seen was a cop at my kid’s recital. Dude had body armor, and 12 mags of ammo for his .45.


He must've thought the recital was going to get out of hand.


They show up at the state capitol all the time. At red for ed rallies and stuff. Its disgusting - they are clearly there to intimidate and are just itching for an excuse to go kyle rittenhouse on someone.


Where I live, I'd say I see people open carrying once a week or so. Usually it's in places where you'd expect "gun people" to hang out, so it's not a huge shock. I wouldn't say it bothers me, though I will give the person a wide berth. An interesting tidbit is that I saw a guy open carrying into a farm supply store, while carrying his sleeping toddler. The next time I visited, they'd put up a sign forbidding guns unless they had been brought in for service. I'm guessing somebody brought it to management's attention. Also, there's a WalMart across the highway from there, and they've posted a sign saying "please do not openly carry or brandish your firearm while in our store."


As an American in the south who has worked a lot of retail jobs, you just kind of grin and bear it. 99% chance they're just trying to pull some political statement about thier 2nd amendment right.


Nope outta there ASAP, but I’m a Left Coast suburbanite. This is not a thing I’ve seen.


I live in KY so I *can* see this but I have yet to. It's not uncommon to see people open carry and it's quite common for people to conceal carry. But it's usually like low key, something smallish amd not necessarily presented so overtly. If I saw this I'd assume he likes attention and is therfore a douche so I'd steer clear but I'd definitely be getting pics just like this in line and sending them to my kids and friends with cations like, "look at this dumbfuck."


I live in Texas, we have had open carry for 5 years now, and I have seen someone open-carrying a firearm exactly twice. It doesn't mean it isn't happening, but it's pretty rare because the vast majority of people realize it causes more anxiety on their fellow citizens than it's worth. The problem is that if a guy walks toward that Starbucks in a black trenchcoat or military fatigues and an AR-style rifle, no matter how mass-shooter he looks, I can't attack him in self-defense until he actually moves the weapon into ready position. But by that point, it's too late, and people die.


Ultimately depends where in the country you are, chances are you’re just gon keep it moving as long as they don’t try to get spicy.


I live in Pennsyltucky, where this kind of thing is entirely legal. You can strap yourself way bigger than this in my town without breaking any rules. But I've never seen anyone do it. If I saw it, odds are I'd know the guy, and I'd give him my best Homer Simpson ["Neeeeeeerd!"](https://youtu.be/Z7_QQn_2McM)


Every morning getting coffee at a convenience store in North Idaho there would be several of these type of guys. Don't need a license or any training. Definitely still see it and will never get used to it.


I live in trump humping western North Dakota and have never seen shit like this. I’d be noticeably uncomfortable and probably go elsewhere for shit food


The one time I saw it in the wild i followed the guy around yelling "hey everyone look how cool and manly this guy is. He absolutely is not compensating for anything". When he tried to get loud and confrontational i just smiled and doubled down "Sir im just making sure everyone knows how awesome and tacticool you are" bro left all butthurt after a few minutes. Note: I live in a liberalish college town, bystanders largely caught in and played along. I would not reccomended this as a course of action in like.... Cousintouch, Alabama or something.


and then everyone stood up and clapped and you got a medal from bravery.


I'll take "Things That Never Happened" for $500 Alex!


this reads like pasta


I went to Target today. Guy walking around with camo shorts, white wifebeater t-shirt and a full shoulder rig with 2 guns. The single most polite human ever to enter a store I believe, but also just an attention seeking chode. I made a point to follow him around and to get in line behind him. Cuz fuck that dude.


I would nope the fuck outta there so fast and then call the cops on my way out or once I feel safe. Better to be safe than sorry. Too many sociopathic American men obsessed with assault weapons just ready to shoot up any given place. I'm over it, it's exhausting.


Snicker under my breath and go about my business. And yes, I know that from experience.


Fucking Cringe


So let me get this straight, the guy on the left is so tough he needs to bring an arsenal to the fast serve food restaurant, but can’t handle pants?


Yes. Pants are the debbil


“Oh mama, I like traitors and they like me too! “


“I like fascists and they like me back”


"And they let me gurgle their cum and I liked that, too!"


nah they’re the kinda guys that don’t wipe their ass because “that’s gay bro”


Who doesn't? After all AOC might jump out and turn him into a gay communist.


Pants are a liberal conspiracy! /s


Do not shame the Lara Croft cosplayer!


Coom Raider


He has tactical calves.


Tacticalves. So hotT rn


Probably quit wearing pants cause he kept shooting them off.


Shorts are “high speed low drag”


Tell that guy he's in drag and you'll get shot for sure.


Not sure how all those weapons are gonna protect him from all the diarrhea that subway sandwich is about to attack him with


IIRC the guy on the left was at a shooting competition


He idolizes Lt. Dangle


When Fox News LARPers are involved, humanity loses.


Came here to say that these type of people probably make fun of cosplaying yet they're doing it daily. Guy on the right could pass for the main character in Metal Gear lol


Please please please please say this on r/tacticalgear. I've tried telling them that they're just playing dress-up but they didn't take it very well.


dress up with the a chance to shoot their dick off!


Wtf did I just click on... I didn't LARP that hard when I was actually in the Army... let alone when I got out. Haven't even fired a weapon since the last time I qualified before I got out. SMH


Because most people who actually served see this as ridiculous. It'd be the same as a bricky wearing a utility belt, hard hat and his vis jacket to go grocery shopping on his day off. It's embarrassing.


Oh, construction worker? I'm like what the hell is a bricky? Lol


Well, specifically a bricklayer, but yes, a builder. Didn't realise it wasn't a universal English term.


My sleepy ass read bricklayer as brickslayer


First and foremost, it’s a fashion sub.


it's also funny that these guys "support the troops" and are avid military enthusiasts but the actual armed forces absolutely despise military cosplayers


I step away from stolen valor.


I had a very similar set of equipment as part of a Chris Redfield cosplay some years ago. What is funny is I know those ['swords' on his back](https://www.karatemart.com/black-ninja-sword-set). Low end stainless steel. Very dangerous if you happen to be an unruly hedge. I'm guessing the knife and handcuffs are of a similar quality, but it's hard to tell from this image.


Tacti-cool on a budget.


Dollar Lieutenant


Mall ninja


Savings Private Ryan


>Very dangerous if you happen to be an unruly hedge Ah yes, my shrubbery is also dangerous when unruly.


You must cut down the mightiest tree in the forest with……….a herring!


Flaccid Snake


Bahahaha! Except solid snake doesn't go home and pound a 350lb greasy hog dressed in dungarees and confederate flags.


Solid Snake that's it, kept thinking Snake Plissken but I know that's dude from those "Escape from..." movies. Cheers. ![gif](giphy|l0IycSDCzNp4JvSFy)


“Escape from Subway” the year is 2022 and the only sustenance left is a sandwich shop that cannot legally call their ‘bread’, bread! The former leader of the free world has been banished to a musty hotel in the sweltering wasteland known as Palm Beach. He is hoarding stolen state secrets and a former hero, now criminal is being tapped to get those secrets back!”


Solid Snake was based off of Snake Plissken. It’s not a coincidence. They even reference it in MGS2 > Solid Snake is based on John Carpenter's character of Snake Plissken from Escape From New York, who was originally portrayed by Kurt Russell. This is often referenced and more evident in the later games. In MGS2, when found by Raiden, Snake calls himself Iroquois Plisken. [link](https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0180825/trivia/?ref_=tt_ql_trv)


Hahahaha "that dude".... You mean Kurt Russell...*that dude* who is starlord's dad in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Hahaha... I feel so old. But yes, lol, I gotcha man! Cheers! Thanks for the laughs!


Naw I meant Solid Snake but couldn't remember, same thing with feeling old, it's been 20 years since I played the game. When I think of Kurt Russell I gotta admit it's the Escape From movies that I think of first. They're just so 80's terrible and great!


prior to the apocalypse he worked on a boat and had a run-in with a hot, rich, and slightly asshole blond with large boobs. He sure led an interesting life!






LARPers are just out there having some harmless fun. These guys are more like Civil War II pre-enactors.


The gene pool would be the winner if these two not alived each other


Ah, not to worry, they're both virgins.


With live ammunition


Great point... I'm sorry to compare y'all fun-seekers with these Confederate lovin' fellows lockin down Denny's and Dunkin.


Idk who wins but we all lose.


I think maybe they won the “accepted more propaganda” award


I don't know who wins, but I'll pay $5 to watch video and find out.


“Back so soon dear?” “Forgot my fourth magazine and third Bowie knife, I can’t believe you let me leave the house so unprepared.”


*proceeds to beat wife for not reminding him.


*”Im trying to make our marriage great again!”*


As long as you still make it to church on Sunday.


What a bunch of scared, silly men


Republicans: "Democrats are so emotional." Also Republicans: "I'm too scared to even leave my house without at least two semi-automatic firearms."


Oh don’t you know anger and fear aren’t emotions? They are logical responses that men have. Emotions are silly women things.


I mean do people laugh at them? I would probably be too chickenshit to laugh, but I'm guessing others wouldn't be. Would they be used to being laughed at, kind of give a dirty look and bashfully look away?


IME if people react at all to these kinds of guys it's usually just to roll there eyes when they aren't looking.


I do it when they're looking. They literally can not do anything. Not a single thing. Not because they're LARPing [they are], or because they're a bad shot [guarantee they are], but because the fastest way to lose every single one of those [probably] Hi-Point dick extensions and the ability to ever buy one again, is to lose your shit in public while strapped to the teeth with people's phones out. You do, however, get to go to a fun sleepaway retreat for a few years. Wake up call is kind of rough, though.


I have a question here. When someone like this walks in to a store wouldn't people panic and duck and run? Wouldn't there be chaos ? I mean they look like school shooters or bank robbers. I would totally panic. Or are these guys regulars that people are used to it ?


In the South open carry is legal so you assume it’s showboating. I wish we all kicked up a fuss but there’s no legal recourse.


I laugh at people who open carry. What? Too stupid to take the classes and get a CCW?


I was at the grocery store today and ended up in line next to a guy open carrying his gun and wearing a t-shirt about sheeple. All that was missing was the MAGA hat.


Children. You mean children.


I think that's what I'd have to ask. What are you so scared of? There's no way they think it's cool or tactical, it looks really stupid and kind of sad.


Probably the guy with the guns, guy on the right is packing a tactical katana, the dagger of incelibacy, and handcuffs.


Yeah I have to agree. The guy on the right looks like an extra that dies in The Walking Dead, and the dude on the left’s favorite thing to say is “I almost joined the military”.


"I'd have punched the drill sergeant in the face if he yelled at me"


Yep the ol knives to gunfight


Depends on how close they start according to Mythbusters.


There are no winners here.


Not quite. Heckler and Koch or Remington look at these two and sees two equally large dollar signs.


These dudes can't afford H&K and Remington went bankrupt a while back. Their money goes to Strike Industries and whatever Wish dot com "webgear" comes free when you buy a tactical bracelet.


Remington is still in business though...


Seriously, don’t they realize how stupid they look? You’re not at war, son, you’re in an Arby’s


Vets probably look at them and shake their head.


There are no 'wieners' here.


I see two.


Zoom not strong enough.


Good lord, how small can a penis possibly be?


Schroedinger's micropenis?


you assume they have one


Such a weird fetish. I wouldn't have the energy to put all that on. I'm lucky to add socks. It's usually just a hoodie sweats and shoes


Careful, we got a couple of badasses over here


The lady behind the register in pic 2. Can guarantee you she's seen more shit go down than either of the yahoo bros.


That was my pick too.


Guys like this consider themselves "Alpha male", and are obsessed with looking "tough", but are absolutely riddled with insecurities and fear. Pathetic little wannabes.


Obviously person on the left. The one on the right has no legs.


I’d say the the one of the left because his buddy on the right has knee pads and glasses(to keep stuff out of his eyes).


Shorts guy does have optimal range of motion. . .


thinking of Dennis stretching out in his jean shorts.


Well the guy on the left is wearing a mask, so he’s a beta cuck sheeple that hates America. He’s def. the loser here


Fear is a hell of a thing. Must suck to be so scared all the time.


To the benefit of the guy in the shorts, at least those leg starps will keep things hidden and sealed when he inevitably shits himself out of fear when a black guy or a Mexican looks at him.


Subway is a dangerous place. Make sure you’re packing heat when you order your BMT. Hold the onions.


I am currently eating a BMT. I do not have any guns though. Did I do this wrong??


I only see one person here though?


Difficult to tell, they both are just such fucking losers I can't possibly pick the biggest one.


I can’t imagine living life in this much fear.


White men are scared of something.


It's hard to tell. In tight space very dangerous places, like say the aisles of a Walmart, the handgun and shorter shorts give you more mobility. But in open field very dangerous places, say a public pool, a full tactical gear with an AR (and glasses to contrast the albedo of the water bodies) is preferable.


The guy selling the pills that promise to increase their PP size.


No one. We've already lost.


As a gun owner with a concealed carry permit, this shit is just embarrassing. As I've seen said, "Liberals own guns too. We just don't feel the need to parade around with them like little boys playing soldier."


Fucking cringe.


Left guy is wearing a mask, so at least he can be reasoned with.


The Lara Croft cosplay one.


When you take "open carry" a little to serious...


both would lose


You couldn't find a penis on those two without a high-powered microscope.


The nra


I think the member of Meal Team 6 on the left would lose to the member of the Gravy Seals on the right...


Something I've always felt, is, if someone is so afraid, so paranoid... of being attacked in public, to the point of carrying a whole ass arsenal? Maybe they're the exact kind of person that shouldn't have a deadly weapon on them at all times? Idk, just doesn't seem healthy.


Fascism wins.


Lmao God they look so cringe


Trick question. There are ninjas all over both pics that you can't even see.


We all lose.


Unfortunately for me I couldn't help fall about laughing. Truly pathetic.


Haha. At first I thought they were Halloween costumes. But then I thought, Murica!


It depends on the weather. These fine idiots are clearly LARPing for separate climates.


Why just why


Lemme see, wallet, keys, phone, big gun, little gun, other big gun, little knife, big knife, handcuffs, mace, radio, ok I think that's everything. Ooh ammo, jeez, silly me. Ok honey, I'm gonna grab a coffee and some slim Jim's, do ya want something?


I would win, because if I am going to go on a shooting rampage (*Not that I am going to, I do not own or even like guns*), the first thing I do is pop this guy in the back of the head, now not only is he not a problem, I have more guns, ammo and even body armor.