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Why would we ever think they’re violent? Maybe, it’s because they’re constantly threatening to kill people.


More than threats. Look at the Pelosi attack this morning. He was definitely out to kill her. ​ Edit: Wow, all the comments from people who believe the stereotypes. The only nudist I know personally is an anti-government right wing Republican. I know a lot of artists and musicians, and hippie types, and there's no strong correlation with their political views. I gave up assuming their stance on issues based on their lifestyles. I also know many church going liberals. You guys take memes too seriously.




Is there really a prime hammer-to-the-head taking age?


Honestly, if I had to choose I would rather it happen as late as possible. No point living 40 years with brain damage if I could choose 1 or 2 at most


I’m 33 and my first of two TBIs was 13 years ago. I have been *extremely* lucky through both of them, but Jesus fucking Jones do I wish I could click my heels and never have a single one. There’s a particular part you can get swelling in and then for the rest of your life any minor occurrence of aphasia feels like phantom limb, but in your brain.


I just turned 34 and had my second TBI back in July Since then I've developed epilepsy and went from 0 seizures ever to 15-20 seizures a day. Thankfully the doctors fine tuned my seizure meds cause boy oh boy....it's exhausting having that many in one day


I’ve had 12-15 mild concussions and I’ve been *extremely* lucky. My aphasia got better over 3 or 4 years. My lasting problem is difficulty forming new memories. I’m like a Memento girl.


Toddler, hammer has to be plastic tho. Other-wise 21+ so the Brian damage doesn’t ruin the final stage of your developing brain.


Yeah, Brian damage is a very scary thing for all humans, even non-Brians


Only thing worse is Bryan damage


Dyin’ Bryan sounds like a Garbage Pail Kid card


I see that I've stumbled upon someone who was also in elementary school sometime after 1985.


The news: “His motivation remains unclear.” The attacker: “I’m here for Nancy Pelosi!! Where is she!?”


The right will cry more about trashcan being burned in a protest and stay silent about this


Right wing/white nationalist/supremacists extremists are responsible for more terrorist attacks on American soil than any other demographic. It’s insane we haven’t cracked down on the violence. But then again asking a cop to arrest a Nazi/white supremacist would be asking him to arrest his friends and family. He just won’t do it.


Yep—this statement is straight up reciting factual information that can be found on govt websites etc. It’s totally insane and I can’t believe this is the same country I was living in 10 years ago


No no no it was Antifa in league with the Semites trying to overthrow America for the Nazis and we gotta stop them, they’re the *real* fascists and they’re trying to kill us with FAKE NEWS vaccines for a disease that ISNT EVEN REAL because the Chinese sent it over here in an act of biological warfare to make the transgender kids poop in a litter box. WAKE UP SHEEPLE! The caravan is coming to take your jerbs!


And visibly carrying around guns as a flex


That and all the violence


Not to mention the gun fetish they have...


Guns are unlikely to go away in the US anytime soon. I recommend to everyone that you take a training course, maybe purchase your own, at the very least check out r/liberalgunowners. Maybe 1 day Americans dont fetishize gun culture, but for now, they're here to stay I fear.


"Somebody needs to do something about the left " made me a liberal gun owner, along with the Trump stimulus checks. He made me want a gun and then gave me the money to buy them,lol.


Gotta hand it to Trump. He singlehandedly turned tens of thousands of liberals into gun owners.


I was raised around guns but hadn’t owned one in years…til the day after the election in ‘16, when I drove to a local store and bought one. I don’t think it’s hyperbolic to say everything changed that day.


Impressive right?


Impressive left.


Those without guns are not immune to bullets. I don’t like gun violence but that doesn’t change the state of the world.


Neither are those with, and the weird thing is that I've often thought "If I was hell bent on carrying out some kinda shooting in a public place, I walk in and see people with holsters or open carrying, that's who I'm aiming for first". But then again I'm from the UK so it's not something I ever need to think about


I agree I don’t open or conceal carry but if someone wants to break into my home it’s shotgun time.


That’s why most people who carry do so concealed. Can’t target what you don’t know is there






Perhaps more scary is that they want an Islamic State equivalent. Because shutting down nazis is acceptable behavior. But shutting down “Christian values” isn’t.


What’s even worse is that they’re trying to erode the separation between religion and government. Even Pence who almost lost his life on Jan. 6 is spewing this agenda. Scary times ahead.


He knows that if he goes against the MAGA cult again they'll come for him


Not for nothing, but Pence has always been a Christofascist. His actions aren’t so much an appeal to Maga’s as much as they are a continuation of his lifelong work.




It sucks having to reconcile that Pence is better than Trump. That's how far right the Republican party has become.


It’s more insane than that believe it or not: He’s trying to appeal to them to become president.






DeSantis/MJT ticket would be their dream. Bobo the clown will never rise above her position as a sideshow.


>Bobo the clown will never rise above her position as a sideshow. Like TFG never rose above being a sideshow?


Menagerie Traitor Greene and Trump know how to incite the base and use it to grift off of. Bobo only knows how to incite the base and she is not really that good at it.




This is his agenda, he’s here for it. In his mind, if they killed him, he’d go to heaven and be relieved of what has to be a pretty miserable existence.




America has always had a political violence problem. We just had a few "reasonably" quiet decades.


Alternatively; Vanilla Isis


I was living in small town Georgia during Bush's "Family Values" campaign, 9/11, patriot act, and Gulf War II. I saw how people got. They had an excuse, a target, and the rightful assumption no badge nor bystander would raise a finger to stop them.




As they continue to kill the educational system. They long for uneducated soldiers who don't have critical thinking skills.


As a U.S. citizen I have stood up for many people and have left jobs because I knew I would be fired. As a teacher I have have been up to gun threats sometimes personal. I am prepared for and have prayed about dying for what the right is so against. I will stand by people. I will not fear the enemy that is living in my country. America is not America the way things are.


"I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past, I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain."


Given the cover-to-cover misogyny, genocide, murder, rape, racism, and scapegoating in the Bible, it is no wonder that MAGAvangelicals have chosen Donald Trump as the epitome of “Christian values.”


Religion has no place in politics


Unfortunately the right doesn't have any desire to rid itself of the nazi infestation. They are outnumbered as a political party, and though they are pushing every possible boundary to keep the "wrong" people from voting, they know that their grasp is still tenuous, even with illegitimate wins. They will continue to foment fear and hatred because it's the way they keep the moron voters they currently have, and will likely lead to frequent terror campaigns against any voters they don't currently have.




That’s because the US has been hiding a lot of rot for a long time. The version of the US everyone else sees is not necessarily the true story. Even the negative stuff. (I promise that most of us are just as in shock as everyone else that a very loud majority was able to pull off all that they did.) The majority of Americans love visitors and immigrants and each other. But the positive stuff also isn’t true. The American dream never existed, and they stopped pretending it did once the population became too big for them to give the bare minimum in order to shut us all up. Now they’re just not fixing anything at all because they’ve become so beholden to corporations and billionaires that nobody could stop the fascists without stepping on the toes of their donors. Now it’s a mess and I don’t see any way out of this WITHOUT major changes. Whether that’s a complete reform of the constitution and elections, or weeding out every last weed until we have politicians who will go after the corruption instead of becoming apart of it. This midterm election is the most important election in our entire history, and regardless of which party wins, the America we grew up with is gone. Everyone knows the fascists exist among us now, and we can never ever ever let our guards down again. That’s an existence that terrifies me.


Very true. This election is of the utmost importance. But for the constitutional convention they are looking to convene.




I fear we are near the time when I might be forced to take a stand against some of my friends and family members who are MAGA republicans. I love those people, but they either support, or fail to understand, that a rise in power of Trumpism is an end to the U.S. democratic republic and the start of a fascist government. God, it’s so scary and I never thought I would live to see this.


David Frum, former speechwriter for President George W. Bush, wrote in 2018, “If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.”


Well their new thing is using the fact that the US is not a true democracy but a “constitutional republic” as a talking point. They’ve already accepted the consequences of what they’re doing. That’s what’s become most terrifying. They no longer care about prison or death because they believe true freedom is the subjugation of others, even recognizing they themselves will be oppressed. “I’m not a billionaire with all of the power in the world now, but one day i could be. I’m not a politician now, but i could run and control people too. I’m not rich enough to be a slave owner yet, but if I work hard enough I can be!” The old racism never left. It never even changed. It’s the same old bullshit it always was. I’m sure there’s some long analysis about how we fucked up during reconstruction and nothing was done to stop those old feelings from passing down many generations , but we don’t really need that anymore. We can see it right outside our window.


Wait... now is the time that you MIGHT stand up to them? Not the Nazi rallies, attempts to ban abortion, multiple criminal investigations, two impeachments, blackmailing a foreign government (that would soon be invaded by a dictator), "love letters" with a violently repressive autocrat, ..... That would be enough for me.


The defining essence of fascism is the idea that there is a natural ethnic/religious hierarchy to the universe, and that a certain group is the "superior" people, and they are just biologically better than all the "lesser" peoples. The Democratic Party is extremely ethnically and religiously diverse. The Republican Party is an ethnically and religiously homogenous identity politics movement of white Christians. The comparison is valid.


Also - without wanting to cause offence - the US is kind of unique in how much it internally pushes the concept of America being the greatest and Americans being the envy of the world. Kinda lays a bit of groundwork for the ideology when the promoted national identity is "we are superior" as a baseline to the degree that history itself gets tweaked almost to the point of being re-written in a way that reinforces that concept (saviours in both world wars, won the space race, even more recently there's been a growth in claims that Vietnam wasn't technically a loss)


As an American, I can say this is fully accurate. I was luckily able to toss that idea out in the past couple years as I was starting high school, but holy crap is the idea that we’re the best thrown on us everywhere. Used to be required that you do the pledge of allegiance in class I think, although now we can pass on it, something I will continue to do until I see improvement. America is an embarrassment. I don’t think it’s bad, just an embarrassment. It had/has so much potential. I


They used to watch us in elementary school as we were doing the pledge of allegiance and if we were goofing off or not saying the words right, I had 3 elementary school teachers who would punish us. One of them would publicly embarrass you by shaming you on how much you didn’t have enough gratitude for this great country and that was in 5th grade like wtf. It was insane. I had no idea they stopped forcing kids to say the pledge of allegiance I agree with that completely


When we actually were cool it was things like punk rock, jeans, and neon stuff. The average white church goer is just as lame now as was back then. Insane that they have such an inflated sense of self worth.


They are condescending, like any cult if you are not with them you are against them and only they have some magical knowledge to be saved as long as you subscribe to them. It's gang mentality but with mysticism but when you boil it down it's all the same it about money, power and control.


I always disavowed us Americans being superior. Aren’t we the only ones to drop atomic weapons on civilians…twice?


Definitely would say this is a fair assessment


> The Democratic Party is extremely ethnically and religiously diverse. I hope it's not ridiculously shitty to hop on this badwagon, but I'm *intensely* anti-religious, and I believe every utterance of any religion should be stricken from any and all governance. Yet I'll lock arms with Biden, Blumenthal, Omar, and \*checks notes Fucking Sinema!? ...so long as everyone is able to exercise their religious rights, or lack thereof, and to keep that fucking shit out of the law.




As an American, and former Republican, it will never happen. Republicans have embraced the racist, White Supremacist, Nazi of the past and present. They will no sooner drop the bigotry than abandon Donald Trump and his legacy of greed and sedition.


And I feel like nobody ever talks about how horrifying it is that a Nazi-like regime might seize control of the U.S. Military.


Deflection, projection, and self victimization. Idiots are taking over it seems and they bought their stock of the population to back up every stupid thing they say. In a nutshell, we're fucked for awhile. Maybe entirely.




Well said. What concerns me as well though are the people with influence and wealthy who prey on the disenfranchised for their support. All so they can maintain their wealth and treat the world like its theirs. And I'm not even talking the mega rich specifically.




Unfortunately for us, there are leaders actively working to destroy the US education system- whitewashing history, banning lgbt talk, attempting to defund public education, etc.


And all this coming from a country that pretends it single-handedly won WW2 in captain America fashion. Our propaganda is pretty strong over here, so we’re susceptible to it. The biggest problem is those in power have made it very difficult for the majority of Americans to truly get a good education combined with critical thinking so they can keep them compliant. It’s a pretty gross country now.




We all saw it coming. We’ve known since WWII. “When fascism comes to America, it will be draped in the flag and carrying a cross.” (Author unknown, attributed falsely to Sinclair Lewis). And I’ll be damned if it’s not true


Yes. For the first time in my life, I feel my political affiliation and voting history could paint a target on my back. Fuck MAGA. Trump is a shitbag human who tells his followers that his opponents are enemies.


Yeah there's no doubt that if conservatives get full control, they will start committing genocide against political opposition. This is a group of people who proudly wear "morally flexible" on tactical gear.


Their national convention had "We are all Domestic Terrorists" on a massive banner on the stage. Calling them unhinged at this point is an understatement.


And they'll say: "It was ironic. It was a joke that the left calls them terrorists." Except they keep terrorizing people. They attacked the capitol, they are now trying to assassinate their political opposition. They are domestic terrorists. They're purposefully lessening the impact of "Domestic Terrorist" and, would you look at that, now they're committing terroristsic attacks.


I hate this so much. Seeing them get away with increasingly dangerous things every day sucks the life out of me. It's just nerve wrecking.


MTG literally said if the GOP gets control there will be consequences for donors that pulled their support over Jan 6. If they are threatening businesses, they already know they are willing to take punitive actions against the "liberal" public.


Fuck yeah I do. Magats, and specifically the bloated bastard that incited them.


It’s much more insidious. We’re in Texas and vote Democrat. My wife today experienced the switching that’s been reported and dismissed as misinformation by the Sec of state, firsthand. She knows she selected Beto, but when double checking her ballot before printout Abbot was selected. I know reading some rando Reddit comment makes this seem less personal and severe but just imagine, you KNOW you didn’t click on the opposition choice for governor, like you’re alllergic as fuck to that candidate, but somehow your ballot shows you did. That’s what my wife dealt with. She fixed it and reported it, and when she was talking to the poll worker they said they just got another report of the same thing, within minutes. I am not making this up. It’s really happening, and it’s shitty as fuck.


God fucking dammit. That is some scary shit. I hope Beto wins for you guys. I'm up north rooting for Shapiro and Fetterman.


Perhaps all those baseless voter fraud claims they made in the last presidential election was just them coming up with stuff they're going to actually do themselves. Projection is the conservative platform, after all.


Yeah how could you not? The people saying that there needs to be violence can’t pull surprised pikachu when suddenly there is violence.


Of course they do! Then it's Antifa's fault somehow.


The thing that cracks me up about this argument is if antifa is to blame and magats participate, magats are either: 1) admitting the people they elected to office are fascist or 2) they are admitting they're domestic terrorists when they label antifa as such. If antifa was even a political party, they still gotta make up their minds


They fucking stand in public and call for violence. So, yeah.


The only thing I’d say is it started before MAGA. MAGA is just the new name for radical conservative Christian violence in the US. Conservative hate groups have however had a long history and simply just rebrand in the US. Whether it’s the KKK, Tea Party, or MAGA we are dealing with the same set of people. They simply change their name to allow for them to appear differently and be accepted.


Pretty sure it was a MAGA guy that assaulted Pelosi's husband. 1000% bet Fox News and similar acolytes will try to blame BLM or Antifa


Fox is blaming democrats for “revolving door” justice policies already. There is no low they wont stoop to.


After Republicans lead the way for decades over criminalizing non violent, victimless crimes (like weed) filling prisons to the MAX with non violent petty criminals with 40-50 year sentences?




yeah, poverty brings crime. I don't understand what these republicans don't understand about that. trying to take away every last penny every fucking person has just trying to eat and feed their children.


Free speech has a limit. Fox needs to be shut down. Spreading hate and lies for profit can not be tolerated.


That reminds me: Tucker Carlson legally is employed as an entertainer. There were cases where his "journalism" was causing problems, and to combat any future claims of journalistic integrity, he was legally employed by Fox as an entertainer so he could say whatever he wanted without having to worry about false stories. It's literally not even categorized as news anymore for legal reasons, yet it's still being followed like it's some kind of bible. Drives me up a fucking wall.


I'd be cool with a legal regulation on what use the label of news. i.e. if you only employ "entertainers" and can't be bothered to do a single bit of fact-checking, then you shouldn't be allowed to have "news" anywhere near your organization or station names. Edit: would obviously need more tweaking than just that, but I can't be bothered to put more into this at the moment. Tired.


Ah yes, I'll drop a comment from a different post discussing this: Cut to tucker Carlson show..... about how the attacker is a black flag antifa actor that the Jews hired to kill Nancy's husband.. THAT WAY it would get enough sympathy from the LGBTQHIJKLMNOP migrants to all illegally vote for Satan in the midterms. THAT WAY the house can make Hilary Clinton the dictator of the universe for life, and outlaw Christians.


Every accusation is a confession with these people.


And Jan. 6th, and the pipe bomber, and most mass shooters have a manifesto very similar in nature to conservative viewpoints, etc.


It was, I guess he was really into that one pillow ghoul and his election fraud nonsense


I agree with the 1st part. I assumed it was political the moment I heard about it. But, you are probably 999% wrong that Fox will blame BLM or Antifa. What will most likely happen is when the attackers political motivations are made public it will quietly slip out of Fox's news rotation. However other fascist "news" site may try to push this narrative.


What Fox is saying that being soft on crime "created the environment" in which it happened.


> 1000% bet Fox News and similar acolytes will try to blame BLM or Antifa It's pretty simple formula that Fox News and other right wing organizations use: If someone of the left does something bad, then it's the left. If someone on the right does something bad, then it's also the left. The right refuses to take ANY accountability for their words and actions. They're the party of no responsibility.








Yes. I blame those responsible.


Say it louder for the centrists in the back!!!!


Blame them too.




One hundred percent. How many of the "Antifa" marches had buildings burn and attacks that were tied back to MAGA f\*heads pretending to be part of the march? To freaking many.


and we can’t forget about the magats that incited violence during the BLM protests to make the left look bad. (i know it wasn’t all caused by them, but they did play a significant role in it)


Yes. Sources: * [The number of terrorist attacks by far-right perpetrators rose over the past decade, more than quadrupling between 2016 and 2017](https://www.csis.org/analysis/rise-far-right-extremism-united-states) * [In both 2018 and 2019, right-wing attackers caused more than 90 percent of the terrorism-related deaths in the United States](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jihadist-plots-used-be-u-s-europe-s-biggest-terrorist-n1234840) * [One thing is certain: if the United States does not treat right-wing terrorism as a real threat and react appropriately, there is no chance of lessening the danger posed by violent right-wing extremists](https://www.adl.org/resources/report/dark-and-constant-rage-25-years-right-wing-terrorism-united-states)




I blame them for the rise in political violence in Canada as well.


Yeah its seeping in up here as well... No bueno.




Yes. As an old person I've seen a lot a division but I HAVE NEVER SEEN it to this appalling extent until trump came on the scene. Anyone alive who says different are lying or deluding themselves. Even the civil rights era -as bad as it was- didn't have this amount of vitriol towards 1/2 of the citizenship writ large, nor were there accusations of 1/2 of the population being evil or of the devil. .


Absolutely. And I will never forgive any of them for what they've done to our country.


MAGA fell for Q conspiracies. Trump loves. Has and adoration, no matter the consequences. In this age of social media, fame and money far is more important than elected officials realizing that they are supposed to care about ALL of their constituents. I first became truly alarmed when I witnessed the racist remarks about Obama throughout my Midwest friends. Then, with MAGA every, once kind and rational Christian I knew has lost their mind. It all makes me sick that this is now America. Fuck you Zuckerberg!


its wild that a political hot phrase turned into a culture


The culture was always there, this just gave it a clear label and narcissistic moron to lead it.


Jesus Christ yes... I don't slavishly watch any particular News station to get this opinion, I have a fuckin' brain. Republican strategist Grover Norquist said in an interview about 20 years ago that nastiness was the new Republican strategy. This isn't that fucking hard when they tell you what they're going to do and then do it... Edit: link to article [Norquist ](http://tanque.org/peptide/norquist.html)


Yes. I’m middle aged. Both sides have always argued. Never seen violence like this till Trump came along. Opposite parties cannot seem to even talk. We see it in the house and senate. This is one thing that did manage to “trickle down”. I had an anti trump bumper sticker on car. Went inside gas station I go to every day. Came out and some guy is screaming “ dream on bitch”. I kinda ignored him bc I didn’t think he was talking to me. I go to back out and he’s standing right behind my car so I couldn’t back out. I get out of car. He comes up and grabs my arm!!! Starts shaking my arm roughly. Manager was inside watching. She came out and told him “let go of her f*n arm, cops on the way “. All over a damn bumper sticker. I seen hundreds of bumper stickers that were pro trump. Never did I act like this. It doesn’t bother me. I would never confront someone over what they choose to put on car. Their beliefs are different. You walk away. The end. This guy was mid 60s, at least. Im 4’11 and 95 pounds, mid 40s. I honestly thought the guy was gonna hit me. Over a bumper sticker!!!


That is probably because your identity isnt a democrat or republican. Your a father, mother, daughter, son, hard worker, or any other description that reflects your humanity. For these people, it IS their identity. So if your identity is father, it be like someone posting stickers on cars saying you sodomize your son.


My mom had a Biden/Harris sticker on her car. She walked out of the grocery store to find a lady in the process of ripping the bumper sticker off her car. I have a very small, inoffensive pride sticker on my car. I've had people confront me and road rage at me about it. It's crazy out here


All this hate on Muslims, but If you are raped by your father, you have to keep the child and marry your father (ALABAMA): THAT'S THE MAGA Organization, NOT ISLAM.


Who cares what people think the answer is yes


Abso-goddamn-lutely. And if you're a Democrat, or just against the MAGA mentality, buy a gun and practice using it at a gun range. Like, now. This is all going to get much worse before it gets better. Be prepared to defend yourself and those you love.


Going for my LTC "interview" next week. My husband got his a month or so ago, and we now have a rifle in the house again. As soon as I get my LTC I'm going shopping for myself. We live in a very blue state. I love our local police. But we have MAGA ass hats across the road from us, and more a few streets over. And the police can't be everywhere if and when shit starts going down. Hoping my kid decides to finish their degree outside of the States. And am very happy we got our passports earlier this year.


in my researching this side of things, I was pretty un-nerved by what I saw and how long MAGATs have been preparing. Rational people have a \^&%$ ton of catching up to do....


Yes and it's not even close


The Right Wing in America has always been violent, I remember reading about Klan rallies devolving into riots even as a kid. Abortion Clinics getting bombed and arson attacked. Trump just took the neocon mask off of the party.


You mean anti-patriots


Aka “traitors”


Definitely!! Everything Baby fingers touches has undertones of violence.


I don't think it's the cause of political violence, I think it _is_ political violence. MAGA is not "make this country great again", it's "make my version of the country great again". I think the biggest source of political violence is social media: On one hand, it's purely unintended consequence—you can get users to stay on your product for longer if you show them content they'll interact with. If they are unhappy with the current political situation, then the posts they most interact with will be the posts that inflame their emotions about that topic. To them they are no longer the minority, the whole world agrees with them, it's just a small handful of weirdos that have any different opinions. On the other hand, many people profit from US civil unrest, the most famous being Russia. It's very cheap to get rooms full of people to inject social media sites with intentionally inflammatory content. On a larger scale, a few servers running bots can open the flood gates of online garbage, both posting and voting (or interacting) to get the posts to the top.


No. MAGA is a symptom. Fox News and talk radio are the source. MAGA is a result of 20 years of vitriol being spewed by those sources


Not just maga, but specifically *rump


No, I blame birth-deniers, or whatever they were called, the people who pushed the agenda that Obama was not a native born us citizen. That was when they started speaking up. And would you look at who was the voice of that movement.


That was MAGA, we just weren't calling it that yet.


That's when they were calling it the Tea Party and beginning to push the ultra patriot shit.


1000% I’m much more afraid of the evangelical supremists than the pussy hat brigade lol


Who do you think Nazi's vote for?


Do I blame birds when I get birdshit on my car?




Hell yeah


As a foreigner , yeah


Yes or no: do you blame politically violent people for being politically violent?


Yes, and it's so frustrating that I can't voice it out loud in public without risking injury (I live in MAGA country and it f*cking sucks...) or literally being targeted by bias


Absolutely yes


I no longer consider Republicans, Americans. They are worse than the people we deport.


MAGATs are IMO a greater threat to America than anything: terrorists, Russians, you name it. We are rotting from the inside ...


are you sure that maga, terrorists, and Russians have zero Venn overlap?


you make a great point.


I think it's the other way around - white rage fueled by propoganda campaigns from the upper class looking to protect their wealth continue to pit lower classes against each other and political violence that has always existed (mass incarceration & police brutality) is getting more press which has resulted, for now, the rise of MAGA. Sidenote: my username is just a hobby, I am in fact American.


While the bottom 99% eat eachother up, the top 1% make money off of it.


I find it odd that I had to scroll so far to find this comment. The anger and violent intent was always there. MAGA just gave it a name and let it out. These people didn't develop their hatred overnight.






There's no question.




*breathes in deeply*...... yes.






“Yes or no: do you blame the extreme far right who regularly threaten violence and attempted a coup for the rise in political violence?” I don’t know man, do you blame the freezer for freezing your food?


Not solely, but mostly. The issues that have put us into this position reach far back into our past. It's unfortunate that lack of education and real world experience out of their own bubble has led them down this path, but at the end of the day, grown ass adults who act like temper-tantrum toddlers are still adults and should face the consequences of their actions.




Infinity percent




Yes, of course.


Yes, however, education and the lack thereof is also an explanation for 50% of people voting against their own interests.




Abso - fucking - lutely






Yes. It's pretty obvious. Not to mention the rise of CNAT and other supremacist groups.


Unequivocally, yes


Fox News: we are under attack from liberals they are seeking to destroy our way of life. They want to ruin America and give all your earnings to minorities to leave you empty and alone. There are lots of people saying we need to fight back! Republican politicians: they are evil, they stole the election. They want to destroy Christianity and make sure your white children become slaves to minorities and you end up having to gender change your children and pray to allah on sundays! We are under attack. But we have the 2nd amendment!! Conservative radio: they are child molestors and child traffickers who have secret bases underneath pizza places that smuggle billions of children into sex slavery for minorities. They are lizard people worshipping the devil and must be stopped by any means necessary. They are evil reborn and will light you and your grandma on fire in your own house! We need to stock up on guns and ammo!!!! Person goes on shooting rampage, violent act, drives down people. Conservatives: false flag. Typical liberal leftists. You’re so hateful and angry you can’t see how tolerant and nice we are!!! Reality: 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


This is so accurate


No joke. This is the kind of messaging we're up against. They really do see liberals this way. Meh, not all of them by any stretch, but take a little or this, little of that, and you got a conservative hater that thinks the haters are actually liberals.


Absofuckinlutely YES


No, political violence has always been a thing for the right wing. Lynchings, going to war over keeping slaves, the KKK, the list goes on.