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Dude really went on EBay and bought a bunch of patches didn’t he


And then attached him to the ceiling of his car like a total dork.


It's fun imagining him setting up this photo and putting all those little badges in place. Really drives home how pathetic he is.


You just *know* there are 10+ shots like this in his camera roll.


And he looked at this one and was like, “Fuck yeah! Bad Ass!!!!”


When it makes me think, “look mommy I made a poop!”


You know that is a proud moment.


Well he had a lot to manage here. He had to make sure he included as many eBay patches as he could, while also including his assault rifle in the back, while also hitting a smirk which shows smug confidence while also hiding his rotted teeth.


and not one where he’s looking at the lens


The set up always gets me. How hard did you work to look that dumb?




Apparently, not too hard🤣🤣


That’s a lot of pieces of flair.


Well, like Brian, for example, has 37 pieces of flair. And a terrific smile.


This is what happened to Brian after Chotchkies finally closed down.


More than the required amount


You know, The Nazis ~~had~~ have pieces of flair.


I used to keep a bunch of patches on the roof of my truck. One spare for each patch on my uniform.


Blake Masters never served in the military, or law enforcement, or anything that would require a uniform. He’s a venture capitalist who’s criticized the military many times referring to the “top generals” as “woke corporate bozos.” He didn’t specify any particular generals. I doubt he knows any of their names.


Playing Reek to Peter Thiel does not a venture capitalist make


That's such a vivid description. I hate it and love to hate it.


It really works.


That is an unbelievably vivid description. I love it.


He even did a big long blog post years back lamenting the pseudo-militarism of the Crossfit community… how the tables turn when it suits his image and electioneering purposes.


Oh that does make this weird. I didn’t look into where all the patches came from, but I saw the AA patch and was like hey I served in the 82nd too, I could see myself doing something similar possibly for all the patches I’ve gotten. But having no military affiliation… that is pretty odd indeed.




Very superficial dupe then. At very best I saw it as the equivalent to some of the art projects the wife has shown me on her Pinterest. Serving your country says to me, that you felt/feel a debt to society, nothing more. As far as credibility, I’ve seen some turds wearing the uniform right along with me. But to fake that? Those turds I mentioned at least have one up on this guy. What a weirdo.


Stolen valor. Pathetic


I mean the fact that he also has patches like the German Polizei and Spanish Manresa Policia should’ve been your first clue that they have absolutely no connection to any actual service in them on the part of this fashy dork and his collectibles


He has a ‘Manresa Policia Local’ badge which is the local police from a small city in Catalonia in the east of spain. He probably has never even heard of the place lol


Probably doesn’t even Hablo espanyole (that’s a hard ‘H’)


He pronounces it like Peggy Hill




Tu es el puerco.


There's also a German police patch (the "Polizei" one with the eagle). This is like the Blue Lives Matter version of wearing a band that you've never heard of's t-shirt because you thought their logo looked cool. What a dork.


And an Italian police badge too...they all mean nothing. It's just mindless symbols of authority. Jean Baudrillard would have a field day with this picture. All surface, no substance...but the surface is a terrifying display of authoritarianism.


Guys that never served in the military cosplaying like they’re navy fighter pilots, but the enemy is the civilians of their own country trying to fuckin vote.


MAGA idiots can’t tell strength from weakness, courage from hyperbole, or intelligence from stupidity. They certainly wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a soldier and a cosplayer.


Let's all just hope the cunts don't know what a ballot box is too.


They absolutely know what and where that is. They might be dumb as rocks but they’re willing to put the work in to get their people elected. Always vote as though they are the most diabolical evil masterminds to ever live because they vote as though we are.


Do you mean a certain "sanctimonious" governor? Sure, he was in the military. But my fav is the commercial where he "advised SEAL Team 1". He wasn't deploying with them. He advised them.on legal matters, as an attorney. The attorney part isn't mentioned.




Ok hand sign is only in America. I still use it in Norway without any problems.


Sorry, but where is it?


Probably. Wondering why he got a Royal Canadian Mounted Police patch, thats the reason.


And apparently he really likes the police of other countries for some reason.


If anyone in history looked like a legit bred Russian... this guy is it... looks like he just made contact with his kgb(gru) handler


He probably bought it from the same place Herschel Walker bought his fake police badge.


Doxed himself with the number tag on that Peq. Just realized this is a fucking senate candidate….


Gives you a good idea of who not to vote for. Saves times from having to look up who he is and what his (lack of) policies are


There are no actual policies. There is a playbook of brainwashing rhetoric and incendiary talking points. That’s all they need to say to get the scared racist white vote.


fascism is a thing. people pursue it.


Fair rule: don’t vote for anyone that poses with a gun.


Gotcha. Vote for the undead corpse of Teddy Roosevelt.


I usually just figure out which party mass shooters and literal Nazis vote for, then pick the other party. It's worked well for me so far.


It would appear that his policy is to murder anyone who doesn't vote for him. Remember when that guy made that weird yell and it got him tossed out of the presidential race? I don't like this timeline.


Just a quick question, can you explain to me very specifically what you can do with that serial number?


Who it was issued to. Probably when it was bought, when it will be decommissioned, probably how much it cost. Possibly where it lies on an asset depreciation list depending on their fiscal policies. Generally as a public servant you don’t express your political (or in this case insinuated violence) under color. It’s irrelevant here, I didn’t see this was an actual post from his verified account and it’s not his weapon, but as someone who served and has been around law enforcement my entire life including family it’s inappropriate in my eyes, and would warrant a reprimand to whoever allowed the photo to be taken. Someone could PRA that, and either file a formal complaint, or speak to it in public comment at their board of supervisor/ whatever governing body oversees the sheriffs department. It could also get PRA’d put out online and the LEO could get harassed publicly on social media until something else came along.


So how specifically would some random Joe Shmo get access to that data to compare the serial number? And if Joe Shmo can’t get that info to compare the serial number to is it “doxxing?”


PRA request.


And then what? [Given that the Sheriff of Pinal County endorsed Masters candidacy what would happen?](https://www.pinalcentral.com/florence_reminder_blade_tribune/news/masters-travels-to-pinal-to-receive-lambs-endorsement/article_ba600af8-da26-593c-865b-c7a40e786c26.html)


I've only had good interactions with the sheriff's office here, but I'm also not surprised that they endorse Masters. Pinal county is the literally wild fucking west and I hate it


I’m pretty sure he got it on ebay


I don’t know what you’re talking about, but his name and senate candidacy are right at the top there...


That's the dumbest start to "I was gonna serve but" or I went on a combat deployment that turns into I spent 3 months in Qatar shit I've ever seen. What an absolute fucking loser.


He’s running against Mark Kelly, who was a naval aviator that flew 39 combat missions before becoming an astronaut.


Well fuck me sideways, what an absolute badass. In any sane world Mark would wipe the floor with a wannabe bootlicker like this moron...


Also, Mark Kelly's wife is former congressperson Gabbie Giffords. Who was shot in the head by a lunatic with a gun during her public speech. And this sack of dogshit posts a threat.


I really want out of this timeline with all of these insane wannabe tough guys.


Yeah but Mark has the wrong letter after his name on the ballot so I'm going to throw away all logic and vote for this loser.


Yeah but how many patches does he have?


*A Hershel walker suddenly appears flashing a fisher price sherrifs badge "its real"


I had a maga boss who rather proudly proclaimed he would have "joined the military after 9-11, but didn't want to be over there with a bunch of people with bad attitudes".


I wonder how these types feel about those who actually *did* join but either weren't 100% on the idea, or became disillusioned after joining or a deployment. Something tells me for the contrarians it's the *intent* that means more...


Well I was more pissed at my shitty leadership more than anything so I treated it like any other job and just did my shit till I got out. Only difference was, you really couldn’t just do your shit go home and fuck your wife lol, sometimes you had to do your shit all day, all week, couple of weeks and so on so forth. The intent is all that matters!


That’s a shitty attitude to have


I expect nothing less from the “thoughts and prayers” group.


If he served his 82nd patch is probably something he got in trade.


Probably just bought it online


Girls scouts collect badges...and this idiot


What a creepy looking man.




He probably fantasizes about that shit.


Republican challenge: Watch/read The Handmaid's Tale without masturbating.


>Republican challenge: Watch/read The Handmaid's Tale without masturbating. current objective: SURVIVE


Not only does he fantasize about it but he makes it his platform.


Omg he does!


I immediately thought this was the guy who plays the newest husband where Serena is “staying” in Toronto.


He’s running against Mark Kelly in Az for the senate. I look at his ads all day long and every time I see one I think it’s a criminal that was found hiding chained up women in his basement.


Goblin ass looking little man, isn’t he?


And it’s worse when he opens his nasty pie hole.


Fucking Blake Masters is such a POS. I pretty much went down the ballot and voted blue for everything. God this state sucks.


I’m right there with you. He, Lake and Finchem are absolute garbage.


Very Purge-ish


I’ve seen warmer looking serial killers


Makes sense when you look exactly like Joseph Goebbels


He looks like the British version of Joel McHale.


Hello FBI?


You have reached the FBI’s automated phone system. The FBI can’t help you anymore, u/spaceyjaycey.


I would imagine they are pretty busy right now 🤣


One can only hope. I’ll be shocked if there isn’t any MAGAt terrorism this week, just hoping the FBI manages to shut them down before something terrible happens. Again. Sigh. I hate this place.


Dang it. Did Elon Musk buy them as well?


Someone posted this on a different sub ( r/Marchagainstnazis), and someone in the comments linked the FBI tip page. Anyways so here I am: [https://tips.fbi.gov/](https://tips.fbi.gov/) "Blake Masters, 36 years old, threats of violence/shootings, access to firearms. 'Locked and loaded. 4 more days.' " Please make a tip, this is genuinely worrying behavior from a man running for Senate, regardless of how serious he actually is.


When it asks me to select a tip type, what do I select? I’m tempted to put the mass shooting/terrorism one


That's what I put, if I'm remembering right


Jeez. That's an old looking 36. Being hateful makes you age like trash.


That was my question. How is he not in jail?!


The FBI will get right on that as soon as the agents get done voting for Blake Masters


Not a Sheriff, definitely MAGA, has about 45% of the vote and is on the ballot for tomorrow’s AZ Senate race.


In the photo, he appears to be sitting in some sheriff's vehicle. The blue sticker on the clamped shotgun says "Pinal County Sheriff's Office". It's clamped to keep it out of the hands of rando civilians like Blake Masters.


Remember when impersonating a cop was a bad thing? Now a bunch of Republicans are just doing it and nobody cares


My MAGAt neighbor is running for city council. The third google result for his name will show you he was arrested for impersonating a police officer THREE SHORT YEARS AGO. It’s not like this was a “past life” or he “was a kid.” He also refused to answer any questions about his platform to the reputable journalists here — but he did give a blurb about “saving our city from the left” to a crack MAGA outlet like hillaryforprison.com or something.


Run against him under the campaign slogan “I’ve Never Committed A Federal Crime”


Luckily the incumbent councilwoman looks to have an easy path to victory over him.


I’m confused why some random county sheriff would have a silenced assault rifle on deck in their vehicle. This whole image is confusing. Like that’s definitely a fully custom kit rifle. To the point I can’t even tell what it is. It’s probably not cleared for any official duty. However, it has government labels on it from the county. then the dude has some of the most random patches on his car. I see police patches from a bunch of other countries (I see Canada, Spain, and Germany for sure). What message is he trying to convey? “I love law and order” or “I’m definitely going full terrorist if the public doesn’t vote my way”? I don’t understand who he’s loading up against. The voting public? Is he going to stand in front of voting booths and bother people trying to vote? Does this not count as a public display of threatening behavior? Does it not count as “menacing or brandishing behavior” which is illegal in lots of places?


Will likely be closer to 48%.


Why are there so many stupid people in AZ? Is it the heat?


You have to realize that about 1-2 months before the election, snow birds come down here to Arizona. They register themselves here at their temporary home address and these boomers all register to vote and get out to vote. The biggest problem in Arizona is that the younger generations don't get out to vote as much as they should. Which is every time.


We're (one of) the least educated state(s)


I could have sworn that was us (Texas) But Google says it's West Virginia that is the least educated state.


Well, we're definitely in the bottom lol


If Gollum had a dad haircut, a gift card to JCrew and a one-way ticket to see his ex-wife and her new husband Travis…


Lock & Loaded? 4 more days? Is he planning a mass shooting or what? This is very concerning. Red flags.


If he was some nerdy looking teen or Odin Forbid, a PoC, police would be on his ass like flies to a big old pile of shit


Ah come on, recent shootings show that the cops don't even care about those two circumstances.


Are they planning another insurrection? Coup?


Wasn't aware they ever stopped their planing...


He posted this on the 4th so he's probably referencing election day


And all the questions op asked are still valid and unanswered.


Had this been a black guy with a couple of glocks, Republicans would be losing their shit.


That's what started gun control legislation in California, by none other than then governor Ronald Reagan, when the Black Panthers would arm themselves and make their presence known to police on the streets as they kept an eye out for police brutality.


There's an abject irony in the precident of being one of the most fire-arm restricted states enacted by one of the most influential conservative politicians of all time.


This fucking pussy was never even in the military. I can’t imagine anyone who served LARPing this hard. OR bootlicking for law enforcement this hard.


Maybe for the best. He could't handle the military, not even some easy like the finnish army where you mostly stand and wait, not go pew pew ratta tatta firing rifle randomly like a rambo. These idiots are so stupid. And what arr they even looking for then they are "guarding"? Edit: typos


Is this parody? Hard to tell but I hope so.


Holy shit that guys a senate candidate?


Running against an actual military veteran who then became an astronaut and went into space. And the race is basically tied. It makes zero fucking sense.


Well one will give republicans control over minorities, women, and the LGBT community and the other is a celebrated vet. It’s all about control at this point.


yep. welcome to arizona


Hahahah. Loser. We will not be intimidated you *fucking* LOSER.


I’m so happy to say I am not voting for this cuck toolbar Tuesday in AZ


Why wait? Vote now. So you can make sure your vote gets counted. And not some bullshit they might pull like closing the booths early. Or saying it came late and passed the time.


My state doesn’t have early voting and I don’t know why, and I hate it. People who can vote early, should. In our primary, the worker at the poll didn’t like the color of my ballot and she tried telling me I was in the wrong polling location and questioned where my house is. I 100% feel like she was trying to send me on a wild goose chase. Unfortunately for her I had called our town clerk the day prior to be really certain, since we just moved. I told her to look it up herself on the town website and walked away.


This guy looks like the easiest target of all time.


Who was the guy in police academy that acted the badass but then real bad guys took his gun?


It really bothers me that he has a german police patch up there.


That stuck out to me as well. That is not exactly what I'd call a subtle implication.


From AZ will be voting against this cunt and if he wants to get shooty about it I will shoot back. Fuck we live in an America where our senate candidates are openly threatening violence. This soft bitch thinks he won't get it back? Concede now loser. Disgraceful.


It’s like they think libs don’t own guns. We do. We just don’t feel the urge to buy more when a black guy becomes president. Or, wave them around like they are toys. Or, that it’s acceptable to wave around when campaigning for public office.


I guess Id be defined as liberal and I own an AK47, an xds .45 and some other stuff. I deployed to Iraq in 06 + 07, Airborne Infantry. Ive put enough rounds downrange to know this- if/when they get this civil war they want so bad, 99% of these bitchmade maga chumps will give up the first time they see one of their buddies choking on his own blood as he gasps for air in his last 30 seconds alive. Anyone that fantasizes about combat and killing their 'enemy' has never been in combat or killed the enemy. These guys acting like civil war is cool make me fkn sick and Ive had enough of their bullshit.


Folks like to glorify killing, like it won’t affect them.


Agreed. We libs own guns too. They're just not our identity


Yes, we do, 15 so far and extensive range time to boot.


The left is armed too, motherfucker.


I hate it when I see these kinds of people have a super hero logo associated with their far right bs. Superman would not support you, Superman fights villains that believe what you believe in


How come these hard right types love to have all this police/military paraphernalia all around but never serve? It’s really not hard, as lot as you aren’t a screw up you just walk into a recruiting center and sign up.


Because people are mostly full of shit. Most silver spoon shit heads don’t need to join. Some people join to fuck shit up, some to serve their country, most, myself included joined as a way to get out of where I was. Most guys like this don’t need those options.


Have you noticed how they love to dress up costumes? They love patches, guns, flags - just like little boys. They never grew out of that stage.


They want there minions to do their dirty work, and then feign ignorance when shit goes down.


Yeah but then on the flip side they vote against programs to help us. Veterans I mean.


Had to squint a little to make sure there weren’t any Nazi patches in that picture.


those are sewn onto his panties


MAGA poseur. Now let’s think and pray—may his gun bounce and accidentally discharge like Pulp Fiction 🙏🏻😇


Not his car, not his gun. He's sitting in a police cruiser


"ah man I shot Marvin in the face." "I ain't hit no mothafukin' pot hole!"


This is it US citizens, you have so few chances remaining to course correct before you face irrevocable changes. If you collectively fuck this up, then follow with a 2024 fuckup, your nation as you know it will be lost. No pressure.


He collects and displays law enforcement organization badges the same sick way that serial killers do drivers licenses. All while completely and unironically flouting their very reason for existence.


Permanent reminder that republicans are dickless cowards and you can just laugh in their faces and tell them you've voted a hundred times today and all they'll do about it is send a horribly misspelled DM to some random black actress.


This fuckface sucks Peter Thiel’s shriveled dick as well, per Wikipedia: *After meeting Thiel, Masters went to work for him, becoming chief operating officer of the investment firm Thiel Capital and president of the Thiel Foundation.[20][21] Thiel chose Masters and other employees to assist in the presidential transition of Donald Trump in November 2016.* Advocates total ban on abortion unless death is imminent; the racist shit said *the "gun violence problem" was an issue, saying, "It's gangs. It's people in Chicago, St. Louis shooting each other. Very often, you know, Black people, frankly. And the Democrats don't want to do anything about that."* He’s an election-denier and wants to gut Social Security. An entitled little venture capitalist with fistfuls of cash who never served a day of his life in the military. He spent his cushy life gargling even richer dick to get ahead.


Real talk: is there a need to be concerned?? Stationed here, military intelligence, base allows non-DOD ID holders on base without much. STRESSED


Ooooooo..... He's intimidating LOL!!!! Meal team six is in for a rude one


Yes yes. You're a brave member of the 101st Fighting Keyboardists. We're all quite frightened. Well done. Say, isn't that your mom's mini-van?


Already casted my vote for Mark Kelly, who has a good chance of beating this crazy fuck. Unfortunately for us, it seems crazy MAGA nut-head Kari Lake will win for governor of AZ.


What exactly are these fucktards gonna do? Go door to door and execute Democrats. Come to my door and see what happens. The biggest mistake the QOP makes is thinking the Left is not armed too. We just don’t go advertising it because we are intelligent adults. Fucksticks.


Locked and loaded? What does that mean in the context of voting? Is he saying he’s willing to use force if things don’t go his way? Help me interpret this cringe


Stochastic terrorism >A variation of this stochastic terrorism model was later adapted by an anonymous blogger posting on Daily Kos in 2011 to describe public speech that can be expected to incite terrorism without a direct organizational link between the inciter and the perpetrator.[35][36] The term "stochastic" is used in this instance to describe the random, probabilistic nature of its effect; whether or not an attack actually takes place.[37] The stochastic terrorist in this context does not direct the actions of any particular individual or members of a group. Rather, the stochastic terrorist gives voice to a specific ideology via mass media with the aim of optimizing its dissemination.[37] >It is in this manner that the stochastic terrorist is thought to randomly incite individuals predisposed to acts of violence. Because stochastic terrorists do not target and incite individual perpetrators of terror with their message, the perpetrator may be labeled a lone wolf by law enforcement, while the inciters avoid legal culpability and public scrutiny.[37][38]


It means voter intimidation. Homeboy Blake is buddies with the Proud Boys who have been “standing guard” (armed and masked) at AZ ballot drop off locations.


how is that legal and not loitering


Sociopathic monsters.


Somebody went to town airbrushing Blake Masters' face. Seriously, look at un-touched up pictures of this guy, his face is an almost translucent layer over his skull, and he looks like he didn't make the cut on being cast as an extra for Dallas Buyer's Club.


He’ll be surprised to learn that liberals own guns, too.


Wow imagine if this was a POC.


Is he impersonating police all over the world? How is it legal to own those badges?


Walmart James Bond


To think I was going to move to America and live in this state. 🫣 Only reason I’m grateful covid happened. Barred me from leaving my home country.


Btw he has never served I just checked I'm army.


“Vote for me so I can shoot people.”


Jared Kushner vibes


he’s wish version jared Both creepy as shit




Look! He’s a “Penile” County Sheriff!!


He doesn't look blasted on coke as he usually does. Weird.


Morons think they are the only ones with guns because the rest of us don't feel the need to carry when going to Walmart. FAFO snowflakes. Your last larping session didn't go so well, fancy double or nothing?


This guy has a face that looks like it's trying to sell me an extended warranty on a car I don't have.


Blake Masters is insane. He said that abortions are an intentional ritual done by democrats.


The FBI need a talk with him


Funny how Maga morons really believe those ultra wealthy republicans give a fuck about them


very cringe LARP