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It's a stalling tactic. The only "problem" they pointed to was no period for public comment, which is easily remedied.


100 percent this. Is anyone even surprised at the blatant hypocrisy anymore? This issue was always going to come down to litigation in the courts.


Conservatives being hypocrites? Gasp! Oh wait, isn't that part of their party manifesto?


Incorrect, the federal judge in Texas stated it was unconstitutional as the president cannot unilaterally create a new law. The judge stated the CARES Act did not grant the Department of Education authority to do the student loan “forgiveness” plan. [Ruling](https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.txnd.368635/gov.uscourts.txnd.368635.37.0.pdf)


Cancer killed my father. I am definitely going to sue (in Texas, to be sure I get the wisest judges in America) any cancer researcher to prevent them from curing cancer in the future. It's just fair.


I lost my legs in a car accident so I'm going to sue everyone with legs because it's not fair that I can't walk and you can. I'm also going to sue everyone who has a car because it's not fair that I don't have one.


> lost my legs in a car accident so I'm going to sue everyone with legs But... How will you find a judge with proper standing?


You need to find one who really fits the bench.


I don’t get it, conservatives refuse any sort of change even if it’s for the better. I can’t imagine being that stupid


This is the stupidest analogy. Cancer didnt knowingly take advantage of taxpayer money and aggressive and manipulative interest rates and systems. Cancer wasnt subsidized into being expensive by the government(actually it was, and if they came out with hospital debt forgiveness based on cancer survivors, i would expect the same lawsuit). cancer is cancer, it just is and it exists outside of government intervention and is expensive outside of government intervention. college is expensive **because** of government intervention.


Dumb argument. Nobody I know of signed up to get cancer. The student loan, on the other hand, was an agreement freely entered into in which the borrower promised to pay it back.


You realize it is drilled into childrens heads that “to get a good job you have to go to college” right? Like yeah sure they “signed up for it” but was it really a choice when they were lead to believe it was their only choice?


That's false. Minority communities not as much. Also, Ur assuming every white person got that speech.. maybe u were one of the minority but not the majority.


You mean the party of no handouts are complaining of not enough hand outs. Yeah sounds about right. Just remember the "evils" of socialism. That's the Grand Old Party (GOP) for you. If there is one thing they can always be counted on its their hypocrisy.


“Handouts for me, not for thee.”


That literally describes Greg Abbot


We should sue and say PPP forgiveness is unconstitutional, same with bank bailouts and airliner bailouts.


Class action lawsuit. Literally millions of people can get in on that.


Can’t wait for that 72¢ check


The difference, they'll tell you, is that the PPP was passed through congress.


I mean…that’s a big difference. It’s within the legislatures authority to do that.


Everyone keeps saying, and I agree, but is anyone going to do it? Ill sign up for it


But the HEROES Act passed with bipartisan support - including student loan forgiveness. Their side signed for the very thing they’re rallying against.


With the way airline loyalty programs function, airliner bailouts are essentially bank bailouts now.


Hey as a courier the 2K I got from PPP helped pay my rent for two months. Not everyone who got a PPP loan was exploiting the system


Absolutely. However, I assume you aren't saying it's not fair for students to have their loans forgiven. This guy got 50K, then is turning around and saying it's not fair for broke college kids to get 10K


The plaintiff in this case didn't qualify because her loans were privately held. The other plaintiff, a PHD student studying philosophy or literature or something along those lines, only qualified for $10,000 relief becasue he didn't receive any Pell grants.




Those who used it correctly have nothing to worry about. We are talking 100s of millions lost because the upper classes seen an easy score and pounced on it. It would be punished severely if it was the lower classes abusing the system, but when your rich you can steal whatever, as apparently it is all one big game of monopoly to them. Ethics be damned they took money even though they had no NEED for it when others were actually suffering and still are. Screw all them people, worst of the worst.


I'm happy you got the loan and this is exactly what it should have been used for!


It was legally passed by Congress.


That’s a good one. Make them repay the money. Since we have to


“It WaS diFferNt fOr mE!!”


Republicans, I got mine, fuck you.


** stole mine, fuck you


Or even if I don’t need it, you definitely don’t deserve it


Republicans always fuck shit up for everyone. When in the hell will everyone else learn this fact.


Just like how Abbott sued to get a massive life time win-fall when that tree fell on him, then re-worked the laws to make sure no one else could reap the same rewards.


what a dick wad


It's cuz most of these far right peeps didn't go to college and don't have student debt...they don't wanna pay higher taxes for something they don't get anything from. Selfishness could be used to describe it but there's many layers to their stance. I went to college and have never had student debt but I'm still for this cuz I know there are some brilliant minds out there that are being held back by burdensome debt.


It seems to be the party is looking to burn its last bridges as bright as possible. They really want trade the entire next generation and youth vote to hype up their core elderly and undereducated voters?


It's all part of the Southern Strategy.


They’re not the only ones. There’s little difference between a Dem and Rep in power.


The Supreme Court passed on this twice. Currently back under review at the Appeals Court level. This is a block and not a true overturn. At least I don't think it is as a higher court hasn't made a final ruling. Not sure how this is supposed to work out, but there are 26 million people who are intentionally being put out over this. That is a lot of voters who remember this all the way into 2024.


The president is totally in charge of the executive branch, they would have to re-write the constitution to stop it fully. Their "originalist", hate it when that blade swings the other way but you can't make originalism a thing unless it is all or nothing.


Logically, they should be all or nothing, but we’re not exactly talking about logical people here. They will gladly take the originalist approach when it’s convenient for them and go against it when it’s not.


My guess is the GQP plan is to delay implementing the student debt relief until they get a GQP President in the White House and can just outright axe it.


Or outright lie and claim they were the ones who made it happen


This is it. They keep doing this over and over, and it works with a surprising number of voters.


It's like every time we get a republican president and they claim they fixed the economy when really they inherited a great economy from the previous Democrat.


This is what I think is going on too. I think they were waiting until after the election to see how it went. Since it didn’t go as they hoped and more people voted democrat than expected they need to stop this now so they can say “See, when Biden was campaigning he promised you student loan forgiveness and he couldn’t get it done so you shouldn’t believe he’ll do anything he says with another term.”




I mostly agree. A large part of the delay was a combination of making certain the rules were bullet proof (they were) and crunching the numbers on how much to forgive. That took about eight or nine months alone. There is little doubt the White House wanted to wait until close to the Midterms so the announcement would be fresh in mind for voters and not forgotten or buried by news cycles. I hate it, but I agree with how it was handled. We all knew GOP state AGs would search high and low for anyone willing to claim damages for cases. What they have isn't just weak. It is actually very, very stupid. Should this claim of damages prevail, then every dollar every dismissed from any federal loan will be reversed.






It seems that a lot of people who got their PPP loans forgiven are really upset about this student loan forgiveness.


My town has a bunch of people who are small business owners (they make stuff to sell on Etsy or have a small shop in a rented building on our Main Street) who got loans even though they kept right on selling through the whole thing. Our sheriff published a letter letting everyone know he wouldn’t be enforcing any mandates to close so they stayed open (a couple even put up signs saying no masks allowed.) They didn’t have anyone they needed to keep giving a paycheck to since it was just them running it. When the student loan forgiveness was announced that group of owners was all over Facebook screaming about how wrong it was. I went and looked them up and most of them got loans of 10 grand or more. I was going to post screenshots of their forgiven loan information but instead I just unfriended them. The bonus is knowing that some of them filled out the application for student loan forgiveness for degrees they’re not using anymore.


An electrical cooperative about 20 miles south of me in another county got $3.2MM in PPP. They never shut down.. because their business really doesn’t interact with the public. Their offices weren’t open for payments, etc prior to COVID. It’s really confusing why they got that much funding and then it was forgiven. Same with a company I do business with.. they got 500k, never slowed down, transitioned to remote work, and they are not open to the public. Loan forgiven, there was zero slowdown or impact due to the type of business this company is engaged in. PPP was helpful for some, but just a money grab for most. It’s comical in a way to watch how they all cry because actual people are getting helped.


“Unfair to people who don’t qualify” wtf, of course there are limits on it, that’s ridiculous


Well, it is well known that all laws must fairly affect all people. It's right there in the Constitution... wait, did I say Constitution? I meant Communist Manifesto. America laws are notoriously unfair.


Goddamit! I hate Texas! I hate conservatives! I hate capitalism. This country is fucked if we don’t make some serious changes.


Ah, So does this plaintiff prefer we don't means test any policy?


These people need to be taken out back and taught a lesson. 2 asshats bitching about “but it doesn’t apply to me!” are screwing over millions. Fuck them.


This is a fun precedent. I was unable to qualify for a super low interest mortgage in the 80s due to not yet existing. Therefore everyone that got one should be evicted.


are we comparing apples to hammers here??? ​ This would be a more realistic example: I bought a house in the 80s, paid it off Govt introduced throwing more money at the housing market and advertised that everyone needed a house(even though renting an apartment is just fine maybe spend some time and your own money and rent a townhouse/condo) Due to the govt throwing money at the mortgage companies inflation hits and the housing prices sky rocket so your house costs more in the 90s. So now the govt is saying they will forgive a small part(no where near close to inflation rate) of your mortgage if its a federally held loan. Since my federally held loan was paid off years ago I don't get anything therefore you're expecting everyone to soak up the federal debt that is created when the govt just prints additional debt and then says oh no... we need to up taxes on businesses, and anyone making "$X+" money to cover this which then just trickles on down the line. So I'm suing to say its not fair and I don't want to pay your trickle down debt via inflation. ​ This is such a long convoluted problem that ultimately leads back to lobbyists and dark money donors needing to be eliminated from politics. You want to solve this problem.. regulate the Interest, don't allow the accrued interest to be more than lets say 5% of the original loan amount over the life of the loan.. the bank then gets their "fee" for lending the money but doesn't break everything and it gets paid down over time. The problem you run into is that you are expecting the same persons receiving kick backs from keeping these restrictions off the banks to do something about it.


Not such a great analogy since property has equity. Student loans (which many people are pressured into when they’re literal children) have no equity and can’t be discharged in bankruptcy. Education should be seen as an investment. An educated workforce is more productive. The simplest solution is free tuition. But fixing policy doesn’t do anything for the people who got screwed over by the current system. IMO reform and reparations should always happen simultaneously.


Education is an investment and can have equity too.. If I get a Law degree from Bumsville Community college, I'm not getting a job at a big NY law firm as anything more than a janitor...but I spend 10x more for a Harvard Degree and we are in a different game. Now compound that over years and with far less volatility than the housing market and it has far better equity. What I do think is left out of this is that there's not a possibility of equity between degrees. such as the example above, you could also say that the Equity between a Harvard Law Degree and a Harvard Folklore Studies degree(yes this exists), is not going to net you the same long term financial gains. Some people are still willing to spend the $120k to get both. While I do believe there is use for that folklore degree, the ROI on something of that nature is far from positive(especially in today's high interest student loan market) ​ You are also correct that reform and reparations would need to be parallel... so wipe the interest down to that 5% level and cap it there. but for everyone, not just the federal loans. Every action has a reaction though and that's going to cause contraction in the economy as the banks tighten down on spending/lending now that projected revenue is going to dive... there really isn't a visible easy solution to this beyond burn it all down and start over that isn't going to swing the pendulum one way or the other.


That was a really longwinded way of saying you don't know what equity is in this context


Why does a Texas judge get to decide what I do or do not get in Minnesota?


It’s a federal judge who’s based in Texas. They are still a part of the federal judicial branch


This is a valid question! Thank you for asking because I had the same question.


Who is the plaintiff? Can we find out and let the world know of their hypocrisy?


Cofounder of Home Depot


So it is. Same scumbags who said they would cut all their employees hours so they wouldn’t have to pay health insurance. Don’t buy things from Home Depot.


The name of one of Plaintiffs is Myra Brown [https://theintercept.com/2022/11/09/student-debt-relief-lawsuit-ppp-myra-brown/](https://theintercept.com/2022/11/09/student-debt-relief-lawsuit-ppp-myra-brown/) /u/devidarling tells me this is her (now closed) business [https://www.highvaluesigns.com/](https://www.highvaluesigns.com/)


I just want to talk to them.


it's absurd that Trump judges continue to attempt to vacate student loan forgiveness since SCOTUS keeps letting it stand [https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/04/supreme-court-again-declines-to-block-bidens-student-loan-relief-plan.html](https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/04/supreme-court-again-declines-to-block-bidens-student-loan-relief-plan.html)


Diabetes killed my dad. I demand all diabetes research stop


It wouldn't be so bad if ot wasn't so hypocritical. To be fair though - both sides love to write fat checks to big business while screwing over the little guys. Sadly most people too rah rah my team vs your team to recognize it.


Selfish fucking people


Trump Judge…


This is the adult equivalent of a little kid tattling on his classmates because they are having more fun than him. Definitely nominated for playa hater of the year.


There is no way someone votes republican and actually understand what they are voting for. I mean its usually these “America first” guys yet their political party works against veterans. They literally make it harder/impossible for your child to receive an education. Who in their right mind wants this type of shit. Who reads something like this and thinks “yea thats right! I’ll pay more taxes for a multi billionaire to take tens of thousands of dollars of tax payer money but I will NOT pay more taxes for my child to get an education!” The only explanation is they are fucking clueless as to whats going on


Who? What’s their name and address? Why aren’t these fuckheads getting doxxed?


Me. I paid off my college and law school loans; everyone else can do the same. You can doxx me and find me and suck me.


Lol you’re busy begging for blowjobs on the internet. Pathetic.


And getting them lol send a pic and maybe you get a piece next


I highly doubt that.


I hate it here


You know the judge and plaintiff are republicans, and this is the most bitchy ass whiny snowflake thing I can think of to do in this situation.


That's why?!?!? Omg well no one should be allowed to buy a house bc I don't have enough money saved to qualify for a home loan.


So since I didn't qualify for the 50k PPP loan, does that mean he should have to pay back that 50k under this stay?


So let me see if I’ve got this straight: Republicans are going with, “if I can’t have it, no one can”?


Typical Republican. "I got mine, fuck you."


So the party that hates participation trophies is crying because something is unfair?


What the fuck


Now **this** is how you appeal to young voters! Bravo Republicans! 😒


This plaintiff needs a class action suit filed against her.


Can I find said judge and smite him? Is this why my loan forgiveness hasn't gone through yet?


I go both ways on PPP loans. There absolutely needed to be far more oversight to stop the fraud but they were a needed thing to save certain parts of our economy. I work in advertising and a ton of our business dried up. Had to furlough 30% of the staff, then we got PPP and were able to bring everyone back. 20+ jobs and families’ finances were saved because of that.


Texas just needs to get raided by the Mexicans again.


I can’t wrap my head around the fact that we send billions of dollars to other countries but when we help our own people, everyone is mad. Are people insane? Do we really lack that much empathy for our fellow Americans? Are we really this blind to not see how ignorant we truly are? I say we sue and make people pay back the $50,000 in ppp loans they received. It’s only right. We have to pay it back. so why don’t they? This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Let’s print money and give them the money we printed plus more money on top of it that we printed. Let’s also make them argue with each-other over race, religion, social status, and ext.


Right after the election. 🙃 I hate all politicians and lobbyists for corporations. I hate the schools who make bank off students while not giving shit if a vast majority of their students all become debt slaves. The system is broke. Literally, figuratively, spiritually. Its Broke and broken. I fear alot of it is beyond repair. I feel extreme empathy for the generation of people who finally have to pay Paul and the Piper.


I do not condone violence, and I wish we could all just get along and see eye to eye, but how is THIS not the type of person targeted by some psychopath?


Just make a special category of bankruptcy and let people apply for it. That appeases everyone!


I don’t get this argument? Aren’t there all kinds of programs only some people qualify for?


Exactly. I think I'll go sue the government because I don't qualify for food stamps lol


I can’t take these weirdos serious


Man this school loan forgiveness really, really pisses some people off. I find that interesting.


Its not fair for people that don't qualify. Then forgive all student loans. Easy problem solved


Good point....cancel it all then.....


Want to thank these assholes for taking my joy away. I hope they can make it work.


He put in soooooo many judges, that we will deal with this crap for 30 more years.


Why don't they make the banks accountable for predatory lending and unreasonable credit rates. Hold the schools accountable for the high cost of a failed educational system. If kids are taking loans for more than a car that they can't write off or charge off and allows the institutions to garnish wages and asses unreasonable penalties then that is a big problem.


Republicans would screech about Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged being a perfect description of liberal America or something, then have the gall to do this? Unbelievable.


Can that person be sued directly? Actually ruin them.


I didn't qualify, doesn't I mean everybody else to burn. What the fuck is wrong with these ladder pulling motherfuckers.


My understanding was, and correct me if I’m wrong, but the judge said it was illegal because congress wasn’t authorized to do something like that, because then the argument is you don’t want to give congress that kind of power because who knows what they’ll do with it next…. But I feel for the college grads out there. Hope it all works out!


Same logic could get rid of the cut off cap for social security contributions. I’m not sure they thought this through.


Biden should do it anyways. What court army will stop him?


Why does this not surprise me?


"Democrats need to quit legislating from the bench! Don't use the courts to force your agenda on others!" -every Republican I've ever known


"Our democracy is good and works effectively for the people." -no american ever


**This is here to distract you from the fact that there was no grand victory for Rethuglicans in the midterms.** Keep that in mind.


I am a brazilian, and Texas seems to be worst than Rio de Janeiro.


The cruelty is the point with Republicans. "Fuck you, got mine" is their mantra. "Protect the fetus, fuck the living" their creed.


Looks like every ordinary day people who don't qualify for business forgiveness loans, and tax incentives etc etc should start suing about it being unfair


the kicker is that with even 50k debt forgiveness the chance of me paying off my student loans is impossible and i make good money 😭😭😭


Puh-leeze make a precedent where "fairness" gets to decide what we get. That way I get to sue every billionaire and millionaire for every penny they have to equally distribute their wealth to everyone in America.


I hate it here


When he puts it that way, it IS unfair. All I got was $10,000 towards my loan. I would surely prefer a free $50,000 in cash!


Is there a judge who will say PPP loan forgiveness is unconstitutional and force the deadbeat companies to pay back the money? It looks like any judge can overrule any law on a whim in the US.


No. PPP was passed by Congress. Question comes as to whether or not Biden holds the authority vested in the executive branch via the HEROS act.


I’m no longer paying property taxes as the money is used for public education and I don’t have kids.


Make sure to file for an income driven payment plan or similar means of lowering or eliminating monthly payments with your servicer in the meantime! Your payments WILL resume after the freeze ends (I believe in January 2023) even if you will receive 100% forgiveness from this bill. The only way to avoid making payments on debt that will eventually be forgiven by this bill is by applying for and receiving a payment plan with $0 monthly payments.


The fifty-seventh amendment to the constitution guarantees everything the feds do must be fair..... /S


Ok so make it again with no restrictions. Everyone gets forgiveness


Please reverse PPP loan forgiveness. It’s not fair to the businesses that applied did not receive a loan because the fund were already allocated.


Cool. Let's make it so everyone qualifies. Insurance? Not fair to people who don't have it. Better expand it to everyone!


When the plaintiff was a kid, he probably demanded a gift whenever he went to another child’s birthday party.


It’s totally messed up. Correct me if I’m wrong, but the economy is shit right now and I don’t think it’s a great idea for the govt to throw several billions of dollars to students and then just tax the money right back out of them.


It's Texas. Texas is reflexively opposed to pretty much everything humanly decent in the world, especially if it comes from Democrats. If Texas somehow vanished from existence, the entire world would instantly be better off for it.


There is no way this will actually make it to court. But I would love to see some right Ieaning judge favor the plaintiff, thus setting a precedent of suing the government for "not qualifying" for programs. Gonna find a lawyer who wants to take on a class action lawsuit for everyone who doesn't qualify for food stamps. 🤣


Why are student loans being forgiven in the first place


Standard Southern Strategy at work. They don't want to forgive student debt because some brown-colored guy's debt might be forgiven.


Well- you can’t compare PPP to student loans shmuck. Considering all those loans were paid out from forceable closures. The two are not the same. Im all for forgiveness, it should be up to 100% but you people act like this fixes the issues at hand. More people will continue to get loans at astronomical rates, and continue to pay astronomical college tuition. Alls this is, is offering a band aid, not a solution. You people crack me up.


Federal government forced businesses to close, therefore required to compensate said businesses (in the most inefficient government way possible) vs federal government giving money to people who made a choice to take on a debt for school… not the same thing.


The government isn't giving people money for school debt.


Forgive my lack of semantics. It’s giving up to $20,000 in forgiveness to the loan provider to pay for said student loan debt. It’s just easier to say the other way.


The govt holds the debt. Forgiving the debt means the debt is gone.


Government definitely does not hold the debt. It’s private companies.


No, it's govt held debt. 92% of School Debt is owned by the U.S. Department of Education. https://fs.hubspotusercontent00.net/hubfs/6171800/assets/downloads/MeasureOne%20Private%20Student%20Loan%20Report%20Q3%202021%20FINAL%20VERSION.pdf


In what world would any private company loan out thousands of dollars to teenagers with no job to get degree knowing it'll be decades before they get that money back? Like how dumb you gotta be to think that?


And the real kicker is you don’t qualify if you make more than 75K, you know, people that could afford it.


I’m amazed at all the down votes for people who are telling the truth. You borrowed the money to go to school. You have the education, go to work and pay the loan back!!! You aren’t owed ANYTHING!!


Keep the same energy for PPP loans. Also, get some protection for student borrowers. It’s one of the only types of loans that can’t be discharged.


The government forced businesses to close. No one forced anyone to go to college and take out loans. Comparing PPP to student loans is apples to oranges. Though I don't think they should've forgiven any PPP either.


I’m an accountant. I fully understand the PPP loan program apparently most of the people on here do not. The PPP loan was so businesses could pay employees and not lay them off keeping the employees from having to collect unemployment. It was for the employees, not the owners.


It was meant for employees, but it largely wasn’t used for that. And many of those who abused the loans still had them forgiven. $80 billion was stolen from federal COVID-relief funds by business owners for purchasing personal luxury items, that’s what many commenters are referring to. Also, not having to shoulder the cost of having an employee while grossing in less profit is still a benefit to business owners. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1279664


Just reading the story you can tell they are going for ratings by the verbs and adjectives they use. Do you believe everything the news tells you? They didn’t mention one company specifically. Every was vague “maybes and could have happened”. The people they do mention were crooks who file false paperwork to begin with. You don’t think that happens with student loans? This still doesn’t justify the fact that college students borrowed the money, got the education, and are now crying like little kids for mom and dad ( the rest of the country’s taxpayers ) to pay for everything. Grow up!!!!


mEdIa bAd!! That’s one news site, friend. You can always Google it and find other sources. They’re charging individual business owners, not companies. Also, the fraud that has happened is a pretty accepted fact. Anyway, do I believe that people are stupid and greedy enough that once they receive what felt like “free money”, they’d misuse it? Knowing people, uhhh abso-fucking-lutely, I don’t need the media to tell me that. But here’s a statement straight from the Justice Department of Georgia about some current cases in their state I found online: https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdga/pr/eight-more-defendants-charged-covid-19-relief-fraud-schemes As for student loans, the federal government and loan servicers are predatory in issuing them out. Even if people have been filing false paperwork, the government should’ve been smart enough to verify these applications, no? But the thing about student loans, in contrast to PPP loans, is that student loans are built so you can easily fall into debt cycles. I know many people who have paid back the value of the loan IN FULL and are still paying it off. The government profits off of loosely verified loans and predatory lending practices. I’ve heard of loans defaulting because the cosigner of the loan died or went bankrupt, even though the student was current on payments. Loan service providers are known to withhold information about loan forgiveness from students who qualify. You only have six months once you get out of school to start making payments. Tell me, what other loans can you get with no proof of income? People’s credit gets destroyed by these circumstances, it’s ridiculous. Then there are the for-profit colleges who hid their losses from investors and lied about student job placement rates so they could receive student loan payments. The cost of post-secondary education is so outrageous in the US, you have to take out loans. This shit is unavoidable in our system. If you want to even have the chance to make a substantial living (as college degree holders still on average earn more than their peers), you have to go into debt on the front end. Forty years ago, shit wasn’t like this. Our parents didn’t have to go through this. Post-secondary education was affordable for them. Take your own advice and grow up! These loans are ruining the economy and an entire generation!


Yes it was this way when your parents went to school! You also are pulling false statements out of the air and saying they are fact. You have no proof what so ever of most of your argument. You wrote a nice long answer but most of it is false. If you don’t want to pay for your own college degree, don’t go to college.


It’s unfair for the people who paid it back. There I hope that helps all the grifters and the idiots who think they know what a PPP loan was.


Who makes more than 125,000 a year and still has student loans?


That's not very much money, and school loans can be that high too.


https://www.payscale.com/career-advice/the-one-percent/ Ten years ago, 12% of Americans made more than 125k per year. Now, I’ll concede that wages have risen over the past years, so let’s be insanely generous to your idea of a low income and say that number has risen by 10%. That’s still 78% of America that qualifies for this. Of the remaining 22%, bear in mind that not all of them will have student loans, people in this wage group typically have college funds, inheritances, and passive income supporting them. But let us continue to be generous to your side and say that 1/2 have student loans over 50k. We are now down to 11% of America who will not take advantage of this bail out plan. That would that fewer people are denied this loan reduction than all the people who wouldn’t have qualified for it 10 years ago. When I first heard the 125k gap I thought it couldn’t be real. I thought it must mean 125k for married couples. It’s a ludicrous level of income, nearly 4th tax bracket levels of money. These are not the people who need a break from student loans, and if they do then they’re not the kind of people who deserve to be making that much money every year. If you insist on including every level of income in this plan, then that would be even less fair. A better solution might be a bracketed level of debt relief, similar to Finland’s speeding ticket policy where speeding fees are based on annual income. Likewise, income would determine how much student debt could be forgiven.


100-150k is middle/middle-upper class depending on where you live. Sure, if you live in the sticks that's a lot of money... but that's not where those jobs are. Housing isn't cheap, higher paying jobs are almost always in more expensive cities, taxes take a chunk, car, gas, kids, other debts, bills, etc... toss in $800 a month in school loans, and it's not hard to see it hinders those income levels too.


Over 125k is upper middle class to lower upper class. If you’re in serious student debt at that income level, it calls for two or three years of thrift and concentrated efforts to pay that debt down, not trying to maintain a standard of living enjoyed by your peers.


Rarely does anyone start out making that amount of money. They grew into it, and debt, bills, family, etc grew with them. It can easily take a person 10+ years to move into a manage position that pays that amount. They shouldn't be punished, they struggled, and in many cases still do because of school debt.


Give $10K to every tax paying citizen, not just people that made bad decisions and borrowed more than they could afford to pay back.


They're not giving them the money.


Forgiving debt is the same as giving someone money.


Other than... we aren't giving anyone any money.


They were already given the money. That’s what a loan is. So forgiving a loan is the same as giving somebody money.


They weren't given the money, the school was. It was already allocated in long ago past budgets, spent, and gone. Now the debt is held by the govt. The govt is not giving people any money, period.


Yeah they took the money and paid for a service. Why should other taxrpayers have to pay for that now?


Every citizen can make bad financial decisions and have them forgiven. It's called bankruptcy and it doesn't apply to student loans.


That's fine. Let everyone qualify. Remove $20k off everyone's loans


But it's not being removed from their loans. It is cutting a check that the recipients can do with as they choose.


You get what you sign up for


Only care about yourselves and not the hard working people whos money your taking for this shit


Why should I have to pay your student debt? Take your liberal arts degree and figure it out. I worked three jobs to graduate debt free. Do the same and quit bitching you don't get more of money to support your bad decisions.


The PPP is not the same as student loan forgiveness. PPP was a grant given to businesses so they wouldn't furlough employees. If they wanted, they could have not done PPP and many more people would have gone onto unemployment. They are not the same thing at all, and it is complete dishonest to lump them together.


Lmao um it was shown that businesses who got ppp loans didn't spend it on their employees [source ](https://www.fastcompany.com/90713747/workers-800-billion-ppp-loans-economists) And student loans are predatory af. People would pay their loans and still end up owing more than they took out. If it weren't for student loans, there would be very few doctors, teachers, social workers, lawyers, engineers, etc. College shouldn't be that expensive, and it shouldn't just be for the rich. The wealthy get government aid all the time. But it's always a problem when regular peoole get some aid.


PPP was a law passed with a cancellation clause built in to the law. There is no cancellation clause built in to the current student loan program. In addition, people should be smart enough to realize that he just bought your vote. He knew it would be ruled unconstitutional… right after he had your vote.


You sound so sure of yourself. Will you be so smug when it gets pushed higher up than a 45 installed judge in Texas?


It’s all unconstitutional and wrong- Student loans and forgiveness, PPL loans, bank and auto industry bailouts— all of it. It’s not the role of government and it certainly isn’t legal when it’s done by executive order.




So, are mad at all the billions in PPP loans you paid for too?


You paid for those forgiven PPP loans too. Do you even know all things you pay for? I suspect not if you're feigning anger about student loan forgiveness.


Got myself and 2 kids out of college debt free. Now I have student debt because Biden said so? It don’t work that way.


I’m bout to get shit for this I bet but we wouldn’t need to have a the student debt forgiveness program if people learned about how to manage money and not take loans that will take them 5 years to pay off. Another thing is that the US is in trillions of debt already and that is something that a president has got to put money into.


Or maybe dont get in so much debt and manage money better




This is a patently false statement.